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上海深厚饱和覆盖土层的动力耦合地震反应分析 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
上海的第四纪沉积土层呈水平层状分布,市区的土层厚度约为270-290m,年平均地下水位0.5-0.7m。上海地区上覆深厚、饱和的沉积土层,对土层的地震反应特性具有重要的影响。基于动力耦合理论,将上海深厚饱和覆盖土层视为由固相和液相组成的两相饱和多孔介质,建立了能够反映上海土层深厚、饱和特点的地震反应计算模型。然后应用该模型,以El Centro,Taft,苏南和唐山地震波作为基岩输入加速度,对深度280m的上海深厚覆盖土层进行了动力耦合地震反应计算,并对加速度、振动孔隙水压力和地基震陷结果进行了分析。 相似文献
In this paper the results of 2D FE analyses of the seismic ground response of a clayey deposit, performed adopting linear visco-elastic and visco-elasto-plastic constitutive models, are presented. The viscous and linear elastic parameters are selected according to a novel calibration strategy, leading to FE results comparable to those obtained by 1D equivalent-linear visco-elastic frequency-domain analyses. The influence of plasticity on the numerical results is also investigated, with particular reference to the relation between the hysteretic and viscous damping effects. Finally, different boundary conditions, spatial discretisation and time integration parameters are considered and their role on the FE results discussed. 相似文献
Numerical simulation of mitigation for liquefaction-induced soil deformations in a sandy ground improved by cement grouting 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper presents a numerical study of mitigation for liquefaction during earthquake loading. Analyses are carried out using
an effective stress based, fully coupled, hybrid, finite element-finite differences approach. The sandy soil behavior is described
by means of a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model, which was developed within the framework of a nonlinear kinematic hardening
rule. In theory, the philosophies of mitigation for liquefaction can be summarized as two main concepts, i.e. prevention of
excess pore water pressure generation and reduction of liquefaction-induced deformations. This paper is primarily concerned
with the latter approach to liquefaction mitigation. Firstly, the numerical method and the analytical procedure are briefly
outlined. Subsequently, a case-history study, which includes a liquefaction mitigation technique of cement grouting for ground
improvement of a sluice gate, is conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of liquefaction countermeasures. Special emphasis
is given to the computed results of excess pore water pressures, displacements, and accelerations during the seismic excitation.
Generally, the distinctive patterns of seismic response are accurately reproduced by the numerical simulation. The proposed
numerical method is thus considered to capture the fundamental aspects of the problems investigated, and yields results for
design purposes. From the results in the case, excess pore water pressures eventually reach fully liquefied state under the
input earthquake loading and this cannot be prevented. However, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of the foundation soils
can be effectively reduced by the liquefaction mitigation techniques.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
根据上海地区典型土层的力学特性,拟合得到简化亚塑性边界面模型的动力计算参数,同时考虑流、固耦合以及地震多向作用的耦合,以San Fernando1971年地震记录的加速度时程曲线为输入地震波,对上海280 m深典型地层的地震反应进行了分析,得到了有意义的结果。 相似文献
An efficient analytical approach using the finite element (FE) method, is proposed to calculate the bending moment and deflection response of a single pile under the combined influence of lateral and axial compressive loading during an earthquake, in both saturated and dry homogenous soil, and in a typical layered soil. Applying a pseudo-static method, seismic loads are calculated using the maximum horizontal acceleration (MHA) obtained from a seismic ground response analysis and a lateral load coefficient (a) for both liquefying and non-liquefying soils. It is observed that for a pile having l/d ratio 40 and embedded in dry dense sand, the normalized moment and displacement increase when the input motion becomes more severe, as expected. Further increasing of a from 0.1 to 0.3 leads to increase in the normalized moment and displacement from 0.033 to 0.042, and 0.009 to 0.035, respectively. The validity of the proposed FE based solution for estimating seismic response of pile is also assessed through dynamic centrifuge test results. 相似文献
A pragmatic strain-softening constitutive model, which is based on Modified Cam Clay, was applied to the simulation of the progressive failure of an embankment constructed on a deposit of sensitive (strain-softening) clay in Saga, Japan. A comparison of the predictions for this case indicates that if softening is ignored, only relatively small deflections and consolidation settlements are predicted, especially after construction. In contrast, for the case where softening is included in the analysis, progressive failure within the clay induces large shear deformations and finally failure of the embankment is predicted. This comparison suggests that softening-induced progressive failure should be considered in the design of embankments on such soils, and the residual strength of the deposit may have an important influence on the overall factor of safety of the construction. Detailed analyses of predicted excess pore water pressures, shear strains and shear stress levels in the ground indicate that considering the strain-softening process: (a) is associated with the buildup of excess pore water pressure; (b) promotes strain localization; and (c) results generally in a larger zone of soil involved in the failure. 相似文献
针对深埋地下结构的荷载环境特点,提出了深埋地下结构静动力耦合计算过程中边界条件的合理设置方法。该方法通过构建边界上的力系来平衡计算区域的初始地应力,然后将该力系设置成阶跃函数形式的动荷载作用于边界,并与后续的动荷载共同作用。研究表明,一次完整的地下结构静动力耦合分析过程,边界条件必须经过变换设置才能得到合理的计算结果。另外,只要计算软件具有黏性边界条件设置功能就能准确地完成地下结构静动力耦合响应分析。算例分析显示,该边界条件设置方法精度和效率高,简单适用。 相似文献
《Geomechanics and Geoengineering》2013,8(4):275-289
