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Conclusions The application of mechanical methods for rapid excavation requires more detailed and precise knowledge of the site, but there is no single parameter which can provide a comprehensive measure for the selection and performance of a tunnel boring machine.The machinability index proposed in this paper is based on four different parameters which influence the performance of a tunnelling machine and are widely accepted by the engineers and geologists. In order to develop a comprehensive measure regarding the borability of rocks,in situ conditions must be evaluated. The machinability index coupled with thein situ information would facilitate judicious decisions regarding the application and selection of tunnel boring machines.The geological conditions and rock characteristics cannot be controlled but their knowledge can prevent costly mistakes in equipment selection and assist in identifying alternative excavation systems, therefore a thorough site investigation can substantially reduce the economic and technical risks associated with tunnelling and mine development.  相似文献   

朱训国  杨庆  栾茂田 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):173-177
在弹性状态下,根据锚固体的受力情况建立了锚固体的摩阻力分布模型。根据此模型,结合隧道围岩位移变化函数推导了全长注浆岩石锚杆在围岩变形下的全长受力分布函数。并结合工程实例,分析了锚杆的应力分布特征,得出了注浆岩石锚杆在围岩变形中受力的基本特征。  相似文献   

Rock bolts are widely used for rock reinforcement in hard-rock mining and civil engineering since a long time. However the use of fully grouted rock bolts and cable bolts is limited in coal mines. In order to improve performance of the rock bolts as a supplementary roof support system for any type of roof condition in coal measured formations, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the behavior of the bolt–grout and grout–rock interactions as well as the mechanism of load transfer in rock bolts.As the performance of grouted bolts depends on bond strength, extensive laboratory pullout as well as pushout tests were conducted in the present investigations with the variations in the bolt diameters, length and cement–water mixing ratios of grout. The load–displacement curves were developed and were verified with the numerical results obtained from finite element analysis using ALGOR software.Numerical models were validated for pushout tests and a detailed analysis was carried out to know the displacement, stress, strain distribution along the bolt.  相似文献   

Different phenomena influence the strength and volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils. Among the most important are suction hardening, hydraulic hysteresis, and the influence of volumetric strain on the soil-water retention curves. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical models require including all three phenomena in their constitutive relationships. Among these phenomena, suction hardening is the most influencing as it determines the apparent preconsolidation stress, the position of the loading-collapse yield surface, and the shift of both the isotropic consolidation and the critical state lines. In this paper, a fully coupled hydro mechanical model is presented. It is based on the modified Cam-Clay model but includes a yield surface with anisotropic hardening that takes account of the shift of the critical state line with suction. For highly overconsolidated materials, the sub-loading surface concept has been included in order to increase the precision of the model for these materials. The shift of the retention curves produced by volumetric strains is simulated using a hydraulic model based on the grain and current pore size distribution of the soil.  相似文献   

刘建  陈佺 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1203-1209
为了保障岩土工程结构能长期正常使用,需要对其蠕变变形进行分析。“时步-初应变”法是一种常用的计算岩石蠕变的方法。数值流形方法是一种新兴的数值计算方法,常用于计算节理岩体的变形,但尚未被试用于计算蠕变变形。在原数值流形方法的程序中增加了基于“时步-初应变”法的计算模块,通过对广义开尔文模型进行的模拟,显示新程序可以正确反映岩石的黏弹性蠕变趋势,并能够计算包含节理的岩体的蠕变变形,改进后的数值流形方法不但能够模拟岩石的线弹性变形,而且可以模拟岩石的黏弹性蠕变,比原流形方法更能全面地模拟岩石的变形,扩展了数值流形方法在岩土工程中的使用范围。  相似文献   

通过模型试验, 研究了在平面装药爆炸应力波的作用下,全长粘结式锚杆加固洞室抗爆性能。试验结果表明,通过分析自由场压力-时程曲线,证明试验数据可靠;经过加固的洞室拱顶位移峰值减少明显,当比例距离为5.23 cm/g1/2时,洞室发生破坏;在平面波的作用下,两个洞室洞壁各个位置都产生压应变,最大应变出现在拱脚处,随着比例距离减小,拱顶应变峰值先增加后减小,最大应变峰值越来越大;拱顶是加速度振动最激烈的地方,经过加固可以降低拱顶加速度,但效果不明显,在变形不大时底板加速度增加较大,必要时应该采取减震措施,经过加固洞室侧墙加速度普遍有不同程度减小,并且破坏越严重效果越明显,随着比例距离减小,拱顶和侧墙加速度越来越大,尤其当比例距离为5.23 cm/g1/2时,加速度急剧上升。  相似文献   

