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利用1981—2000年候平均NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和CMAP全球降水资料,分析了从中国东部大陆到西太平洋副热带地区季风和降水季节变化的特征及其与热带季风降水的关系,探讨了季风建立和加强的原因。夏季东亚—西太平洋盛行的西南风开始于江南和西太平洋副热带的春初,并向北扩展到中纬度,热带西南风范围向北扩展的迹象不明显。从冬到夏,中国西部和西太平洋副热带的表面加热季节变化可以使副热带对流层向西的温度梯度反转比热带早,使西南季风在副热带最早开始;从大气环流看,青藏高原东侧低压槽的加强和向东延伸,以及西太平洋副热带高压的加强和向西移动,都影响着副热带西南季风的开始和发展;初夏江南的南风向北扩展与副热带高压向北移动有关,随着高原东侧低压槽向南延伸,槽前的偏南风范围向南扩展。随着副热带季风建立和向北扩展,其最大风速中心前方的低层空气质量辐合和水汽辐合以及上升运动也加强和向北移动,导致降水加强和雨带向北移动。热带季风雨季开始晚,主要维持在热带而没有明显进入副热带,江淮梅雨不是由热带季风雨带直接向北移动而致,而是由春季江南雨带北移而致。在热带季风爆发前,副热带季风区水汽输送主要来自中南半岛北部和中国华南沿海,而在热带季风爆发后,水汽输送来自孟加拉湾和热带西太平洋。  相似文献   

Using the NCAR/NCEP (National Center for Atmospheric Research/National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis and the NOAA Climate Prediction Center's merged analysis of precipitation (CMAP)during 1981-2000, we investigated the seasonal evolution of the southwesterly wind and associated precipitation over the eastern China-subtropical western North Pacific area and its relationship with the tropical monsoon and rainfall, and analyzed the reasons responsible for the onset and development of the wind. It was found that the persistent southwesterly wind appears over southern China and the subtropical western Pacific the earliest in early spring, and then expands southwards to the tropics and advances northward to the midlatitudes. From winter to summer, the seasonal variation of surface heating over western China and the subtropical western Pacific may result in an earlier reversal of the westward tropospheric temperature gradient over the subtropics relative to the tropics, which may contribute to the earliest beginning of the subtropical southwesterly wind. Additionally, the strengthening and eastward expanding of the trough near the eastern Tibetan Plateau as well as the strengthening and westward moving of the western Pacific subtropical high also exert positive influences on the beginning and development of the subtropical southwesterly wind.In early summer,the northward expansion of the southwesterly wind over southern China is associated with a northward shift of the subtropical high, while the southward stretch of the southwesterly wind is associated with a southward stretch of the trough in the eastern side of the plateau. With the beginning and northward expansion of the subtropical southwesterly wind (namely southwest monsoon), convergences of the low-level air and water vapor and associated upward motion in front of the strongest southwesterly wind core also strengthen and move northward, leading to an increase in rainfall intensity and a northward shift of the rain belt. Accordingly, the subtropical rainy season occurs the earliest over southern China in spring, moves northward to the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley in early summer, and arrives in North China in mid summer.Compared with the subtropical rainy season, the tropical rainy season begins later and stays mainly over the tropics, not pronouncedly moving into the subtropics. Clearly, the Meiyu rainfall over the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley in early summer results from a northward shift of the spring rain belt over southern China,instead of a northward shift of the tropical monsoon rain belt. Before the onset of the tropical monsoon,water vapor over the subtropical monsoon region comes mainly from the coasts of the northern Indo-China Peninsula and southern China. After the onset, one branch of the water vapor flow comes from the Bay of Bengal, entering into eastern China and the subtropical western Pacific via southwestern China and the South China Sea, and another branch comes from the tropical western North Pacific, moving northwestward along the west edge of the western Pacific subtropical high and entering into the subtropics.  相似文献   

