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报道粗刺根管藻精子发生中的精母细胞,双鞭毛体和精子等阶段细胞的超微结构,比较某些细胞器的形态和数量变化,从该藻的双鞭毛和精子的鞭毛中,我们首次在中心硅藻类中发现具有9+2鞭毛微管构型。 相似文献
北方劳德藻配子和复大孢子的产生 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
于1986年10月在厦门近岸采集北方劳德藻,从培养中观察其有性生殖和光对生殖的影响。结果表明,该藻只有宽度为26-40μm的细胞能形成配子和复大孢子;在光照条件下每昼夜只发生1次性化;雌雄配子以不同发育方式形成,配子发生呈现一定的时间程序;强光照和16h光周期最适于性化。由此得知,引起性化既依赖适当的细胞大小,又依赖光诱导的外部因素;产生两种精子数目是与精原孢囊的体积大小紧密相关;性化与光强度之间 相似文献
紧密角管藻的有性生殖研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
1994年7月在厦门近岸分离紧密度管藻,培养研究有性生殖过程和氮营养、光条件对生殖的影响。结果显示,该藻卵配生殖中,复大孢子形成后,在经里面形成一个休眠孢子,然后休眠孢子再发育成大型的原初细胞。氮营养丰富时,只有小型细胞能够性化,并且只产生雄配子,氮营养贫乏可以诱导中型细胞同时产生雌雄配子。每天12h光照和11μEin(s.m^2)光强度最有地性化。研究结果表明,紧密角管藻有性周期中形成休眠孢子是 相似文献
礁膜配子放散条件的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文报道了礁膜配子的放散与温度、光照、比重的关系。结果表明,自然海区的礁膜在白天大量放散配子。配子放散的适宜温度为19-21℃;光照为2000-5000lx时能促进配子大量放散出来;配子放散的适宜比重为1.05-1.025;这些研究结果将为礁膜人工育苗提供一些科学依据。 相似文献
夜光藻是我国广泛分布的赤潮原因种之一,其有性繁殖在种群增长中的作用尚不明确,定量分析配子细胞是研究夜光藻有性繁殖过程的重要手段。利用实时荧光定量PCR技术,以夜光藻rRNA基因的18S-ITS1为靶区域,建立了定量检测夜光藻配子细胞的方法。以配子细胞基因组DNA和含目的片段的重组质粒分别建立标准工作曲线,二者均呈现良好的线性响应,检出限分别为每反应0.17个细胞和102个拷贝,满足定量检测应用需求。应用该方法对2015年逐月采集的胶州湾环境样品进行检测,并首次对夜光藻配子细胞的季节变化、水平分布与垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,调查海域夜光藻配子丰度呈冬末春初、夏季双峰分布,范围为18.12~9.70×105 cells/L;在水深小于10m的湾内近岸站位,配子丰度较低,垂直分布均匀;在湾中心、湾口和湾外的深水站位,配子丰度较高,仅在2~3月、7月和11月出现垂向差异。夜光藻配子细胞对种群增长和存续有潜在的积极意义,其丰度在营养细胞丰度高值期相对较高,在营养细胞丰度极低时仍可普遍检出。丰富了对近岸海域夜光藻配子细胞时空分布的认识,为深入研究夜光藻的种群增长模式、进一步探究其赤潮暴发的内在机理奠定了基础。 相似文献
绿色杜氏藻被膜泡囊的超微结构研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
于1990年5月-1991年5月,运用透射电镜观察绿色杜氏藻,对该氏藻被膜泡囊的形态结构及其在细胞内的分布和形成过程进行研究。观察表明,绿色杜氏藻细胞的高尔基体和细胞膜有许多大小不等的被膜泡囊;这些被膜泡囊由泡囊及其表面的网状结构构成,其直径在45-120nm之间;在细胞膜附近的被膜泡囊直径较大;在高尔基体和细胞膜上还观察到被膜泡囊的形成过程。 相似文献
中华半管藻繁殖生物学研究:II.营养细胞和休眼孢子的形态结构 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
通过扫描电镜观察中华半管藻的营养细胞和休眠孢子的形态结构显示:营养细胞上下壳各具一个线性裂口而不外突的唇形突,壳壁上的眠纹放射状,爪状连接刺上有零散的单孔,从单孔分泌胶质与相邻细胞连接;休眠孢子双凸透镜形或近球形,壳厚,表面平滑无纺饰,上壳面边缘具8-16根分叉长刺,下壳面具微刺,外围有一裙状物,其上有微孔。两类细胞不同的状形态特征反映其不同的生态适应。 相似文献
《African Journal of Marine Science》2013,35(1):163-194
The morphology of a rectangular, pillow-shaped, centric diatom from the surf zone in False Bay and Algoa Bay was studied with the light microscope and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Acid-cleaned (i.e. free of organic material), and critical-point- and freeze-dried material was used. Certain important features were seen. There was a large variation in cell size and shape. Threads connecting the cells in chains, an external organic layer covering the cell, and chromatophore colour, number and shape are reported for the species, probably for the first time. Valve, girdle and areolar structure was studied in detail, and the notch seen with the light microscope in the middle part of the valve was identified with the electron microscope as a labiate process, the off-centre position of this process being distinctive of the species. The geographical distribution of the species, as described in available literature, is discussed. 相似文献
