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对辽宁省鞍山-本溪地区经历了绿片岩-低角闪岩相变质的新太古代条带状铁建造中磁铁矿和黄铁矿矿物对的Fe同位素分析结果显示:相对于标准IRMM-014,所有样品的磁铁矿和黄铁矿均显示Fe的重同位素富集;且黄铁矿的Fe同位素比值均大于磁铁矿的Fe同位素比值(ε^57 Fe黄铁矿〉ε^57 Fe磁铁矿),两种矿物的Fe同位素比值之差为△^57 Fe黄铁矿-磁铁矿=2.23-5.13。黄铁矿富集铁的重同位素表明矿物的Fe同位素组成并不代表其原始沉积的特征,而是在区域变质作用过程中Fe同位素发生了交换的结果。由同位素平衡判别图解可知,在绿片岩-低角闪岩相变质作用中,磁铁矿-黄铁矿间的Fe同位素基本达到了平衡,且在平衡条件下黄铁矿比磁铁矿更富集Fe的重同位素,二者之间的Fe同位素平衡分馏系数口黄铁矿-磁铁矿≈1.0004‰±0.06‰(2σ)。这一研究成果是对变质作用过程中Fe同位素的地球化学行为认识的重要进展。  相似文献   

李志红  朱祥坤  唐索寒 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3545-3558
本文报道了鞍山-本溪地区晚太古代条带状铁建造的主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素和Fe同位素的分析结果.结果显示:铁矿主要由Fe2O3T和SiO2组成,具有较低的Al2O3和TiO2含量;微量元素含量和稀土总量均较低;经页岩标准化的稀土元素配分模式呈现轻稀土亏损、重稀土富集;具有明显的La、Eu、Y的正异常;较高的Y/Ho比值.这些特征均表明鞍山-本溪地区条带状铁矿是由极少碎屑物质加入的化学沉积岩,成矿物质主要来源于海底热液的贡献.相对于标准物质IRMM-014,条带状铁矿石的Fe同位素组成最突出的特征是均为正值,这是由于二价铁溶液经部分氧化和沉淀形成富集重铁同位素的三价铁氧化物或氢氧化物的结果,且沉淀程度的不同是控制Fe同位素组成变化的重要因素.条带状铁矿无明显的Ce负异常和Fe同位素组成为正值的特征暗示了铁矿沉淀时的海水为低氧逸度环境.  相似文献   

通过Fe同位素、稀土元素与主量元素相结合的方法,对辽宁省鞍山-本溪地区新太古代条带状铁建造(BIF)的成矿物质来源提出了有效制约.BIF的化学成分主要由TFe2O3和SiO2组成,并且具有较低的Al2O3和TiO2含量,表明该地区BIF型贫铁矿是由极少碎屑物质加入的化学沉积岩.稀土元素的总量较低,经页岩标准化后的稀土元素配分模式呈现轻稀土亏损、重稀土富集的特征,具有明显的Eu、Y、La正异常,这些特征表明该地区BIF是古海洋的化学沉积岩,同时具有明显的火山热液贡献特征.用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MCICP-MS)测定Fe同位素的结果表明,相对于标准IRMM-014,所测样品均显示Fe的重同位素富集,且Fe同位素组成与Eu异常存在明显的正相关关系,表明该地区BIF中铁的来源与海底火山热液活动密切相关,首次从成矿元素Fe本身为条带状铁建造的成矿物质来源提供了直接的证据.  相似文献   

华北克拉通显生宙以来岩石圈的巨厚减薄是全球古老克拉通地区难得的重要地质现象,这一地区已成为研究古老岩石圈稳定性和改造过程的理想地区,也是我国继青藏高原隆升和大别-苏鲁超高压变质带之后又一个国际热点地区.  相似文献   