为了更准确、便捷地确定深埋地下工程中硬岩的力学行为,开展了如下研究:根据损伤与塑性演化存在相似机制,假设损伤阈值与初始屈服采用相同的确定方法,将岩石统一能量屈服准则作为损伤阈值的判定准则;基于Rabotnov对损伤变量的定义和Lemaitre应变等效性假设,并考虑未损伤部分的应力-应变关系符合广义虎克定律,提出了简化形式的硬岩损伤本构方程;为了更好地表达硬岩从低围压到高围压条件下的脆-延转化特性,提出了改进的Mazars损伤演化方程;基于锦屏T2b大理岩常规三轴压缩试验结果,对损伤模型参数进行求解,并分别与基于Mazars损伤演化方程和Mohr-Coulomb准则为损伤阈值判定准则的损伤模型进行对比,结果表明:提出的损伤模型可更好地表达硬岩从低围压的脆性到高围压的延性转变过程,特别是对损伤阈值后岩石的损伤演化过程的模拟更为精确,对硬脆性岩石的工程计算有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes the computer algorithms used in a numerical simulation of the compression of an aggregate of crushable grains. It has been used in a model for the evolution of a granular medium under one-dimensional compression, in which the probability of fracture for individual particles is a function of applied stress, particle-size and co-ordination number. The information relating to the particles is represented in a compact way on the computer which allows the number of particles produced to become sufficiently large for satisfactory comparisons to be made with experimental data and which allows information, such as the positions and sizes of the particles, to be easily extracted. An algorithm based on the representation is used to locate neighbouring particles in a way which does not deteriorate unacceptably in terms of speed as the number of particles increases. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temperature effect of rock burst for hard rock in deep-buried tunnel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much research has been conducted on the influence of rock burst mechanisms and temperature on the mechanical properties of hard rock while research on the effect of temperature on rock bursts is scarce. Therefore, this paper focuses on Rock Burst Proneness Index tests and acoustic emission (AE) tests under the action of high temperature. It was found that the Rock Burst Proneness Index and the AE energy will rise as the temperature rises. It means that the degree of rock burst is increasing instead of decreasing with rising temperature. The research results revealed the temperature effect of rock burst in long deep tunnels under a certain thermal stress condition, which is helpful for explaining the rock burst disaster in tunnels at high ground temperature.  相似文献   

A computational formulation of discrete simulations of damage and failure in brittle rocks using mathematical programming methods is proposed. The variational formulations are developed in two and three dimensions. These formulations naturally lead to second-order cone programs and can conveniently be solved using off-the-shelf mathematical programming solvers. Pure static formulations are derived so that no artificial damping parameters are required. The rock is represented by rigid blocks, with interfaces between blocks modelled by zero-thickness springs based on the rigid-body–spring network method. A modified Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is proposed to model the failure of the interfaces. When the interface’ strength limits are reached, a microscopic crack forms and its strength is irreversibly lost. The microscopic elastic properties of the springs are related to the observed elastic behaviour of rocks with the developed empirical equations. The program is first validated with three simple tests. Then, numerical uniaxial and biaxial compression tests and the Brazilian tests are conducted. Furthermore, the proposed approach is employed to study the rock crack propagation and coalescence using cracked Brazilian disc test. The results are in good agreements with reported experimental data, which shows its potential in modelling mechanical behaviour of brittle rocks.  相似文献   

高地应力硬岩洞室开挖破坏区数值模拟方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着深部地下洞室的大量兴建,深部开挖过程中开挖破坏区的形成及其预测成为国内外岩石力学研究的焦点。本文首先对硬岩破坏过程的力学特性进行了分析,在此基础上对当前岩石力学工程界惯常采用的连续介质模型和粘聚力弱化-摩擦强度强化(CWFS)模型进行了比较;利用岩土工程分析软件FLAC,采用理想弹塑性、弹脆塑性、应变软化及CWFS模型对加拿大Mine-by Experiment圆形试验洞室进行了数值分析,通过对围岩应力分布、关键点应力大小和塑性区分布的对比分析,发现CWFS模型计算得到的应力场更能准确反映破坏区产生后应力向围岩深部转移并集中的特征;这一应力分布特征与开挖破坏区不存在时的结果更接近;与其它模型相比,CWFS模型计算得到的破坏区范围和深度更大,与现场实测值更加吻合。最后采用CWFS模型对挪威Kobbskaret公路隧道破坏区大小进行了计算分析,再次验证了采用CWFS模型对硬岩开挖破坏区预测的合理性。  相似文献   

