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The magnetostratigraphy of five new sections through the Neogene Siwalik Group of Nepal is presented. Rock magnetic experiments and detailed thermal demagnetization experiments prove that haematite is the carrier of a primary DRM or a PDRM. After stepwise thermal demagnetization of specimens from all sections, directions of characteristic remanent magnetization were obtained. The results show a positive reversal test and exhibit inclination errors of about 20. Due to gaps in exposures and extremely variable demagnetization behaviour of the haematite-bearing sediments, the resulting polarity sequences are poorly defined for some parts of the sections. However, double-sampled parts of some sections yield similar results. A correlation with the Surai Khola section (Appel, Rösler & Corvinus 1991) is proposed, based on rock magnetic parameters. AMS results from three of the sections prove the existence of primary sedimentary magnetic fabrics in these sections with systematic orientations of minimum and maximum susceptibility axes. Correlation with a standard polarity timescale indicates that the ages of all new sections lie within the age limits of the Surai Khola section.  相似文献   

The Surai Khola section in southwest Nepal, a 5000 m continuously exposed record of fluvial sedimentation since Middle Miocene, was revisited for high-resolution magnetostratigraphy in sequences with expected cryptochrons and reversals of the geomagnetic field. Polarity intervals with durations of a few tens of thousands of years are recorded as zones of stable palaeomagnetic directions. Polarity transitions are recorded as zones with complex demagnetization behaviour of specimens in the sedimentary column. Almost antiparallel palaeoremanence directions, residing in different haematite phases in the same specimens, could generally not be separated properly by thermal demagnetization. Differing demagnetization paths for neighbouring specimens during a reversal suggest that measured transitional directions are not true geomagnetic field directions, but rather are generated by the superposition of variable amounts of at least two almost antiparallel components of magnetization. Accompanying studies of recent river sand deposits demonstrate that these sediments acquire a true depositional remanent magnetization (DRM) with considerable inclination errors and scattered directions for individual specimens.  相似文献   

New palaeomagnetic data from the Lower and Middle Cambrian sedimentary rocks of northern Siberia are presented. During stepwise thermal demagnetization the stable characteristic remanence (ChRM) directions have been isolated for three Cambrian formations. Both polarities have been observed, and mean ChRM directions (for normal polarity) are: Kessyusa Formation (Lower Cambrian) D = 145°, I = -40°, N = 12, α95= 12.8°; pole position: φ= 38°S, A = 165°E; Erkeket Formation (Lower Cambrian, stratigraphically highly) D = 152°, I = - 47°, N = 23, α95= 6.8°; pole position: φ= 45°S, A = 159°E; Yunkyulyabit-Yuryakh Formation (Middle Cambrian) D = 166°, I = - 33°, N = 38, α95= 4.6°; pole position: φ= 36°S, L = 140°E. These poles are in good agreement with the apparent polar wander path based on the bulk of existing Cambrian palaeomagnetic data from the Siberian platform. In Cambrian times, the Siberian platform probably occupied southerly latitudes stretching from about 35° to 0°, and was oriented 'reversely' with respect to its present position. Siberia moved northwards during the Cambrian by about 10° of latitude. This movement was accompanied by anticlockwise rotation of about 30°. The magnetostratigraphic results show the predominance of reversed polarity in the Early Cambrian and an approximately equal occurrence of both polarities in the part of the Middle Cambrian studied. These results are in good agreement with the palaeomagnetic polarity timescale for the Cambrian of the Siberian platform constructed previously by Khramov et al. (1987).  相似文献   

西天山地区坎苏(KS)黄土剖面的岩石磁学研究结果表明,与黄土高原地区黄土基本一致,磁性矿物以亚铁磁性矿物为主,磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿占据重要地位,针铁矿也普遍存在于地层中.该剖面中磁性矿物的含量高,硬磁性矿物含量也高.磁性矿物磁晶粒度以假单畴和多畴(PSD/MD)为主,而S1S3的磁晶粒度较细,表现为粗单畴(SSD)的性质....  相似文献   

为探究萨拉乌苏河流域中上游段湖相沉积物的来源及沉积环境,通过测量干沟子剖面3个样品的年代和113个样品的地球化学元素的含量,分析了干沟子剖面地球化学特征反映的沉积物的来源,探讨了其代表的全新世以来的沉积环境变化.结果 表明:在剖面垂直方向上,CaO、MgO、Sr、C1、Br以110 cm为界,含量发生剧烈变化,250-...  相似文献   

黄河宁蒙段穿越腾格里沙漠、河东沙地、乌兰布和沙漠和库布齐沙漠,风沙水沙交互强烈,形成典型的沙漠宽谷冲积河道。对黄河河道及周边沙源区沉积物进行了系统的采集、测定、分析工作。结果表明:宁蒙河段沉积物相对富集SiO_(2)、CaO、Al_(2)O_(3)、Ce、Zr、Hf和Nd,亏损K_(2)O、Na_(2)O、Rb、Zn、Ni和Sr。与周边沙源区对比,黄河宁夏段下河沿上游河道、清水河、腾格里沙漠和河东沙地沉积物均富集Co和Ti,亏损Sr、Ni、Hf和Y,且Hf、Ni、Y、Zn、MgO和CaO含量的变异系数较大。在内蒙古段,来自乌海上游河道、乌兰布和沙漠、库布齐沙漠和十大孔兑的沉积物相对富集Co和Ti,亏损Hf,Ni和Y,其中Cr、Hf、Ni、Y、Zn和MgO的元素含量变异系数较大。黄河宁蒙河段沉积物化学元素空间分布特征具有明显的波动和差异性,主要受到岩性、气候和局地物源输入的影响。  相似文献   

 研究白垩纪植物演替与气候变化对认识现今生态环境形成过程与演变具有重要意义。基于在我国六盘山地区下白垩统六盘山群中发现的45 属孢粉化石,探讨了孢粉组合、古生态与古气候变化特征。孢粉组合以裸子植物为主,蕨类植物次之,前者以松柏纲松杉目占优势,以掌鳞杉(Cheirolepidiaceae)科最为繁盛,尼藤目麻黄科(Ephedraceae)和苏铁目或银杏目占有很大比例;后者以真蕨目包括海金沙科(Lygodiaceae)、莎草蕨科(Schizaeaceae)为主。表明当时植物具有比较明显的多样性,既有生长于远处高山的松杉类高大植物,又有近湖低山及湖岸一带的掌鳞杉科及蕨类植物,湖泊水体中生长着淡水藻类。孢粉植物群的这种特征揭示出该地区在早白垩世晚期气候炎热干燥,并且可以划分为116~112 Ma的气温相对较低和112~103 Ma的气温波动升高两个阶段,这种变化与全球古气候的变化趋势一致,说明寺口子剖面孢粉记录的气候变化与对全球气候变化是响应的。  相似文献   

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