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Recovery in soil properties and processes after sand burial in the Tengger Desert, northern China, was documented at five different-aged revegetated sites (1956, 1964, 1973, 1982, and 1991) and at a reference site with native vegetation, which had never been damaged by sand burial and was enclosed for grazing. The proportions of silt and clay, depth of topsoil and biological soil crusts, and concentrations of soil organic C, K, total N and total P increased with years since revegetation. Most characteristics of topsoil (0–5 cm) characteristics had recovered to 60% of those measured at the reference site by 50 years after sand-binding vegetation had been established. Exceptions were electrical conductivity and contents of sand, silt, CaCO3 and organic C, which recovered to 20–40% of the values at the reference site. The difference in annual recovery rates of soil properties between the two most recently revegetated sites (0–14 years) was greater than the difference between the two oldest revegetated sites (43–50 years). Best-fit asymptote models showed that the estimated times for the soil properties in the 50-year-old site to reach the same levels as in the reference site (i.e. an undisturbed, native steppified desert ecosystem) would be between 23 and 245 years, but for some properties even maximum recovery after > 50 years still fell significantly short of the level at the reference site. These results suggest that soil recovery is a slow process in an extremely arid desert environment, and therefore the conservation of soil habitat is a crucial issue for land managers.  相似文献   

我国温带荒漠生物土壤结皮孔隙结构分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对原状生物土壤结皮孔隙结构、孔隙率及其垂直连通性进行室内微观扫描与计算机断层摄影成像分析。结果表明,生物土壤结皮团聚体特征明显,其孔隙率的增大主要是由大孔隙数量的增加而形成,同时,土壤孔隙连通性也随大孔隙数量的增加而增大,生物土壤结皮的发育导致表层土壤具有明显的极其复杂的土壤结构演化特征。  相似文献   

2010年8月,选择腾格里沙漠东南缘1964年、1981年和1990年建立的人工固沙区为对象,以流动沙丘和邻近的天然植被区为对照,利用根钻取样法研究了不同年代固沙植被区根系的3.0 m剖面的分布特征。结果表明:单位土地面积上<1 mm的活根、全部活根、<1 mm的死根和全部死根的重量密度和长度密度在不同样地间存在着显著差异(p<0.05);流沙、1990年、1981年、1964年固沙区和天然植被区全部活根重量密度分别为2.9±2.2、164.7±46.5、461.3±83.6、440.4±81.8 g·m-2和350.0±132.5 g·m-2,5个样地全部死根重量密度分别为4.9±2.8、58.7±16.8、390.9±57.9、492.5±252.2 g·m-2和214.4±29.9 g·m-2;根长密度也表现为相似的变化趋势。单位土壤体积的根系重量密度和长度密度随着土层加深而递减,植被区0~1.0 m土壤层活根的累积重量密度和长度密度在全部活根中的比例均超过70.0%,其中以天然植被区最大,流沙区则不超过25%;死根也表现为相似的趋势,只是比例有所降低。根鞘占全部根系生物量的比例非常不稳定,流沙区的最大,为94.3%,而1981年植被区的只有0.5%,1964年、1990年固沙区和天然植被区分别为29.9%,70.3%和58.9%。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns of pedogenesis on stabilized dunes at Shapotou, northwestern China, were studied on the time sequences of 0, 18, 35 and 43 years. The spatial pattern of soil formation was estimated by measuring the thickness of accumulated sand fractions on the stabilized dune surface and by analyzing the characteristics and properties of soil. The results showed that the environment of soil formation and circulation of soil material were influenced in the processes of shifting-sand fixation, and the mean soil particle size changed from >0.2 to <0.08 mm in 0–20 cm soil depth with the succession from cultivated plants to natural vegetation. The capacity of available soil water increased fivefold. Deep infiltration of water in soil no longer occurred due to the increase in soil water capacity and the change of redistribution of soil water in profiles. Soil microorganisms evolved from simple to complex. Interaction of these processes obviously brought about accumulation of soil fertility, evolution of soil profiles and development of the profiles towards aripsamments. The difference of micro-topography is closely related to redistribution of material and energy in soil formation.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水水化学形成特征及演化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以邓马营湖区为核心,对腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水数据进行水文地球化学特征分析,并运用PHREEQC2.0软件反向模拟沿运移路径地下水的补给机理及演化过程。结果显示:受水文地质条件制约,从山前洪积扇地下水的补给区深入腾格里沙漠过渡带再到邓马营湖区中深层地下水,水化学类型从HCO3-—Ca2+—Mg2+型过渡为Cl-—SO24-—Na+—Mg2+型再过渡到HCO3-—SO42-—Na+型。其影响因素基本包括:溶滤与蒸发浓缩作用、阳离子交换吸附作用、以及微弱的混合作用和地下水补给水源水化学成分控制。矿物饱和指数以及反向水文化学地球化学模拟的结果显示,由西南向东北沿水流方向各物质溶解沉淀情况复杂,除斜长石与方解石外,岩盐、石膏、白云石等浓缩沉淀显著,表明蒸发浓缩作用控制强烈。  相似文献   

