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The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type- Ⅲ, type- Ⅱ 2 and some type- Ⅱ 1 ; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   

A suit of lacustrine source rocks are developed in volcanic deposits in the Shangkuli Formation of the Cretaceous. However, it is poor to understand the characteristics of source rocks due to the low degree of exploration, thus the exploration is severely constrained in this area. Based on the geochemical analysis, the analytic technique of GC and GC-MS, combined with the characteristics of solvable organic matter and biomarkers of the source rocks, the authors discussed the depositional environment, the derivation of the matrix and the maturity characteristics of the organic material of the Shangkuli Formation in Cretaceous. The results show that the organic matter mainly belongs to type Ⅱ1 kerogen, whose abundance is relatively high; it was formed in reductive surrounding where was deep-lake; the hydrocarbon is characterized by mixed-source of organic matter. The thermal evolution of source rocks had reached maturation stage.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the sedimentary environment of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation of Qingbaikou System in Tonghua, Jilin Province, the mineral composition and petrochemistry of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation were analyzed. The mineral compositions of five carbonate rock samples in Nanfen Formation mainly consist of calcite, with minor clay minerals and quartz, and the rock type is siliceous marlite. The Mn/Sr va-lues range from 1.52 to 4.08, with an average of 2.64, indicating that the carbonate rocks experienced weak diagenesis; the Sr/Ba values range from 1.26 to 2.51, with an average of 1.93, indicating marine environment; the ratio of Mg/Al ranges from 35.33 to 86.34, with an average of 62.95, indicating the seawater environment, which is consistent with the result from Sr/Ba; the MgO/CaO values range from 0.01 to 0.04, with an average of 0.02, indicating humid environment; the values of V/(V+Ni) range from 0.63 to 0.73, with an average of 0.70, indicating anoxic environment. In summary, geochemical analyses show that the Nanfen Formation carbonate rocks are marine deposits, in a warm, humid, anoxic environment with poor flow of seawater, and subsequently underwent weak diagenetic alteration.  相似文献   

下刚果盆地深水区的油气显示出了海相原油的特征,盐上海相烃源岩开始受到关注。通过对下刚果盆地海相烃源岩地球化学资料分析,综合评价了盐上4套海相烃源岩的地球化学特征和生烃潜力,研究了其成因并划分了成因类型,同时探讨了不同成因类型烃源岩发育的主控因素。结果表明:下刚果盆地盐岩层之上发育海相烃源岩,有机质丰度中等—好,干酪根类型为Ⅱ、Ⅲ型,成因上以海相内源型和海相混合生源型为主;盆地海相烃源岩整体在3 500m左右深度进入生油窗,成熟的海相烃源岩是下刚果盆地深水区油气的重要来源之一;由于上升洋流、缺氧环境(大洋缺氧事件)和古河流的作用,以及海洋、河流两种地质营力此消彼长的关系,自晚白垩世至中新世,盆地沉积环境从海湾变迁到受河流作用逐渐加强的开阔海洋,有机质来源从以海洋有机质为主过渡到河流携带来的陆源有机质比例加重,直到以陆源有机质为主;海-陆二元有机质输入量的相对变化和海洋沉积环境的变迁从根本上决定了海相烃源岩的特征。  相似文献   

