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William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1973,18(4):634-636
Effects of intense pre-mare cratering on subsurface structure and seismic properties are considered. A mega-regolith of fragmental material (possibly bonded at depth) exists not only in the terrae but possibly in subsurface layers under some maria.  相似文献   

Abstract The Chicxulub crater in Mexico is a nearly pristine example of a large impact crater. Its slow burial has left the central impact basin intact, within which there is an apparently uneroded topographic peak ring. Its burial, however, means that we must rely on drill holes and geophysical data to interpret the crater form. Interpretations of crater structures using geophysical data are often guided by numerical modeling and observations at other large terrestrial craters. However, such endeavors are hindered by uncertainties in current numerical models and the lack of any obvious progressive change in structure with increasing crater size. For this reason, proposed structural models across Chicxulub remain divergent, particularly within the central crater region, where the deepest well is only ?1.6 km deep. The shape and precise location of the stratigraphic uplift are disputed. The spatial extent and distribution of the allogenic impact breccias and melt rocks remain unknown, as do the lithological nature of the peak ring and the mechanism for its formation. The objective of our research is to provide a well‐constrained 3D structural and lithological model across the central region of the Chicxulub crater that is consistent with combined geophysical data sets and drill core samples. With this in mind, we present initial physical property measurements made on 18 core samples from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill hole between 400 and 1500 m deep and present a new density model that is in agreement with both the 3D velocity and gravity data. Future collation of petrophysical and geochemical data from Yax‐1 core, as well as further seismic surveys and drilling, will allow us to calibrate our geophysical models—assigning a suite of physical properties to each lithology. An accurate 3D model of Chicxulub is critical to our understanding of large craters and to the constraining of the environmental effects of this impact.  相似文献   

The interpretation of planetary anomalies in the gravity fields of Mars and the Moon in relationship to their inhomogeneous internal structure is considered. The Martian and lunar gravity field models up to order and degree 20, three-layer (crust, mantle, core) model parameters, and planetary parameters have been used as input data. Models of the three-dimensional density distribution have been constructed for Mars and the Moon. The maps of horizontal density inhomogeneities at depths of 50, 100, and 1700 km for Mars and 60, 100, and 1400 km for the Moon are interpreted.  相似文献   

Many bodies in the outer solar system are theorized to have an ice shell with a different subsurface material below, be it chondritic, regolith, or a subsurface ocean. This layering can have a significant influence on the morphology of impact craters. Accordingly, we have undertaken laboratory hypervelocity impact experiments on a range of multilayered targets, with interiors of water, sand, and basalt. Impact experiments were undertaken using impact speeds in the range of 0.8–5.3 km s?1, a 1.5 mm Al ball bearing projectile, and an impact incidence of 45°. The surface ice crust had a thickness between 5 and 50 mm, i.e., some 3–30 times the projectile diameter. The thickness of the ice crust as well as the nature of the subsurface layer (liquid, well consolidated, etc.) have a marked effect on the morphology of the resulting impact crater, with thicker ice producing a larger crater diameter (at a given impact velocity), and the crater diameter scaling with impact speed to the power 0.72 for semi‐infinite ice, but with 0.37 for thin ice. The density of the subsurface material changes the structure of the crater, with flat crater floors if there is a dense, well‐consolidated subsurface layer (basalt) or steep, narrow craters if there is a less cohesive subsurface (sand). The associated faulting in the ice surface is also dependent on ice thickness and the substrate material. We find that the ice layer (in impacts at 5 km s?1) is effectively semi‐infinite if its thickness is more than 15.5 times the projectile diameter. Below this, the crater diameter is reduced by 4% for each reduction in ice layer thickness equal to the impactor diameter. Crater depth is also affected. In the ice thickness region, 7–15.5 times the projectile diameter, the crater shape in the ice is modified even when the subsurface layer is not penetrated. For ice thicknesses, <7 times the projectile diameter, the ice layer is breached, but the nature of the resulting crater depends heavily on the subsurface material. If the subsurface is noncohesive (loose) material, a crater forms in it. If it is dense, well‐consolidated basalt, no crater forms in the exposed subsurface layer.  相似文献   

