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《Urban geography》2013,34(8):672-690
Our understanding of population loss from U.S. cities draws primarily from the fate of industrial centers in the decades following World War II. Quite numerous, those cities cast off residents at unprecedented and sustained rates. Prior to this time, few large cities had ended a decade smaller in population size than they began. In order to broaden and deepen our knowledge of why some cities and not others lose population, this paper analyzes cities that shed population in the 19th century. Using Census data and capsule stories developed from city biographies, the paper explores both contextuating and precipitating factors. These findings subsequently become the basis for reflecting anew on urban decline since the mid-20th century.  相似文献   

Globalization is constituted not only through interurban networks of global city regions, but also by intraurban linkages within city regions. In this article, we use the Madrid city region as a case study to analyze the emergence of new “globalization arenas”—dense agglomeration nodes of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBSs)—on the outskirts of large metropolises (METs). We focus on two distinct types of centers. New employment centers (NECs) are produced by intrametropolitan suburbanization and realignment of preexisting small agglomerations. Historic administrative cities (HACs) are created by suprametropolitan scale processes remaking historically autonomous centers beyond the MET, which are only now being articulated in metropolitan transformation. We use statistical, cartographic, and econometric techniques to analyze proximity and economic base characteristics of NECs and HACs. As KIBSs continue to evolve in patterns of decentralized concentration, HACs are becoming more important KIBS nodes amidst complex landscapes of functional specialization and repositioning.  相似文献   

许红梅  郭炎  李志刚  林赛南  李娈琼 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2055-2063
以武汉市蔡甸区为例,结合多源、多时段的村级农地流转数据,采用探索性空间分析和多元线性回归分析方法,揭示大城市近郊农地流转的时空特征及影响因素。研究发现:① 流转规模呈跨越式增长,经历快速增长和短期减速增长两个阶段,流转速度受土地政策影响较大;农地流转的空间分布由随机转向集聚,高高集聚区由主干道沿线转移至以农业为主的平原街镇,低低集聚区由不显著到集中于城镇化水平较高的街镇;② 控制自然、区位、社会经济等因素后,发现流转主体、流转用途对农地流转具有显著影响。建议清楚把握农地流转时空演化特征,合理选择流转主体和流转用途,以优化大城市近郊的人地关系,促进城乡统筹和乡村振兴。  相似文献   

Investment in the release of open data has become increasingly central to the implementation of smart city programs by governments around the world. Though originally arising out of a push towards “open government” and the pursuit of more transparent decision-making by public authorities at multiple scales, open data programs have more recently been adopted by municipal governments to support entrepreneurial goals of enhanced competitive positioning and attracting investment. As urban scholars now subject the smart city project to critical scrutiny for its role in advancing urban entrepreneurialism, this article considers the relevance of the open data agenda as it shapes wider understandings of the smart city. In particular, I address the collection of policy practices, aspirations, stakeholders and entrepreneurs active in framing the opportunities and values of open data for urban governments. Both the momentum of support for open data, along with a recent shift in the rhetorical aspirations of the open data movement away from the values of openness and transparency and towards a more confined focus on value generation, raise important critical questions for urban geographers concerned with the nature of urban governance in an age of big data.  相似文献   

The revalorization of the U.S. metropolis and restructuring of the U.S. economy are leading to increasingly complex patterns of population growth and decline. In this article we provide an empirical context for understanding the embodied nature of these changes by analyzing the long-term, demographic changes for the 100 largest cities. In terms of population change we identify four model urban types: steady decline, continuous increase, growth interrupted, and slowly resurgent. We consider, in detail, cities where population decline has halted and others where there are indications of population resurgence. The article focuses on these resurgent cities, provides some causal explanations, discusses the role of gentrification, and explores policy implications.  相似文献   

In recent years urban geographers have devoted considerable attention to the dynamics of policy mobility. After reviewing the progress achieved in this literature, in this article I offer two distinctive contributions. First, I draw on the “argumentative turn” in policy studies and related fields in order to develop an alternative conceptualization of urban policy mobility that pays greater attention to its discursive and argumentative aspects. I thus reassert the significance of democratic processes in the negotiation of urban policy. Second, I outline an alternative methodology for the study of urban policy mobility, focusing on the analysis of argumentation. I apply this methodology to historical instances of urban policy mobilities arising from a recent research project that aimed to historicize the phenomenon of the “model city,” defined as the local deployment of another city’s experience as an argumentative resource supporting particular policy claims.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ad hoc networks that form to move policies to new sites by examining the process through which the city of Bandung, Indonesia adopted a creative city policy. As revealed through the Bandung case, attention to the formation of these networks highlights the way that power operates within them, privileging certain ideas and structuring the ways in which information flows through their channels. This insight suggests that the concept of policy mobilities would be enriched by a closer attention to the way power is used to construct networks that promote specific policies and places as sites of ‘best practice’. Furthermore, this paper extends the concept of policy mobilities to a city ‘off the map’. In contrast to most existing policy mobilities research that tends to focus on the stable, large‐scale networks through which policies travel and on the high‐profile cities constructed as policy models, the case of Bandung provides a study of how policy mobilities may occur differently outside of its well‐established locations.  相似文献   

