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喜马拉雅东构造结及周边地区地壳各向异性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

利用喜马拉雅东构造结及周边地区的48个宽频带地震台站记录的远震波形数据,通过Pms波分裂测量得到了295对地壳各向异性横波分裂参数,获得了研究区的地壳各向异性图像.喜马拉雅东构造结的快波偏振方向主要为NE-SW方向,周边地区的快波偏振方向呈现出绕东构造结顺时针旋转的趋势.Pms波分裂的慢波延迟时间范围为0.11~0.30 s,平均值为0.24 s.对比分析研究区内Pms波分裂、近震直达S波分裂和远震SKS波分裂的结果发现,上地壳各向异性对Pms波分裂影响有限,地壳各向异性主要来自于中下地壳矿物和熔体的定向排列;地壳各向异性对SKS波分裂影响较小,SKS波分裂主要反映了上地幔的各向异性特征;Pms波分裂的快波偏振方向与近震直达S波分裂和远震SKS波分裂的快波偏振方向表现出较好的一致性,并且与地表构造和变形特征具有较好的相关性,反映了喜马拉雅东构造结及周边地区的岩石圈变形可能为垂直连贯变形模式.


The Higher Himalayan leucogranites (HHL) are of great interest for the following reasons: (1) determin- ing the correlations of HHL with HHC may help us to understand metamorphism, deformation and magam- tism during the post-collision period; (2) the Himala- yan orogeny provides an ideal spot to validate the ex- isting models and theories of granite origin during the post-collision period, and to understand the role of anatexis on orogenic crustal evolution. Although nu- merous attempts ha…  相似文献   

It is the essence of the study on the dynamics of eastern Asian continent to investigate the ef-fects of geophysical field and the process of the deep block boundaries, and furthermore, to estab-lish a geodynamic physical-mathematical model based on the d…  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the tectono‐thermal history of the Kathmandu nappe and the underlying Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS) that are distributed in eastern Nepal. We carried out zircon fission‐track(ZFT) dating and obtained 16 ZFT ages from the eastern extension of the Kathmandu nappe, the Higher Himalayan Crystalline, Kuncha nappe, and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone. The ZFT ages of the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe range from 13.0 ±0.8 Ma to 10.7 ±0.7 Ma and exhibit a northward‐younging tendency. These Middle Miocene ZFT ages indicate that the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe remained at a temperature above 240 °C until the termination of its southward emplacement at 12–11 Ma. The ZFT ages of the LHS range from 11.1 ±0.9 Ma in the southern part of the Okhaldhunga Window to 2.4 ±0.3 Ma of the augen gneiss in the northern margin and also exhibit a northward‐younging age distribution. The ZFT ages show the northward‐younging linear distribution pattern (?0.16 Ma/km) along the across‐strikesection from the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe to the root zone, without a significant age gap. This distribution pattern indicates that the Kathmandu nappe, the underlying MCT zone, and the Kuncha nappe cooled from the frontal zone to the root zone as a thermally united geologic body at a temperature below 240 °C. An older ZFT age (456.3 ±24.3 Ma), which was partially reset at the axial part of the Midland anticlinorium in the central part of the Okhaldhunga Window, was explained by downward heating from the “hot” Kathmandu nappe. The above evidence supported a model that southward emplacement of the hot Kathmandu nappe resulted in a thermal imprint on the upper part of the LHS; however, the lower part did not reach 240 °C.  相似文献   

By using the theories and methods of landscape ecology and the technology of GIS and RS, a study has been carried out on the responses of distribution pattern of desert riparian forest to hydrologic process on the basis of the hydrologic data from 1990 to 2000 and the TM image of 2001 year. The results showed that: (1) there appears an even distribution pattern for the relative forest area in oasis, however, the degenerated forest diaplays an increasing tendency from west to east; (2) the desert riparian forest in Ejina is in completely degenerated process at the patch scale; (3) the number of patch is influenced not only by hydrologic process,but also by agricultural activity such as cultivation. The severe deterioration of the degraded vegetation in whole oasis initiates from lower reaches, and gradually impels to upstream; the fragmentation of landscape in the terminal site is more obvious, which is influenced by river shape and decreasing flux of water. It is found that the influence of surface hydrologic process to the ground hydrologic process of desert riparian forest in Ejina oasis is little for the recent ten years. The relative area of the degenerated forest increased with increasing ground water depth in the direction of parallel to river channel. On the contrary, in the direction perpendicular to river channel, there is a decreasing tendency for the average patch area of the forest and the degenerated forest with increasing ground water depth.  相似文献   