Abstract— The late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure (CBIS) on the Atlantic margin of Virginia is one of the largest and best‐preserved “wet‐target” craters on Earth. It provides an accessible analog for studying impact processes in layered and wet targets on volatile‐rich planets. The CBIS formed in a layered target of water, weak clastic sediments, and hard crystalline rock. The buried structure consists of a deep, filled central crater, 38 km in width, surrounded by a shallower brim known as the annular trough. The annular trough formed partly by collapse of weak sediments, which expanded the structure to ?85 km in diameter. Such extensive collapse, in addition to excavation processes, can explain the “inverted sombrero” morphology observed at some craters in layered targets. The distribution of crater‐fill materials in the CBIS is related to the morphology. Suevitic breccia, including pre‐resurge fallback deposits, is found in the central crater. Impact‐modified sediments, formed by fluidization and collapse of water‐saturated sand and silt‐clay, occur in the annular trough. Allogenic sediment‐clast breccia, interpreted as ocean‐resurge deposits, overlies the other impactites and covers the entire crater beneath a blanket of postimpact sediments. The formation of chaotic terrains on Mars is attributed to collapse due to the release of volatiles from thick layered deposits. Some flat‐floored rimless depressions with chaotic infill in these terrains are impact craters that expanded by collapse farther than expected for similar‐sized complex craters in solid targets. Studies of crater materials in the CBIS provide insights into processes of crater expansion on Mars and their links to volatiles.  相似文献   

Abstract— The proposed Sirente crater field consists of a slightly oblong main structure (main crater) 120 m in width and about 30 smaller structures (satellite craters), all in unconsolidated but stiff carbonate mud. Here we focus on the subsurface structure of the satellite craters and compare the Sirente field with known meteorite crater fields. We present a more complete outline of the crater field than previously reported, information on the subsurface morphology of a satellite crater (C8) 8 m in width, radiocarbon and thermoluminescence (TL) ages of material from this crater, and evidence for heated material in both crater C8 and the rim of the main crater. Crater C8 has a funnel shape terminating downwards, and evidence for soil injection from the surface to a depth of 9 m. The infill contained dispersed charcoal and small, irregular, porous fragments of heated clay with a calibrated age of b.p. 1712 (13C‐corrected radiocarbon age: b.p. 1800 ± 100) and a TL age of b.p. 1825 (calculated error ± 274). Together with previous radiocarbon age (b.p. 1538) of the formation of the main crater (i.e., target surface below rim), a formation is suggested at the beginning of the first millennium a.d. Although projectile vaporization is not expected in Sirente‐sized craters in this type of target material, we used geochemistry in an attempt to detect a meteoritic component. The results gave no unequivocal evidence of meteoritic material. Nevertheless, the outline of the crater field, evidence of heated material within the craters, and subsurface structure are comparable with known meteorite crater fields.  相似文献   

