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Usually, multiple-grain aliquots are used for electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of sediments. However, this approach excludes the ability of detecting insufficient bleaching, as would be the case when measuring several single aliquots or single grains. In this paper, we present preliminary results of single-grain ESR dating experiments on three different sedimentary deposits (fluvial, fluvio-aeolian and desert aeolian), ranging in age between 100 ka and 2 Ma. Titanium-related impurity centres (Ti–Li and Ti–H) were measured in a Q-band ESR spectrometer for estimating equivalent doses (De) of individual quartz grains (0.5–1 mm). Both additive and regenerative dose methods were used. The resulting De plots show a large scatter in De—from 100 Gy to more than 600 Gy—for the fluvial sample, probably reflecting different bleaching histories of the grains. On the contrary, a clear plateau can be observed in De for sands with a strong aeolian component. Preliminary single-grain ESR ages are in relatively good agreement with independent estimates, the best results being obtained for the desert aeolian sample (200 ka). It is concluded that ESR has a promising potential for estimating large naturally accumulated doses of well-bleached sediments. Nevertheless, the method is challenged by several experimental difficulties, such as long measurement times, excessive errors, and presumably a complex interrelationship between Ti–Li and Ti–H components.  相似文献   

In optical dating, the last time that a sample of sediment was exposed to sunlight is determined by dividing its equivalent dose (De) by the dose rate. For single-grain dating, the sample De is based on the statistical analysis of the distribution of De values estimated for individual grains, whereas the dose rate is usually determined from measurements of the environmental radioactivity of the bulk sample, together with allowances for radiation sources internal to the grains and cosmic rays. Conventionally, the De and dose rate are measured and analysed separately to produce an estimate of the depositional age of a sample, but this approach may result in loss of information because distributions of single-grain De values are influenced by several factors. Existing statistical models do not incorporate all the key information contributing to age estimation, such as the pattern and scale of dispersion of single-grain De values and dose rates, the associated measurement uncertainties, the effect of natural variability among grains, and the outlier probabilities of De and dose rate estimates. Here we propose an empirical Bayesian hierarchical age model (BHAM) for optical dating of quartz samples that incorporates the above information to estimate their depositional ages. The BHAM is based on the implementation of standardised growth curve and LnTn methods to integrate information on the full distribution of single-grain De values, sources of measurement uncertainty, beta-dose heterogeneity (observed or modelled), and detection of outliers. We present the results of validation tests using data sets of optically stimulated luminescence measurements and dose rates obtained for quartz samples dated previously from Denisova Cave (Russia) and for simulated samples. We conclude that the BHAM represents a robust and flexible approach to dealing with data for single grains of quartz within a Bayesian hierarchical framework and is suitable for application to sediments deposited in a variety of depositional settings.  相似文献   

The West Mouth of the Great Cave of Niah is one of the major archaeological sites in Southeast Asia; the radiocarbon chronology of this site currently places the earliest presence of Homo sapiens (a Deep Skull find) in Southeast Asia at about 45 ka BP. An optical dating programme using sand-sized quartz was initiated in the West Mouth to complement the radiocarbon chronology. This paper reports on the progress in dating a key sample (sample 376r) that was taken from deposits containing the Deep Skull. A somewhat novel procedure was developed to separate and clean quartz grains from the unusual guano-rich deposits. From this, only a small quantity of quartz grains could be recovered and 36 aliquots (1 mm in diameter) were prepared, each consisting of 80 grains. This sample was dated by means of the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) method using the protocols of Murray and Wintle [2000. Luminescence dating of quartz using an improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol. Radiation Measurements 32, 57–73], and of Choi et al. [2003. Luminescence dating of well-sorted marine terrace sediments on the southeastern coast of Korea. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 407–421]. The results showed a wide distribution of equivalent doses; this distribution is inferred to be due to bioturbation, variable bleaching at deposition, and to local variations in the dose rate within the sample site. Dose rates were measured using both field (in-situ γ-ray spectrometry, IGRS) and laboratory (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry/atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-MS/AES; and isotope dilution, ID) methods. There was significant disagreement between the concentrations of radioisotopes found using laboratory and field measurements, indicating sediment heterogeneity and also possible disequilibrium in the 238U decay chain. Future work in the West Mouth should therefore concentrate on taking sediment samples of at least 500–600 cm3, improving the dose rate estimates (e.g. by high-resolution γ-ray spectrometry) and investigating other luminescence signals (e.g. red thermoluminescence) as potential geochronometers.  相似文献   

