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The analysis of spectroscopic data for 30 Algol-type binaries is presented. All these systems are short period Algols having primaries with spectral types B and A. Dominant spectral lines were identified for the spectra collected and their equivalent widths were calculated. All the spectra were examined to understand presence of mass transfer, a disk or circumstellar matter and chromospheric emission. We also present first spectroscopic and period study for few Algols and conclude that high resolution spectra within and outside the primary minimum are needed for better understanding of these Algol type close binaries.  相似文献   

New CCD observations of the eclipsing binary TZ Boo in BVR bands were carried out in 2006 (presented three new minima) and used together with all published minima to study and update the orbital period of the system TZ Boo by means of an (O–C) diagram. The period variation from 1926 to 2011 is represented by polynomial of eighth degree and indicates period variation of about 9.752 × 10???10 days/yr. We studied light curve stability over 85 yr covering all published observations in the V band and confirm the cyclic light curve variations.  相似文献   

We obtained the physical and geometrical parameters of the EW Boo system, which exhibits short period and small amplitude pulsations as well as brightness variations due to orbital motion of components. Towards this end we carried out photometric observations at Ankara University Kreiken Observatory (AUKO) as well as spectroscopic observations at TUBITAK National Observatory (TNO). The light and radial velocity curves obtained from these observations have been simultaneously analyzed with PHOEBE and the absolute parameters of the system along with the geometric parameters of the components have been determined. Using model light curves of EW Boo, light curve regions in which the pulsations are active have been determined and as a result of analyses performed in the frequency region, characteristic parameters of pulsations have been obtained. We find that the results are compatible with current parameters of similar systems in the literature. The evolutionary status of the components is propounded and discussed.  相似文献   

The (in many respects, similar) classical Algol-type eclipsing binary systems U Sge and U Cep are studied and compared against a background of photometric evidence, both broadhand and narrowband. Broadband photometry of the primary minimum of U Sge over a four year period fails clearly to confirm Olson's (1982b) finding of radial variations.On the other hand, the W-type pattern of variation indicated in Olson's (1976) H photometry of the primary eclipse of U Cep is also noticed for U Sge. These effects are analysed in terms of an emitting accretion disk, surrounding the primary components. Electron densities in these highly ionized structures are derived to be in the range 1010–1011, for the H emitting region, with that of U Cep being 3 times greater than that of U Sge, though since the volume of the structure is 3 times bigger for U Sge, the overall masses are comparable.These findings can be placed in a Case B-type interacting binary context, which shows the studied accretion structures to be relatively tenuous; and, since the mean mass loss rate for U Cep is likely to be high than that of U Sge by more than an order of magnitude, suggests they are not so directly dependent on this mass-loss rate.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the eclipsing variable β Per, were obtained inUBV standard system, and new elements for the primary minimum were determined as $$J.D. = 2445641.5135,O - C = 0_.^d 0.009.$$ The light curves of the system were analysed using Fourier techniques in the frequency-domain. The fractional radii of both components are $$r_1 = 0.217 \pm 0.002,r_2 = 0.233 \pm 0.002andi = 85.5 \pm 0.5.$$ Absolute elements were derived and the effective temperatures are $$T_1 = 11800K,T_2 = 5140K.$$   相似文献   

An investigation of the orbital period changes of the neglected eclipsing binaries, RY Aqr, SZ Her, RV Lyr and V913 Oph, is presented based on all published minima times. Although the explanation of magnetic activity on the surface of the secondaries of the studied Algols is still open, the preferred light‐time effect due to the unseen components around the systems seems more plausible in explaining the tilted sinusoidal variations with relatively high‐amplitudes. The minimal mass values of possible tertiary components have been estimated to be about 1.06, 0.25, 0.78 and 2.85 M for RY Aqr, SZ Her, RV Lyr and V913 Oph, respectively and the results indicate that their contributions to the total light of the eclipsing pairs are measurable with high accuracy photometric and spectroscopic data, if they exist. Applegate's (1992) model has been discussed as an alternative mechanism assuming that the cooler components have magnetic cycles. It is found that the model parameters of RY Aqr and V913 Oph are consistent with the required values in Applegate's model. In addition to the first detailed orbital study on these systems, a statistical survey on the character of the OC variations of classical Algols has revealed that about 50 percent of the systems show cyclic behavior. This means that the presence of possible third bodies around classical Algols should be tested with careful analysis using new data. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

