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世界遗产预备项目“丝绸之路-海路-中国段”研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阙维民 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1678-1688
中国海上丝绸之路申遗于2016年正式启动,迄今尚无有关中国海上丝绸之路申遗专题的综合研究成果。首先建议申遗项目的中英文名称:丝绸之路-海路-中国段(Silk Road-Maritime Route in China),然后探讨“丝绸之路”申遗的国际背景(除1项“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道路网”系列跨国世界遗产外,另有8国递交9项“丝绸之路”预备项目)与“丝绸之路-海路-中国”项目的申报意义(主动性、创新性、唯一性、均衡性、政治性、世界性)。并就申报项目的遗产内容提出具体建议:遗产地从31处扩展至141处,遗产类型在文物遗产的基础上增加了聚落遗产(历史文化名镇、名村、街区)。最后提出在UNESCO世界遗产委员会建立“丝绸之路-海路”申遗专项基金。  相似文献   

将位于城市中的联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名单在Google地图上完整体现,全样本统计、分析城市中的世界文化遗产的时空分布特征,试图揭示世界文化遗产与人类文明(尤其是城市文明)发展历程之间的相互关系。实证结果显示:1)被认定的世界文化遗产总数832项,其中417项与人类城市文明发展相关联,多数为城市的历史城区建筑景观;2)从空间上看,反映欧美地区城市文明的世界文化遗产最多,非洲地区最少,这与经济发展水平和城市文明发达程度相关;3)结合时间维度,古代(3500 B.C.―A.D.500)城市中的世界文化遗产主要分布在耕种农业发达的沿河地区以及宗教类遗址所在地;中世纪(A.D.500―A.D.1500)遗产数量的变化见证了中世纪城市文明由初期的式微走向后期复兴活跃的过程,亚洲等区域宫殿类、古典园林类、坛庙等多种类型遗产的出现说明了文明在欧洲之外地区的生长;16世纪至今遗产的数量最多,遗产类型更为丰富,出现殖民城市遗产、军事要塞类遗产、工业遗产以及线性文化遗产,展示了殖民扩张、工业发展过程,以及以线性的方式体现城市历史的动态发展和功能演变;4)从世界文化遗产与城市文明的关系来看,城市中的世界文化遗产反映了人类解决城市问题的智慧,展现了特殊城市深厚的人文艺术底蕴,同时宏观上世界文化遗产基本覆盖了全球人类城市文明的历史进程以及不同区域的人类文明,体现了不同地域的典型特色、文化多样性与发展的延续性。总的来说,在全球化以及我国“一带一路”发展战略的背景下,城市中的世界文化遗产是城市文明的重要载体,未来研究亟需利用更广阔、更多元的视角探讨跨地域、跨国界下的文化遗产保护和发展。  相似文献   

To be considered for listing as a World Heritage site, properties must meet the conditions of “integrity” and/or “authenticity” and be of “outstanding universal value.” Identifying and maintaining authenticity and integrity at cultural heritage sites are challenging goals, however. The concepts are difficult to define and are open to different interpretations in different cultural settings. Additionally, the diversity of sites and wide variety of influences on them require individualized approaches to preservation in many cases. Nonetheless, authenticity and integrity are useful guiding concepts in striving for a systematic approach to preservation in diverse contexts. In this article we discuss preservation approaches that are appropriate at a range of sites, paying particular attention to the tensions that arise when balancing the need to maintain authenticity and integrity with the needs of the people who live in or visit these sites.  相似文献   

世界遗产缺乏对乡村类型遗产的划分导致对此类遗产特征与综合价值的把握不甚明确。乡村是由其所在地的自然基底要素、硬质要素和软质要素共同作用形成的综合体,记录了乡村人类活动的历史,表达了特定乡村地域的独特精神。文章筛选了28处独立且仍有人类活动的乡村世界遗产,通过梳理文献资料归纳了不同地域的乡村世界遗产特征,并且总结了乡村规划布局、文化艺术、杰出建筑和土地利用4大核心价值。进而指出,我国的乡村世界遗产申遗工作起步较晚,且地域局限、类型单一,未来乡村世界遗产申报可尝试从其他遗产亚类或者双遗产角度开展,发掘乡村地域的自然生态环境、手工业生产方式等价值,丰富我国乡村世界遗产类型和价值。并且,我国在城镇化进程中应当格外注重对乡村世界遗产的保护。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the implications of the status of World Natural Heritage Sites, the position of the Russian state on the issues related to observance of the provisions of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and the authorities-civil society relationships on these problems. An analysis is made of the possibilities of effectively using the world heritage institute in Russia in the interests of preserving world values. A number of legal and organizational measures for their conservation are suggested.  相似文献   

