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Nowadays,spatial simulation on land use patterns is one of the key contents of LUCC.Modeling is an important tool for simulating land use patterns due to its ability to inte-grate measurements of changes in land cover and the associated drivers.The conventional regression model can only analyze the correlation between land use types and driving factors, but cannot depict the spatial autocorrelation characteristics.Land uses in Yongding County, which is located in the typical karst mountain areas in northwes...  相似文献   

土地利用/ 土地覆被变化(LUCC) 是当前研究全球变化的重要内容, 而区域土地利用 格局模拟是LUCC 研究的核心内容之一。以张家界市永定区为研究单元, 根据由2005 年土地 利用现状图和数字高程模型数据源得到的土地利用、地形、河流以及道路等空间数据, 对区 域土地利用类型空间格局的空间自相关性特征进行了建模研究, 并通过在传统Logistic 模型 中引入描述空间自相关性的成份, 实现了能够考虑自相关性因素的回归分析模型 (AutoLogistic 模型), 同时应用该模型对区域土地利用格局进行了模拟和分析。结果显示, 通 过与没有考虑空间自相关性的回归模型(传统Logistic 模型) 相比较, 该模型显示了更好的拟 合优度和更高的拟合准确率(耕地、林地、建设用地及未利用地的ROC 值分别从0.851、 0.913、0.877 和0.852 提高到0.893、0.940、0.907 和0.863)。研究结果说明了基于 AutoLogistic 方法的土地利用格局的相关性建模在一定意义上是合理的。同时研究结果也可以 为永定区及其相似地区的土地利用规划决策提供更为科学的依据。  相似文献   

区域土地利用变化模拟是LUCC研究的核心内容之一。以地处湘西北岩溶山区的张家界市永定区为研究对象,针对目前国际上广泛使用的CLUE-S土地利用变化模型,通过在传统Logistic回归模型中引入空间自相关变量,对CLUE-S模型的空间分析模块进行了改进。实验与分析结果表明,改进的空间分析模块拟合优度、拟合精度都有较大的提高。耕地、林地及居民点工矿用地的拟合优度(ROC值)分别从0.784、0.821和0.741提高到0.827、0.875和0.838。在此基础之上,采用改进的CLUE-S模型,模拟和预测了研究地区2005~2020年的土地利用时空变化。研究结果说明对CLUE-S模型空间分析模块的改进在一定意义上是合理的,同时也可以为永定区及其相似地区的土地利用规划决策提供更为科学的依据。  相似文献   

中国城市土地利用效率及其溢出效应与影响因素   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
王良健  李辉  石川 《地理学报》2015,70(11):1788-1799
基于C-D函数剔除城市经济非期望产出构建随机生产函数模型,以地均投入产出技术效率表征城市土地利用效率,采用2003-2012年282个地级以上市面板数据测算了中国城市土地利用效率,并建立空间滞后计量模型分析了城市土地利用效率的溢出效应与影响因素的区域差异。结果表明:① 中国城市土地利用效率有所提升,且存在明显的空间特征与区域差异。空间特征显示,效率较高的城市主要集中在珠三角、湖南、湖北、河南南部、安徽东部、山东与江苏交界处。区域差异显示,中部地区城市土地利用效率最高而东北地区最低,西北地区城市土地利用效率增速最快而西南地区较低且增速最慢;② 中国城市土地利用效率存在显著为正的溢出效应,其中在中部、东北、西北地区较高,而在西南地区最低;③ 影响因素在各区域对城市土地利用效率的作用存在明显差异,有必要采取具有区域针对性的措施提升城市土地利用效率。  相似文献   

