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Manufacturing employment has steadily declined in the Charlotte metropolitan area, with significant losses occurring in textiles, apparel, and related industries. Production activity remains widespread in the region, however, both in terms of the number of manufacturers and workers and the wide range of industries in which they are involved. Evidence from a survey of manufacturers within the Charlotte region indicates that a number of firms continue to succeed despite various competitive issues on the local and national scales. This article examines these challenges, their implications, and the strategies used to address these issues. Overall, manufacturers across the region are in a period of rapid change.  相似文献   

Interpretation of seismic reflection data have led to a new model of the development of the Queen Charlotte Basin. New multi-channel data collected in 1988 and an extensive network of unpublished older single- and multi-channel profiles from industry image a complex network of sub-basins. Structural styles vary along the axis of the basin from broadly spaced mainly N-trending sub-basins in Queen Charlotte Sound, to closely spaced NW-trending sub-basins in Hecate Strait, to an E-W en echelon belt of sub-basins in Dixon Entrance. Transtensional tectonics dominated in the Miocene and transpression dominated in the Pliocene except in Queen Charlotte Sound. The data we present prove that the origin of the basin is extensional and its most recent deformation is compressive. Evidence for the strike-slip origin of tectonism includes along-axis variations in structures, simultaneous extension and compression in adjacent sub-basins, lack of correlations across faults, and mixed normal and reverse faults within structures. We infer that the Pacific-North America plate boundary has been west of the Queen Charlotte Islands since the Miocene when relative plate motions have been dominantly strike-slip. The formation and development of the Queen Charlotte Basin is the result of distributed shear; by which a small percentage of the plate motion has been taken up in a network of faults across the continental margin. As this region of crust deforms it interacts with neighbouring rigid crust resulting in extension dominating in the south of the basin and compression in the north. Continental crust adjacent to some transform plate boundaries can be sheared over a wide region; the network of basins in southwestern California is a good analogue for the Queen Charlotte Basin.  相似文献   

根据880家国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业地理位置、主营业务等资料,利用相关分析、生态分布格局理论等方法,分析了龙头企业在宏观、微观地域及分行业空间布局特征。结果表明:①龙头企业以东部地区聚集为主,西部地区比重有一定提高,东部地区比重有波动;农业发展规模、经济发展水平较高省份聚集企业多,一省农产品丰富度与其龙头企业数相关性亦很显著;②龙头企业在各省内分布聚集程度不一,总体都以聚集为主,尤其以省会城市或中心城市聚集居多。但河北、浙江省内呈均匀分布;③在县级区域,存在一些龙头企业聚集县、专业化县,东部地区聚集县多,中部地区专业化程度高,西部地区特色产业聚集;④划定的17类龙头企业行业,聚集程度大体可分为四类,但总体上对原料依赖行业聚集程度高,对市场依赖行业聚集程度低。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):139-141

The American South is a region of endless paradoxes. While today the South's economic expansion is attracting in-migrants by the tens of thousands, many of its residents continue to live in grinding poverty. Though its history includes periods of substantial racial injustice and violence, today more African Americans are moving to the South than any other region of the United States. The region where “cotton was king” now includes many dynamic, prosperous, and rapidly expanding metropolitan areas (e.g., Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas). But in the shadows of these cities reside rural populations who have experienced only limited improvement in the size of their paychecks, the quality of the education provided to their children, and the substance of their interaction with the rest of the nation and world.  相似文献   

京津冀地区制造业空间格局演化及其驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
京津冀地区产业转移升级、协同发展和先进制造业深度融合发展战略对制造业产业集群的空间布局提出更高要求.论文基于2000-2013年京津冀地区规模以上工业企业微观数据,运用核密度分析法和面板数据回归模型等方法,探究京津冀地区制造业空间格局演化特征及其驱动因素.结果表明:①京津冀地区全部制造业总体格局相对稳定,高值区集聚于京...  相似文献   

西安市文化产业空间分布特征   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
薛东前  刘虹  马蓓蓓 《地理科学》2011,31(7):775-780
研究文化产业的空间分布特征有利于了解本地区文化产业发展现状,对引导产业发展有重要意义。以西安市文化产业为例,通过空间点模式分析,利用L函数得出西安市十个区域文化产业的集中指数,结合西安市文化产业发展现状将研究区域分为:核心区、潜力发展区和分散区。通过地理集中度分析和核密度图,得出结论:①现阶段西安市文化产业的空间分布整体上是南密北疏的格局,并呈现以内城为中心的集中态势,集中模式以自下而上型为主,各区域的集中呈现不平衡状态;②影响各区域产业分布的因素包括:资源禀赋,区域职能,相关及支持性机构,政府政策;③产业空间分布的研究对文化产业的发展有重要影响;④西安市文化产业分布具有动态变化性特征。  相似文献   