春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响和预测作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1980-2012年青藏高原中、东部71个站点观测资料、全中国756站的月降水资料、哈得来中心提供的HadISST v1.1海温资料以及ERA-Interim再分析资料,综合青藏高原的感热加热以及全球海温,研究了春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响,并建立预报方程,探讨了青藏高原春季感热对中国降水的预报作用。结果表明,青藏高原春季感热与中国东部降水关系密切,青藏高原春季感热异常增强伴随着长江流域中下游同期降水增多,后期夏季长江流域整流域降水也持续偏多,华南东部降水偏少。春季青藏高原感热的增强与环北半球中高纬度的罗斯贝波列密切相关,扰动在北太平洋形成的反气旋环流向西南方向延伸至西北太平洋,为长江流域输送大量的水汽,有利于降水的发生。夏季,伴随着前期青藏高原感热的增强,南亚高压位置偏东,西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)位置偏西偏南,西太副高北侧为气旋式环流异常。在西太副高的控制下,华南东部降水减少;西太副高西侧的偏南气流为长江流域带来大量水汽,并与来自北部气旋式环流异常西侧的偏北风发生辐合,降水增多。青藏高原春季感热异常是华南和长江流域夏季降水异常的重要前兆信号。加入青藏高原春季感热后,利用海温预报的华南、长江流域夏季降水量与观测值的相关系数有所提高,预报方程对区域降水的解释方差提高约15%。   相似文献   

春季中国南方雨带年际变动与大气环流异常   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒋品平  赵平 《气象学报》2012,70(4):681-689
利用1960—2008年中国693个站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR日平均再分析资料,采用统计分析方法,分析了中国南方春季降水强度和位置的年际变率及其与大气环流的关系。结果表明:在年代际尺度上,江南春季降水在20世纪60年代中、后期偏少,70年代中期到80年代初偏多,90年代初开始减少;在年际尺度上,当春季西太平洋副热带高压和青藏高原东侧的低层低压系统加强,并且异常中心分别位于20°N以南和30°N以南时,异常西南风主要位于长江以南地区,在异常西南风逐渐减弱区出现明显的辐合,伴随着该地区低层空气质量辐合、对流层上升运动和水汽辐合加强,造成江南地区降水偏多,此时来自西太平洋的异常水汽到达南海后,没有在南海聚集,而是转向北输送到江南;当春季西太平洋副热带高压以及青藏高原东侧低压系统加强且异常中心位于30°N以北时,异常西南风盛行在中国东部大部分地区,此时低层异常空气质量辐合、对流层异常上升运动以及异常水汽通量辐合区都向北移到江淮地区,使江淮地区降水增加,而华南地区为异常空气质量辐散、异常下沉运动以及异常水汽通量辐散,伴随着降水减少,这时异常水汽主要来自西太平洋副热带地区。由于上述观测结果与通过改变东亚和周边海域海-陆热力差异的数值试验结果有很好的一致性,因此,这里观测到的降水和大气环流异常可以被东亚区域热力差异异常激发出来。  相似文献   

本文以850 hPa、200 hPa月平均风场和西太平洋副热带高压脊线北抬至25°N日期资料及福建省25个代表站(县)5—7月的降水资料为基本分析素材。首先标定福建入夏异常的标准与年例,其次揭示850 hPa2、00 hPa 6月风场与异常年例的基本特征,进而探讨了对福建入夏早晚的影响关系。结果表明:在低层索马里-阿拉伯海区的越赤道气流强劲,南海至东亚低纬区域西南风偏大,西太平洋区域低纬度地区南风减弱、东风强劲,且东西风交汇区偏西;而在高层辐合区东风范围偏大,索马里-阿拉伯海区的区域东风风速强劲,青藏高原南侧和副高主体季节性位移的关键区以吹东风为主,东亚区域经向度小,位于青藏高原至我国东部区域范围内,形成一逆时针“距平”风环流;在此高低层风场特征的匹配下,有利于福建提早进入夏季;反之亦然。  相似文献   

