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It now appears probable that all of the terrestrial planets underwent some form of global chemical differentiation to produce crusts, mantles, and cores of variable relative mass fractions. There is direct seismic evidence for a crust on the Moon, and indirect evidence for distinct crusts on Mars and Venus. Substantial portions of these crusts have been in place since the time that heavy bombardment of the inner solar system ceased 4 Ga ago. There is direct evidence for a sizeable core on Mars, indirect evidence for one on Mercury, and bounds on a possible small core for the Moon. Core formation is an important heat source confined to times prior to 4 Ga ago for Mercury and the Earth, but was not closely linked to crustal formation on the Moon nor, apparently, on Mars. The tectonic and volcanic histories of the surfaces of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mars, and Mercury can be used, with simple thermal history models, to restrict the earliest chemical differentiation to be shallow (outer 200–400 km) for the first two bodies and much more extensive for Mercury. Extension of these models to an Earth-size planet leads to the prediction of a hot and vigorously convecting mantle with an easily deformable crust immediately following core formation, and of the gradual development of a lithosphere and of plates with some lateral rigidity in Late Archean—Proterozoic times.  相似文献   

There is evidence that during 4.3-3.9 Ga the Earth experienced a period of intense bombardment similar to that recorded on the moon. From cratering mechanics and by comparison with more recent terrestrial impact structures the effects of large impact structures, D 100 km, have been modelled for an early terrestrial proto-crust with an assumed thickness of 15 km. The direct effects were analogous to those on the Moon: the formation of multi-ring basins with a topography of 3 km, the uplift of deep-seated material to the surface, the fracturing of the crustal column and the generation of surface impact lithologies. However, unlike the Moon, the highly active nature of the Earth resulted in more long-lived indirect effects: impact-induced volcanism due to distortion of the geothermal gradient by uplift and the addition of post-shock heat, intra-basin sedimentation by volcaniclastics and reworked impact lithologies and ultimately subsidence of the basin due to loading by volcanic and sedimentary products. Very large basins, D > 1000 km, excavated the local lithosphere and produced the equivalent of mantle plumes below the impact sites.These conclusions are incorporated into a model of early crustal evolution of the Earth in which the net effect of large impact events was to localize and accelerate endogenic activity. In this scenario, the intense bombardment culminated at 3.9 ± 0.1 Ga with a period of heavy bombardment by a residual population of 10–100-km-sized bodies. The impact of these bodies represented a first-order event in the progressive evolution of the proto-crust. The resultant mare basin-sized structures overlapped in space and their effects overlapped in time to give rise to large areas, 105–104 km2, of vigorous endogenic activity and thermally and geologically anomalous crust. Subsidence of these major basins resulted in the reprocessing of large volumes of basaltic volcanics and impact melt leading to the production of sialic partial melts. Large impacts thus may have been a triggering mechanism for the generation of extensive concentrations of differentiated crust and for a proto-crust of basaltic composition would have been the loci of protocontinental nuclei production. Further reworking of these nuclei and subsequent cratonization by strictly internal mechanisms would have produced the stable shield areas during the Late Archean.  相似文献   

