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震后泥石流松散物质显著增多,临界雨量降低,导致泥石流暴发频率增加、规模增大,从而使震后灾区泥石流堵江事件频繁发生,给灾区带来严重的二次灾害。为了评价震后泥石流堵江概率大小,本文在野外考察基础上,获得研究区泥石流沟基础数据,并根据水文模型计算不同频率下的泥石流规模; 在此基础上利用泥石流堵江公式,获取研究区域泥石流堵江危险程度(数值),并结合研究区域已发生的泥石流堵江事件,界定了泥石流堵江公式的临界值,使之能够更加准确用来判定泥石流堵江概率,并对 5·12 地震极震区都汶公路沿线的7条泥石流在不同频率下的泥石流堵江概率进行评价。评价结果显示:牛眠沟和关山沟在暴发50a及其以上泥石流时,会发生堵江; 烧房沟、红椿沟和磨子沟在暴发10a及其以上泥石流时,会发生堵江事件; 洱沟和太平沟在暴发5a及其以上泥石流时便可能发生堵江; 上述泥石流沟一旦发生堵江,便会给映秀镇和都汶公路带来严重灾难。通过本文获取的堵江临界值可以作为判定泥石流堵江的参考标准,为泥石流防治、预报提供参考,同时可以为灾后重建和预防二次灾害提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   

Riedel  Jon L.  Sarrantonio  Sharon M. 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2519-2544

We examine the magnitude, frequency, and precipitation threshold of the extreme flood hazard on 37 low-order streams in the lower Stehekin River Valley on the arid eastern slope of the North Cascades. Key morphometric variables identify the magnitude of the hazard by differentiating debris flood from debris flow systems. Thirty-two debris flow systems are fed by basins?<?6 km2 and deposited debris cones with slopes?>?10°. Five debris flood systems have larger drainage areas and debris fans with slopes 7–10°. The debris flood systems have Melton ruggedness ratios from 0.42–0.64 compared to 0.78–3.80 for debris flow basins. We record stratigraphy at seven sites where soil surfaces buried by successive debris flows limit the age of events spanning 6000 years. Eighteen radiocarbon ages from the soils are the basis for estimates of a 200 to1500-year range in recurrence interval for larger debris flows and a 450?±?50-year average. Smaller events occur approximately every 100 years. Fifteen debris flows occurred in nine drainage systems in the last 15 years, including multiple flows on three streams. Summer storms in 2010 and 2013 with peak rainfall intensities of 7–9 mm/h sustained for 8–11 h triggered all but one flow; the fall 2015 event on Canyon Creek occurred after 170 mm of rain in 78 h. A direct link between fires and debris flows is unclear because several recent debris flows occurred in basins that did not burn or burned at low intensity, and basins that burned at high intensity did not carry debris flows. All but one of the recent flows and fires occurred on the valley’s southwest-facing wall. We conclude that fires and debris flows are linked by aspect at the landscape scale, where the sunny valley wall has flashy runoff due to sparse vegetation from frequent fires.


Debris-flow simulations on Cheekye River, British Columbia   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Cheekye River fan is the best-studied fan complex in Canada. The desire to develop portions of the fan with urban housing triggered a series of studies to estimate debris-flow risk to future residents. A recent study (Jakob and Friele 2010) provided debris-flow frequency-volume and frequency-discharge data, spanning 20-year to 10,000-year return periods that form the basis for modeling of debris flows on Cheekye River. The numerical computer model FLO-2D was chosen as a modelling tool to predict likely flow paths and to estimate debris-flow intensities for a spectrum of debris-flow return periods. The model is calibrated with the so-called Garbage Dump debris flow that occurred some 900  years ago. Field evidence suggests that the Garbage Dump debris flow has a viscous flow phase that deposited a steep-sided debris plug high in organics in centre fan, which then deflected a low-viscosity afterflow that travelled to Squamish River with slowly diminishing flow depths. The realization of a two-phase flow led to a modelling approach in which the debris-flow hydrograph was split into a high viscosity and low viscosity phase that were modelled in chronologic sequence as two separate and independent modelling runs. A perfect simulation of the Garbage Dump debris flow with modelling is not possible because the exact topography at the time of the event is, to some degree, speculative. However, runout distance, debris deposition and deposit thickness are well known and serve as a good basis for calibration. Predictive analyses using the calibrated model parameters suggest that, under existing conditions, debris flows exceeding a 50-year return period are likely to avulse onto the southern fan sector, thereby damaging existing development and infrastructure. Debris flows of several thousand years return period would inundate large portions of the fan, sever Highway 99, CN Rail, and the Squamish Valley road and would impact existing housing development on the fan. These observations suggest a need for debris-flow mitigation for existing and future development alike.  相似文献   

