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五里坨水厂勘察区位于八大处背斜中—西部山区,两翼地层为早侏罗系和三叠系,核部为奥陶系灰岩地层,富水性较好。但是,八大处背斜规模巨大、产状复杂多变,岩溶含水层埋藏深,地下水位埋深较大,受地形限制地面物探勘察手段不便在山区展开,给野外勘察和井位确定及水井设计增加诸多风险。本文针对山区深部岩溶水探采结合井实施技术难点,通过地质、水文地质调查,确定了探采结合井的井位,探讨了深部岩溶水的成井技术,制定了实施技术方案。探采结合井的成功实施,查明了奥陶系岩溶含水层及八大处背斜深部储水构造,为五里坨水源地合理开采、布局提供了有力的依据,为今后基岩山区岩溶水勘探和开发积累了经验。 相似文献
Dynamics and anthropogenic impacts of multiple karst flow systems in a mountainous area of South China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Mingming Luo Zhihua Chen Robert E. Criss Hong Zhou He Huang Zhaofeng Han Tingting Shi 《Hydrogeology Journal》2016,24(8):1993-2002
The Xiangxi River basin, South China, is a steep terrane with well-developed karst features and an important Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer. Meteoric water in this mountainous area features a mean δ18O elevation gradient of –2.4?‰/km. This gradient was used to estimate mean recharge elevations of 760 m for Shuimoxi (SMX) spring, 1,060 m for Xiangshuidong (XSD) spring, and 1,430 m for drill hole ZK03, indicating multiple flow paths in the Cambrian-Ordovician karst aquifer. Mean residence times of 230 and 320 days and ~2 years were estimated for these features, respectively, using the damped running average model that predicts the isotopic variations in groundwater from those in precipitation. Groundwater in the regional karst flow system has the longest residence time, the highest recharge elevation, the longest flow paths, the lowest addition of anthropogenic components, and the greatest amount of water–rock interaction as indicated by its higher dissolved solids, Mg2+ concentrations and Mg/Ca ratios than the springs. In contrast, the local and shallow karst flow systems respond rapidly to recharge events. Artificial tracer tests prove that these shallow karst systems can also quickly transmit anthropogenic contaminants, indicating that they are highly vulnerable to human impacts, which include the enrichment of NO3 –. The intensity of water–rock interaction and groundwater vulnerability are mainly determined by the structure and dynamics of the multiple karst flow systems. 相似文献
A geological event that happened at the end of the Middle Permian resulted in different levels of erosion in a shallow-water platform of South China, which led to diverse geological records in different sections. The Lianziya section in western Hubei Province of South China has a well-exposed stratigraphic sequence of the late Middle Permian rocks with abundant fossils and sedimentary facies types, providing new evidences for understanding the evolution of marine biota and environment in the late Middle Permian. Our study shows that four fossil communities can be recognized with the change of sedimentary facies in the late Middle Permian: Foraminiferal-algal community, phylloid algal community, bryozoan community and Ungdarella community. The foraminiferal-algal community is dominated by fusulinids and calcareous algae, but was soon replaced by the phylloid