Approximately 39,000 km of marine gravity data collected during 1975 and 1976 have been integrated with U.S. Navy and other available data over the U.S. Atlantic continental margin between Florida and Maine to obtain a 10 mgal contour free-air gravity anomaly map. A maximum typically ranging from 0 to +70 mgal occurs along the edge of the shelf and Blake Plateau, while a minimum typically ranging from −20 to −80 mgal occurs along the base of the continental slope, except for a −140 mgal minimum at the base of the Blake Escarpment. Although the maximum and minimum free-air gravity values are strongly influenced by continental slope topography and by the abrupt change in crustal thickness across the margin, the peaks and troughs in the anomalies terminate abruptly at discrete transverse zones along the margin. These zones appear to mark major NW—SE fractures in the subsided continental margin and adjacent deep ocean basin, which separate the margin into a series of segmented basins and platforms. Rapid differential subsidence of crustal blocks on either side of these fractures during the early stages after separation of North America and Africa (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) is inferred to be the cause of most of the gravity transitions along the length of margin. The major transverse zones are southeast of Charleston, east of Cape Hatteras, near Norfolk Canyon, off Delaware Bay, just south of Hudson Canyon and south of Cape Cod.Local Airy isostatic anomaly profiles (two-dimensional, without sediment corrections) were computed along eight multichannel seismic profiles. The isostatic anomaly values over major basins beneath the shelf and rise are generally between −10 and −30 mgal while those over the platform areas are typically 0 to +20 mgal. While a few isostatic anomaly profiles show local 10–20 mgal increases seaward of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA: inferred to mark the ocean-continent boundary), the lack of a consistent correlation indicates that the relationship of isostatic gravity anomalies to the magnetic anomalies and the ocean—continent transition is variable.Two-dimensional gravity models have been computed for two profiles off Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Cape May, New Jersey, where excellent reflection, refraction and magnetic control appear to define 10 and 12 km deep sedimentary basins beneath the shelf, respectively and 10 km deep basins beneath the rise. The basins are separated by a 6–8 km deep basement ridge which underlies the ECMA and appears to mark the landward edge of oceanic crust. The gravity models suggest that the oceanic crust is between 11 and 18 km thick beneath the ECMA, but decreases to a thickness of less than 8 km within the first 20–90 km to the southeast. In both profiles, the derived crustal thickness variations support the interpretation that the ECMA occurs over the ocean-continent boundary. The crust underlying the sedimentary cover appears to be 12 to 15 km thick on the landward side of the ECMA and gradually thickens to normal continental values of greater than 25 km within the first 60 to 110 km to the northwest. Multichannel seismic profiles across platform areas, such as Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod, indicate the ocean-continent transition zones there are much narrower than profiles across major sedimentary basins, such as the one off New Jersey.  相似文献   

The estimate of the paleothermal state (at −3 Ga) of the Indian shield is deduced using pressure and temperature estimates from the mineral assemblages combined with models of the heat transport mechanism and depth distribution of radiogenic heat in the crust. We find that at 3 Ga ago, the mean thermal gradient within the crust, reduced heat flow and mean mantle temperature were 28°C/km 1.08 h.f.u. and 2350°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Seismic refraction surveys conducted in 1976 and 1979 over the broken ice surface of the Arctic Ocean, reveal distinctly different crustal structures for the Fram, Makarov and Canada basins. The Canada Basin, characterized by a 2–4 km thick sedimentary layer and a distinct oceanic layer 3B of 7.5 km/s velocity has the thickest crust and is undoubtedly the oldest of the three. The crust of the Makarov Basin has a thin sedimentary layer of less than 1 km and is about 9 km in total thickness. The Fram Basin has a similarly thin sedimentary layer but is 3–4 km thicker than the Makarov as it approaches the Lomonosov Ridge near the North Pole. The ridge itself is cored by material with a velocity of 6.6 km/s and may be a metagabbro similar to oceanic layer 3A. This ridge root material extends to a depth of about 27 km, where a change occurs to upper-mantle material with a velocity of 8.3 km/s. The core is overlain by up to 6 km of material with a velocity of about 4.7 km/s which could be oceanic layer 2A basalts or continental crystalline rocks with some sedimentary material.The Fram Basin probably began to open contemporaneously with the North Atlantic about 70 m.y. ago, by spreading along the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge. Although not yet dated, the Makarov Basin is probably no older than the initiation of the Fram Basin and may be much younger. The Alpha Ridge may once have been part of the Lomonosov Ridge, splitting off to form the Makarov Basin between 70 and 25 m.y. ago and possibly contributing to the Eurekan Orogeny of 25 m.y. ago, evident on Ellesmere Island. In contrast, the likely age of the Canada Basin lies in the 125–190 m.y. range and may have been formed by the counter-clockwise rotation of Alaska and the Northwind Ridge away from the Canadian Arctic Islands. The Lomonosov Ridge emerges from this scenario as a block resulting from a strike-slip shear zone on the European continental shelf, related to the opening of the Canada basin (180-120 my) and then becomes an entity broken from this shelf by the opening of the Eurasia Basin (70-0 m.y.).  相似文献   