Land-use/land-cover changes (LUCCs) have links to both human and nature inter- actions. China's Land-Use/cover Datasets (CLUDs) were updated regularly at 5-year inter- vals from the late 1980s to 2010, with standard procedures based on Landsat TM/ETM+ im- ages. A land-use dynamic regionalization method was proposed to analyze major land-use conversions. The spatiotemporal characteristics, differences, and causes of land-use changes at a national scale were then examined. The main findings are summarized as fol- lows. Land-use changes (LUCs) across China indicated a significant variation in spatial and temporal characteristics in the last 20 years (1990-2010). The area of cropland change de- creased in the south and increased in the north, but the total area remained almost un- changed. The reclaimed cropland was shifted from the northeast to the northwest. The built-up lands expanded rapidly, were mainly distributed in the east, and gradually spread out to central and western China. Woodland decreased first, and then increased, but desert area was the opposite. Grassland continued decreasing. Different spatial patterns of LUC in China were found between the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The original 13 LUC zones were replaced by 15 units with changes of boundaries in some zones. The main spatial characteristics of these changes included (1) an accelerated expansion of built-up land in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, the southeastern coastal areas, the midstream area of the Yangtze River, and the Sichuan Basin; (2) shifted land reclamation in the north from northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia to the oasis agricultural areas in northwest China; (3) continuous transformation from rain-fed farmlands in northeast China to paddy fields; and (4) effective- ness of the "Grain for Green" project in the southern agricultural-pastoral ecotones of Inner Mongolia, the Loess Plateau, and southwestern mountainous areas. In the last two decades, although climate change in the north affected the change in cropland, policy regulation and economic driving forces were still the primary causes of LUC across China. During the first decade of the 21st century, the anthropogenic factors that drove variations in land-use pat- terns have shifted the emphasis from one-way land development to both development and conservation. The "dynamic regionalization method" was used to analyze changes in the spatial patterns of zoning boundaries, the internal characteristics of zones, and the growth and decrease of units. The results revealed "the pattern of the change process," namely the process of LUC and regional differences in characteristics at different stages. The growth and decrease of zones during this dynamic LUC zoning, variations in unit boundaries, and the characteristics of change intensities between the former and latter decades were examined. The patterns of alternative transformation between the "pattern" and "process" of land use and the causes for changes in different types and different regions of land use were explored.  相似文献   

Land-use/land-cover changes (LUCCs) have links to both human and nature interactions. China's Land-Use/cover Datasets (CLUDs) were updated regularly at 5-year intervals from the late 1980s to 2010,with standard procedures based on Landsat TM\ETM+ images. A land-use dynamic regionalization method was proposed to analyze major land-use conversions. The spatiotemporal characteristics,differences,and causes of land-use changes at a national scale were then examined. The main findings are summarized as follows. Land-use changes (LUCs) across China indicated a significant variation in spatial and temporal characteristics in the last 20 years (1990-2010). The area of cropland change decreased in the south and increased in the north,but the total area remained almost unchanged. The reclaimed cropland was shifted from the northeast to the northwest. The built-up lands expanded rapidly,were mainly distributed in the east,and gradually spread out to central and western China. Woodland decreased first,and then increased,but desert area was the opposite. Grassland continued decreasing. Different spatial patterns of LUC in China were found between the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The original 13 LUC zones were replaced by 15 units with changes of boundaries in some zones. The main spatial characteristics of these changes included (1) an accelerated expansion of built-up land in the Huang-Huai-Hai region,the southeastern coastal areas,the midstream area of the Yangtze River,and the Sichuan Basin;(2) shifted land reclamation in the north from northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia to the oasis agricultural areas in northwest China;(3) continuous transformation from rain-fed farmlands in northeast China to paddy fields;and (4) effectiveness of the "Grain for Green" project in the southern agricultural-pastoral ecotones of Inner Mongolia,the Loess Plateau,and southwestern mountainous areas. In the last two decades,although climate change in the north affected the change in cropland,policy regulation and economic driving forces were still the primary causes of LUC across China. During the first decade of the 21st century,the anthropogenic factors that drove variations in land-use patterns have shifted the emphasis from one-way land development to both development and conservation.The "dynamic regionalization method" was used to analyze changes in the spatial patterns of zoning boundaries,the internal characteristics of zones,and the growth and decrease of units. The results revealed "the pattern of the change process," namely the process of LUC and regional differences in characteristics at different stages. The growth and decrease of zones during this dynamic LUC zoning,variations in unit boundaries,and the characteristics of change intensities between the former and latter decades were examined. The patterns of alternative transformation between the "pattern" and "process" of land use and the causes for changes in different types and different regions of land use were explored.  相似文献   