In the context of Charlotte, North Carolina's, emergence as a “globalizing” pre‐emergent immigrant gateway, this paper focuses on a complex and multiscalar set of governmental policies and community‐development dynamics that are shaping localized response to Hispanic/Latino immigration. Specifically, we explore how these policies and dynamics play out spatially in the context of two Charlotte neighborhoods, both of which have similar historical roots and have become magnets for Latino settlement, yet display divergent contemporary place‐making paths. Our exploration reveals the ways in which contexts of receptivity and spaces of both exclusion and inclusion are created by the socio‐spatial components of public policy and the localized response to that policy at the intraurban level. Reinforcing the importance of space and place in the construction of receptivity contexts, the compared stories of Eastside and South Charlotte reveal that neighborhoods are never the product of one transformational force but of many—no matter how they may be perceived in the public imaginary.  相似文献   

中国华南沿海地区地处海上丝绸之路的必经之地,其周边港口的航运网络及其临港产业的建设对推进跨区域的社会文化活动和经济合作具有重要意义。通过对比分析海南洋浦港与中国华南地区9个典型港口的航运网络特征及其临港区产业类型可以发现:(1)洋浦港目前的集装箱吞吐量及其市场占有率还比较少,2020年集装箱吞吐量为101.93万TEU,仅占整个华南地区10个典型港口比重的1.25%,并且仅与地区内的钦州港、新加坡港、胡志明港有较高航运频次。洋浦港在航线布局上,亟待向香港港、广州港和深圳港靠齐,提升中国在环南海区域的“近洋”布局并不断推动洲际“远洋”航线地开通;(2)洋浦港临港区域企业数量由2005年的326个增加至1461个,在区域港口中总占比由2005年0.18%提升至2015年0.47%。但各企业分布密度均较其他港区小。其中直接涉海的海运装卸业与跨境物流产业数量都较少;依存产业建设方面目前主要依托于渔业的发展,其他船舶制造业、建筑工程业也较少;与港务相关的服务业中,洋浦港提供的服务类型也较少,主要集中为零售业,缺少海运保险和海洋金融等服务业类型。因此,海南港口在高质量发展的新常态下,需要从业务“多元化”向区域“基地化”实现转型发展,即要注重与华南地区典型港口之间的相互“交流”以及港口与临港区产业经济活动之间的互动,逐步形成优势互补、分工合理、相互协作、竞争有序的沿海港口群体。  相似文献   

上海计算机产业转移及其对区域经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2008年全球金融危机之后,全球生产网络重组对中国区域经济的影响日益浮现。上海计算机制造业持续向重庆等地转移,重构了该行业全球生产网络的基本格局。利用上海市投入-产出表以及中国工业企业数据库、企业年报等,采用结构分解等方法分析上海计算机制造业产业变化,结合制造业多样性指数等指标,评估产业转移对区域经济的影响。研究发现:① 上海计算机产业被锁定在全球价值链低端的组装制造环节,2007—2012年,增加值率(增加值与总产出的比值)从7.38%下降为4.29%;劳动者报酬占增加值比例从22.06%上涨为67.97%,推动产业对外迁移。② 受上海市产业转移和国际市场低迷等因素影响,2007—2012年,上海计算机制造业总产出减少了483.9亿元。③ 制造业多样性指数较高的浦东新区受到计算机产业转移的影响较小,制造业多样性指数相对较低且计算机制造业占制造业总产值比例较高的闵行区、松江区在一定时期内仍然面临着计算机产业转移的负面影响。为了降低全球生产网络“去耦合”的冲击,提高区域经济的韧性,上海需要从全球生产网络的成熟产品生产平台转型为新产品研发创新枢纽,提高劳动生产率和产业增加值率,推动产业结构多样化。  相似文献   

