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利用Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)卫星从1996年1月5日到2005年5月1日的all-sky monitor(ASM,1.5-12KeV)资料,详细分析了黑洞候选体X射线双星Cyg X-1在A-band(1.5-3KeV),B-band(3-5KeV)和C-band(5-12KeV)三个能段上光子计数率与谱线硬度比HR2(5-12KeV/3-5KeV)的相关性.利用1天时标的ASM资料研究发现: (1)Cyg X-1处于软态时,在A-band上光子计数率与硬度比HR2呈现反相关性,而在B-band和C-band上呈现正相关性.当该天体处于硬态时,在A、B、C三个能段上光子计数率与硬度比HR2都是反相关的.(2)Cyg X-1处于硬态和软态时,硬度比HR2与HR1都是正相关的.此外,还分析了ASM上"Dwell by Dwell"资料,得到了十分有趣的结果,即: (1)MJD=52600-52760期间(此时Cyg X-1处于硬态),A-band和B-band上的光子计数率与HR2是反相关性的,而在C-band上却呈现出较强的正相关性. (2)硬态时,硬度比HR2与HR1存在明显的反相关性.  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论.以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kа线.  相似文献   

董爱军  盖宁  张福安 《天文学报》2012,53(5):391-401
利用离散傅里叶分析法,基于RXTE (Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer)/ASM(All-Sky Monitor,1.5~12 keV)观测数据,对黑洞候选体X射线双星Cyg X-1硬度比HR(5~12 keV/3~5 keV)(简写HR)的时变特性进行了分析,结果表明黑洞候选体X射线双星Cyg X-1硬度比HR存在明显的周期特性:(1)混合态(硬态+软态,本文指MJD=50087~55841期间所有的观测数据)时,HR存在T≈5.6 d、40.0 d、78.4 d、173.8 d以及400/800 d的时变周期; (2)硬态时, HR存在T≈5.6 d、33.7/67.6 d、45.3 d和165.3 d的周期特性; (3)软态时,HR出现了T≈38.5 d、48.1 d和128.3 d的周期性变化.并利用粘滞理论和Zdziarski吸积盘模型讨论了以上周期特性的物理机制.  相似文献   

黑洞X射线暂现源的迷你爆发是一类峰值光度较低、持续时间较短的爆发.由于观测数据较少,其物理机制仍不清楚.利用RXTE (Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer)卫星从2001年1月28日到3月14日的数据,研究了黑洞X射线暂现源XTE J1550–564 2001年迷你爆发的X射线能谱特性.发现在本次迷你爆发中, XTE J1550–564的X射线能谱可以用幂律谱很好地拟合.整个爆发的硬度强度图不是标准的q型,而是一直保持在最右侧.此外,还分析了此次爆发谱指数Γ与未吸收的2–10 keV能段的X射线流量F_(2–10 keV)的相关性,发现Γ-F_(2–10 keV)呈反相关关系,且谱指数Γ∈[1.35, 1.72].上述结果表明2001年这次爆发一直处于低/硬态,它的X射线辐射主要来自于辐射低效的吸积模式,如ADAF(Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow).  相似文献   

观测表明, 黑洞双星的B型准周期振荡(Quasi-Periodic Oscillation, QPO)频率与幂律通量之间存在正相关性. 试图基于阿尔文波振荡模型定量解释该相关性. 标准薄吸积盘辐射通量极大值处的阿尔文波振荡产生QPO. 标准薄盘上的软光子与冕或喷流基部的热电子介质发生逆康普顿散射产生幂律通量. 通过吸积率的连续变化, 得到QPO频率与幂律通量关系的分析解和数值解. 模拟得到的相关性在合理的参数范围内与观测值相吻合. QPO频率与幂律通量的正相关性可以理解为, 较强的磁场导致较高的阿尔文波频率和较高的电子温度从而得到较高的幂律通量. 结果表明B型QPO可能与吸积盘或喷流中的环向磁场的活动有关.  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论。以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kα线。  相似文献   

为解释Be/X射线双星波段联合观测结果,已发展了许多理论模型。在本文中简述这些Be/X射线双星理论模型的研究现状,包括枞两个正常的B型星组成的密近双星演化成为Be/X射线双星的演化模型,描述Be星气壳的物理模型,Be星和中子星的性质所决定的中子星吸积方式的吸积量及Be/X射线双星X射线源光变曲线的理论解释。  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论.以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kα线.  相似文献   

本文介绍了ROSAT卫星对活动双星的观测及其观测性质,并比较活动双星的冕活动与同光谱带单层的不同,探讨次星的存在和质量转移对双量活动性的影响。  相似文献   

董爱军  王建成  薛力 《天文学报》2006,47(3):231-246
利用Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)卫星从1996年1月到2005年5月的公共资料,研究了黑洞候选体X射线双星Cyg X-1光变曲线的周期性,并且发现了一些有趣的周期特性(T=1.0±0.2天和T=18.0±3.0天).在硬态时,T=1.0±0.2天和T=18.0±3.0天的周期特性同时出现在它的光变曲线之中,但在软态时仅有T=1.0±0.2天的周期出现.采用一种新的方法(即微分法),同时为了检验微分法的正确性,还利用传统的方法(即快速傅立叶变换和叠加法)分析了相同的资料,并得到了与微分法相同的结果.另外也对Cyg X-1的轨道周期进行了研究,结果发现T=5.6天的轨道周期不仅出现在硬态,同时也出现在软态,只是在硬态时比在软态时明显.  相似文献   

