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The prediction of possible future losses from earthquakes, which in many cases affect structures that are spatially distributed over a wide area, is of importance to national authorities, local governments, and the insurance and reinsurance industries. Generally, it is necessary to estimate the effects of many, or even all, potential earthquake scenarios that could impact upon these urban areas. In such cases, the purpose of the loss calculations is to estimate the annual frequency of exceedance (or the return period) of different levels of loss due to earthquakes: so-called loss exceedance curves. An attractive option for generating loss exceedance curves is to perform independent probabilistic seismic hazard assessment calculations at several locations simultaneously and to combine the losses at each site for each annual frequency of exceedance. An alternative method involves the use of multiple earthquake scenarios to generate ground motions at all sites of interest, defined through Monte–Carlo simulations based on the seismicity model. The latter procedure is conceptually sounder but considerably more time-consuming. Both procedures are applied to a case study loss model and the loss exceedance curves and average annual losses are compared to ascertain the influence of using a more theoretically robust, though computationally intensive, procedure to represent the seismic hazard in loss modelling.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Ground-motion models (GMMs) are widely used in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) to estimate the probability distributions of earthquake-induced ground-motion intensity measures (IMs) at a site, given an earthquake of a certain magnitude occurring at a nearby location. Accounting for spatial and cross-IM correlations in earthquake-induced ground motions has important implications on probabilistic seismic hazard and loss estimates. This study first develops a new Italian GMM with spatial correlation for 31 amplitude-related IMs, including peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and 5%-damped elastic pseudo-spectral accelerations (PSAs) at 29 periods ranging from 0.01 to 4 seconds. The model estimation is performed through a recently developed one-stage nonlinear regression algorithm proposed by the authors, known as the Scoring estimation approach. In fact, current state-of-practice approaches estimate spatial correlation separately from the GMM estimation, resulting in inconsistent and statistically inefficient estimators of interevent and intraevent variances and parameters in the spatial correlation model. We test whether this affects the subsequent cross-IM correlation analysis. To this aim, based on the newly developed GMM, the empirical correlation coefficients from interevent and intraevent residuals are investigated. Finally, a set of analytical correlation models between the selected IMs are proposed. This is of special interest as several correlation models between different IMs have been calibrated and validated based on advanced GMMs and global datasets, lacking earthquakes in extensional regions; however, modeling the correlation between different IM types has not been adequately addressed by current, state-of-the-art GMMs and recent ground-motion records for Italy.  相似文献   

Arias intensity, Ia, has been identified as an efficient intensity measure for the estimation of earthquake‐induced losses. In this paper, a new model for the prediction of Arias intensity, which incorporates nonlinear site response through the use of the average shear‐wave velocity and a heteroskedastic variance structure, is proposed. In order to estimate the effects of ground motions on spatially‐distributed systems, it is important to take into account the spatial correlation of the intensity measure. However, existing loss‐estimation models, which use Ia as an input, do not take this aspect of the ground motion into account. Therefore, the potential to model the spatial correlation of Arias intensity is also investigated. The empirical predictive model is developed using recordings from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Next Generation of Attenuation database whereas the model for spatial correlation makes use of the well‐recorded events from this database, that is the Northridge and Chi‐Chi earthquakes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the correlation properties of integral ground-motion intensity measures (IMs) from Italian strong-motion records. The considered integral IMs include 5–95% significant duration, Housner intensity, cumulative absolute velocity, and Arias intensity. Both IM spatial correlation and the correlation between different integral and amplitude-based IMs (i.e., cross-IM correlation) are addressed in this study. To this aim, a new Italian ground-motion model (GMM) with spatial correlation for integral IMs is first introduced. Based on the newly developed GMM, the empirical correlation coefficients from interevent and intraevent residuals are investigated and various analytical correlation models between integral IMs and amplitude-based IMs are proposed. The effective range parameter representing spatial correlation properties and the trend in the cross-IM correlations are compared with existing models in the literature. The variability of the effective range parameters with respect to event-specific features is also discussed. Modeling ground-motion spatial and cross-IM correlations is an important step in seismic hazard and risk assessment of spatially distributed systems. Investigating region-specific correlation properties based on Italian strong-motion records is of special interest as several correlation models have been developed based on global datasets, often lacking earthquakes in extensional regions such as Italy.  相似文献   