In this article we test for the first time the potential of single-grains of K-rich feldspar to date well-bleached and poorly bleached sediments using a post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol. We measure natural dose distributions using K-rich feldspars from four coastal samples applying the pIRIR protocol with a preheat of 200 °C and a pIRIR stimulation temperature of 180 °C; each sample had an independent age control obtained from quartz OSL and radiocarbon dating. We also analyse single-grain dose distributions of “zero-dose” and γ-irradiated samples to determine thermal transfer/residual doses and the intrinsic sources of variability of pIRIR single-grain measurements, respectively. Based on these experiments, we conclude that thermal transfer/residual dose give rise to an offset of ∼0.6 Gy in these samples and that the uncertainty assigned to individual pIRIR single-grain dose estimates cannot be smaller than 16.5%.The analysis of the well-bleached samples shows that only the brightest 30% of the grains give pIRIR single-grain ages in agreement with the age control; this effect may arise from the suggested correlation between blue emission and potassium content of individual grains. Comparison of single-grain quartz and feldspar dose distributions from the poorly bleached samples shows that quartz is relatively better bleached; nevertheless, selection of a reliable ‘minimum’ feldspar dose was achieved using two different statistical models.  相似文献   

As part of a study on coastal sedimentary processes this paper presents the OSL dating of mixed coastal sediment samples from the southern North Sea island of Sylt (German Bight). During coring of the swash-bar (beach) sediments, five samples were presumably contaminated by younger overwash and aeolian sediments because of the sampling method employed. To obtain reliable burial ages for these swash-bar sediments, single-grain and small aliquot measurements were used together with the Finite Mixture Model (FMM) proposed by Roberts et al. (2000) to identify the grain population containing the largest doses (from the deepest part of the core). Before the FMM was applied to dating, the parameters and performance of the FMM were first investigated by systematically comparing small aliquot (∼20 grains) and single-grain measurements of an undisturbed aeolian and swash-bar sample and a laboratory mixture of both sediments. This test case demonstrates the advantage of selecting the time interval immediately following the initial luminescence signals for background subtraction because unsuitable quartz grains were removed from the dose distribution. It is concluded that the measurement of small aliquots can be regarded as a reliable proxy for single-grain dose distribution if the sediment contains only a small proportion of quartz grains emitting a luminescence signal and that the FMM results are relatively insensitive to changes of the over-dispersion parameter between 5–40% for small aliquots and 10–40% for single-grains.We show that the burial ages of the contaminated swash-bar samples resulting from the maximum age populations from equivalent dose distributions measured using small aliquots are consistent with the stratigraphy and with ages obtained from uncontaminated samples.  相似文献   

The reliability of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of young (<500 years old) samples is assessed by examining the results of 166 single-grain OSL analyses of Australian alluvial, lacustrine, estuarine, coastal and marine sediment samples. All samples have been analysed using the modified SAR protocol of Olley et al. [2004b. Optical dating of Holocene sediments from a variety of geomorphic settings using single grains of quartz. Geomorphology 60, 337–358], with burial doses (Db) calculated by fitting a single Gaussian curve to the peak of a multi-Gaussian summed probability distribution (PDFGaussian). The near-equivalence of this approach to currently accepted methods of palaeodose estimation – namely the minimum age and central age models of Galbraith et al. [1999. Optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia: part I, experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry 41, 339–364] – is demonstrated. Considered as a whole, OSL ages calculated using the PDFGaussian Db determination method are consistent with other chronometric, geomorphological, botanical and historical indicators of depositional age, while four alternative (previously published) methods are generally less reliable when applied to the samples analysed here. The single-grain data from 12 samples of known age (reported by Olley et al. [2004b. Optical dating of Holocene sediments from a variety of geomorphic settings using single grains of quartz. Geomorphology 60, 337–358]) are re-analysed using the PDFGaussian approach, with all but one yielding a Db consistent with the independently known age. Examples of luminescence data (dose recovery tests, preheat plateaux, continuous-wave and linear-modulated OSL, growth curves, single-grain dose distributions) are provided that together indicate the suitability of Australian quartz for dating young sediments.  相似文献   