The lunar regolith is exposed to irradiation from the solar wind and to bombardment by asteroids, comets and inter-planetary dust. Fragments of projectiles in the lunar regolith can potentially provide a direct measure of the sources of exogenous material being delivered to the Moon. Constraining the temporal flux of their delivery helps to address key questions about the bombardment history of the inner Solar System.Here, we use a revised antiquity calibration (after Eugster et al., 2001) that utilises the ratio of trapped 40Ar/36Ar (‘parentless’ 40Ar derived from radioactive decay of 40K, against solar wind derived 36Ar) to semi-quantitatively calculate the timing of the assembly of the Apollo 16 regolith breccias. We use the trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratios reported by McKay et al. (1986). Our model indicates that the Apollo 16 ancient regolith breccia population was formed between ∼3.8 and 3.4 Ga, consistent with regoliths developed and assembled after the Imbrium basin-forming event at ∼3.85 Ga, and during a time of declining basin-forming impacts. The material contained within the ancient samples potentially provides evidence of impactors delivered to the Moon in the Late-Imbrian epoch. We also find that a young regolith population was assembled, probably by local impacts in the Apollo 16 area, in the Eratosthenian period between ∼2.5 and 2.2 Ga, providing insights to the sources of post-basin bombardment. The ‘soil-like’ regolith breccia population, and the majority of local Apollo 16 soils, were likely closed in the last 2 Ga and, therefore, potentially provide an archive of projectile types in the Eratosthenian and Copernican periods.  相似文献   

Sedimentary basins of the east antarctic craton from geophysical evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-five percent of Antarctica is buried under an ice sheet up to 4.7 km thick. Within interior East Antarctica (~10.2 · 106 km2) recent airborne geophysical observations, principally radio echo sounding, have enabled widespread investigation of ice covered bedrock. Limited seismic refraction profiling, magnetic and gravity investigations combined with the radar studies have provided a generalized picture of sedimentary basins in Antarctica between 180° and 60° E.Two major basinal structures have been detected within East Antarctica—the Wilkes Basin and Aurora Basin complex. The former lies sub-parallel to the Transantarctic Mountains, while the Aurora Basin forms a branching system of basins in central East Antarctica trending northwest towards the Wilkes Land coast.Analyses of macro-scale terrain roughness and bedrock reflection coefficients from radio echo sounding indicate significant differences between basins and their surrounding regions. Small-scale surface irregularities and slowly changing, high reflectivities from radar measurements are interpreted as suggesting the presence of a smoothing cover of sediments. Residual magnetic anomalies (from airborne operations), when combined with topographic data, exhibit low gradients over basins, but steep, fluctuating characteristics over adjacent basement highs. Source-depth calculations from oversnow magnetic determinations across the Wilkes Basin indicate an average thickness for the sedimentary layer of <3 km. This is corroborated by reinterpretation of gravity anomalies, which average ~—30 mGal, over the basin. Sediments appear absent or extremely thin on the flanks of the Wilkes Basin where seismic refraction shooting has detected the near-surface presence of granitic crust. Furthermore an increase in roughness of terrain combined with sudden breaks in slope argue that these basin margins may be fault-controlled and deeply eroded.The distribution and configuration of the depressions is therefore thought to be governed by intra-cratonic fracture patterns possibly related to ancient orogenic sutures. Juxtaposition of basins and flanking basement highs of probable Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic age are reminiscent of basin and swell structures of the African and Australian cratons, with which East Antarctica has had a common geologic history throughout most of the Phanerozoic. Any sediments must pre-date growth of the ice sheet and are hence older than Miocene.  相似文献   

