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Field, petrographic and microprobe investigations of metaclastic rocks, calcareous schists, marbles, chloritic calcareous meta-volcanic units and schists/paragneisses which crop out along the eastern portion of the Central East-West Cross Island Highway in Taiwan demonstrate that metamorphic intensity gradually increases eastward. The lower greenschist facies Slate Formation on the W contains completely recrystallized, pure albitic plagioclase, but at least some of the white micas (± chlorites) probably represent relict detrital flakes. Neo-blastic biotite and epidote occur sporadically in the Pihou(?) Formation, and increase dramatically eastward; concomitantly the abundance of carbonaceous matter decreases to zero in the eastern Tailuko zone, and the amount of chlorite + white mica diminishes somewhat. Epidote becomes more aluminous at higher metamorphic grade. Eastward, phengites change progressively to more muscovitic compositions as the proportion of biotite increases. A close approach to chemical equilibrium for the pre-Cenozoic, complexly deformed metamorphic basement assemblages is suggested by regular, systematic, major and minor element partitioning between analysed coexisting phases. Fractionation is less pronounced on the E, reflecting higher temperatures. Estimated physical conditions of recrystallization with αH2O and αCO2 moderate, are: T > 325 ± 75°C, P > 3 kbar (W); T > 425 ± 75°C, P > 4kbar(E). The gradual eastward increase in metamorphic intensity from the Slate Formation through the Pihou(?) Formation and the three Tailuko zones, as well as the relict precursor textures in the pre-Cenozoic layered basement rocks indicate that the observed paragenetic sequence could represent a synchronous Neogene recrystallization event, probably accompanying the Plio-Pleistocene collision of the Asiatic continental margin and the Luzon (Coastal Range) andesitic arc.  相似文献   


中国台湾中央山脉东部出露的玉里变质带作为板块构造的缝合带,拼接了欧亚大陆板块、俯冲的南海板块、未俯冲的弧前基底和菲律宾海板块(吕宋岛弧),是认识台湾造山运动地球动力学重建的关键。玉里变质带出露含蓝片岩相的铁镁质—超铁镁质变质火成岩块体,这些块体在构造上被以绿片岩相为主的多期变形的云母石英片岩所包围。而玉里带东南侧发育了以云母石英片岩、千枚岩为主的初来组地层,初来组地层是否属于玉里带近年来仍然存在争议。为了解决这一问题,本文对台湾玉里带及其周缘地区的构造演化重新研究,针对中央山脉东部玉里带和初来组地层分别采样,利用碳质物质拉曼光谱温度计(RSCM)计算出变质片岩峰值变质温度的均值。结果表明:玉里带的峰值变质温度范围在400 ℃~550 ℃之间,比台湾地区的其它次级构造单元温度高;玉里带内,峰值变质温度高于500 ℃的地区毗邻玉里带的3个最大的高压变质火成岩块体,说明高压变质块体可能存在与围岩之间的交代变质作用;初来组地层的峰值变质温度约为360 ℃,与玉里带的温差达100 ℃以上,说明初来组地层与玉里带是两个不同的次级单元,在中央山脉东南缘二者之间很可能是断层接触,在台湾造山带向东的反冲褶皱逆冲带变形之后,这两个单元可能经历了相同的形变历史。本次更新的峰值变质温度集合了台湾地区的所有已发表的RSCM数据,显示出横跨台湾东部中央山脉热演化的系统性空间展布,重新修正了台湾中央山脉东部地质图。


In‐situ 40Ar/39Ar laser microprobe dating was carried out on the Hoping pseudotachylite from a mylonite‐fault zone in the metamorphosed basement complex of the active Taiwan Mountain Belt to determine the timing of the responsible earthquake(s). The dating results, distributed from 3.2 to 1.6 Ma with errors ranging from 0.2 to 1.1 Ma, were derived from a combination of two Ar isotopic system end‐members with inverse isochron ages of 1.55 ± 0.05 and 2.87 ± 0.07 Ma, respectively. Petrographical observations reveal fault melt containing ultracataclasites, therefore the older inverse isochron end‐member may be attributed to the relic wall rock Ar isotopic system contained in micro‐breccia. Without significant Ar loss expected, the ~1.6 Ma for the young end‐member defines the exact time of the pseudotachylite formation. Seismic faulting therefore occurred during basement rock exhumation in the Taiwanese hinterland.  相似文献   

Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the Jurassic Sanjianpu Formation and Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei basin show that the sediment provenance consists mainly of four kinds of rock units: the basement metamorphic complex, granitic rocks, medium- and low-grade metamorphic rocks, and sandy and muddy sedimentary rocks, which are distributed along the bounding thrust belt. The whole stratigrapnic section can be divided into 2 lithic sequences and 7 subsequences. The regular distribution and changes of lithic fragments and gravels in lithic (or gravel) sequences reflect that the bounding thrust belt of basin has undergone 2 thrusting cycles and 7 thrusting events. Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the basin fully reveal that the northern Dabie basement metamorphic complex was exhumed on the earth's surface in the Middle and Late Jurassic, and extensive intermediate and acid intrusive rocks were developed in the southern North Huaiyang or northern Dabie Mountains during the basin's synde  相似文献   

阐述了盐源马丝螺地区破碎带中金矿(化)体特征,结合该地区1∶5万水系沉积物测量所圈定的组合异常特征、成矿元素地球化学特征,提出了该地区的找矿标志,指出了找矿方向.  相似文献   

刀峰山地区位于黄羊岭(前陆盆地)Sb-Hg-Au-Cu矿带,具备优越的构造成矿环境和丰富的成矿物质来源,在其周边已发现一系列大-中型锑汞矿床,具备良好的锑金多金属找矿前景。以该区1:5万水系沉积物测量的17中元素数据为基础,通过对各元素富集系数、变异系数统计,R聚类分析和因子分析,结合研究区成矿地质条件及成矿事实,确定了研究区Sb为主成矿元素,组合特征为Sb-As-Hg-Au;共圈定综合异常8处,找矿靶区4处,优选出A1找矿靶区;新发现11条锑金多金属矿(化)体;并提出主攻矿种为锑、金矿种,找矿类型为低温热液型锑金多金属矿。  相似文献   

刀峰山地区位于黄羊岭(前陆盆地)Sb-Hg-Au-Cu矿带,具备优越的构造成矿环境和丰富的成矿物质来源,在其周边已发现一系列大-中型锑汞矿床,具备良好的锑金多金属找矿前景。以该区1:5万水系沉积物测量的17中元素数据为基础,通过对各元素富集系数、变异系数统计,R聚类分析和因子分析,结合研究区成矿地质条件及成矿事实,确定了研究区Sb为主成矿元素,组合特征为Sb-As-Hg-Au;共圈定综合异常8处,找矿靶区4处,优选出A1找矿靶区;新发现11条锑金多金属矿(化)体;并提出主攻矿种为锑、金矿种,找矿类型为低温热液型锑金多金属矿。  相似文献   

The Western Triassic and Paleozoic belt (WTrPz) is a regionally extensive, composite terrane correlative with Cache Creek-affinity rocks, a major crust-forming lithotectonic entity of the North American Cordillera. New structural, stratigraphic, and petrologic data suggest that a large tract of greenschist to amphibolite-grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rock, previously considered to consist of several separate oceanic terranes, is, instead, a single fault-bounded, volcanic island arc, the Sawyers Bar terrane. It represents a mid-Jurassic, relatively intact, recrystallized nappe complex 5 to 10 km thick, extending over 100 km along strike in the central Klamaths. Protoliths of the complex are interpreted to be Lower Triassic (?) to mid-Jurassic supracrustal, volcanic arc-related units deposited, deformed, and metamorphosed within a suprasubduction zone adjacent to the continental margin. Metamorphism increases monotonically with depth in the nappe, ranging from prehnite-pumpellyite to lower greenschist-grade in the Pony Camp area on the south, through greenschist-grade in the medial Sawyers Bar area, to low-pressure amphibolite-grade metamorphism in the Marble Mountains on the north. The Pony Camp area generally lacks penetrative deformation. In the Marble Mountains, peak metamorphism largely postdates intense deformation; nevertheless, folding of fabrics and brittle deformation are common.

