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江淮地区布格重力异常与中强地震发生的构造环境分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对布格重力异常等值线的离散化、梯度计算和粗化处理,生成江淮地区布格重力异常梯度分级图。布格重力异常高梯度区与中强地震的空间分布有很好的一致性,与低梯度分布区的弱地震活动性形成鲜明的对比。同时,布格重力异常高梯度区的分布具有线性展布特点,可以划分出两组布格重力异常梯级带,一组走向北东,另一组走向北西西。同方向的条带具有相互平行、间距近似相等的特点,不同方向的构造带相互交切,形成一幅网络状图象。沿着这些梯级带存在断裂构造,它们在晚第三纪至第四纪早期有过构造运动,但晚更新世以来活动不明显。在江淮地区,布格重力异常梯级带、晚第三纪至早第四纪活动断裂和中强地震在空间有比较明显的对应关系。因此,在现今构造活动不太强烈的地区,布格重力异常梯级带可以认为是划分中强地震潜在震源区的一个重要标志。  相似文献   

The magnetic map of Slovakia used in the paper was compiled as part of a project titled Atlas of Geophysical maps and profiles in 2001. The residual magnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates. To remove distortion of magnetic anomalies caused by the Earth’s magnetic field, reduction to pole transformation was applied to the magnetic anomalies using the magnetization angle of the induced magnetization. Anomalies reduced to the pole tend to be better correlated with tectonic structures. We applied a 3-km upward continuation to the residually compiled magnetic anomalies in order to remove effects of topography. The depth of magnetic dipoles was calculated by an azimuthally averaged power spectrum method for the entire area. Such estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust, since magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization according to Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks. The computed Curie point depths in the Slovakia region vary between 15.2 km and 20.9 km. Heat flow higher than 100 mWm−2 occurs at the central volcanics and eastern part of Slovakia, where the Curie point depths values are shallow. The correlation between Curie point depths, heat flow and crust depth was investigated for two E-W cross sections. Heat flow and Curie point depth values are correlated with each other however, these values could not be correlated with crust depth. The Curie point isotherm, which separates magnetic and non-magnetic parts of the crust, is represented in two cross sections.  相似文献   

A geophysical interpretative method is proposed to depth, amplitude coefficient (effective magnetization intensity), and index parameter (effective magnetization inclination) determination of a buried structure from magnetic field data anomaly due to a fault, a thin dike or a sphere-like structure. The method is based on the nonlinearly constrained mathematical modelling and also on the stochastic optimization approaches. The proposed interpretative method was first tested on a theoretical synthetic model with different random errors, where a very close agreement was obtained between the assumed and the evaluated parameters. The validity of this method was also tested on practical field data taken from United States, Australia, India and Brazil, where available magnetic data existed and were previously analyzed by different interpretative methods. The agreement between the results obtained by our developed method and those obtained by the other geophysical methods is good.  相似文献   

基于EGM2008重力场模型计算获得了渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常。采用小波多尺度分解方法对布格重力异常进行了4阶小波逼近和小波细节分解,同时基于平均径向对数功率谱方法定量化地计算出1~4阶小波细节和小波逼近所对应的场源平均埋深。结合区域地质和地震资料,对获得的重力场结果进行分析,得到如下结论:①鄂尔多斯地块、渭河盆地、秦岭造山带3个一级构造单元的布格重力异常之间存在明显差异;构造区内部重力异常也存在横向的显著差异。布格重力异常的走向、规模、分布特征与二级构造区及主要的断裂具有一定的对应关系。②渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常1~4阶细节对应4~23 km不同深度的场源信息,鄂尔多斯地块南缘东、西部的地壳结构存在明显的差异;渭河盆地凹陷、凸起构造区边界清晰,断裂边界与重力异常边界具有较好的一致性;秦岭造山带重力异常连贯性不好,东、西部重力异常变化特征表现出明显的差异。③渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常分布与莫霍面埋深具有非常明显的镜像关系。渭河盆地及邻区地震主要分布在六盘山—陇县—宝鸡断裂带、渭河断裂与渭南塬前断裂交汇处、韩城断裂与双泉—临猗断裂交汇处。渭河盆地及邻区重力异常主要由中上地壳剩余密度体所影响,这可能是该区地震以浅源地震为主的主要原因。  相似文献   

