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Hydroxycalciopyrochlore, ideally(Ca,Na,U,□)2(Nb,Ti)2O6(OH), cubic, is a new mineral species(IMA2011-026) within the pyrochlore supergroup that was found occurring at the Maoniuping mine, Mianning County, Xichang prefecture, Sichuan Province, southwest China. The mineral is found in an alkali feldspar granite rare-earth ore deposit(26–27 Ma). Associated minerals include calcite, barite, celestine, albite, aegirine, aegirine-augite, fluorite, parasite-(Ce), thorite, thorianite, zircon, galena, sphalerite, magnetite, and pyrite. Crystals occur mostly as octahedra, and less often as dodecahedra and tetrahexahedra or combinations thereof. Some occur with an allotriomorphic habit with a thick triangular tabular form. Crystals generally range from 0.1 to 1 mm in size. The mineral is brownishblack, greenish-black and black on fresh sections with a brown streak. The crystal is translucent, and has a greasy lustre on fresh sections. It is metamict without any observed parting or cleavage and with a conchoidal fracture. The Vickers microhardness is 572 kg/mm2(5–6 on the Mohs hardness scale). The density measured by hydrostatic weighing is 5.10(3) g/cm3. The strongest four reflections in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in(I) hkl] are: 2.9657(100) 2 2 2, 1.8142(34) 0 4 4, 1.5463(21) 2 2 6, 2.5688(18) 0 0 4. The unit-cell parameters are a = 10.381(4), V = 1118.7(7)3, Z = 8. The structure was solved and refined in the space group Fd3m with R = 0.09. The empirical formula is(Ca0.74Na0.58U0.40Ce0.05Fe0.02□0.21)2.00(Nb1.15Ti0.80Ta0.03Al0.01Mg0.01)2.00O6.02 [(OH)1.01F0.09]1.10, on the basis of 2 atoms of B pfu; the simplified formula is(Ca,Na,U,□)2(Nb,Ti)2O6(OH). Type material is deposited in the Geological Museum of China, Beijing, People's Republic of China, catalogue number M11800.  相似文献   

A new mineral species, named naquite(FeSi), is found in the podiform chromitites of the Luobusha ophiolite in Qusong County, Tibet, China. The detailed composition is Fe 65.65, Si 32.57 and Al 1.78 wt%. The mineral is cubic, space group P213. The irregular crystals range from 15 to 50 μm in diameter and form an intergrowth with luobusaite. Naquite is steel grey in color, opaque, with a metallic lustre and gives a grayish-black streak. The mineral is brittle, has a conchoidal fracture and no apparent cleavage. The estimated Mohs hardness is 6.5, and the calculated density is 6.128 g/cm3. Unit-cell parameters are a 4.486 (4) ?, V 90.28 (6) ?3, Z=4. The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in ? (hkl) (I/I0)] are: 3.1742 (110) (40), 2.5917(111) (43), 2.0076 (210) (100), 1.8307 (211) (65), and 1.1990 (321) (36). Originally called ‘fersilicite’, the species and new name have now been approved by the CNMNC (IMA 2010–010).  相似文献   

We describe the new mineral species titanium,ideally Ti,found in the podiform chromitites of the Luobusha ophiolite in Tibet,People’s Republic of China.The irregular crystals range from 0.1 to 0.6 mm in diameter and form an intergrowth with coesite and kyanite.Titanium is silver grey in colour,the luster is metallic,it is opaque,the streak is grayish black,and it is non-fluorescent.The mineral is malleable,has a rough to hackly fracture and has no apparent cleavage.The estimated Mohs hardness is 4,and the calculated density is 4.503 g/cm3.The composition is Ti 99.23-100.00 wt%.The mineral is hexagonal,space group P63 /mmc.Unit-cell parameters are a 2.950(2),c 4.686(1),V 35.32(5) 3,Z = 2.The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in(hkl)(I/I0)] are: 2.569(010)(32),2.254(011)(100),1.730(012)(16),1.478(110)(21),and 0.9464(121)(8).The species and name were approved by the CNMNC(IMA 2010–044).  相似文献   