Failure of retaining walls during earthquakes has occurred many times in the past. Although significant progress has been made in analysing the seismic response of rigid gravity type retaining walls, considerable difficulties still exist in the seismic-resistant design of the flexible cantilever type of retaining walls because of the complex nature of the dynamic soil–structure interaction. In this paper the seismic response of cantilever retaining walls with dry backfill is simulated using centrifuge modelling and numerical modelling. It is found that bending moments on the wall increased significantly during an earthquake. After the end of base shaking, the residual moment on the wall was significantly higher than the moment under static loading. The numerical simulation is able to model quite accurately the main characteristics of acceleration, bending moment, and displacement recorded in the centrifuge test. 相似文献
The basic equations for fluid-saturated porous media proposed by Biot are modified by replacing the classical linear elastic model of the solid skeleton with the Kelvin–Voigt model. Thus, the new theory can take into account the viscoelastic effect of the solid skeleton. After the establishment of appropriate boundary and initial conditions, a time-domain series solution for the transient response of a fluid-saturated single-layer poroviscoelastic medium is obtained by using the finite Fourier transform and the corresponding analytical inverse transform. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the validity of the exact solution and to investigate the influence of the viscosity coefficient, permeability coefficient, and load frequency on the transient response of a fluid-saturated single-layer poroviscoelastic medium. 相似文献
基于Biot动力固结方程,应用Novak薄层方法研究了饱和土中单桩在水平冲击荷载作用下的动力响应问题。首先引入势函数对方程解耦,再通过算子分解和分离变量法,结合初始边界条件,并联立桩基振动微分方程,推导了Laplace变换域内桩身位移函数及内力表达式。采用Laplace逆变换的优化模型求得了时域内瞬态响应的封闭解。将该解退化到单相介质条件下的桩顶位移-时间曲线与已有的边界元方法的结果基本吻合,验证了解答的正确性。参数分析结果表明:桩-土模量比、长径比、渗透系数对桩身位移均影响显著,而同条件下长径比超过一特定值后则影响较小,且桩土模量比是影响桩身弯矩大小及其分布的重要参数。 相似文献
In this paper, a probabilistic study of a one-dimensional soil consolidation problem has been carried out. The Collocation-based Stochastic Response Surface Method (CSRSM) was employed for the probabilistic analysis. The Young modulus E, the Poisson ratio ν, the hydraulic conductivity k h and the uniform surcharge loading q applied at the ground surface were considered as random variables. The probabilistic system responses considered in the analysis were the surface settlement and the consolidation time. Numerical simulations that make use of Biot theory were used for the computation of these system responses. A global sensitivity analysis based on Sobol indices was performed to identify the random variables that have the most contribution in the variability of the system responses. Also, a parametric study was undertaken to investigate the effect of the input geotechnical parameters and the statistical parameters of the random variables on the probability distribution functions of the system responses. 相似文献
Dynamic response and pore pressure model of the saturated soft clay around the tunnel under vibration loading of Shanghai subway 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper studies the saturated soft clay around the tunnel between Jingansi Station and Jiangsu Station of Shanghai subway line No.2. The continuous dynamic monitoring is conducted by means of embedded earth pressure piezometers and pore piezometers around the tunnel. The response frequency and stress amplitude of the saturated soft clay are studied with the distance from the tunnel due to the subway vibration loading. A formula is proposed for the attenuation of the dynamic pressure response in the soil. Then, based on the continuous field monitored data, and using the laboratory GDS (Global Digital System) test apparatus, the developing law of the pore water pressure of the saturated soft clay around tunnel is explored with the distance. By the GDS test, the model of the increasing pore water pressure of the saturated soft clay is put forward under the vibration loading. It is also amended by field monitored data. Finally the model is obtained. The result offers a valuable reference to the design, construction and the safe operation of the subway tunnel. 相似文献
B. A. Cheeseman S. Wolf C. F. Yen R. Skaggs 《Fragblast: International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation》2006,10(1):1-8
Shallow buried explosives pose a significant threat to lightweight vehicles and their onboard personnel. To date, designers of lightweight vehicles are limited in their knowledge of what occurs during the blast. The high intensity, short term loading imparted by the explosion is enormously complex and can be significantly affected by a number of parameters including the size, shape, type, detonation point and depth of burial (DOB) of the explosive and the type, density and water content of the soil. Recent advancements in numerical simulations have enabled the complex blast event to be accurately modelled by coupling Eulerian and Lagrangian analyses: the former is well suited to modelling the blast and while the latter, the structural response. Further validation of the modelling technique is considered in the current paper, which details simulations performed utilising the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis to study the blast output of explosives buried in saturated sand. These experiments varied explosive charge size, its depth of burial, the target stand-off (SO) distance and the dimensions of the target plate. The investigation concludes with a discussion of the accuracy of the numerical simulations when compared with the experimental observations. 相似文献
不同埋置深度的山岭隧道地震响应分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据大量震害资料的调查分析发现,地下结构埋置深度对其地震破坏程度影响很大。通过有限元方法计算8种不同埋置深度条件下的山岭隧道地震响应,并对计算模型的地震输入方法进行了验证,证明地震波输入处理方式的合理性。讨论埋深对结构动力响应的影响,提取衬砌关键节点的竖直向和水平向加速度、位移峰值,分析随着埋深的增大,加速度和位移峰值的变化情况,并以拱顶为例,计算每个埋深变化段的加速度和位移峰值变化率,得到了一定的规律性,如埋置深度从5 m增大到50 m,衬砌结构动力响应峰值大小下降较快。此外,还分析了埋深增大对衬砌结构内力峰值的影响。最后,提出在高烈度地震区修建隧道时其埋置深度尽可能不小于50 m,这为相关工程的修建提供了参考依据。 相似文献