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Widespread agricultural activity may threaten water quality in fractured bedrock aquifers having little overburden protection. A study in Canada improves the understanding of the potential impact of agriculture on water quality in bedrock aquifers, focusing on spatial and temporal variability of nitrate and bacteria. A research site was developed in and adjacent to a hay field where a gneissic aquifer is overlain by a thin veneer of unconsolidated glacial material. Ten wells were installed, hydraulically tested and completed as multilevel piezometers. Results of monthly sampling for nitrate, dissolved organic carbon, and E. coli show significant temporal and spatial variation in concentrations. Intensive 5-day sampling rounds conducted during baseflow and recharge conditions indicate that bacterial concentrations vary daily, with higher concentrations during recharge periods. The location of the impacted monitoring wells is correlated to an upgradient cattle pasture that is used periodically each summer. It is evident that periodic upgradient sources, dilution from recharge, and heterogeneous flow systems lead to varied and unpredictable contaminant concentrations. The temporal and spatial variability of contaminants in bedrock aquifers with minimal overburden must be considered for the protection of human health, as annual or even monthly groundwater monitoring may not capture unsafe concentrations. 相似文献
Groundwater is the major source of water and a critical resource for socioeconomic development in semi-arid environments like the Johannesburg area. Environmental isotopes are employed in this study to characterise groundwater recharge and flow mechanisms in the bedrock aquifers of Johannesburg, which is known for polluted surface water. With the exception of boreholes near the Hartbeespoort Dam, groundwater in the study area was derived from meteoric water that has undergone some degree of evaporation before recharge, possibly via diffuse mechanisms. Boreholes that tap groundwater from the Transvaal Supergroup Formation show depletion in δ18O and δ2H values. This is attributed to diffuse recharge through weathering fractures at high elevation that are undergoing deep circulation or recharge from depleted rainfall from the high-latitude moisture sources. The influence of focused recharge from the Hartbeespoort Dam was observed in the boreholes north of the dam, possibly as a result of the north–south trending fault lines and the north-dipping fractures in the bedding planes of quartzites. This is also supported by a reservoir water budget method which indicated a mean annual net flux of 2,084,131 m3 from Hartbeespoort Dam recharging groundwater per annum. Using tritium in the dam and boreholes located at 750 m and 5400 m downstream, average groundwater flow velocity was estimated as 202 m/year. An open system was observed in shale, andesite and granitic-gneiss aquifers indicating soil CO2 as a dominant source of carbon (δ13C) in groundwater. A closed system was also observed in dolomitic aquifers indicating carbonate dissolution as the predominant source of carbon. 相似文献
Hydraulic conductivity characteristics in mountains and implications for conceptualizing bedrock groundwater flow 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Influences of hydraulic conductivity (K) heterogeneities on bedrock groundwater (BG) flow systems in mountainous topography are investigated using a conceptual 2D numerical modelling approach. A conceptual model for K heterogeneity in crystalline bedrock mountainous environments is developed based on a review of previous research, and represents heterogeneities due to weathering profile, bedrock fracture characteristics, and catchment-scale (~0.1–1 km) structural features. Numerical groundwater modelling of K scenarios for hypothetical mountain catchment topography indicates that general characteristics of the BG flow directions are dominated by prominent topographic features. Within the modelled saturated BG flow system, ~90 % or more of total BG flux is focussed within a fractured bedrock zone, extending to depths of ~100–200 m below the ground surface, overlying lower-K bedrock. Structural features and heterogeneities, represented as discrete zones of higher or lower K relative to surrounding bedrock, locally influence BG flow, but do not influence general BG flow patterns or general positions of BG flow divides. This result is supported by similar BG transit-time distribution shapes and statistics for systems with and without structural features. The results support the development of topography-based methods for predicting general locations of BG flow-system boundaries in mountain regions. 相似文献
Hans G. Machel 《Hydrogeology Journal》1999,7(1):94-107
This article provides a critical synopsis of the effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis. Emphasis is placed on
those aspects and processes that change porosity and permeability in carbonate aquifers, because they are of particular importance
to human societies as sources of supplies of water for human consumption (drinking, irrigation) and of crude oil and natural
Diagenetic settings in carbonates as well as clastics are generally ill defined. This paper proposes a new comprehensive classification
of diagenetic settings into near-surface, shallow-, intermediate-, and deep-burial diagenetic settings; hydrocarbon-contaminated
plumes; and fractures. These settings are defined on the basis of mineralogy, petroleum, hydrogeochemistry, and hydrogeology.
This classification is applicable to all sedimentary basins.