The occurrence of shock metamorphic features substantiates an impact origin for the 1.85 Ga old Sudbury Structure, but this has not been universally accepted. Recent improvements in knowledge of large-scale impact processes, combined with new petrographic, geochemical, geophysical (LITHOPROBE) and structural data, allow the Sudbury Structure to be interpreted as a multi-ring impact structure. The structure consists of the following lithologies: Sudbury Breccia —dike breccias occurring up to 80 km from the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC); Footwall rocks and Footwall Breccia — brecciated, shocked crater floor materials, in part thermally metamorphosed by the overlying SIC; Sublayer and Offset Dikes, Main Mass of the SIC and Basal Member of the Onaping Formation (OF) — geochemically heterogeneous coherent impact melt complex ranging from inclusion-rich basal unit through a dominantly inclusion-free to a capping inclusion-rich impact melt rock; Grey Member of OF — melt-rich impact breccia (suevite); Green Member of OF — thin layer of fall back ejecta; Black Member of OF — reworked and redeposited breccia material; Onwatin and Chelmsford Formations — post-impact sediments. Observational and analytical data support an integrated step-by-step impact model for the genesis of these units. Analysis of the present spatial distribution of various impact-related lithologies and shock metamorphic effects result in an estimated original rim-to-rim diameter of the final crater of 200 or even 280 km for the Sudbury Structure, prior to tectonic thrusting and deformation during the Penokean orogeny.  相似文献   

The southern segment of the seismic profile EUROBRIDGE—EUROBRIDGE-97 (EB'97)—located in Belarus and Ukraine, crosses the suture zone between two main segments of the East European Craton—Fennoscandia and Sarmatia—as well as Sarmatia itself. At the initial stage of our study, a 3-D density model has been constructed for the crust of the study region, including the major part of the Osnitsa–Mikashevichi Igneous Belt (OMIB) superimposed by sediments of the Pripyat Trough (PT), and three domains in the Ukrainian Shield—the Volhyn Domain (VD) with the anorthosite–rapakivi Korosten Pluton (KP), the Podolian Domain (PD), and the Ros–Tikich Domain (RTD). The model comprises three layers—sediments with maximum thickness (6 km) in the PT and two heterogeneous layers in the crystalline crust separated at a depth of 15 km. 3-D calculations show the main features of the observed gravity field are caused by density heterogeneities in the upper crust. Allocation of density domains deeper than 15 km is influenced by Moho topography. Fitting the densities here reveals an increase (up to 2960 kg m−3) in the modelled bodies accompanied by a Moho deepening to 50 km. In contrast, a Moho uplift to a level of 35–37 km below the KP and major part of the PT is associated with domains of reduced densities. An important role for the deep Odessa–Gomel tectonic zone, dividing the crust into two regions one of basically Archean consolidation in the west (PD and RTD) and one of Proterozoic crust in the east (Kirovograd Domain)—was confirmed.2-D density modelling on the EB'97 profile shows that in the upper crust three main domains of different Precambrian evolution—the OMIB (with the superimposed PT), the VD with the KP, and the PD—can be distinguished. Deeper, in the middle and lower crust, layered structures having no connection to the surface geology are dominant features of the models. Least thickness of the crust was obtained below the KP. Greatest crustal thickness (more than 50 km) was found below the PD, characterised also by maximum deviation of velocity/density relation in the rocks from a standard one. The velocity and density models along the EB'97 profile have been interpreted together with inferred Vp/Vs ratios to estimate crustal composition in terms of SiO2 content. In the course of the modelling, the status of the PD as a centre of Archean granulitic consolidation has been confirmed. The crustal structure of the anorthosite–rapakivi KP is complex. For the first time, a complicated structure for the lower crust and lower crust–upper mantle transition zone beneath the KP has been determined. The peculiarities of the crustal structure of the KP are quite well explained in terms of formation of rapakivi–anorthosite massifs as originating from melt chambers in the upper mantle and lower crust. An important role for the South Pripyat Fault (SPF), repeatedly activated during Proterozoic–Palaeozoic times, has been ascertained. At the subplatform stage of crustal evolution the SPF was, probably, a magma channel facilitating the granitic intrusions of the KP. In the Palaeozoic the fault was reactivated during rifting in the PT.  相似文献   