矿产品堆场土壤中重金属在环境中富集,随着元素的迁移、转化及地下水的循环,成为环境污染问题。本文将改进的顺序提取法(BCR)应用于矿产品堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb的化学形态分析,结合这三种元素的性质,将堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb分为可交换态、可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态,并利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定其含量。采用形态分析标准参考物质GBW 07436验证了三步提取态的准确性,并对6个矿产品堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb形态含量进行分析,三步提取态加上残渣态质量分数之和与重金属总量进行了比较,回收率为85.54%~102.88%。通过对矿产品堆场土壤实际样品分析,Cd、As、Pb三种元素非残渣态含量顺序为Cd(79.40%~94.94%)Pb(24.27%~37.73%)As(22.89%~31.51%),表明Cd元素较为容易进入生物圈。该方法解决了港口堆场土壤中重金属化学形态提取问题,对污染土壤的治理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary Rocks of trondhjemitic composition are widespread in the North-Eastern Peloritani Belt within the Aspromonte Unit, a Hercynian medium- to high-grade metamorphic complex intruded by late-Hercynian peraluminous granites and later affected by MP/LT Alpine metamorphism. Among these trondhjemitic bodies, the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites form one of the largest, outcropping over about 6km2 and up to 400m thick. These rocks display concordant to discordant relationships with associated metamorphic rocks and are often cut by late-Hercynian leucogranitic dykes. The field, petrographic and geochemical features of these trondhjemites are consistent with an igneous origin. Petrographic and geochemical evidences suggest that the trondhjemitic character of the Pizzo Bottino rocks is due to an alkali metasomatism process involving cationic exchange of Na and Ca for K and consequent replacement of K-feldspar by oligoclase in the original granitoids. The major and trace element contents of the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites are in fact comparable to those of the peraluminous late-Hercynian granitoids from the southern Calabrian-Peloritani Arc (CPA), when the elements directly involved in the alkali metasomatism process (Na, Ca, K, Sr, Ba, Rb) are not considered. The behaviour of REE elements, plus Th and U, also seems to be partially controlled by metasomatic processes, because their abundances vary with the K/Na ratio. Metasomatism seems to be the only viable mechanism involved in the genesis of the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites. Other trondhjemite generation processes such as fractionation from basaltic parents and partial melting of metabasaltic or metasedimentary sources are ruled out on geological, petrographic and isotopic (Sr, Nd) grounds. Lastly, regional considerations place the metasomatic event during the late Hercynian, after the emplacement of the original granitoids and preceding the intrusion of the leucogranitic dykes, which are not affected by metasomatism.  相似文献   

