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We analyzed three noise storms recorded on 200?–?400 MHz Trieste Callisto radio spectra on 2 July 2012, 8 July 2012, and 16 July 2012 by the Fourier method. We divided intervals of the noise storms into five-minute intervals, and in these intervals we computed the mean Fourier spectra as a function of the wave numbers in the frequency and height-scale spaces. We found that these Fourier spectra, where the spectrum from the quiet-activity interval was subtracted, are power-law spectra. The mean power-law index of these spectra in the range \(\ln(k_{z}) = [1.8, 2.9]\) (where \(k_{z}\) is the wave number in the height-scale space) is \(-1.7\pm0.14\), \(-1.6\pm0.14\), and \(-1.5 \pm0.12\) for the 2 July 2012, the 8 July 2012, and the 16 July 2012 noise storms, respectively. It appears that as the number of Type-I bursts in the studied interval increases, the power-law index becomes closer to \(-5/3\); this is known as the Kolmogorov spectral index. The power-law index of the noise storms is very similar to that of the narrowband dm-spikes found in our previous studies. Furthermore, we found a break in the power spectra at \(\ln(k_{z}) \approx2.9\), and the mean power-law index values above this break are \(-2.9\pm0.46\), \(-3.1\pm0.65\), and \(-3.4\pm0.98\), respectively.  相似文献   

Kurochka  L. N.  Matsuura  O. T.  Picazzio  E. 《Solar physics》1997,170(2):227-233
The brightness of the solar corona due to Thomson scattering depends linearly on the electron density, while the brightness due to the Balmer continuum is proportional to its square. As a consequence, information on the distribution of the electron density in the corona can be obtained by comparing the radial profiles of the surface brightness in both continua. This idea was explored for the first time in the solar eclipse of November 03, 1994, in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. Pictures of the corona were obtained with interference filters, one centered at 477 nm (Thomson continuum) and another one at 347 nm (Balmer continuum). The second filter also transmits the Thomson continuum through its spectral window, so that the Balmer images contain Thomson contamination. This paper reports on the observational results and presents their preliminary analysis. It was found that in certain radial directions, the normalized profiles of both continua (Thomson and contaminated Balmer) coincide, but in other directions they differ significantly. The non-coincident profiles may only occur if Balmer emission becomes important in relation to the Thomson scattering. A simple calculation shows that in such cases the electron density in the inner corona must exceed the values of standard models by up to 6.1 × 104 times, maintaining however the total number of electrons along the line of sight in agreement with the prediction of standard models. It is concluded that the corona contains high electron concentration in cloudlets of subtelescopic sizes down to 106 cm. The varied behavior of the radial profiles of both continua in different radial directions, suggests that the subtelescopic structures might be related to the spatially variable topology of coronal magnetic flux tubes.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for the precise and accurate forward modeling of the solar oscillation ℓ−ν power spectrum. The approach is designed to provide the basis for a streamlined solar seismic inversion without measurements of the p-mode frequencies. The new strategy represents a paradigm change in how information is extracted from the oscillation spectrum. It also represents a step toward the ideal case of inferring the Sun's properties directly from the raw observations.  相似文献   

M. Woodard 《Solar physics》2014,289(4):1085-1100
The accuracy of helioseismic measurement is limited by the stochastic nature of solar oscillations. In this article I use a Gaussian statistical model of the global seismic wave field of the Sun to investigate the noise limitations of direct-modeling analysis of convection-zone-scale flows. The theoretical analysis of noise is based on hypothetical data that cover the entire photosphere, including the portions invisible from the Earth. Noise estimates are derived for measurements of the flow-dependent couplings of global-oscillation modes and for combinations of coupling measurements that isolate vector-spherical-harmonic components of the flow velocity. For current helioseismic observations, which sample only a fraction of the photosphere, the inferred detection limits are best regarded as optimistic limits. The flow-velocity fields considered in this work are assumed to be decomposable into vector-spherical-harmonic functions of degree less than five. The problem of measuring the general velocity field is shown to be similar enough to the well-studied problem of measuring differential rotation to permit rough estimates of flow-detection thresholds to be gleaned from past helioseismic analysis. I estimate that, with existing and anticipated helioseismic datasets, large-scale flow-velocity amplitudes of a few tens of ${\rm m\,s^{-1}}$ should be detectable near the base of the convection zone.  相似文献   

