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A previously uncollected fauna of ammonites, bivalves, and other molluscs, associated with radiolarian microfossils, has been newly recognized near Lawn Hill on the east coast of central Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. The regional biostratigraphic zonation indicates that the Lawn Hill fauna is correlative with the Nostoceras hornbyense zonule of the Pachydiscus suciaensis ammonite biozone, recognized in the Nanaimo Group of southeast Vancouver Island. The Nostoceras hornbyense Zone (new) is herein proposed for strata of Pacific coast Canada containing the zonal index. Several molluscan taxa present in the Lawn Hill section are new to British Columbia and the ammonite fauna suggests that the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone is late Campanian in age, supported by radiolarian taxa present in the section. Strata sampled in the Lawn Hill section preserve reversed-polarity magnetization, considered likely correlative with Chron 32r. The presence of the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone on Queen Charlotte Islands is the first recognition of this zone in Canada north of central Vancouver Island and represents the youngest Cretaceous known in this region. Campanian radiolarians identified from the Lawn Hill section are also the first recognized from the Pacific coast of Canada.  相似文献   

New data from a deep-sea core in the eastern North Pacific Ocean indicate that the western margin of the Late Wisconsin Cordilleran Ice Sheet began to retreat from its maximum position after 15,600 yr B.P. Ice-rafted detritus is present in the core below the 15,600 yr B.P. level and was deposited while lobes of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet advanced across the continental shelf in Queen Charlotte Sound, Hecate Strait, and Dixon Entrance. The core data are complemented by stratigraphic evidence and radiocarbon ages from Quaternary exposures bordering Hecate Strait and Dixon Entrance. These indicate that piedmont lobes reached the east and north shores of Graham Island (part of the Queen Charlotte Islands) between about 23,000 and 21,000 yr B.P. Sometime thereafter, but before 15,000–16,000 yr B.P., these glaciers achieved their greatest Late Wisconsin extent. Radiocarbon ages of late-glacial and postglacial sediments from Queen Charlotte Sound, Hecate Strait, and adjacent land areas show that deglaciation began in these areas before 15,000 yr B.P. and that the shelf was completely free of ice by 13,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

Pollen and plant macrofossil analyses of lake sediments from Anthony Island in the southern Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii), British Columbia, reveal 1800 yr of relatively stable temperate rainforest vegetation. Cupressaceae (cedar) pollen percentages and accumulation rates decline about 1000 cal yr BP, coincident with occupation of the island by Haida peoples, who use Thuja plicata (western red cedar) almost exclusively for house construction, dugout canoes, monumental poles, and many other items. Anthropogenic disturbance offers the most likely explanation for the decline of T. plicata.  相似文献   

Needles, wood and pollen of Larix, recorded in a peat deposit from Kotelny Island, northern Siberia, indicate the local occurrence of larch around 38 000 cal. a BP, which is during the Middle Pleniglacial (Greenland Interstadial 8) of the Weichselian last glacial period. The pollen record, dominated by Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Betula, Alnus, Salix and Artemisia, indicates steppe‐tundra conditions with some shrubs and trees. The distribution of Larix species plays an important role in the reconstruction of climatic conditions during the Weichselian in Siberia. Nowadays Larix does not occur on Kotelny Island and in the present situation the temperature may not be the limiting factor for Larix, but instead the long, snowy winters and the moist tundra vegetation. Our data may contribute to a better understanding of Larix refugia and Weichselian climatic conditions in northern Siberia.  相似文献   

Sediments of Balsam Meadow have produced a 11,000-yr pollen record from the southern Sierra Nevada of California. The Balsam Meadow diagram is divided into three zones. (1) The Artemisia zone (11,000–7000 yr B.P.) is characterized by percentages of sagebrush (Artemisia) and other nonarboreal pollen higher than can be found in the modern local vegetation. Vegetation during this interval was probably similar to the modern vegetation on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada and the climate was drier than that of today. (2) Pinus pollen exceeded 80% from 7000 to 3000 yr B.P. in the Pinus zone. The climate was moister than during the Artemisia zone. (3) Fir (Abies, Cupressaceae, and oak (Quercus) percentages increased after 3000 yr B.P. in the Abies zone as the modern vegetation at the site developed and the present cool-moist climatic regime was established. Decreased fire frequency after 1200 yr B.P. is reflected in decreased abundance of macroscopic charcoal and increased concentration of Abies magnifica and Pinus murrayana needles.  相似文献   

