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钾光卤石溶解过程研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用快速液固分离装置和连续溶解装置对钾光卤石细晶、单晶和压块原料的溶解过程研究,获得了对易溶性复盐的溶解和转化研究方法.  相似文献   

研究了不同温度下,不同浓度的NaCl溶液对钾光卤石溶解转化的影响.得出NaCl的浓度对溶解转化的影响不大,且温度对光卤石的溶解转化的影响不是简单线性关系的结论.计算了该体系光卤石的溶解动力学方程和氯化钾结晶动力学方程.  相似文献   

本文研究了在恒速搅拌下,不同温度光卤石在芒硝溶液中溶解及转化机理,用溶解过程离子实验值拟合得到动力学方程,并求得了溶解反应的表观活化能,为生产硫酸钾提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

本实验的目的是为了查明察尔汗盐湖首采区卤水开来过程中固体钾矿层溶解的可能性。我们采用该区外围钻孔晶间卤水(Ⅰ10,Ⅰ13,Ⅱ2,Ⅴ10,Ⅴ12,Ⅴ16,Ⅸ1孔)进行了溶解光卤石实验,从结果可看出其卤水中钾含量明显增加,从5.75—15.60g/L增至24.15—30.00g/L。这说明了在卤水开采过程中下伏固体钾矿层可以被溶解,进一步增加该区晶间卤水中的KCl储量。在我们实际观测过程中曾发现某些地带晶间卤水钾含量极度增高,应是此因素所引起的。  相似文献   

钾光卤石溶解和氯化钾结晶动力学与机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了易溶性复盐钾光卤石(KCl·MgCl_2·6H_2O)的溶解机理及动力学。利用相图控制在固相光卤石饱和区的情况下研究改变温度、浓度、搅拌速度及成块压力对光卤石溶解过程的影响,发现MgCl_2、KCl首先以近相等的速度且出现KCl:MgCl_2的摩尔比值>1进入溶液,随后KCl从溶液中结晶出来。KCl在整个溶解过程中明显分为两个阶段,即以溶解为主导的过程和以结晶为主导的过程;在溶解时,MgCl_2受扩散控制,KCl属化学溶解过程,KCl结晶受扩散控制,获得了动力学的方程计算出MgCl_2的溶解活化能和KCl的溶解和结晶活化能。  相似文献   

本实验的目的是为了查明察尔汁盐湖首采区卤水开采过程中固体钾矿层溶解的可能性。在我国实际观测过程中曾发现某些地带晶间了不钾含量极度增讥,应是此因素所引起的。  相似文献   

李建国  王成玲 《盐湖研究》2007,15(3):33-36,47
通过相图分析及计算,介绍了一种"由盐湖卤水兑卤除氯化钠后,首先获得成矿卤水,然后对其蒸发制取质量较好光卤石矿"的生产方法。  相似文献   

徐昶  高东林 《盐湖研究》1994,2(1):25-30
本文根据1987、1991和1992年120个钻孔剖面岩性资料得出,察尔汗盐湖首采区及其附近地区上岩层中光卤石主要分布在首采区范围内,首采区外的东部、北部和东南部亦有少量分布.其分布井段一般为埋深3~10m.光卤石主要分布在中细粒致密(或松散)和含粉砂中粗粒松散石盐层中,多呈散状或似层状分布;在碎屑层中亦有少量光卤石分布.并对光卤石成因和沉积演化进行了初步讨论.  相似文献   

Tao Tang   《Geomorphology》2003,49(3-4):231-254
Dissolution of extensive outcrops of limestone and dolostone in humid tropical and subtropical southern China produced numerous caves and residual hills that are referred as tower karst. This study identifies and relates the physical and chemical characteristics of the surface sediment with the limestone bedrock in Guilin to assess the influence of the limestone dissolution process on sediment composition.The results of this study indicated that (i) both limestone and dolostone of the region are very pure (99.5% and 98.5% of CaCO3 and MgCO3, respectively); (ii) the material composition of limestone and dolostone is different from that of soil and sediment of the region: constituents of surface sediments are highly related with the clastic sedimentary rocks, such as the mudstone, but show negative correlation with limestone and dolostone; (iii) the limestone formations are highly resistant to physical weathering and disintegration; their durability versus physical weathering and their high susceptibility to chemical dissolution account for why residual towers can form and persist; (iv) a dual-zone environmental structure exists vertically downward from the surface in Guilin: the zone of unconsolidated clastic sediments that is predominantly acidic, and the zone of karstified limestone that is predominantly basic. The evidence suggests that the environment and processes differ in these two zones. The chemical dissolution of limestone that formed tower karst of the region is not mainly responsible for the accumulation of clastic sediment on the surface.  相似文献   