利用我国地面观测站降水资料以及欧洲中期数值预报中心 (ECMWF) 的月平均再分析资料, 研究了在全球平均表面气温偏冷和偏暖阶段, 我国东部降水开始和结束时间以及雨带南北移动的变化, 并分析了与东部降水变化相关联的大气环流特征。结果表明:近40年, 20世纪60—70年代全球平均表面气温处于一个相对偏冷时期, 而80—90年代处于偏暖时期; 在这样的变暖背景下, 我国东部地区年总降水量呈现出“南涝北旱”异常特征, 与冷位相比较, 在暖位相阶段长江流域年总降水量明显增加, 而华北地区降水量减少, 其中长江流域降水的增加主要是由夏季降水增加引起的, 3月长江中下游降水增加也很重要, 北方的降水减少主要是由从盛夏到初秋的降水减少引起的。平均而言, 暖位相阶段我国南方强降水开始时间较早、结束较晚, 持续时间较长, 而北方强降水开始较晚, 持续时间较短。从春末到夏季, 冷位相时我国东部强降水带表现出从华南、经过长江流域向华北移动的特征, 而在暖位相时强降水主要集中在长江流域, 从华南向华北移动的特征不明显。雨带的这种异常变化与东亚大气环流有关, 在暖位相时夏季东亚大陆低压比冷位相时弱, 而鄂霍次克海高压偏强, 西太平洋副热带高压位置偏南, 使夏季东亚副热带地区的西南风减弱, 梅雨锋加强, 导致雨带滞留在长江流域, 使长江流域降水增加、北方降水减少。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中科院大气物理研究所PIAP3大气环流模式,分析了印度洋偶极子对夏季中国南海西南季风水汽输送的影响。结果表明,印度洋偶极子正位相期间夏季中国南海西南水汽输送较强,负位相期间则较弱。原因可归结为以下:正位相期间,MJO(Madden-Julian Oscillation)多活动于热带西印度洋,其向东传播受到阻碍,但经向传播明显,通常可传播至孟加拉湾地区,同时PIAP3显示印度洋季风槽位置偏北,且印尼以西过赤道气流较强,从而使得这一地区气旋性环流得到建立与加强。孟加拉湾地区对应着较强的对流活动以及深厚积云对流加热,从而通过对流加热的二级热力响应使西太平洋副热带高压位置向北推进,进而使得南海地区西南季风水汽输送得到建立与加强。在此期间孟加拉湾、中南半岛至南海地区对流活动较强,而苏门答腊沿岸对流活动受到抑制,由此增强了Reverse-Hadley环流,使低层经向风较强,进而增强了南海西南季风的水汽输送,PIAP3大气环流模式证实了Reverse-Hadley环流的增强。负位相期间,MJO多活动于热带东印度洋,在东传过程中受到Walker环流配置影响,在140°E赤道附近形成东西向非对称积云对流加热热源,其东侧Kelvin波响应加强了东风异常并配合副热带高压南缘东风压制了中国南海的西南季风水汽输送。在此期间,MJO在南海地区的经向传播较强,但经向传播常止步于南海地区15°N附近,虽携带大量水汽,但深厚积云对流强烈地消耗水汽使大气中水汽含量降低,PIAP3大气环流模式证实负位相期间深厚积云对流对水汽消耗加大,从而使得负位相期间南海地区水汽含量与正位相期间大体相近,但由于经向风不足使水汽向北输送较弱。  相似文献   

不同年代际背景下南半球环流变化对中国夏季降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1951~2008年NCEP再分析资料和中国夏季降水观测资料,分析了南半球环流的年代际变化特征以及在不同年代际背景下南极涛动(AAO)对中国东部夏季降水的影响.结果表明,20世纪70年代末,南半球环流发生了年代际变化,东南太平洋和南大西洋副高减弱,而马斯克林高压(南印度洋副高)增强,绕南极低压带加深.在此背景下,AAO由负位相转变为正位相,对中国夏季降水的影响也随之发生改变.在春季AAO偏强的情况下,1976年之前,长江以南地区和华北地区降水偏多,江淮流域降水偏少;而在1976年之后,从华南沿海一直到江淮流域降水都偏多,华北到东北地区降水偏少.这说明AAO对中国夏季降水的影响与年代际背景有关,1976年之后,AAO对中国夏季降水的影响增强,影响范围更加偏北.在当前海温预报因子作用减弱的情况下,AAO有可能成为中国夏季降水预测的一个重要预报因子.  相似文献   

