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在广州海珠区七星岗古海岸遗址发现 6 5周年以及遗址发现者吴尚时教授逝世 5 5周年之际 ,著名地理学家 ,82岁高龄的曾昭璇教授 ,带领广州地理研究所、华南师大地理系、广州市地方志办公室的有关科技人员于 2 0 0 2年 10月 16日 ,再次对古海岸遗址进行了考察。羊城晚报记者和海珠区政府为工作人员也参加了考察。七星岗古海岸遗址由海蚀崖、海蚀洞和海蚀平台 3部分组成 ,它们是在海浪侵蚀作用下形成的 ,是五六十年前广州古海岸存在的有力证据。如今海岸已南移 10 0km以上。遗址印证了广州经历沧海桑田的变化 ,具有较高的科学、教育、旅游价…  相似文献   

镜泊湖是我国最大的高山堰塞湖,全国重点风景自然保护区之一;上京龙泉府遗址是1200年前古渤海国的首都,当时也是亚洲屈指可数的大城市之一。  相似文献   

正史学界普遍认同中国最早的文字是甲骨文,距今3600多年,而平湖庄桥坟遗址考古成果表明大约在距今5000年前,良渚先民就开始使用文字。这些刻画符号将中国的文字史向前推了1000多年。本报杭州7月8日电(通讯员朱海洋记者陆健)记者从浙江文物考古研究所获悉,浙江平湖庄桥坟遗址考  相似文献   

江南“始祖”在哪里? 1936年,距今5000年的余杭良渚文化出土;1959年,距今6000年的嘉兴马家浜文化现世;1973年,余姚河姆渡文化的发掘,更寻到了7000年前的历史,当时有人断言,河姆渡是江南新石器文明的“根”。 杭州萧山跨湖桥遗址文物经碳14反复严格测试,确定其年代上限距今8000年,是长江下游迄今发现最早的新石器时代遗址。  相似文献   

吉林市为国家历史文化名城,拥有众多历史遗址与文化资源。通过将吉林市4个市辖区历史遗址以保护等级、时代、属性为标准进行分类,总结遗址整体特征,并提出发展建议。市辖区范围内遗址基本沿江分布,国家级与省级遗址数量少但地方特色浓厚,多为大型历史遗址和建筑群。遗址中少数民族特色鲜明,以西团山文化与清代满族文化最为明显,数量最多。市辖区遗址种类较为丰富,但早期的战争与城市建设对遗址保护产生负面影响。对城址、石刻与古墓葬等遭到严重破坏遗址,应采取针对性保护,确保市辖区范围内遗址的丰富性。  相似文献   

近代南京玄武湖地名考文/商伟凡玄武湖,为六朝古都南京首屈一指的风景名胜区。这片广阔达6000多亩的水面,古名桑泊,曾用名不下十个,其中“玄武湖”之称始见于南朝刘宋时期,又以地处钟山之后而俗称“后湖”。湖上,散布着名曰环洲、樱洲、菱洲、梁洲、翠洲的五座...  相似文献   

陈华堂 《热带地理》2001,21(4):384-386
讨论“广州秦代造船工场遗址”的地貌,认为从地貌形态、地貌组成物质及“遗址”所处的地貌部位看已不适宜造船,其“船台”应属其他建筑遗址。  相似文献   

基于空间分析的史前郑洛地区连续文化聚落研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用空间分析方法,对郑洛地区的史前聚落位置与河流关系的距离进行分析,可知郑洛地区史前四个文化时期60%以上的聚落遗址都在水系4 km半径的缓冲区之内。对该地区四个文化时期聚落遗址的高程分析,发现大部分聚落遗址的高程位于100 m到400 m之间,而高程值小于100 m的遗址点不足10%,并且四个文化时期遗址的平均高程值都在280 m左右。对该地区史前四个文化时期的聚落数量进行增长分析,得出了郑洛地区聚落数量具有由早到晚呈几何状不断攀升的趋势。  相似文献   

鸽子洞位于喀左蒙古族自治县水泉乡瓦房村南约一公里处的大凌河西岸,是十五万年前鸽子洞人的古人类遗址。鸽子洞若千年来因常有大量的鸽子栖息繁衍,故称鸽子洞。这个洞属奥陶纪灰岩,经长时间地下水浸蚀而形成的天然洞穴。  相似文献   

