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海上石油开采导致生态环境变化实例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1996年8月和2003年8月对埕北油田邻近海域的调查资料,对海水中溶解氧(DO)、化学耗氧量(COD)、油类和重金属的含量,沉积物中重金属、油类、有机物、硫化物的含量以及海水与底床中生物种类、数量和密度,进行历史变化趋势分析与现状评价,结果表明,海水中石油浓度有所上升,沉积物受到了铜的污染且油类浓度持续上升,底栖生物环境已属非健康状态,底栖生物受到石油烃污染.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyzes the application of the precautionary principle in the regulation of operational discharges from offshore petroleum activities. Norway implemented a zero discharge policy in line with international agreements. However, companies are obliged to follow considerably stricter requirements in the Barents Sea compared to other parts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf. This paper follows the development of the zero discharge measure and analyzes what it implies for activities in the Barents Sea. Several “uncertainties of precaution” are discussed, which relate to technological issues, monitoring, compliance and unintended environmental consequences. Precautionary action should be scrutinized for its proportionality: how do the benefits of the measure relate to the technological, financial and environmental costs? It is concluded that the most (cost-) effective solutions that could lead to the lowest total environmental harm are not always the solutions that are most politically feasible.  相似文献   

The Edda Field, which was discovered in 1972, is located in the southern part of the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea. As in the nearby Ekofisk Field, chalk reservoir in the Danian (Lower Paleocene) and Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) contain oil which originated in the Upper Jurassic organic rich shale sequence. A 15 slots drilling-production platform was installed on the basis of the results of 3 exploration appraisal wells. Seven producer wells were drilled and completed in 1979 and a production peak of about 33000 BOPD was reached in January 1980. All the development wells encountered less yield than expected and the 3 wells drilled on the southern flank of the structure were dry. Most of the characteristics of the chalk reservoir were known at that time but the existence of a pre-Maastrichtian paleo-relief in that area had not yet been established. This paleo-feature, the Lindesnes Ridge, strongly influenced the distribution and characteristics of the reservoir. Variation in initial porosity is the result of changes in sedimentation mode and rate as well as differential early cementation and mechanical compaction over the paleo-high. Differential porosity preservation is partly due to progressive infill of the trap by hydrocarbons but, as in most chalk fields, overpressure in the porous chalk layers was an important prerequisite.  相似文献   

根据吐哈油田的特点,就高砂比压裂技术在吐哈油田的应用,在压裂液优化、支撑剂选择、施工工艺等方面进行了研究,优选出了适合该地区的压裂液和支撑剂,优化了压裂施工工艺,最终通过实践总结出了一套适合吐哈油田的高砂比压裂工艺,经过推广试验证明,效果明显。  相似文献   

1 引言 石油,作为现代社会的主要能源,在全球经济迅速发展和人口激增的情况下,世界范围内的供求在不断增长,海洋石油勘探开发规模也在不断扩大.海洋油气开发已成为我国油气战略资源的主要来源之一.  相似文献   

为满足恩平24-2油田水平井钻井工程和储层保护需要,通过实验研制出一种无固相快速弱凝胶钻井液体系.室内评价试验表明:该钻井液具有较高的动塑比和较高低剪切速率黏度(LSRV),能有效克服水平井段携岩难、易形成岩屑床的问题.具有优异的抑制性和润滑性,且滤失量较小,具有较强的抗温、抗污染能力、井眼净化能力和储层保护能力.针对恩平24-2油田水平井采用裸眼完井工艺,研究了破胶剂JPC对钻井液及其滤饼的破胶性能,破胶剂JPC能有效解除聚合物对储层造成的污染.研究结果表明,该钻井液具有独特的流变性,维护简单,优异的储层保护性能和较好的可降解性,适用于恩平24-2油田水平井水平段的钻进.  相似文献   

1系统介绍胜利埕岛油田位于渤海湾南部现代黄河三角洲北部浅海区,1964~1976年黄河在该区入海。在Mapinfo平台上开发的胜利埕岛油田海洋工程环境地理信息系统(简称埕岛GIS)集成了埕岛地区1964年以来以海岸带变迁及海底冲淤变化为主的海洋工程环...  相似文献   

Estimation of prospect outcome probabilities in numerical form should be a central objective for petroleum geologists. Most numerical estimates of outcome probabilities represent subjective guesses. While the effectiveness of subjective procedures is difficult to gauge, several postmortem analyses suggest that subjective procedures are ineffective. Objective procedures for estimating outcome probabilities should yield much improved estimates. Objective procedures require that geological, geophysical and production data be organized so that geological and geophysical characteristics of prospects interpreted before they were drilled can be compared systematically with outcomes of prospects after they have been drilled. An example application that involves well data and an example application that involves seismic data demonstrate that objective procedures are simple in principle, but require organization of information in a form suitable for computation of frequencies, on which objective estimates of probabilities can be based.  相似文献   