用传统统计学方法模拟和解释土地利用变化的前提条件是研究分析的数据在统计上必须独立且均匀分布。但是空间数据相互之间通常具有依赖性 (即空间自相关),某一变量的值随着测定距离的缩小而变得更相似或更为不同。由于经典线性回归方法未能抓住数据的空间自相关特征,而空间自相关包含一些有用的信息,为了克服这一缺点,利用Moran的I系数自相关图来描述研究区土地利用变化的空间自相关,并且建立了不仅考虑回归而且又考虑空间自相关的混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型)。研究得到:① 研究区土地利用变化模型中不但自变量之间而且因变量之间存在空间正自相关,这表明土地利用变化数据的空间自相关很强;② Moran的I系数随着尺度的变粗而减小,这是由于数据平均时的滤波特性和Moran的I系数对距离的非线性特征造成的;③ 经典线性回归模型的残差也表现出正相关,这表明标准的多元线性回归模型未能考虑土地利用数据所存在的空间依赖性;④ 混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型) 的残差未存在空间自相关,并且有更好的拟合度;⑤ 相对于经典线性回归模型,混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型) 对于存在空间自相关性的数据来说有着统计上的合理性,而经典线性回归模型未能考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

县域空间是中国城乡交融最明显的空间规划基本单元,空间发展与约束导致的用途冲突或重叠现象非常突出。论文以典型山区县湖南省茶陵县为研究对象,建立多规协同的国土空间系统弹性评价体系,运用土地利用区间优化及适宜性评价方法确定各类用地的弹性区间,预测不同土地利用类型的空间转移特征,并提出相应的弹性空间差异化管控建议。结果表明:茶陵县域国土空间系统相关社会与经济指标的弹性贡献度较小,弹性综合评价值在整体上低于湖南省平均水平。不同用地类型的弹性规划区间有明显差异,按不同用地类型弹性区间分析,园地、林地、水域、耕地、其他农用地对茶陵县发展弹性承纳贡献值依次降低,分别占总面积的3.47%、2.97%、1.02%、0.90%、0.06%。不同用地弹性空间转移具有显著的带状分布特征,呈现生态用地与农用地、建设用地与农用地、建设用地与生态用地空间等3种类型交叠,生态用地与农用地空间交叠区最大,占总面积的6.41%;其次是建设用地与农用地交叠区,占比0.97%。对不同用地类型的弹性交叠区域尤其农用地转为建设用地应加强差异化管控。弹性空间测度研究为山区县域国土空间规划用途管制提供了差异化的空间管理技术方法和实证。  相似文献   

Understanding the forces that influence the distribution of land use and land-use change (LUC) is an essential step in developing effective strategies for managing these issues. We examined the influence of landscape position on spatial patterns in land-use distribution within the Little Tennessee River Basin (LTRB) of the southern Appalachian Mountains. We show that landscape position, defined with respect to both natural and anthropogenic spatial variables, provides for the identification of statistically significant differences in the distribution of common forms of land use in the study region. Using the same variables, significant differences in the landscape positions subject to land-use change in the LTRB are also examined. These results suggest landscape position exerts a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of land use and the likeliness of given area undergoing LUC. The approach presented here, of considering land use as a function of landscape position that responds to both natural and anthropogenic forces, may prove useful in aiding the development of future strategies to address the consequences of land use in many regions.  相似文献   

旅游产业生长点的SGGT模式与空间演化——以张家界为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
麻学锋  孙根年 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1923-1936
界定了旅游产业生长点的概念,借鉴“路径依赖”理论重新诠释旅游地产业成长路径,提出具有普遍性SGGT模式,以张家界旅游产业生长点为例,具体分析了SGGT和空间演化过程及其动力机制。结果发现:①历史与现实是武陵源旅游生长点形成的基础,需求与培育是旅游生长点萌发的关键因素,创新与拓展是旅游生长点成长的保证,蜕变促进了旅游生长点成为旅游产业增长极;②张家界国家森林公园、天子山和索溪峪三个旅游生长点,通过“路径创造”,实现了行政管辖权的统一,后被列为世界遗产地,成为张家界旅游产业的核心生长点;③在旅游产业“集聚力”和世界遗产地管控的驱动下,天门山成为张家界新的生长点;④武陵源和天门山两个生长点的形成,是张家界旅游产业集聚和“路径创造”共同作用的结果,也拓展了张家界旅游产业的成长空间。本文有利于为旅游地政府和企业从旅游产业生长点视角理解旅游产业成长路径,更为世界遗产地旅游产业可持续发展提供科学指导。  相似文献   

