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The coal deposits of Meghalaya occur in the Lakadong Sandstone (25–250 m thick) of Eocene age. The coal-bearing formations are understood to have been deposited over platform areas in estuarine and lagoonal environments and subjected to recurrent marine transgressions and regressions during the Eocene period. There are three major groups of coalfields in Meghalaya, viz. Garo Hills (West Daranggiri and Siju Coalfields), Khasi Hills (Langrin and Mawlong–Shella Coalfields) and minor coalfields (Laitryngew, Cherrapunji and Bapung Coalfields). Pillar coal samples have been collected from 10 seams at 15 locations and have been subjected to a detailed petrographic examination for their characterization. An effort has been made to trace the path of their evolution based on coal petrography-based models. The quantitative petrographic analysis shows that these coals are vitrinite rich (45.0–92.9%, mean 73.4% mmf basis) with low concentration of inertinite (0.0–13.8%, mean 3.0% mmf basis), whereas the liptinite occurs in appreciable concentration (5.5–53.1%, mean 22.5% mmf basis). Further, these coals are rich in vitrite (51.6–100%, mean 78.3% mmf basis). The volatile matter (from 38.5% to 70.0%, d.a.f.) and vitrinite reflectance (Rom from 0.37% to 0.68%) characterize these coals, as per German (DIN) and North American classification, approximately as sub-bituminous ‘C' to high volatile ‘C' bituminous. The occurrence of teleutospore (single, double and triple celled) suggests that these coals have originated from a characteristic Tertiary flora. The maceral and microlithotype composition in the coal petrography-based depositional models suggest that the coals of Garo Hills were formed in reed to open water swamps in telmatic to limnic conditions. The coals of Khasi Hills were dominated by forest swamps and telmatic to limno-telmatic conditions. In addition, the occurrence of large-size resins suggests prolific growth of conifers in the swamps.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable method for analyzing Fe and Ca in low-rank Greek coals was developed. The presence of Fe and Ca is of importance regarding the potential use of these coals as raw material for organomineral fertilizers. Samples were collected from the main Greek lignite deposits and standards were prepared using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), which were also employed in the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) method. The new method offers the advantages of being timesaving, non-destructive and can be easily incorporated in a fertilizer production line. Analysis of low-rank Greek coals demonstrated a significant Fe and Ca content ranging from 0.15 to 1.97 wt.% for Fe and from 0.04 to 2.51 wt.% for Ca. When both EDXRF and AAS techniques were applied, the Fe and Ca concentration values differed less than 5%, demonstrating that both techniques are reliable for low-rank coals in the above concentration range. These EDXRF results may be used as a preliminary test regarding the application of Greek coals in organomineral fertilizer production, given that in these coals iron and calcium are the most abundant metals.  相似文献   

Two peat sequences were sampled in the vicinity of the main mining districts of the Vosges Mountains: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines and Plancher-les-Mines. Lead isotopic compositions and excess lead fluxes were calculated for each of these radiocarbon-dated sequences. Geochemical records are in very good agreement with the mining history of the area, well known over the last millennium. Except for an anomaly corresponding to the Middle Bronze Age which has not yet been resolved, there is no clear geochemical evidence of local metal production in the Vosges before the 10th century as excess lead deposition archived between 500 BC and 500 AD is attributed to long-range transport of polluted particulate matter. The approach described here can be applied to other mining districts where archaeological evidence is scarce or even lacking, but where past exploitation is suspected.  相似文献   