沙坡头地区沙尘气溶胶质量浓度的试验观测研究   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
中国北方沙尘气溶胶的理化特征及其气候效应受到了广泛关注,但现有的研究大都是基于较短时段和典型事件的试验观测。本项研究利用大流量采样器和安德森采样器,对沙坡头地区沙尘气溶胶的质量浓度特征进行了长达3a的监测,获得了该地区沙尘气溶胶的年变化特征,并与背景气象资料和降尘观测结果进行了对比分析;针对典型天气过程的观测结果表明,不同天气条件(背景大气、浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴)下TSP浓度存在倍数关系和量级的差异,其质量浓度随粒径分布特征也明显不同;两种采样器观测结果的对比分析也表明,局地沙尘释放是沙坡头地区大气气溶胶的主要来源,但在沙尘暴过程中,远源沙尘输送的贡献也不容忽略。  相似文献   

Soil plays an important role in desert ecosystem, and is vital in constructing a steady desert ecosystem. The management and restoration of desertified land have been the focus of much discussion. The soil in Shapotou desert region has developed remarkably since artificial sand-binding vegetation established in 1946. The longer the period of dune stabilization, the greater the thickness of microbiotic crusts and subsoil. Meanwhile, proportion of silt and clay increased significantly, and soil bulk density declinced. The content of soil organic matter, N, P, and K similarly increased. Therefore, soil has developed from aeolian sand soil to Calcic-Orthic aridisols. This paper discusses the effects brought about by dust, microbiotic soil crust and soil microbes on soil-forming process. Then, we analyzed the relation between soil formation and sand-binding vegetation evolution, in order to provide a baseline for both research on desert ecosystem recovery and ecological environment governance in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠分别为中国面积第二、第三大流动性沙漠,对两大沙漠连接带新月形沙丘的动态监测可以揭示该地区沙丘形成演化规律,为沙漠连接带风沙地貌发育研究提供科学支撑。通过Google Earth高清历史影像对巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带的新月形沙丘带进行监测,分析了两大沙漠交界处沙丘的移动速率和形态变化。结果表明:巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带沙丘移动速率范围5.88-19.55 m·a^(-1),平均移动速率10.03 m·a^(-1);移动方向范围109°-135°,平均移动方向122°。风况为沙丘移动提供动力条件,合成输沙方向与沙丘移动方向吻合。受NW、WNW方向输沙影响,新月形沙丘南翼在移动速率增加的同时长度不断伸长,显著区别于北翼。沙丘移动受控于沙丘本身形态,沙丘各形态参数(迎风坡长度、高度、宽度、周长、底面积)与移动速率呈现显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。植被覆盖以及沙丘密度的差异导致了研究区沙丘移动速率的差异。沙丘移动前后,形态参数变化具有复杂性,而沙源丰富度差异以及丘间地灌丛沙包对沙丘形态的改变,是沙丘形态变化复杂性的主要原因。两大沙漠连接带年输沙通量170-521 t·m^(-1),均值为301 t·m^(-1)。  相似文献   