固体沥青研究由于其组成的复杂性、形成机制与影响因素的多变性而面临很多难题。在柴达木盆地北部联合沟地区滩间山群发现大量厚层碳沥青,对盆地内的资源勘探具有重要价值。通过野外地质填图以及有机地球化学分析与盆地模拟,对碳沥青的空间分布特征、地球化学特征与成因进行了探讨。结果表明:碳沥青呈NW—SE向分布在滩间山群a段的砂岩与灰岩中;碳沥青中氯仿沥青"A"含量低,族组分中饱和烃与芳烃含量低,而非烃与沥青质含量高;饱和烃与芳烃碳同位素组成偏轻,碳沥青等效镜质体反射率在3.74%~4.72%之间,达到过成熟阶段;饱和烃气相色谱呈后峰形单峰态;油岩对比发现碳沥青与石炭系、侏罗系烃源岩不具有对比性,与滩间山群a段泥岩具有可对比性;碳沥青成因与晚泥盆世、早二叠世岩浆侵入有关,两期热事件使烃源岩生成的原油热变质成重油、沥青,甚至碳沥青。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous granitic complex in Highland 1248 of Daxing''anling successively consists of in- truded granodiorite,monzonite granite and syenite granite. Through test analysis on the major,trace and rare earth elements of the intrusive complex,this study focuses on the source characteristics and tectonic environ- ment of the original magma of intrusive complex. The results show that the intrusive rocks in Highland 1248 are meta-aluminous-peraluminous rocks in calc-alkaline series with homologous characteristics in δEu negative anomalies; the complex is enriched in LILE (Rb,Cs and K) and depleted in HFSE (lanthanide,Sc,Y,U, Nb and Ta),displaying the geochemical characteristics of I-type granites in active continental-margin subduc- tion zones. The complex also has the characteristics of granites after the collision of plate with rich aluminum and high potassium,but significantly depleted Nb,Ta,Ti,P and other elements,i. e. in the orogenic evolu- tionary stage. The zircon U-Pb SHRIMP isotopic apparent age of the complex in Highland 1248 is 140. 0--141. 0 Ma,and the formation time is in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东北部侏罗系烃源岩特征及初步评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
塔里木盆地是中国最大的含油气盆地,其东北部的侏罗系分布面积广、厚度大,主要发育一套煤系烃源岩.根据钻井及大量的实验测试等资料,研究了侏罗系煤系烃源岩的发育特征及其有机地球化学、有机岩石学特征,表明其有机质丰度较高,达到中等-好级别;有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主、Ⅱ型为辅;有机质热演化程度处于未成熟-低成熟阶段,部分地区可能达成熟阶段;烃源岩主要生烃显微组分为基质镜质体,少量孢子体、角质体和碎屑壳质体.综合分析表明,塔里木盆地侏罗系烃源岩具备一定的生烃条件和油气勘探前景.  相似文献   

Albertine盆地是东非裂谷系重要的裂谷盆地,油气资源丰富,上中新统-下上新统烃源岩是盆地重要的生烃岩系,目前研究相对薄弱。综合利用地质学、岩石热解、元素地球化学等资料,对Albertine盆地上中新统和下上新统的烃源岩进行了评价,并分析了晚中新世-早上新世时期的古环境特征。研究表明,两套烃源岩处于成熟阶段,但有机质丰度和类型存在差异,下上新统烃源岩有机质丰度更高,属于中等-好烃源岩,干酪根类型主要是Ⅱ1~Ⅱ2型;上中新统烃源岩有机质丰度略低,属于差烃源岩,干酪根主要是Ⅱ2~Ⅲ型。沉积环境是造成烃源岩差异的重要原因。晚中新世-早上新世时期,研究区属于还原性较强的淡水湖盆,水体逐渐加深,气候越来越温暖,细菌及微生物繁盛,有机质类型变好,同时,湖泊生产力提高,沉积速率有所加快,有机质能够更有效地保存,烃源岩的有机质丰度更高。研究结果对于Albertine盆地的油气勘探与开发具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。  相似文献   

从巴丹吉林盆地麻木乌苏凹陷北部斜坡上 3口探井地质资料揭示来看 ,该区生油岩主要为中生界下白垩统赛乌苏组 (K1s)及上侏罗统额济纳旗组 (J3e)和中侏罗统麻木乌苏组 (J2m)深灰色泥质岩。从地球化学特征研究着手 ,分析有机质丰度、类型和成熟度等各项参数 ,推出沉积环境为深湖 -半深湖还原地球化学相 ,有机质类型为腐泥型和腐植型两类的混和 ,有机质成熟度已达成熟阶段。参照中国陆相生油岩有机母质类型分类的参数标准 ,对该区生油层作定性评价 ,进而展望巴丹吉林盆地含油气性  相似文献   