近年来绿松石及其仿制品的鉴定工作较多局限于应用傅里叶变换红外光谱对仿制品进行简单的筛选,前人报道的仿制绿松石的矿物组成主要为单一的矿物相(如异极矿、三水铝石、磷铝石、羟硅硼钙石、菱镁矿等)。本文应用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)与X射线荧光光谱(XRF)对当前珠宝市场上几种新型仿制绿松石进行了初步分类,并对不同类别的仿制绿松石的具体矿物组成、物相及晶型特征作了对比研究。结果表明,这些新型仿制绿松石可分为三大类:一类主要由硅酸盐(斜硅钙石)与碳酸盐(方解石)两种矿物组成;另一类为白云石与方解石两种碳酸盐矿物的混合相;第三类以硅酸盐类为主要矿物,并含有钡长石、辉石与石英。显然,新型仿制绿松石的矿物组成明显相异于传统仿制品,可见仿制绿松石的矿物组成日趋多样性、复杂化,该现状必然对新型仿制样品的物相鉴定提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定地质样品中的稀土及难熔元素,混合酸敞开酸溶法和碱熔融法是两种主要的溶样方法。但地质样品组分复杂,元素之间存在相互共生的现象,对于特殊元素、特殊样品用传统酸溶法会造成部分元素消解不完全,使测定结果不准确;而碱熔法的操作过程繁琐,且溶液盐度高,易产生基体干扰和堵塞仪器进样系统。本文改进了传统四酸和五酸体系,采用氢氟酸-硝酸-硫酸敞开酸溶体系,用国家一级标准物质制作标准曲线测定15种稀土元素,方法准确度(ΔlgC)为0.001~0.027。同时改进了偏硼酸锂碱熔法,样品用偏硼酸锂碱熔提取,加入氢氧化钠调节溶液至碱性条件,所测元素与偏硼酸锂共沉淀后过滤分离熔剂,再用硝酸复溶测定15种稀土元素及铌钽锆铪。两种溶样方法的测定值与认定值的相对误差为1.09%~9.30%。将混合酸敞开酸溶法测定稀土元素、偏硼酸锂碱熔法测定铌钽锆铪的结果与其他实验室密闭酸溶法相比,两组数据的相对偏差为0.13%~15.32%。本实验表明,混合酸敞开酸溶法适用于测定地质样品中的稀土元素,偏硼酸锂碱熔法不仅适用于测定地质样品中的稀土元素及铌钽锆铪,也适用于测定如古老高压变质岩石及铝含量高的样品中的铌钽锆铪。  相似文献   

The application of a powerful evolutionary optimization technique for the estimation of intrinsic formation constants describing geologically relevant adsorption reactions at mineral surfaces is introduced. We illustrate the optimization power of a simple Genetic Algorithm (GA) for forward (aqueous chemical speciation calculations) and inverse (calibration of Surface Complexation Models, SCMs) modeling problems of varying degrees of complexity, including problems where conventional deterministic derivative-based root-finding techniques such as Newton–Raphson, implemented in popular programs such as FITEQL, fail to converge or yield poor data fits upon convergence. Subject to sound a priori physical–chemical constraints, adequate solution encoding schemes, and simple GA operators, the GA conducts an exhaustive probabilistic search in a broad solution space and finds a suitable solution regardless of the input values and without requiring sophisticated GA implementations (e.g., advanced GA operators, parallel genetic programming). The drawback of the GA approach is the large number of iterations that must be performed to obtain a satisfactory solution. Nevertheless, for computationally demanding problems, the efficiency of the optimization can be greatly improved by combining heuristic GA optimization with the Newton–Raphson approach to exploit the power of deterministic techniques after the evolutionary-driven set of potential solutions has reached a suitable level of numerical viability. Despite the computational requirements of the GA, its robustness, flexibility, and simplicity make it a very powerful, alternative tool for the calibration of SCMs, a critical step in the generation of a reliable thermodynamic database describing adsorption equilibria. The latter is fundamental to the forward modeling of the adsorption behavior of minerals and geologically based adsorbents in hydro-geological settings (e.g., aquifers, pore waters, water basins) and/or in engineered reactors (e.g., mining, hazardous waste disposal industries).  相似文献   

我国重要矿产地成岩成矿年代学研究新数据   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
本文报道了2005年6月至2009年7月间,主要由全国重要矿产和区域成矿规律研究项目组负责完成的145处矿产地同位素年代学测试数据400个。这批数据3/4以上尚未公开发表,在此集中发表,以便于大家使用。这批数据主要是采用目前最新的锆石U-Pb、辉钼矿Re-Os、云母Ar-Ar等方法测定的,所选择的矿产地一部分是新发现的重要矿床(如安徽东源大型钨矿),一部分是无可靠年龄数据的老矿床(如贵州紫木凼大型金矿),还有一部分是对成矿时代存在长期争议的(如云南麻栗坡钨矿),所获得的结果对于典型矿床成因和区域成矿规律的研究提供了新依据,如西藏谢通门雄村铜金矿一批变化于177Ma与170Ma之间成岩、成矿年龄数据的获得,打破了以往冈底斯铜金矿主要形成于新生代的传统认识,对于揭示冈底斯成矿带成矿演化历史和指导找矿意义重大。  相似文献   