Diagenesis is governed by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors that include thermodynamic and kinetic constraints, as well
as microstructural factors that may override the others. These factors govern diagenetic processes, such as dissolution, compaction,
recrystallization, replacement, and sulfate–hydrocarbon redox-reactions. Processes such as cementation, dissolution, and dolomitization
require significant flow of groundwater driven by an externally imposed hydraulic gradient. Other processes, such as stylolitization
and thermochemical sulfate reduction, commonly take place without significant groundwater flow in hydrologically nearly or
completely stagnant systems that are geochemically "closed."
Two major effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis are enhancement and reduction of porosity and permeability, although
groundwater flow can also leave these rock properties essentially unchanged. In extreme cases, an aquifer or hydrocarbon reservoir
rock can have highly enhanced porosity and permeability due to extensive mineral dissolution, or it can be plugged up due
to extensive mineral precipitation.
Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998 · Accepted, September 1998 相似文献
Noureddıne Guezgouz Djamel Boutoutaou Houarı Zeggane Azzedıne Chefrour 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2017,10(15):336
Water resources in Algeria are mainly controlled by climate change which creates enormous problems in its planning, management and distribution. While the surface water resources are perfectly managed and operated by means of dams and small dams built for several years, the groundwater resources remain long unknown and unusable because of the lack of relevant working tools (e.g., methods, formulas, maps, etc.) for planners and engineers working in the field of water resources exploration. To highlight the hydrodynamic processes of groundwater in shallow aquifers of the basins of northern Algeria, we conducted a study using 81 subwatersheds collected from different locations at the basins; taking into account the climatic and geomorphological factors, to understand water usage trends, analyse patterns, tap good shallow aquifers and ensure long lasting supplies of water through arid periods, mapping and modelling of groundwater are fundamental to problem resolution. Multivariate statistical techniques as well as cluster and principal component analysis were applied to the data on groundwater flow, with the objective of defining the main controls on the groundwater flows at the basins. These statistical techniques showed the presence of three groundwater flow groups with increasing importance according to precipitation. The first group was mainly influenced by climatic factors, the second was more controlled by the communication between the surface and underground flows and the third group revealed the influence of geomorphological factors on groundwater flows. 相似文献
Sandow Mark Yidana Samuel Ganyaglo Bruce Banoeng-Yakubo Thomas Akabzaa 《Journal of African Earth Sciences》2011,59(2-3):185-194
A conceptual groundwater flow model was developed for the crystalline aquifers in southeastern part of the Eastern region, Ghana. The objective was to determine approximate levels of groundwater recharge, estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters, and then test various scenarios of groundwater extraction under the current conditions of recharge. A steady state groundwater flow model has been calibrated against measured water levels of 19 wells in the area. The resulting recharge is estimated to range from 8.97 × 10?5 m/d to 7.14 × 10?4 m/d resulting in a basin wide average recharge of about 9.6% of total annual precipitation, which results in a basin wide quantitative recharge of about 2.4 million m3/d in the area. This compares to recharge estimated from the chloride mass balance of 7.6% of precipitation determined in this study. The general groundwater flow in the area has also been determined to conform to the general northeast–southwest structural grain of the country. The implication is that the general hydrogeology is controlled by post genetic structural entities imposed on the rocks to create ingresses for sufficient groundwater storage and transport. Calibrated aquifer hydraulic conductivities range between 0.99 m/d and over 19.4 m/d. There is a significant contribution of groundwater discharge to stream flow in the study area. Increasing groundwater extraction will have an effect on stream flow. This study finds that the current groundwater extraction levels represent only 0.17% of the annual recharge from precipitation, and that groundwater can sustain future increased groundwater demands from population growth and industrialization. 相似文献
The St. Lawrence Lowlands platform, Quebec, Canada, is a densely-populated area, heavily dependent on groundwater resources. In 1999, the Geological Survey of Canada initiated a large-scale hydrogeological assessment study over a 1,500 km2 region northwest of Montreal. The objectives were to define the regional groundwater flow, and to give quantitative estimates of the groundwater dynamic parameters and of the available groundwater resources. The applied approach consisted of defining the hydrogeologic framework, hydraulic properties of the aquifer units, and groundwater dynamic components. Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks represent regional aquifer units. Coarse Quaternary fluvio-glacial sediments locally overlay the rock sequence and constitute an interface aquifer unit. Fine marine sediments confine most of the regional aquifers. Collected GIS based information was synthesized in a finite element numerical model. The regional saturated steady-state flow was calibrated under current stress conditions assuming an equivalent porous medium approach. Water budget calculations show that the total groundwater flow in regional aquifers amounts to 97.7 Mm3/y. Infiltration from precipitation provides 86.6% of the groundwater supply, while 9.6% comes from subsurface inflow and the remaining 3.8% is induced recharge from surface waters. Discharge from regional aquifers occurs through flow to streams (76.9%), groundwater withdrawal (18.4%), and underground outflow (4.7%).