县域特色产业形成和演化机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培育壮大县域特色产业是中国统筹区域城乡发展的战略重点之一, 研究县域特色产业也是区域可持续发展研究的重要内容。本文从理论视角、热点领域、研究方法3 个方面对近年来县域特色产业研究的重点进行了梳理。县域特色产业作为区域优势和产业特点的结合产物, 相关研究的理论视角基本属于人地关系地域系统的基础理论体系, 同时借鉴了生态学、系统学理论观点和分析框架, 为清晰刻画产业内外影响因子的共栖关系和互动效应提供了有效途径。从研究领域上看, 关注点从地方经济发展到全球生产网络、从传统影响因素到新因素, 与时俱进, 但是宏观研究和微观研究相互脱节现象突出, 在一定程度上影响了研究成果的实践指导意义。从研究方法上看, 相关研究正在从以定性描述和逻辑推理为主, 向定性和定量相结合的综合集成方法应用转变, 但受到数据可获取性的限制, 现象和变化趋势的驱动机制分析的技术方法亟待完善。  相似文献   

从《地理学报》看80年的中国经济地理学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小建  樊新生  罗庆 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1093-1108
《地理学报》发表的论文具有“高、精、特、实”的特点,评述《地理学报》的经济地理学论文可更加简洁地勾勒出经济地理学的整体“骨骼”。本文基于80年来《地理学报》发表的421篇经济地理论文,从论文数量、发展脉络、研究范式、面向国家需求、学科发展变化等方面梳理了中国经济地理学发展,总结了相关研究特点。论文统计表明,经济地理学研究不断发展,各学科发展很不均衡。呈现密切联系经济发展中的新问题、从经济增长研究转向可持续发展研究、从与自然关系密切的要素研究转向人文要素的研究、研究领域从注重物质生产转向非物质领域等特征。分支学科发展侧重于区域、工业和农业,但交通、商业服务业、城市等也呈增长趋势。学术思想来源多元化、研究尺度多样化、研究方法定量化。总的来看,中国经济地理学呈现出紧密服务国家需求、侧重宏观研究、侧重经济增长、侧重应用型研究的研究特点,但在微观研究、综合研究、理论凝炼方面逐步加强。  相似文献   

公维民  张志斌  高峰  李瑞红  马晓梅 《地理研究》2021,40(11):3154-3172
基于微观企业数据从关联性视角对兰州市生产性服务业与制造业空间分布特征和模式进行分析,进而探讨其区位选择因素的异同。研究表明:① 生产性服务业与制造业的空间布局均呈现出以主城区为主体、外围局部地区为补充的“中心-外围”空间格局,但生产性服务业集聚区主要集中在河谷地带的主城区,制造业集聚区则呈现出明显的郊区化趋势,二者在空间上存在关联的同时又具有一定的可分性。② 生产性服务业形成了以城市中心区和郊区国家级新区及卫星城镇为多元空间载体的“紧凑型-中心性”模式,制造业则形成了以国家级新区和产业园区为空间载体的“离散型-郊区化”模式。③ 生产性服务业与制造业企业的区位选择需在产业环境、要素禀赋以及政策导向方面进行权衡,生产性服务业企业较为关注区域整体发展氛围,制造业企业则更注重自然因素、区位历史和产业政策的影响。④ 传统型生产性服务业企业区位选择受到地方化经济、区位资源禀赋的影响最为显著,现代型和高端型生产性服务业企业则更容易受到政策的导引从而形成空间集聚;劳动密集型制造业企业主要依附在劳动力资源较为丰富且交通便利的地区,资本密集型制造业企业倾向于具有产业政策优势及土地成本优势的开发区和新区布局,技术密集型制造业企业受成本要素的制约较小且更加注重集聚经济的外部效用。  相似文献   

Fashioning furniture: restructuring the furniture commodity chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper explores intersections between the fashion and furniture industries as manifest across magazine, retail and manufacturing spaces. We argue that the temporality and spatiality of furniture have begun to shift. As a result, furniture retailers and manufacturers in Canada and the UK have been required to restructure their methods of operating.  相似文献   

