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卫星星座与编队飞行问题综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡松杰  王歆  刘林 《天文学进展》2003,21(3):231-240
卫星应用的日益发展需要由多颗卫星组成的卫星系统(形成各种类型的星座)来替代单颗卫星,这就给卫星轨道力学的应用增加了一些新内容。重点阐述了卫星星座整体结构的演化、卫星星座编队飞行中的星-星相对几何构形及其保持问题,以及星座卫星定轨所涉及的测控方式和天地基网联合定轨问题。这些内容都是卫星星座轨道力学中的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

卫星星座的结构演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胡松杰  陈力  刘林 《天文学报》2003,44(1):46-54
主要研究星座几何结构的演化问题,分析了在地球扁率摄动和卫星的入轨偏差影响下轨道的演化过程,以卫星的相位和升交点赤经为参数描述了星座结构演化的一般规律,又以星下点轨迹变化和星下点的相互位置关系的变化为参数描述了区域星座结构演化的地域特性.分析表明,地球扁率摄动将导致星座结构的整体漂移,而卫星的入轨偏差则会导致星座几何结构的紊乱,特别是轨道半长轴的偏差,将是影响星座几何结构稳定性的决定因素.  相似文献   

关于月球低轨卫星运动的两个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘林  王海红 《天文学报》2006,47(3):275-283
对月球低轨卫星的轨道寿命特征和冻结轨道晶状态作了详尽的理论分析,给出它们与轨道倾角之间的关系以及它们相互之间的某种联系,并考虑低轨卫星的主要摄动源,在完整力模型下作了相应的模拟计算,不仅证实了理论分析的正确性,而且为环月运行探测器的轨道设计提供了极有参考价值的数值结果.  相似文献   

甘庆波 《天文学报》2012,53(4):355-356
卫星自主定轨是卫星自主导航中的关键技术,其概念是指卫星在不借助地面站系统测控情况下直接在星上实现轨道参数的自主确定,实时确定卫星飞行的位置和速度.国际上已提出了诸如利用星敏感器测量、地球磁强计测量、利用掩星时刻测量以及近年来非常热门的利用X-ray脉冲星信号相位测量等多种算法来实现卫星自主导航.其中利用星敏感器测量的自主导航方法具有成本低、研制周期短、可观测条件强以及观测设备技术成熟等优点,其可行性和经济效益比较突出,是一种非常值得采用的自主导航方法.国内外对星敏感器自主导航的研究,基本还是原理方法的论述以及简单仿真验证研究.本论文对卫星利用星敏感器的自主导航算法进行了研究,通过建立逼真的卫星运行平台,充分考  相似文献   

中国区域定位系统(Chinese Area Positioning System,CAPS)把寿命末期的地球静止轨道(Geostationary Earth Orbit,GEO)通信卫星推到比GEO轨道高约200 km的倾斜高圆轨道(inclined Highly Circular Orbit,iHCO),卫星相对地球向西漂移。利用该类卫星组建CAPS导航星座,可以实现全球范围内的导航通信覆盖。重点开展基于iHCO通信卫星的CAPS星座优化研究,结果表明:利用GEO通信卫星和iHCO通信卫星组成的星座可以实现较好的空间星座布局,可以满足一般导航用户的需要。  相似文献   

基于通信卫星的导航系统可以利用比地球静止轨道(Geostationary Earth Orbit,GEO)高约200 km的倾斜高圆轨道(inclined Highly Circular Orbit,iHCO)通信卫星组成导航星座.结合两种轨道高度的倾斜高圆轨道通信卫星,仿真分析了利用倾斜高圆轨道卫星组成的中国区域定位系统(Chinese Area Positioning System,CAPS)的导航性能,并讨论了利用倾斜高圆轨道卫星组成的中国区域定位系统实现中国区域覆盖的最佳星座布局.  相似文献   

用改进的SPEA求解轨道转移的时间-能量极小化问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王石  戴金海 《天文学报》2003,44(2):197-203
提出了改进的SPEA,这是一种多目标进化算法,适于求解大尺度空间的多目标优化的Pareto最优解,并应用于求解轨道转移的时间—能量极小化问题,计算结果表明算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了满足工程需求,充分利用观测资料信息,快速提供较好的卫星位置预报精度是必要的。在精密定轨的基础上,结合某GEO(地球同步轨道)卫星连续3天的测距观测资料,研究了使用GEO卫星的不同弧长的观测资料进行定轨和轨道预报的精度。结果表明,每天间隔11小时选取该段观测开始30分钟后的5分钟资料进行定轨,可以得到一个为期2天、精度好于15 m的预报轨道。  相似文献   

天上的星座及其名称可以说是一种独特的文化现象。由于恒星位置的相对固定,它们本身在天空就构成了一套潜在的符号系统,星座则是通过我们的划分和命名将其具体化了。中国古代的三垣二十八宿传统星官体系共有283星官,在晋朝就定型,一直沿用到清代封建王朝覆亡,而西方和现代使用的则是以古希腊托勒密时代星座为主体并在历史演变中逐渐形成的88星座体系。  相似文献   

针对国内气象部门的要求,本文就某一特定地域对地球低轨道卫星进行轨道计算,使得地面测点能维持在该区域较长时间.计算结果表明该轨道可以使得无线电掩星的地面测点维持在辐射半径为100km之内的区域达130天左右。这基本满足了利用GPS无线电掩星技术对局部地域大气进行监测研究的要求。  相似文献   

