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The coastal cliff section at Kås Hoved in northern Denmark represents one of the largest exposures of marine interglacial deposits in Europe. High‐resolution analyses of sediments, foraminifera, ostracods, and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) in glacial‐interglacial marine sediments from this section, as well as from two adjacent boreholes, are the basis for an interpretation of marine environmental and climatic change through the Late Elsterian‐Holsteinian glacial‐interglacial cycle. The overlying glacial deposits show two ice advances during the Saalian and Weichselian glaciations. The assemblages in the initial glacier‐proximal part of the marine Late Elsterian succession reveal fluctuations in the inflow of sediment‐loaded meltwater to the area. This is followed by faunal indication of glacier‐distal, open marine conditions, coinciding with a gradual climatic change from arctic to subarctic environments. Continuous marine sedimentation during the glacial‐interglacial transition is presumably a result of a large‐scale isostatic subsidence caused by the preceding extended Elsterian glaciation. The similarity of the climatic signature of the interglacial Holsteinian and Holocene assemblages in this region indicates that the Atlantic Ocean circulation was similar during these two interglacials, whereas Eemian interglacial assemblages indicate a comparatively high water temperature associated with an enhanced North Atlantic Current. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with other Elsterian‐Holsteinian sites in Denmark, as well as those in the type area for the Holsteinian interglacial in northern Germany and the southern North Sea. Correlation of the NW European Holsteinian succession with the marine isotope stages MIS 7, 9 or 11 is still unresolved.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis was carried out on sediments older than the Würm pleniglacial (OIS 4), in two new sequences (H and I) derived from the centre of Lac du Bouchet, Massif Central. The inferred vegetation history enables, for the first time in France, five temperate episodes to be defined which pre-date the last interglacial. These temperate episodes alternate with episodes during which the changes in vegetation are indicative of glacial climates. Comparison of these climatic episodes with the oceanic isotope record shows that the pollen record of sequences H and I from Lac du Bouchet spans the time interval from OIS 9c (Ussel interstadial) to OIS 5e (Ribains/Eemian interglacial). In the organic sediments from the Amargiers interstadial (OIS 9a), a trachytic layer, Ar/Ar dated to ca 275 ka, enables a correlation to be established with the upper part of a sequence derived from the nearby Praclaux crater, the lower part of this sequence being of Holsteinian age (OIS 11c). The cross-dating of the pollen sequences from Lac du Bouchet (cores H, I and D) and from Praclaux provides a complete record from the Massif Central, southern France, of successive glacial and interglacial episodes that span the last ca. 400 ka, that is the interval from the Holsteinian to the Holocene.  相似文献   

Seventy-four meters of a 95-m-long drill core recovered from the Lappäjarvi crater, a meteoritic impact site in western Finland, consisted of Pleistocene sediments. These sediments refer to two events of glacial deposition (Saalian and Weichselian) interrupted by non-glacigenic freshwater sedimentation. The sediments contain abundant redeposited Holsteinian and Tertiary microfossils, and possibly represent a pre-Weichselian interstadial not described from elsewhere in Finland. The pollen flora indicates a mixed primary arctic to subarctic succession that followed deglaciation, i.e. the beginning of an interglacial or interstadial event. The secondary pollen component derives from an eroded interglacial deposit that can be interpreted as Holsteinian, or possibly Eemian, in age. The vegetation succession interpreted from the primary pollen flora reflects a transition from arctic conditions to subarctic birch forests. The diatom flora indicates a primary succession that can be observed clearly in the uppermost gyttja layer in which the rich alkaliphilous diatom flora refers to more or less eutrophic conditions. The diatom flora of sediments below the gyttja layer is composed of a primary component and a secondary, redeposited or relict component. The diatoms encountered are interglacial or Tertiary in origin. The results show that meteorite craters can provide long, representative stratigraphic sequences in glacially eroded Precambrian shield areas such as Finland.  相似文献   