The Callie deposit is the largest (6.0 Moz Au) of several gold deposits in the Dead Bullock Soak goldfield of the Northern Territory’s Tanami Region, 550 km northwest of Alice Springs. The Callie ore lies within corridors, up to 180 m wide, of sheeted en echelon quartz veins where they intersect the 500-m-wide hinge of an ESE-plunging F1 anticlinorium. The host rocks are the Blake beds, of the Paleoproterozoic Dead Bullock Formation, which consist of a > 350-m-thick sequence of lower greenschist facies graphitic turbidites and mudstones overlying in excess of 100 m of thickly bedded siltstones and fine sandstones. The rocks are Fe-rich and dominated by assemblages of chlorite and biotite, both of which are of hydrothermal and metamorphic origin. A fundamental characteristic of the hydrothermal alteration is the removal of graphite, a process which is associated with bleaching and the development of bedding-parallel bands of coarse biotite augen. Gold is found only in quartz veins and only where they cut decarbonized chloritic rock with abundant biotite augen and no sulfide minerals. Auriferous quartz veins differ from barren quartz veins by the presence of ilmenite, apatite, xenotime, and gold and the absence of sulfide minerals. The assemblage of gold–ilmenite–apatite–xenotime indicates a linked genesis and mobility of Ti, P, and Y in the mineralizing fluids. Geochemical analysis of samples throughout the deposit shows that gold only occurs in sedimentary rocks with high FeO/(FeO+Fe2O3) and low C/(C+CO2) ratios (> 0.8 and < 0.2, respectively). This association can be explained by reactions that convert C from reduced graphitic host rocks into CO2 and reduce ferric iron in the host rocks to ferrous iron in biotite and chlorite. These reactions would increase the CO2 content of the fluid, facilitating the transport of Ti, P, and Y from the host rocks into the veins. Both CO2 and CH4 produced by reaction of H2O with graphite, effervesced under the lower confining pressures in the veins. This would have partitioned H2S into the vapor phase, destabilizing Au–bisulfide complexes; the loss of CO2 and H2S from the aqueous phase caused precipitation of gold, ilmenite, apatite, and xenotime. It is proposed that this process was the main control on gold precipitation. Oxidization of iron in the very reduced wall rocks, resulting in reduction of the fluid, provided a second mechanism of gold precipitation in previously decarbonized rocks, contributing to the high grades in some samples. Although sulfide minerals, especially arsenopyrite, did form during the hydrothermal event, host rock sulfidation reactions did not play a role in gold precipitation because gold is absent near rocks or veins containing sulfide minerals. Sulfide minerals likely formed by different mechanisms from those associated with gold deposition. Both the fold architecture and subsequent spatially coincident sinistral semibrittle shearing ensured that the ore fluids were strongly focused into the hinges of the anticlines. Within the anticlines, a reactive cap of fine-grained, graphitic, reduced Fe-rich turbidites above more permeable siltstones and fine sandstones impeded fluid flow ensuring efficient removal of graphite, and the associated effervescence of CO2 from the fluid caused the precipitation of gold. Exploration for similar deposits should focus on the intersection of east–west shear zones with folds and Fe-rich graphitic host rocks.  相似文献   

Shear and extensional veins formed during the reactivation of the Magdala shear system at Stawell in western Victoria, Australia, contribute to the formation of the auriferous Central and Basalt Contact lodes. Within this shear system is a range of fault rocks accompanied by steep-dipping (>65°) quartz-rich laminated shear veins and relatively flat-lying extensional veins. Both vein sets appear to have been a primary source for the host rock permeability during fluid flow in a regime of significant deviatoric stresses. The macro- and microstructures suggest that the dilatancy, that produced mineralized veins, formed under conditions of overpressure generated by fluid infiltration late in a tectonic regime. A new microfabric analysis technique is used to investigate the quartz-rich veins, which allows rapid integration of the microstructure with the crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs). Both the shear and extensional quartz veins have a random CPO with ∼120° dihedral angles between the quartz–quartz grains, which is typical of a metamorphic equilibrium microfabric. The microstructures indicate that the quartz has undergone extensive grain adjustment in the solid-state, with grain shape and size affected by interfacial solution (pressure solution) effects. These features are consistent with inferences from experimental rock deformation studies, where grain boundary migration is enhanced in a water-rich environment. The onset of solution-transfer processes (pressure solution) developed as the quartz microfabric stabilized and continued to modify the CPO and microstructure significantly. It is concluded that grain growth and pressure solution are coupled diffusive mass transfer processes, related to fluctuations in pore fluid pressures in a region undergoing deformation at near lithostatic pressures.  相似文献   

The Caxias gold deposit, located in the São Luís Craton, is hosted by a steeply dipping strike-slip shear zone crosscutting schists and a fine-grained, hydrothermally altered tonalite (Caxias Microtonalite). Petrography and whole-rock geochemistry have characterized both pelitic and mafic protoliths for the hosting schists. The Caxias Microtonalite shows major and trace element behavior compatible with modern calc-alkaline, metaluminous, subduction-related granitoids. Geochronological studies on the Caxias Microtonalite have defined a minimum crystallization age of 1985±4 Ma, obtained by single-zircon Pb evaporation, and Sm–Nd crustal residence age (TDM) of 2.17 Ga, with Nd(T) +0.74, suggesting a juvenile protolith. The exact origin and role of the Caxias Microtonalite remain uncertain. It may be interpreted as representing either a late manifestation of the regionally dominant Tromaí magmatism, or a juvenile episode unrelated to this major magmatism. Rock, quartz veins, and saprolite geochemistry have shown that As, Sb, Ba, Rb, V, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as Au, are useful elements that can be used in exploration for similar deposits in the region.  相似文献   