春季长江中下游旱涝的环流特征及对前期海温异常的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李超  张庆云 《气象学报》2013,71(3):452-461
春季长江中下游降水有显着的年际、年代际变化特征,进入21世纪以来长江中下游春季降水偏少现象频繁发生.根据中国国家气候中心160站月平均降水资料和美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)月平均再分析资料,重点探讨春季(3-5月)长江中下游地区降水异常的环流特征、可能成因、机理以及对外强迫的响应.春季长江中下游降水异常偏多(少)的环流主要特征是:高层200hPa风场上东亚副热带西风急流中心位置比气候态偏北(南);中层500hPa亚洲地区的阻塞高压主要发生在乌拉尔山(鄂霍次克海)附近、西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北(南);低层850hPa风场的东亚沿海地区为偏南(北)风距平,有利于(不利于)水汽向长江中下游地区输送.大气环流内部动力过程的分析指出:东亚地区上空Eliassen-Palm(EP)通量散度在40°N为正(负)异常、30°N为负(正)异常,有利于东亚高空西风急流中心位置偏北(南),从而导致春季长江中下游降水偏多(偏少).春季长江中下游降水异常偏多(少)年最显着的前期外强迫信号表现为赤道太平洋海温呈现厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)型.  相似文献   

欧亚大陆春季融雪与长江流域夏季降水的可能联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩冬  陈海山  许蓓  齐铎  吴波 《气象科学》2014,34(3):237-242
利用1979—2007年全球月平均的积雪水当量资料,定义了春季积雪水当量增量指数,该指数可以较为直观地反映春季融雪的情况。通过这一纽带,分析了欧亚大陆春季融雪与长江流域夏季降水之间的联系。研究表明:欧亚大陆春季融雪与中国长江流域夏季降水是负相关关系,这与高原积雪的影响是不一致的。春季融雪量的减少,使得欧亚大陆北部夏季剩余积雪偏多,夏季融雪增多。融雪的局地效应使得土壤湿度增加,加大了欧亚大陆南北热力差异。从而,夏季中纬度的纬向风切变增大,对流层上层的副热带西风急流增强,副热带高压增强西伸,但是北抬受到抑制。长江流域位于异常西南暖湿气流与冷空气的辐合带上,上升运动活跃,有利于降水偏多。  相似文献   

In spring over the southern Bay of Bengal (BOB), a vortex commonly develops, followed by the Asian summer monsoon onset. An analysis of relevant data and a case study reveals that the BOB monsoon onset vortex is formed as a consequence of air–sea interaction over BOB, which is modulated by Tibetan Plateau forcing and the land–sea thermal contrast over the South Asian area during the spring season. Tibetan Plateau forcing in spring generates a prevailing cold northwesterly over India in the lower troposphere. Strong surface sensible heating is then released, forming a prominent surface cyclone with a strong southwesterly along the coastal ocean in northwestern BOB. This southwesterly induces a local offshore current and upwelling, resulting in cold sea surface temperatures (SSTs). The southwesterly, together with the near-equatorial westerly, also results in a surface anticyclone with descending air over most of BOB and a cyclone with ascending air over the southern part of BOB. In the eastern part of central BOB, where sky is clear, surface wind is weak, and ocean mixed layer is shallow, intense solar radiation and low energy loss due to weak surface latent and sensible heat fluxes act onto a thin ocean layer, resulting in the development of a unique BOB warm pool in spring. Near the surface, water vapor is transferred from northern BOB and other regions to southeastern BOB, where surface sensible heating is relatively high. The atmospheric available potential energy is generated and converted to kinetic energy, thereby resulting in vortex formation. The vortex then intensifies and moves northward, where SST is higher and surface sensible heating is stronger. Meanwhile, the zonal-mean kinetic energy is converted to eddy kinetic energy in the area east of the vortex, and the vortex turns eastward. Eventually, southwesterly sweeps over eastern BOB and merges with the subtropical westerly, leading to the onset of the Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 and NCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,the distribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in this paper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asian region from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropical monsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and the recurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.The latter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South China Sea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northward shift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-flood rainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfall appeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China then formed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998 is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into South China Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 andNCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,thedistribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in thispaper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asianregion from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropicalmonsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and therecurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.Thelatter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South ChinaSea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northwardshift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-floodrainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfallappeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China thenformed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoononset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into SouthChina Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

