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The development of X-ray telescopes over the last 45 years is briefly summarized. The first applications to the study of solar X-ray emission are described up to the 1973 Skylab mission. The rather convoluted path that led to the first stellar X-ray orbiting telescope Einstein (1978) and later to Chandra (1999) are discussed. During this 45 years period the angular resolution improved from 20 to 0.5 arc sec and the sensitivity by ten billions. X-ray observations have discovered new types of stellar systems (binary X-ray sources containing neutron stars and black holes) and intergalactic high temperature plasmas containing most of the baryonic mass of the universe. They have become an indispensable tool to study the role of energetic phenomena in the creation and dynamic evolution of cosmic structures. The methodology introduced by X-ray astronomy has influenced all of astronomy.  相似文献   

The Multiplex Advantage is defined and applied in considering various techniques presently used in X-ray astronomy. It is concluded that the multiplex advantage will be useful in evaluating future techniques to be used in X-ray astronomy.  相似文献   

Future X-ray astronomy missions will be based on instruments with apertures much larger than those used up to now. Therefore, the risk posed by hyper-velocity dust grains in the space environment to the onboard instrumentation will increase, especially when a larger aperture is combined with a longer focal length. Starting from the lessons learned from the XMM and Swift satellites, we review the question of hyper-velocity impacts and discuss the expected impact-rate, risk of damage and possible mitigation strategies in the context of LOFT, eROSITA and ATHENA.  相似文献   

On the basis of my experience in the X-ray astronomy, and on some typical highlights of multi-wavelength observations, I emphasize the importance of collaboration between space astronomy and ground-based astronomy.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Automated observing at remote or hostile sites is briefly reviewed. Planning for a follow-up conference is announced.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray astronomy is devoted to study nuclear and elementary particle astrophysics and astronomical objects under extreme conditions of gravitational and electromagnetic forces, and temperature. Because signals from gamma rays below 1 TeV cannot be recorded on ground, observations from space are required. The photoelectric effect is dominant <100 keV, Compton scattering between 100 keV and 10 MeV, and electron–positron pair production at energies above 10 MeV. The sun and some gamma ray burst sources are the strongest gamma ray sources in the sky. For other sources, directionality is obtained by shielding / masks at low energies, by using the directional properties of the Compton effect, or of pair production at high energies. The power of angular resolution is low (fractions of a degree, depending on energy), but the gamma sky is not crowded and sometimes identification of sources is possible by time variation. The gamma ray astronomy time line lists Explorer XI in 1961, and the first discovery of gamma rays from the galactic plane with its successor OSO-3 in 1968. The first solar flare gamma ray lines were seen with OSO-7 in 1972. In the 1980’s, the Solar Maximum Mission observed a multitude of solar gamma ray phenomena for 9 years. Quite unexpectedly, gamma ray bursts were detected by the Vela-satellites in 1967. It was 30 years later, that the extragalactic nature of the gamma ray burst phenomenon was finally established by the Beppo–Sax satellite. Better telescopes were becoming available, by using spark chambers to record pair production at photon energies >30 MeV, and later by Compton telescopes for the 1–10 MeV range. In 1972, SAS-2 began to observe the Milky Way in high energy gamma rays, but, unfortunately, for a very brief observation time only due to a failure of tape recorders. COS-B from 1975 until 1982 with its wire spark chamber, and energy measurement by a total absorption counter, produced the first sky map, recording galactic continuum emission, mainly from interactions of cosmic rays with interstellar matter, and point sources (pulsars and unidentified objects). An integrated attempt at observing the gamma ray sky was launched with the Compton Observatory in 1991 which stayed in orbit for 9 years. This large shuttle-launched satellite carried a wire spark chamber “Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope” EGRET for energies >30 MeV which included a large Cesium Iodide crystal spectrometer, a “Compton Telescope” COMPTEL for the energy range 1–30 MeV, the gamma ray “Burst and Transient Source Experiment” BATSE, and the “Oriented Scintillation-Spectrometer Experiment” OSSE. The results from the “Compton Observatory” were further enlarged by the SIGMA mission, launched in 1989 with the aim to closely observe the galactic center in gamma rays, and INTEGRAL, launched in 2002. From these missions and their results, the major features of gamma ray astronomy are:
  • Diffuse emission, i.e. interactions of cosmic rays with matter, and matter–antimatter annihilation; it is found, “...that a matter–antimatter symmetric universe is empirically excluded....”
  • Nuclear lines, i.e. solar gamma rays, or lines from radioactive decay (nucleosynthesis), like the 1.809 MeV line of radioactive 26Al;
  • Localized sources, i.e. pulsars, active galactic nuclei, gamma ray burst sources (compact relativistic sources), and unidentified sources.
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    The first attempts to measure the infrared outputs of stars preceded by nearly a century the permanent establishment of infrared astronomy as an important aspect of the field. There were a number of false starts in that century, significant efforts that had little impact on the astronomical community at large. Why did these efforts fizzle out? What was different in the start that did not fizzle, in the 1960s? I suggest that the most important advances were the success of radio astronomy in demonstrating interesting phenomena outside of the optical regime, and the establishment virtually simultaneously in the United States of a number of research groups that could support each other and compete against one another in their approach to infrared astronomy.  相似文献   

