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宇宙大尺度结构的形成与星系形成密切相关,前者的研究把星系基本上视为一质点,而星系形成研究涉及到其内部结构,宇宙大尺度结构形成有两种模式,由小到大与由大到小,这两种模式被交替使用(当然不同简单的重复)很重要的一个原因是星系形成研究的推动。  相似文献   

本文给出了用几种达到不同极限星等的星系表确定宇宙分形结构上限截止尺度的公式.利用Zwicky星系表、Shane-Wirtanen星系表和Jagellonian天区的星系表的数据,可以估计这一截止尺度R_c至少为60—70Mpc,且R_c随着自相似分布所占比例f的减小而增大,或可大到约270Mpc的尺度.  相似文献   

为探索红移畸变对空洞性质的影响, 利用了一组星系形成半解析模拟星表数据, 采用VIDE (Void Identification and Examination toolkit)算法寻找真实空间和红移空间的宇宙学空洞, 根据空洞外围墙结构处的星系运动速度将空洞分为``塌缩型''和``膨胀型''. 结果表明: ``塌缩型''空洞所占比例会随着空洞的尺度变大而减少, ``膨胀型''空洞则与之相反, 两类空洞的平均有效半径在实空间中相差20%, ``塌缩型''空洞的平均径向密度轮廓显著高于``膨胀型''空洞. 利用成员星系将两种空间中的空洞进行匹配, 通过比较实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目分布, 发现实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目差异与空洞大小有关, 并且红移空间中有一半左右的空洞无法对应到实空间. 对匹配空洞, 红移畸变对``塌缩型''空洞的密度影响更大; 对未匹配空洞, 其密度轮廓与匹配空洞存在明显区别, 并且实空间中未匹配空洞其壳层星系向空洞内部运动的趋势更加明显.  相似文献   

WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)观测得到的宇宙微波背景(CMB)角功率谱在大尺度上比广泛使用的ACDM宇宙模型给出的理论值有明显的压低.通过引入暴涨中粒子的生成过程,研究了大尺度上CMB各向异性功率谱的行为.计算表明,粒子的生成使得暴涨的原初功率谱产生了修正,从而影响了CMB的角功率谱,这样可以较为自然地得到四极矩附近的压低.  相似文献   

宇宙大尺度分形结构的上限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

宇宙物质在大尺度上成团是宇宙学的基本问题.本文综述了金斯理论和泽利多维奇近似,指出:双成分自引力系统的非线性相互作用的动力学描述是大尺度成团的现代研究课题. 详述了过去在这个课题方面被我们获得的结果.表明:自引力系统的结构可由一组非线性藕合方程描写:扰动场能塌缩并形成类薄饼结构.在宇宙条件下,我们得到了星系团、超团和巨洞的特征尺度.  相似文献   

崔伟广 《天文学进展》2011,29(2):238-240
主要研究了修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现。现在已经存在很多修改引力论的模型,如f(R),DGP,Mond等,但是在工作中并没有使用别人已经提出的修改引力论方法,因为首先不可能去对所有的修改引力论模型都进行研究;其次重点研究的是修改引力对于宇宙中的物质分布在非线性尺度上的影响,而各种修改引力论对于物质聚集的影响是相似的,都可以通过一个参数表达出来。因此笔者提出一种修改引力论的方法,引进了一个简单参数ζ。这个参数ζ定义为Geff/G/-φ/Ψ,这里Geff是有效牛顿常数,G是牛顿常数,φ和Ψ则是时空度规的标量扰动方程中的两个势。这个ζ参数在广义相对论的基础上修改了物质粒子受到的加速度,加大或者减小这个参数会相应地改变物质粒子的加速度,进而会加快或者减慢大尺度结构的形成。这种对大尺度结构在线性尺度上的影响可以通过理论计算得到,但是大尺度结构的非线性增长无法通过理论计算得出,现在只有借助已经发展得比较成熟的数值模拟方法来研究这个问题。该文修改了现在已经比较成熟的数值模拟程序GADGET-2,加入了ζ参数。在进行数值模拟之前,首先检验了数值模拟的质量分辨率、模拟尺度,以及初始红移对最终物质功率谱的影响,并且证实修改后的GADGET-2程序是正确的。设定不同ζ参数的值,ζ=0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.5,这里ζ=1.0对应标准宇宙学,然后对每个ζ值运行了一组数值模拟。为了减少数值效应对最终结果的影响,并且突出显示修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现,没有简单直接地使用不同ζ值物质功率谱来做比较,而是精巧地设置不同ζ值的输出红移,使不同ζ值在其对应的输出红移处有相同的线性功率谱,并且最终使用了ξ=ζ≠1.0/ζ=1.0这个比值参数来研究修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现。通过宇宙学尺度上的数值模拟和高精度的小波物质功率谱方法,我们研究了ζ参数对物质在非线性尺度上增长的影响。通过ξ这个参数,在线性功率谱相同的时候,比较了不同ζ参数的功率谱在非线性尺度上相对于标准宇宙学模型的偏离。得到重大的发现:大尺度结构在非线性上的增长并不是想象的那样,较大的ζ参数加大了物质粒子的加速度,进而在线性和非线性尺度上都加快了结构形成,反而是在线性功率谱相同的时候,较大值的ζ给出了较小的非线性功率谱。这个发现也证明HKLM假定的不正确,从而证明基于这个假定的功率谱拟合公式(PD96,Smith2003)不适用于修改引力论,直接将这些功率谱拟合公式推广到修改引力论是不正确的。基于这个ζ参数的修改引力论模型,利用一系列的数值模拟的结果,为修改引力论提出了一个新的拟合公式。这个新的拟合公式不是对现有的这些拟合公式做推广,而是借助于标准宇宙学下的非线性功率谱,通过几个简单的参数就可以得到对应不同ζ值的非线性功率谱,而且其精度保证在5%以内。利用这套数值模拟的结果,我们进而研究ζ修改引力论下的本动速度场的功率谱、暗晕的质量方程,以及暗晕的性质。这些工作为我们从观测上区分修改引力论和广义相对论提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