使用国家气象信息中心整理的逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,创建了江南春雨建立时间指数和南海副热带高压(副高)减弱时间指数,研究了江南春雨各要素的相互关系及其与东亚夏季风环流和降水的关系.分析表明,当江南春雨建立较晚时,夏季江南地区的降水也较少,这是由于东亚夏季风加强,高原近侧气旋性环流加强,使江南地区出现异常反气旋性环流(气旋性辐合环流减弱)所致;当南海副高减弱较晚时,长江中下游至江南地区降水偏多,易发洪涝,这主要是由于东亚夏季风减弱,南海副高偏强,华南的异常西南风与围绕高原的异常反气旋环流的偏北风在长江中下游流域形成异常气旋性环流所致.江南春雨的建立时间和南海副高减弱时间之间又具有线性无关性,可以为东亚夏季风环流和降水异常的预报提供重要线索.两指数与3月ENSO综合指数MEI关系密切,表明东亚的气候异常与ENSO 全球气候异常紧密联系,因此在分析预测东亚气候异常时必须同时关注全球气候异常背景.  相似文献   

再论夏季西太平洋副热带高压的西伸北跳   总被引:68,自引:4,他引:68       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 选择了1998年、2003年和2005年夏季我国东部雨带位置变化过程进行诊断分析。研究表明:夏季我国东部暴雨带位置的变动, 受西太平洋副热带高压西伸北跳 (南撤东退) 的调节。当副热带高压西伸北跳 (南撤东退) 时, 暴雨带向北 (向南) 移动。在副热带高压西伸北跳持续时期, 长江流域中下游地区出现高温酷暑天气。副热带高压西伸北跳是由于欧亚大陆上空存在静止Rossby波列, 波的能量沿着高空副热带急流向东传播到我国沿海海岸 (115°~130°E) 时, 在该地区激发出一个长波脊。这个长波脊的建立, 使得副热带高压和对流层上部的青藏高压都朝长波脊方向伸展, 表现为“相向”而行。而当在沿海海岸上空激发出一个长波槽时, 副热带高压南撤东退而青藏高压退回到高原上空。当夏季沿海海岸上空的长波脊持续维持时, 长江中下游会出现持久的高温酷暑天气。根据夏季天气预报的经验, 欧洲中期数值预报中心发布的预报对副热带高压的西伸北跳有较好的可预报性。  相似文献   

The onset process of the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEIO) summer monsoon (TEIOSM) and its relationship with the cross-equatorial flows are investigated via climatological analysis. Climatologically, results indicate that the earliest onset process of the Asian summer monsoon occurs over the TEIO at pentad 22 (April 15–20). Unlike the abrupt onset of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon, the TEIOSM onset process displays a stepwise advance. Moreover, a close relationship between the TEIOSM development and the northward push of the cross-equatorial flows over 80–90E is revealed. A difference vorticity center, together with the counterpart over the southern Indian Ocean, constitutes a pair of difference cyclonic vortices, which strengthens the southwesterly wind over the TEIO and the northerly wind to the west of the Indian Peninsula from the end of March to late May. Therefore, the occurrence of the southwesterly wind over the TEIO is earlier than its counterpart over the tropical western Indian Ocean, and the cross-equatorial flows emerge firstly over the TEIO rather than over the Somali area. The former increases in intensity during its northward propagation, which provides a precondition for the TEIOSM onset and its northward advance.  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and Chinese observational data during 1961–2013, atmospheric circulation patterns over East Asia in summer and their connection with precipitation and surface air temperature in eastern China as well as associated external forcing are investigated. Three patterns of the atmospheric circulation are identified, all with quasi-barotropic structures: (1) the East Asia/Pacific (EAP) pattern, (2) the Baikal Lake/Okhotsk Sea (BLOS) pattern, and (3) the eastern China/northern Okhotsk Sea (ECNOS) pattern. The positive EAP pattern significantly increases precipitation over the Yangtze River valley and favors cooling north of the Yangtze River and warming south of the Yangtze River in summer. The warm sea surface temperature anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean suppress convection over the northwestern subtropical Pacific through the Ekman divergence induced by a Kelvin wave and excite the EAP pattern. The positive BLOS pattern is associated with below-average precipitation south of the Yangtze River and robust cooling over northeastern China. This pattern is triggered by anomalous spring sea ice concentration in the northern Barents Sea. The anomalous sea ice concentration contributes to a Rossby wave activity flux originating from the Greenland Sea, which propagates eastward to North Pacific. The positive ECNOS pattern leads to below-average precipitation and significant warming over northeastern China in summer. The reduced soil moisture associated with the earlier spring snowmelt enhances surface warming over Mongolia and northeastern China and the later spring snowmelt leads to surface cooling over Far East in summer, both of which are responsible for the formation of the ECNOS pattern.  相似文献   