华宁 《中国地名》2013,(12):5-7
将台堡位于宁夏西吉县南部葫芦河与马莲川河交汇处,距县城30公里,两河交汇形成三角埠坪,地势平坦宽阔。两千年前的战囤秦长城由此经葫芦河向东逶迤延伸,汉代古城遗址依稀可见。原高凸之地,民间传说为古代军事要塞点将台,  相似文献   

下辽河平原和辽东半岛海岸带晚更新世以来的海侵   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
符文侠 《地理研究》1988,7(2):73-80
本文根据钻孔资料、14C测年数据、微体古生物及孢粉组合特征,讨论了研究区晚更新世以来海侵的次数、规模、时间以及岸线变化。  相似文献   

长白山全新世以来的火山喷发活动与森林火灾研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用同位素年代测定等方法,探讨了长白山一万年以来火山活动的期次、规模及森林火灾。  相似文献   

Recognition that Earth/Sun orbital changes are the basic cause for Quaternary climatic variations provides a context for explaining global environmental changes, many of which are preserved in the stratigraphic and geomorphic record of lakes. Paleoclimatic numerical models suggest the mechanisms. In subtropical latitudes such as North Africa the enhanced summer insolation culminating about 10 000 years ago resulted in the increased monsoonal rains that explain the widespread expansion of lakes in now-desert basins. But in the American Southwest lake expansion dates to 18 000–15 000 years ago, when storm tracks were displaced to the south by the ice sheets—themselves a product of earlier orbital changes. The dynamics in the resopnse of different components of the natural system to climatic change are recorded in the stratigraphy of lake sediments, not only by their pollen content as a manifestation of the regional vegetation but also by their microfossils and chemical composition as reflections of lake development.This is the 10th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest for these papers.  相似文献   

Diatoms, crustaceans, and pollen from sediment cores, in conjunction with dated shoreline tufas provide evidence for lake level and environmental fluctuations of Walker Lake in the late Quaternary. Large and rapid changes of lake chemistry and level apparently resulted from variations in the course and discharge of the Walker River. Paleolimnological evidence suggests that the basin contained a relatively deep and slightly saline to freshwater lake before ca. 30 000 years B.P. During the subsequent drawdown, the Walker River apparently shifted its course and flowed northward into the Carson Sink. As a result, Walker Lake shallowed and became saline. During the full glacial, cooler climates with more effective moisture supported a shallow brine lake in the basin even without the Walker River. As glacial climates waned after 15 000 years ago, Walker Lake became a playa. The Walker River returned to its basin 4700 years ago, filling it with fresh water in a few decades. Thereafter, salinity and depth increased as evaporation concentrated inflowing water, until by 3000 years ago Walker Lake was nearly 90 m deep, according to dated shoreline tufas. Lake levels fluctuated throughout this interval in response to variations in Sierra Nevada precipitation and local evaporation. A drought in the Sierras between 2400 and 2000 years ago reduced Walker Lake to a shallow, brine lake. Climate-controlled refilling of the lake beginning 2000 years ago required about one millennium to bring Walker lake near its historic level.Through time, lake basins in the complex Lake Lahontan system, fill and desiccate in response to climatic, tectonic and geomorphic events. Detailed, multidisciplinary paleolimnologic records from related subbasins are required to separate these processes before lake level history can be reliably used to interpret paleoclimatology.This is the fifth of a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R. B. Davis and H. Löffler for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Drs. Davis and Löffler are serving as guest editors of this series.  相似文献   

黄河上游的阶地与水系变迁   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
杨达源  王云飞 《地理科学》1996,16(2):137-143
黄河上游于贵德盆地和共和盆地中有7级阶地,再往上游方向存在阶地级数递减的趋势。共和盆地中还有3级古黄河阶地,黄河上游水系是通过一级级河流袭夺相继贯通的,共和盆地与贵德盆地间的黄河古道始于中更新世末期,龙羊峡河段始于60ka B.P.前后,玛多与唐乃亥 间的峡谷河段是20ka B.P.才贯通的。  相似文献   