重磁遗传算法三维反演中高速计算及有效存储方法技术   总被引:13,自引:15,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
将地下场源区域规则划分成很多小长方体单元,并且通过反演确定这些单元的物性变 化,勾画出场源的分布图像,这种方式逐步成为重磁反演,特别是三维反演的重要方向;遗 传算法等非线性技术进行该类反演将逐步成为发展趋势. 本文指出,在应用遗传算法进行该 类反演过程中,隐含着数据量较大时超常规的计算量,它已成为制约该类反演充分发挥作用 的瓶颈问题;同时,本文提出了针对性的分离并存储几何格架的计算策略、以及独特的几何 格架等效压缩存储技术,可以从根本上提高非线性反演计算速度,为该类反演的有效应用奠 定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

The Normalized Full Gradient (NFG) method which was put forward about 50 years ago has been used for downward continuation of gravity potential data, especially in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This method nullifies perturbations due to the passage of mass depth during downward continuation. The method depends on the downwards analytical continuation of normalized full gradient values of gravity data. Analytical continuation discriminates certain structural anomalies which cannot be distinguished in the observed gravity field. This method has been used in various petroleum and tectonic studies. The Trapeze method was used for the determination of Fourier coefficients during the application of this method. No other techniques for calculating these coefficients have been used. However, the Filon method was used for the determination of Fourier coefficients during the application of the NFG method in this work. This method, rather than the Trapeze method, should be preferred for indicating abnormal mass resources at the lower harmonics. In this study, the NFG method using the Filon method has been applied the first time to theoretical models of gravity profiles as example field at the Hasankale-Horasan petroleum exploration province where successful results were achieved. Hydrocarbon presence was shown on the NFG sections by the application of NFG downward continuation operations on theoretical models. Important signs of hydrocarbon structure on the NFG section for field and model data at low harmonics are obtained more effectively using this method.  相似文献   

We have developed a least-squares minimization approach to determine the depth and the amplitude coefficient of a buried structure from residual gravity anomaly profile. This approach is basically based on application of Werner deconvolution method to gravity formulas due to spheres and cylinders, and solving a set of algebraic linear equations to estimate the two-model parameters. The validity of this new method is demonstrated through studying and analyzing two synthetic gravity anomalies, using simulated data generated from a known model with different random error components and a known statistical distribution. After being theoretically proven, this approach was applied on two real field gravity anomalies from Cuba and Sweden. The agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and those obtained by other interpretation methods is good and comparable. Moreover, the depth obtained by the proposed approach is found to be in very good agreement with that obtained from drilling information.  相似文献   

Hidden beneath the ~ 2 km thick low-velocity volcaniclastics on the western margin of the Central Volcanic Region, North Island, New Zealand, are two structures that represent the early history of volcanic activity in a continental back-arc. These ~ 20 × 20 km structures, at Tokoroa and Mangakino, form an adjacent gravity high and low, respectively. Interpretations from seismic refraction arrivals and gravity modelling indicate the − 65 mgal Mangakino residual gravity anomaly can be modelled, in part, by two low-density bodies that reach depths of ~ 6.5 km, whereas the Tokoroa gravity anomaly is due to a higher density rock coming, at most, to within ~ 650 m of the surface. The Mangakino anomaly is interpreted to be due to the remnants of magma chambers that fed large ignimbrite eruptions from about 1.2 Ma. An andesite volcano or complex volcanic structure is the preferred interpretation for the Tokoroa gravity high. The size of the putative volcanic structure is comparable to the presently active Tongariro Volcanic Complex in the centre of North Island.  相似文献   