HH UMa and V1175 Her are two W UMa contact binary systems whose periods were reported as undergoing secular increase.In this paper,we improved their period analyses with a more extensive database of eclipse timings,finding that both periods show cyclic variation.The cyclic variation could be attributed to a Light Travel Time Effect induced by a third body.Both circular orbit and eccentric orbit cases were considered.For HH UMa,the cyclic variation with a period of around 20 yr has been detected,...  相似文献   

Taking into account the helium and metal diffusion,we explore the possible evolutionary status with a seismic analysis,of the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) target:the star e Eft.We adopt different input parameters to construct models to fit the available observational constraints in,e.g.,Teff,L,R and [Fe/H].From the computation we obtain the average large spacings of ∈ Eri to be about 194±1 μHz.The age of the diffused models was found to be about 1 Gyr,which is younger than the age determined previously by models without diffusion.We found that the effect of pure helium diffusion on the internal structure of the young low-mass star is slight,but that of metal diffusion is obvious.The metal diffusion leads the models to have much higher temperature in the radiative interior,and,correspondingly a higher sound speed there,hence a larger frequency and spacings.  相似文献   

New and complete multi-band light curves of the oEA stars QY Aql, BW Del, TZ Dra, BO Her and RR Lep were obtained and analysed with the Wilson-Devinney code. The light curves residuals were further analysed with the Fourier method in order to derive the pulsation characteristics of the oscillating components. All the reliable observed times of minimum light were used to examine orbital period irregularities. The orbital period analyses revealed secular changes for QY Aql and BW Del, while the Light-Time Effect seems to be the best explanation for the cyclic period changes in TZ Dra and BO Her. RR Lep has a rather steady orbital period. Light curve solutions provided the means to calculate the absolute parameters of the components of the systems, which subsequently were used to make an estimate of their present evolutionary status.  相似文献   

A new statement of the eigenvalue problem of studying small perturbations in arbitrary integrable self-gravitating systems is presented. An example of such a system, a 2D stellar disc, is considered in detail. The theory, based on the general equation for disc eigenmodes, reveals mechanisms for the formation and growth of global galactic structures. This new point of view specifies the limits of the unified theory of bar-like and spiral modes that was based on the assumption that global galactic structures could be understood in terms of low-frequency disc modes.  相似文献   

The Behlen observatory 0.76 m telescope CCD photometer is used to obtain 347 observations of the short period (P0d.4) eclipsing binary star V719 Her. The observations done withV andR bandpass filters were made on 6 nights in 1993. Previously published light elements and the present five timings of minimum provide a new epoch and a more accurate orbital period of 0.4009828 days. Our analyses show that the period of the system appears to decrease. We recommend future monitoring of the eclipse minima for this system. No published spectral classification for V719 Her exists. From the color,V-R=0.391, we estimate it to be about F5.The 1993 version of the Wilson Devinney model gave the photometric solutions. The adopted solution indicates that V719 Her is a W UMa type contact binary. The mass ratio,q=(m 2/m 1, where star 1 eclipse at the primary minimum)=0.296 suggests that V719 Her is a WUMa system with type-A (transit during primary eclipse) configuration. The secondary minimum shows a total eclipse. V719 Her with period less than 0.5 and spectral class F5, is probably a zero-age contact system. Since our photometric solution shows that the luminosity difference between the components is very large, we suspect that V719 Her is most likely a single line spectroscopic binary. We recommend spectroscopic study of this system.  相似文献   