日震学是太阳物理的一个前沿分支学科,是根据太阳振动的观测来研究太阳的内部结构与运动的一种方法学。太阳5min振动频率的理论计算和实测之间存在的显著偏差和振动模的激发问题一直是困扰日震学的两大难题,经过多年的研究仍然没有解决。然而太阳的表面层内绝热假设条件与真实情况有很大的偏差,我们认为绝大多数标准太阳模型的P模频率计算忽略了非绝热效应对频率的影响,忽略了振动的激发和衰减机制以及缺乏振动与对流湍流相互作用的知识。因此,我们必须发展非绝热理论来处理太阳5min的振动问题  相似文献   

We study magnetic power spectra of active and quiet regions by using Big Bear Solar Observatory and SOHO/MDI measurements of longitudinal magnetic fields. The MDI power spectra were corrected with Gaussian Modulation Transfer Function. We obtained reliable magnetic power spectra in the high wave numbers range, up to k=4.6 Mm−1, which corresponds to a spatial scale l=1.4 Mm. We find that the occurrence of the spectral discontinuity at high wave numbers, k≥3 Mm−1, largely depends on the spatial resolution of the data and it appears at progressively higher wave numbers as the resolution of the data improves. The spectral discontinuity in the raw spectra is located at wave numbers about 3 times smaller than wave numbers, corresponding to the resolution of the data, and about 1.5–2.0 times smaller in the case of the noise- and-resolution corrected spectra. The magnetic power spectra for active and quiet regions are different: active-region power spectra are described as ∼k −1.7, while in a quiet region the spectrum behaves as ∼k −1.3. We suggest that the difference can be due to small-scale dynamo action in the quiet-Sun photosphere. Our estimations show that the dynamo can generate more than 6% of the observed magnetic power.  相似文献   

Power spectral density (PSD) of cosmic rays has been calculated from hourly averaged counts observed by underground muon telescopes located at Mawson over the low-frequency range 2.7×10−7 – 1.4×10−4 Hz. The first two harmonics of the solar daily variation are well defined for even cycles (20 and 22) whereas only the first harmonic is defined in cycle 21. The amplitude of the diurnal variation is lower for even cycles than for the odd cycle. The spectral power of the odd cycle exceeds those of the even cycles. The spectra are flatter and have lower power when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is directed away from the Sun above the current sheet (A>0) than when the IMF is directed toward the Sun above the current sheet (A<0). The spectra imply that heliospheric magnetic turbulence may be more variable on time scales of several years than previously suspected.  相似文献   

We establish that global solar p-mode frequencies can be measured with sufficient precision on time scales as short as nine days to detect activity-related shifts. Using ten years of GONG data, we report that mode-mass and error-weighted frequency shifts derived from nine days are significantly correlated with the strength of solar activity and are consistent with long-duration measurements from GONG and the SOHO/MDI instrument. The analysis of the year-wise distribution of the frequency shifts with change in activity indices shows that both the linear-regression slopes and the magnitude of the correlation varies from year to year and they are well correlated with each other. The study also indicates that the magnetic indices behave differently in the rising and falling phases of the activity cycle. For the short-duration nine-day observations, we report a higher sensitivity to activity.  相似文献   

The ACIS front-illuminated CCDs on board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory were damaged in the extreme environment of the Earth's radiation belts, resulting in enhanced charge transfer inefficiency (CTI). This produces a row dependence in gain, event grade, and energy resolution. We model the CTI as a function of input photon energy, including the effects of detrapping (charge trailing), shielding within an event (charge in the leading pixels of the 3x3 event island protects the rest of the island by filling traps), and nonuniform spatial distribution of traps. This technique cannot fully recover the degraded energy resolution, but it reduces the position dependence of gain and grade distributions. By correcting the grade distributions as well as the event amplitudes, we can improve the instrument's quantum efficiency. We outline our model for CTI correction and discuss how the corrector can improve astrophysical results derived from ACIS data.  相似文献   

太阳模型的研究是了解太阳整体结构和性质的极为重要的手段。90年代以来太阳模型研究取得了进展。随着MHD及OPAL物态方程的引入,理论上的太阳振荡频率与观测值的差别已大为减小,而考虑湍流频谱分布的局域对流理论和三维流体动力学模拟结果可对太阳内部对流能量传输过程有更深刻的理解.以前所发现的理论模型与反演结果得到的初始氦丰度的差别已能由扩散过程加以解释,而太阳表面锂丰度亏损问题也可以由扩散过程或早期演化星风来加以解决,太阳中微子问题则似应由粒子物理而不是天体物理来解决。  相似文献   

