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Subaqueous sand dunes are common bedforms on continental shelves dominated by tidal and geostrophic currents. However, much less is known about sand dunes in deep‐marine settings that are affected by strong bottom currents. In this study, dune fields were identified on drowned isolated carbonate platforms in the Mozambique Channel (south‐west Indian Ocean). The acquired data include multibeam bathymetry, multi‐channel high‐resolution seismic reflection data, sea floor imagery, a sediment sample and current measurements from a moored current meter and hull‐mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler. The dunes are located at water depths ranging from 200 to 600 m on the slope terraces of a modern atoll (Bassas da India Atoll) and within small depressions formed during tectonic deformation of drowned carbonate platforms (Sakalaves Seamount and Jaguar Bank). Dunes are composed of bioclastic medium size sand, and are large to very large, with wavelengths of 40 to 350 m and heights of 0·9 to 9·0 m. Dune migration seems to be unidirectional in each dune field, suggesting a continuous import and export of bioclastic sand, with little sand being recycled. Oceanic currents are very intense in the Mozambique Channel and may be able to erode submerged carbonates, generating carbonate sand at great depths. A mooring located at 463 m water depth on the Hall Bank (30 km west of the Jaguar Bank) showed vigorous bottom currents, with mean speeds of 14 cm sec?1 and maximum speeds of 57 cm sec?1, compatible with sand dune formation. The intensity of currents is highly variable and is related to tidal processes (high‐frequency variability) and to anticyclonic eddies near the seamounts (low‐frequency variability). This study contributes to a better understanding of the formation of dunes in deep‐marine settings and provides valuable information about carbonate preservation after drowning, and the impact of bottom currents on sediment distribution and sea floor morphology.  相似文献   

Cross-bedded, cool-water, bioclastic limestones of the Te Kuiti Group on the North Island of New Zealand are composed primarily of bryozoans, echinoderms, and benthic foraminifers. Their prominent, large-scale, unidirectional cross-stratification is interpreted as produced by migrating subaqueous dunes on the floor of a 50–100 km wide, north-east-trending seaway in water depths of 40–60 m. These dunes are thought to have developed in response to strong, seaway-parallel, tidal currents combined with a north-east-directed, set-up or oceanic current. Cross-stratification is organized into four hierarchical levels: (1) cross-lamination; (2) first-order sets; (3) second-order sets; and (4) cross-stratified successions. The levels are based on increasing degrees of internal complexity. Distinct attributes such as internal organization, cross-set thickness, foreset shape, and lower bounding-surface shape are used to describe and interpret the cross-stratification. All these attributes are here integrated in a new and expanded classification of unidirectional cross-stratification that emphasizes flow and bedform dynamics rather than overall set shape. Individual cross-stratified successions are interpreted to have formed by dunes with varying sinuosity, superposition, and flow history, under conditions of different current strength but constant sediment production. Horizontally bedded successions are the result of robust, active dune fields that grew during times of vigorous sediment transport. Formset successions were produced from large compound dunes and are the expression of languid and decaying dune fields that developed during times of decreasing sediment transport. These decaying dunes were gradually smothered by continuously and locally produced bioclastic sediment. Formset cross-stratified successions are most likely to develop in carbonates, where the sediment is produced in place, than in terrigenous clastics where the sediment is imported.  相似文献   