East Anatolia is a region of high topography made up of a 2-km high plateau and Neogene and Quaternary volcanics overlying the subduction-accretion complex formed by the process of collision. The aeromagnetic and gravity data surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey have been used to interpret qualitatively the characteristics of the near-surface geology of the region. The residual aeromagnetic data were low-pass filtered and analyzed to produce the estimates of magnetic bottom using the centroid method and by forward modelling of spectra to evaluate the uncertainties in such estimates. The magnetic bottom estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust because magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization at the Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks and, thus, also are called Curie point depths (CPDs). The Curie point depths over the region of Eastern Anatolia vary from 12.9 to 22.6 km. Depths computed from forward modelling of spectra with 200–600 km window sizes suggest that the bottom depths from East Anatolia from the magnetic data may have errors exceeding 5 km; however, most of the obtained depths appear to lie in the above range and indicate that the lower crust is either demagnetized or non-magnetic. In the interpretation of the magnetic map, we also used reduction-to-pole (RTP) and amplitude of total gradient of high-pass filtered anomalies, which reduced dipolar orientation effects of induced aeromagnetic anomalies. However, the features of the RTP and the total gradient of the high-pass filtered aeromagnetic anomalies are not highly correlated to the hot spring water locations. On the other hand, many high-amplitude features seen on the total gradient map can be correlated with the ophiolitic rocks observed on the surface. This interpretation is supported by Bouguer gravity data. In this paper, we recommend that the sources of the widespread thermal activity seen in East Anatolia must be investigated individually by means of detailed mapping and modelling of high resolution geophysical data to assess further the geothermal potential of the region.  相似文献   

We have developed a least-squares method to determine simultaneously the depth and the width of a buried thick dipping dike from residualized magnetic data using filters of successive window lengths. The method involves using a relationship between the depth and the half-width of the source and a combination of windowed observations. The relationship represents a family of curves (window curves). For a fixed window length, the depth is determined for each half-width value by solving one nonlinear equation of the form f (z) = 0 using the least-squares method. The computed depths are plotted against the width values representing a continuous curve. The solution for the depth and the width of the buried dike is read at the common intersection of the window curves. The method involves using a dike model convolved with the same moving average filter as applied to the observed data. As a result, this method can be applied to residuals as well as to measured magnetic data. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the amplitude coefficient and the index parameter. The method is applied to theoretical data with and without random errors. The validity of the method is tested on airborne magnetic data from Canada and on a vertical component magnetic anomaly from Turkey. In all cases examined, the model parameters obtained are in good agreement with the actual ones and with those given in the published literature.  相似文献   

Subduction‐related volcanic rocks are widespread in the Central Pontides of Turkey, and represented by the Hamsaros volcanic succession in the Sinop area to the north. The volcanic rocks display high‐K calc‐alkaline, shoshonitic and ultra‐K affinities. 40Ar/39Ar age data indicate that the rocks occurred during the Late Cretaceous (ca 82 Ma), and the volcanic suites were coeval. Primitive mantle‐normalized trace element patterns of all the lavas are characterized by strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (Rb, Ba, K, and Sr), Th, U, Pb, and light rare earth elements (LREE; La, Ce) and prominent negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies, all typical of subduction‐related lavas. There is a systematic increase in the enrichment of incompatible trace elements from the high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas through the shoshonitic to the ultra‐K lavas. In addition, the shoshonitic and ultra‐K lavas have significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70666–0.70834) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.51227–0.51236) initial ratios than coexisting high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas (87Sr/86Sr 0.70576–0.70613, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51245–0.51253). Geochemical and isotopic data show that the shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks cannot be derived from the high‐K calc‐alkaline suite by any shallow level differentiation process, and point to a derivation from distinct mantle sources. The shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks were derived from metasomatic veins related to melting of recycled subducted sediments, but the high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks from a lithospheric source metasomatized by fluids from subduction zone.  相似文献   