Molluscan fossils collected from shallow water marine sediment across NW Europe and nearby Arctic regions have been analysed for the extent of isoleucine epimerization ( ratio) in indigenous protein residues. The ratios confirm that essentially all ‘classical’ Eemian sites from NW Europe are of the same age, and are correlative with the type locality near Amersfoort in the Netherlands; shells from interglacial marine sediment beneath the type Weichselian till in Poland also correlate with the type Eemian site. ratios in Holsteinian marine shells (0.29) are substantially higher than in their Eemian counterparts (0.17); ‘Late Cromerian’ shells yield even higher ratios (0.46). ratios in late glacial shells (0.06) and Middle Weichselian shells (0.09) permit differentiation from modern (0.01) and last interglacial material. Based on the position of the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary and the differences in ratios, the Eemian must correlate with isotope substage 5e, whereas the Holsteinian is most likely substage 7c, possibly stage 9 but certainly younger than stage 11. Intra-Saalian warm periods may be terrestrial equivalents of the younger substages of stage 7. Extensive pre-Eemian marine sediments along the SW coast of Denmark previously correlated with the Holsteinian are shown to be of ‘Late Cromerian’ age. The underlying till there is the first widespread evidence of a pre-Elsterian till in NW Europe. ratios in molluscs from last interglacial sites along the Arctic coast of the USSR, the Arctic Islands and eastern Greenland are substantially lower than in their European counterparts due to their low thermal histories. The combined mid- and high-latitude data are used to develop a predictive model for the expected ratio in any of several moderate epimerization-rate taxa for last interglacial sites with mean temperatures between −20 and +15°C.Not all sites could be unambiguously assigned to an established interglacial. The Fjøsanger (Norway) and Margareteberg (Sweden) sites previously thought to be Eemian, yield ratios higher than in secure nearby Eemian material. It is yet unresolved whether these are aberrant sites or if they predate the last interglacial. In situ shoreline deposits encountered in borings in SW Belgium and in exposures on the Belgium coastal plain contain molluscs that yield ratios intermediate between secure Eemian and Late Weichselian ratios, raising the possibility that a late stage 5 high-sea-level event attained near-modern levels in the southern North Sea basin. Resolution of these uncertainties is the focus of future work.  相似文献   

The Clyde Foreland Formation is defined as comprising unconsolidated or only slightly consolidated deposits, varying in grain size from very coarse boulder gravel to clay, situated between the outermost part of Clyde Inlet and the coastal mountains west-northwest of Kogalu River on the northeast coast of Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. They outcrop in an up to 40 m high almost straight-lined coastal cliff facing Baffin Bay and are composed of mainly marine deposits interbedded with glacigenic layers. Investigation of assemblages of fossil foraminifera revealed three main stratigraphical units of the marine deposits, viz., the hlandiella zone, being the youngest, the Cibicides rotundatus zone, and the Nonion tallahattensis zone, being the oldest. The hlandiella zone is supposed to be upper Pleistocene of age, comprising a large Mid-Wisconsinian (Mid-Weichselian) interstadial, and an interglacial that can be correlated with the Sangamonian (Eemian) interglacial. The Cibicides rotundatus zone may comprise Illinoian interstadial deposits as well as deposits of Yarmouthian (Holsteinian) interglacial age. The Nonion tallahattensis zone represents an older (Aftonian?) mild interval.  相似文献   

The coastal cliffs of Cape Shpindler, Yugorski Peninsula, Arctic Russia, occupy a key position for recording overriding ice sheets during past glaciations in the Kara Sea area, either from the Kara Sea shelf or the uplands of Yugorski Peninsula/Polar Urals. This study on Late Quaternary glacial stratigraphy and glaciotectonic structures of the Cape Shpindler coastal cliffs records two glacier advances and two ice‐free periods older than the Holocene. During interglacial conditions, a sequence of marine to fluvial sediments was deposited. This was followed by a glacial event when ice moved southwards from an ice‐divide over Novaya Zemlya and overrode and disturbed the interglacial sediments. After a second period of fluvial deposition, under interstadial or interglacial conditions, the area was again subject to glacial overriding, with the ice moving northwards from an inland ice divide. The age‐control suggests that the older glacial event could possibly belong to marine oxygen isotope stage (MOIS) 8, Drenthe (300–250 ka), and that the underlying interglacial sediments might be Holsteinian (>300 ka). One implication of this is that relict glacier ice, buried in sediments and incorporated into the permafrost, may survive several interglacial and interstadial events. The younger glacial event recognised in the Cape Shpindler sequence is interpreted to be of Early‐to‐Middle Weichselian age. It is suggested to correlate to a regional glaciation around 90 or 60 ka. The Cape Shpindler record suggests more complex glacial dynamics during that glaciation than can be explained by a concentric ice sheet located in the Kara Sea, as suggested by recent geological and model studies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal faunas suggesting interglacial climatic conditions are present in several shallow drillings in the North Sea and in northern Jutland. Denmark. The interglacial deposits in six of the cores arc correlated by means of isoleucine epimerization, paleomagnetic data and environmental inferences. Four episodes of interglacial circulation are recorded in sediments of Brunhes age and one warm episode is found just below the Brunhes Matuyama boundary. The Holocene and Eemian faunas of the North Sea are richer in species and individuals and contain more thermophilous species than the older interglacial faunas. However. a much more northern distribution of Bulimina marginata in sediments of Eemian age suggests that oceanic circulation was different during this period than during the Holocene. Sediments of the three other Brunhes interglacials (the Holsteinian, the Norwegian Trench and the Devils Hole Interglacial) and the Leerdam Interglacial record periods of relatively cooler conditions and possibly reduced inflow of Atlantic water.  相似文献   