The continental shelf of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, is an open shelf area located 5°S and 35°W. It is influenced by strong oceanic and wind-driven currents, fair weather, 1·5-m-high waves and a mesotidal regime. This work focuses on the character and the controls on the development of suites of carbonate and siliciclastic bedforms, based on Landsat TM image analysis and extensive ground-truth (diving) investigations. Large-scale bedforms consist of: (i) bioclastic (mainly coralline algae and Halimeda) sand ribbons (5–10 km long, 50–600 m wide) parallel to the shoreline; and (ii) very large transverse siliciclastic dunes (3·4 km long on average, 840 m spacing and 3–8 m high), with troughs that grade rapidly into carbonate sands and gravels. Wave ripples are superposed on all large-scale bedforms, and indicate an onshore shelf sediment transport normal to the main sediment transport direction. The occurrence of these large-scale bedforms is primarily determined by the north-westerly flowing residual oceanic and tidal currents, resulting mainly in coast-parallel transport. Models of shelf bedform formation predict sand ribbons to occur in higher energy settings rather than in large dunes. However, in the study area, sand ribbons occur in an area of coarse, low-density and easily transportable bioclastic sands and gravels compared with the very large transverse dunes in an offshore area that is composed of denser medium-grained siliciclastic sands. It suggests that the availability of different sediment types is likely to exert an influence on the nature of the bedforms generated. The offshore sand supply is time limited and originates from sea floor erosion of sandstones of former sea-level lowstands. The trough areas of both sand ribbons and very large transverse dunes comprise coarse calcareous algal gravels that support benthic communities of variable maturity. Diverse mature communities result in sediment stabilization through branching algal growth and binding that is thought to modify the morphology of dunes and sand ribbons. The occurrence and the nature of the bedforms is controlled by their hydrodynamic setting, by grain composition that reflects the geological history of the area and by the carbonate-producing benthic marine communities that inhabit the trough areas.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune fields characterized by partly vegetated bedforms undergoing active construction and with interdune depressions that lie at or close to the water table are widespread on Skei?arársandur, Southern Iceland. The largest aeolian dune complex on the sandur covers an area of 80 km2 and is characterized by four distinct landform types: (i) spatially isolated aeolian dunes; (ii) extensive areas of damp and wet (flooded) interdune flat with small fluvial channels; (iii) small aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of bedforms with simple morphologies and small, predominantly damp, interdune corridors; and (iv) larger aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of complex bedforms floored by older aeolian dune deposits that are themselves raised above the level of the surrounding wet sandur plain. The morphology of each of these landform areas reflects a range of styles of interaction between aeolian dune, interdune and fluvial processes that operate coevally on the sandur surface. The geometry, scale, orientation and facies composition of sets of strata in the cores of the aeolian dunes, and their relationship to adjoining interdune strata, have been analysed to explain the temporal behaviour of the dunes in terms of their mode of initiation, construction, pattern of migration, style of accumulation and nature of preservation. Seasonal and longer‐term flooding‐induced changes in water table level have caused episodic expansion and contraction of the wet interdune ponds. Most of the dunes are currently undergoing active construction and migration and, although sediment availability is limited because of the high water table, substantial aeolian transport must occur, especially during winter months when the surface of the wet interdune ponds is frozen and sand can be blown across the sandur without being trapped by surface moisture. Bedforms within the larger dune fields have grown to a size whereby formerly damp interdune flats have been reduced to dry enclosed depressions and dry aeolian system accumulation via bedform climb is ongoing. Despite regional uplift of the proximal sandur surface in response to glacial retreat and unloading over the past century, sediment compaction‐induced subsidence of the distal sandur is progressively placing aeolian deposits below the water table and is enabling the accumulation of wet aeolian systems and increasing the likelihood of their long‐term preservation. Wet, dry and stabilizing aeolian system types all co‐exist on Skei?arársandur and the dunes are variously undergoing coeval construction, accumulation, bypass, stabilization and destruction as a result of interactions between localized factors.  相似文献   