太阳振荡研究现已成为研究太阳内部性质的新手段,也成为检验太阳模型构造时输入物理参量的最重要工具。90年代以来理论与观测日震频率的差别已随输入物理参量及太阳振荡理论的改进而大为减小,可是现有的差别仍远大于观测误差。由日震反演可对太阳内部对流区、表面氦丰度及自转随纬度和径向的分布都有更多了解。太阳振荡的湍动随机激发及激发源的位置都已得到研究,不过现在问题还未完全解决。今后一方面要探测更多的振动方式,另一方面也需要解决不同观测者得到的结果存在系统差的问题,而最外层的非绝热现象及理论与观测存在差别仍是最关键的难题。  相似文献   

本文概述了国内近十年来的光谱分析方法;给出了太阳边缘上双层辐射结构的谱线轮廓公式;提出了具有三层辐射结构的日面及边缘上活动体光谱分析的观点和简略的分析方法,并与本文所述的方法作了比较。作为实例,用三层模型分析了1989年8月17日的Hα环状耀斑谱线。  相似文献   

本文对1989年4月9日在2840 MHz上观测到的微波爆发进行分析,发现该爆发存在几十到几百秒的准周期振荡现象。这种现象可能与磁环的准周期现象有关,应遵从磁流体力学规律。通过简单初步分析,获得一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

Solar maps at 212 and 405 GHz obtained by the Solar Submillimetric Telescope (SST) show regions of enhanced brightness temperature, which coincide with the location of active regions. A statistical study of the radio emission from these active regions was performed for the first time at such high frequencies during 23 days on June and July 2002, when the atmospheric opacity was low. The brightest regions on the maps were chosen for this study, where the brightness excess observed varies from 3 to 20% above quiet Sun levels (i.e., 200–1000 K) at both wavelengths. Sizes of the regions of enhanced emission calculated at half the maximum value were estimated to be between 2′ and 7′. These sizes agree with observed sizes of active regions at other wavelengths such as Hα and ultraviolet. An important result is that the flux density spectra of all sources increase toward submillimeter frequencies, yielding flux density spectral index with an average value of 2.0. The flux density of the active region sources were complemented with that from maps at 17 and 34 GHz from the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph. The resulting spectra at all four frequencies were fit considering the flux density to be due to thermal bremsstrahlung from the active region. In the calculations, the source radius was assumed to be the mean of the measured values at 212 and 405 K. The effective temperatures of the radio emitting source, assumed homogeneous, obtained from this fit were 0.6–2.9 × 104 K, for source diameters of 2′–7′.  相似文献   

Krucker  Säm  Lin  R.P. 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):229-243
Hard X-ray lightcurves, spectrograms, images, and spectra of three medium-sized flares observed by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) are presented. Imaging spectroscopy of the 20 February 2002, 11:06 UT flare at 10′′ spatial resolution, comparable to the best previous hard X-ray imaging from Yohkoh, shows two footpoints with an ∼ 8 s delay of peak emission between footpoints. Subsequent imaging at le4′′ shows three sources consistent with two separate loops and simultaneous brightening in connected footpoints. Imaging for the simple two footpoint flare of 2 June 2002 also shows simultaneous footpoint brightening. The more complex 17 March 2002 flare shows at least four different sources during the main peak of the event, and it is difficult to clearly demonstrate simultaneous brightening of connected footpoints. Non-thermal power laws are observed down to ∼ 12–13 keV without flattening in all these events, indicating the energy content in energetic electrons may be significantly greater than previously estimated from assumed 25 keV low energy cutoff. Simultaneously brightening footpoints show similar spectra, at least in the three flares investigated. Double-power-law spectra with a relatively sharp break are often observed. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1022469902940  相似文献   

Jain  Kiran  Bhatnagar  A. 《Solar physics》2003,213(2):257-268
The temporal variation in intermediate-degree-mode frequencies is analysed using helioseismic data which cover the minimum to the maximum phase of the current solar cycle. To study the variation in detail, the measured frequency shifts of f and p modes are decomposed into two components, viz., oscillatory and non-oscillatory. The f-mode frequencies exhibit prominent oscillatory behavior in contrast to p modes where the oscillatory nature of the frequencies is not clearly seen. Also, the oscillatory part contributes significantly to the f-mode frequencies while p-mode frequencies have maximum contribution from the non-oscillatory part. The amplitude of both oscillatory and non-oscillatory parts is found to be a function of frequency. The non-oscillatory part is observed to have a strong correlation with solar activity.  相似文献   

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