Geochemically-fingerprinted tephra beds provide unique chronostratigraphic markers for comparing Quaternary sedimentary records across eastern Beringia (Alaska and Yukon Territory). Establishing reliable numerical age control on these tephra horizons enables them to be placed within firm temporal frameworks and increases their potential as correlative tools for regional palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. To this end we present new single-grain and multi-grain quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronologies for loess deposits bracketing three well-documented and regionally significant variants of the Sheep Creek tephra (SCt) at two sites in west-central Yukon Territory (Ash Bend and Quartz Creek). Single-grain OSL ages bracketing the SCt-A and SCt-K reveal that these tephras were deposited during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 or early MIS 4. The SCt-C variant and associated organic-rich bed at Ash Bend were likely deposited during late MIS 5, based on a single-grain OSL age of ∼81 ka for the overlying sediments. The single-grain OSL ages obtained for these deposits are in stratigraphic order and in broad agreement with a fission track age estimate of ∼77 ka for the SCt-K. In contrast, comparative chronologies obtained using multi-grain aliquots are stratigraphically inconsistent and unexpectedly young when compared with the independent SCt-K age. Detailed examination of the single-grain OSL datasets reveal a range of unfavourable luminescent properties that could have contributed to the multi-grain aliquot age discrepancies; including, very low yields of luminescent grains, weak OSL signal sensitivities and large populations of aberrant grains (particularly 0 Gy grains and ‘dim’ grains with a tendency to sensitise during the equivalent dose (De) measurement sequence) that have similarly sized OSL signals as grains used for De analysis. Synthetic aliquot De datasets constructed from single-grain OSL measurements reveal that the large proportional light sum contributions of 0 Gy and dim grains could possibly account for multi-grain age underestimations in some of the Ash Bend samples. In light of these potentially problematic averaging effects, we do not consider the multi-grain OSL ages to be reliable and suggest that single-grain approaches may be preferable for dating sediments with similar quartz luminescence behaviours across this region.  相似文献   

In optical dating, especially single-grain dating, various patterns of distributions in equivalent dose (De) are usually observed and analysed using different statistical models. None of these methods, however, is designed to deal with outliers that do not form part of the population of grains associated with the event of interest (the ‘target population’), despite outliers being commonly present in single-grain De distributions. In this paper, we present a Bayesian method for detecting De outliers and making allowance for them when estimating the De value of the target population. We test this so-called Bayesian outlier model (BOM) using data sets obtained for individual grains of quartz from sediments deposited in a variety of settings, and in simulations. We find that the BOM is suitable for single-grain De distributions containing outliers that, for a variety of reasons, do not form part of the target population. For example, De outliers may be associated with grains that have undesirable luminescence properties (e.g., thermal instability, high rates of anomalous fading) or with contaminant grains incorporated into a sample when collected in the field or prepared in the laboratory. Grains that have much larger or smaller De values than the target population, due to factors such as insufficient bleaching, beta-dose heterogeneity or post-depositional disturbance, may also be identified as outliers using the BOM, enabling these values to be weighted appropriately for final De and age determination.  相似文献   

Resetting of sediments mobilised by the LGM ice-sheet in southern Norway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Former geological field investigations in the Rondane area, east-central southern Norway, have proposed that the maximum Fennoscandian ice-sheet coverage occurred during the Late Weichselian Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca. 20 ka) and that subsequent glaciofluvial sediments were first deposited in the early Holocene (after 10 ka). However, recent field investigations with ages from three internally consistent quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age series show an apparent deglaciation of northern Rondane in the period 20.0–13.8 ka. We examine here the possibility that these ages are too old because the sediment was not completely zeroed prior to deposition. Our investigations of incomplete bleaching use modern analogues, small aliquots, and single grains of quartz. First, the symmetric shape of small aliquot equivalent dose distributions suggests that the sediment was probably well bleached at deposition. This is supported by 5 modern analogue equivalent doses (De) of 0.6 Gy, 1.5% of the typical De from the deglaciation sediments. Finally, from single grain studies on three samples, we conclude that there is no evidence for poor bleaching in these samples; thus the weighted mean gives the best estimates of De, and these are completely consistent with both large and small aliquot estimates for these samples. These comparisons between large aliquots, modern analogues, small aliquots and single-grain analyses help to validate the OSL ages and confirm the complete resetting of these sediments prior to deposition.  相似文献   