Minerals of native elements (Pd, Pt, Au, Ag, and Au-Ag solid solutions) as well as Pb, Zn, Cu, Bi, Fe, Cr, Ni, W, Al, and their intermetallides, and a number of other ore minerals were discovered in brown coals of the Erkovets field. The structural reorganization of the noble metal grains and most of the other minerals found in the brown coals suggest their authigenic paragenesis. The input of noble metals in brown coals is possible in an ionic mode from the surface and underground waters as mineral particles transported by wind from goldfields.  相似文献   

构造煤中煤层气扩散-渗流特征及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
煤层气产出一般要经过解吸、扩散和渗流三个阶段,而煤层气在变形较强的构造煤中的扩散过程不同于在原生结构煤或变形较弱的煤体中的扩散。外界压力的变化只是构造煤吸附与解吸整个过程的一种外在因素,构造煤的变形和结构变化以及吸附势场的转换才是构造煤吸附与解吸的内在因素,是导致解吸过程不可逆性的根本原因。当构造煤体与CH4等多元气体间的吸附平衡状态遭到破坏时,变形较强的构造煤在降压后会产生解吸滞后现象;而变形较弱的煤,分子结构中的气体会很快解吸,第一阶段是气体解吸作用,第二阶段是游离气体从微孔向较大孔隙扩散的过程,气体扩散速率主要由第二阶段决定。构造煤气体扩散机理主要是由孔隙形状、大小、连通性和多元气体性质和状态所决定的。韧性变形煤的微孔隙比较发达,所以韧性变形煤以Knudsen扩散为主,脆性变形煤的中、大孔隙所占比例较大,而且脆性变形煤的孔隙之间具有很好的连通性,所以脆性变形煤以Fick型扩散为主,脆-韧性变形煤以及接近脆-韧性变形煤的脆性变形煤和韧性变形煤均以过渡型扩散为主。在试井渗透率比较中,一定变形程度的脆性变形煤>韧性变形煤,脆性变形煤中以过渡孔为主,其余为微孔,测不出亚微孔和极微孔,脆性变形还增加了各孔隙之间的相互连通性。韧性变形煤中过渡孔比表面积所占比例下降,微孔和亚微孔增高,扩散主要发生在微孔和过渡孔中,所以韧性变形煤的试井渗透率低于脆性变形煤的试井渗透率。  相似文献   

玄武岩台地区滑坡典型特征及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章分析了江浙皖玄武岩台地区滑坡在地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、滑坡体特征、滑动面特征、滑动多期性等方面的典型特征。由于地表水和地下水是玄武岩台地区滑坡中的主要影响因素,因此提出对该类型滑坡的防治应采用排水工程为主,并和其它防治措施相结合的方法进行治理。在滑坡治理的过程中,滑坡监测始终是滑坡防治的基础,防治的效果也需要监测工作来检验。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the genetic types and geochemical processes that have formed ‘metalliferous’ coals around the world. Primary attention is given to elements in coal that are currently being extracted from coal as raw material (Ge and U) or have, in our opinion, the best chance for such use (REE, Ag, Au, and PGE). Coals with anomalously high concentrations of other metals having potential for economic by-product recovery (Be, Sc, V, Ga, Sb, Cs, Mo, W, and Re) are briefly considered. Original data and a survey of the literature indicate that metalliferous coals are in many coal basins. Ore formation in coal-bearing structures may occur during peat accumulation, during diagenesis of the organic matter, or by epigenesis. Various metals are supplied to sedimentary basins as minerals that are transported by water and wind or as ionic species in surface water and descending and ascending underground water and may be incorporated into peat or coals. The modes of occurrence of metals in the enriched coals are diverse. The data presented in this review indicates that metalliferous coals should be regarded as promising for economic recovery for by-products in the course of coal mining and combustion.  相似文献   

Only one quantitative method is described in the literature to estimate the consolidation coefficient of lignite seams. More studies concentrate on the compaction of plant tissues, which explains why the obtained results are overestimated. Moreover, most studies do commonly not determine the consolidation of the whole peat bog but usually those of some of its elements only. We propose a new approach, which conceptually is fairly close to the Hager et al. (Fortschr Geol Rheinld Westf 29:319–352, 1981) method. Our method has been tested on an example of the first Middle-Polish Lignite Seam and the second Lusatian Lignite Seam from some Wielkopolska lignite deposits in central Poland. The consolidation coefficients, C c, range between 2.34 and 2.56 for the second Lusatian Lignite Seam and between 1.80 and 2.14 for the first Middle-Polish Lignite Seam.  相似文献   