基于宏观统计数据的传统产业集聚研究方法多以行政区划为空间统计单位,难以体现产业的空间连续性。数据开放平台上企业数据集的出现,使得基于微观层面的产业集聚研究成为可能。本文收集了2008-2014年珠三角地区制造业企业工商登记数据,采用基于距离的指数体系及核密度分析等方法,对2008年珠三角制造业集聚特征及2008-2014年基于增量的制造业聚集演变进行了分析,主要结论为:①珠三角区域制造业沿西北—东南向集中分布于深圳、佛山、广州、东莞、中山5市,周边各市制造业密度相对较低;②集聚程度与行业属性密切相关,技术密集型行业集聚程度最高,资本密集型行业分散程度最高,劳动密集型制造业呈现微弱集聚水平,而资源密集型行业无明显集聚或呈分散特征;③2008-2014年新增企业数量呈逐年上升趋势,不同城市变化趋势差异较大,其中深圳市新增制造业企业逐年减少,东莞、中山等市新增制造业企业上升趋势明显,其余各市维持平稳或缓慢增长。新增制造业企业重心存在从深圳逐渐向东莞、中山等市转移的现象。新增制造业企业中,技术密集型制造业企业数量占比有所降低,而劳动密集型制造业企业数量有所上升,集聚指数亦表现出相同趋势,表明技术密集型制造业和劳动密集型制造业正在发生结构和空间演变。  相似文献   

大渡河上游不同地带居民对环境退化的响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
青藏高原的环境退化引起了极大的关注,但农牧民如何认识和响应环境退化,还缺乏实证研究.采用参与性农村评估法,对大渡河上游不同地带典型村(位于河谷区的丹扎木村、中山区的克尔马村和山原区的日科村)的农牧民进行调查和对比分析.研究表明:①大渡河上游不同地带的居民对环境退化具有不同的响应过程.河谷区通过劳动力向二、三产业转移,缓解了人口压力,采取积极的措施来应对自然灾害和森林退化;中山区以劳动力向二、三产业转移和发展畜牧业来缓解人口压力,没有采取积极的措施应对环境退化:山原区的劳动力不能转移到二、三产业,只能通过增加牲畜数量来解决生计,牧民仅采取一些积极的措施来应对草料不足的问题和雪灾等自然灾害.在大渡河上游,最脆弱的区域是中山区和山原区,而不是人口压力大的河谷区.②生计方式是影响居民响应人口压力和环境退化的关键因素.基于居民的生计方式来解释和解决生态脆弱区的人口压力和环境退化问题,将是一个新的方向.③劳动力向二、三产业转移有利于居民改善生计.降低教育收费和进行基础设施建设,将加快劳动力向二、三产业转移.  相似文献   

This paper examines 50-year spatio-temporal trajectories of neighborhoods (Census Tracts) for four cities discerned by their population growth trends and spatial patterns of growth: Buffalo, New York; Charlotte, North Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; and Portland, Oregon. Using five decades of Census data from 1970 to 2010, a clustering procedure is used to establish five classes of neighborhoods: Suburban, Stability, Blue Collar, Struggling, and New Starts. The transitions and sequences of neighborhoods through these groups are compared, revealing marked differences in the dynamics of neighborhoods according by city. Findings show that while Struggling neighborhoods, characterized largely by high poverty and unemployment levels, were very unlikely to transition out of this group over the course of 50 years in the cities of Buffalo, Charlotte, and Chicago, nearly half Portland's struggling neighborhoods transitioned to a neighborhood of higher socioeconomic status during that time period. The types of neighborhoods that exhibited signs of gentrification also varied according to city. The variability of neighborhood trajectories was greatest for the rapidly growing cities of Charlotte and Portland while neighborhoods in Buffalo and Chicago tended to follow a more predicable downgrading process.  相似文献   

中国区域发展和产业布局正迈向“以内循环为主体、内外循环相互促进”的新发展格局,而城市群肩负着内循环增长极、辐射源和双循环战略支点的双重使命。现有研究对核心城市群高科技产业带动内循环的空间格局及其政策启示的关注尚显薄弱。论文以改革开放以来深度融入外循环的粤港澳大湾区为例,刻画并对比其战略性支柱产业(电子信息、汽车、家电)和战略性新兴产业(生物科技、智能机器人、新材料)在区域内部和外部(带动粤东西北、泛珠三角、全国)的多尺度空间联系,总结推进以内循环为主体构建新发展格局的政策启示。研究发现:① 粤港澳大湾区高科技产业多尺度空间联系以经济发达地区之间为主,区域内形成以广深港科技创新走廊为主轴向周边辐射,国内形成以粤港澳大湾区、长三角、京津冀和成渝4大国家级城市群为菱形结构顶点、中西部省会城市为重要节点的空间格局;② 战略性支柱产业相比战略性新兴产业形成了更加稳固的菱形结构顶点支撑和城市区域化溢出及区域间联动进程,辐射带动的地理范围更广,在粤港澳大湾区内外的产业功能分工也更加完善;③ 建议以菱形结构作为内循环的基础空间架构,构建城市、区域、国家多尺度空间相互联动、经济发达地区和欠发达地区优势互补的多尺度嵌套和梯度循环并存的内循环空间格局。  相似文献   