At Wadi Sabra (SW Jordan) human occupation dates back to the Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic. Although there is stratigraphic correlation based on archaeological finds of Ahmarian origin, numerical age estimates are lacking. We applied single-aliquot optical dating of coarse grained quartz of wadi deposits and investigated the luminescence properties in detail to achieve more accurate age information about the time of human occupation. Weak luminescence signals and scattered dose distributions characterise the multi-grain aliquots. The residual doses of the investigated modern wadi sediment are between 0 and 7 Gy. Moreover, comparison of equivalent dose (De) values of 1 mm and 8 mm aliquots shows higher equivalent doses for the large aliquots. Both experiments indicate that the luminescence signal is partially bleached prior to deposition. The dose distributions of all samples are broadly scattered and have overdispersion values between 25 and 43%, some samples are significantly skewed. The shape of the dose distributions points to other sources of scatter, in addition to partial bleaching. Comparison of 1 mm multi-grain and single-grain data demonstrates that the luminescence signal of one multi-grain aliquot most likely is from a single grain. For this reason, variation in the number of photon counts due to the weak luminescence intensity and variations in beta microdosimetry have a bigger impact on the spread of dose distributions. However, we cannot quantify the particular impact of partial bleaching, weak luminescence intensity and beta microdosimetry. To account for the spread of the dose distribution, we use the central age model to calculate equivalent doses. Age calculations yield results in the range of 30–48 ka.  相似文献   

Single grain optical dating of glacigenic deposits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Determining the age of glacigenic sediments is difficult for many geochronological methods because of the lack of suitable materials for analysis. Luminescence dating can be applied to the mineral grains making up the glacigenic sediments. However a major source of uncertainty in previous studies has been whether the mineral grains were exposed to sufficient daylight prior to deposition for the luminescence signal to be reset. Measurements of the optically stimulated luminescence signal from single sand-sized quartz grains offers the potential for explicitly identifying if a sediment contains grains that were not exposed to sufficient daylight to reset their signal. Statistical analysis of the resulting data can then reject those grains to allow the age of the sample to be determined. This study is the first to apply single grain optical dating to glacigenic sediments, and demonstrates the issues involved by analysis of samples from Chile and Scotland. Ages from 2.4±0.5 to 17.3±1.5 ka are produced. Comparison of the results with independent age control suggests that the ages are reliable. The results also show that the extent of bleaching at deposition varies considerably from one sample to another. For the most incompletely bleached sample, luminescence measurements based on the average of many hundreds or thousands of grains would have overestimated the age of the sample by 60 ka, but the single grain method proposed here was able to reliably date it.  相似文献   

The large radiocarbon (14C) reservoir effect in Antarctica varies regionally and with settings. Luminescence sediment dating has potential as an alternate geochronometer. Extending our earlier tests of the effectiveness of resetting of photon-stimulated-luminescence (PSL) that employed only multi-aliquot analyses of fine-silt grains, we applied single-aliquot multigrain, and single-grain-quartz (SGQ) PSL procedures to a variety of samples from on and under the meters-thick perennial ice cover at Lake Hoare. These procedures yielded quartz sand age estimates for ice-surface sand (the source of the lake-bottom sand) of 10–80 a. Sand within a small dune on the perennial lake ice in front of Canada Glacier gave an SGQ age estimate of 48 ± 23 a. These methods produced realistic age estimates in lake-bottom short cores that are at least 5–20 times younger than comparable (uncorrected-for-reservoir) 14C results. Near-core-top PSL age estimates ranged from zero to ~500 a, depending on the core site. Four of the 7 short cores revealed clear linear age-depth trends for the upper few cm of core. These results demonstrate that for such lake-core deposits, single-aliquot and single-grain PSL dating can replace 14C dating, at least in Lake Hoare, because PSL dating lacks a significant ‘zero-point’ offset such as the 14C reservoir effect, and because PSL dating of quartz is applicable to samples as old as ~150 ka under normal sedimentary conditions. Moreover, these results imply that isolated paleo-lake-bottom deposits (e.g., microbial-mat sand mounds above present lake levels) throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys can now be dated directly.  相似文献   

