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Both foreign and domestic pelagic longline fishing vessels operate in South Africa’s Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent international waters where they kill hundreds of seabirds each year as bycatch. To update assessments of the impact of the pelagic longline fishery on seabirds off South Africa, information on necropsied seabirds and national fisheries observer bycatch records were summarised for 2006–2013. Foreign-flagged (Asian) vessels had 100% observer coverage throughout the study period, whereas only 6% of the fishing effort by South African-flagged vessels was observed (with no coverage in 2011–2013). Vessels with observers caught seabirds at a rate of 0.132 birds per 1 000 hooks, resulting in an estimated mortality of 2 851 individuals (356 per year) comprising 14 species. Extrapolation of the observed fishing sets to the unobserved fishing sets by the South African domestic longline fleet suggested that approximately 750 additional birds were likely killed during the study period, therefore a combined 450 birds were killed per year. White-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis was the most frequently killed species (66%), followed by ‘shy-type’ albatrosses Thalassarche cauta/steadi (21%), black-browed albatross T. melanophris (7%), Indian yellow-nosed albatross T. carteri (3%), and Cape gannet Morus capensis (2%). The seabird bycatch rates were lower than in 1998–2005. Nationality of the vessel, time of line-setting, moon phase, year, season, fishing area, and seabird bycatch mitigation measures all influenced seabird mortality. Concurrent with 100% observer coverage, significant reductions in the seabird bycatch rate occurred in the Asian fleet in the latter years of the study, and these rates now approximate the national target (0.05 birds per 1 000 hooks). However, seabird bycatch rates remained high in the South African fleet, where no observers were deployed during 2011–2013, highlighting the need for independent observer programmes in fisheries—a matter of global interest. Suggestions are made as to how seabird bycatch by pelagic longline fisheries off South Africa may be further reduced.  相似文献   

To support implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries management, ecological risk assessment (ERA) methods have recently been developed for the continuum of data-deficient to data-rich fisheries. A semi-quantitative ERA was conducted for the Marshall Islands longline bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) fishery. The study used information from analyses of observer data, surveys of captains and crew and inventories of gear and equipment. Relative risks were evaluated through a consideration of phylogenetic uniqueness, risk of population extirpation, risk of species extinction and importance in ecosystem regulation. The fishery presents a highest relative risk to leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green (Chelonia mydas) and olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtle Regional Management Units that overlap with the fishery, in that order. The next highest relative risk is to affected stocks of oceanic whitetip (Carcharhinus longimanus), blue (Prionace glauca), and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks, in that sequence. Seabird bycatch is likely not problematic. There was inadequate information to assess risks to cetacean populations. Risks to stocks of market and non-market species of marine fishes with r-selected life history characteristics were not assessed. This is because estimates of critical threshold levels of local and absolute abundance and current biomass are not known for many of these stocks. Several best practice gear technology methods to mitigate problematic catch of vulnerable species groups are currently employed: monofilament leaders, whole fish for bait, single-hooking fish bait, no lightsticks, and no fishing at shallow submerged features. Setting terminal tackle below 100 m and carrying and using best practice handling and release equipment were methods identified to reduce fishing mortality and injury of vulnerable species. More information is needed to determine if weaker hooks should be prescribed to mitigate cetacean bycatch. The large benefit to sea turtles of replacing remaining J-shaped hooks with circle hooks might outweigh a possible small increase in elasmobranch catch rates. The consumption of 2024 l of fuel per tonne of landed catch, which is within the range of available estimated rates from similar fisheries, could be reduced, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, through more frequent maintenance and upgrading vessel equipment and materials. Observer data quality may be adequate to support a quantitative Level 3 ERA to determine the significance of the effect of various factors on standardized catch rates and to estimate population-level effects from fishing mortality.  相似文献   