汶川地震后,板子沟曾发生过多次大规模泥石流,尤其是2019年“8·20”泥石流对沟口的道路桥梁以及村寨造成了严重的破坏,将主河道向对岸严重挤压,今后仍存在较大堵河的风险。文章在野外调查以及对泥石流基本特征和形成条件综合分析的基础上,分析了堵河特征,计算了不同频率下泥石流的堵河参数,并预测了各频率下溃决洪水对绵虒镇可能产生的影响。计算结果表明,频率为2%、5%和10%的泥石流造成岷江堵塞的可能性较小,假设发生堵河事件,绵虒镇也不会受到溃坝洪水的危害。频率为1%的泥石流很可能造成主河堵塞。体积约57.38×104 m3的泥石流物质可以到达岷江,形成高度约为51.61 m的堰塞坝。在主河洪水的作用下,堰塞坝发生溃坝,溃坝洪水的峰值流量为5 935.49 m3/s,到达绵虒镇后降至2 312.25 m3/s。由于相应的洪水深度(4.00 m)大于防护堤的高度(3.50 m),因此溃坝洪水很可能会对绵虒镇防护堤附近民房造成破坏。为今后大型泥石流堵河特征的分析,以及溃决洪水对下游城镇可能造成的影响提供了参考。  相似文献   

泥石流空间易发程度调查是开展地质灾害防范和制定生态修复计划的基础之一。目前单纯依靠野外调查并结合遥感观测,或以小流域为单元的泥石流模拟,均难以在大空间范围内高效、准确地识别潜在泥石流沟。鉴于泥石流是一种高能重力流,此次研究以金沙江流域为例,在假定物源供给无差异条件下,提出通过求算河流功率梯度(ω)来实现地表外动力活动强度定量刻画和泥石流空间易发程度调查的新方案,并将泥石流沟验证点数与ω值关系曲线的比降趋势突变位置作为阈值(1×10?4 W/m2),提取出大约3.2万条长度超过200 m的高能河谷或泥石流易发沟谷。这些沟谷基本位于金沙江和雅砻江干流中下游,在大约30 km距离的缓冲区范围内密集分布,其数量与缓冲区宽度存在乘幂函数关系。在全球变暖背景下,未来发生极端气象事件可能性趋于增加,这些地带,尤其是梯级库区河段应做为泥石流灾害的重点防范区。研究的最终结果提供了金沙江流域泥石流易发沟谷的空间位置及ω值的点阵数据集,可供检索高能河谷的准确位置,也可作为相关地质灾害与地表过程研究的基础数据和资料。   相似文献   

阿坝州壤塘县宗科乡石吾陇沟于2014年历经20年一遇强降雨,暴发了较大规模泥石流,泥石流峰值流量35.38m^3/s,冲出约6000m^3固体物堆积于沟口,造成沟口宗科河堵塞约三分之二。本文在对石吾陇沟的发育特征进行分析和对运动特征参数进行计算的基础上,对吾陇沟在不同频率泥石流规模下的堵河特征进行研究。首先利用已有经验公式对石吾陇沟在不同频率下堵河程度进行判断,其次结合流体动力学软件CFX对石吾陇沟堵河情况进行模拟分析。经验公式和数值模拟结果均表明,20年一遇泥石流会造成主河严重堵塞,与2014年实际情况基本一致;50年一遇泥石流会造成主河堵断。此研究结果可为石吾陇沟泥石流治理提供依据。  相似文献   

