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激光钻井是一项高效、清洁、控向性能好的钻井新技术,在煤层气开发中潜力巨大。从激光破碎煤岩作用过程和循环气体两方面入手,在理论上分析了激光破碎煤岩的作用过程;以激光照射到煤岩表面的平均功率密度和激光照射时间为变量,再分别以空气和氮气为钻井循环介质,进行了激光破碎煤岩实验。实验结果与理论分析基本一致,具体表现为:在一定范围内,增加激光平均功率密度和激光照射时间将使钻井进尺深度增加,钻孔直径增大,热影响区域增大,有利于提高激光破碎煤岩钻进效率,而氮气循环和空气循环激光破碎煤岩各有优势,可进行交变循环钻进。 相似文献
从岩石破碎机制分析出发,通过建立岩石破碎比功模态,确定破岩机具结构尺寸、岩石力学特性和破岩工艺三类对岩石破碎比功有影响的参数。引入模糊逻辑法,将上述参数作为模糊逻辑分析的输入变量,岩石破碎比功作为模糊逻辑分析的输出变量,建立用于预测岩石破碎比功的预测模型。将该模糊预测模型应用于某工程实例,通过对比模型所得结果与工程实践中的真实岩石破碎比功,该模型所得结果与工程实践中的真实值比较接近,预测模型设计合理,模糊推理规则能够表达工程实践,在给定输入变量的情况下,该模型可有效预测岩石破碎比功这一重要特征参数。 相似文献
在贵州重冰区3个气象站和海拔2500m的梅花山野外观测点开展了3a冬季的导线覆冰自动观测实验,利用观测实验获取的大量连续覆冰过程数据,对导线覆冰重量及其气象条件逐小时演变特征进行了深入分析.结果表明:一次完整的连续导线覆冰过程包括覆冰开始、增长、维持、减弱、消融到结束五个不同的阶段,持续时间较长的覆冰过程中间可能出现间断,而覆冰增长、维持、减弱几个阶段可能重复交替出现.覆冰过程开始一般以气温下降到0℃以下且相对湿度90%以上为标志,当出现浓雾或降水时覆冰出现增长,当既无降水也无雾时覆冰进入维持阶段;整个覆冰过程中温度均低于0℃且维持很高的湿度,中途若温度上升且无雾和降水则覆冰有明显减弱,当气温稳定上升到0℃以上同时湿度下降时覆冰过程结束.覆冰过程的开始和增长一般持续时间较长,而覆冰的消融和结束则十分迅速.在气象站观测到的覆冰以雨雾混合冻结为主,降水对覆冰过程的开始和增长有重要作用,而在梅花山野外观测到的多为雾凇覆冰,降水对覆冰的作用不如地势较低地区显著. 相似文献
新疆若羌县阿热力一带位于东昆仑西段北坡、柴达木盆地西南缘。地层区划隶属于秦祁昆地层区、东昆仑-中秦岭地层分区,该区冰沟群分布广泛。对该区开展区域地质调查、对冰沟群的沉积环境和层序地层进行分析研究具有重要地质意义。在开展区域地质调查中,采用路线调查、剖面测量、实验测试等方法对冰沟群的岩性特征、岩石组合、地球化学特征、古生物特征以及形成时代等进行了系统研究,依据岩石组合特征将其划分为狼牙山组和丘吉东沟组。把该区冰沟群与区域上都兰县冰沟群层型剖面进行了对比,通过对比研究,认为该区的冰沟群与都兰县冰沟群层型剖面具明显可对比性。依据岩性特征、岩石组合特征、古生物特征等,对冰沟群沉积环境进行了分析,认为狼牙山组沉积环境属于潮下较深水陆棚相低能环境;丘吉东沟组属于浅海陆棚相带内缘斜坡沉积环境。并对冰沟群层序地层进行了划分,将其划分为2个Ⅲ级层序,即第一层序(B-1)和第二层序(B-2)。 相似文献
为研究冻土/岩内液相吸力和固相冰压在冻结过程中的作用机制,首先根据热力学基本原理,统一了不同边界条件下的理论冰压方程;然后,联立广义Clapeyron方程和Gibbs-Thomson方程,在阐释液相吸力和固相冰压物理意义基础上,给出了弯曲界面液相水的冻结温度方程;最后,将冻结温度方程引入冻结毛细管模型,将液相吸力方程代入达西定律,分别对固相冰压和液相吸力作用机制进行验证。研究表明:(1)平衡状态下的理论冰压仅与温度线性相关,与边界条件无关;(2)液相吸力来源于理论吸力与固相冰压抵消因子之差,为水分迁移统一驱动力,当固相冰压趋近于理论冰压时,液相吸力趋近于0;(3)固相冰压为绝对压力,可抵消液相吸力,而液相吸力为相对吸力,不可抵消固相冰压;(4)孔隙内的总压力仅为固相冰压,在毛细管冻结时,可达到平衡状态下的理论冰压,故遵循冰压法分凝冰形成机制。研究结果揭示了冻土/岩的液相吸力与固相冰压作用机制,对完善现有冻胀理论具有较高的理论价值和科学意义。 相似文献
本文简要介绍突变理论的尖点突变模型。在分析层状岩体在爆炸冲击荷载作用下破碎程度主要受控因素的基础上,运用拟合的途径建立了岩石破碎分析的尖点突变控制方程。该方程可以被用来直接定量计算岩石破碎块度发生明显变化点的炸药单耗(q)或炮孔与层状结构面间的夹角(α),实践证明是可行的。 相似文献
海原断裂带断层通道波观测与破碎带宽度 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
断层通道波是低速断层破碎带与高速围岩之间的边界相干多重反射形成的,其振幅和频率强烈依赖于断层的几何形态和物理性质,故能用于探测断裂带的内部结构.在宁夏海原西安州附近海原断裂带上,横跨1920年海原8.6级地震地表破裂带布设2条测线,接收测线之间人工爆破激发的断层通道波.每条测线由1台3分量数字地震仪组成,靠近破裂带台间距30~40 m,远离破裂带台间距增大至230~250 m.对测线1的台站接收到的一炮垂直道地震波数据进行了0.1~4.0 Hz频段的滤波,结果表明在S波到时之后存在多组强振幅、低频率、长波链的断层通道波.由断层通道波揭示的海原断裂带在西安州附近的断裂破碎带宽度约为250 m. 相似文献
DAVID E. SUGDEN 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1988,17(3):300-300
Book reviewed in this article:
Van der Veen, C. J. & Oerlemans, J. (eds.) 1986: Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. 相似文献
Van der Veen, C. J. & Oerlemans, J. (eds.) 1986: Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. 相似文献
David H. Roberts Antony J. Long Bethan J. Davies Matthew J. R. Simpson Christoph Schnabel 《第四纪科学杂志》2010,25(6):850-864
This paper investigates the processes governing bedrock bedform evolution in ice sheet and ice stream areas in central West Greenland, and explores the evidence for a cross‐shelf ice stream at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). To the east of Sisimiut the formation of streamlined bedforms with high elongation ratios and high bedform density has been controlled by geological structure and topography in slow‐flowing ice sheet areas. At the coast, the effects of regional flow convergence, caused by coastal fjord orientation, routed ice into the Sisimiut/Itilleq