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利用桑沟湾海带播苗前和成熟期的海流剖面资料,对最显著的M2分潮流椭圆四要素(最大流速、椭圆率、最大流速方向和最大流速出现时间)的垂直分布特征进行对比分析,结果表明筏式海带养殖对潮流垂直结构有显著影响,由海带播苗前的单一海底边界层,变为海带成熟期的海表和海底双重边界层。海带播苗前,M2分潮流椭圆要素在垂向上变化不大;而在海带成熟期,从中层向海面和海底,最大流速迅速减小、椭圆率逐渐增大、最大流速方向左偏、最大流速出现时间提前。湾口中部的最大流速方向从海带播苗前的南北方向转为海带成熟期的西北—东南方向,这是由水位梯度的变化造成的。  相似文献   

The unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical axis tidal turbine are investigated by numerical simulation based on viscous CFD method. The starting mechanism of the turbine is revealed through analyzing the interaction of its motion and dynamics during starting process. The operating hydrodynamic characteristics of the turbine in wave-current condition are also explored by combining with the linear wave theory. According to possible magnification of the cyclic loads in the maximum power tracking control of vertical axis turbine, a novel torque control strategy is put forward, which can improve the structural characteristics significantly without effecting energy efficiency.  相似文献   

The mass transport as measured in the Rotterdam Waterway Estuary and in the tidal salinity flume of the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory is analysed to obtain insight into the magnitude of the dispersive mass transport in narrow estuaries. It is found that the magnitude of the dispersive mass transport in the real time one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation varies considerably over the tidal cycle, that the ratio between the magnitude of the dispersive mass transport by the net vertical circulation and by the vertical oscillatory shear in the tidally averaged one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation decreases when the degree of stratification in the flume is decreased, and that the dispersive mass transport in the Rotterdam Waterway and in the tidal salinity flume is affected significantly by the mixing processes at sea near the estuary mouth.  相似文献   

Analysis of tidal current and sea level has been made based on the observations from the summer of 2006 to the winter of 2007,respectively.The result indicates that a two-layer structure of residual current exists in summer,with its upper layer going northwestward and the lower layer southeastward.In addition,some strong residuals exist in the neighboring depth of the pycnocline during the current period of astronomical tide.In winter,except some individual layersthe residual currents mostly direct to the northwest,from which we can see the fluctuation of abnormal sea-level and the appearance of associated current because of the changes of the wind field.The analysis of tidal ellipse indicates that the direction of the maximum semidiurnal component is clockwise from summer to winter,with an angle of 16-18.Moreover,in summer the semidiurnal component rotates with depth clockwise while the diurnal component counterclockwise.However,the vertical structure is almost homogeneous in winter.  相似文献   

乐清湾的潮位、潮流和余流特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2008年7月至2009年4月在乐清湾进行了代表春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的航次调查,设置了Y4、Y14、Y15和A共4个连续观测站位,共得到12组实测的海流流速和10组CTD数据。采用潮汐调和分析法分析了距江厦潮汐能试验电站3 km处的潮汐站位连续19个月的潮位资料,结合调查数据特性和乐清湾潮汐特点,引入M2与S2、O1与K1、M4与MS4、2MS6与M6分潮之间的差比关系,对连续观测站位的潮位和潮流进行准调和分析。潮位的统计和准调和分析结果显示:Y4、Y14、Y15站位和潮汐站位8个分潮振幅和的航次调查平均值为3.75,4.02,3.94和4.03 m,(HO1+HK1)/HM2的航次调查平均值为0.32,0.28,0.32和0.24。Y4、Y14、Y15和潮汐站位的M4、MS4、M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.20,0.31,0.35和0.25 m,M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.03,0.15,0.17和0.15 m。不同航次调查4个连续观测站位涨潮最大流速的平均值为81.5 cm/s,落潮最大流速的平均值为103.1 cm/s。Y4、Y14和Y15站位潮流的M2和S2分潮振幅百分比分别为86%,65%和68%,浅水分潮振幅百分比分别为11%,29%和25%。M4、MS4分潮振幅之和分别是M6、2MS6分潮振幅之和的2.1,1.2和1.7倍。由潮位和潮流的分析结果可知:从乐清湾湾口至湾顶,潮汐逐渐增强,半日潮比率逐渐增大,半日潮型的特性更为明显;浅水分潮强度逐渐增加,其中M6和2MS6分潮强度增强更为明显。位于湾口的Y4站位在秋季(2008年10月)航次调查时的日平均余流流向为西南偏南方向,冬季(2009年1月)和春季(2009年4月)航次调查时的余流流向为东南偏南方向。Y4站位余流受灵霓大坝影响,大坝建成后湾口余流改变方向,向南流出乐清湾。位于湾顶的Y14站位,余流流速变化不大,但方向变化明显,夏季(2008年7月)为西南方向,秋季为西南偏南方向,冬季为西南偏西方向,春季又为西南偏南方向。Y15站位余流流速较小,但方向变化明显。A站位两个航次调查时的余流流向均为东北方向。  相似文献   