甘肃省舟曲8.7特大泥石流调查研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文通过对甘肃省舟曲县城后山三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟特大泥石流灾害的现场调查,从泥石流形成的地形、地质和降雨条件入手,分析了特大泥石流灾害的特征与成因:三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟泥石流形成区在2010年8月7日23~24时的1h降雨量达77.3mm,暴雨形成强大洪水依次冲毁两条沟内的天然堆石坝和人工拦挡坝,形成规模巨大的高容重黏性泥石流,泥石流冲出总量和泥沙总量分别为 144.2104m3和97.7104m3; 泥石流携带具有强大冲击力的巨石冲毁房屋5500余间; 在白龙江内形成长约550m,宽约70m,高约10m的堰塞坝并形成堰塞湖,堰塞湖回水长3km,使县城一半被淹; 泥石流造成1744人死亡和失踪。分析研究表明,三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟泥石流如果在近期遭遇强降雨还会暴发泥石流,但规模比87特大泥石流小;如果强降雨发生在数年后,暴发的泥石流规模比87特大泥石流略小;在20a或更长的时期内,没有发生新的地震影响下,在三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟经历一次大规模泥石流暴发后,泥石流的规模将回到汶川地震前的水平。  相似文献   

The Chitral district of northern Pakistan lies in the eastern Hindu Kush Range. The population in this high-relief mountainous terrain is restricted to tributary-junction fans in the Chitral valley. Proximity to steep valley slopes renders these fans prone to hydrogeomorphic hazards, including landslides, floods and debris flows.This paper focuses on debris-flow hazards on tributary-junction fans in Chitral. Using field observations, satellite-image analyses and a preliminary morphometry, the tributary-junction fans in the Chitral valley are classified into (1) discrete and (2) composite. The discrete fans are modern-day active landforms and include debris cones associated with ephemeral gullies, debris fans associated with ephemeral channels and alluvial fans formed by perennial streams. The composite fans are a collage of sediment deposits of widely different ages and formed by diverse alluvial-fan forming processes. These include fans formed predominantly during MIS-2/Holocene interglacial stages superimposed by modern-day alluvial and debris fans. Composite fans are turned into relict fans when entrenched by modern-day perennial streams. These deeply incised channels discharge their sediment load directly into the trunk river without significant spread on fan surface. In comparison, when associated with ephemeral streams, active debris fans develop directly at composite-fan surfaces. Major settlements in Chitral are located on composite fans, as they provide large tracts of leveled land with easy accesses to water from the tributary streams. These fan surfaces are relatively more stable, especially when they are entrenched by perennial streams (e.g., Chitral, Ayun, and Reshun). When associated with ephemeral streams (e.g., Snowghar) or a combination of ephemeral and perennial streams (e.g., Drosh), these fans are subject to frequent debris-flow hazards.Fans associated with ephemeral streams are prone to high-frequency (∼10 years return period) debris-flow hazards. By comparison, fans associated with perennial streams are impacted by debris-flow hazards during exceptionally large events with return periods of ∼30 years. This study has utility for quick debris-flow hazard assessment in high-relief mountainous regions, especially in arid- to semi-arid south-central Asia where hazard zonation maps are generally lacking.  相似文献   