In this study, a Markov Random Field (MRF) approach is used to locate source boundary positions which are difficult to identify from Bouguer gravity and magnetic maps. As a generalized form of Markov Chains, the MRF approach is an unsupervised statistical model based algorithm and is applied to the analysis of images, particularly in the detection of visual patterns or textures. Here, we present a dynamic programming based on the MRF approach for boundary detection of noisy and super-positioned potential anomalies, which are produced by various geological structures. In the MRF method, gravity and magnetic maps are considered as two-dimensional (2-D) images with a matrix composed of N1 × N2 pixels. Each pixel value of the matrix is optimized in real time with no a priori processing by using two parameter sets; average steering vector (θ) and quantization level (M). They carry information about the correlation of neighboring pixels and the locality of their connections. We have chosen MRF as a processing approach for geophysical data since it is an unsupervised, efficient model for image enhancement, border detection and separation of 2-D potential anomalies. The main benefit of MRF is that an average steering vector and a quantization level are enough in evaluation of the potential anomaly maps. We have compared the MRF method to noise implemented synthetic potential field anomalies. After satisfactory results were found, the method has been applied to gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Gelibolu Peninsula in Western Turkey. Here, we have observed Anafartalar thrust fault and another parallel fault northwest of Anafartalar thrust fault. We have modeled a geological structure including a lateral fault, which results in a higher susceptibility and anomaly amplitude increment. We have shown that the MRF method is effective to detect the broad-scale geological structures in the Gelibolu Peninsula, and thus to delineate the complex tectonic structure of Gelibolu Peninsula.  相似文献   

 The Woods Mountain volcanic center is a well-exposed, mildly alkaline volcanic center that formed during the Miocene in southeastern California. Detailed geologic mapping and geochemical studies have distinguished three major volcanic phases: precaldera, caldera forming, and postcaldera. Geologic mapping indicates that caldera formation occurred incrementally during eruptions of three large ignimbrites and continued into a period of voluminous intracaldera lava-flow eruptions. Rhyolitic ignimbrites and lava flows within the caldera are associated with large amplitude, circular gravity, and magnetic minima that are among the most prominent gravity and magnetic anomalies in southeastern California. Analysis of a Bouguer gravity anomaly map, reduced-to-the-pole magnetic intensity map, and three-dimensional gravity and magnetic models indicates that there is a single, funnel- to bowl-shaped caldera approximately 4 km thick and approximately 10 km wide at the surface. This model is consistent with other siliceous, pyroclastic-filled calderas on continental crust, except that most siliceous volcanic centers associated with more than one eruption are characterized by more than one caldera. Received: 20 December 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

The interpretation of magnetic anomalies of dipping beds with an inclined top is ambiguous. The magnetic anomaly profile over a dipping bed can be produced by a series of beds of different dips and directions of magnetization. Further, these anomalies are equivalent to those of faults and anticlines. Thus, the magnetic anomaly profiles, assumed to be produced by one of the models, can also be produced by the other models. The ambiguity is resolved in case of dipping beds and faults, when the magnetization is caused purely by induction; but the case of anticlinal beds remains ambiguous.The magnetic equivalence of dipping beds, anticlines, and faults makes it possible to apply the available methods of interpretation of fault models to dipping beds and anticlines.  相似文献   

利用运城及周边地区的布格重力资料,对布格重力数据进行小波分解得到不同阶次的重力异常信息。依据各个阶次的小波变换结果并结合该区域的地质构造环境,对小波变换细节图中存在的特征较为明显的布格重力异常带进行深入分析,对异常所揭示的构造现象在地壳不同深度的分布特性等进行分析研究。结果表明:小波变换细节与区内地壳内部的隆起、凹陷及断裂构造具有很好的对应关系,可以对运城盆地的构造特征及地壳结构做更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