In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   

以2003-2012年三个时相的SPOT5和卫星遥感影像数据为基础,以大连金石滩旅游度假区为研究区域。在行政村尺度下,利用GIS技术结合分异指数D和多组群分异测度模型D(m),研究金石滩旅游度假区居住用地的空间分异过程、分布特征及其驱动机制。研究表明:12003-2012年金石滩旅游度假区各类居住用地分异度变化不一。农村住宅分异度逐渐增加,其余各类住宅分异度均呈下降趋势,花园洋房分异度数值范围为0.06~0.65,波动幅度最剧烈;2在传统住宅逐渐被新型住宅所替代的大背景下,花园洋房、商品住宅和普通住宅的占地面积与日俱增,分布范围越来越广,主要是沿海岸线和景色优美地区分布。农村住宅越来越稀少,住宅用地占地面积显著增加;3在住宅产业发展的三个阶段,政府决策、社会分化、市场机制和个人选择等因素既相互促进又相互制约,共同作用于旅游地产在金石滩旅游度假区内的发展。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区是我国西部新型城镇化实践的克难攻坚地,在未厘清地域性特征的情况下,现代城乡规划设计的介入对当地环境和文化产生了较大冲击。以陕北米脂县东沟为例,基于卫星遥感影像、数字高程模型(DEM)等数据,利用格网法揭示东沟地形变化与聚落规模的空间分布特征,借助四象限散点图法和立体网格分维模型测度并评价东沟地形复杂性与聚落集聚性的耦合协调关系及聚落空间分布效率,总结适宜于沟壑区的聚落空间营建模式。结果表明:(1)东沟聚落从沟口至沟内存在明显的空间分异特征:如聚落逐步偏离河岸,其建筑密度和容积率呈现从高到低、再升高降低的变化等。(2)根据东沟地形复杂度与聚落集聚度的叠加分析,平缓地形中的集聚聚落与复杂地形中的分散聚落属于人地关系协调的聚落类型,这两类聚落约占所有聚落总规模的70.5%。(3)东沟聚落的立体网格分维数分段特征明显,其中台地行列式和自由行列式聚落的立体分维数最高,为2.35~2.55。(4)在5种东沟典型人居空间模式中,台地行列式、自由行列式及密集斑块式聚落具有人地协调、空间利用高效的双重特征,可作为丘陵沟壑区聚落空间营建的参考。  相似文献   

基于六次全国人口普查数据资料,通过运用空间统计分析方法,对中国县级行政单元穆斯林人口的空间分布及演变特征进行分析。结果发现:(1)中国穆斯林人口密度的空间分布具有“片-点-区”的结构特征,即在穆斯林人口传统分布区形成高值片区,华北平原、云贵高原、辽河平原和东南沿海等区域形成零星分布的高值点区,在全国其他区域形成穆斯林人口密度低值区;(2)中国穆斯林人口空间分布具有一定的空间关联特征,在新疆、宁夏、青海东部、甘肃西南云贵两省交汇处及北京市等区域形成热点分布区;(3)穆斯林人口分布处于高度不均衡的状态,随着穆斯林人口向全国迁移扩散的发展,其不均衡程度趋于减弱;中国各大区之间的穆斯林人口偏移增长量经历了先增后减又迅速增长的过程,各地穆斯林人口表现出差异化发展趋势;(4)穆斯林人口分布及演变受生育水平和人口迁移状况等多种因素的综合影响,差异化的生育水平和人口迁移流动影响着穆斯林人口的空间再分布。  相似文献   

陕西省人口空间分异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石英  米瑞华 《干旱区地理》2015,38(2):368-376
基于第六次乡镇级人口普查数据,利用GIS技术展示陕西省人口信息的空间分异格局,通过计算Moran’s I指数、信息熵、分异指数、隔离指数等空间自相关和空间分异指标,结合地貌、资源、产业等地域特征,得出陕西省人口数量、属性及不同社会群体的空间分异特征,探讨其内在机理并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