The 26 km diameter Nördlinger Ries is a complex impact structure with a ring structure that resembles a peak ring. A first research drilling through this “inner crystalline ring” of the Ries was performed at the Erbisberg hill (SW Ries) to better understand the internal structure and lithology of this feature, and possibly reveal impact‐induced hydrothermal alteration. The drill core intersected the slope of a 22 m thick postimpact travertine mound, before entering 42 m of blocks and breccias of crystalline rocks excavated from the Variscan basement at >500 m depth. Weakly shocked gneiss blocks that show that shock pressure did not exceed 5 GPa occur above polymict lithic breccias of shock stage Ia (10–20 GPa), with planar fractures and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz. Only a narrow zone at 49.20–50.00 m core depth exhibits strong mosaicism in feldspar and {102} PDFs in quartz, which are indicative of shock stage Ib (20–35 GPa). Finally, 2 m of brecciated Keuper sediments at the base of the section point to an inverse layering of strata. While reverse grading of clast sizes in lithic breccias and gneiss blocks is consistent with lateral transport, the absence of diaplectic glass and melt products argues against dynamic overthrusting of material from a collapsing central peak, as seen in the much larger Chicxulub structure. Indeed, weakly shocked gneiss blocks are rather of local provenance (i.e., the transient crater wall), whereas moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias with geochemical composition and 87Sr/86Sr signature similar to Ries suevite were derived from a position closer to the impact center. Thus, the inner ring of the Ries is formed by moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias likely injected into the transient crater wall during the excavation stage and weakly shocked gneiss blocks of the collapsing transient crater wall that were emplaced during the modification stage. While the presence of an overturned flap is not evident from the Erbisberg drilling, a survey of all drillings at or near the inner ring point to inverted strata throughout its outer limb. Whether the central ring of the Ries represents remains of a collapsed central peak remains to be shown. Postimpact hydrothermal alteration along the Erbisberg section comprises chloritization, sulfide veinlets, and strong carbonatization. In addition, a narrow zone in the lower parts of the polymict lithic breccia sequence shows a positive Eu anomaly in its carbonate phase. The surface expression of this hydrothermal activity, i.e., the travertine mound, comprises subaerial as well as subaquatic growth phases. Intercalated lake sediments equivalent to the early parts of the evolution of the central crater basin succession confirm a persistent impact‐generated hydrothermal activity, although for less time than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract– Samples returned from comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust mission provided an unequaled opportunity to compare previously available extraterrestrial samples against those from a known comet. Iron sulfides are a major constituent of cometary grains commonly identified within cometary interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and Wild 2 samples. Chemical analyses indicate Wild 2 sulfides are fundamentally different from those in IDPs. However, as Wild 2 dust was collected via impact into capture media at approximately 6.1 km s?1, it is unclear whether this is due to variation in preaccretional/parent body processes experienced by these materials or due to heating and alteration during collection. We investigated alteration in pyrrhotite and pentlandite impacted into Stardust flight spare Al foils under encounter conditions by comparing scanning and transmission electron microscope (SEM, TEM) analyses of preimpact and postimpact samples and calculating estimates of various impact parameters. SEM is the primary method of analysis during initial in situ examination of Stardust foils, and therefore, we also sought to evaluate the data obtained by SEM using insights provided by TEM. We find iron sulfides experience heating, melting, separation, and loss of S, and mixing with molten Al. These results are consistent with estimated peak pressures and temperatures experienced (approximately 85 GPa, approximately 2600 K) and relative melting temperatures. Unambiguous identification of preserved iron sulfides may be possible by TEM through the location of Al‐free regions. In most cases, the Ni:Fe ratio is preserved in both SEM and TEM analyses and may therefore also be used to predict original chemistry and estimate mineralogy.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the favorable opposition of 1971, the Goldstone radar system, operating at 2388MHz, was used to scan the Martian surface. Measurements of altitude and reflected power were taken approximately every 3 days. Each measurement represents an area 8km E-W × 80km N-S, the highest resolution attained to date. Altitude measurements obtained on different observing days were combined to produce altitude profiles for three complete rotations, each at different latitudes. Large-scale variations in altitudes cover a range of 14km. Altitude changes of 5 in 30km of longitude were observed. The altitude profiles show the heavy cratering of the surface, and several large craters (50–100km) 1–2 km deep are easily seen. Reflected power for different angles of incidence was measured, yielding the scattering properties of the surface as a function of longitude. Correlation was found between the peak intensity of the reflected signal and the width of the scattering function. The average relationship between the intensity and the width suggests a power reflection coefficient of at least 0.064 ± 0.012. Departures from the average are interpreted as deviations in the reflection coefficient from the mean value. These variations are presented as a function of longitude for each of the three rotations.  相似文献   