The complex is bounded by low-angle, W-vergent, crustal-scale, mid-Jurassic thrusts. The Soap Creek Ridge fault juxtaposes Stuart Fork blueschists over the Sawyers Bar complex. The lower thrust is not definitely established, but must be situated beneath tectonic levels postulated by earlier workers. It may coincide with the previously unrecognized brittle-plastic Isinglass shear zone in the Marble Mountains, and a poorly exposed, unnamed low-angle fault in the Virgin Buttes region west of Pony Camp. In this area, mapping indicates that the Twin Sisters fault is a relatively minor high-angle break within the WTrPz, rather than being a crustal-scale terrane suture. Synmagmatic, brittle extensional faults are common, as are syn and postmetamorphic, regionally extensive, high-angle faults that internally imbricate the WTrPz; the latter are marked by sheared serpentinite. Folds within the Sawyers Bar nappe complex are NE to NW-trending and W-vergent. Structural evidence suggests that W-vergent thrusting, E-W contraction, regional Siskiyou metamorphism, penetrative deformation, and crustal thickening occurred at ~170 to 165 Ma, and preceded voluminous 167 to 162 Ma calc-alkaline plutonism. In the study areas, waning stages of Siskiyou deformation were characterized by thermal relaxation, uplift, extension, crustal thinning, and E-directed tectonic transport. Nevadan age contraction (155 to 150 Ma), prevalent to the west at lower structural levels of the WTrPz, is not recognized in the Sawyers Bar nappe; however, regionally developed open folding of Siskiyou metamorphic fabrics and rare superposed folding and axial-plane cleavage development in the Marble Mountains may reflect a Nevadan event. Brittle deformation that clearly post-dates Siskiyou folding is younger than 150 Ma, but is older than ~130 Ma, the age of the oldest marine strata that overlie the Klamath province regionally. Kinematic evidence from the eastern Marble Mountains suggests sinistral transtension of possibly latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age. Late-stage brittle deformation is permissibly Cenozoic; the Sawyers Bar thrust sheet was tilted a maximum of 30° to the south along the flanks of the Condrey Mountain dome during Cenozoic uplift.

The Sawyers Bar nappe complex is similar to other composite terranes in Phanerozoic convergent suture zones throughout the world. Like the Klamath Mountains, these areas also may represent different exposure levels within a single fault-bounded entity rather than an amalgam of disparate terranes.  相似文献   

黄茅海海域内泥沙淤积范围的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据黄茅海海域底沙样本的中子活化分析示踪泥沙的原始数据,采用模糊数学方法,计算了各样本点间的相关关系,并进行聚类分析,得出了泥沙输移的主要路线,同时通过对沙源泥沙特性的探讨且结合实际情况,选取了作为沙源的泥沙样本.在此基础上,采用均方差最小的方法,计算各沙源对海域内各样本点的贡献,由此可以确认各沙源的淤积范围,从而对本海域内的泥沙来源有了较为全面的认识.  相似文献   

Data sets of collapsed earthquake locations, earthquake focal mechanisms, GPS velocities and geologic data are integrated to constrain the geometry and kinematics of a crustal block within the accreted continental margin rocks of Taiwan's northeastern Central Range. This block is laterally extruding and exhuming towards the north-northeast. The block is bound on the west-southwest by the previously recognized Sanyi–Puli seismic zone and on the east by a vertical seismic structure that projects to the eastern mountain front of the Central Range. Focal mechanisms from the Broadband Array of Taiwan Seismicity (BATS) catalog consistently show west-side-up reverse displacements for this fault zone. A second vertical structure is recognized beneath the Slate Belt–Metamorphic Belt boundary as a post-Chi-Chi relaxation oblique normal fault. BATS focal mechanisms show east-side-up, normal displacements with a minor left-lateral component. The vertical and lateral extrusion of this crustal block may be driven by the current collision between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Puli basement high indenter on the Eurasian Plate and/or trench rollback along the Ryukyu subduction zone. In addition, the vertical extent of the two shear zones suggests that a basal décollement below the eastern Central Range is deeper than previously proposed and may extend below the brittle–ductile transition.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2009,35(4):521-532
More than 190 occurrences of bauxitic–lateritic deposits were investigated in seven areas within the Zagros Simply Folded Mountain Belt in southwestern of Iran. The bauxitic horizons are situated in eroded major NW–SE trending anticlines and occur in karst cavities near or at the boundary between the Sarvak and Ilam Formations. Uplift in the Cenomanian–Turanian period had exposed the Sarvak limestone to karst weathering and, during a period of unconformity, layers of ferruginous–argillaceous limestone debris developed and accumulated on its surface. The ferruginous–argillaceous debris was partly converted to bauxite. Folding and faulting in Oligocene–Miocene time, with ensuing erosion, exposed the bauxitic horizons on the limbs and cores of anticlines. The karst bauxite deposits are probably of authigenic origin, as evidenced by their lithologic associations, textural and mineralogy.  相似文献   