This paper, the first in a series of two, applies the entropy (or information) theory to describe the spatial variability of synthetic data that can represent spatially correlated groundwater quality data. The application involves calculating information measures such as transinformation, the information transfer index and the correlation coefficient. These measures are calculated using discrete and analytical approaches. The discrete approach uses the contingency table and the analytical approach uses the normal probability density function. The discrete and analytical approaches are found to be in reasonable agreement. The analysis shows that transinformation is useful and comparable with correlation to characterize the spatial variability of the synthetic data set, which is correlated with distance. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周阳  王自法    石磊  仝文博 《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):151-159
在地震危险性分析或者地震损失分布评估中,需要考虑地震损失的空间相关性的影响。目前对地震损失空间相关性的研究,主要是基于经验或半经验的方法,没有经过实际地震损失分布的验证。本文基于2011年东日本大地震收集到的55万条建筑物破坏的详细数据得出了基于实际震害的地震损失随距离关系变化的空间相关性衰减规律,给出了一个基于实际数据的拟合公式,并将其应用于最新开发的基于高精度模拟的巨灾风险分析中。利用北京地区多个地震为算例,研究了实现空间相关性模拟的样本精度问题,并且给出了不同空间相关系数对地震损失分布的影响,从而能为未来的防震减灾工作提供更好的地震损失估计结果。  相似文献   

张北地震前地磁空间相关异常特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用地磁空间相关方法对华北地区1996年1月至1998年1月地磁核旋定点(北京时21h)观测数据的分析研究表明,1998年1月10日张北MS6.2地震和1996年5月3日内蒙古包头MS6.4地震前存在地磁空间相关低值异常。  相似文献   

Estimates of the earthquake ground motion intensity over a geographical area have multiple uses, that is, emergency management, civil protection and seismic fragility assessment. In particular, with reference to fragility assessment, it is of interest to have estimates of the values of different ground-motion intensity measures in order to correlate them with the observed damage. To this purpose, the present paper uses a procedure recently proposed in the literature to estimate the ground-motion intensity for the 2012 Emilia mainshocks, considering different ground motion intensity measures and directionality effects. Ground motion prediction equations based on different site effect models, and spatial correlation models are calibrated for the Emilia earthquakes. The paper discusses the accuracy of the shakemaps obtained using the different soil effect models considered and presents the obtained shakemaps as supplementary material. The procedure presented in the paper is aimed at providing ground motion intensity values for seismic fragility assessment and is not intended as a tool to estimate shakemaps for rapid emergency assessment.  相似文献   

In addition to the mean values of possible loss during an earthquake, parameters of the probability distribution function for the loss to a portfolio (e.g. fractiles and standard deviation) are very important. Recent studies have shown that the proper treatment of ground‐motion variability and, particularly, the correlation of ground motion are essential for the estimation of the seismic hazard, damage and loss for distributed portfolios. In this study, we compared the effects of variations in the between‐earthquake correlation and in the site‐to‐site correlation on seismic loss and damage estimations for the extended objects (hypothetical portfolio) and critical elements (e.g. bridges) of a network. A scenario earthquake approach and a portfolio containing a set of hypothetical building and bridges were used for the purpose. We showed that the relative influences of the types of correlation on characteristics of loss distribution and the probability of damage are not equal. In some cases, when the median values of loss distribution or the probability that at least one critical element of a lifeline will be damaged are considered and when the spatial correlation of ground motion is used, the possible variations in the between‐earthquake correlation may be neglected. The shape of the site‐to‐site correlation function (i.e. the rate of decrease of the coefficient of spatial correlation with separation distance) seems also to be important when modelling spatially correlated ground‐motion fields. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground shaking intensity varies spatially in earthquakes, and many studies have estimated correlations of intensity from past earthquake data. This paper presents a framework for quantifying uncertainty in the estimation of correlations and true variability in correlations from earthquake to earthquake. A procedure for evaluating estimation uncertainty is proposed and used to evaluate several methods that have been used in past studies to estimate correlations. The results indicate that a weighted least squares algorithm is most effective in estimating spatial correlation models and that earthquakes with at least 100 recordings are needed to produce informative earthquake-specific estimates of spatial correlations. The proposed procedure is also used to distinguish between estimation uncertainty and the true variability in model parameters that exist in a given data set. The estimation uncertainty is seen to vary between well-recorded and poorly recorded earthquakes, whereas the true variability is more stable.  相似文献   

利用甘肃岷县—漳县6.6级地震震中距在1 000 km范围内的33个地磁台站地磁总场F02点值,研究其空间相关系数在地震前后的变化。结果显示:(1)在本次地震前共有15个地磁台站存在空间相关低值异常,该异常平均持续22天;(2)异常幅度在一定程度上随着震中距的增大而减小;(3)在异常持续过程中,异常最低值时间基本统一;(4)异常起始时刻至发震时刻的平均时间间隔为54天,异常结束时刻至发震时刻的平均时间间隔为33天,该异常具有短期效应。并且,异常台站分布与该区域构造走向、余震震中和极震区展布有一定相似性,虽然存在地磁台站分布不均匀的客观事实,但该现象为研究地磁异常分布与构造之间的联系提供了素材。  相似文献   