近年来,世界各地对世界遗产地旅游资源的开发步伐不断加快,随之而来的出现了很多问题,而其中如何持续有效的经营与管理世界遗产资源已成为亟待解决的首要问题。在对有关世界遗产地管理模式文献梳理的基础上,分析了中国现有世界遗产地管理模式以及存在的一些问题。针对这些存在的问题,笔者以绿色管理为基础对世界遗产地旅游管理模式进行了重构,并且列举了绿色管理在世界遗产地旅游管理模式中的作用,进而凸显绿色管理在世界遗产地管理中的重要性。  相似文献   

中国荔波锥状喀斯特世界自然遗产价值全球对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈品冬  熊康宁  肖时珍 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1517-1527
研究世界自然遗产地价值,对遗产地本身以及其他类似区域的可持续发展有重要意义。基于系统论思想,将"中国南方喀斯特"第一批三处遗产地中的荔波锥状喀斯特置于全球视角,选取相似的、具有代表性的区域,结合世界遗产第八条有关地质地貌特征与演化历史等方面的评价标准,进行全球对比分析,揭示其全球显著价值。研究表明:荔波锥状喀斯特具有更为独特的演化环境与更为复杂的地质演化过程;更有典型的锥状喀斯特单体形态与较为齐全的地貌组合类型,更有罕见的锥状喀斯特森林生态系统和生命记录。荔波锥状喀斯特是反映地球热带-亚热带锥状喀斯特演化历史主要阶段的典型范例,极具代表中国南方喀斯特的世界遗产价值。  相似文献   

Tourism is often considered as one of the dynamic conservation and adaptive management approaches in Agricultural Heritage Sites. It has been over 15 years since the GIAHS programme was initiated in China, and tourism developed quickly in the Agricultural Heritage Sites, to some extent because many researchers consider tourism as a significant engine of the local economy. However, this is contrary to the original intention of agricultural heritage tourism as it was proposed in the first place. Apparently, there are some overt problems during the tourism development process, which are mainly as follows: Some threats to Agricultural Heritage Systems are ubiquitous; The tourism development mode in Agricultural Heritage Sites is questionable; Community involvement is difficult to implement; And the negative environmental impacts are easy to overlook. Under the context of global development, the UNWTO sustainable tourism criteria provide some guidance for agricultural heritage tourism. Based on the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, combined with previous survey experiences and related researches, this paper analyzes the tourism sustainability of all the 15 GIAHS sites in China, and explores the current sustainable tourism development level. On this basis, an agricultural heritage sustainable tourism development framework was built in an attempt to find the road to sustainability for agricultural heritage tourism. The framework in the global and local contexts is trying to connect all the important elements related to agricultural heritage tourism according to the UNWTO sustainable tourism criteria.  相似文献   

世界遗产视野下的矿业遗产研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对世界遗产名录中矿业遗产的考察是认识该遗产类型、了解国际动向的有效途径。对ICOMOS颁布的《世界遗产中工业和技术遗产项目》名单进行分析,结合世界遗产委员会的项目评语,确定了24项世界矿业遗产。对这些项目研究表明:在登录标准上,世界矿业遗产主要通过文化遗产第ii项、第iii项和第iv项标准入选;在隶属区域上,欧洲北美地...  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the documents on the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources within the Lake Baikal drainage basin. An analysis is made of the results of the environmental activity during the period of planned economy and post-perestroika. In the reform years, Baikal was included on the List of the World Natural Heritage Sites, the Federal Law “On the protection of Lake Baikal” was adopted as well as three federal target programs of the protection of the lake and socioeconomic development of the Baikal natural territory. Due to funding shortages, however, they are hardly implemented. The latest legal acts substantially restrict the rights of local residents to land privatization, the development of the social infrastructure, and to use natural resources. Furthermore, in spite of a large number of federal nature conservation directives, closure of many enterprises and reductions in emissions, the ecological situation on Lake Baikal is not improving. Among the problems is the negative attitude of local residents toward the restriction of their constitutional rights to property and economic activity. In addition, all ecological legislative acts are adopted without any public discussion and funding of environmental protection expenditures is not a priority. An improvement of the ecological situation on Baikal is possible only through a further development of the region’s environmentally safe economy and by raising the living standards of the local population on the principles of sustainable development with due regard for the interests of future generations.  相似文献   

中国世界遗产地保护与旅游需求关系   总被引:54,自引:5,他引:54  
针对目前我国世界遗产地在保护和旅游开发中的矛盾 ,从人口压力、遗产地的空间结构、区域产业结构调整压力、潜在市场需求以及世界遗产地保护的资金需求角度 ,运用空间结构、计量地理学理论以及地理信息系统、问卷调查等技术手段 ,证实中国世界遗产地面临着旅游开发的巨大需求 ,进而论证了在我国对世界遗产地加强保护的必要性  相似文献   