Extensive portions of the continental shelf off the coast of British Columbia were subaerially exposed during Late Wisconsinan deglaciation due to lowering of relative sea level by as much as 150 m. Paleoecological analyses were conducted at two sites on the emergent continental shelf where terrestrial surfaces with in situ conifers are preserved. The woody plant remains confirm that, during the latest period of subaerial exposure, terrestrial vegetation was established on the continental shelf. Microscopic identification of fossil wood, and analyses of pollen and plant macrofossils from the associated paleosols and overlying shallow pond sediments indicate that productive Pinus contorta-dominated communities with abundant Alnus crispa and ferns grew on the shelf adjacent to and on the Queen Charlotte Islands around 12,200 14C yr B.P. Dwarf shrubs including Salix and Empetrum, and herbaceous plants such as Heracleum lanatum and Hippuris vulgaris, were also important components of the shelf vegetation. Near northern Vancouver Island, mixed coniferous forests dominated by Pinus contorta with Picea, Tsuga spp., Alnus spp., and ferns occupied the shelf at 10,500 14C yr B.P.  相似文献   

Pollen diagrams of 10 peat sections taken in sedge tundra span as much as 10.730 radiocarbon years and show a varied sequence of pollen assemblages dominated by herbs and shrubs. Taxa, for the most part. belong to the Gramineae. Cyperaceae. Salix, Abuts, Beiula and Empelrum. The assemblages indicate scral changes in the vegetation, resulting from interaction of climate and of successive ashfalls from regional volcanoes, and suggest a patchwork of late Quaternary plant communities. This record from southernmost Beringia enlarges upon previous pollen records from the Aleutian Islands and from the southern part of the Bering land bridge region in western Alaska.  相似文献   

Sediments exposed at Epiguruk, a large cutbank on the Kobuk River about 170 km inland from Kotzebue Sound, record multiple episodes of glacial-age alluviation followed by interstadial downcutting and formation of paleosols. Vertebrate remains from Epiguruk include mammoth, bison, caribou, an equid, a canid, arctic ground squirrel, lemmings, and voles. Radiocarbon ages of bone validated by concordant ages of peat and wood span the interval between about 37,000 and 14,000 yr B.P. The late Pleistocene pollen record is dominated by Cyperaceae, with Artemisia, Salix, Betula, and Gramineae also generally abundant. The fossil record from Epiguruk indicates that the Kobuk River valley supported tundra vegetation with abundant riparian willows during middle and late Wisconsin time. Large herbivores were present during the height of late Wisconsin glaciation as well as during its waning stage and the preceding interstadial interval. The Kobuk River valley would have been a favorable refugium for plants, animals, and possibly humans throughout the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Analyses of a sediment core from Highstead Swamp in southwestern Connecticut, USA, reveal Lateglacial and early Holocene ecological and hydrological changes. Lateglacial pollen assemblages are dominated by Picea and Pinus subg. Pinus, and the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold interval is evidenced by higher abundance of Abies and Alnus viridis subsp. crispa. As climate warmed at the end of the YD, Picea and Abies declined and Pinus strobus became the dominant upland tree species. A shift from lacustrine sediment to organic peat at the YD–Holocene boundary suggests that the lake that existed in the basin during the Lateglacial interval developed into a swamp in response to reduced effective moisture. A change in wetland vegetation from Myrica gale to Alnus incana subsp. rugosa and Sphagnum is consistent with this interpretation of environmental changes at the beginning of the Holocene. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of a limestone solution cave on the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii) have yielded skeletal remains of fauna including late Pleistocene and early Holocene bears, one specimen of which dates to ca. 14,400 14C yr B.P. This new fossil evidence sheds light on early postglacial environmental conditions in this archipelago, with implications for the timing of early human migration into the Americas.  相似文献   