The modern drainage system of central Poland developed during the Holsteinian, but it originated from the Elsterian glacial tunnel valleys and deglacial residual overflow lakes. In spite of occupation of this area by the Wartanian ice sheet and the following formation of the landscape during deglaciation, a similar river network was renewed during the Eemian. During the Weichselian the Middle Vistula valley was subjected to widespread ice-dam deposition. This resulted in rise of the base level of erosion and in westward deflection of the runoff, connected with development of the Central European spillways. The presented reconstruction of the Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial network shows that the Holstein and Eemian sea levels were the driving force for river system development in central Poland. The Holstein and Eemian sea levels were very close to the present water level of the Baltic Sea. They made interglacial fluvial patterns roughly similar to the contemporary one, and therefore the main watersheds have been only slightly modified since that time. However, due to the considerable southward extension of the sea during the Eemian and presumably also during the Holsteinian, buried interglacial river deposits in central Poland occur at present well beneath the Holocene alluvia.  相似文献   

To provide insights into the long‐term evolution of aquatic ecosystems without human interference, we here evaluate a decadal‐ to centennial‐scale‐resolution diatom record spanning about 12 ka of the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Using a partially varved sediment core from the Dethlingen palaeolake (northern Germany), which has previously been studied for palynological and microfacies signals, we document the co‐evolution of the aquatic and surrounding terrestrial environment. The diatom record is dominated by the genera Stephanodiscus, Aulacoseira, Ulnaria and Fragilaria. Based on the diatom assemblages and physical sediment properties, the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake can be subdivided into three major phases. During the oldest phase (lasting ~1900 varve years), the lake was ~10–15 m deep and characterized by anoxic bottom‐water conditions and a high nutrient content. The following ~5600 years exhibited water depths >20 m, maximum diatom and Pediastrum productivity, and a peak in allochtonous nutrient input. During this phase, water‐column mixing became more vigorous, resulting in a breakdown of anoxia. The youngest lake phase (~4000–5000 years) was characterized by decreasing water depth, turbulent water conditions and decreased nutrient loading. Based on our palaeolimnological data, we conclude that the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake during the Holsteinian interglacial responded closely to (i) changes within the catchment area (as documented by vegetation and sedimentation) related to the transition from closed forests growing on nutrient‐rich soils (mesocratic forest phase) to open forests developing on poor soils (oligocratic forest phase), and (ii) short‐term climate variability as reflected in centennial‐scale climate perturbations.  相似文献   

Isoleucine epimerization (alle/Ile) ratios have been measured on foraminiferal tests from interglaical sites in the southern North Sea region. In order to evaluate the possibilities of this amino acid method on benthic foraminifera, sites were chosen from areas where the stratigraphy was already well known. The study demonstrates that the isoleucine epimerization reaction in benthic foraminifera can be used for correlation and as a means of relative age estimation within a limited geographic area. Previous suggestions of a Holsteinian age for the Rugrd, Tornskov, and Wacken sites are supported for the Kås Hoved site. The age of most presumed Eemian sites is supported by the amino acid results; the Reighton site also seems to belong in this interglacial.  相似文献   