四川泸定县泥石流灾害成因、特征与防治建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地的过渡地带,地质环境条件复杂,分布泥石流沟127条,发育密度054条10km-2。在遥感解译和地面调查基础上,论述了泸定县泥石流灾害成因、发生特征、危害和发展趋势,提出了相关防治建议。(1)成因表现为复杂的断裂构造导致流域内松散物源丰富,较大的相对高差提供了良好势能条件,而汛期集中强降雨则提供了动能条件,且雨量条件中当日雨量与前期有效降雨量之间具有幂函数关系; (2)发生特征表现出典型的空间群发性(包括2005-06-30群发性泥石流、2005-08-11群发性泥石流和2006-07-14群发性泥石流)与时间的夜发性; (3)危害方式主要包括淤埋、冲毁、侵蚀、堵河4种,泥石流已造成74人死亡; (4)发展趋势表现为泥石流沟多处于形成期和发展期(113条,占89%),发生的年际准周期由20a缩短至不足10a,且发生条(次)由4条(次)增加至44条次(2005年); (5)泸定县泥石流防治的突出问题表现为城镇泥石流问题、泥石流堵塞主河问题、风景区泥石流问题与冲沟泥石流问题,建议通过科学规划、风险防御体系构建、土木工程治理、监测预警等措施予以防御。  相似文献   

李彩侠  马煜 《地质与资源》1992,28(3):298-304
在汶川地震影响下,截至2011年龙溪河流域共计有45条泥石流沟暴发泥石流,造成重大经济财产损失.在龙溪河流域泥石流灾害野外调查的基础上,对形成泥石流的地形、降水、物源成因进行了研究,认为物源和降水是激发龙溪河流域泥石流的主要原因.龙溪河流域泥石流具有群发性和小流域暴发性特征,构造带耦合特征,破坏性大和灾害链作用特征.采用MFCAM模型对龙溪河流域泥石流沟进行危险性评价,结果显示有1条沟危险性大,14条危险性中等,30条危险性小.  相似文献   

四川凉山州美姑县61泥石流灾害研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
四川凉山州美姑县6.1泥石流灾害实例研究表明,该泥石流约为20年一遇的中小规模的泥石流。流域上游短历时强降雨和冰雹天气过程是这次泥石流暴发的诱因,流域内退化的生态环境和中下两岸不稳定边坡以及沟道内大量的松散堆积物为这次泥石流提供了丰富的固体物质来源。泥石流堆积物具有典型的多峰型粒度特征,且有较高的粘粒含量。巨大的泥石流漂砾、石背石现象、龟裂现象、侧积堤和龙头堆积证实了这次泥石流为粘性泥石流。危险度评价表明,采莫洛沟属于高度危险的泥石流沟,危险度为0.67;乃托沟属于中度危险的泥石流沟,危险度为0.58。风险评估结果可知,两沟都属于泥石流高风险区风险度分别为0.52和0.45。高风险区的泥石流灾害给当地的经济社会造成了严重影响并直接造成了较大的人员伤亡和财产损失。  相似文献   

岷县是甘肃南部泥石流频发地区。岷县泥石流多分布于洮河干支流两岸,为群发性泥石流。为了研究群发性泥石流的运动及堆积特征,选取了甘肃岷县麻路河流域为研究区域,以流域内2012年“5·10”暴发泥石流造成重大损失的6条泥石流沟作为整体研究对象,并考虑主河对泥石流堆积物的冲刷携带,运用FLO-2D模拟降雨前主河流动情况及不同降雨频率条件下主河及泥石流的流动情况。根据野外调查结果对比2%降雨频率条件下泥石流模拟结果,验证模型的可靠性。基于模拟结果用ArcGIS进行危险性评价,识别流域内高危险泥石流沟并划定高危险居民区,统计受冲击范围,为泥石流防治和预警工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

李彩侠  马煜 《地质与资源》2019,28(3):298-304
在汶川地震影响下,截至2011年龙溪河流域共计有45条泥石流沟暴发泥石流,造成重大经济财产损失.在龙溪河流域泥石流灾害野外调查的基础上,对形成泥石流的地形、降水、物源成因进行了研究,认为物源和降水是激发龙溪河流域泥石流的主要原因.龙溪河流域泥石流具有群发性和小流域暴发性特征,构造带耦合特征,破坏性大和灾害链作用特征.采用MFCAM模型对龙溪河流域泥石流沟进行危险性评价,结果显示有1条沟危险性大,14条危险性中等,30条危险性小.  相似文献   