Resumen La plataforma de Tierras Bajas San Lorenzo, Quebec, Canadá, es un área densamente poblada que depende fuertemente de recursos de agua subterránea. En 1999 el Servicio Geológico de Canadá inició un estudio de evaluación hidrogeológica a gran escala sobre un área de 1,500 km2 en la región noroeste de Montreal. Los objetivos fueron definir el flujo regional de agua subterránea y aportar estimados cuantitativos de los parámetros dinámicos de agua subterráne y de los recursos disponibles de agua subterránea. El enfoque aplicado consistió en definir el marco hidrogeológico, propiedades hidráulicas de las unidades acuíferas, y los componentes dinámicos de agua subterránea. Rocas sedimentarias del Paleozoico Inferior representan unidades regionales de acuíferos. Sedimentos fluvio-glaciares Cuaternarios gruesos sobreyacen localmente la secuencia rocosa y constituyen una unidad acuífera interfacial. Sedimentos marinos finos confinan la mayoría de acuíferos regionales. Información colectada basada en SIG se sintetizó en un modelo numérico de elemento finito. El flujo regional saturado en régimen permanente se calibró bajo condiciones de stress asumiendo un enfoque de medio poroso equivalente. Los cálculos de balance hídrico muestran que el flujo total de agua subterránea en acuíferos regional alcanza 97.7 Mm3/año. Infiltración a partir de lluvia aporta el 86.6% del abastecimiento al agua subterránea, mientras que el 9.6% proviene de entradas subsuperficiales y el restante 3.8% consiste de recarga inducida a partir de aguas superficiales. La descarga proveniente de acuíferos regionales ocurre a través de flujo a ríos (76.9%), utilización de agua subterránea (18.4%), y salida subterránea (4.7%).
Résumé La plateforme Lowllands du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada, est une aire densément peuplée, dépendant grandement des ressources en eau souterraine. En 1999, le Service Géologique du Canada a initié une étude hydrogéologique à grande-échelle sur 1500 km2 au Nord-Ouest de Montréal. Le sobjectifs ont été de définir la dynamique de lécoulement régional, et de donner des estimations quantitatives des paramètres dynamiques des ressources disponibles en eau souterraine. Lapproche utilisée consista à définir le cadre hydrogéologique de travail, les propriétés hydrauliques des unités aquifères, et les composantes dynamiques des eaux souterraines. Les roches sédimentaires du Paléozoïque Inférieur représentent les unités aquifères régionales. Les sédiments marins fins confinent la plus grande partie des aquifères régionaux. Les informations de base, collectées dans un SIG, ont été synthétisées dans un modèle numérique aux éléments finis. Lécoulement permanent régional, en zone saturée, a été calibré en conditions de stress en assumant une approche de milieu poreu équivalent. Les calculs du bilan hydrologique montrent que lécoulement total des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères régionaux atteind 97,7 Mm3/an. Linfiltration à partir des précipitations apporte 86.6% de leau souterraine exploitée; sachant que 9,6% proviennent découlement de subsurfaces, et que les 3,8% restants proviennent de la recharge via les eaux de surface. Le débit pompé des aquifères régionaux apparaît à travers lécoulement des cours deau, le rabattement des eaux souterraines (18.4%), et lécoulement ascendant (4.7%).相似文献
Ireland has large water resources. Only 5.3% of developable waters are as yet developed, to supply some 650 I/day/per capita to the population of some 3.37 million people. State of development varies in each of the seven water resources regions. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed over the year, but the percentage infiltrating to form groundwater varies quite sharply. Some 61% of infiltration occurs in the four winter months November to February, when agricultural activities are low. Only 10% infiltrates in the four summer months, May to August, when agricultural activities are high. In all, annual groundwater amounts to some 24.8 km3, of which 50% is considered to be recoverable. Capital groundwater reserves must be large, but are unquantified. Under these conditions, the impact of agriculture on groundwater quantities is negligible. Of the annual extraction of some 170 × 106m3 of groundwater, some 66 × 106m3/year are used in different agricultural activities. Drainage operations, however, have effects on Irish groundwater. Such lands may