Sincel986,theIntngatedSurveyTeamtotheNanshaIslandsorgn1lizedbytheChineseAcademyofScienceshasbeenengnginginthesystematicsurveyandstudyongeophysics,marineenvironment,livingthingr,contnbutingfaCtorsoftheislandsandtheltistoricaldevelopmenintheNanshaIslandsand…  相似文献   

青藏高原西北部17000年以来的介形类及环境演变   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
李元芳 Gasse  F 《地理学报》1994,49(1):46-54
通过班公错和松西错两钻孔以及红山湖地层剖面的介形类分析,讨论了昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山地区晚更新世晚期以来的主要气候事件和环境变迁。  相似文献   

As many as 2500 interdune lakes lie within the Nebraska Sand Hills, a 50000 km stabilized sand sea. The few published data on cores from these lakes indicate they are typically underlain by less than two m of Holocene lacustrine sediments. However, three lakes in the southwestern Sand Hills, Swan, Blue, and Crescent, contain anomalously thick marsh (peat) and lacustrine (gyttja) sediments. Swan Lake basin contains as much as 8 m of peat, which was deposited between about 9000 and 3300 years ago. This peat is conformably overlain by as much as 10.5 m of gyttja. The sediment record in Blue lake, which is 3 km downgradient from Swan lake, dates back to only about 6000 years ago. Less than two m of peat, which was deposited from 6000 to 5000 years ago, is overlain by 12 m of gyttja deposited in the last 4300 years. Crescent Lake basin, one km downgradient from Blue Lake, has a similar sediment history except for a lack of known peat deposits. Recently, a 8-km long segment of a paleovalley was documented running beneath the three lakes and connecting to the head of Blue Creek Valley. Blockage of this paleovalley by dune sand during two arid intervals, one shortly before 10500 yr BP and one in the mid-Holocene, has resulted in a 25 m rise in the regional water table. This made possible the deposition of organic-rich sediment in all three lakes. Although these lakes, especially Swan, would seem ideal places to look for a nearly complete record of Holocene climatic fluctuations, the paleoclimatic record is confounded by the effect dune dams have on the water table. In Swan Lake, the abrupt conversion from marsh to lacustrine deposition 3300 years ago does not simply record the change to a wetter regional climate; it reflects the complex local hydrologic changes surrounding the emplacement and sealing of dune dams, as well as regional climate.  相似文献   

The Jervis Bay area offers a diversity of landforms that do not fit within contemporary views of coastal evolution. Field evidence indicates that catastrophic tsunami have had a significant impact on the coast and its hinterland both within and outside the embayment. Runup has overtopped cliffs 80 m above sea level and deposited chevron-shaped ridges to elevations of 130 m on the southern headland. Boulders, up to 6 m in diameter, have been deposited in an imbricated fashion against cliffs, on clifftops, and along shoreline ramps. Bed-form features and the size of transported material indicate flow depths up to 10 m and velocities around 8 m s-1. While significant Pleistocene material has been swept onto the coastline, mainly in the form of barriers, radiocarbon dating indicates that tsunami have occurred repetitively throughout the Holocene. The most recent event occurred just before European settlement over 200 years ago. [Key words: barrier beaches, coastal geomorphology, tsunami, Jervis Bay, Australia.]  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Thirty years ago D. W. Meinig argued that certain landscapes “are part of the iconography of nationhood.” From the earliest European settlement, the North American “wilderness” forged the crucible that shaped U.S. culture. By the early nineteenth century romantic aesthetic theories and nationalistic patriotism influenced American perspectives on the emerging cultural landscape. Artists, writers, and travelers sought out places for their healthful and scenic qualities as well as for moral instruction from nature. The locus of this confluence of politics, philosophy, and art was the Hudson River Valley of New York State. Guesthouses and hotels, especially in and around the Catskill Mountains, accommodated these travelers. This article examines the cultural basis of the mountain resort in its appropriation and marketing of a regional landscape and its incorporation as a national icon, with a specific history of the development of Mohonk Mountain House by the Smiley family from 1869 to 2008.  相似文献   

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