Most of the East European Craton lacks surface relief; however, the amplitude of topography at the top of the basement exceeds 20 km, the amplitude of topography undulations at the crustal base reaches almost 30 km with an amazing amplitude of ca. 50 km in variation in the thickness of the crystalline crust, and the amplitude of topography variations at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary exceeds 200 km. This paper examines the relative contributions of the crust, the subcrustal lithosphere, and the dynamic support of the sublithospheric mantle to maintain surface topography, using regional seismic data on the structure of the crystalline crust and the sedimentary cover, and thermal and large-scale P- and S-wave seismic tomography data on the structure of the lithospheric mantle. For the Precambrian lithosphere, an analysis of Vp/Vs ratio at 100, 150, 200, and 250 km depths does not show any age-dependence, suggesting that while Vp/Vs ratio can be effectively used to outline the cratonic margins, it is not sensitive to compositional variations within the cratonic lithosphere.Statistical analysis of age-dependence of velocity, density, and thermal structure of the continental crust and subcrustal lithosphere in the study area (0–62E, 45–72N) allows to link lithospheric structure with the tectonic evolution of the region since the Archean. Crustal thickness decreases systematically with age from 42–44 km in regions older than 1.6 Ga to 37–40 km in the Paleozoic–Mesoproterozoic structures, and to ca. 31 km in the Meso-Cenozoic regions. However, the isostatic contribution of the crust to the surface topography of the East European Craton is almost independent of age (ca. 4.5 km) due to an interplay of age-dependent crustal and sedimentary thicknesses and lithospheric temperatures.On the contrary, the contribution of the subcrustal lithosphere to the surface topography strongly depends on the age, being slightly positive (+ 0.3 + 0.7 km) for the regions older than 1.6 Ga and negative (− 0.5–1 km) for younger structures. This leads to age-dependent variations in the residual topography, i.e. the topography which cannot be explained by the assumed thermal and density structure of the lithosphere, and which can (at least partly) originate from the dynamic component caused by the mantle flow. Positive dynamic topography at the cratonic margins, which exceeds 2 km in the Norwegian Caledonides and in the Urals, clearly links their on-going uplift with deep mantle processes. Negative residual topography beneath the Archean-Paleoproterozoic cratons (− 1–2 km) indicates either a smaller density deficit (ca. 0.9%) in their subcrustal lithosphere than predicted by global petrologic data on mantle-derived xenoliths or the presence of a strong convective downwelling in the mantle. Such mantle downflows can effectively divert heat from the lithospheric base, leading to a long-term survival of the Archean-Paleoproterozoic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The study of peak-ring basins and other impact crater morphologies transitional between complex craters and multi-ring basins is important to our understanding of the mechanisms for basin formation on the terrestrial planets. Mercury has the largest population, and the largest population per area, of peak-ring basins and protobasins in the inner solar system and thus provides important data for examining questions surrounding peak-ring basin formation. New flyby images from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft have more than doubled the area of Mercury viewed at close range, providing nearly complete global coverage of the planet's surface when combined with flyby data from Mariner 10. We use this new near-global dataset to compile a catalog of peak-ring basins and protobasins on Mercury, including measurements of the diameters of the basin rim crest, interior ring, and central peak (if present). Our catalog increases the population of peak-ring basins by ∼150% and protobasins by ∼100% over previous catalogs, including 44 newly identified peak-ring basins (total=74) and 17 newly identified protobasins (total=32). A newly defined transitional basin type, the ringed peak-cluster basin (total=9), is also described. The new basin catalog confirms that Mercury has the largest population of peak-ring basins of the terrestrial planets and also places the onset rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins at , which is intermediate between the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and those for the other terrestrial planets. The ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter further emphasize that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies relating to their processes of formation, in contrast to previous views that these forms are distinct. Comparisons of the predictions of peak-ring basin-formation models with the characteristics of the basin catalog for Mercury suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. The relationship between impact-melt production and peak-ring formation is strengthened further by agreement between power laws fit to ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins and protobasins and the power-law relation between the dimension of a melt cavity and the crater diameter. More detailed examination of Mercury's peak-ring basins awaits the planned insertion of the MESSENGER spacecraft into orbit about Mercury in 2011.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of shatter cones (SCs) near the village of Agoudal (Morocco, Central High Atlas Mountains) in 2013, the absence of one or several associated circular structures led to speculation about the age of the impact event, the number, and the size of the impact crater or craters. Additional constraints on the crater size, age, and erosion rates are obtained here from geological, structural, and geophysical mapping and from cosmogenic nuclide data. Our geological maps of the Agoudal impact site at the scales of 1:30,000 (6 km2) and 1:15,000 (2.25 km2) include all known occurrences of SCs in target rocks, breccias, and vertical to overturned strata. Considering that strata surrounding the impact site are subhorizontal, we argue that disturbed strata are related to the impact event. Three types of breccias have been observed. Two of them (br1‐2 and br2) could be produced by erosion–sedimentation–consolidation processes, with no evidence for impact breccias, while breccia (br1) might be impact related. The most probable center of the structure is estimated at 31°59′13.73?N, 5°30′55.14?W using the concentric deviation method applied to the orientation of strata over the disturbed area. Despite the absence of a morphological expression, the ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys reveal anomalies spatially associated with disturbed strata and SC occurrences. The geophysical data, the structural observations, and the area of occurrence of SCs in target rocks are all consistent with an original size of 1.4–4.2 km in diameter. Cosmogenic nuclide data (36Cl) constrain the local erosion rates between 220 ± 22 m Ma?1 and 430 ± 43 m Ma?1. These erosion rates may remove the topographic expression of such a crater and its ejecta in a time period of about 0.3–1.9 Ma. This age is older than the Agoudal iron meteorite age (105 ± 40 kyr). This new age constraint excludes the possibility of a genetic relationship between the Agoudal iron meteorite fall and the formation of the Agoudal impact site. A chronolgy chart including the Atlas orogeny, the alternation of sedimentation and erosion periods, and the meteoritic impacts is presented based on all obtained and combined data.  相似文献   