overlie impermeable strata or pans, or may receive concealed or visible groundwater discharge. Their drainage will affect the groundwater in various ways. There has been a considerable impact of agriculture on groundwater quality. The effects on the atmosphere and on precipitation are not identifiable. Effects of diffuse infiltration are treated with respect to: (a) application of ground limestone (lime); (b) application of K.N.P. inorganic fertilizer; (c) spreading of organic slurries; (d) development of organic nitrogen in soils, mainly after ploughing of grasslands; and (e) residues from herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. The infiltration of these substances spread on the land is closely related to the interaction between times of ground-water recharge and times of fertilizer application. Effects of concentrated infiltration are treated under seven sub-heads: (a) infiltration of polluted surface waters; (b) localized farm infiltration; (c) concentrated waste disposal from feedlots; (d) concentrated waste disposal from silage; (e) concentrated waste disposal from agro-industries; (f) disposal through sinkholes and quarries; and (g) disposal by deep well injection. These operations are deliberate, and not related to times of groundwater recharge. They are often into the limestone aquifers, and so doubly dangerous. 相似文献
In the region between Mersin and Tarsus cities, located along the Mediterranean Sea coast in southern Turkey, the demand for groundwater has increased dramatically as the available surface water supplies have already been developed. Fundamental information is required to characterize the existing groundwater system in this area in order to establish a sustainable groundwater-use policy. For this purpose, hydrochemical and environmental isotopic data were collected and integrated with available geological and hydrogeological information to develop a conceptual model of the system. Results, backed up mainly by depleted stable isotope composition and infinitesimal tritium content, suggest that most of the groundwater along the coastal zone is supplied by the neighboring mountain belt while local precipitation has also contributes to aquifer recharge. The validation of the conceptual perspective by a steady-state numerical groundwater flow model reveals that about 90% of the recharge to the aquifer system is supplied by the deep flow of karstic groundwater fed from the Taurus Mountains. Monitoring of changes in the recharge regime of the mountain sector seems to be critical in establishing future groundwater use policies. 相似文献
基岩岛屿占我国岛屿的90%以上,且岛屿上的淡水资源十分珍贵。目前,岛屿上的供水(船运、雨水收集、海水淡化等)存在成本高、设备易坏等缺点。因此,岛屿的地下水资源无疑是优质、可靠、稳定的供水源。为了更好地开发基岩岛屿地下水资源,认为针对基岩岛屿地下水模拟,从地下水理论、地下水模拟的国内外研究现状和模拟模型等方面进行了综述。总结认为: 基岩岛屿的地下水多以“淡水蘑菇体”的形式储存,有别于沙质岛屿; 模拟模型应概化为横向各项同性的达西流或非达西流,或二者的耦合模型,并归纳了相应的地下水流运动方程; 基岩岛屿地下水模拟模型应分为孔隙型、裂隙型和孔隙-裂隙型3种类型; 在岛屿边界设定上,基岩海岸应设为隔水边界,沙质海岸应设为定水头边界。综述研究认为: 基岩岛屿地下水模拟模型应尽可能精细、完整、精准地刻画基岩岛屿的地质地貌,设置完整的岛屿补径排项; 模拟时,应准确对应基岩岛屿的地下水类型,选准模拟方法与模拟软件; 模型验证工作也是十分重要,需多次与岛屿水量均衡,且与实测水量和水位作对照,不断地修善模型。以上综述成果为我国今后开展基岩岛屿地下水数据模拟提供了理论依据。 相似文献
Quantifying regional groundwater flow between Continental Intercalaire and Djeffara aquifers in southern Tunisia using isotope methods 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Large-scale interaction between the Continental Intercalaire and the Djeffara aquifer systems in the southeast of Tunisia
has been investigated with the aid of chemical and isotopic tracers. Two distinct groundwater types have been identified:
(1) the Continental Intercalaire groundwater characterized by elevated temperatures (50–61.4°C), low δ18O (−8.4 to−7.87) and δ2H (−67.2 to−59) values and negligible radiocarbon content, both testifying its great age dating from the late Pleistocene
period, and (2) the Djeffara groundwater with distinctly heavier isotopic composition (δ18O = −8.31 to −5.80, δ2H = −65.9 to −31.9). The Djeffara groundwaters reveal a distinct changes of physico-chemical and isotopic parameters near
El Hamma Faults in the northwestern part of the Djeffara basin. These changes could possibly be explained by a vertical leakage
from the Continental Intercalaire aquifer through El Hamma Faults. The mixing proportions inferred from stable isotope mass
balance prove that the contribution of the Continental Intercalaire to the recharge of Djeffara aquifer is very significant
and may reach 100% in the El Hamma region and in the northern part of Gabes. Isotope tracers strongly suggest that recent
