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李涛  陈杰 《地震地质》2014,36(2):478-488
发育在褶皱区的河流阶地作为一种发育广泛、易于定年的被动变形的地貌标志物,已越来越多地被应用到活动逆断层相关褶皱晚第四纪变形的研究中;结合前生长地层和生长地层,可限定褶皱缩短总量和变形起始时间等参数,恢复从开始生长至晚第四纪以来完整的生长演化历史。文中对正弦曲线状和尖棱状弯滑褶皱模型、经典断弯褶皱模型和纯剪切断顶褶皱模型进行了总结和讨论。这些模型的提出为限定褶皱变形提供了很好的方法,但不能完全概括自然界中的褶皱模型,这就需要更多的野外地质、数值模拟和实验模拟工作。  相似文献   

西南天山明尧勒背斜的第四纪滑脱褶皱作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对明尧勒活动背斜喀浪勾律克河剖面生长前地层和翼部生长地层几何结构的填图以及变形河流阶地的系统测量,结合磁性地层及释光年代学研究,认为该背斜的滑脱褶皱作用起始于距今约1·6Ma,其总体几何结构形成于褶皱作用的早期,但其生长扩展并不完全遵从自相似性特征。持续的缩短作用部分被褶皱翼部陡倾膝折带的加长所吸收(由此导致背斜波幅的增加),另一部分可能是通过不同时期褶皱翼部不同膝折带组的旋转和迁移来实现的。明尧勒背斜的持续构造抬升是背斜区河流下切形成多级基座阶地的主因。晚第四纪褶皱的生长以背斜的垂直抬升为主,主要集中在北翼近核部,背斜宽度变化不大。背斜不同时期的抬升量和抬升速率均大于其缩短量和缩短速率,表明明尧勒背斜的变形以翼旋转为主(Pobletet al.,1996)。背斜自形成以来缩短速率和抬升速率均有减小的趋势  相似文献   

褶皱陡坎是褶皱变形过程中形成的地貌陡坎,是近期发现的一种不同于断层陡坎的构造作用形成的陡坎状地貌。在缺少地震反射剖面等深部资料时,利用褶皱陡坎可对活动褶皱的变形特征和生长演化历史进行限定,但迄今为止有关研究较少。位于帕米尔-南天山前陆地区的明尧勒背斜为第四纪活动的滑脱褶皱。在背斜南翼的河流阶地上发育了一系列褶皱陡坎:在T2和T3b阶地上,褶皱陡坎的高度/宽度/坡度分别为16m/40m/25°和20m/50m/26°,陡坎位置与下伏基岩中向斜枢纽位置对应。通过对这些褶皱陡坎的分析,得出:1)这些褶皱陡坎是滑脱褶皱通过膝折带迁移机制形成的。2)褶皱陡坎形成初期,陡坎高度、宽度和坡度逐渐增大;当陡坎宽度达到枢纽带宽度2倍时,陡坎坡度将达到最大值;之后尽管陡坎高度和宽度逐渐增大,其坡度将保持恒定。3)褶皱陡坎吸收的缩短增量与陡坎高度和下伏地层倾角间存在定量几何关系。根据T2阶地上褶皱陡坎的高度约16m和暴露年龄约8ka,估算T2阶地面暴露以来明尧勒背斜南翼的缩短速率为~1.3mm/a。在上述分析基础上,还对比总结了滑脱褶皱陡坎和断弯褶皱陡坎的异同点。  相似文献   

发育在帕米尔弧形推覆构造带最前缘的木什活动背斜是一南缓北陡的第四纪滑脱褶皱,背斜的最小地壳缩短量为0.7km,构造隆升幅度可达1.5km.木什背斜北翼逆断层由一系列坡向北的反向断层陡坎组成,不同断坎间垂直位移分布呈现此消彼长的特征,不论是整个北翼逆断层西段还是单条断坎,其垂直位移均呈东高西低的不对称分布,位移梯度东高西...  相似文献   