A sequence of fossiliferous organic sediments spanning the whole of an interglacial has been investigated from Quinton, near Birmingham, United Kingdom This interglacial can be correlated on palynological grounds with the Hoxnian Interglacial of England; equivalent to the Holsteinian Interglacial of central Europe and to Marine Isotope Stage 11. A pollen diagram and coleopteran spectrum were obtained from the same series of samples. By using the mutual climatic range method on the coleopteran assemblages, it has been possible to quantify the thermal climatic conditions at this time. They show clear evidence for a sudden and intense climatic oscillation during the late temperate stage of the interglacial—named the Quinton Cold Interlude. At this time mean temperatures of the warmest month (July) declined suddenly by at least 5 °C and mean temperatures of the coldest months (January and February) by more than 10 °C. Subsequently cool-temperate conditions returned. The pollen diagram through this interval shows little or no response to this climatic event. It is too early yet to generalise about the regional significance of the Quinton Cold Interlude but a similar climatic oscillation also occurs towards the closing stage of the MIS11 Interglacial at Hoxne, Norfolk, UK, suggesting that the cold interlude was at least regional in extent. A short climatic oscillation of similar intensity has also been interpreted from coleopteran evidence towards the end of the MIS13 Interglacial at Waverley Wood Farm Pit, Warwickshire, UK, indicating that such events may characterise the later stages of other interglacials. These severe climatic oscillations towards the end of interglacials may have relevance to our understanding of the closing phase of the present interglacial.  相似文献   

The Saalian sequence of Belchatów, central Poland, is exceptionally thick and complete. Five tills, two from the older Saalian (Odranian, Drenthe) and three from the younger Saalian (Wartanian, Warthe), which are separated by the fluvial Chojny Formation, have been identified. The Saalian sequence at Be?chatów is underlain by Holsteinian and overlain by Eemian sequences, both palaeobotanically analysed. The Chojny Formation contains deposits of meandering (lower member) and braided (upper member) rivers, with occasional aeolian deposits. The lower member of the formation contains numerous organic layers. Pollen analysis indicates temperate (sub-boreal) to cold (sub-arctic) climatic conditions, with coniferous to mixed forests in the optimum phase of the interstadial. The interstadial floras of the Chojny Formation are interpreted as representing the intra-Saalian Pilica Interstadial. Profiles from Belchatów are designated as the stratotype profiles of this substage. The data from Be?chatów show clearly that reforestation occurred between the major advances of the Saalian ice sheet, although only interstadial rank, not interglacial, may be inferred from the pollen data.  相似文献   

On the basis of field and laboratory studies supported by thermoluminescence dates, an occurrence of marine and glacial sediments is described from South Spitsbergen. These deposits are thought to date from the Holsteinian interglacial and the Saalian glacial stages respectively. In addition, the evidence and extent of Vistulian and Holoccne glacial advances in South Spitsbergen are presented. These advances occurred at 50,000–43,000, 30,000–10,000, 3,000–2,500 and 600–100 years B.P. The latter have been tentatively correlated with those recorded in other parts of Svalbard, as well as in East Greenland, the Barents Sea, Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea, North Poland and the Russian Plain.  相似文献   

The Meikirch drilling site in the Swiss Midlands north of Bern is re‐interpreted using a combination of sedimentological logging, pollen analyses and luminescence dating. The sedimentary sequence comprises about 70 m of lacustrine deposits, overlain by about 39 m of coarse glacial outwash interpreted to represent at least two independent ice advances. Pollen analyses of the apparently complete limnic sequence reveal a basal late glacial period followed by three warm phases that are interrupted by two stadial periods (Meikirch complex). The warm periods were previously correlated with the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials. According to luminescence dating, and with consideration of evidence for Middle Pleistocene climate patterns at other central European sites, a correlation of the Meikirch complex with marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 is now proposed. If this correlation is correct, it implies the presence of three intervals with interglacial character during MIS 7. However, the late Middle Pleistocene vegetational features of the Meikirch complex show significant differences when compared with the pollen record from the Velay region, central France. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are distinct Middle Pleistocene patterns of atmospheric circulation over central Europe and a different distribution of vegetation refugia compared to the Eemian Interglacial and the Holocene. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The till-covered organic sediments at Leveäiemi, Swedish Lapland have been reinvestigated by pollen analysis in order to gather more detailed information on vegetation history and climatic conditions during the interglacial period represented at this site. A partly different picture of the vegetation succession has arisen compared to earlier studies and results. The organic sequence is still correlated with the Eemian, but the forests were probably more open during the initial and later parts of the interglaciation than suggested earlier. This is based on the higher values of Juniperus pollen noted, and a continuous curve for Populous pollen during the PAZ representing the later part of the interglaciation. Comparisons are made with other sites in northern Sweden, Finland and northern Norway, and the possibilities of separating Eeinian deposits from those formed during the Holsteinian interglaciation are discussed.  相似文献   