汶川及芦山地震余震分布的空间尺度效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于GIS点格局方法,从余震点分布的不确定性以及烈度区与点空间距离格局的关系角度研究了汶川及芦山余震点格局.结果表明:余震在较小尺度内接近随机分布且关联效应明显; 在较大尺度内余震聚集分布,空间距离关联仍呈幂律关系,无标度区间的上下限与不同烈度区的长短轴间存在关联.汶川、 芦山余震形成东北—西南向矩形的热点、 次热点分布区,区域内最邻近指数为0.99,0.76; 映秀Ⅺ度、 芦山Ⅸ度烈度区内最邻近指数分别为1.02和0.95,显示余震点在强烈度、 高聚集区内趋向随机分布.余震点距离关联特征表明:汶川余震在13.5—20 km和30—43 km区间,芦山余震在7—14.5 km区间内关联程度显著; 汶川余震在66—82 km、 225—236 km、 317—321.5 km区间以及芦山余震在15.5—22 km、 23—32.5 km、 33.5—43.5 km区间仍呈幂律关系. 该结果与汶川地震Ⅺ—Ⅸ度、 芦山地震Ⅸ—Ⅶ度烈度分布区域的长短轴存在一定关联,321.5 km和40 km与两次地震主破裂面长度也较为吻合. 对比核密度估计与地震烈度图可以看出: 带宽越小,核密度面积与较高烈度区域的一致性越大; 随着带宽的扩大,核密度面积与烈度区的差异也越大.  相似文献   

A vital component of any seismic hazard analysis is a model for predicting the expected distribution of ground motions at a site due to possible earthquake scenarios. The limited nature of the datasets from which such models are derived gives rise to epistemic uncertainty in both the median estimates and the associated aleatory variability of these predictive equations. In order to capture this epistemic uncertainty in a seismic hazard analysis, more than one ground-motion prediction equation must be used, and the tool that is currently employed to combine multiple models is the logic tree. Candidate ground-motion models for a logic tree should be selected in order to obtain the smallest possible suite of equations that can capture the expected range of possible ground motions in the target region. This is achieved by starting from a comprehensive list of available equations and then applying criteria for rejecting those considered inappropriate in terms of quality, derivation or applicability. Once the final list of candidate models is established, adjustments must be applied to achieve parameter compatibility. Additional adjustments can also be applied to remove the effect of systematic differences between host and target regions. These procedures are applied to select and adjust ground-motion models for the analysis of seismic hazard at rock sites in West Central Europe. This region is chosen for illustrative purposes particularly because it highlights the issue of using ground-motion models derived from small magnitude earthquakes in the analysis of hazard due to much larger events. Some of the pitfalls of extrapolating ground-motion models from small to large magnitude earthquakes in low seismicity regions are discussed for the selected target region.  相似文献   

地震动参数的空间相关模型可以用来有效地开展区域地震动场估计,也可用于后续区域地震风险准确评估。随着我国地震烈度速报与预警工程的全面建设,布设的密集烈度计观测台站大大提高了原有数字强震动台网的观测能力,为研究我国的地震动参数空间相关性模型提供了良好的契机。文中以2021年5月21日的云南漾濞Ms6.4级地震为主要研究对象,利用地质统计学的半变异函数方法,基于密集观测台网捕获的近场强震动记录,分析了地震动峰值加速度(PGA)、地震动峰值速度(PGV)及典型周期点加速度反应谱谱值的空间相关性特征,采用指数模型拟合得到了对应地震动参数的空间相关性函数。将拟合结果与2008年汶川Ms8.0级地震、2014年芦山Ms7.0级地震以及国外其他区域的相关研究进行对比,结果表明:空间相关性函数虽然整体趋势相近,呈现空间相关性随反应谱周期增大而增大的一般特征,但是川滇地区记录拟合得到的地震动参数空间相关性模型具有衰减更慢,有效变程值较大等区域性特征,同时也说明了基于我国密集观测台网进行地震动参数空间相关性分析的可行性。  相似文献   