The impact environment of the Hadean Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Impact bombardment in the first billion years of solar system history determined in large part the initial physical and chemical states of the inner planets and their potential to host biospheres. The range of physical states and thermal consequences of the impact epoch, however, are not well quantified. Here, we assess these effects on the young Earth's crust as well as the likelihood that a record of such effects could be preserved in the oldest terrestrial minerals and rocks. We place special emphasis on modeling the thermal effects of the late heavy bombardment (LHB) – a putative spike in the number of impacts at about 3.9 Gyr ago – using several different numerical modeling and analytical techniques. A comprehensive array of impact-produced heat sources was evaluated which includes shock heating, impact melt generation, uplift, and ejecta heating. Results indicate that ∼1.5–2.5 vol.% of the upper 20 km of Earth's crust was melted in the LHB, with only ∼0.3–1.5 vol.% in a molten state at any given time. The model predicts that approximately 5–10% of the planet's surface area was covered by >1 km deep impact melt sheets. A global average of ∼600–800 m of ejecta and ∼800–1000 m of condensed rock vapor is predicted to have been deposited in the LHB, with most of the condensed rock vapor produced by the largest (>100-km) projectiles. To explore for a record of such catastrophic events, we created two- and three-dimensional models of post-impact cooling of ejecta and craters, coupled to diffusion models of radiogenic Pb*-loss in zircons. We used this to estimate what the cumulative effects of putative LHB-induced age resetting would be of Hadean zircons on a global scale. Zircons entrained in ejecta are projected to have the following average global distribution after the end of the LHB: ∼59% with no impact-induced Pb*-loss, ∼26% with partial Pb*-loss and ∼15% with complete Pb*-loss or destruction of the grain. In addition to the relatively high erodibility of ejecta, our results show that if discordant ca. 3.9 Gyr old zones in the Jack Hills zircons are a signature of the LHB, they were most likely sourced from impact ejecta.  相似文献   

研究月海撞击盆地,尤其是古老的月海撞击盆地,有助于深入认识月球乃至太阳系中两种动力学即内动力和外动力地质作用的演化过程,也是研究月球早期演化和现今状态的重要纽带。云海撞击盆地为古老的撞击盆地之一,形成于前酒海纪,在后期的内外动力地质作用下,盆地有很大程度的改造。为了恢复云海撞击盆地原貌,深入认识该地区的地质演化过程,本文利用了LRO宽角相机影像数据、LOLA地形数据和GRAIL重力数据等多种类型的遥感数据,开展了云海撞击盆地演化的研究。结果显示,云海盆地是由一次撞击事件形成,具中央隆起的三环结构的撞击盆地,三环直径分别约为740km、500km、340km,盆地中心约为16°W,21°S。云海撞击盆地事件破坏了该地区原始月壳结构,随后岩浆喷出或溢流充填在撞击盆地中形成云海,塑造了现今观察到的云海地形特征和重力异常特征。  相似文献   