Preliminary results are reported from an experimental study of the interaction between turbulence, sediment transport and bedform dynamics over the transition from dunes to upper stage plane beds. Over the transition, typical dunes changed to humpback dunes (mean velocity 0–8 ms-1, depth 01 m, mean grain size 0.3 mm) to nominally plane beds with low relief bed waves up to a few mm high. All bedforms had a mean length of 0.7–0.8 m. Hot film anemometry and flow visualization clearly show that horizontal and vertical turbulent motions in dune troughs decrease progressively through the transition while horizontal turbulence intensities increase near the bed on dune backs through to a plane bed. Average bedload and suspended load concentrations increase progressively over the transition, and the near-bed transport rate immediately downstream of flow reattachment increases markedly relative to that near dune crests. This relative increase in sediment transport near reattachment appears to be due to suppression of upward directed turbulence by increased sediment concentration, such that velocity close to the bed can increase more quickly downstream of reattachment. Low-relief bedwaves on upper-stage plane beds are ubiquitous and give rise to laterally extensive, mm-thick planar laminae; however, within such laminae are laminae of more limited lateral extent and thickness, related to the turbulent bursting process over the downstream depositional surface of the bedwaves.  相似文献   

The dynamics of large isolated sand dunes moving across a gravel lag layer were studied in a supply‐limited reach of the River Rhine, Germany. Bed sediments, dune geometry, bedform migration rates and the internal structure of dunes are considered in this paper. Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data are considered in a companion paper. The pebbles and cobbles (D50 of 10 mm) of the flat lag layer are rarely entrained. Dunes consist of well‐sorted medium to coarse sand (D50 of 0·9 mm). Small pebbles move over the dunes by ‘overpassing’, but there is a degree of size and shape selectivity. Populations of ripples in sand (D50 < 0·6 mm), and small and large dunes are separated by distinct breaks in the bedform length data in the regions of 0·7–1 m and 5–10 m. Ripples and small dunes may have sinuous crestlines but primarily exhibit two‐dimensional planforms. In contrast, large dunes are primarily three‐dimensional barchanoid forms. Ripples on the backs of small dunes rarely develop to maximum steepness. Small dunes may achieve an equilibrium geometry, either on the gravel bed or as secondary dunes within the boundary layer on the stoss side of large dunes. Secondary dunes frequently develop a humpback profile as they migrate across the upper stoss slope of large dunes, diminishing in height but increasing in length as they traverse the crestal region. However, secondary dunes more than 5 m in length are rare. The dearth of equilibrium ripples and long secondary dunes is probably related to the limited excursion length available for bedform development on the parent bedforms. Large dunes with lengths between 20 m and 100 m do not approach an equilibrium geometry. A depth limitation rather than a sediment supply limitation is the primary control on dune height; dunes rarely exceed 1 m high in water depths of ≈4 m. Dune celerity increases as a function of the mean flow velocity squared, but this general relationship obscures more subtle morphodynamics. During rising river stage, dunes tend to grow in height owing to crestal accumulation, which slows downstream progression and steepens the dune form. During steady or falling stage, an extended crestal platform develops in association with a rapid downstream migration of the lee side and a reduction in dune height. These diminishing dunes actually increase in unit volume by a process of increased leeside accumulation fed by secondary dunes moving past a stalled stoss toe. A six‐stage model of dune growth and diminution is proposed to explain variations in observed morphology. The model demonstrates how the development of an internal boundary layer and the interaction of the water surface with the crests of these bedload‐dominated dunes can result in dunes characterized by gentle lee sides with weak flow separation. This finding is significant, as other studies of dunes in large rivers have attributed this morphological response to a predominance of suspended load transport.  相似文献   

Wind sedimentation in the Jafurah sand sea, Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Jafurah sand sea of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia extends along the Arabian Gulf coastline from Kuwait in the north to the Rub Al Khali in the south, a distance of about 800 km. Sand drifts southward to south-eastward from regions of high wind energy in the north to low wind energy in the south. The aeolian landscape is zoned, with areas of deflation, transport and deposition from north to south. Drift rates in the zone of transport, near Abqaiq, range from 2 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 on sabkhas, to 29 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 on the crests of dunes. Average drift rates of approximately 18 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 observed during the study can cause about 1 m of accumulation per 5500 yr in a 100 km zone of deposition downwind, not including the bulk transport represented by the forward advance of dunes. Dune advance ranged from 23 m (2.9 m high dune) to 3 m (23 m high dune) during April-October 1980. The study area consists of dune, interdune, sand sheet and siliciclastic sabkha terrains, each of which is characterized by differing drift rates, and differing rates of erosion or deposition. Sedimentation occurs by lateral movement of dunes and interdunes, and vertical accretion by sand sheets and sabkhas.  相似文献   