泥石流危险性评价是灾情预测、防灾救灾决策中的重要内容,是国内外灾害科学研究的热点之一。本文以新疆开都河霍尔古吐水电站坝址区群沟泥石流为研究对象,在对泥石流区域地质环境研究的基础上,选取泥石流规模、爆发频率等8个因素作为评价因子,采用灰色关联度确定评价因子权重,运用可拓理论,通过定性和类比的方法对群发泥石流区域进行危险性评价。将评价结果与刘希林提出的单沟泥石流评价结果比较,清水沟与雪莲沟的可拓法评价危险度等级要高于单沟泥石流评价结果,这一结果和现场调查情况相吻合。因此,基于灰色关联度法的可拓理论对霍尔古吐水电站坝址区群发泥石流危险度评价结果合理可靠,进而为坝区泥石流危险性评估、规划防治提供合理的科学依据。  相似文献   

Landslides and rock avalanches triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake produced 257 landslide dams, mainly situated along the eastern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where rivers descend approximately 3,000 m into the Sichuan Basin. The largest of these dams blocked the Tongkou River (a tributary of the Fujiang River) at Tangjiashan. The blockage, consisting of 2.04 × 107 m3 of landslide debris, impounded a lake with a projected maximum volume of 3.15 × 108 m3, potentially inundating 8.92 km2 of terrain. Its creation during the rainy season and the possibility of an uncontrolled release posed a serious, impending threat to at least 1.3 million people downstream that could add substantially to the total of 69,200 individuals directly killed by the earthquake. Risk assessment of the blockage indicated that it was unlikely to collapse suddenly, and that eventual overtopping could be mitigated by notching the structure in order to create an engineered breach and achieve safe drainage of the lake. In addition to the installation of monitoring and warning instrumentation, for emergency planning we estimated several outburst scenarios equivalent to 20, 25, 33, and 50% of the dam failing suddenly, creating, respectively, 3.35, 3.84, 4.22, and 4.65 km2 of flooded area, and overbank water depths of 4.6, 5.1, 5.7, and 6.2 m, respectively, in Mianyang, the second largest city in Sichuan Province, 48 km downstream from the blockage. Based on these scenarios, recommendations and plans for excavating a sluiceway, draining the lake, and downstream evacuation were proposed and later were implemented successfully, with the blockage breached by overtopping on June 10, less than a month after dam emplacement. The peak discharge of the release only slightly exceeded the flood of record at Mianyang City. No lives were lost, and significant property damage was avoided. Post-breaching evaluation reveals how future similar mitigation can be improved. Although initial breach erosion was slow, later erosion was judged uncontrollably rapid; increased slope of the engineered channel and adoption of a compound, trapezoid–triangular cross-section can be considered, as can other measures to control the rate of breach incision. Evacuees from Mianyang City spent an unnecessarily long time (12 days) in temporary settlements; more precise risk management planning can reduce this time in the future.  相似文献   

Deep‐water sediments in the Molasse Basin, Austria, were deposited in a narrow foreland basin dominated by a large channel belt located between the steep Alpine fold and thrust belt to the south and the gentler northern slope off the Bohemian Massif. Several gas fields occur outside the channel belt, along the outer bend of a large meander. Accumulation of these overbank sediments reflects a complicated interplay between slope accommodation and debris‐flow and turbidity‐flow interaction within the channel. The tectonically oversteepened northern slope of the basin (ca 2 to 3°) developed a regionally important erosional surface, the Northern Slope Unconformity, which can be traced seismically for >100 km in an east–west direction and >20 km from the channel to the north. The slope preserves numerous gullies sourced from the north that eroded into the channel belt. These gullies were ca 20 km long, <1 km wide and ca 200 m deep. As the channel aggraded, largely inactive and empty gullies served as entry points into the overbank area for turbidity currents within the axial channel. Subsequently, debris‐flow mounds, 7 km wide and >15 km long, plugged and forced the main channel to step abruptly ca 7 km to the south. This resulted in development of an abrupt turn in the channel pathway that propagated to the east and probably played a role in forming a sinuous channel later. As debris‐flow topography was healed, flows spread out onto narrow area between the main channel and northern slope forming a broad fine‐grained apron that serves as the main gas reservoir in this area. This model of the overbank splay formation and the resulting stratigraphic architecture within the confined basin could be applied in modern and ancient systems or for subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs where three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection data is limited. This study elucidates the geomorphology of the oversteepened slope of the under‐riding plate and its effects on the sedimentation.  相似文献   