西太平洋中段位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处,是全球沟弧盆体系最为发育的地区,主要发育弧后盆地、弧前盆地和陆架边缘盆地。文中通过综合研究西太平洋中段17个盆地的大地构造背景、盆地的形成与演化和沉积特征后认为:(1)各类盆地的构造-沉积演化均经历4个期次。弧前盆地和弧后盆地的构造-沉积演化可分为俯冲期(K2-E)、盆地发育期((N -N3)、沉降期(N4-N5)和挤压期(N2-Q):俯冲期发育火山岩和变质岩基底,局部为海相碎屑岩;盆地发育期以海相沉积为主,伴有火山活动,局部发育陆相沉积;沉降期以海相和三角洲相沉积为主;挤压期以三角洲相和海相沉积为主,局部发育河湖相沉积。陆架边缘盆地的构造-沉积演化也分为4期,分别为前裂陷期(K2-E1)、裂陷期(E2-(E3)、拗陷期(E32-N3)和沉降期(N4-Q):前裂陷期和裂陷期主要发育冲积扇—河流—湖泊沉积体系,火山活动强烈;拗陷期沉积环境由陆相向海陆过渡相演化;沉降期以海相和海陆过渡相沉积为主。(2)不同类型盆地的构造-沉积演化特征各不相同:弧前盆地构造以挤压和板块俯冲为主,平均沉积厚度为3.6,km,总体由海陆过渡相向陆相演化;弧后盆地构造受板块俯冲后撤和弧后洋壳扩张作用控制,平均沉积厚度为4.8,km,总体由海相向海陆过渡相演化;陆架边缘盆地构造呈下断上拗双层结构,平均沉积厚度超过10,km,总体由陆相演化为海相。  相似文献   

The origin of regional sedimentary basins is being investigated by the ESTRID project (Explosion Seismic Transects around a Rift In Denmark). This project investigates the mechanisms of the formation of wide, regional basins and their interrelation to previous rifting processes in the Danish–Norwegian Basin in the North Sea region. In May 2004 a 143 km long refraction seismic profile was acquired along the strike direction of a suspected major mafic intrusion in the crust in central Denmark. The data confirms the presence of a body with high seismic velocity (> 6.5 km/s) extending from a depth of  10–12 km depth into the lower crust. There is a remarkable Moho relief between 27 and 34 km depth along this new along-strike profile as based on ray-tracing modelling of PmP reflections. The lack of PmP reflections at a zone of very high velocity in the lowest crust (7.3–7.5 km/s) suggests a possible location of a feeder channel to the batholith. The presence of volcanic rocks of Carboniferous–Permian age above the intrusion (mafic batholith) suggests a similar age of the intrusion. An older obliquely crossing profile and two new fan profiles deployed perpendicular to the main ESTRID profile, show that the batholith is about 30–40 km wide. The existence of this large mafic batholith supports the hypothesis that the origin of the Danish–Norwegian Basin is related to cooling and contraction after intrusion of large amounts of mafic melts into the crust during the late Carboniferous and early Permian. The data and interpretations from project ESTRID will form the basis for subsidence modelling. Tentatively, we interpret the formation of the Danish–Norwegian Basin as a thermal subsidence basin, which developed after widespread rifting of the region.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) density model, approximated by two regional layers—the sedimentary cover and the crystalline crust (offshore, a sea-water layer was added), has been constructed in 1° averaging for the whole European continent. The crustal model is based on simplified velocity model represented by structure maps for main seismic horizons—the “seismic” basement and the Moho boundary. Laterally varying average density is assumed inside the model layers. Residual gravity anomalies, obtained by subtraction of the crustal gravity effect from the observed field, characterize the density heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Mantle anomalies are shown to correlate with the upper mantle velocity inhomogeneities revealed from seismic tomography data and geothermal data. Considering the type of mantle anomaly, specific features of the evolution and type of isostatic compensation, the sedimentary basins in Europe may be related into some groups: deep sedimentary basins located in the East European Platform and its northern and eastern margins (Peri-Caspian, Dnieper–Donets, Barents Sea Basins, Fore–Ural Trough) with no significant mantle anomalies; basins located on the activated thin crust of Variscan Western Europe and Mediterranean area with negative mantle anomalies of −150 to −200×10−5 ms−2 amplitude and the basins associated with suture zones at the western and southern margins of the East European Platform (Polish Trough, South Caspian Basin) characterized by positive mantle anomalies of 50–150×10−5 ms−2 magnitude. An analysis of the main features of the lithosphere structure of the basins in Europe and type of the compensation has been carried out.  相似文献   