Satellites flying in formation is a concept being pursued by the Air Force and NASA. Potential periodic formation orbits have been identified using Hill's (or Clohessy Wiltshire) equations. Unfortunately the gravitational perturbations destroy the periodicity of the orbits and control will be required to maintain the desired orbits. Since fuel will be one of the major factors limiting the system lifetime it is imperative that fuel consumption be minimized. To maximize lifetime we not only need to find those orbits which require minimum fuel we also need for each satellite to have equal fuel consumption and this average amount needs to be minimized. Thus, control of the system has to be addressed, not just control of each satellite. In this paper control of the individual satellites as well as the constellation is addressed from an astrodynamics perspective.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in the past few years have analyzed possible effects of planetary migration on the small bodies of the Solar System (mainly asteroids and KBOs), with the double aim of explaining certain dynamical structures in these systems, as well as placing limits on the magnitude of the radial migration of the planets. Here we undertake a similar aim, only this time concentrating on the dynamical stability of planetary satellites in a migration scenario. However, different from previous works, the strongest perturbations on satellite systems are not due to the secular variation of the semimajor axes of the planets, but from the planetesimals themselves. These perturbations result from close approaches between the planetesimals and satellites.We present results of several numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of real and fictitious satellite systems around the outer planets, under the effects of multiple passages of a population of planetesimals representing the large-body component of a residual rocky disk. Assuming that this component dominated the total mass of the disk, our results show that the present systems of satellites of Uranus and Neptune do not seem to be compatible with a planetary migration larger than even one quarter that suggested by previous studies, unless these bodies were originated during the late stage of evaporation of the planetesimal disk. For larger variations of the semimajor axes of the planets, most of the satellites would either be ejected from the system or suffer mutual collisions due to excitation in their eccentricities. For the systems of Jupiter and Saturn, these perturbations are not so severe, and even large migrations do not introduce large instabilities.Nevertheless, even a small number of 1000-km planetesimals in the region may introduce significant excitation in the eccentricities and inclinations of satellites. Adequate values of this component may help explain the present dynamical distribution of distant satellites, including the highly peculiar orbit of Nereid.  相似文献   

4颗卫星情况的几何优化法修正   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在GPS定位与导航中,用户可以通过选择至少4颗可见卫星的观测,得到测站位置和站钟差信息,卫星相对于测站的几何关系直接影响到定位和导航的精度,考虑用4颗卫星进行定位,在当前有一定的现实意义,在KihaLra等人工作的基础上对四面体的性质进行了深入讨论,推导了4颗可见卫星构成四面体体积的计算公式,实例分析证明该计算公式更合理、更精确。  相似文献   

The problem of the motion of a star inside a layered inhomogeneous rotating elliptical galaxy with a variable mass is considered. We have found an analogue of the Jacobi integral and determined the possible regions of motion. A solution to the equations of perturbed motion has been obtained.  相似文献   

A detailed theoretical analysis on the orbital lifetime and orbital inclination of a Low Moon-Orbiting satellite (LMOs) and the 'stable areas' of long orbital lifetime are given. Numerical simulations under the real force model were carried out, which not only validate the theoretical analysis and also give some valuable results for the orbit design of the LMOs.  相似文献   

制约卫星轨道寿命的另一种机制(续)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王歆  刘林 《天文学报》2002,43(4):379-386
对于制约低轨人造地球卫星轨道寿命的耗散机制,人们已有足够的重视,但在深空探测中,另一种制约低轨卫星轨道寿命的引力机制同样应予重视,前文讨论了高轨卫星的情况,在第三体引力作用下,有可能导致卫星轨道偏心率产生变幅较大的长周期变化。特别是极轨卫星,其轨道偏心率在一定的时间内可增大到使其近星距rp=a(1-e)≈Re(Re是中心天体的赤道半径),从而落到中心天体上,结束其轨道寿命,目前对低轨卫星作了详尽的理论分析,研究表明,与高轨卫星有类似结果,但其力学机制却不相同,低轨卫星的轨道寿命与第三体引力无关。它取决于中心天体非球形引力位中的扁率项(即J2项)与其他带谐项之间的相对大小,这不仅是一个纯理论结果,也有实际背景,在太阳系中慢自传天体(月球和金星等)的低轨卫星就存在这一问题,还给出了有关判据,并以计算实例作了验证。  相似文献   

The orbital migration of Jovian planets is believed to have played an important role in shaping the Kuiper Belt. We investigate the effects of the long time-scale (2×107 yr) migration of Jovian planets on the orbital evolution of massless test particles that are initially located beyond 28 AU. Because of the slowness of the migration, Neptune's mean motion resonances capture test particles very efficiently. Taking into account the stochastic behavior during the planetary migration and for proper parameter values, the resulting concentration of objects in the 3:2 resonance is prominent, while very few objects enter the 2:1 resonance, thus matching the observed Kuiper Belt objects very well. We also find that such a long time-scale migration is favorable for exciting the inclinations of the test particles, because it makes the secular resonance possible to operate during the migration. Our analyses show that the v8 secular resonance excites the eccentricities of some test particles, so decreasing their perihelion distances, leading to close encounters with Neptune, which can then pump the inclinations up to 20℃.  相似文献   

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