We synthesize pollen spectra from eleven dated stratigraphic sections from central and northern Yukon. Palaeomagnetic and tephra dating indicates the earliest assemblages, representing closed canopy Pinus and Picea forest, are middle-late Pliocene age. More open forest conditions, indicated by increased Poaceae and with evidence of permafrost, are dated at ca 3 Ma. While Pinus pollen is abundant at 3 Ma, it is reduced in records after 2.6 Ma, and subsequent Pleistocene interglacial forest records are repeatedly dominated by Picea, along with Alnus and small but significant amounts of Abies. Surface sample comparisons indicate that Abies was more widespread and abundant in past interglaciations than at present and that Middle-Pleistocene PiceaAbies forest grew in the northern Yukon Porcupine Basin, 500 km beyond modern Abies limits. In contrast, Pinus, which occurs today in southern and central Yukon, was not a significant component of these Pleistocene interglacial forests. Late-Holocene pollen assemblages with rare Abies and high Pinus are the most distinct in the past 2.6 Ma. Possible factors driving Holocene difference are paleoclimate, paludification, changes in megafaunal herbivory and an unusual fire regime. Anthropogenic burning is a factor unique to the Holocene, and if it is shown to be important in this case, it would challenge our notion of what constitutes boreal wilderness.  相似文献   

A core from Prince of Wales Island in the central Canadian Arctic was analysed for pollen and sediment characteristics. From 9200 yr BP to 7000 yr BP, the landscape supported a pioneer vegetation under cold conditions, with relatively high sediment input to the lake. Between 7000 and 4000 yr BP there was a period of high pollen concentrations, more abundant Cyperaceae and Dryas on the landscape and finer sediment input. In the last 4000 years, climate cooling is indicated.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from a small peat bog on the island of Tristan da Cunha in the central South Atlantic (37°05'S,12°17'W) is presented. The pollen diagram contains data from both introduced and native plant taxa. The earliest pollen grains from introduced Plantago lanceolata are dated to around AD 1570, and probably represent unintentional introductions of weeds by the earliest Portuguese explorers visiting the islands. After AD 1600, a greater abundance of pollen from introduced plants and declining tree pollen values indicate opening of the lowland vegetation and more intense land use, probably attributable to the effect of seasonal seal and whale hunters. After AD 1800, evidence of increased erosion and more intense land use are inferred from the pollen diagram, reflecting permanent settlement. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沉积物14 C的年龄测定一直是第四纪年代学研究的热点。文章对中国干旱、半干旱地区的内蒙古库伦泥炭剖面的泥炭全样、植物残体和孢粉浓缩物进行了AMS 14 C测年比较研究。从泥炭沉积物中提取用于AMS 14 C测年的孢粉浓缩物的关键步骤包括:过筛(125μm,63μm和10μm),重液浮选(比重1.9)及在180倍的体视显微镜下进行手工挑选。测年结果表明:孢粉浓缩物的测年值比同一层位的泥炭沉积物全样或植物残体的测年值老225~340年; 植物残体与孢粉浓缩物的测年结果较为接近。但是,距地表24~27cm处孢粉浓缩物给出了610~780A.D.的年龄值,远老于其下样点的年龄,而泥炭全样为现代样品,二者相差1255年,这可能与该样品孢粉纯度较低、掺杂有一些老碳物质燃烧后形成的微粒杂质有关。因此,提高孢粉纯度对孢粉浓缩物14 C测年至关重要。  相似文献   

An AMS radiocarbon-dated pollen record from a peat deposit on Mitkof Island, southeastern Alaska provides a vegetation history spanning ∼12,900 cal yr BP to the present. Late Wisconsin glaciers covered the entire island; deglaciation occurred > 15,400 cal yr BP. The earliest known vegetation to develop on the island (∼12,900 cal yr BP) was pine woodland (Pinus contorta) with alder (Alnus), sedges (Cyperaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae type). By ∼12,240 cal yr BP, Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) began to colonize the island while pine woodland declined. By ∼11,200 cal yr BP, mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) began to spread across the island. Sitka spruce-mountain hemlock forests dominated the lowland landscapes of the island until ∼10,180 cal yr BP, when western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) began to colonize, and soon became the dominant tree species. Rising percentages of pine, sedge, and sphagnum after ∼7100 cal yr BP may reflect an expansion of peat bog habitats as regional climate began to shift to cooler, wetter conditions. A decline in alders at that time suggests that coastal forests had spread into the island's uplands, replacing large areas of alder thickets. Cedars (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Thuja plicata) appeared on Mitkof Island during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

