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《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):355-357
We review the results of an X-ray (ASCA) survey of intergalactic medium metallicities in 33 groups and clusters of galaxies. The observed picture could be explained either by adopting top heavy IMF for galaxies observed at high environment overdensities or by metal-rich SN II driven winds.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the intergalactic medium contains fully ionized plasmas. A detailed discussion shows that it is necessary to distinguish between medium-density and low-density plasmas before we can carry out any analysis. The conditions are very critical for the conclusions and application of any mechanism one likes to discuss for the intergalactic medium. It is shown that acceleration of high-energy particles in the intergalactic medium is possible.  相似文献   

At redshifts z ≳2, most of the baryons reside in the smooth intergalactic medium which is responsible for the low column density Ly α forest. This photoheated gas follows a tight temperature–density relation which introduces a cut-off in the distribution of widths of the Ly α absorption lines ( b -parameters) as a function of column density. We have measured this cut-off in a sample of nine high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio quasar spectra and determined the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium in the redshift range 2.0–4.5. At a redshift z ∼3, the temperature at the mean density shows a peak and the gas becomes nearly isothermal. We interpret this as evidence for the reionization of He  ii .  相似文献   

A 'stochastic adhesion' model is introduced, with the purpose of describing the formation and evolution of mildly non-linear structures, such as sheets and filaments, in the intergalactic medium (IGM), after hydrogen reionization. The model is based on replacing the overall force acting on the baryon fluid – which results from the combination of local gravity, pressure gradients and Hubble drag – by a mock external force, self-consistently calculated from first-order perturbation theory. A small kinematic viscosity term prevents shell-crossing on small scales (which arises because of the approximate treatment of pressure gradients). The emerging scheme is an extension of the well-known adhesion approximation for the dark matter dynamics, from which it differs only by the presence of a small-scale 'random' force, characterizing the IGM. Our algorithm is the ideal tool to obtain the skeleton of the IGM distribution, which is responsible for the structure observed in the low column density Ly α forest in the absorption spectra of distant quasars.  相似文献   

The physical state of a moderately dense, uniform, pure hydrogen medium, pervading the metagalaxy and partaking in the general cosmic expansion, is considered. The cosmic X-ray photon spectrum, which is now observed down to about 0.25 keV, together with various plausible extrapolations down to the Lyman limit, is invoked as the source of ionization and heating of this medium. Isothermal and adiabatic modes of expansion of the intergalactic medium are studied as limiting cases of the present mode of expansion. The isothermal mode generates highly ionized but lukewarm (7700 KT25000 K) models of the medium, with the, so far unknown, turnover point in the cosmic X-ray spectrum as the parameter required to fix the temperature and degree of ionization uniquely, for any assumed value of the present density. The adiabatic mode, while giving rise to high degrees of ionization, also produces significantly higher temperatures which are independent of density and always greater than about 28000 K. In conclusion, a possible explanation for the anomalous 3C 9 result is adduced.  相似文献   

I demonstrate by means of high-resolution cosmological simulations, which include modelling of a two-phase interstellar medium, that the dominant mechanism for transporting heavy elements from protogalaxies into the intergalactic medium (IGM) is the merger mechanism as discovered by Gnedin & Ostriker. Direct ejection of the interstellar gas by supernovae plays only a minor role in transporting metals into the IGM: for a realistic cosmological scenario only a small fraction of all metals in the IGM is delivered by the supernova-driven winds, while most of the metals in the IGM are transported by the merger mechanism. As a result, the metallicity distribution in the IGM is highly inhomogeneous, in agreement with studies of the QSO metal absorption systems, and the predicted metallicity distribution of Lyman alpha absorbers as a function of their column density is in excellent agreement with the observational data.  相似文献   

We present results from the first high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of non-Gaussian cosmological models. We focus on the statistical properties of the transmitted Lyman-α flux in the high-redshift intergalactic medium. Imprints of non-Gaussianity are present and are larger at high redshifts. Differences larger than 20 per cent at   z > 3  in the flux probability distribution function for high-transmissivity regions (voids) are expected for values of the non-linearity parameter   f NL=±100  when compared to a standard Λ cold dark matter cosmology with   f NL= 0  . We also investigate the one-dimensional flux bispectrum: at the largest scales (corresponding to tens of Mpc), we expect deviations in the flux bispectrum up to 20 per cent at   z ∼ 4  (for   f NL=±100  ), significantly larger than deviations of ∼3 per cent in the flux power spectrum. We briefly discuss possible systematic errors that can contaminate the signal. Although challenging, a detection of non-Gaussianities in the interesting regime of scales and redshifts probed by the Lyman-α forest could be possible with future data sets.  相似文献   