Diverse and abundant siliceous sponge spicules were found in the latest Permian beds, Dongpan and Ma'anying sections, South China, including 52 types and 85 forms. Further investigation on these spicules allows us to understand extinction patterns and processes of deep-water sponges. These sponge spicules rapidly decreased below the Permian/Triassic boundary (PTB), and the extinction rates reach up to 88%-90% for types and 88%-92% for forms. Their extinction pattern is a gradual one that consists of two stages: the first is characterized by a gentle and slow extinction speed and low extinction rate, and the second by sharp and fast extinction speed and high extinction rate. The morphological extinction process is involved in the disappearance first of the triaxons and tetraxons, then of the polyaxons and demas, and last of monaxons. In exterior structure extinction, the complex spicules with branches and spines became extinct more easily than did smooth spicules. After the end-Permian mass extinction, only five common and smooth forms survived: Oxeas A, Oxeas B, Strongles B, Oxy-orthpentactines and Oxy-orthohexactines A.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is a key factor for the pattern of the general circulation of the atmosphere (GCA) in eastern Asia. The pattern of the GCA after the uplift of the plateau is well known, while the pattern of the GCA before the uplift of the plateau is lack of direct evidences. Based on the knowability of desert, a section recording wind directions across the Cretaceous northern hemisphere mid-low latitude desert belt is measured and the pattern of the GCA in the Cretaceous is revealed. The result shows that the eastern Asia was really controlled by the planetary circulation before the uplift of the plateau, i.e. westerlies in the north and northeast trades in the south. The convert belt between westerlies and trades had drifted northwards and southwards. The possibility of existence of paleo-monsoon is also dealt with and a possibly imposed paleo-monsoon is suggested.  相似文献   

The gneissic metagranites with Neoproterozoic protolith ages are widely exposed along the eastern margin of the Dabie ultra-high-pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt.In this paper,five representative plutons,including Huangzhen,Daba,Shima,Shuanghe,and Sanzusi,were selected for a detailed chronological and geochemical study aiming to identify the nature of the protoliths and to reveal their implications for the Neoproterozoic tectono-magmatic evolution along the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block.These gneissic metagranites consist mainly of quartz,albite(oligoclase) and K-feldspar,and minor amphibole and biotite,as well as some metamorphic minerals due to the UHP metamorphism,such as phengite,epidote and minor kyanite and garnet.Mafic alkaline minerals(e.g.,aegirine or aegirine-augite) have been observed in some of these plutons.Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results indicate that the protoliths of the gneissic metagranites have been generated in Mid-Neoproterozoic(770-780 Ma),and suffered both ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in Early Mesozoic and subsequently high-pressure eclogite-facies recrystallization at about 215 Ma.Although the gneissic metagranites generally have high SiO2 contents(70.23%-77.23%) and show metaluminous-weakly peraluminous signatures(ASI=0.90-1.05),there are still some geochemical variances between different plutons.Compared with the Sanzusi pluton,the metagranites from the Huangzhen,Daba,Shima,and Shuanghe have high K2O+Na2O contents(7.76%-9.45%),FeOtotal/(FeOtotal+MgO) ratios(0.82-0.96),HFSEs and Ga concentrations with an average 104×Ga/Al ratio up to 3.07.Combined with the features that the four plutons commonly contain aegirine-augite and have high zircon saturation temperatures(816-918°C),it is suggested that their proto-liths belong to peralkaline A-type granites.The Sanzusi pluton generally contains biotite and epidote generated from metamorphic reaction of amphibole,and is chemically enriched in calcium and depleted in potassium with K2O/Na2O ratios ranging from 0.42 to 0.54,suggesting their protoliths should be ascribed to calc-alkaline granitoids(I-type).The gneissic metagranites in the eastern margin of Dabie Mountains show both arc-and rift-like geochemical signatures,and their protoliths likely have been generated by reworking of the preexisting arc-related crust under an extensional setting,suggesting that the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block during the Middle Neoproterozoic likely have been under the initial stage of a passive rifting rather than in an active rifting setting typically induced by the upwelling of a mantle plume.  相似文献   

The distribution and deposits of British and Scandinavian Middle Pleistocene ice sheets in eastern England remain problematic. A new till provenancing technique based on Chalk micropalaeontology is described, with the object of refining understanding of the ice sheet which deposited the Lowestoft Formation till (Anglian/Elsterian) and its relationship to Scandinavian ice sheets. The technique involves extracting foraminifera from Chalk erratics and till matrix obtained from stratigraphically controlled till sections and comparing their micropalaeontology with that of Upper Cretaceous Chalk bedrock. Application to the Lowestoft Formation till of eastern England suggests that current models of ice‐flow in this region require revision involving reinstatement of some earlier ideas. Chalk provenance data indicate an initial phase of glaciation, with ice streaming southwards across eastern England before fanning across East Anglia from the position of the Fen basin. This was followed by a later phase in which the main southward trajectory of ice‐flow was located further east in the North Sea Basin, but again with ice fanning out across East Anglia. These ice‐flow trajectories imply constraint of the British ice sheet by Scandinavian ice. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the easternQinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187-0.707 254 for 87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305-0.512 630 for 143Nd/144Nd, 18.53-18.97 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.51-15.72 for 207Pb/204Pb and 38.38-39.24 for 208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMII end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Thrust and nappe tectonics have affected the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, the easternmost terminal of the Sulu Ultra-high Pressure Metamorphic Belt. Four nappes have been mapped, named respectively the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mishan and Mouping nappes. The methods used included multi-scale struc- tural analysis and structural chronology analysis. These nappes define four deep level slip-thrust shear zones that were mainly active in the Mesozoic. The amount of ductile deformation decreases from the Shidao to Rongcheng to Mouping to Mishan shear zones, and shows an inverse relationship with temperature. 40Ar/39Ar chronological analysis and the chronological results of former workers reveal four movement steps defined by the development of thrusts and nappes in the late Triassic (210-180 Ma), extensional movement from the Jurassic to early Cretaceous (180-130 Ma), slip-thrust movement in the Early Cretaceous (130-120 Ma), and extensional movement since the Late Cretaceous (120 Ma). The order of boundary shear zone motion in the period of slip-thrust movement during the Early Cre- taceous (130-120 Ma) was along the Shidao, Rongcheng, Mouping and finally the Mishan shear zone. This resulted in clockwise rotation of the nappes relative to block west to the Tan-Lu Faults. Because of the similar evolutionary history of the Tan-Lu Faults and the thrust and nappe structure in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula, slip dislocation along the Tan-Lu Faults might have been absorbed by thrust and nappe tectonics in the Jiaodong area in the Mesozoic era, resulting in much less dislocation on the Tan-Lu faults in North Eastern China than that in south along the Jiaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