area where it formed an ice stream onset zone. This funnelled ice into an offshore trough (Holsteinsborg Dyb), resulting in a southwesterly regional ice flow direction and the formation of a topographically routed ice stream (Holsteinsborg Isbrae). To the south of this, striae and bedform evidence show that local valley glaciers initially flowed east to west across the coast, but were later redirected by the Itilleq Fjord ice which turned southwestward due to diffluent flow and deflection by Holsteinsborg Isbrae. Roches moutonnées in this area have low elongation ratios and high bedform density, but do not provide unequivocal support for ice streaming, as they are a product of both bedrock structure and changes in ice flow direction, rather than enhanced flow velocities. Cosmogenic surface exposure ages limit maximum ice sheet surface elevation to ca. 755–810 m above sea level in this region. Such ice thickness enabled Holsteinsborg Isbrae to reach the mid/outer continental shelf during the LGM, and to contribute to the formation of a trough mouth fan and the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Initial deglaciation across this region was driven by rising sea level and increasing air temperatures prior to the Bølling Interstadial at ca. 14.5 cal. ka BP. Between 12 and 10 cal. ka BP both increased air and ocean temperatures post the Younger Dryas, and peak sea‐level rise up to the marine limit, caused accelerated thinning and marginal retreat through calving, although dating evidence suggests ice streams remained along the inner shelf/coast boundary until at least ca. 10 cal. ka BP, their longevity maintained by increased ice thickness and ice discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
冰雷达探测研究南极冰盖的进展与展望 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
David H. Roberts Antony J. Long Christoph Schnabel Bethan J. Davies Sheng Xu Matthew J.R. Simpson Philipe Huybrechts 《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(25-26):2760-2773
The offshore and coastal geomorphology of southwest Greenland records evidence for the advance and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Regional ice flow patterns in the vicinity of Sisimiut show an enlarged ice sheet that extended southwestwards on to the shelf, with an ice stream centred over Holsteinsborg dyb. High level periglacial terrain composed of blockfield and tors is dated to between 101 and 142 ka using 26Al and 10Be cosmogenic exposure ages. These limit the maximum surface elevation of the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet in this part of southwest Greenland to ca 750–810 m asl, and demonstrate that terrain above this level has been ice free since MIS 6. Last Glacial Maximum ice thickness on the coast of ca 700 m implies that the ice sheet reached the mid to outer continental shelf edge to form the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Exposure dates record ice surface thinning from 21.0 to 9.8 ka, with downwasting rates varying from 0.06 to 0.12 m yr−1. This reflects strong surface ablation associated with increased air temperatures running up to the Bølling Interstadial (GIS1e) at ca 14 ka, and later marine calving under high sea levels. The relatively late retreat of the Itilleq ice stream inland of the present coastline is similar to the pattern observed at Jakobshavn Isbræ, located 250 km north in Disko Bugt, which also retreated from the continental shelf after ca 10 ka. We hypothesise that the ice streams of West Greenland persisted on the inner shelf until the early Holocene because of their considerable ice thickness and greater ice discharge compared with the adjacent ice sheet. 相似文献