algal community. With an increase of terrestrial input, the phylloid algal community was again replaced by the bryozoan community. Near the end of the Middle Permian, with a decrease of terrestrial input, the bryozoan fossil community disappeared while the Ungdarella community became dominant. A 10 cm-thick weathered crust occurred at the top of the Middle Permian limestone, marking a large amplitude fall in sea-level and the beginning of a terrestrial erosion stage. The sedimentary facies and fossil community changes in the Lianziya section indicates that the Middle Permian crisis was a gradual process while the sea-level fall mainly occurred in the latest Middle Permian. 相似文献
岩溶地区山体岩石裸露,地形坡度陡,其发育的危岩体一旦失稳,将对威胁区的居民生命财产造成严重危害,故及时准确地分析灾体的稳定及危害性极具意义。文中以贵州省松桃县和平社区长冲组危岩体为对象,结合工程勘查成果,分析了危岩体区的地形地貌、地质构造和水文特征等孕灾背景,并结合危岩体发育特征深入分析论证危岩体变形破坏模式及影响因素。在此基础上对危岩体稳定性进行定性及定量分析,评估了危岩体的危害程度及发展趋势。结果表明:发育于岩溶山区的危岩体,独特的喀斯特地貌、岩溶特征及复杂的结构面是控制其稳定性的关键因素,降雨、风化等作用为主要诱发因素。提出了初步防治方案建议,为后续采取治理措施提供参考依据。 相似文献
对湖北秭归县五龙剖面五峰组—龙马溪组下段黑色岩系的微量元素和有机碳含量进行了系统采样分析,结果表明,U/Th、Ni/Co、V/Cr和WSc比值等判别指标能够很好的响应各时期氧化还原条件和海平面的变化,对奥陶系—志留系界线附近的地层缺失也有明显的指示作用.另外,U/Th、Ni/Co、V/Cr和V/Sc比值与TOC值之间表现出良好的正相关关系,表明这些古环境判别指标在一定程度上可用来指示五峰组和龙马溪组的有机碳含量变化.通过对五龙剖面及周边地区富有机质页岩厚度、TOC值和含气性的对比分析,推断五龙地区和西侧的鼓锣坪地区、东侧的九畹溪地区构成隆凹相间的格局,这一认识对区域内的页岩气有利目标区预测具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
对竹山县绿松石矿床分布、矿床构造、地球化学特征等的分析表明,竹山县绿松石矿的形成受到地层、岩性及构造断裂双重控制;富含成矿元素铜、磷,岩性为黑色碳泥质板岩及碳硅质板岩(黑色岩系)的下寒武统水沟口组既为绿松石矿的赋矿层又为矿源层;线状分布的断裂构造控制了绿松石矿床的分布规律和矿床规模;矿床形成于地表水的风化淋滤和再沉积(沉淀)作用,矿液温度介于17℃~35℃之间。 相似文献
笔者根据岩溶区水文地质条件及特征的差异,以地下水循环的特征为纲,应用系统分析方法,将岩溶水系统分为三级,对各级系统进行了分类。第一级为岩溶水系统,第二级分为浅循环和深循环岩溶水系统、第三级分别进一步分为裸露型、裸露-覆盖型、裸露-埋藏型、滞水型及层控型和断裂带型6类基本的岩溶水文地质单元。并论述了各类型的水文地质特征,指出了各类系统的供水意义,对断陷盆地岩溶水资源的勘查和开发有较大的参考价值。 相似文献
忻州盆地边山岩溶水与盆地孔隙水存在密切的水力联系,岩溶水系统的圈划与分析对盆地孔隙水资源评价十分重要.文章运用地下水系统分析理论,基于地理信息系统技术,定量提取区域地质(岩相古地理、地层与构造)和水文地质信息,绘制了基于区域隔水底板等高线图、典型剖面图、盆地-山区两壁投影图等信息的岩溶水系统图;运用岩溶水系统图分析得出下马圈泉岩溶水系统与盆地孔隙水存在间接汇水、潜流和河流(泉)渗漏等补给关系,并给出了补给量的计算方法,为忻州盆地地下水资源评价与定量模拟提供了新的水文地质依据与基础. 相似文献
根据野外观察,出露在襄樊-广济断裂带南侧大洪山地区绿林(厂河)镇一带主要由紫红色砂砾岩组成的原"震旦纪莲沱组",呈向南缓倾斜、倾角40°左右的单斜岩层产出,顶部与震旦纪陡山沱组之间以一条向南倾斜的逆断层为界,底部与下伏花山群之间为高角度不整合而不是微角度不整合;下伏前震旦纪(?)花山群和构造上覆的震旦系一下三叠统共同卷入了与扬子地块盖层岩系构造变形类似的向南的叠瓦构造和向南的倒转褶皱.通过组成与构造变形方面的研究得出该套地层可能不是震旦系而是中生代红层一部分的结论. 相似文献
Rocky desertification and its causes in karst areas: a case study in Yongshun County,Hunan Province,China 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Rocky desertification, a process of land degradation characterized by soil erosion and bedrock exposure, is one of the most
serious land degradation problems in karst areas, and is regarded as an obstacle to local sustainable development. It is well
known that human activities can accelerate rocky desertification; however, the effects of climate change on rocky desertification
in karst areas are still unclear. This study focused on the effects of temperature and precipitation changes and human activities
on rocky desertification in karst areas to determine the impacts of climate change and human disturbances on rocky desertification.