Although recent studies have recognized peatlands as a sink for atmospheric CO2, little is known about the role of Siberian peatlands in the global carbon cycle. We have estimated the Holocene peat and carbon accumulation rate in the peatlands of the southern taiga and subtaiga zones of western Siberia. We explain the accumulation rates by calculating the average peat accumulation rate and the long-term apparent rate of carbon accumulation (LORCA) and by using the model of Clymo (1984, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 303, 605-654). At three key areas in the southern taiga and subtaiga zones we studied eight sites, at which the dry bulk density, ash content, and carbon content were measured every 10 cm. Age was established by radiocarbon dating. The average peat accumulation rate at the eight sites varied from 0.35 ± 0.03 to 1.13 ± 0.02 mm yr−1 and the LORCA values of bogs and fens varied from 19.0 ± 1.1 to 69.0 ± 4.4 g C m−2 yr−1. The accumulation rates had different trends especially during the early Holocene, caused by variations in vegetation succession resulting in differences in peat and carbon accumulation rates. The indirect effects of climate change through local hydrology appeared to be more important than direct influences of changes in precipitation and temperature. River valley fens were more drained during wetter periods as a result of deeper river incision, while bogs became wetter. From our dry bulk density results and our age-depth profiles we conclude that compaction is negligible and decay was not a relevant factor for undrained peatlands. These results contribute to our understanding of the influence of peatlands on the global carbon cycle and their potential impact on global change.  相似文献   

应用中子活化分析方法,测定了晋北两层中高硫煤中稀土元素的含量。通过对稀土元素的分布模式,相关分析和聚类分析的研究,得出如下认识;成煤环境对稀土元素的含量具有控制作用。但中高硫煤中稀土元素总量会受到沉积期后酸性溶液下渗淋滤作用的影响;同一煤层中各分层的稀土元素应具有基本相同的分布模式,异常的稀土元素分布模式指示了沉积期后地质作用的影响;煤中稀土元素的主要赋存状态为无机相,主要来源为陆源碎屑矿物;煤中与稀土伴生的有害元素有V,P,Mo,Cr,Cu,Mo,Th和Cd等,在加工洗选过程中有洁净潜势。  相似文献   

Isoprenoid and branched glycerol dialkanol diethers (iso GDDs and br GDDs) have recently been detected in various environments, including sediment, soil and peat deposits. Their structures strongly resemble those of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). Nevertheless, the origin of GDDs and their link to GDGTs remain unclear. Here we examined the concentration and distribution of iso GDDs and br GDDs, together with those of iso GDGTs and br GDGTs along a 4 m peat core from Tanzania. Whereas br GDDs have only been detected to date in their core lipid (CL) form, we report here, for the first time, br GDDs in both CL and intact polar lipid (IPL) forms, suggesting a biosynthetic origin for br GDDs. Concentrations of br GDGTs and br GDDs on one hand and of iso GDGTs and iso GDDs on the other hand, were observed to significantly co-vary (R2 0.49–0.58; p < 0.05), both for the CL and IPL fractions. Moreover, the fractional abundance of each GDD correlated significantly with that of its GDGT analogue (R2 0.33–0.97; p < 0.05). Taken together, the data show that GDDs and GDGTs are closely related and likely take part in common metabolic pathways, although the hypothesis of GDDs being degradation products of GDGTs cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the morphology, genesis and classification of organic soils formed on depression and flat land around Lake Yenicaga, west-central Turkey. Formation of the area has been influenced by tectonic and karst processes. This peatland is important in this area due to its extensive use as a horticultural plant growth medium resulting from positive physical and chemical properties. Organic soils in the study area were formed in nutrient-rich conditions and it is classified as typical basin peat. Four representative pedons were excavated in the study area based on extensive observations performed with random grid method using an auger. Samples were taken from horizons in each profile for laboratory analyses. Organic matter contents ranged from 12.5 to 91.5% across all four pedons. Fiber contents were between 4.3 and 91.5%, and N ranged from 0.56 to 2.19%. Cation exchange capacity ranged from 37 to 222 cmol kg−1, bulk density from 0.09 to 0.78 g cm−3, lime from 0.15 to 2.62%. The pH and ECe values ranged from 5.38 to 7.92 and 0.50 to 3.80 dS m−1, respectively. Sand, silt and clay contents of the organic soils ranged between 0.75–3.92, 40.70–74.77 and 24.15–57.30%, respectively. Differences in organic soils were found to depend on the environment, botanical origins, decomposition degrees, and groundwater composition. The organic soils of the research area were classified in the typic, hemic and hydric subgroups of Medifibrists (Soil Taxonomy 1999).  相似文献   