Relations between wind speed, sediment flux and dune morphology were measured for two reversing dunes situated in the south-western part of the Silver Peak dunefield in Clayton Valley, west-central Nevada. The larger dune was 120 m in length with a height of 12.5 m and the smaller dune 80 m long and 6 m high. Both dunes were sharp crested, aligned approximately E-W perpendicular to the dominant wind direction, and had slightly concave stoss profiles. Twenty-seven rotating cup anemometers were placed (0.3 m elevation) along N-S transects on each of the dunes. At each anemometer site a passive wedge-shaped sediment trap was used to measure sediment flux. Amplification of wind speed was observed towards the crest on the stoss side of both dunes with speed-up factors (ucrest/Ubase) ranging from 1·50–3·19, with a corresponding increase in sediment flux by 1–2 orders of magnitude. In general, the ratio of crest flux to base flux (qc/qt,) increased with increasing incident basal wind speed on both dunes. Direct measurements of the stoss slope variation in sediment flux relative to the dune crest are in good agreement with Owen's transport model. Friction speed (u) was approximated from near surface (0·3 m) point wind speed. Although not all assumptions of the Owen model are upheld, the modified model performance is sufficiently robust to predict short-term variation in stoss sediment flux on the study dunes. Improved models that adequately account for variation in sediment flux under changing air flow and transport conditions are necessary for the prediction of longterm evolution of dunes. In this regard, further progress in model development will require increased understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of airflow and the short term response of sediment flux to these flow conditions.  相似文献   

Large symmetric and asymmetric dunes occur in the Fraser River, Canada. Symmetric dunes have stoss and lee sides of similar length, stoss and lee slope angles <8°, and rounded crests. Asymmetric dunes have superimposed small dunes on stoss sides, sharp crests, stoss sides longer than lee sides, stoss side slopes <3° and straight lee side slopes up to 19°. There is no evidence for lee side flow separation, although intermittent separated flow is possible, especially over asymmetric dunes. Dune symmetry and crest rounding of symmetric dunes are associated with high sediment transport rates. High near-bed velocity and bed load transport near dune crests result in crest rounding. Long, low-angle lee sides are produced by deposition of suspended sediment in dune troughs. Asymmetric dunes appear to be transitional features between large symmetric dunes and smaller dunes adjusted to lower flow velocity and sediment transport conditions. Small dunes on stoss sides reduce near-bed flow velocity and bed load transport, causing a sharper dune crest. Reduced deposition of suspended sediment in troughs results in a short, steep lee slope. Dunes in the Fraser River fall into upper plane bed or antidune stability fields on flume-based bedform phase diagrams. These diagrams are probably not applicable to large dunes in deep natural flows and care must be taken in modelling procedures that use phase diagram relations to predict bed configuration in such flows.  相似文献   

The links between large‐scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resistance, sediment transport and bedform morphology. In this study of turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná, Argentina, time series of three‐dimensional velocity, and at‐a‐point suspended sediment concentration and particle‐size, were measured with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and laser in situ scattering transmissometer, respectively. These time series were decomposed using wavelet analysis to investigate the scales of covariation of flow velocity and suspended sediment. The analysis reveals an inverse relationship between streamwise and vertical velocities over the dune crest, where streamwise flow deceleration is linked to the vertical flux of fluid towards the water surface in the form of large turbulent fluid ejections. Regions of high suspended sediment concentration are found to correlate well with such events. The frequencies of these turbulent events have been assessed from wavelet analysis and found to concentrate in two zones that closely match predictions from empirical equations. Such a finding suggests that a combination and interaction of vortex shedding and wake flapping/changing length of the lee‐side separation zone are the principal contributors to the turbulent flow field associated with such large alluvial sand dunes. Wavelet analysis provides insight upon the temporal and spatial evolution of these coherent flow structures, including information on the topology of dune‐related turbulent flow structures. At the flow stage investigated, the turbulent flow events, and their associated high suspended sediment concentrations, are seen to grow with height above the bed until a threshold height (ca 0·45 flow depth) is reached, above which they begin to decay and dissipate.  相似文献   