We report on the feasibility of assessing single-grain dose-distributions by using an EMCCD-based imaging system with complementary analysis software. Automated image-processing was successfully applied to compensate sample motion and for grain identification. Following a dose recovery test, 74% of the grains were recognized successfully, and 44% exhibited a suitable OSL dose response behavior to interpolate an equivalent dose value, and a central dose recovery ratio of 1.038 was obtained.  相似文献   

We report single-grain quartz luminescence ages for the Puritjarra rock shelter, with the aim of resolving an apparent discrepancy between ages obtained by 14C and a variety of luminescence methods, previously reported. Ages now found at all depths to 75 cm (ages to 30 ka) can be interpreted as largely resolving the differences. This implied caveat arises because single-grain methods are statistically inefficient. As a consequence, a degree of interpretation is inevitable in analysing the data. The emphasis in the present paper is an analysis making use of weighted histograms. The measurements by single grain OSL and 14C, including ABOX–SC, taken together, can be regarded as compatible. They indicate human occupation of the Puritjarra rock shelter at least as early as 30 ka BP.  相似文献   

The presence of genuinely zero-age or near-zero-age grains in modern-age and very young samples poses a problem for many existing burial dose estimation procedures used in optical (optically stimulated luminescence, OSL) dating. This difficulty currently necessitates consideration of relatively simplistic and statistically inferior age models. In this study, we investigate the potential for using modified versions of the statistical age models of Galbraith et al. [Galbraith, R.F., Roberts, R.G., Laslett, G.M., Yoshida, H., Olley, J.M., 1999. Optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia: Part I, experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry 41, 339–364.] to provide reliable equivalent dose (De) estimates for young and modern-age samples that display negative, zero or near-zero De estimates. For this purpose, we have revised the original versions of the central and minimum age models, which are based on log-transformed De values, so that they can be applied to un-logged De estimates and their associated absolute standard errors. The suitability of these ‘un-logged’ age models is tested using a series of known-age fluvial samples deposited within two arroyo systems from the American Southwest. The un-logged age models provide accurate burial doses and final OSL ages for roughly three-quarters of the total number of samples considered in this study. Sensitivity tests reveal that the un-logged versions of the central and minimum age models are capable of producing accurate burial dose estimates for modern-age and very young (<350 yr) fluvial samples that contain (i) more than 20% of well-bleached grains in their De distributions, or (ii) smaller sub-populations of well-bleached grains for which the De values are known with high precision. Our results indicate that the original (log-transformed) versions of the central and minimum age models are still preferable for most routine dating applications, since these age models are better suited to the statistical properties of typical single-grain and multi-grain single-aliquot De datasets. However, the unique error properties of modern-age samples, combined with the problems of calculating natural logarithms of negative or zero-Gy De values, mean that the un-logged versions of the central and minimum age models currently offer the most suitable means of deriving accurate burial dose estimates for very young and modern-age samples.  相似文献   

Coastal plain of Hangzhou Bay, to the south of the present Yangtze Estuary, is closely linked to the evolution of the Yangtze River delta. However, absolute age of Pre-Holocene sediments is limited, which hinders the understanding of this area's environmental evolution. In this study, using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), single aliquots and single grains of quartz and K-feldspar were used to date the late Quaternary sediments in coastal plain on the southern Hangzhou Bay. The vertical difference in particle size composition render either silt- or sand-sized quartz for dating. Cross-checking of multiple OSL dating methods indicated that the upper ∼65 m recorded the Holocene part of the succession; sediment from a depth of 136.6 m was dated to ∼180 ka. It was found that the single-grain method was more reliable in comparison to single-aliquot age, the former minimized the effect of signal components. Single-grain quartz and K-feldspar luminescence yielded consistent ages at sample depth of 136.6 m (∼160–180 ka), while the latter gave robust age at depth of 115.5 m (∼150 ka). This chronology is in general in accordance with neighbouring cores and can constrain paleomagnetic dating results in those cores. Taking together, the study site has thickest Holocene deposits in comparison to the highland centered around Taihu Lake on the southern Yangtze delta. Moreover, the luminescence characteristics of quartz from different sample depths, behaved differently with respect to luminescence sensitivity, signal components and saturation level, perhaps reflecting varied provenance and weathering characteristics caused by climate change.  相似文献   