Type III (humic) organic matter from the Mahakam delta (Indonesia) was chosen to compare artificial and natural coal series. Powdered and concentrated immature organic matter was heated in sealed gold tubes for 24 hr at temperatures ranging from 250 to 550°C and under pressures ranging from 0.5 to 4 kb, with and without water. Both elemental and Rock-Eval analyses were used to characterize the products. A comparison between our results, published data and the natural model shows that, quantitatively, natural maturation is simulated better when pyrolysis is performed under confined conditions (no free volume, no diluting inert gas). Thus, pyrolysis in a medium swept by an inert gas, vacuum pyrolysis and some pyrolysis in sealed glass tubes must be considered to be poor simulation tools. The presence of water does not seem to have an essential effect. Allowing the hydrocarbons formed to reach a certain value of partial pressure seems to be important. Results are unchanged when external pressure varies from 0.5 to 4 kb.  相似文献   

The generation of reliable age models for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records in the Eurasian Arctic is often problematic when using conventional dating techniques. Tephrochronology can potentially improve the chronologies of such records and synchronise disparate sedimentary archives. However, to date, systematic tephra studies are lacking for this region. This paper presents the first cryptotephra data from the White Sea region (northwestern Russia) based on a peat core spanning the past ~1800 years. We identify seven geochemical glass populations that derive from six Icelandic volcanoes and correlate four of them to north European tephra isochrons; these include Askja ad 1875, the basaltic component of the ad 877 Landnám tephra, and tephras BTD-15 (c. ad 1750–1650) and SL-2/SB-2 (ad 803–767) from unknown eruptions of Katla and Snæfellsjökull, respectively. The remaining three populations originate from Grímsvötn, Hekla and Katla; however, their attribution to individual eruptions remains ambiguous. These findings highlight the potential to extend the Late Holocene tephrochronological framework of northern Europe to the west Eurasian Arctic. The detection of at least three basaltic tephras in the core suggests that basaltic shards can be transported over larger distances than previously known and that peatlands are well suited to preserve such components.  相似文献   

A. P. Dykes 《Landslides》2008,5(4):417-429
The morphological characteristics of bogflows, bog bursts and other types of peat failures suggest that the tensile strength of peat may have had a significant influence on their occurrence and development. This paper describes a method for the determination of peat tensile strength utilising small block samples (100 mm × 100 mm, up to 60 mm thick) in a newly developed laboratory apparatus. The results, demonstrating good reproducibility and being consistent with published data, were applied to a case example. The stability of a recent 35,000-m3 bogflow on Maghera Mountain, Co. Clare, Ireland, was analysed using a standard limit equilibrium technique. The breaking stress (i.e. maximum tensile strength) of the acrotelm peat at the Maghera bogflow was 5.35 kPa (range 2.9–7.6 kPa). Using this value to represent the overall strength of the acrotelm in the model, analyses showed that even above the crest of an escarpment, the acrotelm was strong enough to contain a large volume of low or zero-strength lower catotelm peat within the blanket bog upslope from the escarpment. Furthermore, simple analysis of single blocks of peat at the upslope edge of a retrogressively developing failure established the size of blocks that should develop, i.e. 3–4 m. The floating acrotelm rafts observed in the Maghera bogflow, typically up to around 3 m, were broadly consistent with this analysis. This paper therefore presents for the first time quantitative evidence of the importance of the acrotelm tensile strength in bogflows and a new method for routinely obtaining tensile strength data.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lamprophyre dykes occur widely along the Ailao-Shan-Red-River (ASRR) shear zone related to the Indian–Eurasian collision. Two generations of lamprophyres have been found at the Daping gold deposit in the southern part of the ASRR shear zone and have been investigated by using phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar dating and whole-rock major and trace element as well as Sr and Nd isotope geochemical analyses. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of phlogopite from the two generations of lamprophyres bracket the emplacement of auriferous quartz veins in the Daping deposit between 36.8 ± 0.2 Ma and 29.6 ± 0.2 Ma, consistent with the timing of gold mineralization in other parts of the ASRR shear zone. Geochemical data suggest that these lamprophyres most likely originated from a subduction-modified mantle source consisting of phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite, which underwent partial melting with contributions from crust materials. In particular, the second generation lamprophyres are characterized by more primitive geochemical features than the first, suggesting that secular source evolution probably resulted from post-collisional slab break-off mantle convection and remelting from ascending asthenosphere after subducted lithosphere break-off. Widespread and episodic occurrences of lamprophyres and other potassic volcanism in the eastern Tibetan Plateau were probably related to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the ASRR shear zone during Oligocene. A genetic model involving transtensional tectonics has been proposed for lamprophyres and gold mineralization in the ASRR shear zone.  相似文献   

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