强风化软硬互层岩质高边坡属岩质边坡特殊情况,其结构面组成及性质复杂,与支护结构相互作用的复杂程度较高,相互影响较大,顺倾结构面临空等情况下破坏可能性很大。以兰永一级公路某深挖路堑边坡的治理工程为依托,对边坡支护过程中及支护结束后的锚杆应力、锚索内力、坡体位移进行了原位监测,并利用岩土分析软件PLAXIS,采用节理岩模块对该边坡工程进行了数值模拟分析。监测及模拟结果表明:该边坡由节理裂隙与岩层面形成折线形潜在滑面,且具有相同滑动可能性的潜在滑面不止一个;支护结构穿透组成滑面折线的任何折线段部分均对结构面稳定有显著影响,但支护结构穿透泥岩面对结构面的影响较穿透节理裂隙更大;支护锚索预应力变化具有一定规律,预应力变化过程对坡体位移及支护结构内力具有一定影响;坡体的主动变形对支护结构内力的影响较坡体被动变形大,结构面产生滑动趋势对坡面位移影响的敏感程度较支护结构内力影响的敏感程度低。该边坡支护稳定,支护设计合理,可为同类边坡支护设计提供相应建议。  相似文献   

基于全耦合的地表径流与土壤水分运动数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对降雨径流从坡面流下的过程中会发生下渗,导致土壤水非饱和带含水率增大这一动力学过程,从物理机制上对土壤水和地表水进行耦合,将二维平面地表水模型叠置在土壤水模型的顶部,对土壤水、地表水模型进行相同的空间和时间离散,在模型的计算过程中通过达西流关系对两者之间的水量交换进行计算(双层结点法耦合)或整合离散方程的整体法进行耦合。通过对两种耦合方法的比较以及与前人的实验结果对比,该模型与耦合方法能够准确地模拟和预测地表径流与土壤水分运动过程。研究结果可为分析地表水流与饱和-非饱和带水分与溶质耦合机理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Traditional reliability-based design methodologies often involve selection of design which is of lowest cost and satisfies safety requirements. But, this design is sensitive to variation in statistics of input parameters (noise parameters) and might become unsatisfactory if an underestimation of coefficient of variation of input parameters is made. A relatively new design methodology known as robust geotechnical design (RGD) is applied for the case of reinforcement of rock slope using end-anchored rock bolts. This ensures selection of a cost-effective and safe design for which probability of failure (Pf) of reinforced rock slope is least sensitive to the noise parameters. Reliability-based RGD approach involves evaluation of Pf for each design with different possible noise parameters. Finding Pf for the complex geotechnical structure is computationally expensive, and thus an augmented radial basis function-based response surface is used as a surrogate to the finite element model of rock slope. This response surface, being very efficient, also performs well for a range of values of noise parameters. Later, minimum distance algorithm is applied to obtain a cost-effective and robust design. Finally, a comparison is made in the costs between two robust designs obtained for different target probability of failure for the same rock slope.  相似文献   

Rheological model of hard rock pillar   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conclusions The verified Burgers' model for the pillars built of hard rocks corresponds qualitatively to their behaviour under the long term compressive load. During the experiments, both elastic immediate and after-effect (delayed) strains were observed. The occurrence of creep was proven for stress levels equal to or exceeding 5 MPa (about 40% of the ultimate strength of the fissured pillar samples). Approximated numerical rheological parameters:E 1,E 2, 1, 2 are, with a simplification, the parameters which can be applied in engineering computation since they are connected with strain characteristics of in situ pillar samples and not the rocks being only a component of broken-up rock mass. A thorough recognition of the effect of time on the behaviour of pillars during the mining of ore deposits is significant because of the possibility of their rational surveying and thus the decrease of exploitation losses.The results are the first to be obtained in in situ investigations and based on the classical creep test but on large-scale samples of pillars.  相似文献   