2008年汶川大地震后,泥石流灾害表现活跃,至今经历了多个暴雨过程,那么如何才能较为准确地分析泥石流源区演变特征。首要是确定泥石流源区崩滑体体积。本文选择映秀镇附近,岷江沿岸的5条泥石流沟为研究对象,针对泥石流源区崩滑体体积难以确定的问题,野外调查研究区内167个崩滑体点,建立崩滑体体积与面积间的关系模型,并通过野外调查研究区内48个崩滑点进行验证。定量解译研究区3期航空影像的物源面积,利用崩滑体体积估算模型,进一步分析研究区泥石流物源的演变特征。  相似文献   

四川泸定县城后山泥石流灾害及其风险防御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
倪化勇 《中国地质》2009,36(1):229-237
四川泸定县城后山分布有3条泥石流沟,分别为孙家沟、牧场沟和羊圈沟.这3条沟谷曾多次暴发泥石流,对泸定县城造成了严重的危害和威胁.在现场考察基础上,论述了泸定县城后山泥石流沟的分布及泥石流危害,从物源、地形地貌和降雨3个方面分析了泥石流成因,从发生时间、空间和规模3个方面论述了泥石流灾害特征,从防灾体系、监测体系、抗灾体系、报警体系、响应体系和恢复体系6个方面建立了泸定县城后山泥石流防御体系,进而有针对性地提出了泸定县城后山泥石流的防治建议.  相似文献   

历史记录与堆积区证据显示,四川泸定磨西河泥石流历史上堵断大渡河事件易发、频发,为泥石流堵河的典型案例。为了深入剖析磨西河泥石流相关物理参数对其入汇主河运动过程的影响,本文采用1∶500几何相似模型进行了物理模拟试验,结果表明:1)泥石流密度、流量比对泥石流堵河影响程度大,其均与泥石流堵河程度显著正相关,密度、流量比越大,堵河程度越严重,且存在发生堵河事件的临界点;2)流速比对堵塞影响程度小;3)磨西河堵断大渡河的早期识别指标为,当磨西河泥石流流量大于2 000 m3/s,泥石流物质组成为漂卵石混中粗砂、少含水时,磨西河泥石流易发生堵断大渡河的危害。磨西河泥石流堵断大渡河事件具有很强的偶然性与不确定性,本文仅选取磨西河与大渡河交汇区开展物理模拟试验,通过试验获取影响堵河发生的单因子临界值进行堵河早期识别,可能存在一定误差,但不失为堵河判别方法的创新,具有一定的实践意义,也为相关泥石流入汇主河早期识别理论与试验研究提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

在汶川震区沟道型泥石流中,普遍存在一种窄陡沟道类型,窄陡沟道型泥石流具有沟道纵坡陡、平均宽度窄、流域面积小的地形特点,在震区容易瞬间汇流形成大规模突发性泥石流灾害。结合四川省都汶高速沿线2013年“7·10”特大群发性泥石流,重点以窄陡沟道型的磨子沟泥石流为实例,针对该泥石流对都汶高速、岷江等造成的冲击淤埋及堵塞问题,通过现场调查泥石流形成条件和发育特征,采用大型流体动力学计算软件CFX模拟再现50年一遇暴雨频率下此类窄陡型泥石流的动力学过程,分析其危险范围、评价其冲击都汶高速桥梁,堵塞岷江,淹没岷江两岸居民安置点的破坏性影响,为提出针对性的泥石流防治工程措施提供依据。  相似文献   

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