The Kenorland supercontinent was created as a result of the ascent of the most powerful mantle plumes in the Earth’s geological history and accompanied by the formation of the continental crust and its subsequent accretion into a supercontinent 2.7 Ga ago. The geological phenomena that occurred at that time in Australia, Canada, and South Africa reflecting its features are considered in this paper. The first sedimentary basins resting upon the sialic basement give evidence for long-existing peneplanes formed in the Early Precambrian, i.e., for stabilization of the underlying cratons; this is also supported by the appearance of rapakivi granite 2.8 Ga ago. The platform regime existed as early as the Mesoarchean 3.5 Ga ago. The platform sedimentary basins developed almost continuously over a billion years. Layered mafic intrusions were frequently emplaced into sedimentary sequences. Unique gold, uranium, PGE, chrome, and other deposits are hosted in sedimentary basins and layered intrusions. The extremely high intensity of plume activity determined the origin and breakdown of the Kenorland supercontinent and the cause of transport of ore elements concentrated in unique deposits. In terms of the intensity of plume-related magmatism and ore formation, the considered period of geological history has no more recent analogues and was critical for the Earth’s evolution.  相似文献   

Three variants of Atlantic-type continental margin border Southern Africa. On the west is a rifted margin with a rift phase no more than 50 m.y. in length (180–130 m.y. ago). Sedimentary basin formation was by upbuilding of a sediment terrace during the rift phase and the 30 m.y. following, with outbuilding of the terrace dominant during the Cainozoic. Little downwarping of the oceanic crust occurred but the continent—ocean transition zone appears to be wide.To the south of South Africa is an extensive sheared margin. Basin formation began here in mid-Triassic times with intermontane deposition. Local increase in lower crustal density appears to have accompanied subsidence. Truncation of the basins occurred 130–2100 m.y. ago and in places detrital influx was trapped behind a marginal fracture ridge. No continental rise sedimentary apron and characteristic deep structure were formed in these places. A ‘welding’ of the continental edge appears to have taken place.East of 30° E a complex continental margin with a protracted rift phase exists. From Triassic to Cretaceous times sedimentary basin formation was controlled by an E-W tensional stress regime resulting in N-S horsts and grabens. This was accompanied by vol-canicity and crustal thinning. Other stress systems may have prevailed during continental break-up in the Cretaceous while today the region is seismically active and the tensional stress assumed to be E-W. Following break-up sedimentary basins in Natal Valley and Mozambique Channel encroached southwards.  相似文献   

Crustal heterogeneity and seismotectonics of the region around Beijing, China   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Jinli Huang  Dapeng Zhao   《Tectonophysics》2004,385(1-4):159-180
A detailed three-dimensional (3-D) P-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle under the Chinese capital (Beijing) region is determined with a spatial resolution of 25 km in the horizontal direction and 4–17 km in depth. We used 48,750 precise P-wave arrival times from 2973 events of local crustal earthquakes, controlled seismic explosions and quarry blasts. These events were recorded by a new digital seismic network consisting of 101 seismic stations equipped with high-sensitivity seismometers. The data are analyzed by using a 3-D seismic tomography method. Our tomographic model provides new insights into the geological structure and tectonics of the region, such as the lithological variations and large fault zones across the major geological terranes like the North China Basin, the Taihangshan and the Yanshan mountainous areas. The velocity images of the upper crust reflect well the surface geological and topographic features. In the North China Basin, the depression and uplift areas are imaged as slow and fast velocities, respectively. The Taihangshan and Yanshan mountainous regions are generally imaged as broad high-velocity zones, while the Quaternary intermountain basins show up as small low-velocity anomalies. Velocity changes are visible across some of the large fault zones. Large crustal earthquakes, such as the 1976 Tangshan earthquake (M=7.8) and the 1679 Sanhe earthquake (M=8.0), generally occurred in high-velocity areas in the upper to middle crust. In the lower crust to the uppermost mantle under the source zones of the large earthquakes, however, low-velocity and high-conductivity anomalies exist, which are considered to be associated with fluids. The fluids in the lower crust may cause the weakening of the seismogenic layer in the upper and middle crust and thus contribute to the initiation of the large crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   