本文利用18S r RNA基因对4株经形态学初步鉴定的梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)进行了分子鉴定。结果显示,这4株分离自淡水环境(2株)和海水环境(2株)的梅尼小环藻的18S r RNA基因序列基本一致,并与已经报道的梅尼小环藻(登录号为GQ148712和AY496212)聚为一支,不同方法所构建的系统树的支持率分别为99%(邻接法)和98%(最大似然法),表明这4株来自不同环境的藻为同一物种——梅尼小环藻。随后作者利用扫描电镜技术在亚显微水平上对这4株梅尼小环藻进行了观察,结果显示:梅尼小环藻淡水株和海水株具有相当不同的亚显微结构特征。生活在海水的梅尼小环藻藻株具有更大的细胞以及更多的中央支持突。此外,本文还对造成梅尼小环藻种内高水平形态差异的原因以及18S r RNA基因序列是否可以作为小环藻属物种鉴定的分子标记做了分析和讨论。 相似文献
海洋硅藻硅质细胞壁结构的形成机理研究概述 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
硅藻具有形态各异、结构复杂、精美绝伦的硅质细胞壁,是海洋中进行生物硅化最主要的生物体。硅质细胞壁的形成同样是一个错综复杂的过程,它涉及硅藻细胞将硅酸从胞外转运到胞内;硅酸在细胞内的转移;在硅沉积囊泡(SDV)中的浓缩沉积;最后合成具种类特异性的细胞壁。重点介绍硅酸转运基因(SITs)的分子特征与作用机制;与生物硅化相关的三种蛋白即硅体蛋白(frus-tulins)、亲硅蛋白(silaffins)和侧壁蛋白(pleuralins)的结构与功能;硅质结构如何在硅沉积囊泡内最终形成的模式。 相似文献
The effects of bacterial films on diatom attachment were examined in short-term laboratory experiments, comparing the density of immotile pennate diatoms attached to plates previously coated with bacterial films (BP) with that of sterile plates (SP). The predominant diatom and bacterium wereSynedra sp. andAlcaligenes sp., respectively. There was no significant difference between densities of diatoms on SP and those on BP at each contact time (2, 5, 10, 30, 60 min), although bacterial densities on BP were 17 to 185 times those on SP. Moreover, SEM observations showed that the percentage of diatoms in contact with bacteria on SP were quite low. The results of this study indicate that a bacterial film is not always necessary for diatoms to attach to substrata and that the film ofAlcaligenes sp. had no effect on the attachment ofSynedra sp. 相似文献
胞外多聚物(extracellular polymeric substance, EPS)是海洋底栖硅藻在水下表面附着时分泌的物质,环境因素对胞外多聚物的组成和分泌行为有直接影响,本文重点探讨了氧含量和附着面积对胞外多聚物的影响。采用热溶剂浸提法提取硅藻胞外多聚物,利用苯酚-硫酸法定量其中的多糖成分,利用考马斯亮蓝G-250法定量蛋白质成分,通过血球计数板法和紫外分光光度法计算细胞数量。结果表明,在氧含量高、可附着面积大的条件下,硅藻的生长繁殖速率快,且单个细胞的胞外多聚物分泌量大。氧含量对胞外多聚物主要成分中的水溶性多糖含量影响大,而对其余成分含量影响小。可附着面积对硅藻附着和生长的影响比氧含量影响小。 相似文献
Samuela Capellacci Cecilia Battocchi Silvia Casabianca Marco Giovine Giorgio Bavestrello Antonella Penna 《Marine Ecology》2013,34(1):103-111
In this study, we demonstrate that dissolved silica obtained from mineral (crystalline quartz), biogenic amorphous (diatomaceous earth) and artificial amorphous sources (Aerosil) influence the growth rate of two marine diatoms, Chaetoceros sp. and Skeletonema marinoi. Diatoms were reared in four different experimental conditions in artificial seawater containing either dissolved silica previously obtained through dissolution of the mineral crystalline quartz or two amorphous substrates, biogenic diatomaceous earth or artificial Aerosil silica. Sodium metasilicate was used as control. When the silica in the different media reached concentrations higher than 107 μm , particles were eliminated by filtration and the diatom cells were inoculated. Maximum cell density, growth and silica assimilation rates of both species in the presence of dissolved silica derived from crystalline quartz and metasilicate were higher than those obtained with the other silica sources. These results are discussed against the background of previous geochemical studies that have shown that silica–water interactions