We have studied data from the Galileo spacecraft's three remote sensing instruments (Solid-State Imager (SSI), Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS), and Photopolarimeter-Radiometer (PPR)) covering the Zamama-Thor region of Io's antijovian hemisphere, and produced a geomorphological map of this region. This is the third of three regional maps we are producing from the Galileo spacecraft data. Our goal is to assess the variety of volcanic and tectonic materials and their interrelationships on Io using planetary mapping techniques, supplemented with all available Galileo remote sensing data. Based on the Galileo data analysis and our mapping, we have determined that the most recent geologic activity in the Zamama-Thor region has been dominated by two sites of large-scale volcanic surface changes. The Zamama Eruptive Center is a site of both explosive and effusive eruptions, which emanate from two relatively steep edifices (Zamama Tholi A and B) that appear to be built by both silicate and sulfur volcanism. A ∼100-km long flow field formed sometime after the 1979 Voyager flybys, which appears to be a site of promethean-style compound flows, flow-front SO2 plumes, and adjacent sulfur flows. Larger, possibly stealthy, plumes have on at least one occasion during the Galileo mission tapped a source that probably includes S and/or Cl to produce a red pyroclastic deposit from the same vent from which silicate lavas were erupted. The Thor Eruptive Center, which may have been active prior to Voyager, became active again during the Galileo mission between May and August 2001. A pillanian-style eruption at Thor included the tallest plume observed to date on Io (at least 500 km high) and new dark lava flows. The plume produced a central dark pyroclastic deposit (probably silicate-rich) and an outlying white diffuse ring that is SO2-rich. Mapping shows that several of the new dark lava flows around the plume vent have reoccupied sites of earlier flows. Unlike most of the other pillanian eruptions observed during the Galileo mission, the 2001 Thor eruption did not produce a large red ring deposit, indicating a relative lack of S and/or Cl gases interacting with the magma during that eruption. Between these two eruptive centers are two paterae, Thomagata and Reshef. Thomagata Patera is located on a large shield-like mesa and shows no signs of activity. In contrast, Reshef Patera is located on a large, irregular mesa that is apparently undergoing degradation through erosion (perhaps from SO2-sapping or chemical decomposition of sulfur-rich material) from multiple secondary volcanic centers.  相似文献   

Observations of the sky irradiation intensity in the visible wavelengths during a solar eclipse permit to model the Sun diameter,a key number to constrain the internal structure of our star.In this paper,we present an algorithm that takes advantage of the precise Moon topography from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to compute,with a high resolution in time,the geometrical part(i.e.top-of-atmosphere,and for a given wavelength)of the sky irradiation at any given location on the Earth during these events.The algorithm is also able to model the Baily’s beads.We give as an application the theoretical computation of the light curve corresponding to the solar eclipse observed at Lakeland(Queensland,North Australia)on 2012 November 13.The application to real data,with the introduction of atmospheric and instrumental passbands,will be considered in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