陈红霞 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1887-1894
在理论评述基础上, 构建了城市规模经济内涵的概念框架, 进一步应用计量分析方法, 探讨城市人口规模效益与经济规模效益。研究发现:现阶段我国的城市空间规模扩张整体呈现以人口增长为主要推动力;100~200万人口规模的城市每单位人口占用的空间规模相对较小, 从吸纳人口的角度应优先发展;200万以上人口规模的城市每单位人口占用的空间规模相对较大, 但每单位经济规模的空间占用较少, 从发展经济、增强区域竞争力的角度应适度发展;土地的集约利用可通过发展不同规模和类型的城市, 进而构建合理的城镇体系这一区域规划途径缓解或解决。最后, 本文从土地集约利用的角度, 针对目前的城市与区域规划实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

作为中国涉及面最广、群众参与程度最高的一项生态工程,退耕还林对区域土地利用变化产生了重大影响。目前对土地利用变化过程和土地利用主体行为的分析研究不足,不能有效揭示宏观农业土地利用变化的微观机理,难以合理解释农户土地利用行为的变化。本文以陕西省米脂县高渠乡为例进行研究,利用经历权重法定量分析了退耕还林政策结束前后不同农户群体土地利用策略的变化;利用构建的农户群体土地利用决策模型,模拟不同政策情景下农户群体土地利用行为的变化及其对区域土地利用变化的影响。结果表明,该模型可以显示还耕和撂荒两种土地利用行为的变化及其空间配置,能揭示造成这种区域差异的微观机理,为分析农户群体土地利用行为的变化、探讨农业政策与农户行为之间的相互作用,提供了可供借鉴的途径。  相似文献   

山岳型旅游区人文建筑环境后效与调控模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
全华 《山地学报》2002,20(6):706-711
许多山岳型旅游区内或其流域上游,都建有人文建筑,而且在急剧增多,导致自然环境日趋恶化,其中乱建疗养院和旅馆的影响最为严重。通过地监测并全面分析张家界环境演变趋势,发现住宿施对环境的影响,比其他游乐设施更为明显。张家界国家森林公园生态环境的脆弱因子是金鞭溪水质。金鞭溪水质恶化主要表现为蓝藻,绿藻迅速繁殖,感官质量下降。主要原因是磷污染较重,总磷年均值100%超标。本文提出了基于环境脆弱因子的动态阈值调控模型,通过计算得出:在不超出张家界景区最为脆弱的环境因子-金鞭溪水质标准:总磷≤0.02前提下,金鞭溪上游接待区住宿设施生态阈值的动态系列:春季临界床位数为1186,夏季为3057,冬季为545,秋季为333。目前的建筑规模已超过了金鞭溪上游接待区住宿设施生态阈值。  相似文献   

以能源产区陕西省榆林市的12个区县为研究单元,在Geo Da和Arc GIS等软件的支持下,结合趋势分析和空间统计方法,分析2005—2010年榆林县域尺度下的能源消费碳排放强度的空间格局特征与空间分异机制。榆林各区县能源消费碳排放强度水平差异明显,总体差异呈扩大趋势,两极分化加剧。县域碳排放强度南北走向上表现出逐渐减小趋势,东西走向上具有微弱的"U"型变化态势。总体上,东北部区县碳排放强度高于西南部。各区县碳排放强度具有正的空间关联分布特征,且处于低水平非均衡空间分布状态,空间依赖性明显。结合相关性分析,榆林区县碳排放强度具有极化区、扩散区、塌陷区和传染区4个特征。"热点"主要分布在东北部三县,"冷点"主要分布于南部六县。能源资源分布不均、经济总量以及产业结构差异是造成榆林碳排放强度空间分布不均的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于安徽省霍山县第二次土壤普查数据,提取2005~2008年耕地监测数据资料建成土壤有机碳含量数据库,对耕地监测的有机碳数据按县域内不同空间尺度进行了统计分析。结果表明:20年来该县农田表土有机碳含量明显提高,显示农田土壤的有机碳库积累。县域范围内耕地土壤有机碳含量的不同尺度的变异系数介于4.53%~14.91%。村民组(自然村)单元内变异性最高,有机碳含量乡镇间变异性低于行政村间变异性。因此,从县级尺度的农田土壤碳计量来说,以乡镇尺度采样研究比村级尺度可靠性要高。影响县域内农田土壤有机碳含量与变异的动力因子主要是农业利用和农田基本建设,茶、桑和水稻利用下农田土壤有机碳含量明显较高。  相似文献   

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