Pore pressures in the seabed are extremely sensitive to any imposed stress because of the low permeabilities commonly exhibited by marine sediments. Consequently, the measurement of sediment pore pressures can be used to infer either the nature of the imposed stress (if the sediment properties are known) or the physical properties of the sediment (if the imposed stresses are known). Stresses of many different types may be exerted on the seabed either through hydrostatic forces (e.g. tidal and wave effects), or directly by lithospheric forces (e.g. tectonic and thermal forces). Several techniques for measuring in situ pore pressures in the upper few metres of sediments have been developed, and one instrument, the PUPPI, will operate autonomously in water depths up to 6000 m. Basic sediment properties and processes can already be inferred from pore pressure responses using this technique. However, further application and development could greatly enhance its capability, especially for long-term monitoring of sediment conditions. In this Chapter, pore pressure measurement techniques are briefly reviewed and problems are highlighted. An outline is given of some of the many ways in which pore pressure measurements could be used to gain further insight into geological processes and to determine some of the pertinent sediment properties more accurately for engineering applications.  相似文献   

基于Field Ⅱ声场仿真工具建立了仿真模型,模拟了平坦以及海底有凸起目标时的海底地形,分别采用常规波束形成器和超波束形成器对模拟的海底回波数据进行处理,结果表明超波束形成器分辨目标的性能更优;应用Monte Carlo方法进行仿真实验,结果表明基于超波束形成器的WMT算法深度估计均值更接近真值、标准差更低,可以有效提升多波束海底检测性能。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal venting has a profound effect on the chemical and biological properties of local and distal seawater and sediments. In this study, lipid biomarkers were analyzed to examine the potential influence of hydrothermal activity on the fate of organic matter(OM) in surface sediments around Tianxiu Hydrothermal Field in the Carlsberg Ridge(CR), Northwest Indian Ocean. By comparing the biomarker distributions of the samples with that of other typical hydrothermal sediments in the mid ocean ridge, it is shown that the location of the samples is not affected by the hydrothermal activity. The relatively low abundances of terrestrial n-alkyl lipids and riverine1,15-C32 diol suggested a minor contribution of terrigenous OM to the study area. The bacteria contributed predominantly to sedimentary marine OM; however, other marine source organisms, e.g., eukaryotes(i.e.,phytoplankton and fungi) could not be completely neglected. The marine-originated biomarkers showed significantly variable distributions between the two sediments, suggesting different dynamic physical and biogeochemical processes controlling the fate of marine OM. This study identified various diagnostic biomarkers(5,5-diethyl alkanes, diols and β-OH FAs), which may have significant environmental implications for future works in this region.  相似文献   

The Holocene coastal plain of Suriname is part of the extensive chenier plain between the Amazon River and the Orinoco River. The development began approximately 6000 yrs B.P. and was interrupted twice by periods of erosion or non-deposition. Along the present coastline large shoreface-attached mudbanks migrate continually to the west. Cheniers are formed in the interbank areas.

The geological development and stratigraphy of the Suriname chenier plain and the morphodynamic development of the modern coastline are discussed. Some hypothetical explanations of the geological development from the actual morphodynamics are briefly discussed. A new approach has been developed involving the analysis of aerial photographs using a geographical information system. This was used to analyse the geomorphological changes of the Suriname coastline.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Meridional Transect programme uses the twice-annual passage of the RRS James Clark Ross between the UK and the Falkland Islands, before and after the Antarctic research programme in the Austral Summer (see Aiken, J., & Bale, A. J. (2000). An introduction to the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) Programme. Progress in Oceanography, this issue). This paper examines the scientific rationale for a spatially-extensive time and space series programme and reviews the relevant physical and biological oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean. The main scientific observations from the research programme are reported. These are set in the context of historical and contemporary observations pertinent to the principal objectives of the cruise, notably the satellite remotely sensed observations of ocean properties. The extent to which the programme goals have been realised by the research to date is assessed and discussed. New bio-optical signatures, which can be related to productivity parameters, have been derived. These can be used to interpret remotely sensed observations of ocean colour in terms of productivity and production processes such as the air/sea exchange of biogenic gases, which relate to the issues of climate change and the sustainability of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

东海平湖油气田中高渗凝析气藏开发效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东海平湖油气田放鹤亭始新统平湖组气藏,属中高渗砂岩中低凝析油含量凝析气藏,1999年3月投入生产,采用衰竭式开采,至今已有8个年头,目前仍处于开发稳产阶段,日生产天然气量在140×10^4m^3左右。通过对平湖油气田凝析气藏开发生产状况跟踪研究发现,其采气速度高、主力气藏气井无水采气期普遍较长、气油比随着压力下降而上升、凝析油含量随着压力下降而下降、天然气采收率将优于开发方案设计值,同时也发现,防止气井出水、出砂是中高渗凝析气藏开发中应予以高度重视的问题。平湖油气田凝析气藏开发,在技术上和经济上都取得了较好的效果,可以借鉴于类似凝析气田的开发实践中。  相似文献   