Many authors have suggested the use of a cap and trade auction system to help reduce bycatch—the incidental take of species by fishing gear targeting other species—of sea turtles in the Hawaii-based swordfish longline fishery. However, we know of no quantitative evaluations of the method. We present a simple mathematical model to serve as a framework to evaluate bycatch auction systems quantitatively. We conclude that cap and trade auction systems have the potential to reduce sea turtle bycatch by creating a financial incentive, while keeping permit costs down to 2–3% of total revenues. While stringent regulations aimed at conserving endangered sea turtles would still be essential, implementation of an auction for issuing transferable bycatch permits would likely enhance the economic efficiency of the fleet. Sea turtle mortality could be reduced further if a shrinking cap on total turtle mortality was introduced, taking advantage of the incentives for reducing turtle mortality that are introduced by the cap and trade auction system.  相似文献   

Southern bluefin tuna (SBT) are presently a quota-managed species in the multi-species eastern Australian tuna and billfish longline fishery (ETBF). Capture of SBT is regulated by quota, as is access to regions likely to contain SBT. A habitat prediction model combining data from an ocean model and pop-up satellite archival tags is used to define habitat zones based on the probability of SBT occurrence. These habitat zones are used by fishery managers to restrict access by ETBF fishers to SBT habitat during a May-November management season. The zones display a distinct seasonal cycle driven by the seasonal southward expansion and northward contraction of the East Australia Current (EAC) and as a result access by fishers to particular ocean regions changes seasonally. This species also overlaps with the commercially valuable yellowfin tuna (YFT), thus, we modified the SBT model to generate YFT habitat predictions in order to investigate habitat overlap between SBT and YFT. There is seasonal variation in the overlap of the core habitat between these two species, with overlap early (May-Jul) in the management season and habitat separation occurring towards the end (Aug-Nov). The EAC is one of the fastest warming ocean regions in the southern hemisphere. To consider the future change in distribution of these two species compared to the present and to explore the potential impact on fishers and managers of the future, we use future ocean predictions from the CSIRO Bluelink ocean model for the year 2064 to generate habitat predictions. As the ocean warms on the east coast of Australia and the EAC extends southward, our model predicts the suitable habitat for SBT and YFT will move further south. There was an increase in the overlap of SBT and YFT habitat throughout the management season, due to regional variation of each species’ habitat. These results illustrate that a management tradeoff exists between restricting fisher access to SBT habitat and allowing access to YFT habitat. We suggest that some options to address this tradeoff are possible by identifying the seasonal variability of the overlap.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s Taiwan has been a significant player in the global distant water tuna fisheries (DWTF). However, Taiwan's lack of political recognition has led some fisheries businesses to employ less conventional methods including Flags of Convenience (FOCs) in harvesting tuna resources. Meanwhile, Taiwan has been experiencing the painful cost of readjusted DWTF policies. This paper compares the readjusted policies in accordance with international management instruments and tuna compliance requirements (Compliance Agreement and UNFSA) and domestic laws are already undergoing adjustments to take these into account. This again demonstrates Taiwan's unique position in the international community: despite it not being a member of the United Nations, Taiwan spares no effort to ensure the sustainability of marine resources, and does its utmost to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a Flag State.  相似文献   

The neritic waters of the state of Sergipe in Northeastern Brazil is adjacent to the main nesting area of the olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in the Western Atlantic Ocean and an important area for shrimp trawl fishery. To address the problem of incidental mortality of sea turtles captured during trawling and reduce the risk of overexploitation of shrimp stocks, Projeto TAMAR/ICMBio, a Brazilian sea turtle conservation program, has adopted two main strategies: (1) the implementation of a marine monitoring program and (2) active participation in local forums. This paper describes the conflicts among stakeholders, the arrangements and established mechanisms of negotiation aimed to protect sea turtles and shrimp grounds, and strategies to reduce conflicts between user groups. The analysis of this co-management process highlights the importance of stakeholder participation in resource management decision-making through a cooperative process, the role assumed by non-governmental organizations as mediators, and the factors that influence this system. The key factors and actions learnt from the current study include clear identification of the conflicts, identification of stakeholders – both local and external, and local leaders, encouragement of actors and leaders to participate, support and strengthening of local groups, legitimization of the discussion forums through involvement with government, formalization of decisions taken through legislation, and monitoring of the management efficacy.  相似文献   