are strictly dependent on the silica polymorphs involved and on the ionic composition of the solution. Our results demonstrate that the soluble silicon compounds generated in seawater by crystalline sources are highly bioavailable compared with those generated by biogenic and amorphous materials. These findings are potentially of considerable ecological importance and may contribute to clarifying anomalous spatial and temporal distributions of siliceous organisms with respect to the presence of lithogenic or biogenic silica sources in marine environments. 相似文献
Photoinduced toxicity single and binary mixtures of four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve is one of the main predominant phytoplankton species in the Changjiang Estuary in China. In order to provide some basic information for future assessment of the potential risk on phytoplankton communities in this estuary caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), this alga was selected as a representative to investigate the photoinduced toxicity of PAHs, in single and mixture. Four PAHs including three-ring phenanthrene and anthracene, four-ring fluoranthene and pyrene were tested in the laboratory. The single toxicity of each PAH on this microalga was compared with and without the simulated solar UV radiation. The results showed that this microalga was sensitive to PAH's photoinduced toxicity. Ratios of the 72 h median effect concentration obtained for fluorescent and UV light tests were about 8.4 for phenanthrene, 13.0 for anthracene, 6.5 for fluoranthene, and 5.7 for pyrene, indicating that UV light enhanced the PAH toxicity to this alga significantly. Under the fluorescent radiation (lacking UV), the dose-response curves based on chemical concentrations revealed that the order of toxic strength was fluoranthene greater than pyrene greater than anthracene greater than phenanthrene; while under the UV radiation (476 μW/cm2 for UVA, 6.5 μW/cm2 for UVB) it became fluoranthene approximately equaling anthracene greater than pyrene greater than phenanthrene, indicating that the UV light also changed its relative toxicity to this alga. The photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to the marine diatom S. costatum might be a synergistic effect of photosensitization reactions (e.g., generation of single-state oxygen) and photomodification (photooxidation and/or photolysis).The combined effects of six binary mixtures on the marine diatom S. costatum were investigated using the additive-index method. Four binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus anthracene; phenanthrene plus pyrene; anthracene plus fluoranthene; anthracene plus pyrene) were found to be synergistic joint action mode, while two binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus fluoranthene; fluoranthene plus pyrene) displayed antagonist, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. The combined action mode of PAHs might be related to various factors such as the mixture compounds, mixture ratios and test conditions, etc. 相似文献