Michael M. Herron Chester C. Langway Herbert V. Weiss James H. Cragin 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1977,41(7):915-920
Chemical analyses of surface snow and dated deep ice core samples from central Greenland suggest that Zn, Pb and sulfate are presently being deposited there at two to three times the natural rates. No recent increases in Cd or V concentrations were observed. Pre-1900 ice shows no measurable effect of the activities of man and represents a good natural aerosol baseline. High enrichment factors relative to average crustal material were observed for Zn, Pb, Cd and sulfate in all samples indicating a natural source other than continental dust is responsible. A high temperature process or vapor phase origin for these enriched elements, possibly volcanism, seems likely. 相似文献
Surging of the southwestern part of the Laurentide Ice Sheet 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
LEE CLAYTON JAMES T. TELLER JOHN W. ATTIG 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1985,14(3):235-241
The southwestern part of the Laurentidc Ice Sheet, in central North America, repeatedly surged during the last part of the Wisconsin Glaciation. Evidence includes the extreme lobation of the ice margin, the gentle slopes of lateral moraines and other marginal features, a radiocarbon chronology indicating extremely rapid marginal advance and retreat, and the abundance of supraglacial flow till. Rapid ice movement was caused by subglacial water and was probably limited to areas of slowly permeable substrate, which slowed the escape of the water. 相似文献
Chronology of the last recession of the Greenland Ice Sheet 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A new deglaciation chronology for the ice‐free parts of Greenland, the continental shelf and eastern Ellesmere Island (Canada) is proposed. The chronology is based on a new compilation of all published radiocarbon dates from Greenland, and includes crucial new material from southern, northeastern and northwestern Greenland. Although each date provides only a minimum age for the local deglaciation, some of the dates come from species that indicate ice‐proximal glaciomarine conditions, and thus may be connected with the actual ice recession. In addition to shell dates, dates from marine algae, lake sediments, peat, terrestrial plants and driftwood also are included. Only offshore and in the far south have secure late‐glacial sediments been found. Other previous reports of late‐glacial sediments (older than 11.5 cal. kyr BP) from onshore parts of Greenland need to be confirmed. Most of the present ice‐free parts of Greenland and Nares Strait between Greenland and Ellesmere Island were not deglaciated until the early Holocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Ice wastage and landscape evolution along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, north-central Wisconsin 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
NELSON R. HAM JOHN W. ATTIG 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1996,25(3):171-186