Current understanding of bedform dynamics is largely based on field and laboratory observations of bedforms in steady flow environments. There are relatively few investigations of bedforms in flows dominated by unsteadiness associated with rapidly changing flows or tides. As a consequence, the ability to predict bedform response to variable flow is rudimentary. Using high‐resolution multibeam bathymetric data, this study explores the dynamics of a dune field developed by tidally modulated, fluvially dominated flow in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada. The dunes were dominantly low lee angle features characteristic of large, deep river channels. Data were collected over a field ca 1·0 km long and 0·5 km wide through a complete diurnal tidal cycle during the rising limb of the hydrograph immediately prior to peak freshet, yielding the most comprehensive characterization of low‐angle dunes ever reported. The data show that bedform height and lee angle slope respond to variable flow by declining as the tide ebbs, then increasing as the tide rises and the flow velocities decrease. Bedform lengths do not appear to respond to the changes in velocity caused by the tides. Changes in the bedform height and lee angle have a counterclockwise hysteresis with mean flow velocity, indicating that changes in the bedform geometry lag changes in the flow. The data reveal that lee angle slope responds directly to suspended sediment concentration, supporting previous speculation that low‐angle dune morphology is maintained by erosion of the dune stoss and crest at high flow, and deposition of that material in the dune trough.  相似文献   

A second‐generation, source‐to‐sink cellular automaton‐based model presented here captures and quantifies many of the factors controlling the evolution of aeolian dune‐field patterns by varying only a small number of parameters. The role of sediment supply, sediment availability and transport capacity (together defined as sediment state) in the development and evolution of an aeolian dune‐field pattern over long time scales is quantified from model simulations. Seven dune‐field patterns can be classified from simulation results varying the sediment supply and transport capacity that control the type and frequency of dune interactions, the sediment availability of the system and, ultimately, the development of dune‐field patterns. This model allows predictions to be made about the range of sediment supply and wind strengths required to produce the dune‐field patterns seen in the real world. A new clustered dune‐field pattern is identified from model results and used to propose an alternative mechanism for the formation of superimposed dunes. Bedforms are hypothesized to cluster together, simultaneously forming two spatial scales of bedforms without first developing a large basal dune with small superimposed dunes. Manipulation of boundary conditions produces evolving dune fields with different spatial configurations of sediment supply. Trends of spacing and crest length increase with decreasing variability as the dune field matures. This simple model is a valuable tool which can be used to elucidate the dominant control of aeolian sediment state on the construction and evolution of aeolian dune‐field patterns.  相似文献   

A range of large-scale dunes of oolitic calcarenite composition are exposed in the Corinth Basin of central Greece. These transverse dunes and a very large linear dune (> 15 m high) lie within an Upper Pleistocene, transgressive marine sequence. Tidal flow, accelerated by constriction through a narrow, fault-bounded seaway, is interpreted to have generated the current velocities necessary to produce the dunes. Marine facies in the Upper Pleistocene sequence include beach to offshore conglomerates and sandstones with wave-modified sedimentary structures and herringbone cross-stratification. An offshore facies association comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with a varied marine fauna that includes thermophile species such as scleractinian corals and Strombus bubonius. Oolitic sandstone facies also occur. Oolitic sands were apparently produced in shoal environments subject to tidal (and wave) action, and transported by dominant southerly currents over the southern part of the basin. Oolites accumulated in a linear dune 2.7 km long and 15–20 m high and in three-dimensional transverse dunes up to 10 m high having a variety of compound and simple internal geometries. The isolated, WSW-ENE-trending linear form exhibits angle of repose sedimentary dips (up to 35°) of avalanche sets on its SE flank and sets typically with dips of 15–20° to the NW. Internal high-angle discontinuities are developed in the SE-dipping lee face. It is proposed that a dominant north-to-south flow crossed over the crest obliquely, resulting in both net erosional and depositional processes on the lee flank. A subordinate (?tidal) current may have locally and or periodically crossed the dune crest in a westwards direction. A string of transverse dunes, which were located adjacent to a fault/marine terrace scarp, is interpreted to have originally coalesced to form the linear dune. The distribution of transverse and linear dunes together with the palaeogeographical reconstruction suggest that a marine connection periodically existed across the Corinth Isthmus during the Late Pleistocene due to a combination of active faulting and glacio-eustatic highstands of sea level.  相似文献   