Edward Fahy   《Marine Policy》2008,32(6):1037-1042
The principal inshore fishery in the southwest Irish Sea is currently for whelk Buccinum undatum, which expanded in the 1990s and yielded almost 10,000 t in 2003. The fleet exploiting it consisted largely of old boats many of which previously used a variety of gears but which cannot any longer compete with more modern towing craft. Whelk is the only target species for the majority. The fishery is in open access and is not regulated and the paper examines the consequences of this for the fishers, particularly the problems associated with maintaining a way of life traditionally associated with remuneration by share rather than wage. Lack of regulation, it is argued, encourages a short term, opportunistic harvesting regime, which is not conducive to maintain a biologically sustainable fishery.  相似文献   

The catch of non-target species or discarding of target species (bycatch) in commercial fisheries can result in negative species level and ecosystem wide impacts as well as adverse social and economic effects. Bycatch has become one of the foremost, global issues of fishery managers and conservationists, especially when the non-target species is from a protected or threatened population. However, the impact and spatial distribution of bycatch is frequently unknown making it difficult to develop effective, justifiable mitigation regulations. This challenge is exemplified by the bycatch of river herring (alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and blueback herring, A. aestivalis) and American shad (A. sapidissima) in the northwest Atlantic mid-water trawl fishery targeting Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). As an alternative to immediate management action, a voluntary bycatch avoidance program was established through an industry, state government, and university partnership. Here the program is described and its impact is evaluated by comparing fleet behavior and bycatch prior to and during the program. The combined results suggest that consistent communication, facilitated by the avoidance program, positively influenced fishing habits and played a role in the approximately 60% decrease in total bycatch and 20% decrease in the bycatch ratio observed during the program. However, the success of small scale move-along strategies to reduce bycatch ratios varied greatly in different areas of the fishery and years. This suggests the program is best viewed as an intermediate or complimentary solution. Overall, this project exemplifies of how collaborative programs can help alleviate difficult management scenarios.  相似文献   

本文根据1995-2010年我国中西太平洋金枪鱼围网生产统计数据,按年和月不同时间空间分辨率对金枪鱼围网渔场进行聚类分析,划定不同渔场类型;同时结合海表温度(SST)及Niño3.4区指数,探讨其渔场类型形成的原因。研究表明,在月为时间尺度下气候异常事件(El Niño和La Niña事件)发生频次与渔场聚类结果类别相关联,在1-12月发生气候异常事件频数分布可划分为以下几个阶段:1-3月、4-6、7-9月、10-12月,与月时间尺度下金枪鱼围网中心渔场4种聚类结果的时间范围具有一致性。通过渔场重心聚类结果和El Niño和La Niña事件分类统计对比发现,在年时间尺度下,气候异常事件的类型与聚类结果相关联,聚类结果同一类别包含的年份发生的气候异常事件具有一致性,即在同一类别下1995年、1997年为强El Niño年;1998年、2007、年、2009年为正常年份;2010年为强La Niña年;1999年、2000年、2001年为La Niña年;1996年、2008年为La Niña年;2002年、2004年为El Niño年。研究认为,中心渔场的年际聚类变化与El Niño、La Niña事件的发生分布具有很强的相关性,因此可以利用El Niño、La Niña指标来预测渔场的年间和月份间的变化。  相似文献   