位于帕米尔前缘逆冲推覆体(Pamir Front Thrust,PFT)东端的木什滑脱背斜,是帕米尔弧形推覆构造带最前缘和最新的变形带。对地形横剖面、纵剖面和水系发育特征的分析表明,木什背斜总体上具有由西向东扩展生长的特征。在背斜核部及北翼发育数级开阔平坦的沿轴向展布的河流阶地,阶地可划分为4期。利用阶地堆积细颗粒石英光释光测年获得阶地面T2a、T3和T4的形成年龄分别为(15.8±2.40)ka、(55.1±10.3)ka、(131.4±23.9)ka。伴随背斜的生长扩展,河流阶地面发生了横向和纵向掀斜,并形成断层陡坎和褶皱陡坎。木什背斜晚第四纪的缩短和隆升主要是通过褶皱翼旋转机制进行的,估算其最小缩短速率为(1.6±0.3)mm/a,最小隆升速率为(1.9±0.3)mm/a。与此同时,沿轴向背斜发生了向东的侧向迁移和旋转。根据背斜垂直隆升与侧向扩展之间的关系,估算背斜在131~16ka期间向东的侧向迁移扩展速率较快,为 (14.6±3.6)mm/a; 自16ka至今,侧向迁移扩展速率迅速减小至(1.7±0.3)mm/a,背斜向东的迁移扩展可能已基本停止,而以侧向旋转为主。  相似文献   

帕米尔构造结是印度板块向欧亚大陆碰撞的两个突出支点之一,是中国大陆受板块动力作用最强烈、强震频发的地区之一,也是揭示青藏高原形成与演化历史的关键地区之一。晚新生代帕米尔构造结北部向北楔入推移了约300km,形成了一陆内深俯冲带和地震带,但对这一变形过程及方式至今未能很好的限定。沿76°E附近横跨帕米尔—天山的最新GPS测量  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is currently the leading edge of uplift and expansion of the plateau. Over the years, a lot of research has been carried out on the deformation and evolution of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and many ideas have been put forward, but there are also many disputes. The Altyn Tagh Fault constitutes the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there are two active faults on the north side of the Altyn Tagh Fault, named Sanweishan Fault with NEE strike and Nanjieshan Fault with EW strike. Especially, studies on the geometric and kinematic parameters of Sanweishan Fault since the Late Quaternary, which is nearly parallel with the Altyn Tagn Fault, are of great significance for understanding the deformation transfer and distribution in the northwestward extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, interpretation of the fault landforms and statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement on the Sanweishan Fault and its newly discovered western extension are carried out in this paper. We believe that the Sanweishan Fault is an important branch of the eastern section of the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is located at the front edge of the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is a left-lateral strike-slip and thrust active fault. Based on the interpretation of satellite imagery and microgeomorphology field investigation of Sanweishan main fault and its western segments, it's been found that the Sanweishan main fault constitutes the contact boundary between the Sanweishan Mountain and the alluvial fans. In the bedrock interior and on the north side of the Mogao Grottoes, there are also some branch faults distributed nearly parallel to the main fault. The main fault is about 150km long, striking 65°, mainly dipping SE with dip angles from 50° to 70°. The main fault can be divided into three segments in the spatial geometric distribution:the western segment(Xizhuigou-Dongshuigou, I), which is about 35km long, the middle segment(Dongshuigou-Shigongkouzi, Ⅱ), about 65km long, and the east segment(Shigongkouzi-Shuangta, Ⅲ), about 50km long. The above three segments are arranged in the left or right stepovers. In the west of Mingshashan, it's been found that the fault scarps are distributed near Danghe Reservoir and Yangguan Town in the west of Minshashan Mountain, and we thought those scarps are the westward extension of the main Sanweishan Fault. Along the main fault and its western extension, the different levels of water system(including gullies and rills)and ridges have been offset synchronously, forming a series of fault micro-geomorphology. The scale of the offset water system is proportional to the horizontal displacement. The frequency statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement shows that the displacement has obvious grouping characteristics, which are divided into 6 groups, and the corresponding peaks are 3.4m, 6.7m, 11.4m, 15m, 22m and 26m, respectively. Among them, 3.4m represents the coseismic displacement of the latest ancient earthquake event, and the larger displacement peak represents the accumulation of coseismic displacements of multi-paleoearthquake events. This kind of displacement characterized by approximately equal interval increase indicates that the Sanweishan Fault has experienced multiple characteristic earthquakes since the Late Quaternary and has the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes greater than magnitude 7. The distribution of displacement and structural transformation of the end of the fault indicate that Sanweishan Fault is an "Altyn Tagh Fault"in its infancy. The activities of Sanweishan Fault and its accompanying mountain uplift are the result of the transpression of the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, representing one of the growth patterns of the northern margin of the plateau.  相似文献   

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