介绍了近几年来在研究宇宙大尺度结构方面巡天样品,统计分析方法以理论模型等方面的新进展。  相似文献   

In this work, we study the formation and evolution of dark matter haloes by means of the spherical infalling model with shell-crossing. We present a framework to tackle this effect properly based on the numerical follow-up, with time, of that individual shell of matter that contains always the same fraction of mass with respect to the total mass. In this first step, we do not include angular momentum, velocity dispersion or triaxiality. Within this framework – named as the spherical shell tracker – we investigate the dependence of the evolution of the halo with virial mass, with the adopted mass fraction of the shell, and for different cosmologies. We find that our results are very sensitive to a variation of the halo virial mass or the mass fraction of the shell that we consider. However, we obtain a negligible dependence on cosmology. Furthermore, we show that the effect of shell-crossing plays a crucial role in the way that the halo reaches the stabilization in radius and the virial equilibrium. We find that the values currently adopted in the literature for the actual density contrast at the moment of virialization,  δvir  , may not be accurate enough. In this context, we stress the problems related to the definition of a virial mass and a virial radius for the halo. The question of whether the results found here may be obtained by tracking the shells with an analytic approximation remains to be explored.  相似文献   

We use non-linear scaling relations (NSRs) to investigate the effects arising from the existence of negative correlations on the evolution of gravitational clustering in an expanding universe. It turns out that such anticorrelated regions have important dynamical effects on all scales. In particular, the mere existence of negative values for the linear two-point correlation function ξ¯ L over some range of scales starting from l = L 0 implies that the non-linear correlation function is bounded from above at all scales x < L 0 . This also results in the relation ξ¯   ∝  x −3 , at these scales, at late times, independent of the original form of the correlation function. Current observations do not rule out the existence of negative ξ¯ for 200  h −1 Mpc≲ ξ¯ ≲1000  h −1 Mpc; the present work may thus have relevance for the real Universe. The only assumption made in the analysis is the existence of NSR; the results are independent of the form of the NSR as well as of the stable clustering hypothesis.  相似文献   

The skeleton formalism, which aims at extracting and quantifying the filamentary structure of our Universe, is generalized to 3D density fields. A numerical method for computing a local approximation of the skeleton is presented and validated here on Gaussian random fields. It involves solving equation     , where  ∇ρ  and     are the gradient and Hessian matrix of the field. This method traces well the filamentary structure in 3D fields such as those produced by numerical simulations of the dark matter distribution on large scales, and is insensitive to monotonic biasing.
Two of its characteristics, namely its length and differential length, are analysed for Gaussian random fields. Its differential length per unit normalized density contrast scales like the probability distribution function of the underlying density contrast times the total length times a quadratic Edgeworth correction involving the square of the spectral parameter. The total length-scales like the inverse square smoothing length, with a scaling factor given by  0.21 (5.28 + n )  where n is the power index of the underlying field. This dependency implies that the total length can be used to constrain the shape of the underlying power spectrum, hence the cosmology.
Possible applications of the skeleton to galaxy formation and cosmology are discussed. As an illustration, the orientation of the spin of dark haloes and the orientation of the flow near the skeleton is computed for cosmological dark matter simulations. The flow is laminar along the filaments, while spins of dark haloes within 500 kpc of the skeleton are preferentially orthogonal to the direction of the flow at a level of 25 per cent.  相似文献   

In maximum-likelihood analyses of the Local Group (LG) acceleration, the object describing non-linear effects is the coherence function (CF), i.e. the cross-correlation coefficient of the Fourier modes of the velocity and gravity fields. We study the CF both analytically, using perturbation theory, and numerically, using a hydrodynamic code. The dependence of the function on Ωm and the shape of the power spectrum is very weak. The only cosmological parameter that the CF is strongly sensitive to is the normalization σ 8 of the underlying density field. A perturbative approximation for the function turns out to be accurate as long as σ 8 is smaller than about 0.3. For higher normalizations we provide an analytical fit for the CF as a function of σ 8 and the wavevector. The characteristic decoherence scale which our formula predicts is an order of magnitude smaller than that determined by Strauss et al. This implies that present likelihood constraints on cosmological parameters from analyses of the LG acceleration are significantly tighter than hitherto reported.  相似文献   

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