The deep structure of the gabbro–anorthosite–rapakivi granite (“AMCG-type”) Korosten Pluton (KP) in the northwestern Ukrainian Shield was studied by 3-D modelling of the gravity and magnetic fields together with previous seismic data. The KP occupies an area of ca. 12,500 km2 and comprises several layered gabbro-anorthositic intrusions enveloped by large volumes of rapakivi-type granitoids. Between 1.80 and 1.74 Ga, the emplacement of mafic and associated granitoid melts took place in several pulses. The 3-D geophysical reconstruction included: (a) modelling of the density distribution in the crust using the observed Bouguer anomaly field constrained by seismic data on Moho depth, and (b) modelling of the magnetic anomaly field in order to outline rock domains of various magnetisation, size and shape in the upper and lower crust. The density modelling was referred to three depth levels of 0 to 5, 5 to 18, and 18 km to Moho, respectively. The 3-D reconstruction demonstrates close links between the subsurface geology of the KP and the structure of the lower crust. The existence of a non-magnetic body with anomalously high seismic velocity and density is documented. Most plausibly, it represents a gabbroic stock (a parent magma chamber) with a vertical extent of ca. 20 km, penetrating the entire lower crust. This stock has a half-cylindrical shape and a diameter of ca. 90 km. It appears to be connected with a crust–mantle transitional lens previously discovered by EUROBRIDGE seismic profiling. The position of the stock relative to the subsurface outlines of the KP is somewhat asymmetric. This may be due to a connection between the magmatism and sets of opposite-dipping faults initially developed during late Palaeoproterozoic collisional deformation in the Sarmatian crustal segment. Continuing movements and disturbances of the upper mantle and the lower crust during post-collisional tectonic events between 1.80 and 1.74 Ga may account for the long-lived, recurrent AMCG magmatism.  相似文献   

In 1976, the Institute of Physics of the Earth and the Institute of Oceanology, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, carried out deep seismic soundings in the Barents Sea along a profile 700 km long northeast of Murmansk. A system of reversed and overlapping traveltime curves from 200 to 400 km long has been obtained. The wave correlation was effected by several independent approaches, which identified on the records the refracted and reflected waves from boundaries in the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. Different methods were applied for the solution of the inverse problem: the isochrone method, the intercept-time method, and the iteration method.The use of these different methods gives an indication of the general applicability of the interpretation and of the most reliable elements in the seismic model.All the interpretations and representations of the section positively establish an essentially horizontal inhomogeneity of the Earth's crust in the Barents Sea. On the whole the structure is similar to that of deep sedimentary basins of the East European platform. The thickness of the sedimentary layer varies from 8 to 17 km, the average crustal thickness is about 35–40 km; the velocities in the upper part of the consolidated crust are 5.8–6.4 km/s; in the lower crust they are 6.8–7.0 km/s and higher.  相似文献   

Geochronological, petrological and geochemical studies were performed on the granulite xenoliths from a Late Cretaceous basaltic breccia dike in Junan, Shandong province, eastern China. These xenoliths show close similarities to the Nushan granulite xenoliths from the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) and the Archean granulite terrains in terms of mineralogy and bulk rock compositions, but are quite different from the Hanuoba mafic granulite xenoliths from the northern NCC. In-situ zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotopic analyses, together with geochemical data reveal that the protolith of these xenoliths was formed around 2.3 Ga ago, through assimilation–fractional crystallization of a mafic magma. P–T conditions of these xenoliths suggest that the lower crust beneath the Junan region reaches to a depth of 35 km, which agree well with the result deduced from various geophysical methods. The consistent petrological and seismic Moho depths, the observed velocity structure and calculated velocity of these xenoliths imply the absence of underplating induced crust–mantle transition zone, which was well formed in the northern NCC. Compared to 40–50 km depth of the lower crust in Early Jurassic, the lower crust beneath Junan extended to a depth of 30 km in Late Cretaceous, suggesting that the lower crust of NCC was significantly thinned during Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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