Commercial fishing data were used to reconstruct historical spatio-temporal patterns of fishing effort and landings in the bottom longline fishery of the Azores. Key events during an important 15-year period were charted, through fisher interviews together with GIS analysis. While effort distribution varied over time, the prevailing pattern was a shift in focus from eastern to western areas and from shelf/slope to offshore banks and seamounts in response to policy measures (e.g. banning bottom longline inside 3 NM, public aids for modernization of the fleet) and reduced fishing yields. Areas 12–50 NM from shore represented the most vital fishing grounds in terms of fishing effort and production. Declining landings of the major demersal species, in recent years, indicate that present catch levels are not sustainable and further measures need to be taken in order to sustain fisheries resources. Knowledge of fleet behavior and the distribution of fishing effort, particularly in patchy environments, provide valuable insights into the impacts of past management decisions and help predict the outcome of new policies both in this region and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The impact of human activities such as fishing has been identified as a main factor in diversity loss in the open ocean. This paper studies the diversity patterns and environmental characteristics of the bycatch assemblages in Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and Free School sets (sets made on schools of tuna) from the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (35°W–15°E and 20°N–15°S). Data were collected from scientific observer programmes carried out between 2003 and 2011 on board Spanish and French fleets. The results showed different structure and diversity patterns of the bycatch assemblages depending on the fishing mode, with higher number of species and diversity found in FAD sets than in Free School sets. Bycatch assemblages showed preferences for specific oceanographic characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean, such as the equatorial and seasonal coastal upwelling systems, the Cape Lopez front system and the Guinea dome. The type of set and sea surface temperature play an important role to describe the diversity patterns of these species. These results confirm the importance of integrating different methods to study the marine ecosystem towards the correct implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management (EAFM).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the available information (observer programs, estimates, statutes, regulations) for bycatch of marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds in fisheries of the United States. Goals of the review were to evaluate the state of knowledge of bycatch and the role of existing protective legislation in shaping bycatch management for different taxa. Pressing issues are identified, as well as knowledge gaps and policy limitations that hinder multi-species bycatch reduction. The USA has made important progress toward reducing bycatch in its fisheries, but the efficacy of its management has been limited somewhat by a focus on taxon- and fishery-specific regulation and the lack of consistent mandate across taxa for taking a cumulative perspective on bycatch. Applying consistent criteria across taxa for setting bycatch limits (e.g., extending the approach used for marine mammals to sea turtles and seabirds) would be the first step in a multi-species approach to bycatch reduction. A population-based multi-species multi-gear approach to bycatch would help identify priority areas where resources are needed most and can be used most effectively.  相似文献   

Muscle samples were collected from 69 specimens identified as Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844) in the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between 1990 and 2000. Identifications before 1996 were based on body size and colour of the caudal keel; later identifications were mostly based on the shape of abdominal cavity. The tissue samples were tested with a diagnostic mitochondrial DNA marker that distinguishes southern bluefin Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau, 1872) and Pacific bluefin tuna T. orientalis; 59 specimens were confirmed as T. orientalis and 10 as T. maccoyii. Specimens recorded as Pacific bluefin tuna by the shape of the abdominal cavity were correctly identified as T. orientalis, and this character can be used to identify large specimens landed on tuna vessels. Some specimens recorded as Pacific bluefin tuna on the basis of colour and size were T. maccoyii; and early records of T. orientalis in New Zealand waters, based on these characters, are unreliable. Unusual colour patterns were reported in some specimens of T. orientalis but not T. maccoyii. The Pacific bluefin tuna T. orientalis accounted for less than 0.3% of the bluefin tuna catch in the New Zealand EEZ during the 1990s.  相似文献   

We describe the process used in the fisheries management system of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to minimise seabird bycatch, and the risk-assessment methodology developed to assist this. We examine the progress of several Regional Fishery Management Organisations in taking steps to address seabird bycatch. CCAMLR has the most advanced system of management among the RFMOS covered in this review, and has made the most demonstrable progress in reducing seabird bycatch levels in its longline fisheries. A combination of proven mitigation measures, extensive monitoring by independent observers, annual expert review of seabird bycatch rates and evolving fishery and mitigation practices have been instrumental in reducing seabird bycatch in CCAMLR fisheries.  相似文献   

为拓展养殖空间,发展开放海区鲍养殖产业,在福建兴化湾新开发海区进行了抗风浪养鲍新技术的研究,对开放海区与传统遮蔽养殖海区、延绳式PVC管养技术与传统筏架式筐养技术进行了分析比较.结果表明,经19个月的养殖,开放海区PVC管养组鲍的日均增质量以及成活率分别为(106.41±5.33)mg/d和82.75%,显著大于处在开放海区和遮蔽海区的2个筐养组(P<0.05).冬春季为鲍的最佳生长时期,其日均增长表现为PVC管养组大于筐养组(P<0.05);开放海区大于传统遮蔽养殖海区(P<0.05).养殖器具的污损生物附着量则表现为所有筐养组均显著大于PVC管养组(P<0.05).夏秋季采用水下延绳式PVC管养模式还能有效地避免高温、污损生物和台风的侵袭与危害.  相似文献   