21世纪重力与磁法勘探的展望   总被引:21,自引:18,他引:21  
对21世纪重力与磁法勘探的仪器,数据处理技术,解释理论与方法,应用领域等方面的发展方向进行了分析与展望,发展航空标量,矢量,梯度重力测量和航空全梯度磁力测量,三分量磁力测量,提高综合信息采集能力;开展卫星重磁测量,综合卫星,航空,地面重磁测量资料研究地球结构与构造;发展高精度数据处理技术;重磁异常弱信号的提取,不同深度重磁异常的划分,低纬底变倾角化磁极以及位场面延拓;发展复杂条件下三维重磁场多参数综合反演可视化技术以及快速自动反演技术;探索磁性多参数的应用新领域,充分发挥磁法在环境污染调查中的作用并开拓应用新领域。  相似文献   

从盲源分离方法的问题及假设条件出发,阐述了探讨重磁信号非高斯性的必要性;通过对不同理论模型重磁异常信号的非高斯性进行研究,得出球体与直立长方体的重磁异常信号不是高斯信号;同时得出台阶重磁异常信号的非高斯性与其埋深有关,与磁化方向无关。  相似文献   

The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is not observed on the surface beyond 40 km southeast of Karliova town toward the western shoreline of Lake Van. Various amplitudes of gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies are observed around the lake and surrounding region. In the gravity anomaly map, contour intensity is observed from the north of Mus city center toward Lake Van. There is a possibility that the NAF extends from here to the lake. Because there is no gravity data within the lake, the extension of the NAF is unknown and uncertain in the lake and to the east. Meanwhile, it is observed from the aeromagnetic anomalies that there are several positive and negative amplitude anomalies aligned around a slightly curved line in the east–west direction. The same curvature becomes much clearer in the analytic signal transformation map. The volcanic mountains of Nemrut and Suphan, and magnetic anomalies to the east of the Lake Van are all lined up and extended with this slightly curved line, provoking thoughts that a fault zone that was not previously mapped may exist. The epicenter of the major earthquake event that occurred on October 23, 2011 is located on this fault zone. The fault plane solution of this earthquake indicates a thrust fault in the east–west direction, consistent with the results of this study. Volcanic mountains in this zone are accepted as still being active because of gas seepages from their calderas, and magnetic anomalies are caused by buried causative bodies, probably magmatic intrusions. Because of its magmatic nature, this zone could be a good prospect for geothermal energy exploration. In this study, the basement of the Van Basin was also modelled three-dimensionally (3D) in order to investigate its hydrocarbon potential, because the first oil production in Anatolia was recorded around the Kurzot village in this basin. According to the 3D modelling results, the basin is composed of three different depressions aligned in the N–S direction and many prospective structures were observed between and around these depressions where the depocenter depths may reach down to 10 km.  相似文献   

在分析中国大陆宏观格架、全国布格重力异常和东北地区1:50万剩余重、磁力异常的基础上,结合东北地质及构造演化史,分析了东北剩余重磁异常特征,并探讨了剩余重磁异常特征与地质构造的关系.总结了与成矿有关的剩余重磁场特征,说明了剩余重磁异常可在刻画地质构造、断裂分布、地层分布及成矿带方面提供重要的参考信息.  相似文献   

南海重磁异常特征及火成岩分布(英文)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
南海火成岩油气藏具有广阔的勘探前景,综合利用地球物理方法圈划与识别火成岩体、研究火成岩分布是火成岩油气藏研究的基础。针对南海重磁场特征,采用低纬度、变倾角化极技术进行了磁异常化极处理,利用优选延拓方法实现重磁异常分离并提取南海海域浅部火成岩重磁异常信息,利用磁异常三维相关成像给出南海火成岩的三维空间等效分布,在重磁梯度突出局部异常边界信息的基础上,通过梯度加权的重磁相关分析勾画不同类型火成岩的平面展布,火成岩的分布特征显示出受地壳深部结构及断裂构造的控制与影响。  相似文献   

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