在罗北凹地液体钾盐矿区深部承压含水层水文地质参数缺乏的情况下,充分利用现有矿区地下水监测数据及矿区水文地质资料的基础上,根据正在运行的采卤生产井做抽水试验得到深部承压含水层单位涌水量、影响半径、渗透系数等水文数据,与前人在罗北凹地钾盐矿区不同水文地质区域做过的抽水试验取得的水文数据进行对比并加以验证,以此确定罗北凹地液体钾盐矿区相对难开采的深部承压含水层卤水的开采方式及采卤工程的布置工作。  相似文献   

2001-2010年鄱阳湖采砂规模及其水文泥沙效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在长江主河道采砂行为于2000年全面禁止之后,受中国长江中下游房产建筑行业的砂石需求的驱动,大量采砂船转移到鄱阳湖采砂,这种规模化的采砂行为对鄱阳湖的水文环境产生的影响还缺乏定量研究.本研究通过利用地形数据、水文数据和卫星遥感数据,分析了鄱阳湖2001-2010年的采砂场的空间分布和采砂量,定量分析了采砂行为对鄱阳湖水文和泥沙的影响.研究结果表明:①2001-2007年鄱阳湖采砂船主要集中于松门山以北的通江河道,2007年以后采砂行为扩张到鄱阳湖中部;②2001-2010年间,鄱阳湖采砂面积范围大约为260.4 km2,挖沙平均深度4.95 m,采砂量达到1.29×109m3或2154Mt,体积上相当于使鄱阳湖库容增加了6.5%,重量上相当于1955-2010年以来鄱阳湖自然沉积量的6.5倍;③鄱阳湖采砂通过扩大通江河道的过水断面面积,加快了湖水注入长江速率,是引起近年来鄱阳湖秋冬季枯水期提前、枯水期延长的主要原因之一;④鄱阳湖采砂过程中通过挖沙、洗沙使沙场附近的水体含沙量增加、水体透明度降低,从而影响长江河道的泥沙平衡.  相似文献   

采用干扰离子的加入法,并利用Pitzer方程,获得了离子选择电极在高浓度电解质溶液中的干扰离子选择系数。给出了实验原理、实验过程及测定结果,并与常用的分别溶液法和混合溶液法的测定结果进行了比较和讨论。采用干扰离子的加入法测定高浓度电解质溶液中离子选择电极的选择系数,更好地反映了在高浓度电解质溶液中离子选择电极对干扰离子的电位响应。  相似文献   

Lake sediments can be significantly impacted by industrial activities. These impacts vary among sites and include both local point sources and atmospherically-derived pollution. Here we present results of a lake sediment pollution record from Ullswater, UK, where lead mining activities have taken place within the catchment since 1690, although large-scale mining did not begin until 1840. Metal concentration data from 12 cores taken along a lake bed transect illustrate that lead mining at Greenside Mine had a significant impact on the lake sediments. High Pb concentrations were identified throughout Ullswater, and exhibited a spatial gradient from south to north, with concentrations decreasing with greater distance from the main source of input at Glenridding. Furthermore, inter-element correlations exhibit spatial variation that reflects the processes by which they are incorporated into the lake sediment record. Together, these observations illustrate potential shortcomings in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and pollution studies based on single cores from large and morphologically variable lakes. Sedimentation rates were estimated by matching this pollution record with the historical record of mining activities. Within Ullswater, sedimentation rates from 1840 to the present varied from 0.67 to 2.33 mm year−1 with a mean of 1.4 mm year−1; highest sedimentation rates were observed in the deepest section of the lake and close to the main inputs, and lowest sedimentation rates were observed in the northern part of the lake, furthest from the main input. Despite the considerable changes in mining techniques and production, there is little evidence to suggest significant changes in sedimentation rates over time.  相似文献   

Kumtagh Desert is one of the eight biggest deserts in China, but poorly investigated before our interdisciplinary study because of the difficulty of access. In this paper, 33 representative surface sediment samples were collected from the Kumtagh Desert and analyzed in the laboratory to obtain heavy mineral components and geochemical element contents. Results show that various kinds of heavy minerals are present in these samples, with high levels of epidote and hornblende. Si and Al take up a large part of chemical composition. Compared with the average composition of geochemical elements of the upper continental crust (UCC), except Si and Ca, all elements are depleted to a certain degree; Fe, Mg, Ca, P, Ti and Mn have high correlation coefficients in their contents. The mineral and geochemical composition of the Kumtagh Desert sediments have a similarity with that of rocks of Altyn Tagh Mountains, and the surface sediments of the alluvial/diluvial fans around the Altyn Tagh Mountains and that of the Taklamakan Desert, indicating that one major source of the Kumtagh Desert sediments is located in the Altyn Tagh Mountains. Alluvial deposits and lake sediments in Aqik valley and lower reaches of Shule River are prone to be eroded and transported by the strong northeasterly wind into the Kumtagh Desert, forming another source of the desert deposits. An A-CN-K ternary diagram shows that a weak degree chemical weathering by the loss of Na and K occurred in these sediments, whereas A-CNK-FM ternary diagram suggests that Fe and Mg have undergone a significant chemical differentiation. Physical weathering processes cause easy erosion and enrichment in fine particles for mafic minerals, thus coarse desert sand particles can be relatively depleted in Fe and Mg. The mineral and geochemical composition of sediments in arid regions experiencing less chemical weathering are mostly affected by physical weathering.  相似文献   