GARY KOCUREK 《Sedimentology》1981,28(6):753-780
Bounding surfaces and interdune deposits provide keys for detailed interpretations of the development, shape, type, wavelength and angle of climb of aeolian bedforms, as well as overall sand sea conditions. Current alternate interpretations of bounding surfaces require very different, but testable models for sand sea deposition. Two perpendicular traverses of Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Utah, reveal relations among cross-strata, first-order bounding surfaces, and horizontal strata. These field relations seem explicable only as the deposits of downwind-migrating, climbing, enclosed interdune basins (horizontal strata) and dune bodies consisting of superimposed smaller crescentic dunes (cross-stratified deposits). A 1.7 km traverse parallel to the palaeowind direction provides a time-transgressive view showing continuous cosets of cross-strata, first-order bounding surfaces and interdune deposits climbing downwind at an angle of a few tenths of a degree. Changes occur in the angle of climb, cross-strata structure, and interdune deposits; these reflect changes in depositional conditions through time. A 1.5 km traverse perpendicular to the palaeowind direction provides a view at an instant in geological time showing first-order bounding surfaces and interdune deposits forming flat, laterally discontinuous lenticular bodies. The distribution of interdune sedimentary structures in this traverse is very similar to that of some modern interdune basins, such as those on Padre Island, Texas. Hierarchies of bounding surfaces in an aeolian deposit reflect the bedform development on an erg. The presence of three orders of bounding surfaces indicates dune bodies consisting of smaller, super-imposed dunes. The geometry of first-order bounding surfaces is a reflection of the shape of the inter-dune basins. Second-order bounding surfaces originate by the migration of the superimposed dunes over the larger dune body and reflect individual dune shape and type. Third-order bounding surfaces are reactivation surfaces showing stages in the advance of individual dunes. The presence of only two orders of bounding surfaces indicates simple dunes. Modern and Entrada interdune deposits show a wide variety of sediment types and structures reflecting deposition under wet, damp, and dry conditions. Interdune deposits are probably the best indicators of overall erg conditions and commonly show complex vertical sequences reflecting changes in specific depositional conditions.  相似文献   