通过对边缘化理论和内涵的阐述,在中部崛起和中原城市群这一经济发展战略背景下,以河南省黄淮四市为例,分析边缘化地区的特征及其形成机制,认为区域交通条件和行政区划分割造成发展"交易成本"过高,落后的经济基础成为边缘化的历史原因,并在全球化、市场化和区域政策的作用下,通过"路径依赖"机制不断强化,最终导致发展的边缘化。基于此,从发挥边缘效应、调整产业结构、构建区域中心城市和制度创新等角度提出发展对策。  相似文献   

中国大都市新移民的住房模式与影响机制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李志刚 《地理学报》2012,67(2):189-200
利用在广州、东莞、沈阳、成都、杭州、郑州6 市进行配额抽样调查(2008-2009 年) 所获得的3168 份问卷,采用Logistic 回归分析等计量方法,研究快速城市化下中国大都市“新移民”的住房状况、模式与机制。研究表明,城市新移民已经成为一个日趋分化的复合群体,可分为劳力型移民、智力型移民、投资型移民三类,三类新移民住房状况存在较大差异。总体上,新移民人均住房面积为20.69 m2,其中智力型新移民的人均住房面积最高(24.87 m2/人),劳力型新移民的最低(16.26 m2/人)。就住房设施条件而言,新移民的设施指数为0.35,水平较低;其中投资型新移民的设施条件最好,智力型新移民的设施条件次之,劳力型新移民最差。经过多年市场化和户籍制度改革,社会经济要素对于新移民住房模式(购房或租房)的影响越来越大,但当前各类新移民的住房模式主要由制度因素(户口) 所决定,职业因素对新移民住房模式的影响尚不显著。不过,职业对新移民租房的类型选择具有较大影响。此外,影响新移民住房设施水平的主要因素包括户口、收入水平、教育水平、婚姻状况、年龄和新移民类型等多个方面,其中户口仍是决定性因素。  相似文献   

利用2003—2013年中国典型资源型城市的面板数据,在考虑潜在内生性的条件下,使用动态面板系统广义矩估计方法,开展"资源诅咒"假说的再检验,进一步讨论资源型城市的人力资本能否有效缓解"资源诅咒"。结果表明:中国资源型城市普遍存在"资源诅咒"现象;人力资本对经济增长的正向作用虽在一定程度上可以弥补资源产业依赖对增长的负向作用,但却不能明显抑制"资源诅咒";资源型城市普遍存在资源产业依赖对人力资本投资的"挤出"。  相似文献   

辽中地区矿业城市是我国重要的能源生产和重工业基地,研究其生态承载力状况并预测其发展趋势,有利于区域经济、生态协调发展。基于资源保障率、环境承载力和社会经济增长相统一的原则,运用系统动力学方法建立了辽中地区矿业城市生态承载力评价模型,评价了1997-2006年研究区生态承载力状况,预测了2006-2020年研究区生态承载力变化趋势。结果表明:1997-2006年,辽中地区矿业城市生态承载力总体处于超载状态,但发展趋势差别显著。鞍山生态承载力指数从1.686下降到1.301,年均下降2.56%,但仍处于超载状态;抚顺生态承载力指数从1.169下降到0.909,年均下降2.49%,生态承载力从超载变为盈余;本溪生态承载力指数从1.070上升到1.249,年均上升1.56%,超载程度不断加大。2006-2020年,辽中地区矿业城市生态承载力总体上处于超载程度加大的趋势,鞍山、抚顺和本溪生态承载力指数年均增长率分别达到0.89%、1.56%和1.81%。作为矿业城市,鞍山、抚顺和本溪需要优先保障水资源和能源的供需平衡,改善水环境质量,从而达到生态承载力的提高。  相似文献   

成长型资源城市产业转型事关国家能源安全保障、国计民生和区域绿色发展,尤其在“双碳”目标下,亟需统筹推进产业转型升级、能源结构优化和接续产业发展。采用产业经济学和地理学相关方法,以陕西省榆林市县域为例,分析了其转型能力时空演变特征,确定了榆林市产业转型方向和具体优化路径。研究结果表明:① 2008—2018年榆林市县域产业转型能力呈北高南低的空间特征,要素投入的使用效率和技术利用程度是产业转型能力提升的关键。② 县域产业转型方向应依据产业转型能力和地域资源优势,合理选择主导产业,如北六县(市、区)为能源化工产业、装备制造业、新兴产业、物流业,南六县为特色农业及农副产品加工业、旅游业、盐化工产业。③ 资源型城市产业转型更适宜以绿色发展理念为指导,多种产业协调发展的复合路径。  相似文献   

钟巍  熊黑钢 《中国沙漠》1999,19(4):343-347
策勒绿洲沉积地层及地球化学元素的研究表明,虽然近4 ka B.P.来本地区气候环境的干旱状况持续未变,但期间仍有若干次相对湿润与干旱化加剧时期的波动。结合年代学的研究,以约2 000 aB.P.为界,其以前气候以相对湿润为主,而此以后,则以持续干旱为主要特征,且揭示出4 次具有突变性质的气候转干时期,即自约1 500a B.P.开始,类似本地区现今气候环境特征已经出现,自约1 200 a B.P.至1 000 a B.P.、1 000 a B.P.至630 aB.P.期间和200 a B.P.以后,策勒地区沙漠化进程急剧加强。本研究揭示了4 ka B.P.来本地区持续干旱化的特征,并有后期加剧的趋势,而上述气候的转干事件与塔里木盆地古城废弃事件之间具有良好的吻合关系,表明气候环境的自然演化是影响人地关系的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

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