根据1958-2013各年代长江河口河槽海图水深资料,利用Arcmap地图分析软件建立不同时期的水深数据库,以河口河槽水体和泥沙容量为研究对象,结合典型潮汐过程和典型年代水沙同步实测资料,计算长江口各分汊河槽最大理论进潮量和悬沙含量,探讨近50年来长江分汊型河口河槽水体和泥沙容量的变化过程和影响因素.结果表明:①北港河槽总体稳定,南港河槽仍处于发育阶段,南港河槽发育中心在南港下段,北港河槽上段区域略有萎缩;②目前,南、北槽河槽由于工程影响仍处于持续调整过程中,进潮量主增区域在南港和南槽,北槽发育模式已经被固定和限制.③近30年来,由于流域来水来沙减少,同时北槽深水航道工程的建设,使南、北槽进潮量和悬沙通量及其比例均发生了显著变化;④南北港水道悬沙量主要集中于北港下段及南北槽区域,其洪枯季悬沙含量的变化主要受冬夏季风和海洋动力条件的影响.  相似文献   

全球气候变化及人类活动深刻影响了区域水文过程,进行水沙变化归因识别对流域生态保护和高质量发展尤为重要。基于Budyko假设和分形理论,采用弹性系数法,对北洛河流域上(丘陵沟壑区)、中(土石山林—高塬沟壑区)、下游(渭北旱塬农区)3种不同地貌和植被类型区1959—2019年的水、沙通量变化进行归因分析。结果表明,北洛河上、中、下游径流量均显著减少,由20世纪60年代的35 mm、32 mm、34 mm,减少到21世纪10年代的19 mm、24 mm、6 mm,60 a减少率分别为0.3 mm a-1、0.2 mm a-1、0.4 mm a-1。上游输沙量极显著减少,中游降低趋势不显著,下游显著减少,由20世纪60年代的99×106 t、8×106 t、3×106 t,减少到21世纪10年代的10×106 t、3×106 t、0.3×106 t,60 a减少率分别为1.5×106 t a-1、0.04×106 t a-1、0.1×106 t a-1。20世纪70年代以来,上游径流变化逐渐受人类活动影响,且影响程度逐渐增强,21世纪10年代人类活动贡献率达66.3%;气候变化是中游径流变化的主控因子,21世纪10年代降雨和潜在蒸散发的贡献率分别为77.0%和20.2%;下游径流减少主要为人类活动影响,21世纪10年代其贡献率为64.3%。对比20世纪60年代流域输沙量变化始终受人类活动主导,21世纪10年代人类活动对上、中、下游输沙量减少的贡献率分别为80.7%、59.2%和92.7%。上游人类活动对输沙量减少的贡献中,退耕还林等沟坡措施和沟道工程措施分别为39.0%、42.7%,中、下游人类活动贡献的估算结果反映出高植被覆盖区和农区汲水灌溉对区域水、沙的影响特征。  相似文献   

本文研究了温度、盐效应、晶体用量和搅拌速度对氯柱硼镁石在水中溶解过程及相转化的影响。实验结果表明,该复盐属不同步溶解,先溶脱MgCl·6H_2O,生成中间产物MgO·B_2O_3·4H_2O,随后发生相转化和结晶过程。最终产物在10—50℃时是多水硼镁石,在60℃时是柱硼镁石。提出了相转化机理,计算了溶解度、溶解热等热力学函数。  相似文献   

本文研究了温度、盐效应、晶体用量和搅拌速度对氯柱硼镁石在水中溶解过程及相转化的影响。实验结果表明,该复盐属不同步溶解,先溶脱MgCl·6H_2O,生成中间产物MgO·B_2O_3·4H_2O,随后发生相转化和结晶过程。最终产物在10—50℃时是多水硼镁石,在60℃时是柱硼镁石。提出了相转化机理,计算了溶解度、溶解热等热力学函数。  相似文献   

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