In May to August of 2011, we assessed the effects of extreme rainfall (quantity and intensity) events on the carbon release from soils covered by different types of biological soil crusts (BSCs) in fixed sand dunes in the Tengger Desert, northern China. A Li-6400-09 Soil Chamber was used to measure the respiration rates of the BSCs immediately after the rainfall stopped, and continued until the respiration rates of the BSCs returned to the pre-rainfall basal rate. Our results showed that almost immediately after extreme rainfall events the respiration rates of algae crust and mixed crust were significantly inhibited, but moss crust was not significantly affected. The respiration rates of algae crust, mixed crust, and moss crust in extreme rainfall quantity and intensity events were, respectively, 0.12 and 0.41 μmolCO 2 /(m 2 ·s), 0.10 and 0.45 μmolCO 2 /(m 2 ·s), 0.83 and 1.69 μmolCO 2 /(m 2 ·s). Our study indicated that moss crust in the advanced succession stage can well adapt to extreme rainfall events in the short term.  相似文献   

We used environmental tracers to provide insights into groundwater evolution and flow processes on the eastern margin of China's Tengger Desert and determine recharge sources and recharge timing along the flow paths. The chemical composition was generally Na+ enriched, with no dominant anions. The chemistry is strongly influenced by evaporation and subsequent dissolution of minerals during recharge in the rainy season. Other processes, including cation exchange and weathering, also contribute to the water composition. The median groundwater δ18O value was around −9.1‰, and most groundwater in the basin was depleted in heavy isotopes. δ13C in deep groundwater ranged from −4.73 to −9.56‰, indicating that carbonate mixing is common but that isolated carbonate still exists. Radiocarbon values in groundwater ranged from 5.4 to 63.5 pmc. We estimated a residence time of 17.9 and 19.6 kyr at two desert sites, revealing that some replenishment of desert aquifers occurred in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, when some of the upper reaches of rivers were characterized as modern water.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠虽经过多次小规模专题考察,始终未见有沙漠专题地图编制出版,多数只作为专著中的插图加以表现。为此,编制《腾格里沙漠地貌图》显得十分重要,不仅能反映出腾格里沙漠的全貌,还能体现沙漠发展规律、演变特点、分布特征等。依据腾格里沙漠的图幅范围、地貌类型以及印刷纸张规格的要求,将《腾格里沙漠地貌图》的比例尺定为1∶40万。选用1∶25万地形图作为地理基础底图,采用1∶10万地形图作为沙丘符号编绘过渡性的工作底图,专题内容编绘以Google Earth影像资料为主。《腾格里沙漠地貌图》的地貌类型包括风积地貌、风蚀地貌以及其他地貌,其中风积地貌是重点展示的内容。根据腾格里沙漠地貌类型,在编图过程中共设计了16种形态结构类型符号,采用分层设色表示沙丘相对高度,用箭头符号表示沙丘移动方向。  相似文献   

地处腾格里沙漠东南缘的沙坡头人工固沙植被始建于1956年,46 a来不仅确保了包兰铁路沙漠地段的畅通无阻,而且对区域生态环境的恢复产生了巨大的影响,成为我国干旱沙漠地区交通干线荒漠化防治与生态恢复的成功模式。长期定位监测结果表明:人工固沙植被建立4~5 a后,沙丘表面物理结构初步得到稳定,并由大气降尘形成的无机土壤结皮逐渐演变形成土壤微生物结皮。荒漠藻类、苔藓和地衣等隐花植物在结皮层中得到了大量的繁衍:固沙植被建立46 a后出现藻类24种;苔藓仅有5 种,少于天然固定沙丘结皮上的种类,此外,地衣也在植被区发现,这说明固定沙丘景观逐渐趋于稳定的状态;相对于流沙区,固沙植被区近地面风速降低了 40%,土壤有机质含量增加了60%,其中氮、磷、钾等荒漠生态系统主要限制养分因子及土壤理化性质得到了改善,沙丘表层成土过程明显;土壤水分循环的时空变异驱动了植被的演变,为大量的草本的侵入和定居创造了条件;此外,对鸟类、昆虫和土壤动物及荒漠动物的生存产生了积极的影响。46 a后,固沙植被区共有鸟类 28 种,昆虫 50 种,动物 23种。生物多样性的恢复使原有的相对单一的固沙植被演变成一个结构、组成和功能相对复杂的荒漠生态系统。沙坡头地区生态环境在人为促进下的恢复为我国西部生态建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