Petrology and phase equilibria of rocks from two profiles inEastern Nepal from the Lesser Himalayan Sequences, across theMain Central Thrust Zone and into the Greater Himalayan Sequencesreveal a Paired Metamorphic Mountain Belt (PMMB) composed oftwo thrust-bound metamorphic terranes of contrasting metamorphicstyle. At the higher structural level, the Greater HimalayanSequences experienced high-T/moderate-P metamorphism, with ananticlockwise P–T path. Low-P inclusion assemblages ofquartz + hercynitic spinel + sillimanite have been overgrownby peak metamorphic garnet + cordierite + sillimanite assemblagesthat equilibrated at 837 ± 59°C and 6·7 ±1·0 kbar. Matrix minerals are overprinted by numerousmetamorphic reaction textures that document isobaric coolingand re-equilibrated samples preserve evidence of cooling to600 ± 45°C at 5·7 ±1·1 kbar.Below the Main Central Thrust, the Lesser Himalayan Sequencesare a continuous (though inverted) Barrovian sequence of high-P/moderate-Tmetamorphic rocks. Metamorphic zones upwards from the loweststructural levels in the south are: Zone A: albite + chlorite + muscovite ± biotite; Zone B: albite + chlorite + muscovite + biotite + garnet; Zone C: albite + muscovite + biotite + garnet ± chlorite; Zone D: oligoclase + muscovite + biotite + garnet ± kyanite; Zone E: oligoclase + muscovite + biotite + garnet + staurolite+ kyanite; Zone F: bytownite + biotite + garnet + K-feldspar + kyanite± muscovite; Zone G: bytownite + biotite + garnet + K-feldspar + sillimanite+ melt ± kyanite. The Lesser Himalayan Sequences show evidence for a clockwiseP–T path. Peak-P conditions from mineral cores average10·0 ± 1·2 kbar and 557 ± 39°C,and peak-metamorphic conditions from rims average 8·8± 1·1 kbar and 609 ± 42°C in ZonesD–F. Matrix assemblages are overprinted by decompressionreaction textures, and in Zones F and G progress into the sillimanitefield. The two terranes were brought into juxtaposition duringformation of sillimanite–biotite ± gedrite foliationseams (S3) formed at conditions of 674 ± 33°C and5·7 ± 1·1 kbar. The contrasting averagegeothermal gradients and P–T paths of these two metamorphicterranes suggest they make up a PMMB. The upper-plate positionof the Greater Himalayan Sequences produced an anticlockwiseP–T path, with the high average geothermal gradient beingpossibly due to high radiogenic element content in this terrane.In contrast, the lower-plate Lesser Himalayan Sequences weredeeply buried, metamorphosed in a clockwise P–T path anddisplay inverted isograds as a result of progressive ductileoverthrusting of the hot Greater Himalayan Sequences duringprograde metamorphism. KEY WORDS: thermobarometry; P–T paths; Himalaya; metamorphism; inverted isograds; paired metamorphic belts  相似文献   

There are four units of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism extending from south to north across the Tongbai-Dabie Mountains: the epidote-blueschist-facies unit, the low-temperature eclogite facies unit , the ultrahigh-pressure eclngite facies unit and the medium-temperature eclogite facies unit . The later two units were formed during the Caledonian subduction between the Tongbai-Dabie microplate and the North China plate ,the former two units are the products of Indosinian continental-continental subduction and collision between the Yangtze and the North China plates.  相似文献   