对江苏省辐射沙洲海域东大港与豆腐渣水道交汇处5号站位连续两个潮次流速测量资料进行分析,对该交汇区域的潮流特征和潮流过程有了近一步认识,拟合给出了潮汐过程流速垂线分布表达式。  相似文献   

舟山群岛海域潮能丰富,近年来大面积的围垦工程影响了邻近海域的潮流结构与潮能分布特征。基于FVCOM(finite volume coastal ocean model)三维水动力数值模型,选取1984年、2010年、2019年三个代表年份,探讨围垦工程影响下舟山群岛海域潮流结构与潮能分布的时空变化状况。结果显示:1984年至2010年间围垦面积相对不大,且较为分散,主要改变外海进入杭州湾各通道的潮能分配,对能量耗散的影响较小。2010年至2019年间的围垦工程缩窄了潮汐通道,流速增大使得螺头水道及邻近水道的潮能增加,近底流速增大与较强湍流涡旋的产生,使得围垦工程周边海域能量耗散更为集中。  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of a semienclosed narrow channel demonstrates the dynamical dependency of an estuarine residual circulation (ERC) on tidal amplitudes. The ERC is defined by tidally-averaged current field. The tidally-averaged fields show that the ERC-strength variation is classified into highly stratified, partially stratified and weakly stratified ranges, respectively. The ERC becomes weaker as the tidal amplitude (and hence vertical mixing) increases in the highly and weakly stratified ranges. However, the ERC becomes stronger oppositely in the partially stratified range. The nonlinear forces induced by tides significantly affect the ERC as well as the pressure gradient force due to the freshwater flux and the vertical stress divergence (vertical eddy viscous force). In particular, the tidal stress and tidally-oscillating component of vertical stress divergence are quite important in ERC dynamics. The latter causes the enhancement of ERC in proportion to the vertical mixing in the partially stratified range.  相似文献   

Three long-term fixed acoustic Doppler current profilers were first used for investigating the vertical structure of tidal currents in Xuliujing Section of Changjiang River Estuary. Moreover, three different periods(spring, summer and fall) were also considered for investigating seasonal variations. The semi-diurnal tides were the most energetic, with along-channel speed of up to 80 cm/s for M2 constituent, which dominates at all stations with percent energy up to 65%–75% during seaso...  相似文献   

