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对于印度与欧亚板块的侧向碰撞带,即藏东三江地区的新生代构造分析揭示出三种不同性质的构造样式,它们形成于不同的地质时期,发育于不同的地壳层次:(1)区域规模至露头尺度上发育的具有薄皮属性的逆冲断层与推覆构造,它们广泛分布于三江地区,尤其是兰坪-思茅盆地内;(2)以红河-哀牢山断裂、澜沧江和怒江-高黎贡山断裂等为代表的区域高温型走滑韧性剪切带构造和局部发育的脆性走滑断裂构造,后者在中新生代盆地内部断裂更为发育;(3)遍布全区发育的变质核杂岩构造与地堑-半地堑盆地.区域岩浆活动性与区域构造事件的发生具有密切的时空联系.区域性递进收缩事件与走滑事件发生于碰撞过程的早期阶段,并随后伴随着早期具有岩石圈板块俯冲性质的碰撞弧高钾岩浆活动,而后期的递进伸展事件诱发了板内伸展环境中的晚期高钾岩浆活动.二者之间的碱性岩浆活动间歇期,对应着区域构造体制的转变与区域伸展作用的发生,变质核杂岩的发育与微弱的钙碱性岩浆活动是其最直接的表现.区域古地磁资料分析表明,印度-欧亚板块之间的板块相互作用、区域板块与地块的旋转以及由此所致的不同构造环境制约着各种地质事件的发生与发展.北向运动的印度板块的旋转致使三江地块在新生代演化中发生了两次规模与特点不一的地块旋转过程,即早期的大角度快速旋转和晚期的小角度慢速旋转事件.它们分别对应于早期的递进收缩变形、走滑事件和具有碰撞弧属性的碱性岩浆活动与中期的区域伸展、变质核杂岩的发育与微弱的钙碱性岩浆活动性,以及后期的递进伸展作用和晚期陆内碱性岩浆活动性.  相似文献   

Under the constraint of an isochronous sequence stratigraphic framework, sediment infill of the Xiagou Formation reflects the overall control of dynamic tectonic movements and episodic sedimentations in the Qingxi Sag. Structure reactivity during post-depositional processes could cause stratigraphic variations in longitudinal time and lateral space. This study documents sediment infill features and their response to the tectonic evolutions of the Qingxi Sag. The data sets include comparison of cores, well drilling, 3D seismic, inter-well correlation, wave impedance inversion profiles, original strata recovery data, sedimentary facies spatial evolution and their superimposition with paleogeomorphology.The Jiuquan Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic superposition basin comprising an early rifting graben phase and a later compression phase. Since the Early Cretaceous, the basin has undergone four major tectonic episodes: 1) extension during the Early Cretaceous, 2) tectonic inversion caused by northwest-southeast contraction from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleocene, 3) weak extension from the Eocene to the Miocene and 4) contraction from the Miocene to the present. Therefore, the Jiuquan Basin is the product of taphrogenic, collisional and shearing movements.Seismic interpretations of sequence and maximum flooding surface divide the Xiagou Formation into three third order sequences: SQK1g0, SQK1g1 and SQK1g2+3. Five sedimentary facies associations are identified: the shoreland plain, fan delta dominated sedimentary systems, turbidite deposits, shallow lakes and half-deep lake systems. From K1g0 to K1g2+3, decreased sandstone percentages in three fan delta areas indicate a continuously transgressive process, which shows the transition from proximal to distal sites in most statistic wells and an obvious decrease of fan delta scales. The northeast-southwest faults control the lakeward distributions of delta fronts and turbidite fans.The correspondence of sedimentary infill and its response to tectonic movements have been demonstrated in the Qingxi Sag. The more active eastern part of the northeastern boundary fault has an important influence on the northeastward migration of depocenters in the Xiagou Formation. The topography developed continuously from K1g0 to K1g2+3, but the diminished subsidence indicates the dominant geological process varying from intense fault rifting in an early period to relatively gentle and overall subsidence in a later period during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   


Subduction-related basaltic rocks in active continental margins should record information about the lithospheric mantle. Mafic rocks from the Qimantag region of the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt (EKOB), NW China, can be used to constrain the evolution of mantle sources. The Heishan basalts (445 Ma) and Xiarihamu gabbros (427 Ma) display distinct geochemical and isotopic features, with basalts yielding relatively lower Na2O+K2O (1.48–4.16 wt.%) and Mg# (0.50–0.57) than gabbros (Na2O+K2O = 2.96–4.07 wt.%, Mg# = 0.65–0.81). Although the basalts and gabbros show similar enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE, the gabbros have higher Th/Y and lower Sm/Th and Nb/U ratios than the basalts, indicative of derivation from a more enriched mantle source. The Heishan basalts have relatively positive εNd(t) values (+4.7 to +5.8) whereas the Xiarihamu gabbros have negative εNd(t) values ranging from ?5.5 to ?3.8. Crustal contamination played an insignificant role in the formation of the basalts and gabbros. Our data suggest that the basalts originated from a depleted mantle source, slightly enriched by subduction-related fluids, whereas the gabbros originated from an enriched mantle source. These findings support a subduction-related progressive lithospheric mantle enrichment model over ~20 Ma beneath the Qimantag region in the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

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