The South African midwater trawl fishery targets adult horse mackerel Trachurus capensis. The bulk of the catch is taken by a single freezer-trawler, the biggest fishing vessel operating in South African waters. As fishing takes place off the south coast in ecologically sensitive areas, there are concerns about the potential impacts of this fishing operation on non-target species. Fishing behaviour and bycatch of this fishery from 2004 to 2014 were investigated by analysing observer records with regard to catch composition, volume and temporal and spatial patterns. The midwater trawl fishery was estimated to have caught 25 415 tonnes annually, with a bycatch of 6.9% of the total catch, by weight. There are species overlaps with various fisheries, namely the demersal trawl, small-pelagic, line, shark longline and squid fisheries, yet the total bycatch estimates from this fishery are generally small relative to catches taken in the target fisheries. Bycatch species with the highest average annual catches were chub mackerel Scomber japonicus, redeye roundherring Etrumeus whiteheadi, ribbonfish Lepidopus caudatus and hake Merluccius spp. Large-fauna bycatch species included sunfish Mola mola as well as a number of CITES II- and IUCN-listed species, such as Cape fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus, dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus, smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena and thresher sharks Alopias spp. The 97.9% observer coverage is high and the 6.9% bycatch rate low compared to other South African fisheries; however, due to the large size of the individual hauls (average of 46.3 t), the average sampling rate of 1.56% is low. Our analyses suggest that bycatch in the South African midwater trawl fishery has been lower than in other South African fisheries and similar fisheries elsewhere, but due to the combination of high catch volumes and low sampling rates, estimation errors for rare species are high and there is a substantial risk of incidental unmonitored bycatch of rare large fauna and aggregations of small fauna. This could be mitigated by spatio-temporal management of this fishery, to avoid fishing in high-risk areas, and the introduction of an electronic monitoring programme.  相似文献   

热带太平洋是金枪鱼类、旗鱼类等渔业的主要作业海域,但目前针对此海域食物网的研究仍十分缺乏。本文根据2017年6月-11月中国金枪鱼科学观察员在热带太平洋中东部海域(13°09''N -34°27''S, 100°03''-176°17''W)采集的鱼类样品,结合胃含物及其他分析方法以35个物种间的摄食关系为基础对此海域的食物网结构进行了分析。拓扑学指标(节点强度,D;中心性指数,BC和CC;拓扑重要性指数,TI1和TI3;关键性指数,K、Kt和Kb)和Key-Player算法(KPP-1和KPP-2)用来筛选关键种,并结合体长数据建立了基于关键种的简化食物网。肯德尔相关性分析和聚类分析结果表明,不同拓扑学指标筛选出的关键种是一致的。大多数关键种与太平洋其他海域的研究结果是相同的,如剑鱼(Xiphias gladius)、长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)、小吻四鳍旗鱼(Tetrapturus angustirostris)头足类和鲭属。移除5个关键种后,食物网将被离散为许多互不连接的部分(F=0.632,FD=0.795,RD=0.957),表明这些物种在维持食物网结构和稳定性中的必要性。物种体长是本研究构建简化食物网时的决定性因素。研究结果有助于提高对热带太平洋食物网结构的认识,同时为进一步的生态系统动力学研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The bluefin tuna fishery has undergone a major shift in Malta, moving from an open access artisanal nature to a privatized and industrialized activity dominated by the purse seining fleet and the BFT ranching industry. The shift has been exacerbated by the national implementation of an individual transferable quota system, which has enabled the concertation of quotas into fewer hands. The main objective of this article is to understand how privatization has evolved within the sector and the way the Maltese artisanal fishermen are experiencing the shift. This study takes an exploratory mixed-method approach to quantitatively and qualitatively understand how policy underpinnings interplay with the sustainability dimension of the small-scale fishing sector. Results show that the transition of the bluefin tuna fishery from artisanal to industrial has generated a legitimacy crisis over fishing rights, decreased profitability amongst most of the artisanal fleet, and led to a series of socio-ecological impacts on the artisanal fisheries system at large. It is concluded that the neo-liberal trajectories of industrialization have directly undermined the continued sustainability of artisanal fishing communities.  相似文献   

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