Yarlongite occurs in ophiolitic chromitite at the Luobusha mine (29°5′N 92°5′E,about 200 km ESE of Lhasa),Qusum County,Shannan Prefecture,Tibet Autonomous Region,People's Republic of China.Associated minerals are:diamond,moissanite,wiistite,iridium ("osmiridium"), osmium ("iridosmine"),periclase,chromite,native iron,native nickel,native chromium,forsterite, Cr-rich diopside,intermetallic compounds Ni-Fe-Cr,Ni-Cr,Cr-C,etc.Yarlongite and its associated minerals were handpicked from a large heavy mineral sa...  相似文献   

雅鲁矿:一种金属碳化物新矿物   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
雅鲁矿产于中国西藏曲松县罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿山中(29°5′N, 92°5′E, 拉萨市东南约200公里处)。伴生矿物有金刚石、碳硅石、方铁矿、锇铱矿、铱锇矿(自然锇)、方镁石、铬铁矿等。与雅鲁矿伴生的金属碳化物有桐柏矿、陨碳铁矿、钛碳矿和曲松矿(IMA2007-034)。雅鲁矿及其伴生矿物都是从人工重砂大样中经选矿富集后得到的。该矿物为不规则粒状,粒径20~60 μm,钢灰色,不透明。莫氏硬度:5.5~6,性脆{001}解理完全,贝壳状断口。化学分子式为:(Cr4Fe4Ni)∑9C4, 或 (Cr, Fe, Ni)∑9C4。六方晶系,空间群:P63/mc, a=18.839(2), c=4.4960(9), V=745.7(2)3,Z=6,计算密度:7.19 g/cm3。雅鲁矿己被国际新矿物命名及矿物分类委员会(CNMMNC)批准为新矿物(IMA2007035),样品(M11650号)保存在中国地质博物馆  相似文献   

Yarlongite: A New Metallic Carbide Mineral   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yarlongite occurs in ophiolitic chromitite at the Luobusha mine (29°5′N 92°5′E, about 200 km ESE of Lhasa), Qusum County, Shannan Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China. Associated minerals are: diamond, moissanite, wüstite, iridium (“osmiridium”), osmium (“iridosmine”), periclase, chromite, native iron, native nickel, native chromium, forsterite, Cr-rich diopside, intermetallic compounds Ni-Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Cr-C, etc. Yarlongite and its associated minerals were handpicked from a large heavy mineral sample of chromitite. The metallic carbides associated with yarlongite are cohenite, tongbaite, khamrabaevite and qusongite (IMA2007-034). Yarlongite occurs as irregular grains, with a size between 0.02 and 0.06 mm, steel-grey colour, H Mohs: 5?-6. Tenacity: brittle. Cleavage: {0 0 1} perfect. Fracture: conchoidal. Chemical formula: (Cr4Fe4Ni)Σ9C4, or (Cr,Fe,Ni)Σ9C4, Crystal system: Hexagonal, Space Group: P63/mc, a = 18.839(2) ?, c = 4.4960 (9) ?, V = 745.7(2) ?3, Z = 6, Density (calc.) = 7.19 g/cm3 (with simplified formula). Yarlongite has been approved as a new mineral by the CNMNC (IMA2007-035). Holotype material is deposited at the Geological Museum of China (No. M11650).  相似文献   