New palynological and sedimentological data from St. Lawrence Island present a rare view into late-glacial and Holocene environments of the central Bering Land Bridge. The late glaciation was a time of dynamic landscape changes in south-central Beringia, with active thermokarst processes, including the formation and drainage of thaw lakes. The presence of such a wet, unstable substrate, if widespread, probably would have had an adverse impact on food sources and mobility for many of the large mammal populations. The establishment of Betula shrub tundra on the island suggests late-glacial summers that were warmer than present, consistent with regional paleoclimatic interpretations. However, the increasing proximity to the Bering Sea, as postglacial sea levels rose, modified the intensity of warming and prevented the establishment of deciduous forest as found in other areas of Beringia at this time. The mid- to late Holocene is marked by more stable land surfaces and development of Sphagnum and Cyperaceae peat deposits. The accumulation of organic deposits, decline of shrub Betula, and decrease in thermokarst disturbance suggest that conditions were cooler than the previous. A recent decline in peat accumulation at the study sites may relate to local geomorphology, but similar decreases have been noted for other arctic regions.  相似文献   

A new record from Potato Lake, central Arizona, details vegetation and climate changes since the mid-Wisconsin for the southern Colorado Plateau. Recovery of a longer record, discrimination of pine pollen to species groups, and identification of macrofossil remains extend Whiteside's (1965) original study. During the mid-Wisconsin (ca. 35,000-21,000 yr B.P.) a mixed forest of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and other conifers grew at the site, suggesting a minimum elevational vegetation depression of ca. 460 m. Summer temperatures were as much as 5°C cooler than today. During the late Wisconsin (ca. 21,000-10,400 yr B.P.), even-cooler temperatures (7°C colder than today; ca. 800 m depression) allowed Engelmann spruce alone to predominate. Warming by ca. 10,400 yr B.P. led to the establishment of the modern ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest. Thus, the mid-Wisconsin was not warm enough to support ponderosa pine forests in regions where the species predominates today. Climatic estimates presented here are consistent with other lines of evidence suggesting a cool and/or wet mid-Wisconsin, and a cold and/or wet late-Wisconsin climate for much of the Southwest. Potato Lake was almost completely dry during the mid-Holocene, but lake levels increased to near modern conditions by ca. 3000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

Pollen, plant macrofossil, and radiocarbon-dating studies of seven exposures of fluvial sediments in the Tunica Hills region of southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi provide new information on late Wisconsinan vegetation, flora, and environment of the region. The assemblages date between 25,250 and 17,530 yr B.P. Pollen and macrofossil assemblages are dominated by Picea, which comprises 40-70% of the pollen assemblages. Abies and Larix pollen and macrofossils are absent, in contrast to sites to the north in the central Mississippi Valley. Deciduous hardwoods (Quercus, Fagus, Fraxinus, Carya, Juglans nigra, Acer, Ulmus) are minor components of both pollen and macrofossil assemblages. Radiocarbon dates of Picea and Quercus wood indicate that these two genera grew contemporaneously in the region. Regional upland forests were dominated by Picea. Picea cones and cone fragments are not typical of any extant North American species, and probably represent either an extinct species or an extinct variety or subspecies of Picea glauca. Late Wisconsinan climate of the region was cooler than present, but not necessarily as cool as implied by P. glauca or other "boreal" taxa.  相似文献   

Wisconsinan full-glacial silts filling a swale exposed in Conklin Quarry, Johnson Co., Iowa, contain a large and diverse biota that includes pollen, bryophytes, vascular-plant macrofossils, small mammals, molluscs, and insects. Radiocarbon dates on wood from the top, middle and bottom of the swale fill respectively were 16710 ± 270, 17 170 ± 205, and 18090 ± 190 yr BP. The pollen diagram is dominated by Picea (spruce), Pinus (pine), and Cyperaceae (sedge), and it records low pollen accumulation rates. Plant macrofossils include a number of tundra species along with Picea and Larix (larch) needles and small pieces of wood. The insect fauna contains many species now confined to the forest-tundra transition zone of northwestern Yukon and Alaska. Small mammals include the tundra indicators Dicrostonyx (collared lemming), and probably Microtus miurus (singing vole) together with boreal forest taxa. The molluscs include extinct and relict species and show the widest range in present geographic distribution, but Rocky Mountain and especially northern elements predominate in the swale fill. All these lines of evidence lead to consistent palaeoclimato-logical interpretation and palaeoecological reconstruction. The dominant habitats represented by the biota and sedimentary environment collectively included open calcareous silty to sandy or gravelly upland sites, minerotrophic fens (wetlands), pond- or stream-side clayey to sandy shores, and shallow (possibly ephemeral), cold, clear-water ponds. Mean July temperatures were probably 11° to 13°C cooler than at present. The biota indicates that a Picea-Larix krummholz with extensive tundra openings was present in southeastern Iowa between 18090 and 16710 yr BP.  相似文献   

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