庄晓平  尹书华  朱竑 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1571-1585
中国古村落是一个相对稳定和封闭的微社会,但当古村落作为世界文化遗产地得到旅游开发后,新的经济方式的介入以及大量游客的进入,对古村落村民的思想、生活等产生了重大冲击。研究发现,世界文化遗产地开平碉楼群随着旅游开发程度的不同,所在地村民呈现出公民性的差异。研究借助所建构的“公民性”指标,在证明旅游作为3个已开发古村落的主要经济驱动力的情况下,指出旅游开发越充分的古村落,村民的公民性越强。从而揭示出旅游作为一种改变古村落经济模式的主要驱动力,在中国3个地理位置毗邻、治理模式一致、风土民情相似的古村落中,因其发展带来了“公民性”普世伦理的出现。该研究回答了“公民性”这一普世的人类文明标尺在中国传统社会中产生的过程和机制,研究价值层面或对中国尚显薄弱的道德地理学的发展具有一定裨益。  相似文献   

世界遗产中古城研究方法与内容初探   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陶伟  田银生  吴霞 《地理研究》2002,21(2):210-218
世界遗产是全人类共同继承的文化及自然遗产 ,体现了地球上文化、自然遗产的丰富性、多样性和珍贵性。列入世界遗产名录中的古城则凝聚了人类文明史中最辉煌一页的精华。非凡的历史、艺术和科学价值使它们成为城市研究的活化石。截止 2 0 0 0年 1月 ,在联合国教科文组织公布的《世界遗产名录》中 ,古城已达 94座 ,约占世界遗产总项目的 1/ 7,并分布在世界四大洲 5 6个国家内。本文在分析了这些古城的研究意义之后 ,探讨性地建立了一套研究体系 ,提出了具体的研究方法和主要的研究内容 ,并进一步以世界文化遗产之一———中国的丽江古城为例进行了剖析。  相似文献   

濒危世界遗产的空间分布与时间演变特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍濒危世界遗产概况及其空间分布特征和时间演变特征。研究发现:洲际濒危世界遗产的数量分布与其经济发展水平呈负相关,非洲的濒危世界遗产数量最多,且濒危率最大;濒危世界文化遗产主要集中在亚洲,濒危世界自然遗产主要分布在非洲。从纬向分布看,濒危世界遗产主要集中在低纬度地区和北半球中纬度地区;1978年以来濒危世界遗产的演变大致分为缓慢增长(1978-1991年)、快速增长(1992-2004年)、起伏调整(2005年至今)3个阶段。《濒危世界遗产名录》的类型结构相对平衡,世界文化遗产的濒危率(2.4%)数值较小且较稳定,世界自然遗产濒危率(6.9%)数值较大且波动较为明显。欧洲、北美洲、南美洲濒危世界遗产数量增减较小,而亚、非两大洲数量波动较大,也是20世纪90年代以来全球濒危世界遗产数量波动的主要原因。  相似文献   

In 1975 E. H. Rapoport described a pattern of increasing latitudinal range sizes for organisms with increasing latitude, a pattern that is now known as Rapoport's rule. The universal applicability of Rapoport's rule has been long contested, making it one of the more controversial biogeographic “rules.” This study aims to reassess the applicability of Rapoport's rule to U.S. tree species. Data presented here suggest that Rapoport's rule does indeed apply to most tree taxa within the United States, but may be taxon specific. In addition, data presented here suggest that tree range patterns consistent with Rapoport's rule in the United States are not restricted to high latitudes and are not the result of a “boundedness effect” but may be intimately linked with the glacial history and physical geography of North America. The analyses conducted here are intended to emphasize the utility of such biogeographic rules even if they are not universally applicable and should, in turn, only be considered biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

大香格里拉地区旅游开发模式比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大香格里拉地区指青藏高原东南部横断山区的主体部分,行政上包括藏东南、滇西北、川西南。这里是世界 上少有的生物多样性和文化多样性中心之一,含有特别丰富的旅游资源。根据实地调查和分析,本文将大香格里拉 地区现存的开发模式归纳成三类:明永模式、海螺沟模式和玉龙雪山模式,并对其进行了具体分析。认为明永模式 比较成功,有利于自然保护和增加当地居民收入;几个模式普遍存在的问题包括:大部分都过分追求经济效益;景 区管理存在严重的体制问题,特别是行政权、经营权、所有权三权混淆;国家所有权受到条块的多元分割,国家作为 国有资源所有者代表的地位模糊。同时建议国家人大常委会加强对世界遗产、国家自然保护区、国家地质公园、国 家级风景名胜区等这一类遗产类景区的立法工作,并建立严格监督和管理体系,禁止采取企业化经营模式;尊重和 发挥传统的民族宗教信仰和禁忌在保护自然中的作用;积极鼓励社区居民参与保护和监督;扶持和培育环境NGO, 提高民众的生态和环境保护意识,促进大香格里拉地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