    The physical nature of time variable objects is often inferred from photometric light-curves and spectroscopic variations. Long-baseline optical interferometry has the power to resolve the spatial structure of time variable sources directly in order to measure their physical properties and test the physics of the underlying models. Recent interferometric studies of variable objects include measuring the angular expansion and spatial structure during the early stages of novae outbursts, studying the transits and tidal distortions of the components in eclipsing and interacting binaries, measuring the radial pulsations in Cepheid variables, monitoring changes in the circumstellar discs around rapidly rotating massive stars, and imaging starspots. Future applications include measuring the image size and centroid displacements in gravitational microlensing events, and imaging the transits of exoplanets. Ongoing and upcoming photometric surveys will dramatically increase the number of time-variable objects detected each year, providing many potential targets to observe interferometrically. For short-lived transient events, it is critical for interferometric arrays to have the flexibility to respond rapidly to targets of opportunity and optimize the selection of baselines and beam combiners to provide the necessary resolution and sensitivity to resolve the source as its brightness and size change. We discuss the science opportunities made possible by resolving variable sources using long baseline optical interferometry.  相似文献   

    The recent improvements to the radio telescopes at the Molonglo (MOST) and Fleurs (FST) Observatories are described along with some of the astronomical projects.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

    The Cerenkov installation of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, consisting of two identical detectors, separated by 20m, are mounted in parallel for comparing the parameters of images. The average counting rate at one section is 35% higher than at the other. The number of coincident flashes make up 55% for one section and 76% for the second section. The comparison of parameters of coincident events shows high correlation of centroid positions (correlation coefficient r=0.98), of length (r=0.70), orientational angle (r=0.64). The correlation of width parameters is considerably lower (r=0.44).Since the coincident flashes at the two sections correspond to the same EAS their image parameters must be the same or very close. Hence the correlation coefficient between identical parameters of coincident flashes will characterize the quality of equipment and the method of observational data processing.  相似文献   

    The data processing software used for the Infrared Space Observatory ISO is briefly discussed as an example for the application of the commercial software package IDL in Astronomy. Some of the principles and details, in particular of the Quick Look Analysis, the Interactive Analysis System and the ISO Spectral Analysis Package ISAP, are described to highlight step by step many of IDL's advantages. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

    We describe a new method to estimate the mass of black holes in Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs). The method is based on the recently discovered 'variability plane', populated by Galactic stellar-mass black-hole candidates (BHCs) and supermassive active galactic nuclei (AGNs), in the parameter space defined by the black-hole mass, accretion rate and characteristic frequency. We apply this method to the two ULXs from which low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations have been discovered, M82 X-1 and NGC 5408 X-1. For both sources we obtain a black-hole mass in the range  100–1300 M  , thus providing evidence for these two sources to host an intermediate-mass black hole.  相似文献   