临沂方城盆地发育一套粗面质、粗安质火山碎屑岩及熔岩组合,是一套溢流相与爆发相交替的旋回性火山沉积组合,属碱性钾质岩石的钾玄岩,重稀土元素富集,δEu值为0.82~0.93,接近于1,具弱负铕异常,反映该期火山作用是在可能存在山根的条件下,在地幔岩石圈减薄下形成的;该套岩层前人划分为青山群沉积期形成的粗面质潜火山岩。研究发现该套地层与下伏八亩地组安山质沉凝灰岩为喷发不整合接触,界面处存在有短暂的沉积间断,并发育有1~2cm的古风化壳。根据其岩石组合特征,产出层位及地球化学特征等,将其厘定为青山群方戈庄组。  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks from Baiyingaolao Formation in the northeastern Hailar Basin are mainly composed of rhyolite and trachydacite. U-Pb dating of zircon shows these volcanic rocks formed in Early Cretaceous( 128--124 Ma). Geochemical data indicate that they are sub-alkaline series in composition and rich in alkali and potassium. All samples have similar rare earth element patterns characterized by high total rare earth elements contents( ∑REE = 113. 96 × 10- 6-204. 33 × 10- 6),significant fractionation of heavy and light rare earth elements( ∑LREE / ∑HREE = 3. 10-4. 52) with middle negative Eu anomalies( δEu = 0. 46-0. 76).The trace elements are characterized by enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements such as K,Rb,LREE and depletion in high field strength elements e. g. Nb,Ta,HREE,P and Ti,while enriched in Th and U. Rhyolite and trachydacite contain low initial87 Sr /86 Sr ratios( 0. 704 9--0. 7 053) and positive εNd( t) values( ca. 4.15). These data suggest that the magma of rhyolite and trachydacite were derived from mafic lower crust newly accreted from mantle,with the evolutional trend of comagmatic fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Ningwu Basin is one of the Mesozoic continental volcanic basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The volcanic rocks of the Longwangshan,dawangshan,Gushan and Niangniangshan formations,as well as the homologous subvolcanic rocks or small intrusions,are developed from old to new in the Ningwu Basin.Zircon U-Pb dating results show the latialite phonolite of Niangniangshan Formation was erupted at 128±1 Ma(i.e.,Early Cretaceous).The latialite phonolite contains moderate SiO2 contents(57.28%-60.96%)with high Na 2O+K 2O contents,belonging to shoshonite series.The samples have high REE contents,and display right-inclined REE distribution pattern.They are characterized by enrichment in some large ion lithophile elements(e.g.,LILEs,Rb,K),and depletion in some high field strength elements(e.g.,HFSEs,Nb,Ta,Ti).All volcanic samples have relatively depleted Nd isotopic compositions(ISr=0.707197--0.707878;εNd(t)=-0.5--0.9),indicating no genetic relationship with the lower crust of Yangtze plate,but a drift trend towards the EMII.The geochemical data suggest that the Early Cretaceous latialite phonolite was derived from the partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subduction-related fluids in an arc-related setting.Based on the temporal and spatial distribution and geochemical variation characteristics of the regional volcanic rocks,it is suggested that the tectonic system within the study area changed from a subduction-related compression to an extensional environment in the early Early Cretaceous,which was caused by the ridge subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

北山盆地群侏罗系是我国西北地区潜在的油气勘探新领域,为深化其石油地质认识,进一步明确资源潜力,优选北山盆地群中勘探程度相对较高的中口子盆地侏罗系为研究对象,以有机质丰度、类型及成熟度等有机地球化学分析数据为基础,分析了侏罗系烃源岩基础特征,并基于生物标志化合物资料,探讨了该区侏罗系烃源岩的有机质来源及沉积环境。结果表明,中口子盆地侏罗系烃源岩有机质丰度较高,生烃潜力较好,主要为中等-好烃源岩,干酪根类型以Ⅱ2型为主,生烃母质主要是陆源高等植物,主要形成于氧气量适中的弱氧化-弱还原古环境,靠近或位于凹陷中心的烃源岩形成环境还原性稍强,较有利于有机质保存。区内黑帐房凹陷烃源岩已经成熟,而南泉凹陷烃源岩主要为低熟。因此建议黑帐房凹陷中心或者临近中心区域,寻找保存条件好的油藏是取得下步油气勘探突破的重点。这些认识可供西北地区侏罗系沉积古环境和资源潜力研究时对比参考。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地北缘哈山山前带下二叠统风城组发育一套富含油云化主力储层,岩性包括云化泥岩、云化砂岩和云化沉凝灰岩。为了认识白云化地层的岩石学特征及成因,根据岩心观察、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、元素及碳氧同位素分析,研究不同岩性的岩石学、地球化学特征和云化成因。结果表明:云化泥岩、云化凝灰岩基质中的白云石为准同生成因,形成于较高盐度、高镁钙比、强还原的沉积环境,富有机质泥岩、大量的火山灰沉积是准同生云化作用的重要条件。云化砂岩和云化凝灰岩裂缝中的白云石为埋藏成因,由山前带逆冲断层活动,流体在层间、裂缝中快速渗透、流动,交代早中期水解形成的方解石而形成。该结果为研究区白云化储层预测提供依据。  相似文献   

胶东地区早白垩世郭家岭期花岗岩指形成时代为早白垩世,形成年龄为123~135Ma的一期岩浆活动事件的产物,从西到东由莱州三山岛、招远上庄、招远北截、招远丛家、龙口七甲、栖霞郭家岭及蓬莱范家店7个岩体组成.主要岩性为二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩,少量的石英二长岩和二长闪长岩,多数具有钾长石斑晶和暗色包体,为一套准铝质—过铝质高...  相似文献   