范子昂  魏文寿  陈峰  袁玉江 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):996-1002
 利用采自腾格里沙漠东缘的贺兰山油松树轮样本,建立树轮宽度年表。通过相关普查发现,贺兰山油松树轮宽度差值年表与腾格里沙漠东缘当年5月至7月的降水存在显著的正相关,相关系数为0.606(P<0.001)。利用贺兰山北部的树轮宽度差值年表,可较好地重建腾格里沙漠东缘近231 a来当年5月至7月的降水变化,交叉检验表明,降水重建结果稳定可靠。通过与腾格里沙漠南缘地区树轮降水重建序列对比分析,发现腾格里沙漠边缘区的树轮重建降水的干湿阶段变化具有良好的同步性,并对西北地区极端干旱历史事件有良好响应。  相似文献   

Tree-ring data can be used to provide high-resolution records of climate variability in areas like the Tengger Desert where few other records exist. In the present work, three tree-ring-width chronologies in the Luoshan Mountains in north-western China showed synchronous variation. These were averaged to develop a comprehensive chronology that was then used to reconstruct the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) since 1897 AD for the grid point N 38°45′, E 103°45′ in the Tengger Desert. The annual PDSI and tree-ring widths in the Changlingshan Mountains at the southern margin of the Tengger Desert matched well (r = 0.50, p < 0.001), indicating the reliability of the reconstruction. The annual PDSI dry and wet periods were consistent with recorded lake sediments in the northern Mu Us Desert. The dry periods in the Tengger Desert were compatible with the relatively low PDSI in the Ortindag Sand Land in eastern Inner Mongolia. Abrupt climate variability occurred around 1922, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936, in line with abrupt changes in the Asian monsoon system in the 1930s. Distinct periods of about 2–4 years and 5–7 years were evident in the reconstructed PDSI.  相似文献   

根据腾格里沙漠周边地区9个气象站点1960-2012年逐月平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温、降水量、平均相对湿度、日照时数和平均风速的观测资料,利用线性回归、滑动平均和Mann-Kendall突变检验分析了该区1960-2012年气候变化特征。结果表明:1960-2012年,腾格里沙漠周边地区年平均气温以0.34 ℃/10a的速率呈显著上升的趋势,并于1989年发生显著突变;从季节变化来看,冬季升温幅度最大,达0.52 ℃/10a;年平均最高、最低气温均呈显著上升的趋势,但是年平均最低气温的升温速率0.44 ℃/10a明显大于最高气温升温速率0.25 ℃/10a,增暖的不对称性导致年平均气温日较差以0.18 ℃/10a的速率显著减小。年降水量以1.08 mm/10a的速率增加,但变化趋势不显著,四季降水量均有不同程度的增加;湿润指数的变化亦不显著,年、春季、夏季和秋季湿润指数均有减小趋势,冬季湿润指数有增加趋势;年、季平均风速皆呈显著减小的趋势,年平均风速减小的速率为0.15 m·s-1·(10a)-1,日照时数以5.6 h/10a的速率呈不显著的增加趋势,各季节日照时数有不同的变化趋势,春季和夏季日照时数呈增加趋势,而秋季和冬季的日照时数呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