Scientific sea-floor dredging is currently used in marine geology primarily by the hard-rock community interested in the recovery of basement rock samples from the unsedimented deep ocean floor. The technique has generally been eclipsed by ocean drilling for recovery of sedimentary rocks, because of perceived uncertainties in the location of sampling and in the representativeness of recovered material. This contribution reviews dredging equipment currently in use by marine geological institutions and refers to pinger attachments that allow precise information on the behaviour of the dredge to be telemetered back to the ship. We argue that improvements in ship navigation and transponder navigation at the seafloor, when used in conjunction with surface and/or deeply towed sidescan and swathemapping surveys, now allow for considerably less uncertainty on the location of dredge sampling. Refined sorting criteria for dredge hauls are now also available. Recent comparisons of regional sample recovery by ocean drilling and by dredge sampling indicate that the dredge hauls can usefully supplement the drilling data in the construction of sedimentary and tectonic histories of seafloor areas.  相似文献   

A gas hydrate reservoir is hosted in marine sediments of an accretionary prism, located offshore the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula), and affected by widespread deformations. To analyse gas hydrate distribution and fluid circulation inside sediments, available velocity models were used. Seismic velocities are translated in terms of hydrate porosity, which is the difference between the reference porosity (i.e., the porosity without gas hydrate) and the effective porosity (i.e., the porosity reduced by the gas hydrate presence). The pre-stack depth migration sections underlined the presence of several geological features, such as gentle and open folds, fractures and faults. In this paper, we observed a relationship between syncline–anticline structures and hydrate presence. In particular, a relationship is underlined between the hydrate porosity values and the distance from the hinge of the anticline: the hydrate porosity increases toward the limbs of anticline. The micro-fracturing model supports the idea that the syncline favours the hydrate formation, while the anticline favours the free gas accumulation below the bottom simulating reflector.  相似文献   

Within the CLASH project, wave overtopping at the vertical seawall at Samphire Hoe was measured by HR Wallingford (HRW), and compared laboratory tests in 2 & 3 dimensions carried out at the University of Edinburgh and HRW. At Samphire Hoe, overtopping volumes were captured in three volumetric tanks capable of measuring wave-by-wave and total overtopping volumes. The three tanks were placed progressively farther back from the seawall edge so that the spatial distribution of the overtopping discharges could be determined. The field measurement equipment was successfully deployed on three occasions, and measured overtopping discharges ranged from that barely considered to be hazardous to the public to over q = 3.0 l/s/m. The 2d testing at Edinburgh was modelled at a scale of 1:40, and the 3d model at HRW was modelled at 1:20. For both sets of laboratory tests, a range of conditions, representative of the storm wave conditions and water levels, was reproduced in addition to a set of parametric conditions. The storm conditions allowed a direct comparison between the field and laboratory measurements, and the parametric conditions were used to test the generic overtopping behaviour of the structure. For both sets of laboratory tests, mean overtopping discharges and the spatial distribution were measured separately. Analysis of the distribution data relates the proportion of the discharge that has landed as a function of (Lo); where x is the distance behind the crest, and Lo is the offshore wavelength. Analysis of the field, 2d & 3d laboratory data, and empirical prediction methods have not identified any scale effects for overtopping discharges at vertical and near-vertical seawalls.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new station for full-scale measurement of wave overtopping at the Rome yacht harbour rubble mound breakwater in Ostia (Italy) and the results of the successful first measurement campaign carried out during the winter season 2003–2004. The equipment and the research activities were supported by the EU project CLASH, focusing on scale effects for wave overtopping at coastal structures. The site is characterized by a very small tidal range, a long shallow foreshore and depth-limited breaking waves which interact with a shallow sloping porous rock structure. Overtopping water is collected by a steel tank installed on the crown slab behind the parapet wall. The measurement of water level variation inside the tank by means of two pressure transducers allows the calculation of individual overtopping volumes. Incident waves, sea levels and wind are also measured. During seven independent storms, more than 400 individual overtopping events were recorded and about 86 h of valid data are available. This extensive dataset is presented, discussed and then used for comparison with two commonly used overtopping prediction formulae based on small-scale model tests showing their tendency to underestimate the prototype results. A strong correlation between the hourly mean overtopping discharge and corresponding maximum volume is also presented. The paper generally confirms the validity of the approach used in Troch et al. (2004) [Troch, P., Geeraets, J., Van de Walle, B., De Rouck, J., Van Damme, L., Allsop, W., Franco, L., 2004. Full-scale wave overtopping measurements on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater. Coastal Engineering 51, 609–628] for field measurement of wave overtopping.  相似文献   

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