由于房屋建设开挖,浙江省江山市五家垄出露6条新鲜小断层,属于江绍断裂的次级组成部分.结合野外地质勘查,运用粉晶X射线衍射和穆斯堡尔谱技术对五家垄断层的3条小断层(F1、F2与F3)的断层泥和断层围岩进行矿物组成和铁元素化学种分布特征的对比分析与研究发现:断层围岩与断层泥的矿物成分主要为石英和黏土矿物,还含有少量钠长石和方解石,其中黏土矿物以伊利石、伊蒙混层和高蒙混层为主,还含有少量的绿泥石、高岭石和极少量的蒙脱石和蛭石;除采自F2断层的JS07样品外,断层围岩中造岩矿物含量高于断层泥,而断层泥黏土含量高于断层围岩;F1断层泥黏土矿物只有伊利石,显示断层带内为一个相对稳定的环境,F2与F3断层泥中伊利石含量低于断层围岩,蒙脱石、伊蒙混层含量高于断层围岩,指示其处于一个潮湿、强氧化环境;F1断层围岩高含量的还原性铁指示断层围岩形成的过程中有还原性物质的参与或者处于相对封闭的环境,F1、F3断层泥与F3上盘高含量的氧化铁亦说明F1、F3断层近期不活跃或者是块体内断层;断层带内黏土矿物的类型及组合与断层带内的氧化还原环境显示五家垄断层处于相对稳定的环境,但断层带内伊利石含量较高,有利于断层活动,五家垄断层的活动性与发震可能性应引起重视.  相似文献   

Single crystals of beryl from varied deposits of the Ural Emerald Belt were examined using ICP-MS-LA and IR spectroscopy. The distinct relationships of Li, Na, and Cs allow one to distinguish three genetic groups of beryl that resulted from an evolved mineral-forming fluid. It is shown that the Cs/Na value is reflected in IR spectra of water molecules in beryl that determine the genetic group of beryl. In addition, among the deposits studied, beryl of the largest Mariinsky (Malyshevo) deposit is distinguished by both its chemical composition and IR spectra.  相似文献   

沂蒙矿是中国1980年发现的新矿物,采用电子探针对采自山东蒙阴金伯利岩胜利一号小岩管中的沂蒙矿类矿物进行了分析,确定了沂蒙矿的Ca端元矿物--钙沂蒙矿(暂定名),是又一个被确定的新矿物.该新矿物简化的矿物化学式为:Ca0.5~1.0(Fe,Mg,Cr,Ti)14~15O19.钙沂蒙矿与(K)沂蒙矿、富钡沂蒙矿共生,沿镁钛矿-尖晶石出溶体呈板片状条带分布,均为交代成因.3种不同成分的沂蒙矿颗粒均十分细小,颗粒总数达100粒左右,但钙沂蒙矿产出不多.与其他沂蒙矿不同,钙沂蒙矿在结晶学A位置上几乎全为Ca,少有其他大阳离子;在结晶学B位置上二价阳离子(Fe2 、Mg)占三分之二.最后从沂蒙矿晶体结构的角度讨论了钙沂蒙矿在自然界不易产出的原因.  相似文献   