Areas of different level of rocky desertification were obtained from Landsat TM (1987) and Landsat ETM+ (2000) images. The
results show that, although the total desertification area increased by only 1.27% between 1987 and 2000, 17.73% of the slightly
desertified land had degraded to a moderate or intense level, 2.01 and 15.71%, respectively. Meanwhile, between 1987 and 2000,
the air temperature increased by 0.7°C, and precipitation increased by 170 mm. Statistical results indicate that the increase
in precipitation was caused by heavy rainfall. In addition, under the interactive influences of heavy rainfall and temperature,
the average karst dissolution rate was about 87 m3 km−2 a−1 during the 14 years in the study area. Further analysis indicated that rocky desertification was positively related with
the increase in temperature and precipitation and especially with the heavy rainfall events. Climate change accelerated rocky
desertification in the karst areas.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
从合理调控生态用水角度出发,探讨典型岩溶断陷盆地区农作物生态需水问题。根据蒙自断陷盆地的岩溶地貌特征,分别选取位于盆地、坡面和高原面的大洼子、朵古、牛耳坡3个观测点,利用Penman-Monteith公式、作物系数(FAO推荐)及同期有效降雨量,估算3个观测点2018年的参考蒸散量、生态需水量以及不同作物生长所需的人工灌溉水量。结果表明:(1)大洼子、朵古及牛耳坡的参考蒸散量分别为1 346.10 mm、1 200.00 mm、1 064.30 mm,远大于同期降水量,均呈现出蒸发旺盛的特点,加大了作物对于水分的需求;同时三者的参考蒸散量表现出较为明显的时空差异,使得3个观测点的农业种植条件存在差异;(2)大洼子种植的水稻、小麦、花生、油菜、大豆、马铃薯、葡萄等作物的生态需水定额均远大于大洼子同期的有效降水,在大洼子种植的作物均需要大量人工浇灌才能正常生长,而农作物的种植与其种植条件匹配度不高;(3)朵古及牛耳坡种植的玉米、万寿菊的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较小甚至完全满足,表明玉米、万寿菊在高原山区的种植是与当地种植条件相匹配的;而种植在朵古及牛耳坡的苹果、烤烟的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较大,表明在高原山区大量种植苹果及烤烟对于人工浇灌要求较高;(4)研究区大部分农作物在生长发育阶段内所需的水分主要依靠人工灌溉,与本地降水分布规律匹配度不高,区内农业结构与种植模式有待调整。在岩溶断陷盆地内要种植耗水较少,对热量要求较高的作物,山区则需要发展具有生态保护和经济效益的作物,但种植的重点区域仍是盆地区。 相似文献
任建军 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》2002,13(3):90-92
鄂西北山区地质灾害类型主要为滑坡、崩塌、泥石流。这些地质灾害的发生除自然因素外,多与人为活动密切相关。由于山区公路建设需劈山填谷,架桥及修隧道,对周围环境影响甚大。因此在山区建设公路时,在选线、野外勘察、图纸设计以及制定具体的施工方案等方面应充分考虑周围环境因素。否则稍有不慎极易引起各类地质灾害的发生,其结果是有的加大了工程投资,有的造成各类工程性能部分甚至全部失效,有些问题可能到了工程建设完毕后多年还在对环境造成影响,如不当的弃渣造成泥石流或水库及河道淤塞等。文章主要对公路工程在山区建设引起的环境问题列举了具体事例,并针对这些问题提出了防治思路及对策。 相似文献
湖北清江龙潭河水系变迁 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在南流洞-南冲-嵩水坪古河道内遗留了大量的河流混杂堆积物,从砾石的岩性来看,其来自上游的泥盆系,志留系,奥陶系及寒武系等地层,中更新世晚期,在可溶性地层,构造裂隙及侵蚀基准面下降等因素的相互作用下,于南流洞发生地下水袭夺地表水,致使龙潭河转入暗流,清江在中更新世中期迅速下切,由此导致的侵蚀基准面下降是龙潭河水系变迁的直接动因。 相似文献
岩溶山区水文地质条件复杂,地下水的分布规律对不同的物探方法可能存在不同的响应特征。综合采用高密度电阻率法和音频大地电磁法,在湖南怀化长塘村进行找水勘探,综合勘探结果很好地指示出异常特征和比较具体的异常位置。推断结果与钻井结果基本一致,最大涌水量大于146.88 m3/d/。此次成果表明:对称四极反演结果能有效对地下横向电阻率的变化进行响应,且纵向上能够利用电阻率测深曲线(单支曲线)进行分层;音频大地电磁法探测深度大,能有效对地下断层构造进行响应。 相似文献