The characteristics of currents and tidal currents in the Andaman Sea(AS) are studied during the second half of2016 using observed data from a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP) deployed at 8.6°N, 95.6°E.During the observation period, the mean flow is 5–10 cm/s and largely southward. The root mean square and kinetic energies of the low and high frequency flows, which are divided by a cutoff period of 5 d, are at the same level, indicating their identical importance to the total current. A power spectrum analysis shows that intraseasonal oscillations, a tidal-related semilunar month signal, a semidiurnal tidal signal and periods of 3–4 d are prominent. The barocliny of an eddy kinetic energy is stronger than the mean kinetic energy, both of which are the strongest on the bottom and the weakest at 70 m depth. Residual currents are largely southward(northward) during the summer(winter) monsoon season. Two striking peaks of the southward flow cause the 80 d period of meridional currents. The first peak is part of a large-scale circulation, which enters the AS through the northern channel and exits through the southern channel, and the second peak is part of a local vortex. The 40 d oscillation of the zonal current is forced by geostrophic variations attributed to local and equatorial remote forcing. The tidal current is dominated by semidiurnal constituents, and among these, M2 and N2 are the top two largest major axes. Moreover, astronomical tidal constituents MM and MSF are also significant. Diurnal constituents are weak and shallow water tides are ignorable. The aims are to introduce the new current data observed in the AS and to provide initial insights for the tidal and residual currents in the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

北仑河口水动力状况复杂,受入海径流、潮汐、波浪、沿岸流、风应力等多种因子的共同影响.对北仑河口S1、S2站长序列的海流剖面资料进行数学统计、潮流调和分析和数字滤波,探讨其潮流特征和余流形成机制.分析结果表明:北仑河口潮流性质主要为不规则全日潮流;观测期间S1站实测涨、落潮最大流速分别为39、83 cm/s,S2站分别为52、44 cm/s.研究海域余流流速从表层往底层逐渐减小,其中S1站余流流速主要介于5~10 cm/s之间,流向集中在S-SW向,S2站主要介于0~5 cm/s之间,表、中层以NNE-ENE向为主,底层以偏W向为主.风应力是调查区表层与近表层余流形成的主导因素;西向沿岸流对调查区的余流也有较明显的作用;径流对调查区的S1站有一定的影响,但对S2站影响很小;潮致余流对调查区的余流贡献较小.  相似文献   

横向流 (垂直于海湾主轴方向的流动) 对横向动量以及物质分布具有重要影响。已往研究表明,潮汐应变对横向流的垂向空间结构具有重要的调控作用。但这种认识仅局限于强层化海区,弱层化条件下潮汐应变对于横向流空间结构的影响仍未可知。为此,本文以象山港为例,基于实测数据阐释了弱层化条件下潮汐应变对横向流及其余环流垂向空间结构的调控作用。结果显示,象山港内湾横向流的垂向空间结构随大小潮呈现出明显的变化规律。大潮时,潮汐应变现象明显,涨潮时较强的垂向混合使得横向流在高潮阶段呈现出一层结构;落潮时垂向混合较弱,横向流在低潮时呈现两层结构。小潮时,潮汐应变受到抑制,垂向混合在涨落潮时均较弱,因此横向流在高低潮阶段均呈现出两层结构。经过潮时均进一步得到的横向余环流呈现出上层向南、下层向北的两层结构。由于潮汐应变的大小潮变化,横向余环流的反转深度反转点自大潮到小潮呈现出上升的趋势。  相似文献   

潮汐余流对中国东部海域物质输运过程起着重要作用。通过对中国东部海域的三维数值模拟,计算了潮汐余流并从潮余涡量角度分析了其形成机制。中国东部海域的欧拉余流在水深较浅的朝鲜半岛沿岸、苏北浅滩、长江浅滩、闽浙沿岸,以及冲绳海槽附近海域,流速量级较大,以余流涡旋的形式呈现,其机制为局部地形差异和潮汐水位高度波动下,科氏效应或摩擦效应导致潮周期内存在净涡量。斯托克斯漂流量级在浅水区较大,而在深水海域则远小于欧拉余流。拉格朗日余流在深水区域与欧拉余流相似,在浅水区域由欧拉余流和斯托克斯漂流共同决定。输运余流和拉格朗日余流分布特征更接近,特别是在近岸海域,但两者的物理意义并不相同。潮汐余流由于常年稳定存在,且在许多海域的流动方向同已知的沿岸流系的方向基本一致,是中国东部海域沿岸流的重要组成部分。估算出了输运余流对沿岸流的贡献率或抑制率,输运余流对近岸陆源沉积物输运和沉积物分布具有不可忽略的作用。  相似文献   