Pollen and macrofossil analyses of two sequences of organic sediment in western Ireland have allowed the recognition of the latter parts of the Gortian Interglacial, a Middle Pleistocene temperate stage. The palaeobotanical information from the two sites identifies the preservation of partial sequences from the Gortian Interglacial (believed to be the equivalent of the Hoxnian Stage of Britain and the Holsteinian of Europe). The pollen and macrofossil data from one of the sites, Derrynadivva, span the middle and latter parts of the temperate stage. The results show that fire influenced the vegetation throughout the middle part of the temperate stage, and the termination of the organic depositional sequence appears to have been due to environmental deterioration. The former is identified through the abundant occurrence of charcoal in the sediments, whereas the latter is apparent in the sediment sequence and in the reworking of thermophilous pollen types into the upper part of the deposit. The second site, Burren Townland, records only part of the later zones of the interglacial, but the ericaceous assemblages of the latter part of the Gortian Interglacial are well developed and well preserved. Macrofossil analyses and scanning electron microscopy work on the pollen at the latter site has allowed the recognition of Rhododendron ponticum, adding to previous records of this species, which now has a very disjunct European distribution.  相似文献   

Pleistocene deposits, together with their pollen, plant macrofossil, foraminiferal, dinoflagellate and coleopteran remains, from five sites along the Atlantic coast of the Médoc Peninsula are described and discussed. Sediments making up the Négade Formation are shown to have been laid down under either estuarine or lagoonal conditions when closed QuercusPinusTsuga canadensis regional woodland existed. Comparison with plant records from The Netherlands indicates that these deposits are most likely attributable to either the Early Pleistocene Bavel Interglacial (marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 31), or an interglacial of the Waalian (MIS 37–49) or Tiglian (MIS 63–79). In addition, clays assigned to the Argiles du Gurp sensu stricto, were similarly deposited in either an estuary or lagoon, which subsequently was cut off from the sea. A freshwater lake with vegetation dominated by Azolla filiculoides then developed. This was succeeded by reedswamp and an organic mud (termed Lignite in the corresponding French stratigraphical records) formed. Regional QuercusAbies woodland was replaced by one with Pinus dominant and Pterocarya a minor component. Comparison with plant records from France and other parts of Europe suggest that the clays and organic mud might be correlated with the Holsteinian (Praclaux) Interglacial (MIS 11c). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Late Pleistocene sequence at Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden, a comple Pleistocene sequence has been stratigraphically investigated. Strata of clay, silt, sand, peat and solifluction layers are overlain by till-like sediments which are covered by sandy-clayey strata. By means of biostratigraphical analyses (foraminifera, olluscs, wood remains, pollen and diatoms), a reconstruction of the palaeoenvirnmental development has been obtained. Radiocarbon measurements and amiono acis ratios have been carried out in order to date the sediments. The foraminifera in the lowermost clay strata indicate Arctic or boreal-Arctic marine environment during the Late Saalian or Late Elsterian perods The δ18 Ovalues and molluscs also suggest that the clay was deposited in glaciomarine conditions. Amino acid ratios (D/L=0.25) of Hiatella in the clay imply an age between the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials. Teh peat layers contain a pollen flora. Prtedominated by Picea and Pinus, and are pollen analytically dated to the end of the Eemian interglacial. The solofluction sediments most probably were fromed during the first stage (s) of the Early weichselian and may include the initaial phase of the Brorup Interstadial (the Rodebaek interstadial). During this stage(s) aretic-Subarctic conditions previaled reflected by a pollen flora with a predominance of herbs and shrubs. Acidophilous and aerohpilous diatoms indicate oligotrophic shallow wate conditions in an Arctic environment, when almost no leaching of mineral solis occurred. The solofluction sediments also contain reworked interglacial (Eemian) pollen and brackish-Marine diatoms. Radiocarbon dating of the peat, wood and solofluction sediments yieded infinnite ages>40,000B.P.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(9-10):1236-1300