    The results of reflectivity measurements in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region (VUV) on technical surfaces are described which are used in the Wolter I-telescope on board the German X-ray astronomy satellite ROSAT.The materials investigated are the special iron-nickel alloy Invar and a carbon fibre compound (CFK).The centre connecting flange for the parabolic and hyperbolic mirror sections of the telescope is made of Invar. CFK is used for the thermal baffle in front of the telescope. It had to be checked whether the structure of the centre flange and the thermal baffle sufficiently suppress scattered ultraviolet radiation in order to avoid a substantial background level in the detectors which are located in the focal plane of the telescope. The detectors consist of two positional sensitive proportional counters (PSPC) with a spatial resolution of 0.5 arc min and an image converter with a resolution of a few arc sec. The detectors are mounted on a carrousel platform and are intended to be positioned alternatively in the focal plane.  相似文献   

    Telescopes with aperture higher than 3 m and with travel rate of optical axis of more than 4 angular degrees per second are examined. These telescopes are used for estimating the situation in near-Earth space. Up to now, there are three telescopes with such parameters: SOR, AMOS, SST (all in the United States). A telescope of the same class with aperture of 3.12 m (information telescope TI-3.12) is under completion at Altai Optical Laser Center. The main technical performances of the TI-3.12 telescope are described in the paper. Current problems are defined and ways for their solution are presented.  相似文献   

    Inferences are made about the relationship that existed between the Ushnus, pyramid-shaped, terraced structures used by the Incas in the most important ceremonies of the Tawantinsuyo, and Inka Astronomy. We draw attention to Ayni, Kawsaypacha, Duality, and Tinkuy principles, multidimensional codes of conduct and wisdom that are at the root of the Andean cosmovision and on their perception of the world and the Cosmos. These principles, examined as postulates, allow to elaborate axiomatic propositions to identify the Ushnus with ancient Astronomy practices. In a complementary statement, starting from a bi-conditional proposition, we may infer through reciprocal corollaries that the Inka earliest roots to a holistic learning and educational ambient in the Tawantinsuyo was not elitist, instead it was based on a epistemological construct that differs from the corresponding Western educational ambients. An epistemological and cognitive approach allows to identify an ancient elaborate process of knowledge construction, based on the four fundamental principles, corresponding to different levels of assimilation and comprehension. As a complementary aspect, we identify some of the most preserved Ushnus of the Inka “Empire.” Then we complement this contribution with a broader interpretation for the Ushnus.  相似文献   

    Convolution methods for modelling of astronomical seeing effects have been investigated. The advantages and disadvantages of several techniques are discussed, and particular attention is given to the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. This method is then applied to two classes of problems, the structure of cores of elliptical galaxies, appearance of distant galaxies and the consequences of seeing effects in some cosmological tests. Estimates are presented for dimming of the central surface brightness and changes in the apparent core radius for elliptical galaxies, as well as seeing-induced changes in ellipticity. Modelling of galaxies with stellar nuclei has also been performed. Some consequences of these effects in investigations of dynamics of elliptical galaxies are addressed briefly. The influence of seeing in observational cosmology is discussed in the context of Hubble diagram (m-z) tests. It is shown that inadequate compensation for seeing effects can seriously distort the conclusions in such tests. Some suggestions for future work in this direction are offered.  相似文献   

    This paper describes and discusses some key facts in the early history of the European Southern Observatory: the founding phase leading to the establishment of the “nucleus” of telescopes in Chile, the role and impact of the “parallel line” of national telescopes, the mission of ESO and the impact of the organisation as a maecenas to European astronomy. With specific focus on the foundation of A & A as a refereed journal foregoing page charges, the support of national telescopes of all classes, the allotment of telescope time on the sole basis of proposal quality, the free travel and technical support, the free distribution of “The Messenger”, the development and free distribution of MIDAS, and the personal dedication of some early foster persons.  相似文献   

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