The Chippewa and Wisconsin Valley Lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet reached their maximum extent in north-central Wisconsin about 20 000 years ago. Their terminal positions are marked by a broad area of hummocky topography, containing many ice-walled-lake plains, which is bounded on the up-ice and down-ice sides by ice-contact ridges and outwash fans. The distribution of these ice-disintegration landforms shows that a wide zone of stagnant, debris-covered, debris-rich ice separated from the active margins of both lobes as they wasted northward during deglaciation. Accumulation of thick, uncollapsed sediment in ice-walled lakes high in the ice-cored landscape indicates a period of stability. In contrast, hummocky disintegration topography indicates unstable conditions. Thus, we interpret two phases of late-glacial landscape evolution. During the first phase, ice buried beneath thick supraglacial sediment was stable. Supraglacial lakes formed on the ice surface and some melted their way to solid ground and formed ice-walled lakes. During the second phase, buried ice began to melt rapidly, hummocky topography formed by topographic inversion, and supraglacial and ice-walled lakes drained. We suggest that ice wastage was controlled primarily by climatic conditions and supraglacial-debris thickness. Late-glacial permafrost in northern Wisconsin likely delayed wastage of buried ice until after about 13 000 years ago, when climate warmed and permafrost thawed. 相似文献
JOHN INGE SVENDSEN ERS ELVERHMI JAN MANGERUD 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1996,25(4):244-256
The deglaciation of the continental shelf to the west of Spitsbergen and the main fjord, Isfjorden. is discussed based on sub-bottom seismic records and scdirncnt cores. The sea lloor on the shelf to the west of Isfjorden is underlain by less than 2 m of glaciomarine sediments over a firm diamicton interpreted as till. In central Isfjordcn up to 10 m of deglaciation sediments were recorded, whereas in cores from the innermost tributary, Billefjorden, less than a meter of ice proximal sediments was recognized between the till and the 'normal' Holocene marine sediments. We conclude that the Barents Sea Ice Sheet terminated along the shelf break during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum. Radiocarbon dates from thc glaciomarine sediments above the till indicate a stepwise deglaciation. Apparently the ice front rctrcatcd from the outermost shelf around 14. 8 ka A dramatic increase in the flux of line-grained glaciomarine sediments around 13 ka is assumed to reflect increased melting and/or current activity due to a climatic warming. This second stage of deglaciation was intcrruptcd by a glacial readvance culminating on the mid-shelf area shortly after 12.4 ka. The glacial readvance, which is correlated with a simultaneous readvance of the Fennoscundian ice sheet along the western coast of Norway, is attributed to the so-called 'Older Dryas' cooling event in the North Atlantic region. Following this glacial readvance the outer part of Isljorden became rapidly deglaciated around 12.3 ka. During the Younger Dryas the inner fjord branches were occupied by large outlet glaciers and possibly the ice liont terminated far out in the main fjord. The remnants of the Harcnts Sea Ice Shcet melted quickly away as a response to the Holocene warming around 10 ka. 相似文献