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AKARI, formerly known as ASTRO-F, is the second Japanese space mission to perform infrared astronomical observations. AKARI was launched on 21 February 2006 (UT) and brought into a sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of 700 km by a JAXA M-V rocket. AKARI has a telescope with a primary-mirror aperture size of 685 mm together with two focal-plane instruments on board: the Infrared Camera (IRC), which covers the spectral range 2–26 μm and the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS), which operates in the range 50–180 μm. The telescope mirrors are made of sandwich-type silicon carbide, specially developed for AKARI. The focal-plane instruments and the telescope are cooled by a unique cryogenic system that kept the telescope at 6K for 550 days with 180 l super-fluid liquid Helium (LHe) with the help of mechanical coolers on board. Despite the small telescope size, the cold environment and the state-of-the-art detectors enable very sensitive observations at infrared wavelengths. To take advantage of the characteristics of the sun-synchronous polar orbit, AKARI performed an all-sky survey during the LHe holding period in four far-infrared bands with FIS and two mid-infrared bands with IRC, which surpasses the IRAS survey made in 1983 in sensitivity, spatial resolution, and spectral coverage. AKARI also made over 5,000 pointing observations at given targets in the sky for approximately 10 min each, for deep imaging and spectroscopy from 2 to 180 μm during the LHe holding period. The LHe ran out on 26 August 2007, since which date the telescope and instrument are still kept around 40K by the mechanical cooler on board, and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations with IRC are now being continued in pointing mode.  相似文献   

Near-ultraviolet imaging with HST offers the best possible spatial resolution currently available for optical/UV astronomical imaging. The giant elliptical galaxy M87 hosts one of the most spectacular, best studied and nearest (d=16 Mpc) galactic-scale relativistic (synchrotron emitting plasma) jets. We have extracted from the HST archive all 220 nm images of the jet of M87, taken with the STIS MAMA camera and co-added them to provide the deepest image ever at this wavelength. The combination of highest spatial resolution and long integration time, 42500 seconds, reveals a wealth of complex structure, knots, filaments and shocks. We compare this image with deep X-ray observations obtained with the Chandra X-ray telescope.  相似文献   

An Image Drift Compensation System has been designed for a solar pointed space borne telescope and has performed successfully on two sounding rocket flights, yielding new scientific results. The system employs limb-sensing photodiodes at the telescope focal plane and provides drift compensation to better than 0.1 arc sec. A variation of the system will be used on the Shuttle/Spacelab 2 flight of the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) Instrument.Originally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.  相似文献   

Introduction to the solar space telescope   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The design of the space solar telescope (SST) (phase B) has been completed. The manufacturing is under development. At the end of 2000, it will be assembled. The basic aspect will be introduced in this paper.  相似文献   

The Super-Earth Explorer is an Off-Axis Space Telescope (SEE-COAST) designed for high contrast imaging. Its scientific objective is to make the physico-chemical characterization of exoplanets possibly down to 2 Earth radii. For that purpose it will analyze the spectral and polarimetric properties of the parent starlight reflected by the planets, in the wavelength range 400–1,250 nm.  相似文献   

A mixture of off-centred Gaussians is used to approximate the predicted monochromatic point spread functions (PSFs) of Hubble space telescope (HST) at long wavelengths, and also, with a reduced number of parameters, the wide-band PSFs. The usefulness of the approximation in simulation and analysis of HST data is shown by means of application to image centring and convolution-deconvolution problems.  相似文献   

A strong emission line at 2.8935 μm discovered by Rubin et al. in an ISO SWS02 spectrum of the Orion Nebula is identified as the     multiplet of O  i . Line formation is due to de-excitation cascades following UV-pumping of high 3So and 3Do terms and occurs in the O  i zone immediately behind the hydrogen ionization front. This cascade mechanism also accounts for permitted O  i triplet lines in the optical spectrum of the Nebula, as shown by Grandi. An escape probability treatment of the O  i cascades accounts for the strength of the λ 2.89-μm line and suggests interesting diagnostic possibilities for the optical lines.  相似文献   

The first Heterogenous Telescopes Network (HTN) conference was held in July 2005. It aimed to bring together software developers, observatory staff and science users with the objective of defining the how and why of developing new ways of doing astronomical observing using geographically distributed and differently instrumented and operated telescopes. The papers included in this volume arise from that conference. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory; SKB Granit; Geneva Observatory; Flight Control Center. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 5–13, January–February, 1990.  相似文献   

The performance of a set of particle telescopes mounted upon a spinning satellite is analysed. A simulation is used to optimize a set of 3 telescopes with a view to obtaining a full 3-dimensional particle distribution, taking into account the telescope parameters and their pointing directions.  相似文献   

China will establish a 2-meter space-based astronomical telescope. Its main science goals are performing a sky survey for research about dark matter and dark energy, and high resolution observations. Some experts suggest that this space telescope should be installed inside the Chinese space station. In accord with this suggestion we put forward our first configuration, i.e., to adopt a coud′e system for this telescope.This coud′e system comes from the Chinese 2.16 m telescope's coud′e system, which includes a relay mirror so that excellent image quality can be obtained. In our second configuration, we suggest that the whole space telescope fly freely as an independent satellite outside the space station. When it needs servicing, for example, changing instruments, refilling refrigerant or propellant, etc., this space telescope can fly near or even dock with the core space station. Although some space stations have had accompanying satellites, the one we propose is a space telescope that will be much larger than other accompanying satellites in terms of weight and volume. On the basis of the second configuration, we also put forward the following idea: the space station can be composed of several large independent modules if necessary.  相似文献   