Multidisciplinary investigations of the sequence at Beeches Pit, West Stow (Suffolk, UK), have a direct bearing the age of the Hoxnian Interglacial and its correlation with the continental Holsteinian and with the global marine record. At this site, glacial deposits (till and outwash gravels) referable to the Anglian Lowestoft Formation fill a subglacial channel cut in Chalk bedrock. Above these glacial deposits a series of interglacial sediments occurs, consisting of limnic, tufaceous and colluvial silts, lacking pollen but rich in shells, ostracods and vertebrates. Lower Palaeolithic flint artefacts of Acheulian character have also been recovered, including refitting examples. Charred material is abundant at certain horizons and many of the bones have been burned. Several discrete areas of burnt sediment are interpreted as hearths. The molluscan fauna comprises some 78 taxa and includes species of considerable zoogeographical and biostratigraphical importance. The land snail assemblage from the tufa consists of woodland taxa with no modern analogue, including species that are either extinct (e.g. Zonitoides sepultus) or which no longer live in Britain (e.g. Platyla polita, P. similis, Neniatlanta pauli). This is also the type locality of Retinella (Lyrodiscus) skertchlyi, which belongs to a subgenus of zonitid land snail now living only on the Canary Islands. There are indications from this fauna (‘the Lyrodiscus biome’) that the climate was wetter and perhaps warmer than the present day. The vertebrate fauna is also noteworthy with species of open habitats, such as rabbit (Oryctolagus cf. cuniculus), and of closed forest, such as squirrel (Sciurus sp.) and garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) present at different times. The occurrence of southern thermophiles, such as Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus), indicates temperatures warmer than those of eastern England today. The upper levels include much material reworked from the interglacial sediments, although there is clear faunal evidence for climatic deterioration. Both the molluscan and vertebrate faunas suggest correlation of the interglacial sediments with the Hoxnian. Uranium series dates from the tufa (∼455 ka BP), TL dates from burnt flints (414±30 ka BP) and a range of amino acid racemization data all support correlation of this interglacial with MIS 11. However, four OSL dates from sand beneath the interglacial sequence yield a mean age of 261±31 ka BP, far younger than all other age determinations and far younger than implied by the biostratigraphy. Archaeologically the site is unusual in showing prolonged human occupation within closed deciduous forest and evidence for controlled use of fire in a Lower Palaeolithic context. Biostratigraphical correlations with other Lower Palaeolithic sites support the suggestion that Acheulian and Clactonian industries both occurred in southern Britain during the same substage of the Hoxnian, although not necessarily at precisely the same time. The characteristics of the MIS 11 interglacial in Britain are discussed in the light of evidence from Beeches Pit and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Marine molluscan shells from para-type and other loclities of the Holsteinian interglaciation were dated by Th/U and the electron spin resonance (ESR) method to more than 350,000 and 370,000 yr B.P., beyond the limit of Th/U dating. The high age estimate is corroborated by a K/Ar age of 420,000 yr B.P. determined from volcanic ash near the base of the Ariendorf paleosol in the Middle Rhine valley believed to be a pedostratigraphic equivalent of the Holsteinian. Shells from the Herzeele marine unit III, an equivalent of the Wacken (Dömnitz) warm stage in northern France and subsequent to the Holsteinian, revealed ages between 300,000 and 350,000 yr B.P. A correlation of these two warm stages with marine oxygen-isotope stages 11 and 9 on the SPECMAP and CARTUNE time scales is suggested. From the benthic oxygen-isotope record one may infer that no exceptionally high global sea-level rise corresponds to the large transgressions of the Holstein Sea in northern Germany. Therefore, a significant proportion of the transgression was probably the result of an unusually large local glacial-isostatic depression caused by the extreme buildup of ice during the preceding Elster glaciation (stage 12). According to the deep-sea record, it lasted approximately 50% longer than the subsequent cold stage 10. The outstanding soil formation with Braunlehm and the well-developed thermal optimum of the Holsteinian are tentatively related to a phase of minimum sea-ice cover in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, as deduced from long benthic carbon-isotope records from the central Atlantic.  相似文献   

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