We present new CCD photometric observations of V1044 Her obtained on May 22, 23 and 24, 2015. From our data, we derived five new light curve minimum times. Combining our new results with previously available CCD light minimum times, we derived an updated ephemeris and discovered that the period of this binary system exhibits an oscillation. The cyclic variation may be caused by the light-time effect via the presence of a third body or magnetic activity cycle. We calculated the corresponding period of the third body to be 14.1 ± 1.4 years or magnetic cycle to be 12.2 ± 0.7 years. We analyzed our new asymmetric light curves to obtain photometric solutions and starspot parameters using the Wilson and Devinney program. The final results show that V1044 Her is a contact binary system with a degree of contact factor f = 3.220( ± 0.002)%.  相似文献   

The basic physical picture of the Algol system is reviewed, and, using collected red and infrared observations, photometric curve fits are investigated by applying numerical quadratures to determine theoretical light curves appropriate to Roche model stars. The contact nature of Algol B appears to be confirmed, and effective temperatures of the three components areT A=11 400°,T B=5300°,T C=7600°. In terms of a Lambert's law approach to the reflection effect, the effective heat-albedo is required to be reduced from unity to one half; and it is also found that the averaged gravity-darkening coefficient is close to a value appropriate for a diffusion type of heat-transfer mechanism operating in sub-photospheric layers.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to interpret the distortions of the light curves of semi-detached Algol systems, in terms of the absorption effects of gas streams and of the emission from the impact regions of these streams. Hypothetical models of the distortions of the light curves outside of primary eclipses are given for different locations of the luminous regions. To exhibit features of light curves of this kind, both published and unpublished observations (TW Dra, Y Psc, TV Cas) of Algol systems are used.The existence of luminous regions is also indicated by observations of primary eclipses. For some systems (SW Cyg, RV Oph, W Del) it is shown that observations from earlier epochs may be represented by photometric solutions which are based on identical geometric parameters (radii, inclination of orbit) but imply a changed behaviour of the gas stream. It is suggested that two kinds of luminous regions exist: regions near the equatorial belt on the following side of the bright component; and regions which tend to occur at the higher latitudes of this star, possibly indicating the existence of magnetic fields.Originally presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 16 held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., September 8–11, 1971.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(1-2):161-166
The white dwarf in AM Her systems is strongly magnetic and keeps in synchronous rotation with the orbit by magnetic coupling to the secondary star. As the latter evolves through mass loss to a cool, degenerate brown dwarf it can no longer sustain its own magnetic field and coupling is lost. Angular momentum accreted then spins up the white dwarf and the system no longer appears as an AM Her system. Possible consequences are run-away mass transfer and mass ejection from the system. Some of the unusual cataclysmic variable systems at low orbital periods may be the outcome of this evolution.  相似文献   

We present an optical spectroscopic study based on 41 spectra of 4 Her and 32 spectra of 88 Her,obtained over a period of 6 months.We estimate the rotational velocity of these stars from Hel lines in the blue spectral region(4000-4500 ?).We find that these stars are likely to be rotating at a fractional critical rotation of~0.80.We measure the average I_p/I_c ratio to quantify the strength of the Hα line and obtain1.63 for 4 Her and 2.06 for 88 Her.The radius of the Ha emission region is estimated to be R_d/R_*~5.0,assuming a Keplerian disk.These stars are thus found to be fast rotators with a relatively small Ha emission region.We detect V/R variation of the Ha spectral line during the observed period.We re-estimate the periods for both stars and obtain a period of ~46 d and its harmonic of 23.095 d for 4 Her,and a period of~86 d for 88 Her.As these two cases are shell stars with binaries and have low Ha EW with the emission region closer to the central star,the V/R variation and a change in period may be an effect of the binary on the circumstellar disk.  相似文献   

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