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We quantify the galaxy environments around a sample of 0.5≤ z ≤0.8 radio-quiet quasars using the amplitude of the spatial galaxy–quasar correlation function, B gq. The quasars exist in a wide variety of environments; some sources are located in clusters as rich as Abell class 1–2 clusters, whereas others exist in environments comparable to the field. We find that, on average, the quasars prefer poorer clusters of ≈Abell class 0, which suggests that quasars are biased tracers of mass compared with galaxies. The mean B gq for the sample is found to be indistinguishable from the mean amplitude for a sample of radio-loud quasars matched in redshift and optical luminosity. These observations are consistent with recent studies of the hosts of radio-quiet quasars at low to intermediate redshifts, and suggest that the mechanism for the production of powerful radio jets in radio-loud quasars is controlled by processes deep within the active galactic nucleus itself, and is unrelated to the nature of the hosts or their environments.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a pilot survey for faint quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Survey (UKIDSS) Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) Field using the KX selection technique. These observations exploit the very deep near-infrared and optical imaging of this field from United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) and Subaru to select candidate QSOs based on their VJK colours and morphologies. We determined redshifts for 426 candidates using the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in service time. We identify 17 QSOs  ( M B ≲−23)  in this pilot survey at z = 1.57–3.29. We combine our sample with an X-ray-selected sample of QSOs in the same field (a large fraction of which also comply with our KX selection) to constrain the surface density of QSOs with K ≤ 20, deriving limits on the likely surface density of 85–150 deg−2. We use the good image quality available from our near-infrared imaging to detect a spatially extended component of the QSO light which probably represents the host galaxies. We also use our sample to investigate routes to improve the selection of KX QSOs at faint limits in the face of the significant contamination by compact, foreground galaxies. The brightest examples from our combined QSO sample will be used in conjunction with a large Very Large Telescope VIMOS spectroscopic survey of high-redshift galaxies in this region to study the structures inhabited by gas, galaxies and growing supermassive black holes at high redshifts in the UKIDSS UDS.  相似文献   

We report the first results of an observational programme designed to determine the luminosity density of high-redshift quasars     quasars) using deep multicolour CCD data. We report the discovery and spectra of three     high-redshift     quasars, including one with     . At     , this is the fourth highest redshift quasar currently published. Using these preliminary results we derive an estimate of the         quasar space density in the redshift range     of     . When completed, the survey will provide a firm constraint on the contribution to the ionizing UV background in the redshift range     from quasars by determining the faint-end slope of the quasar luminosity function. The survey uses imaging data taken with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope as part of the Public Isaac Newton Group Wide Field Survey (WFS). This initial sample of objects is taken from two fields of effective area ∼12.5 deg2 from the final ∼100 deg2.  相似文献   

Optical variability of extragalactic objects, viz., QSOs, BL Lacs and Seyfert galaxies has been monitored systematically over an appreciable period of time and a large amount of data have accumulated. The present work reports results of investigations involving statistical analysis of updated data on relationships between variability and various observed properties of the objects, viz., redshift, color indices, radio spectral index and absorption lines. It is found that at high frequencies (rest frame) radio spectral index does not change significantly with the degree of variability. However, the degree of variability depends on redshifts. On the other hand, presence or absence of absorption lines is significantly associated with variability for QSOs with larger redshifts (z > 1.0), while no such relationship exists for QSOs at smaller redshifts (z < 1.0) or other objects. Correlation between color indices and redshifts depends on the degree of variability and the sample chosen for the color index.  相似文献   

Starting from the ∼50 000 quasars of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for which Mg  ii line width and 3000 Å monochromatic flux are available, we aim to study the dependence of the mass of active black holes on redshift. We focus on the observed distribution in the full width at half-maximum–nuclear luminosity plane, which can be reproduced at all redshifts assuming a limiting M BH, a maximum Eddington ratio and a minimum luminosity (due to the survey flux limit). We study the z -dependence of the best-fitting parameters of assumed distributions at increasing redshift and find that the maximum mass of the quasar population evolves as  log ( M BH(max)/M) ∼ 0.3 z + 9  , while the maximum Eddington ratio (∼0.45) is practically independent of cosmic time. These results are unaffected by the Malmquist bias.  相似文献   

We describe the selection of candidate radio-loud quasars obtained by cross-matching radio source positions from the low-frequency (151-MHz) 7C survey with optical positions from five pairs of EO POSS-I plates scanned with the Cambridge Automatic Plate-measuring Machine (APM). The sky region studied is centred at RA 10h 28m, Dec.+41° and covers ≈0.057 sr. We present VLA observations of the quasar candidates, and tabulate various properties derived from the radio maps. We discuss the selection criteria of the resulting '7CQ' sample of radio-loud quasars. The 70 confirmed quasars, and some fraction of the 36 unconfirmed candidates, constitute a filtered sample with the following selection criteria: 151-MHz flux density S 151>100 mJy; POSS-I E -plate magnitude E ≈ R <20; POSS-I colour ( O E )<1.8; the effective area of the survey drops significantly below S 151≈200 mJy. We argue that the colour criterion excludes few if any quasars, but note, on the basis of recent work by Willott et al., that the E magnitude limit probably excludes more than 50 per cent of the radio-loud quasars.  相似文献   

We present results from the spectroscopic follow‐up observation of additional QSO candidates in the variability and proper motion (VPM) survey field around M92. In the previous studies, the VPMsurvey has shown to be an efficient way to select QSOs; the QSO sample was confined to the magnitude range B ≲ 19.8 with a completeness estimated to ∼ 90% for B ≲ 19.5. Here we study the faint end (B > 19.8) of the candidate list and check the completeness of the brighter (B < 19.7) QSO subsample. We first study an additional 34 brighter QSO candidates selected by FOCA UV brightness, radio detection, or optical colours. Only one new QSO was found. We show that a two‐colour search making use of FOCA 2 000 magnitudes efficiently selects QSOs, Seyfert galaxies, and NELGs. However, there is no QSO found from this method which would not have been selected by the VPM method as well. The main aim of this paper is to identify the VPM QSO candidates with 19.8 < B < 20.5. We select 53 candidates of which 50 were observed; 26 QSOs, 2 Sey1, and 2 NELGs were found. The fraction of QSOs and Sey1s among the faint high‐priority candidates amounts to 71%. The whole AGN sample comprises now 123 QSOs and 18 Sey1s. We find that the extended VPM QSO sample does not significantly differ from other optically selected samples with regard to their low‐resolution spectra and optical broad‐band colours.  相似文献   

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