尹国蔚 《热带地理》2011,31(6):645-648
世界遗产的内容与人文地理学的研究范畴极为相似.从类型上看,世界文化遗产、双重遗产与文化景观,以及人类非物质文化遗产代表作都包含不同成分的人文要素在内;世界遗产内容的构成与人文地理教科书的结构相似,二者的研究对象互相包容,教学宗旨同一.作为最佳例证,世界遗产应该在历史地理、文化地理、旅游地理及人地关系等人文地理各分支学科...  相似文献   

Cultural tourism routes can reveal and protect cultural tourism heritage by means of cultural tourism in the “time category” and the “space category”. The construction of an evaluation system for cultural tourism routes and the evaluation, scoring and grading of existing and potential cultural tourism routes are the key to the protection of heritage, history and culture along these routes, and the key to encouraging the standardization, branding and sustainable development of various formats on the routes. Yunnan cultural tourism routes are diverse and rich in resources, and their developmental foundation is good. However, the tourism development and cultural development activities occur along separate lines and there is a lack of unified management. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on information collection, information analysis, problem diagnosis and improvement of status in the local practices of Yunnan cultural tourism routes, and to guide the sustainable development of Yunnan cultural tourism routes. Based on the advanced experience of COE (Council of Europe), UNESCO WHC (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Heritage Committee) and ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites), this paper comprehensively analyzes the decisive criteria for line evaluation by interpreting and summarizing the connotations of cultural tourism routes, and determines that the evaluation of cultural tourism routes should include lines. Five aspects―the theme, the participating subject, the object itself, related activities and multi-party value―are used to construct a five-component model. At the same time, based on the consumer utility function, a complete route evaluation and hierarchical system is constructed. Then, taking the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route as an example and using the expert scoring method and the analytic hierarchy process, the actual scores and grades of the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route are determined, and countermeasures and suggestions for its sustainable development are proposed. The paper also verifies the applicability and practicability of the evaluation system, and promotes and improves the feedback evaluation system. The aim is to at promote and widely apply the evaluation system of cultural tourism routes, realizing the transformation from individual cases to joint cases, and promoting the standardization and sustainable development of cultural tourism routes.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Queensland, Australia, is one of the most recognisable coral reefs in the world. In 1981 the reef was listed on the World Heritage List, to be preserved as an environmental asset of global significance for all people in perpetuity. The GBR is also a landmark Marine Protected Area (MPA) under the World Heritage Marine Programme. Yet management of this iconic property is not without controversy and in recent years a number of impacts, including coastal developments, increased shipping traffic and global warming, have all threatened the reef. Any breach of Australia's World Heritage obligation to protect and conserve the property may yet result in the GBR being placed on the World Heritage List in Danger. In light of the persistent controversy surrounding GBR management, this paper gives voice to the perspectives and values of stakeholders located in and around one site of controversy, Gladstone Harbour, in the southern section of the GBR World Heritage Area. We present the views of users directly exposed to the controversial port expansion development at Gladstone Harbour in the southern GBR to shed light on the importance of community perspectives in marine park management. Our findings show that local views act to reinforce the global environmental protection narrative which underpins the World Heritage (WH) system. In this study local and global values collide and, we argue, that overlooking the perspectives of users has potential deleterious consequences for WH marine site management.  相似文献   

Agri-cultural Heritage Systems (AHS) have not only various values but also important enlightening roles for modern agriculture. With agro-scientific and technological progress, the traditional agriculture that has lasted for thousands of years is declining gradually, thus is attached the importance of exploring and protecting our AHS. As a traditional agricultural system for 1300 years, the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (HHRTS) has many significant characteristics such as beautiful landscapes, distinctive rice varieties, ecologically clean agricultural production systems, systematic methods of managing water and soil and special ethnic culture. It was designated successively as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) in 2010 and as a World Heritage (WH) in 2013. In this paper, taking HHRTS as an example, we analyzed the economic, ecological, aesthetic, cultural, and social values, as well as the research values, of the GIAHS. We conclude that the restrictions on increasing peasant earnings and improving their living standards are difficult with the low efficiency of traditional planting patterns and the single-industry structure of farming in rugged terrain. However, these restrictive factors are beneficial for developing some industries like green agriculture, organic agriculture or ecological food production because of the clean farmland environment. In the end, we propose the basic approaches to protect the Hani terraces agriculture system should include the local governments to encourage the development of ecotourism, organic agriculture and featuring agriculture by multi-mode economic compensation. It is very important for protecting terraces to coordinate benefits among corporations, governments and villagers by making reasonable policies of compensation.  相似文献   

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