On the basis of fluid inclusion evidence, pervasive influx of deep-seated CO2-rich fluids has been invoked to account for mid- to upper amphibolite facies (M2B) metamorphism on the island of Naxos (Cyclades, Greece). In this paper, mineral devolatilization and melt equilibria are used to constrain the composition of both syn- and post-peak-M2B fluids in the deepest exposed levels of the metamorphic complex. The results indicate that peak-M2B fluids were spatially and compositionally heterogeneous throughout the high-grade core of the complex, whereas post-peak-M2B fluids were generally water-rich. The observed heterogeneities in syn-M2B fluid composition are inconsistent with pervasive CO2-flushing models invoked by previous workers on the basis of fluid inclusion evidence. It is likely that few CO2-rich fluid inclusions on Naxos preserve fluids trapped under peak metamorphic conditions. It is suggested that many of these inclusions have behaved as chemically open systems during the intense deformation that accompanied the uplift of the metamorphic complex. A similar process may explain the occurrence of some CO2-rich fluid inclusions in granulite facies rocks.  相似文献   

Cu在自然界主要以硫化物的形式存在,目前只确定了几种含Cu硫化物的S同位素分馏系数以及黄铜矿的Fe同位素分馏系数,而且不同研究者确定的系数有很大的差别,使得S、Fe同位素在研究铜矿床的形成、演化等方面不能很好地发挥示踪作用。因此,本文基于第一性原理计算确定了0~1 000℃温度范围内主要含Cu硫化物的S同位素简约配分函数比(103lnβ34-32),以及Cu-Fe硫化物的Fe同位素简约配分函数比(103lnβ57-54)。重S同位素在这些含Cu硫化物中的富集顺序为铜蓝>方黄铜矿>黄铜矿≈黑硫铜镍矿>斑铜矿>辉铜矿,重Fe同位素在Cu-Fe硫化物中的富集顺序为方黄铜矿≈黄铜矿>低温斑铜矿>高温斑铜矿>中温斑铜矿>Cu8Fe4S8(中温斑铜矿的可能变体)。含Cu硫化物的103lnβ34-32与S原子的配位数、金属-S平均键长、S原子形成的所有化学键的平均键长没有明显的相关性,而Cu-Fe硫化物的103lnβ57-54与Fe—S平均键长基本成线性负相关关系。辉铜矿相变引起的S同位素分馏特别大,而斑铜矿相变时产生的S同位素分馏却可以忽略不计。本文的计算结果将会为探讨斑岩铜矿及其它类型的硫化物矿床的成因提供支持。  相似文献   

低温环境下铁同位素分馏的若干重要过程   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
详细了解同位素分馏的过程与机理是运用稳定同位素体系解决科学问题的关键.本文对沉淀、溶解、吸附、氧化、还原、生物等过程中的Fe同位素分馏研究结果进行了系统总结.在沉淀过程中,优先沉淀轻同位素;在吸附过程中,Fe(Ⅲ)矿物优先吸附重同位素;氧化还原过程中,Fe的化合价越高,Fe同位素组成越重.  相似文献   

报道了山东石河庄和河北大川地区前寒武纪层状硫化物矿床中黄铁矿单矿物的Fe同位素组成.相对于标准物质IRMM-014,大川黄铁矿的ε575Fe为-38.8~-13.1,石河庄黄铁矿的ε57Fe为-39.4~-15.1,表明形成这两个层状硫化物矿床的新元古代海水富集Fe的轻同位素.世界不同地区新太古代黑色页岩中的黄铁矿的Fe同位素组成与华北两个硫铁矿矿床的Fe同位素特征基本一致,暗示新太古代海洋富集Fe的轻同位素可能是全球现象.导致早前寒武纪海洋富集Fe轻同位素的原因是海水中大量的Fe被氧化形成了富集Fe重同位素的磁铁矿和赤铁矿.  相似文献   

中酸性硅酸盐熔体-水体系氢同位素分馏的压力效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对0.2-2000MPa条件下钠长石熔体,钾长石熔体以及0.2-150MPa条件下流纹岩熔体--水体系的氢同位素分馏实验数据进行了筹压拟合,发现硅酸盐熔体与水之间的氢同位素分馏存在显著的压力效应,在800,1000和1200度条件下对钠长石熔体,水体系和流夺熔体--水体系氢同位素分馏压力方程进行的等温拟合表明,只有在特定的压力条件下才可以用钠长石熔体-水体系来近似流纹岩熔体--水体系的氢同位素分馏行为,当压力超过临界值时,硅酸盐熔体-水体系氢同位素分馏会发生变化,本文拟合的硅酸盐熔体-水体系氢同位素分馏等值线在P-T空间的形态变化特征与矿物-水体系存在较大差异,依据流纹岩熔体与水之间氢同位素分馏的压力效应,成功地模拟了美国西部Glass Creek流纹岩δD值和水含量变化规律与岩浆去气之间的关系。  相似文献   