胶州湾水交换及湾口潮余流特征的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用基于普林斯顿海洋模式建立的胶州湾及临近海域潮汐潮流数值模型,结合胶州湾口走航式声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)测流资料,研究了胶州湾口的潮(余)流特征,并在潮流模型的基础上耦合建立了水质模块,模拟了胶州湾的水交换过程。考虑M2,S2,K1,O1,M4和MS4六个主要分潮,胶州湾口潮流场的模拟与ADCP观测数据吻合较好。外湾口水道上的潮流非常强,大潮期间观测到201 cm/s的峰值流速。团岛岬角的两侧分别存在一个流向相反的余流涡旋,两涡旋在团岛附近辐合,形成了57 cm/s的离岸强余流。整个胶州湾平均水体存留时间为71 d,平均半交换时间为25 d。胶州湾水体交换能力在空间分布上有很大差异:湾口海域最强,向湾顶逐渐减弱。湾内存在两个弱交换区,分别位于湾的西-西南部和东北端,水体存留时间多超过80 d,湾西局部水域最长达120 d,而半交换时间也大多超过40 d。潮流场的结构、强度,以及与湾口距离的远近是造成湾内水交换能力空间差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

潮致余流和潮混合对长江口外东北海域低盐水团的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江冲淡水对黄海、东海水文环境有重要影响,它主要以羽状形态向外海扩展,在某些年份的特殊时间段也存在孤立的低盐水团现象。在低盐水团的动力机制研究中,风、径流量、台湾暖流、天文潮和斜压不稳定的作用已得到讨论。天文潮对冲淡水及低盐水团的影响主要包括潮致余流和潮混合,潮致余流作用仍缺乏讨论。本文对1983年8月低盐水团的动力机制进行数值模拟分析,重点讨论了潮致余流和潮混合的影响。结果表明:潮致Lagrange余流促使一部分冲淡水从口门向北输运,在32°N附近呈舌状转向东,有利于在口外东北海域形成低盐水团;小潮转大潮的垂向混合作用加强,浅水区表层盐度升高的速度快于较深水区,也有利于在口外东北海域形成低盐水团。  相似文献   

建立东海-黄海-渤海大范围风暴潮二维数学模型,对9216台风风暴潮过程进行模拟,分析渤海湾造陆工程前后风暴潮增水对海河流域主要河口(海河口、永定新河口和独流减河口)闸下区域最高潮位的影响,并探讨有效降低河口闸下通道内风暴潮潮位的开发方式。研究表明:渤海湾围填海工程实施后,闸下通道内维持自然地形时,通道内最高潮位高于工程前;闸下通道实施地形开挖后,通道内最高潮位依然高于工程前,但较自然地形条件下抬高幅值有所减小。闸下通道结合开发建设港池航道等工程实施地形开挖,使得通道内水深增加,可降低通道内风暴潮增水幅度。  相似文献   

根据夏季琼州海峡新海附近15 m处地层潮流谱分析结果可得,无论是f>0 或f<0,全日潮谱峰都高于半日潮谱峰。其中,半日潮周期,约为12 h,12.4 h,日潮存在两个,一个在23.9 h,另一个在25.8 h前后;在半日潮和全日潮分量中,反时针分量是主要的、顺时针的日潮能谱只有反时针的84%;顺时针的半日潮能谱只有反时针的63%;浅水分潮8.3 h,6.2 h和超过24 h的4.2 d,3 d等也很明显,但是未通过显著性检验; 大多数余流流速在5~10 cm/s之间,个别情况超过40 cm/s。受反时针运动涡旋影响,余流主要向偏东北、北、西北方向运动。在这个区间内的流向,占总观测数68%以上;风对余流也有重要影响:东北风将使余流方向偏向西北,偏北向风将使余流方向偏南。  相似文献   

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