Sorted bedforms are widely present in sediment‐starved littoral and inner shelf settings; they are indicators for hydrodynamic conditions and a primary contributor for the subsurface structure. This study investigated the morphology and migration of sorted bedforms on the inner shelf of Long Beach Barrier Island, New York, USA , by repeat geophysical and geological surveys in 2001, 2005 and 2013 (following superstorm Sandy) involving swath bathymetry, backscatter, chirp seismic reflection data and grab sampling. Swath data revealed that the western sector, comprising the western 75% of the survey region, is dominated by NNE –SSW ‐oriented, 0·5 to 1·0 km wide sorted bedforms with highly asymmetrical cross‐sections, with steeper slopes and coarser sands on the eastern (stoss) flanks. Many secondary bedforms were also observed (north–south to north‐east/south‐west oriented lineation structures) at the western edges of coarse sand zones. The eastern sector displays an unusual sorted bedform pattern that is dominated by coarse‐grained substrate, with isolated patches of fine‐grained sands oriented north‐east/south‐west which are 0·15 to 1·0 km in length and ca 30 to 200 m in width, similar in scale and orientation to the secondary bedforms in the western sector. Comparison analysis of the swath data sets indicates that the primary transverse sorted bedform morphology within the western sector was largely stable over this time frame, although the swales were deepened following the storms. The coarse/fine sand boundaries did migrate, however, moving ca 1 to 5 m eastward between 2001 and 2005, and ca 5 to 20 m westward between 2005 and 2013; the higher migration rates (up to 2·5 m year−1) in the latter time period may be attributable to large storm forcing (for example, hurricanes Irene and Sandy). Significant north‐westward migration of the secondary bedforms and coarse sand patches in the western sector, as well as fine sand patches in the eastern sector were also observed; these features are far more mobile than the primary sorted bedforms, possibly because they are fine sand drifts that do not erode into the coarse substrate. Seismic reflection data revealed a transgressive ravinement beneath sorted bedforms, merging with the sea floor at the bottom of swales. The authors hypothesize that long‐term topographic migration of transverse sorted bedforms contributes to the formation and evolution of the ravinement.  相似文献   

For more than a century geologists have wondered why some bedforms are orientated roughly transverse to flow, whereas others are parallel or oblique to flow. This problem of bedform alignment was studied experimentally using subaqueous dunes on a 3–6-m-diameter sand-covered turntable on the floor of a 4-m-wide flume. In each experiment, two flow directions (relative to the bed) were produced by alternating the turntable between two orientations. The turntable was held in each orientation for a short time relative to the reconstitution time of the bedforms; the resulting bedforms were in equilibrium with the time-averaged conditions of the bimodal flows. Dune alignment was studied for five divergence angles (the angle between the two flow directions): 45°, 67–5°, 90°, 112–5° and 135°. The flow depth during all experiments was approximately 30 cm; mean velocity was approximately 50 cm s-1 and mean grain diameter was 0–6 mm. Each experiment continued for 30–75 min, during which time the flume flow was steady and the turntable position changed every 2 min. At the end of each experiment, water was slowly drained from the flume and dune alignment was measured. Transverse dunes (defined relative to the resultant transport direction) were created when the divergence angle was 45° and 67–5°, and longitudinal dunes were created when the divergence angle was 135°. At intermediate divergence angles, dunes with both orientations were produced, but transverse dunes were dominant at 90°, and longitudinal dunes were dominant at 112–5°. One experiment was conducted with a divergence angle of 135° and with unequal amounts of transport in the two flow directions. This was achieved by changing the orientation of the turntable at unequal time intervals, thereby causing the amount of transport to be unequal in the two directions. The dunes formed during this experiment were oblique to the resultant transport direction. These experimental dunes follow the same rule of alignment as wind ripples studied in previous turntable experiments. In both sets of experiments, the bedforms developed with the orientation having the maximum gross bedform-normal transport (the orientation at which the sum of the bedform-normal components of the two transport vectors reaches its maximum value). In other words, the bedforms develop with an orientation that is as transverse as possible to the two flows. In those cases where the two flows diverge by more than 90° and transport equal amounts of sand, bedforms that are as transverse as possible to the two separate flows will be parallel to the resultant of the two flow vectors. Although such bedforms have been defined by previous work as longitudinal bedforms, they are intrinsically the same kind of bedform as transverse bedforms.  相似文献   