Water management and engineering in the karstic High Atlas of Morocco are difficult tasks under the prevailing geological, hydrogeological, geomorphological, vegetational and climatic conditions. It is important to be able to understand and predict the characteristics and availability of water for future water planning in the region under changing climatic and agricultural conditions. An interdisciplinary analysis of problems and adequate hydrological modelling tools developed by geologists, hydrologists and biologists are necessary. The karst areas of the High Atlas Mountains are characterised by impermeable triassic basalt underlying substantial subsurface reservoirs with high potential discharge rates. The karst groundwater aquifers are extensive but largely unknown in dimension, probably with a hierarchical network of groundwater flow paths. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the surface water is directly lost to groundwater. Steep landslide- and debris flow prone slopes exist next to coarse-grained, highly porous river beds. Infrequent, high intensity rainfall or snowmelt causes a particularly high flood risk to these karst areas. In addition, agriculture and land use changes have degraded the karst areas. The most important driving forces for degradation include permanent overgrazing even during droughts and the use of firewood by a continually growing population. Large scale degradation of vegetation has occurred in the oro-mediterranean (mountainous Mediterranean) zone, between 2600 and 3400 m which coincides with the most important zone for karstic groundwater creation. The combination of high amounts of groundwater flow and rapid surface flow due to sparse vegetation has increased the problems of flood flow. 相似文献
山西柳林泉域地下水化学信息的因子—克立格分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文尝试将因子分析与克立格法相结合,用以分析柳林泉域地下水化学资料,获取到地下水成因,循环深度等方面的信息。研究表明,因子-克立格法是一种有效,实用的研究区域水文地质问题的分析方法。 相似文献
喀斯特山区是一种特殊的山地国土空间类型,系统识别其国土空间变化的人文驱动因素及作用机制,对于合理调控喀斯特山区人类活动的空间作用强度具有重要意义。喀斯特山区生态系统抗干扰能力差且高度脆弱,土地利用的空间异质性和尺度关联性强,非理性人类活动导致局部地区人地关系矛盾趋于尖锐化。通过论证,提出了社会经济、文化民俗、政策制度和人口变化是喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的四大人文驱动因素,解析了喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的多维人文因素作用方式。从土地管理者和土地使用者博弈的视角,遵循“驱动因素辨识—决策分析过程—行为作用结果—反馈路径环节”的思路,构建了喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的人文驱动框架,为喀斯特山区国土空间优化和管控研究提供了新的理论视角。 相似文献