The comparisons of the Earth gravity field models by the order of their harmonic coefficients, performed with the basic lumped coefficients (Planet. Space Sci.29, 653, 1981, Paper I) are here extended to cover all harmonic coefficients (both odd and even degree). The lumped coefficients (the “e-terms” and “longitudinal” terms), corresponding to 18 Earth models, are compared mutually (Figs. 2–15). The large differences, observed for various models and orders, are of particular interest: they are gathered into Table 1. The result of Paper I was a little pessimistic. The same is true here: various inhomogeneities, sometimes very large, in the accuracy of the harmonic coefficients must exist—even for low orders. Most of our comments and objections, however, relate to the older Earth models, which have only a historical value now. Our comparisons are only relative ones; an actual test of the accuracy of the models (their calibration) is possible via data with independent status (Kloko?ník, 1982, 1983).  相似文献   

Lunar irregular mare patches (IMPs) comprise dozens of small, distinctive, and enigmatic lunar mare features. Characterized by their irregular shapes, well-preserved state of relief, apparent optical immaturity, and few superposed impact craters, IMPs are interpreted to have been formed or modified geologically very recently (<~100 Ma; Braden et al. 2014 ). However, their apparent relatively recent formation/modification dates and emplacement mechanisms are debated. We focus in detail on one of the major IMPs, Sosigenes, located in western Mare Tranquillitatis, and dated by Braden et al. ( 2014 ) at ~18 Ma. The Sosigenes IMP occurs on the floor of an elongate pit crater interpreted to represent the surface manifestation of magmatic dike propagation from the lunar mantle during the mare basalt emplacement era billions of years ago. The floor of the pit crater is characterized by three morphologic units typical of several other IMPs, i.e., (1) bulbous mounds 5–10 m higher than the adjacent floor units, with unusually young crater retention ages, meters thick regolith, and slightly smaller subresolution roughness than typical mature lunar regolith; (2) a lower hummocky unit mantled by a very thin regolith and significantly smaller subresolution roughness; and (3) a lower blocky unit composed of fresh boulder fields with individual meter-scale boulders and rough subresolution surface texture. Using new volcanological interpretations for the ascent and eruption of magma in dikes, and dike degassing and extrusion behavior in the final stages of dike closure, we interpret the three units to be related to the late-stage behavior of an ancient dike emplacement event. Following the initial dike emplacement and collapse of the pit crater, the floor of the pit crater was flooded by the latest-stage magma. The low rise rate of the magma in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event favored flooding of the pit crater floor to form a lava lake, and CO gas bubble coalescence initiated a strombolian phase disrupting the cooling lava lake surface. This phase produced a very rough and highly porous (with both vesicularity and macroporosity) lava lake surface as the lake surface cooled. In the terminal stage of the eruption, dike closure with no addition of magma from depth caused the last magma reaching shallow levels to produce viscous magmatic foam due to H2O gas exsolution. This magmatic foam was extruded through cracks in the lava lake crust to produce the bulbous mounds. We interpret all of these activities to have taken place in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event billions of years ago. We attribute the unusual physical properties of the mounds and floor units (anomalously young ages, unusual morphology, relative immaturity, and blockiness) to be due to the unusual physical properties of the substrate produced during the waning stages of a dike emplacement event in a pit crater. The unique physical properties of the mounds (magmatic foams) and hummocky units (small vesicles and large void space) altered the nature of subsequent impact cratering, regolith development, and landscape evolution, inhibiting the typical formation and evolution of superposed impact craters, and maintaining the morphologic crispness and optical immaturity. Accounting for the effects of the reduced diameter of craters formed in magmatic foams results in a shift of the crater size–frequency distribution age from <100 Myr to billions of years, contemporaneous with the surrounding ancient mare basalts. We conclude that extremely young mare basalt eruptions, and resulting modification of lunar thermal evolution models to account for the apparent young ages of the IMPs, are not required. We suggest that other IMP occurrences, both those associated with pit craters atop dikes and those linked to fissure eruptions in the lunar maria, may have had similar ancient origins.  相似文献   