One of the crucial consequences of steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process is abnormal reservoir uplifting under thermal steam injection, which can significantly influence the reservoir rock deformation, specifically thin bed reservoirs and causes intensive failures and fractures into the cap rock formations. A thorough understanding of the influences of rock thermo-mechanical properties on reservoir uplifting plays an important role in preventing those aforementioned failures within design and optimization process in SAGD. In addition, coupling of reservoir porous medium and flowing of specific fluid with temperature as an additional degree of freedom with initial pore pressure and in-situ stress condition, are also very challenging parts of geomechanical coupled simulation which would be clearly explained. Thus, a fully coupled thermo-poro-elastic geomechanical model with finite element codes was performed in ABAQUS to investigate the role of rock thermo-mechanical parameters on reservoir vertical uplift during steam injection. It is clearly observed that, any increase in rock thermo-mechanical properties specifically rock’s thermal properties such as specific heat, thermal expansion, and formation’s thermal conductivity, have significant influences on reservoir uplift. So by coupling the temperature as an additional degree of freedom with the coupled pore-fluid stress and diffusion finite element model of SAGD process, the more realistic simulation will be conducted; hence, the errors related to not having heat as an additional degree of freedom will be diminished. In addition, Young’s modulus and specific heat are the rock thermo-mechanical parameters which have the maximum and minimum effects on the reservoir uplift, respectively.  相似文献   

Monitoring the performance of rock reinforcement   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A rock mechanics program has been developed and implemented in order to achieve a safe and economical room and pillar extraction of the shallow dipping orebodies at the McArthur River Mine in Australia. Three closely spaced tabular orebodies have been targeted for extraction over the life of the mine and due to economics the lowermost number 2 orebody is being mined first. This paper formulates the calculation of the 2 Orebody hangingwall spans and the appropriate rock reinforcement design for the long-term stability of the room and pillar excavations. The field trials suggested that a rock beam was formed within the hangingwall of the room and pillar operations, arresting any vertical movement of the roof. The results indicated that the weight of the beam is transferred to the pillars via an arching process and there is no need for deep-anchored reinforcement.  相似文献   

Feng  Xia-Ting  Wang  Zhaofeng  Zhou  Yangyi  Yang  Chengxiang  Pan  Peng-Zhi  Kong  Rui 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(6):1647-1677
Acta Geotechnica - Hard rocks exhibit three-dimensional (3D) stress-dependent failure under true triaxial compression. The deformability and strength of hard rocks under true triaxial compression...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibility of interpreting progressive shear failure in hard soils and soft rocks as the result of shear propagation of a pre‐existing natural defect. This is done through the application of the principles of fracture mechanics, a slip‐weakening model (SWM) being used to simulate the non‐linear zone at the tips of the discontinuity. A numerical implementation of the SWM in a computation method based on the boundary element technique of the displacement discontinuity method (DDM) is presented. The crack and the non‐linear zone at the advancing tip are represented through a set of elements, where the displacement discontinuity (DD) in the tangential direction is determined on the basis of a friction law. A residual friction angle is assumed on the crack elements. Shear resistance decreases on elements in the non‐linear zone from a peak value at the tip, which is characteristic of intact material, to the residual value. The simulation of a uniaxial compressive test in plane strain conditions is carried out to exemplify the numerical methodology. The results emphasize the role played by the critical DD on the mechanical behaviour of the specimen. A validation of the model is shown through the back analysis of some experimental observations. The results of this back analysis show that a non‐linear fracture mechanics approach seems very promising to simulate experimental results, in particular with regards to the shear band evolution pattern. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In seismic applications, the bulk modulus of porous media saturated with liquid and gas phases is often estimated using Gassmann's fluid substitution formula, in which the effective bulk modulus of the two-phase fluid is the Reuss average of the gas and liquid bulk moduli. This averaging procedure, referred to as Wood's approximation, holds if the liquid and gas phases are homogeneously distributed within the pore space down to sizes well below the seismic wavelength and if the phase transfer processes between liquid and gas domains induced by the pressure variations of the seismic wave are negligible over the timescale of the wave period. Using existing theoretical results and low-frequency acoustic measurements in bubbly liquids, we argue that the latter assumption of “frozen” phases, valid for large enough frequencies, is likely to fail in the seismic frequency range where lower effective bulk modulus and velocity, together with dispersion and attenuation effects, are expected. We provide a simple method, which extends to reservoir fluids a classical result by Landau and Lifshitz valid for pure fluids, to compute the effective bulk modulus of thermodynamically equilibrated liquid and gas phases. For low gas saturation, this modulus is significantly lower than its Wood's counterpart, especially at the crossing of bubble point conditions. A seismic reflector associated to a phase transition between a monophasic and a two-phase fluid thus will appear. We discuss the consequences of these results for various seismic applications including fizz water discrimination and hydrocarbon reservoir depletion and CO2 geological storage monitoring.  相似文献   

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