Starbursts are systems with very high star formation rate per unit area. They are the preferred place where massive stars form; the main source of thermal and mechanical heating in the interstellar medium, and the factory where the heavy elements form. Thus, starbursts play an important role in the origin and evolution of galaxies. The similarities between the physical properties of local starbursts and high-z star-forming galaxies, highlight the cosmological relevance of starbursts. On the other hand, nearby starbursts are laboratories where to study violent star formation processes and their interaction with the interstellar and intergalactic media, in detail and deeply. Starbursts are bright at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, as they are in the far-infrared, due to the ‘picket-fence’ interstellar dust distribution. After the pioneering IUE program, high spatial and spectral resolution UV observations of local starburst galaxies, mainly taken with HST and FUSE, have made relevant contributions to the following issues:
  • The determination of the initial mass function (IMF) in violent star forming systems in low and high metallicity environments, and in dense (e.g. in stellar clusters) and diffuse environments: A Salpeter IMF with high-mass stars constrains well the UV properties.
  • The modes of star formation: Starburst clusters are an important mode of star formation. Super-stellar clusters have properties similar to globular clusters.
  • The role of starbursts in AGN: Nuclear starbursts can dominate the UV light in Seyfert 2 galaxies, having bolometric luminosities similar to the estimated bolometric luminosities of the obscured AGN.
  • The interaction between massive stars and the interstellar and intergalactic media: Outflows in cold, warm and coronal phases leave their imprints on the UV interstellar lines. Outflows of a few hundred km s?1 are ubiquitous phenomena in starbursts. These metal-rich outflows and the ionizing radiation can travel to the halo of galaxies and reach the intergalactic medium.
  • The contribution of starbursts to the reionization of the universe: In the local universe, the fraction of ionizing photons that escape from galaxies and reach the intergalactic medium is of a few percent. However, in high-z star-forming galaxies, the results are more controversial.
  • Despite the very significant progress over the past two decades in our understanding of the starburst phenomenon through the study of the physical processes revealed at satellite UV wavelengths, there are important problems that still need to be solved. High-spatial resolution UV observations of nearby starbursts are crucial to further progress in understanding the violent star formation processes in galaxies, the interaction between the stellar clusters and the interstellar medium, and the variation of the IMF. High-spatial resolution spectra are also needed to isolate the light from the center to the disk in UV luminous galaxies at z = 0.1–0.3 found by GALEX. Thus, a new UV mission furnished with an intermediate spectral resolution long-slit spectrograph with high spatial resolution and high UV sensitivity is required to further progress in the study of starburst galaxies and their impact on the evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

    On the basis of observations by the space telescope Glazar at 1640 Å the distribution of early (O-B-A) type stars and absorption matter in the directions of 20 known OB associations have been investigated. Forty-four stellar groups were found in these directions. The dust matter is distributed within these groups quite non-uniformly and patchy. It is absent in the space between these groups. It has been shown that 93 stars have dense circumstellar dust envelopes and half of them are sources of IR-radiation (IRAS observations). Dust clouds exist in the directions of Per OB1, Aur OB1 and Car OB1 at distances of 460, 1000, 1000 pc, respectively. Twenty new stellar groups of OB types were found.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 528–532, October–December, 1995.  相似文献   

    Both Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) are thought to be manifestations of magnetars. However, the specific physical characteristics that differentiate the two classes of objects remain unclear. There is some evidence that the progenitors of these sources and/or the environment in which they form might influence the type of phenomena the resulting magnetar displays. Several of the AXPs appear to be associated with supernova remnants, while embedded clusters of massive stars have been found in the immediate vicinity of some SGRs. Since both AXPs and SGRs are distributed close to the Galactic plane, high extinction makes studies in the optical difficult. We present early results from our Spitzer program aimed at probing the environmental factors that might contribute to the difference in the observed characteristics between AXPs and SGRs.  相似文献   

    The optical layout of the T-170M telescope for observation of astronomical objects in the ultraviolet spectral range 0.115–0.35 μm from the spacecraft SPECTRUM-UV is described. The telescope represents a Ritchey-Chretien aplanat with an aperture 1.7 m in diameter, a relative hole of f/10, and a field of view of 0.5°. The spectrographs are designated for obtaining spectra of stars and spread objects with a resolution of 2000–50 000. It is planned to record direct images using two field cameras: a wide-angle (f/10) and a telefocus (f/75–f/100) camera. The tolerances for basic parameters and the characteristics of the optimal system of baffles and the optics control unit are given.  相似文献   

    The creation and accumulation of nanophase iron (npFe0) is a principal mechanism by which spectra of materials exposed to the space environment incur systematic changes referred to as “space weathering.” Since there is no reason to assume that cumulative space weathering products throughout the Solar System will be the same as those found in lunar soils, these products are likely to be very dependent on the specific environmental conditions under which they were produced. We have prepared a suite of analog soils to explore the optical effects of npFe0. By varying the size and concentration of npFe0 in the analogs we found significant systematic changes in the Vis/NIR spectral properties of the materials. Smaller npFe0 (<10 nm in diameter) dramatically reddens spectra in the visible wavelengths while leaving the infrared region largely unaffected. Larger npFe0 (>40 nm in diameter) lowers the albedo across the Vis/NIR range with little change in the overall shape of the continuum. Intermediate npFe0 sizes impact the spectra in a distinct pattern that changes with concentration. The products of these controlled experiments have implications for space-weathered material throughout the inner Solar System. Our results indicate that the lunar soil continuum is best modeled by npFe0 particles with bulk properties in the 15–25 nm size range. Larger npFe0 grains result in spectra that are similar in shape to the Mercury continuum. The continuum of S-type asteroid spectra appear to be best represented by low abundances of npFe0. The size of asteroidal npFe0 is similar to that of lunar soils, but slightly smaller on average (10–15 nm).  相似文献   

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