We present an exhaustive analysis of five broad-band observations of GRS 1915+105 in two variability states, χ and ω, observed simultaneously by the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) and High-Energy X-ray Timing Experiment (HEXTE) detectors aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer , and the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) detector aboard the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory . We find all the spectra well fitted by Comptonization of disc blackbody photons, with very strong evidence for the presence of a non-thermal electron component in the Comptonizing plasma. Both the energy and the power spectra in the χ state are typical of the very high/intermediate state of black hole binaries. The spectrum of the ω state is characterized by a strong blackbody component Comptonized by thermal electrons and a weak non-thermal tail. We then calculate rms spectra (fractional variability as functions of energy) for the PCA data. We accurately model the rms spectra by coherent superposition of variability in the components implied by the spectral fits, namely a less variable blackbody and more variable Comptonization. The latter dominates at high energies, resulting in a flattening of the rms at high energies in most of the data. This is also the case for the spectra of the quasi-periodic oscillations present in the χ state. Then, some of our data require a radial dependence of the rms of the disc blackbody. We also study the distance to the source, and find   d ≃ 11 kpc  as the most likely value, contrary to a recent claim of a much lower value.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray states and radio emission in GRS 1915+105   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compare simultaneous Ryle Telescope radio and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer X-ray observations of the galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105, using the classification of the X-ray behaviour in terms of three states as previously established. We find a strong (one-to-one) relation between radio oscillation events and series of spectrally hard states in the X-ray light curves, if the hard states are longer than ∼100 s and are 'well separated' from each other. In all other cases the source shows either low-level or high-level radio emission, but no radio oscillation events. During intervals when the source stays in the hard spectral state for periods of days to months, the radio behaviour is quite different; during some of these intervals a quasi-continuous jet is formed with an almost flat synchrotron spectrum extending to at least the near-infrared. Based on the similarities between the oscillation profiles at different wavelengths, we suggest a scenario which can explain most of the complex X-ray:radio behaviour of GRS 1915+105. We compare this behaviour with that of other black hole sources, and challenge previous reports of a relation between spectrally soft X-ray states and the radio emission.  相似文献   

We present the first detections of the black hole X-ray binary GRS 1915+105 at submillimetre (submm) wavelengths. We clearly detect the source at 350 GHz in two epochs, with significant variability over the 24 h between epochs. Quasi-simultaneous radio monitoring indicates an approximately flat spectrum from 2 to 350 GHz, although there is marginal evidence for a minimum in the spectrum between 15 and 350 GHz. The flat spectrum and correlated variability imply that the submm emission arises from the same synchrotron source as the radio emission. This source is likely to be a quasi-steady partially self-absorbed jet, in which case these submm observations probe significantly closer to the base of the jet than do radio observations and may be used in future as a valuable diagnostic of the disc–jet connection in this source.  相似文献   

We present the results of a detailed analysis of RXTE observations of classω (Klein-Woltet al. 2002) which show an unusual state transition between high-soft and low-soft states in the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915 + 105. Out of about 600 pointed RXTE observations, the source was found to exhibit such state transition only on 16 occasions. An examination of the RXTE/ASM data in conjunction with the pointed observations reveals that these events appeared as a series of quasi-regular dips in two stretches of long duration (about 20 days during each occasion) when hard X-ray and radio flux were very low. The X-ray light curve and colour-colour diagram of the source during these observations are found to be different from any reported so far. The duration of these dips is found to be of the order of a few tens of seconds with a repetition time of a few hundred seconds. The transition between these dips and non-dips which differ in intensity by a factor of ∼ 3.5, is observed to be very fast (∼ a few seconds). It is observed that the low-frequency narrow QPOs are absent in the power density spectrum (PDS) of the dip and non-dip regions of classω and the PDS is a power law in the 0.1–10 Hz frequency range. There is a remarkable similarity in the spectral and timing properties of the source during the dip and non-dip regions in this set of observations. These properties of the source are distinctly different from those seen in the observations of other classes. This indicates that the basic accretion disk structure during both dip and non-dip regions of classω is similar, but differ only in intensity. To explain these observations, we invoke a model in which the viscosity is very close to critical viscosity and the shock wave is weak or absent.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in 1992, the superluminal X-ray transient GRS 1915+105 has been extensively observed in an attempt to understand its behaviour. We present here first results from a multiwavelength campaign undertaken from 1996 July to September. This study includes X-ray data from the RXTE All Sky Monitor and BATSE , two-frequency data from the Nançay radio telescope, and infrared photometry from the 1.8-m Perkins telescope at Lowell Observatory. The first long-term, well-sampled infrared light curve of GRS 1915+105 is presented herein; it is consistent with the interpretation of this source as a long-period binary. We compare the various light curves, searching for correlations in the behaviour of the source at differing wavelengths and for possible periodicities.  相似文献   

We report simultaneous observations of the black hole candidate X-ray transient GRS 1915+105 in the infrared (IR) at K and in the radio at 2 cm. Oscillations of period 26 min were observed in both wavebands, having (dereddened) peak–peak amplitudes of about 40 mJy and with the IR leading the radio by 7 min, or perhaps by 33 or 59 min. A synchrotron origin for the oscillations continues to seem very likely. We consider a range of problems raised by these observations, and briefly discuss the applicability of expanding-synchrotron source or conical jet models to the oscillations. Comparing simplistic estimates of the ejecta mass to the missing inner disc mass in the model of Belloni et al., we find that a significant fraction of the inner disc may be ejected during the oscillations.  相似文献   

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