Data processing and interpretation of the nephelometer measurements made in the Venus atmosphere aboard the Venera 9, 10 and 11 landers in the sunlit hemisphere near the equator are discussed. These results were used to obtain the aerosol distribution and its microphysical properties from 62 km to the surface. The main aerosol content is found in the altitude range between 62 km (where measurements began) and 48 km, the location of the cloud region. Three prominent layers labeled as I (between 62 and 57 km), II (between 57 and 51 km) and III (between 51 and 48 km), each with different particle characteristics are discovered within the clouds. The measured light-scattering patterns can be intrepreted as having been produced by particles with effective radii from 1 to 2 μm depending on height and indices of refractivity from 1.45 in layer I to 1.42 in layer III. These values do not contradict the idea that the droplets are made of sulfuric acid. In layers II and III the particle size distribution is at least bimodal rather than uni-modal. The index of refraction is found to decrease to 1.33 in the lower part of layer II, suggesting a predominant abundance of larger particles of different chemical origin, and chlorine compounds are assumed to be relevant to this effect. In the entire heightrange of the Venera 9–11 craft descents, the clouds are rather rarefied and are characterized by a mean volume scattering coefficient σ ~ 2 × 10?5 cm?1 that corresponds to the mean meteorological range of visibility of about 2 km. The average mass content of condensate is estimated to be equal to 4 × 10?9 g/cm3, and the total optical depth of clouds to τ ~ 35. Near the bottom of layer III clouds are strongly variable. In the subcloud atmosphere a haze was observed between 48 and 32 km; that haze is mainly made of submicron particles, reff ~ 0.1μm. The atmosphere below that is totally transparent but separate (sometimes possibly disappearing) layers may be present up to a height of 8 km above the surface. A model of this region with a very low particle density (N ? 2–3 cm?3) strongly refractive large particles (reff ? 2.5 μm; 1.7 < n < 2.0) provided satisfactory agreement. The optical depth of aerosol in the atmosphere below the subcloud haze does not exceed 2.5.  相似文献   

Recent observations and geophysical studies at the Vredefort impact structure have indicated that the impact melt dikes in the central uplift of the structure have small depth extents. In this study, we performed magnetic and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys of the Lesutoskraal granophyre dike (LGD) and trenched to confirm its depth extent. The ERT survey showed that outcrops of the LGD are associated with shallow resistive zones with <3 m depth extent, but such zones do not occur where outcrops are absent. Visual observations in the trench confirmed that the dike has a small depth extent (~0.75 m) at this location. However, the magnetic survey revealed anomalies along the entire strike of the dike, even where no outcrops occur. We suggest that remagnetization of the host rock within a metamorphic contact aureole could explain the presence of magnetic anomalies in the absence of outcrops. Considering the results of the ERT survey, the observations made in the trench, and the surface distribution of outcrops of the LGD, we confirm that this dike has a small depth extent (<3 m) along its entire length and propose that outcrops represent the intersection of the dike terminus with the current erosional surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study serves as a proof‐of‐concept for the technique of using visible‐near infrared (VNIR), short‐wavelength infrared (SWIR), and thermal infrared (TIR) spectroscopic observations to map impact‐exposed subsurface lithologies and stratigraphy on Earth or Mars. The topmost layer, three subsurface layers and undisturbed outcrops of the target sequence exposed just 10 km to the northeast of the 23 km diameter Haughton impact structure (Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada) were mapped as distinct spectral units using Landsat 7 ETM+ (VNIR/SWIR) and ASTER (VNIR/SWIR/TIR) multispectral images. Spectral mapping was accomplished by using standard image contrast‐stretching algorithms. Both spectral matching and deconvolution algorithms were applied to image‐derived ASTER TIR emissivity spectra using spectra from a library of laboratory‐measured spectra of minerals (Arizona State University) and whole‐rocks (Ward's). These identifications were made without the use of a priori knowledge from the field (i.e., a “blind” analysis). The results from this analysis suggest a sequence of dolomitic rock (in the crater rim), limestone (wall), gypsum‐rich carbonate (floor), and limestone again (central uplift). These matched compositions agree with the lithologic units and the pre‐impact stratigraphic sequence as mapped during recent field studies of the Haughton impact structure by Osinski et al. (2005a). Further conformation of the identity of image‐derived spectra was confirmed by matching these spectra with laboratory‐measured spectra of samples collected from Haughton. The results from the “blind” remote sensing methods used here suggest that these techniques can also be used to understand subsurface lithologies on Mars, where ground truth knowledge may not be generally available.  相似文献   

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