夏季副热带行星波动振幅变化与我国极端降水的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
围绕夏季副热带行星波动的振幅异常,分析其与我国极端降水的关系,并探讨可能的影响机制。结果表明,北半球夏季行星波振幅强、弱年的差异主要表现在北太平洋副高和北大西洋副高的增强,并伴随着欧亚大陆的低压加深,即表现为海陆热力差异的增加和东亚夏季风环流的加强。在振幅强年,极端降水强度在我国北部明显加强,极端降水雨带异常偏北,而我国长江中下游流域极端降水则减弱,弱年则相反。伴随着增强的季风环流,在振幅强年水汽输送到达我国北部明显增强。同时,在大气低层我国绝大部分地区对流不稳定加剧;而在对流层中高层,我国北方地区斜压不稳定加剧,这都有利于振幅强年我国偏北部地区的极端降水偏强   相似文献   

为了做好连续回流暴雨的中期与延伸期预报,采用小波分析、Lanczos时间滤波器等方法研究了2019年广东前汛期降水与大气季节内振荡的关系,分析了4~5月发生在西南部的两次连续回流暴雨的平均环流场及其低频传播特征的差异,并与6月广东北部锋面型连续暴雨进行对比分析.结果 表明,4~5月两次以阳江为中心的西南部连续暴雨及前汛...  相似文献   

东亚地区夏季风爆发过程   总被引:67,自引:5,他引:67  
利用中国194站1961~1995年日降水资料及NCEP1979~1997年候格点降水资料,探讨了亚洲地区自春到夏的雨季开始分布。结果表明,东亚地区自春到夏存在副热带季风雨季开始和热带季风雨季开始。前者于4月初开始于华南北部和江南地区,随后向南和向西南扩展,于4月末扩展到华南沿海和中南半岛,这个雨带主要是冷空气和副热带高压西侧转向的SW风以及南亚地区冬春副热带南支西风槽中西风汇合而形成的,是副热带季风雨季开始。后者是南海热带季风爆发后使原来由江南移到华南沿岸的副热带季风雨带随副热带高压北进而北进,前汛期雨季进入盛期,江南出现第二次雨峰,形成梅雨期和江淮及华北雨季。同时,热带季风雨带也自东向西传播到达南亚地区而形成热带季风雨季。还讨论了1998年东亚地区夏季风爆发过程,指出南海夏季风爆发期的季风由副高北侧形成的新生气旋进入南海造成南海中部西风和南海越赤道气流转向的SW季风加强汇合而形成,因而是东亚季风系统中环流系统季节变化造成的,和印度季风无关。在南海季风爆发期阿拉伯海仍由副热带反气旋控制,南亚仍是上述副热带反气旋北侧NW风南下后转向的偏西副热带气流所控制,索马里低空急流仍未爆发,赤道西风并未影响南海。  相似文献   

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