1998-2009 年珠江三角洲制造业空间转移特征及其机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1998 年以来,随着珠江三角洲经济发展,空间不足、劳动力成本和土地价格上升等问题逐渐凸显,对珠三角制造业的发展带来巨大的冲击.制造业空间转移成为珠三角面临的重大问题.本文采用企业数据和定量研究方法系统研究珠三角内部制造业空间转移的产业及空间特征,研究发现:1998-2009 年珠三角制造业整体呈现先分散后集聚的“U”型发展趋势,但集聚水平普遍偏低,且不同类型的产业集聚特征差异显著.珠三角制造业地区专业化与产业集聚的变化趋势十分吻合;地区间结构差异缓慢提升.基于产业—区域交互模型对产业转移机制的实证结果表明:珠三角制造业呈现出向交通成本低、工资水平低、环境管制宽松、土地成本较低地区转移的趋势;地区制造业同构推动珠三角制造业空间转移;珠三角制造业呈现出显著的集聚规模经济,产业向运输成本较低的地区转移,前后向联系紧密的产业向市场潜力大的城市转移的趋势;当考虑产业异质性和空间异质性时,不同要素密集度的产业转移方向不明确.  相似文献   

为探讨京津冀地区工业CO2排放测度及其影响因素,基于2005—2016年数据对北京、天津、河北和京津冀地区工业能耗CO2排放的时间变化趋势进行了对比分析,运用地理探测器技术分析能源结构、能耗强度、固定资产投资、轻重工业比值和规模以上工业平均用工人数对京津冀地区工业能耗CO2排放量的影响作用大小。结果表明:①研究期内京津冀工业碳排放强度均为递减趋势。其中,河北最大,天津次之,北京最小;人均碳排放北京呈递减之势,天津和河北在波动中上升。②京津冀工业煤炭类CO2排放占总排放量的主导地位是由河北省以煤炭为主的能源结构决定的。③能源结构对京津冀、天津和河北的CO2排放影响最大,其次是轻重工业比值;北京市规模以上工业从业人数对CO2排放的影响最大,其次是固定资产投资。  相似文献   

Environmental degeneration in the Tibetan Plateau attracts worldwide attention, whereas case studies on how the residents understand and respond to environmental degeneration are scarce. Using a Participatory Rural Appraisal method, this paper investigates how the people in different regions in the upper Dadu River understand and respond to environmental degeneration, based on comparative field surveys in three villages, in which Danzamu village is chosen from villages in the valley region, Kerma village from mountainside region, Rico village from the mountain and plateau region. The results show that: (1) although awakened to environmental degeneration, the residents in different regions have different responses. As agricultural labors have been transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, population pressure in Danzamu and Kerma villages is mitigated. Residents in Danzamu village actively respond to natural disasters and forest degradation, as their livelihoods never rely on forests and rangelands again. Whereas the residents in Kema village negatively respond to natural disasters, forest and meadow degradation and the ruin of wildlife resources, as their livelihoods still rely on stockbreeding. Labors in Rico village are hard to transfer to the secondary and tertiary industries, so they have to raise more livestock to make a living. Active measures are just taken to avoid livestock loss, not to avoid forest and meadow degradation and the ruin of wildlife resources. So the most fragile region is the mountain and plateau region and mountainside region, not the valley region. (2) Livelihood strategy is the key factor affecting the residents to respond to population pressure and environmental degeneration. So the framework of sustainable livelihood strategy should be used to explain and intervene in issues of population pressure and environmental degradation in ecotones. (3) Transferring agricultural labors to the secondary and tertiary industries were favorable to improving people’s livelihood. It is necessary to reduce the education fees to speed up the pace of labors transferring in the mountainside region. In the mountain and plateau region, preferable ways also include the development of towns, highways, education equipment and other establishments. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40471009; No.30270256; National Basic Research Program of China, No.2002CB412500; No.2005CB422006; Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS, No.KZCX3-SW-339 Author: Yan Jianzhong, Ph.D., specialized in LUCC, global change and regional responses.  相似文献   

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