文石—水体系氧同位素分馏机理的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周根陶  郑永飞 《地球化学》1999,28(6):521-533
采用“附晶生长法”分别在50和70℃下合成文石下矿物,获得了两种不同的文石与水之间的氧同位素分馏关系。结果证明,文石与水之间氧同位素分馏的化学动力学机 为两步:(1)碳酸根与水之间进行氧同位素交换和平衡,即:「C^16O3」^^3-+2H2^18O=「C^18O3^16O」^2-+2H2O16O;(2)与水平衡以后的「CO2」^2-离子与Ca^2+结合生成文石,即:Ca^2++_「C^18O2^1  相似文献   

Mineral equilibria calculations in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (KFMASHTO) using thermocalc and its internally consistent thermodynamic dataset constrain the effect of TiO2 and Fe2O3 on greenschist and amphibolite facies mineral equilibria in metapelites. The end‐member data and activity–composition relationships for biotite and chloritoid, calibrated with natural rock data, and activity–composition data for garnet, calibrated using experimental data, provide new constraints on the effects of TiO2 and Fe2O3 on the stability of these minerals. Thermodynamic models for ilmenite–hematite and magnetite–ulvospinel solid solutions accounting for order–disorder in these phases allow the distribution of TiO2 and Fe2O3 between oxide minerals and silicate minerals to be calculated. The calculations indicate that small to moderate amounts of TiO2 and Fe2O3 in typical metapelitic bulk compositions have little effect on silicate mineral equilibria in metapelites at greenschist to amphibolite facies, compared with those calculated in KFMASH. The addition of large amounts of TiO2 to typical pelitic bulk compositions has little effect on the stability of silicate assemblages; in contrast, rocks rich in Fe2O3 develop a markedly different metamorphic succession from that of common Barrovian sequences. In particular, Fe2O3‐rich metapelites show a marked reduction in the stability fields of staurolite and garnet to higher pressures, in comparison to those predicted by KFMASH grids.  相似文献   

Vein-controlled retrograde infiltration of H2O-CO2 fluids into Dalradian epidote amphibolite facies rocks of the SW Scottish Highlands under greenschist facies conditions resulted in alteration of calcite-rich marble bands to dolomite and spatially associated 18O enrichment of about 10%. on a scale of metres. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the retrograde fluid was an H2O-salt mixture with a low CO2 content, and that the temperature of the fluid was about 400d? C. Detailed petrographic and textural (backscattered electron imaging) studies at one garnet-grade locality show that advection of fluid into marbles proceeded by a calcite-calcite grain edge flow mechanism, while alteration of non-carbonate wall-rock is associated with veinlets and microcracks. Stable isotopic analysis of carbonates from marble bands provides evidence for advection of isotopic fronts through carbonate wall-rocks perpendicular to dolomite veins, and fluid fluxes in the range 2.4–28.6 m3/m2 have been computed from measured advection distances. Coincidence of isotope and reaction fronts is considered to result from reaction-enhanced kinetics of isotope exchange at the reaction front. Front advection distances are related to the proportion of calcite to quartz in each marble band, with the largest advection distance occurring in nearly pure calcite matrix. This relationship indicates that fluid flow in carbonates is only possible along fluid-calcite-calcite grain edges. However, experimental constraints on dihedral angles in calcite-fluid systems require that pervasive infiltration occurred in response to calcite dissolution initiated at calcite-calcite grain junctions rather than to an open calcite pore geometry. The regional extent of the retrograde infiltration event has been documented from the high δ18O of dolomite-ankerite carbonates from veins and host-rocks over an area of least 50 × 50 km in the SW Scottish Highlands. Isotopically exotic 18O-rich retrograde fluids have moved rapidly upwards through the crust, inducing isotopic exchange and mineral reaction in wall-rocks only where lithology, pore geometry or mineral solubilities, pressure and temperature have been appropriate for pervasive infiltration to occur.  相似文献   

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