Many of the small-scale arroyo systems found across southern Colorado contain well-preserved sedimentary records of prehistoric fluvial erosion and aggradation epicycles. In the following paper, we date a set of 50 ephemeral fluvial samples from four southern Colorado arroyo systems using a combination of single-grain and single-aliquot OSL techniques. Analysis of the sample De distribution characteristics reveals that these arroyo sediments were subjected to a diverse array of bleaching conditions prior to deposition. The use of appropriate burial dose estimation procedures is therefore deemed vital to ensuring that accurate age estimates are produced for each of these samples. In this study we apply the formal ‘age model’ decision procedures of Bailey and Arnold [Statistical modelling of single-grain quartz De distributions and an assessment of procedures for estimating burial dose. Quaternary Science Reviews, in press.] and Arnold [2006. Optical dating and computer modelling of arroyo epicycles in the American Southwest. D.phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, unpublished] to our fluvial sample dataset in order to enable a more objective selection of appropriate burial dose estimates. The resultant OSL chronostratigraphies are examined and discussed. These formal decision procedures yield sample ages that are stratigraphically consistent for 94% of the 50 fluvial samples examined. The resulting OSL ages also display a greater degree of stratigraphic consistency in comparison to those ages that would have been generated by simply applying a single type of age model to all samples.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):114-136
We present chronological constraints on a suite of permanently frozen fluvial deposits which contain ancient DNA (aDNA) from the Taimyr Peninsula of north-central Siberia. The luminescence phenomenology of these samples is first discussed, focusing on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curve characteristics, thermoluminescence (TL) properties, and signal compositions of quartz from these previously unstudied deposits. Secondly, we assess the suitability of these samples for OSL dating and present the OSL chronologies obtained using both single-grain and multi-grain equivalent dose (De) measurements. The results of our analyses reveal a large amount of inter-aliquot variability in OSL decay curve shape that is directly related to differences in the size of the 280 °C TL peak and the associated slowly bleached ‘S2’ OSL component. Longer OSL stimulation durations are adopted in the De measurement procedure to prevent the progressive build-up of slowly bleached signal components throughout successive single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) measurement cycles. The use of low preheat temperatures in the SAR procedure also reduces the deleterious effects of these slowly bleached signal components. The resultant single-grain and multi-grain OSL chronologies obtained using this approach are stratigraphically consistent and are in close agreement with independently established 14C ages at our sites. The findings of this research reveal the potential of OSL dating as a means of providing a reliable chronometric framework for sedimentary aDNA records in permafrost environments.  相似文献   

Middle to late Holocene alluvium, identified as Quaternary alluvial unit 4 (Qa4), along Kanab Creek in southern Utah, USA was dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz sand, and by radiocarbon dating of detrital charcoal. Entrenchment beginning in 1882 AD created arroyo walls that expose up to 35 m of the Qa4 alluvium. The stratigraphy and sedimentology suggest that fluvial aggradation along the study reach occurred rapidly. Due to the high sediment supply, short transport distances and semi-arid climate with flashy discharge, partial bleaching (zeroing) of the luminescence signal was expected to be a problem for OSL dating. We approached this problem by first using small-aliquot (∼20 grains) and single-grain dating of quartz sand to reduce the number of grains contributing to the OSL signal. Second, we used statistical parameters based on single-grain and small-aliquot equivalent dose (De) distributions of bleached sediment to help identify partial bleaching and to inform if a minimum age model (MAM) should be used for age calculation. Comparison of results with radiocarbon ages demonstrates the success of OSL dating on Kanab Creek arroyo-fill deposits, although careful attention should be paid to the sedimentary facies and stratigraphy of the targeted sample horizon to minimize the effects of partial bleaching. Thin, decimeter-scale plane-bedded and ripple cross-bedded sandy lithofacies were found to be the best target for OSL dating, as these sediments showed minimal evidence for incomplete solar resetting. Additionally, results generally indicate that better-bleached sediments are found in downstream reaches. Age control from these arroyo-fill deposits was acquired in order to fulfill larger research goals of understanding regional arroyo incision and aggradation cycles.  相似文献   

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