济阳孔店构造转型期沉积盆地的特征及勘探意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
济阳孔店组的归属问题一直是济阳盆地演化研究的焦点.通过大量的构造、沉积的基础性研究,提出孔店组是中生代向新生代转换的构造转型期,孔店期盆地叠置于中生代北西向半地堑之上,恰逢印度板块碰撞冈底斯及太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲,构造应力场具有双重性质,使得孔店组沉积盆地构造特征复杂,由于不同部位构造应力场强度的不同,虽为同期沉积盆地但是构造特征、盆地充填方式具有较大的差异,济阳盆地孔店组主要分布在惠民凹陷和东营凹陷,勘探重点应放在这两个凹陷.  相似文献   

The effect of viscosity, non linearities, incident wave period and realistic eastern coastline geometry on energy fluxes are investigated using a shallow water model with a spatial resolution of 1/4 degree in both meridional and zonal directions. Equatorial and mid-latitude responses are considered. It is found that (1) the influence of the coastline geometry and the incident wave period is more important for the westward energy flux than for the poleward flux, and (2) the effect of the inclination of the eastern ocean boundary on the poleward energy flux, for the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, decline as the period of the incident wave increases. Furthermore, the model simulations suggest that the poleward energy fluxes from meridional boundaries give plausible results for motions of seasonal and annual periods. For comparatively shorter periods, a realistic coastline geometry has to be included for more accurate results. It is recommended that any numerical model involving the reflection of baroclinic Rossby waves (of intraseasonal, seasonal or annual periods) on the eastern Pacific or Atlantic Oceans, should consider the effect of the coastline geometry in order to improve the accuracy of the results.  相似文献   

定量处理了中国大陆东部地区2000~2002年的中小地震活动图像,分析了地震活动密集值的相对变化及其含义,探讨了其在中期地震预测中的应用。  相似文献   

In a 3-D closed geological body, in case “structural expanding” inside is induced by stress, it can produce the pressure difference between the expanding cell and surrounding rock, then generate a pumping force directed toward the cell and accelerate the directional flow of fluid in the strata. The structural style and conditions of gas reservoir-formation in the Kuqa depression are favorable to the structural pumping. According to similarity principle, a physical modeling of structure formation and gas filling process of the Kela 2 gas field has justified the occurrence of structural pumping and its important role in gas-reservoir formation with high efficiency under the compressive and well-sealed circumstance. Therefore, authors propose that structural pumping is an important mechanism of gas reservoir-formation with high efficiency in the Kuqa depression.  相似文献   

中国东部西南低空急流日变化特征及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

王东阡  张耀存 《地球物理学报》2012,55(08):2498-2507
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

The structural activities took place extensively in the Asia continent during the Cenozoic era owing to the strong continent-to-continent collision and continuous compression between the India Plate and the Eurasia Plate. Huang Jiqing called such structural activities Himalayan movement. China’s sedimentary basins developed and took shape mainly during the Himalayan movement period. It is also the main period for formation and development of the oil and gas reservoirs. Of 366 large and medium-sized oil and gas fields currently found in China, 212 reservoirs were formed in the Neogene-Quaternary period. The proportion is as high as 68.2%. The oil and gas migration and accumulation in the latest geological period, which were controlled by the times, properties, styles and strength of the Himalayan movement, took place mainly in eight regions, such as the low uplift area of Bohai Sea, the onshore faulted sag area of Bohai Bay, anticlinorium zone in Daqing, the foreland fold-and-thrust belt in West China, the tilted structural zone in West China, the cratonic palaeohigh in the Tarim Basin, the zone of fault and fold belt in the East Sichuan Basin, and the biological gas zone in the East Qaidam Basin. The oil and gas pool formations in those regions have their own characteristics. With the great potential and broad prospect, those regions are the main exploration areas in China in the future.  相似文献   

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