Lisiguangite, CuPtBiS3, is a new mineral spedes discovered in a PEG-bearing, Co-Cu sulfide vein in garnet pyroxenite of the Yanshan Mountains, Chengde Prefecture, Hebei Province, China. It is associated with chaicopyrite and bornite, galena, minor pyrite, carrolite, molybdenite and the platinum-group minerals daomanite (CuPtAsS2), Co-bearing malanite (Cu(Pt, Co)2S4) sperrylite, moncheite, cooperite and malyshevite (CuPdBiS3), rare damiaoite (Pt2In3) and yixunite (Pt3In). Lisiguangite occurs as idiomorphic crystals, tabular or lamellae (010) and elongated [100] or as aggregates, up to 2 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. The mineral is opaque, has lead-gray color, black streak and metallic luster. The mineral is non-fluorescent. The observed morphology displays the following forms: pinacoids {100}, {010}, {001}, and prism {110}. No twining is observed. The a:b:c ratio, calculated from unit-cell parameters, is 0.6010:1:0.3836. Cleavage: {010} perfect, {001} distinct, {100} may be visible. H Mohs: 21/2; VHN25=46.7-49.8 (mean 48.3) kg/mm2. Tenacity: brittle. Lisiguangite is bright white with a yellowish tint. In reflected light it shows neither internal reflections nor bireflectance or pleochroism. It has weak to moderate anisotropy (blue-greenish to brownish) and parallel-axial extinction. The reflectance values in air (and in oil) for R3, R4 and (imR3,/imR4), at the standard Commission on Ore Mineralogy wavelengths are: 37.5, 35.7 (23.4, 22.3) at 470 nm; 38.6, 36.5 (23.6, 22.6) at 546 nm; 39.4, 37.5 (23.6, 22.7) at 589 nm and 40.3, 38.2 (23.7, 22.9) at 650 nm. The average of eight electron-microprobe analyses: Cu 12.98, Pt 30.04, Pd 2.69, Bi 37.65 and S 17.55, totaling 100.91%, corresponding to Cu1.10(Pt0.83, Pd0.14)∑0.97Bi0.97S2.96 based on six atoms apfu. The ideal formula is CuPtBiS3. The mineral is orthorhombic. Space group: P212121,a=7.7152(15)A, b=12.838(3) A, c=4.9248(10)A, V=487.80(17)A3, Z=4. The six strongest lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in A (I) (h k l) are 6.40(30)(020), 3.24(80)(031), 3.03(100)(201), 2.27(40)(051), 2.14(50)(250), 1.865(60)(232).  相似文献   

Mineral fish are sheared and commonly asymmetric mineral grains or clusters of grains. This work reports 11 sub-types of mineral fish showing a top-to-SE sense of ductile shearing in the Karakoram Metamorphic Complex (KMC). The mineral fish are of three broad geometries: sigmoid, lenticular and parallelogram. Reliable senses of shear are indicated by the overall asymmetry and inclination of mineral fish. On the other hand, the true shear sense is not always indicated by either the orientations of their cleavage planes or those of the individual grains in composite mineral fish. The ranges of local orientations of single sigmoid mineral fish that include the lower values (<23°) in the KMC indicate their extensive ductile shearing. The studied mineral fish were products of a range of deformation mechanisms including homogeneous deformation, simple shear, intra-granular slip, crystal-plastic deformation, fracturing and synthetic shearing. Additionally, some examples might have undergone duplex slips and a few nucleated and grew either prior to or during the top-to-SE shearing.  相似文献   

伊利石:一种前景广阔的新型粘土矿物材料   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李晓敏  寇晓威 《世界地质》2000,19(4):346-349
伊利石是一种富钾、高铝的层状含水硅酸盐矿物,是近几年来才逐渐受到重视的新型粘土矿物材料。不同品种的伊利石可分别用作陶瓷制品的原材料,造纸用涂布粒等。经改性后的活性伊利石粉可作为橡塑制品的填充料。以优质伊利石为原料制取钾肥,同时还可获得4A沸石、净水剂等多种副产品。伊利石的深层次开发具有广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

矿产区划——地质科学研究与矿产勘查结合的新形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱裕生 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2454-2463
矿产区划是"研究成矿规律、进行矿产预测、提出选区和地质工作部署建议"的工作,属基础性、公益性、科研性、先导性融合一体的矿产勘查前期工作。矿产区划工作在我国已实施了三轮,每一轮矿产区划工作都是由国土资源部领导直接部署,即由政府提出、政府下属的地勘单位、科研单位实施。矿产区划成果是部署矿产勘查,编制地质矿产保证工程和地质工作中、长期发展规划的资料基础及科学依据;矿产区划成果直接引领地质找矿突破和大型、超大型矿床的勘查。矿产区划的指导理论是区域成矿学,特别是矿床成矿系列理论最有效。三轮矿产区划的成果证实:矿产区划工作成果促进我国矿产勘查工作的发展,实现了地质找矿的突破;创建了我国独有的矿产预测新理论,发展和充实了矿床成矿系列理论;带动了计算机技术在矿产勘查中的应用;实现了地质矿产理论研究与矿产勘查的一体化。  相似文献   

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