陈广庭 《中国沙漠》1992,12(3):38-41
腾格里沙漠东北锡1井临探路虽然只有3km,却是真正修筑在流动沙丘区的第一条运输设备和石油的公路。沙区工程地质基础一般可满足公路建设的要求。防沙是工程成败的关键。这条路就地取材,利用盐渍土筑路和压沙防沙,取得了比较好的成效。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠东南缘白刺灌丛地土壤性状的特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
腾格里沙漠东南缘白刺灌丛地土壤颗粒组成中仍以细沙粒(0.25~0.05 mm)含量占主要成分(80%~99%),除固定沙堆土0~5 cm土壤粉沙粒含量高于堆间低地外,沙堆土不同深度粉沙粒含量(0.05~0.002 mm)均低于堆间低地;沙堆不同部位的土壤含水量有一致的变化趋势且差异不大,沙堆0~60 cm土层含水量低于堆间低地,60 cm以下的土壤含水量不仅高于0~60 cm,并且高于堆间低地。发育于草甸盐土上的堆间低地20 cm以下水分含量变化基本保持在较高的水平,发育于盐化半固定风沙土上的堆间低地水分含量在20 cm以下呈急剧降低趋势。白刺沙堆上土壤剖面土壤水分含量的这种变化和堆间低地20 cm处较高的含水层,将会为灌丛植物在年内气候干旱期的生命维持提供着重要水源保证。土壤容重白刺沙堆大于堆间低地,土壤剖面堆间低地的容重基本无变异,而沙堆上因为植物发育土壤容重有不同程度的差异。表征土壤肥力和保肥能力的阳离子代换量均是堆间低地大于沙堆上。堆间低地和沙堆上土壤全氮、有机质、电导率含量和pH值差异因白刺沙堆发育的生境不同而不同,处于半固定沙地生境的白刺沙堆并未形成灌丛的"沃岛效应",处于固定沙地生境的白刺沙堆有弱"沃岛效应"。因此,白刺沙堆地表物质的固定是该植物种生长的生境产生"沃岛效应"的前提。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠东南部野外风沙流观测   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
张正偲  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2013,33(4):973-980
风沙流是一种沙粒的群体运动,是风沙物理研究的重要内容之一。开展风沙流研究,能够为风沙运动理论与工程实践提供理论支持。由于自然界风的阵性、地表湿度、下垫面属性和风程长度等影响因子的时空变化对风沙流运动的影响,以及长期野外观测的限制,对风沙流的研究目前还不是很完善。本文依据中国科学院风沙科学观测场2005-2009年的长期观测资料,采用赤池信息量准则(Akaike information criterion),对5种风沙流通量研究常用的拟合模型进行对比分析。结果表明,指数函数模型(q(z)=ae-z/b)是平坦沙地上风沙流的最佳表示方式,该模型拟合系数a值在0~600之间,但主要分布在0~100之间,占64.40%,其次为100~150之间,占18.24%;系数b值在0~0.06之间,主要分布在0.015~0.040之间,占91.21%,其中0.025~0.030占26.37%,其次为0.030~0.035,占24.40%。风沙流中的沙粒平均跃移高度与拟合系数b相同。风沙流在运动过程中,主要在高度20 cm以下传输。风沙流对地表的风蚀和堆积机率几乎是相等的。  相似文献   

大型土壤动物在沙漠生态系统物质循环中的作用研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对腾格里沙漠生态系统大型土壤动物中化学元素含量特征与环境中元素含量关系比较和生物富集量在不同生境下的变化分析结果表明 :大型土壤动物中化学元素含量的大小排序为Mg >K >Fe >Ca >Zn >Na >Mn >Cu。对Mg、K、Fe的富集程度较高 ,对Mn、Cu的富集程度较低。不同动物类群对K、Mg、Fe、Na等元素富集程度的差异要小于对Cu、Mn、Zn等元素富集程度的差异。各生物群对各种化学元素均有较强的富集作用。在研究的几种生境中 ,大型土壤动物对化学元素的富集基本不受它们相互间在管理方式上不同而导致的环境因素差异的影响。化学元素生物富集量的计算表明 ,大型土壤动物在沙漠生态系统物质的转化作用中是很重要的。随人工固沙植被演替时间的延长 ,大型土壤动物对化学元素的生物富集量是呈提高趋势的  相似文献   

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