珠江口盆地惠州凹陷烃源岩发育的主控因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据烃源岩地球化学、岩石学、沉积学等特征,分析惠州凹陷2套烃源岩的地球化学特征及烃源岩发育的主控因素.结果表明:文昌组中深湖相烃源岩形成于缺氧的还原环境,母质输入主要为低等水生生物和菌藻类,生烃潜力较好;恩平组河沼相煤系泥岩母质输入以陆源高等植物为主,生油潜力不及文昌组中深湖相泥岩;文昌组时期的表层水中浮游植物繁盛和湖底贫氧环境有利于优质烃源岩的形成,同时烃源岩的非均质性受沉积相和基准面旋回升降变化的控制,在最大湖泛面附近容易形成优质烃源岩.  相似文献   

东营组烃源岩在渤中凹陷广泛分布,明确该套烃源岩特征及其形成的古环境对于推动渤中凹陷常规-非常规油气勘探具有重要意义。通过对渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩样品进行有机、无机地球化学实验,分析该套烃源岩品质、有机质来源和古沉积环境,并与凹陷内主力烃源岩沙河街组进行对比分析。结果显示:(1)东营组不同层段烃源岩特征差异显著,且与沙一二段烃源岩呈现明显不同。东二下段与东三段有机质丰度高,已达到成熟-高成熟阶段,东营组整体有机质类型均以Ⅱ型为主;(2)通过Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18等图版以及干酪根类型判断东营组有机质来源为混合型,与沙一二段的低等藻类输入明显不同;(3)综合Sr/Cu、Mn/Fe等16种元素含量或比值以及Pr/Ph、伽马蜡烷指数分析烃源岩形成时期的古环境,与沙一二段烃源岩干旱气候下强还原咸化湖盆的形成环境所不同,东营组整体形成于温湿气候下,伴随较强陆源输入,受控于弱氧化淡水环境;纵向上,从东三段-东一段古气候变化不大,水体盐度基本一致,但水深逐渐变浅,水体氧化条件呈现逐渐增强的趋势;(4)利用Co、La含量定量恢复东营组沉积时的古水深,...  相似文献   

松辽盆地深层断陷沙河子组烃源岩分布预测与生气潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松辽盆地下白垩统沙河子组是深层断陷的主要烃源岩发育层系,目前钻井揭示其厚度大(>700 m),埋藏深(>3500 m),但钻井大都分布于深层断陷的边部,断陷内部烃源岩层揭示少。根据断陷结构样式及地震反射特征,总结出单断箕状断陷和双断地堑式断陷两种沙河子组烃源岩发育模式,并确定深层烃源岩主要有五种存在形式。断陷中部席状平行结构、成层性、连续性好的地震反射特征的烃源岩最为落实,主要为深湖-半深湖相,暗色泥岩厚度大,暗地比高(45%~70%)。深层沙河子组烃源岩总生气量约148.38×1012 m3,天然气资源潜力巨大。  相似文献   

This paper reports lithologic features,K--Ar age and geochemical data of riebeckite granophyres from Aliwula area in the southern Da Hinggan Mts.,aiming to reveal the petrogenesis of riebeckite granophyres.K-Ar age of riebeckite granophyres is 126 ± 2 Ma,implying that the riebeckite granophyres formed in the Early Cretaceous.The granophyres are rich in riebeckites and with a lot of melt-fluid inclusion in its quartz phenocrysts.The granophyres are characterized by extensive enrichment in SiO2,FeO,and(Na2O+K2O) and depletion in MgO and CaO,strong negative Eu anomalies and strong positive Ce anomalies.Additionally,the riebeckite granophyres not only have high total REE contents and display enrichment of HFSEs(for example Zr,Hf,Nb,Ta),but also are strong in depletion of LILEs(e.g.Ba,Sr) as well as high Ga /Al ratios.Primitive mantle-normalized REE pattern significantly displays REE M--W tetrad effect.REEs fractionate evidently and highly enrich in LREE,but are uneven distribution in the rocks.Taken together,we conclude that the riebeckite granophyres are similar to typical A-type granite,which could be derived from stretching environments in the Early Cretaceous.The granophyres originated from residual melt which underwent highly differentiation process,and were formed in magmatic-hydrothemal transition stage at last.  相似文献   

合浦盆地是中国南方有代表性的盆地,其下第三系发育有酒席坑组和上洋组二段两套生油岩系。西场、常乐两个凹陷既有相似性、又有各自特点。文章在研究其沉积环境、物源及有机质演化特征的基础上,确定该盆地成熟门限深度,表明合浦盆地具有良好的油气勘查前景。  相似文献   

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