Cool‐water carbonate sedimentation has dominated Mediterranean shelves since the Early Pliocene. Skeletal sand and gravel herein consist of remains of heterozoan organisms, which are susceptible to reworking due to weak early cementation in non‐tropical waters. This study documents the Lower Pleistocene carbonate wedge of Favignana Island (Italy), which prograded from a 5   km wide passage between two palaeo‐islands into a perpendicular, 10 to 15   km wide strait between the palaeo‐islands at one side and Sicily at the other during the Emilian highstand (1·6   Ma to 1·1   Ma). The clinoformed carbonate wedge, which is 50   m thick and 6   km long, formed by east/south‐east progradation of a platform on the submarine sill by currents that were funnelled between the two palaeo‐islands. Platform‐slope clinoforms evolved from initial aggradation (thin and low‐angle) into a progradation phase (thick and high‐angle). Both clinoform types are characterized by a bimodal facies stacking pattern defined by sedimentary structures created by: (i) subaqueous dunes associated with dilute subcritical currents; and (ii) upper‐flow‐regime bedforms associated with sediment‐laden supercritical turbidity currents. Focusing of episodic currents on the platform by funnelling between the islands controlled the downstream formation of a sediment body, here named carbonate delta. The carbonate delta interfingers with subaqueous dune deposits formed in the perpendicular strait. This study uses a reconstruction of bedform dynamics to unravel the evolution of this gateway‐related carbonate accumulation.  相似文献   

Pattern formation is a fundamental aspect of self‐organization in fields of bedforms. Time‐series aerial photographs and airborne light detection and ranging show that fully developed, crescentic aeolian dunes at White Sands, New Mexico, interact and the dune pattern organizes in systematically similar ways as wind ripples and subaqueous dunes and ripples. Documented interactions include: (i) merging; (ii) lateral linking; (iii) defect repulsion; (iv) bedform repulsion; (v) off‐centre collision; (vi) defect creation; and (vii) dune splitting. Merging and lateral linking are constructive interactions that give rise to a more organized pattern. Defect creation and bedform splitting are regenerative interactions that push the system to a more disorganized state. Defect/bedform repulsion and off‐centre collision cause significant pattern change, but appear to be neutral in overall pattern development. Measurements of pattern parameters (number of dunes, crest length, defect density, crest spacing and dune height), dune migration rates, and the type and frequency of dune interactions within a 3500 m box transect from the upwind margin to the core of the dune field show that most pattern organization occurs within the upwind field. Upwind dominance by constructive interactions yields to neutral and regenerative interactions in the field centre. This spatial change reflects upwind line source and sediment availability boundary conditions arising from antecedent palaeo‐lake topography. Pattern evolution is most strongly coupled to the pattern parameters of dune spacing and defect density, such that spatially or temporally the frequency of bedform interactions decreases as the dunes become further apart and have fewer defects.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune fields evolve from protodunes and small dunes into a pattern of progressively fewer, larger and more widely spaced dunes within limits defined by boundary conditions. However, the allogenic boundary conditions that promote aeolian dune‐field development, accumulation of strata and preservation of accumulated strata are not the same. Autogenic processes, such as dune interactions, scour‐depth variation along migrating dunes and substrate cannibalization by growing dunes, result in removal of the stratigraphic record. Moreover, dune‐field events may be collapsed into major erosional bounding surfaces. The question is what stages of evolving dune fields are represented in the rock record? This case study of ca 60 m of Jurassic Entrada Sandstone on the Utah/Arizona border (USA) defines stratigraphic intervals by gross architecture of bounding surfaces and sets of cross‐strata. The interpreted intervals in stratigraphic order consist of: (i) a lower sabkha bed that transitions upward into erosional remnants of small sets representing an initial wet aeolian system; (ii) large, compound cross‐strata representing a mature dune field; (iii) isolated scour‐fill representing negatively climbing dunes that produced ca 25 m of palaeo‐topographic relief; (iv) downlapping sets that fill the landscape‐scale relief; (v) four intervals of stacked climbing sets that each represent short periods of time; and (vi) an upper sabkha bed that again transitions into small sets representing a wet system. Accumulations appear to be associated with sediment pulses, a rising water table, and filling of scoured troughs and landscape‐scale depressions. Preservation of the accumulations is selective and associated with a rising water table, burial and subsidence. The preserved record appears remarkably incomplete. Speculation about missing strata gravitates towards cannibalization of the record of early dune‐field construction, and strata removed during the formation of bounding surfaces. This local Entrada record is thought to represent a point in the spectrum of preservation styles in the rock record.  相似文献   

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