台湾地区出露的始新统-中新统地层属南海北侧的范畴,其物质组成及沉积环境为揭示南海新生代早期构造沉积演化提供了关键性依据。对台湾西部麓山带中部南投粗坑地区、国姓地区以及东北海岸新港-基隆地区的始新统-中新统地层进行了岩石学、矿物学、稀土元素地球化学特征以及碎屑锆石U-Pb定年分析等研究。结果显示:台湾中部和北部从始新世到中新世经历了从陆相河流-湖泊相沉积环境到滨浅海相的环境转变,其砂岩成分成熟度随时间由老变新呈现规律性变化;沉积物源分析表明研究区沉积物在始新世-早渐新世,物源以近源中生代源区为主,碎屑锆石年龄谱系出现120 Ma和230 Ma两个主要峰值,与周边及华南沿海地区中生代火山岩时代一致;进入晚渐新世以后,锆石年龄谱系出现900 Ma及1 800 Ma等古老峰值,说明古老地块物质明显增加,这可能反映了昆莺琼古河流由南海西部到东部的物质输送对台湾地区的影响作用。  相似文献   

In order to understand the kinematics which likely facilitated the speedy rupturing process of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, we examined exposed rocks in the Taiwan Slate belt, where the pressure and temperature conditions most resembled the hypocentre of the Chi-Chi earthquake, i.e. sub-greenschist facies. Field observations and composition analyses of the silicified vein-rich zones beneath the duplex structure suggest that impermeable slate layers may serve as cap rocks for confining deep-seated fluids. These fluids most likely come from the Taiwan metamorphic complex at deeper depths by the dehydration and decarbonation reactions (or partial melting). In addition, the gouge zone of a link fault above the detachment also indicates the presence of overpressured fluids during faulting. It is probable that episodic leakage of the confined fluid reservoirs may provide essential fluids for fault lubrication during earthquake ruptures.  相似文献   

Through field geological investigation and seismic interpretation of the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt, we summarized the following structural styles: thrust belt, fault-related fold (fault bend fold, fault propagation fold, and fault decollement fold), pop-up, triangle zone, duplex, superimposed fold, ductile deformation structures, reverse thrust fault, klippe, decollement structure,etc.. These structural styles have evident distribution characteristics; they had zonation and segmentation in plane. Th...  相似文献   

依据1∶5万水系沉积物测量资料,分析研究了平武-松潘地区水系沉积物元素背景特征、不同地质体的地球化学特征、单元素异常特征、元素共生组合特征、综合异常特征等,并优选了找矿远景区,指明了找矿方向。  相似文献   

Pollen data from two sites provide information on the postglacial vegetation and climate history of the Cascade Range. Indian Prairie in the western Cascade Range was colonized by subalpine forests of Pinus, Picea, and Tsuga and open meadows prior to ca. 12,400 14C yr B.P. The treeline lay 500 to 1000 m below its modern elevation and conditions were cooler than at present. From ca. 12,400 to ca. 9950 14C yr B.P. Abies became important and the forest resembled that presently found at middle elevations in the western Cascade Range. The pollen record implies a rise in treeline and warmer conditions than before. From ca. 10,000 to 4000-4500 14C yr B.P., conditions that were warmer and effectively drier than today led to the establishment of a closed forest composed of Pseudotsuga , Abies, and, at lower elevations, Quercus and Corylus . During this period, Gold Lake Bog in the High Cascades was surrounded by closed forest of Pinus and Abies. The early-Holocene pollen assemblages at both Indian Prairie and Gold Lake Bog lack modern analogues, and it is likely that greater-than-present summer radiation fostered unique climatic conditions and vegetation associations at middle and high elevations. In the late Holocene, beginning ca. 4000-4500 14C yr B.P., cooler and more humid conditions prevailed and the modern vegetation was established. A comparison of these sites with others in the Pacific Northwest suggests that major patterns of vegetational change at individual sites were a response to large-scale changes in the climate system that affected the entire region.  相似文献   

Blueschists are constituents of subduction-accretion complexes, where they occur either as separate tectonic slabs, slices, and lenses, or as exotic blocks in a melange. Often associated with ophiolites, blueschists are commonly metamorphosed members of ophiolite sections. Along with ophiolite, a typical component of high-pressure belts is alkaline ocean-island basalt comprehensively studied in the Uimon zone of Gorny Altai and Chara zone of Eastern Kazakhstan. This suggests active plume magmatism in the Early Paleozoic evolution of the Paleoasian Ocean. As inferred from sutures with high-pressure rocks, different parts of Paleoasian Ocean were closing successively.  相似文献   

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