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Abstract:  Pre-contact Māori regarded land and water as a single entity, with a common regime of resource management practices. Underpinning these was a world-view that involved unique spiritual concepts, the most important of which was mauri: the notion that a body of water had its own life-force. Waters were classified according to the state of their mauri. The paper outlines traditional approaches and how they are applied today.  相似文献   

Abstract: The comment provides a Māori perspective on the Foreshore and Seabed Act. In contrast to the western view, Māoris understand their relationship with the coast in ways that are holistic, intertwined and unbounded. The Act disrupts the wairua or spirit of place, impacting on relationships that have been nurtured by whānau and hapū over time.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines Māori women and the ways in which their bodies are constituted within particular cultural spaces, namely at urupā and sites where food is gathered. Māori bodily rituals, and the impacts of colonization on these bodily rituals, are explored to reveal a ‘nonwestern’ perspective on exclusion. Kaupapa Māori research and postcolonial theory have been combined to produce research that respects and nurtures Māori practices. Colonial notions of blood and menstruation, which inscribe women as ‘dirty’ and ‘unclean’, are critiqued. What is advocated is a Māori perspective that constructs Māori women as connected to Atua, and as powerful, sacred and life‐giving.  相似文献   

As a result of burgeoning social and environmental issues, localisation movements such as Transition Towns are emerging. However, tension exists as to the best scale and method to create and maintain this community activism. In this study, we explore the activities of two Transition Towns in Aotearoa New Zealand through a qualitative mixed methodology, and argue that relational notions of scale and the notion of progressive localisms enable an appreciation of the locally rooted but outward looking nature of Transition activities. In turn, this creates space to acknowledge the diffuse nature of change, redefine success and sustain momentum.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper uses Butler's (1990) concept of performativity to explore the constructions of feminine and masculine identities integral to the gendered bodily performance in 'interactive' service economies. The empirical research for this paper is based on Fat Freddie's student pub in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and was collected over an eight-week period using an ethnographic methodology. While Butler argues we 'do' gender, I explore how these 'fabrications' are naturalized, and the effect this has on the division of labour within Fat Freddie's. While these performances are regulatory, they are, however, unstable and alternate subject positionings can be adopted. I discuss how these subject positionings within Fat Freddie's can disrupt dichotomized gendered divisions and hegemonic understandings of appropriate gendered roles and identities.  相似文献   

Aotearoa New Zealand is at a critical juncture in reducing and managing organic waste. Research has highlighted the significant proportion of organic waste sent to landfills and associated adverse effects such as greenhouse gas emissions and loss of valuable organic matter. There is current debate about what practices and infrastructure to invest in to better manage and use organic waste. We highlight the diversity of existing organic waste practices and infrastructures, focusing on Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We show how debates about organic waste practices and infrastructure connect across three themes: waste subjectivities, collective action in place and language.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, population change is interlinked with regional development. Places growing in population attract regional investment, while regional investment—or lack thereof—can change migration patterns. However, to determine the appropriate response to population change for a community, it is important to understand that population change involves much more than “just” migration. Specifically, it involves interactions between the three components of population change: natural change (births minus deaths), net migration (international and internal) and population ageing (changing cohort size). For example, migration can be negative, but growth can be positive due to underlying natural increase or growth in cohort size. Responses need to differ, depending on these drivers. The goal of this article is to provide new insights into these interactions using data for 275 cities, towns and rural centres (hereafter “urban places”) in New Zealand for the period 1976 to 2013. The results show that natural change has been consistently positive for most urban places up to the present, although projections indicate that in the future this component will become negative across much of the country. At the same time, net migration shows considerable spatial variation, not only in terms of volume, but also direction (negative or positive), which differs markedly by age. A net gain of people of retirement age can offset a net loss of young adults to deliver overall growth, and vice‐versa, but the two have very different implications for longer term growth. An analysis of the drivers of net migration using GIS and machine learning techniques provides an indication of the importance of economic conditions (land‐use and access to markets), lifestyle, access to essential services (hospitals and education) and their interaction with age in regional change. The results show that population age is the best predictor of migration. Younger people are moving to cities for tertiary education and work and older people near or in retirement are moving to smaller lifestyle towns but also want to be close to amenities such as hospitals and international airports. The research also shows that natural lifestyle characteristics (landscape and climate), in combination with age are just as important as economic conditions for understanding migration. Regional development, such as infrastructure that helps business (ports and services) is important for the working age population but not necessarily the retirement age group. When regional development, age/life‐cycle stage and lifestyle come together, such as in Queenstown and Tauranga, net migration gain is high.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper examines the culturally specific experiences of belonging within Oruāmo/Beachhaven, a suburb in North Shore City. In-depth interviews with 32 caregivers of young children expose the fact that the ethnic groups represented – Māori, Samoan and Pākehā– vary in their uses and understandings of, as well as feelings for, residential neighbourhood. Examination of the themes of natural environment, social relations, continuity of residence, facilities, organisations and place transformation reveal that, while representatives of all groups had views on these matters, there was a variable degree of engagement with and priority afforded to these concerns.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article tracks the passage of Aboriginal protection, as a contested imperial institution, from the Caribbean to Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand via the Cape Colony and Britain. In doing so, it reconfigures the historical geographies of colonial philanthropy, and of those individuals who sought to implement and resist it, as a set of specific, intersecting trajectories. These trajectories, of people, ideas and texts, both connected and remade multiple colonial places. The article also advocates positioning the contemporary politics of the colonial past in Britain, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, within a wider, trans‐imperial, set of connections.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the 19th century, pamphlets and handbooks written for intending settlers often depicted New Zealand as environmentally benign. Upon arrival, however, the newcomers experienced episodes of stormy weather and flooding. They also found greater variations across the country, between the seasons, and from year to year, than they had been led to expect. Primarily by experience, but in part guided by Māori informants, rural people learned to recognize the signs of impending storms and flooding in lowland rivers. They also came to appreciate the less predictable features of eastern South Island weather systems, and found ways to reduce their economic and environmental impact.  相似文献   

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