The conventional interpretation of the cosmic background radiation (CBR) as a relic of the Big Bang assumes that the intergalactic medium is highly transparent to radio frequency radiation. Previous work (Lerner, 1990) used the well-known correlation of IR and radio luminosities of spiral galaxies to test this assumption. That analysis, using 237 Shapley-Ames galaxies showed that radio luminosity (L R ) for a given IR-luminosity, declines with distance, implying that the IGM strongly absorbs radio frequency radiation. That absorption has now been confirmed using a sample of 301 IR-bright galaxies. Using two independent methods of determining the correlation of IR and radio luminosities of spiral and interacting galaxies, the sample shows that for a givenL IR ,L R D –0.32±0.04 over a range of distances from 0.7-300 Mpc. (H 0 = 75 km s–1 Mpc–1). The correlation is significant at the 8 or 10–14 level. Absorption by the IGM is the only reasonable explanation for this correlation. The existence of such absorption implies that neither the isotropy nor the spectrum of the CBR are primordial and that neither is evidence for a Big Bang.  相似文献   

Most of the baryons in the low-redshift Universe reside in a warm/hot component which is difficult to detect with standard absorption/emission-line techniques. We propose to use quasar refractive scintillation as a useful, complementary probe for such ionized, intergalactic gas. In particular, an application to the case of the intracluster medium is presented. We show that clusters located at z ≈0.02 should produce a source rms intensity fluctuation at 50–100 GHz of several tens of per cent and on time-scales ranging from days to months, depending on the projected location of the source on the foreground cluster. However, in order to produce such a signal, the source needs to be very compact. This effect, if observed, can be used as an independent test of the baryonic mass fraction in clusters.  相似文献   

A simple analytical model is used to calculate the X-ray heating of the intergalactic medium (IGM) for a range of black hole masses. This process is efficient enough to decouple the spin temperature of the IGM from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and produce a differential brightness temperature of the order of ∼ 5–20 mK out to distances as large as a few comoving Mpc, depending on the redshift, black hole mass and lifetime. We explore the influence of two types of black holes, those with and without ionizing ultraviolet radiation. The results of the simple analytical model are compared to those of a full spherically symmetric radiative transfer code. Two simple scenarios are proposed for the formation and evolution of black hole mass density in the Universe. The first considers an intermediate mass black hole that form as an end-product of pop III stars, whereas the second considers supermassive black holes that form directly through the collapse of massive haloes with low spin parameter. These scenarios are shown not to violate any of the observational constraints, yet produce enough X-ray photons to decouple the spin temperature from that of the CMB. This is an important issue for future high-redshift 21-cm observations.  相似文献   

A number of observations suggest that He II in the intergalactic medium(IGM) was fully ionized at z ~ 3, probably by quasi-stellar objects(QSOs). Here we construct a simple model of a QSO to study the reionization of He II and the corresponding thermal evolution of the IGM. We assume that QSOs are triggered by major mergers of dark matter halos, and the luminosity evolution of individual QSOs is described by an initial accretion stage with a constant Eddington ratio and then a powerlaw decay driven by long term disk evolution or fueling. Once a QSO is triggered, it immediately ionizes its surrounding area as an ionized bubble. The resulting changes in size and volume of the bubble are determined by the luminosity evolution of the central QSO. With the emergence of more and more bubbles, they eventually overlap each other and finally permeate the whole universe. During the He II reionization,the IGM temperature increases due to the photoheating by the ionization processes.Applying the bubble model and considering various heating and cooling mechanisms,we trace the thermal evolution of the IGM and obtain the average IGM temperature as a function of redshift, which is very consistent with observations. The increase in IGM temperature due to the reionization of He II may be determined more accurately in the future, which may put robust constraints on the QSO model and the physics of He II reionization.  相似文献   

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