傅磊  李小军 《地球物理学报》2017,60(8):2935-2947

在地震动模拟中,高频衰减参数(κ0)是一个重要的参数,它控制了傅里叶谱高频部分的衰减特性.本文利用汶川MS8.0地震和芦山MS7.0地震主余震的1671组强震动观测记录,计算了龙门山地区50个断层距小于150 km的强震动台站的κ0,基于随机有限断层法模拟了汶川地震中这些台站的加速度时程、傅里叶振幅谱和反应谱,并与前人的研究进行比较.结果表明,合理计算的κ0可以有效地改善加速度时程振幅和高频谱(>1 Hz)的模拟结果.另一方面,本文基于κ0与地形高程的相关性,建立了龙门山地区的κ0经验模型.分别采用该经验模型和κ0= 0.04 s模拟了汶川地震的峰值加速度分布,并与观测记录进行比较.结果表明,采用本文提出的κ0模型可以更好地重现汶川地震的峰值加速度分布,特别是在断层破裂方向的反方向区域和山区.综上,汶川地震中山区的峰值加速度明显大于盆地地区的现象,不仅与断层破裂产状有关,还与山区和盆地地区的κ0之间显著的差异有关.



The aim of the present paper was to improve understanding of the rainfall dynamics in Bas-Congo and Kinshasa provinces, in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The first objective of the study was achieved by analysing the spatial correlations of monthly, seasonal, annual and individual monthly rainfall amounts of Kinshasa and Bas-Congo. The second objective was achieved through investigating and quantifying the temporal trends and their spatial variations. The results demonstrated notably high average inter-station correlation of +0.63 for dry season series, followed by monthly rainfall series with an average inter-station correlation of +0.58. However, there was no station with a stable monthly rainfall regime, i.e. with mean precipitation concentration index lower than 10% (it varies between 14.2 and 21.9%). Moreover, Kinshasa experienced an increase of rainfall with an average annual rate of change of +4.59 mm/year for the period 1961–2006. The results will be helpful for efficient water resources management and for mitigating the adverse impacts of future extreme drought or flood occurrences.
Editor M.C. Acreman Associate editor N. Verhoest  相似文献   

This paper, the second in the series, uses the entropy theory to describe the spatial variability of groundwater quality data sets. The application of the entropy theory is illustrated using the chloride observations obtained from a network of groundwater quality monitoring wells in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The application involves calculating information measures, such as transinformation, the information transfer index and the correlation coefficient. These measures are calculated using a discrete approach, in which contingency tables are used. An exponential decay fitting approach was applied to the discrete models. The analysis shows that transinformation, as a function of distance, can be represented by the exponential decay curve. It also indicates that, for the data used in this study, the transinformation model is superior to the correlation model for characterizing the spatial variability. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国经济快速发展和城市化进程加快,核电站、大型水坝等重大基础设施不断涌现,高速公路、轨道交通、长输管线、城市管网等生命线工程日趋密集、复杂,一旦遭遇强烈地震,可能产生极为严重的次生灾害和难以估量的间接经济损失。本文介绍了国家重点研发项目“重大工程地震紧急处置技术研发与示范应用”的主要进展。目前已提出面向点、线状重大工程的地震动输入方法,以及基于复杂地形数值模拟的面状地震动输入。给出了新一代基于性态的工程结构地震易损性分析方法。开展了城市轨道交通高架桥车—轨—桥耦合地震反应,小区燃气调压站房、管线、阀门和土相耦合的地震反应分析及核电站结构与设备地震耦合作用研究。建立了重大工程紧急处置专用的震级、震中距、紧急处置范围估算公式,研究了基于P波段双参数阈值的现地地震警报预测方法,建立了地震动参数的风险概率模型。对重大工程地震紧急处置信息发布技术系统进行了顶层设计,对地震预警信息发布终端的协议进行了解析,搭建了地震预警信息接收技术系统。研制了行业定制化的地震紧急处置接收与报警装置、电梯开关装置、燃气切断阀门。地震破坏场景虚拟演示内融合地震信息、风险评估信息、地理信息系统,有力地推进城市重大工程地震紧急处置平台的建设。研发的城市轨道交通地震预警紧急处置系统开始在国家铁道试验中心城轨试验线开展示范;多参数核电站地震仪表系统开始在红沿河核电站开展示范;城镇燃气地震信息监测控制系统在北京平谷区峪口镇开展示范。  相似文献   

This study presents a ground-motion selection and scaling methodology that preserves the basic seismological features of the scaled records with reduced scatter in the nonlinear structural response. The methodology modifies each strong-motion recording with known fundamental seismological parameters using the estimations of ground-motion prediction equations for a given target hazard level. It provides robust estimations on target building response through scaled ground motions and calculates the dispersion about this target. This alternative procedure is not only useful for record scaling and selection but, upon its further refinement, can also be advantageous for the probabilistic methods that assess the engineering demand parameters for a given target hazard level. Case studies that compare the performance of the proposed procedure with some other record selection and scaling methods suggest its usefulness for building performance assessment and loss models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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