recharge to the Djeffara aquifer system is very limited. Its current yield, particularly in its central and northern parts
can be maintained only thanks to large-scale underground inflow from the Continental Intercalaire aquifer system, which carries
late Pleistocene palaeowater. Consequently, current exploitation of groundwater resources of the Djeffara aquifer has non-sustainable
character. 相似文献
Xiaobin Zhu Jichun Wu Huijun Nie Fei Guo Jianfeng Wu Kouping Chen Penghui Liao Hongxia Xu Xiankui Zeng 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(5):1475-1485
Inter-basin water transfer projects (IBWTPs) can involve basins as water donors and water receivers. In contrast to most studies on IBWTPs, which mainly impact the surface-water eco-environment, this study focuses on the impacts of an IBWTP on groundwater and its eco-environment in a water donor basin in an arid area, where surface water and groundwater are exchanged. Surface water is assumed to recharge groundwater and a groundwater numerical simulation model was constructed using MODFLOW. The model was used to quantitatively evaluate the impact of an IBWTP located in the upstream portion of Nalenggele River (the biggest river in the Qaidam basin, Northwest China). The impact involved decrease in spring flow, drawdown of groundwater, reduction in oasis area, and an increase in species replacement of oasis vegetation in the midstream and downstream of the river. Results show that the emergence sites of springs at the front of the oasis will move 2–5 km downstream, and the outflow of springs will decrease by 42 million m3/a. The maximum drawdown of groundwater level at the front of the oasis will be 3.6 m and the area across which groundwater drawdown exceeds 2.0 m will be about 59.02 km2, accounting for 2.71% of the total area of the oasis. Under such conditions, reeds will gradually be replaced by Tamarix, shrubs, and other alternative plant species. These findings have important implications for the optimization of water resource allocation and protection of the eco-environment in arid regions. 相似文献
阿拉善地块东北缘的狼山地区新生代发育有3期构造,分别为中新世NW-SE向挤压形成的逆断层,NNE向挤压形成的左行走滑断层以及晚新生代NW-SE向伸展形成的高角度正断层。结合阿拉善地块东缘的新生代构造,认为狼山地区新生代断层的活动与青藏高原东北缘的逐步扩展、应力场逐渐调整有关。狼山山前正断层目前是一条贯通的断层,其演化基本符合恒定长度断层生长模型,断层中间部位滑动速率最大,向断层两侧逐渐递减。从不同方法得出的滑动速率来看,进入全新世以来,断层滑动速率有逐渐变小的趋势。结合阿拉善地块内部及东缘断层震源机制解以及断层的几何学、运动学特征,认为河套—吉兰泰盆地和银川盆地属于两个性质不同的伸展盆地,两者通过构造转换带相连,转换区内断层表现为右行走滑。转换区5级以上地震可能是受区域性NE-SW向挤压,近南北向右行断层活动的表现。 相似文献
A spatial relationship between high capacity municipal production wells (>5,000 m3/day), completed in a deep bedrock aquifer, and a buried bedrock valley was recognized in the city of Guelph, southwestern Ontario, Canada. Most production wells are completed in a discrete zone, ~60 m below ground surface, within flat-lying dolostones of the Silurian Amabel Formation. Thick overburden and limited subsurface data make characterization of the karstic aquifer difficult. This study integrates hydrogeologic data with models of karst formation, deriving a conceptual model of porosity development as it relates to valley incision. Bedrock valley incision likely occurred prior to the early Wisconsinan age (>60–75 ka). Incision created steep hydraulic gradients within the flat-lying bedrock, and provided the driving force required to integrate regional groundwater flow into karst conduits that drained at the base of the valley. Dissolution in production zone dolostones was favoured over dissolution in shallower bedrock due to abundant bedding plane partings and fossiliferous facies with high intercrystalline porosity. Burial of the valley during subsequent ice advances reduced the valley’s hydraulic influence and the efficacy of the flow system to cause dissolution. The high capacity municipal wells near the buried bedrock valley tap into the now dormant karst aquifer system. 相似文献
Sandra K. Richard Romain Chesnaux Alain Rouleau Roger Morin Julien Walter Silvain Rafini 《Hydrogeology Journal》2014,22(8):1889-1904
Field evidence of hydraulic connections between a bedrock aquifer and an overlying granular aquifer in the Canadian Shield (Grenville Province) is presented. This issue is rarely considered and investigated despite its important hydraulic and chemical consequences and its widespread occurrence worldwide. The methodology employed is based on complementary field tests conducted at specific experimental sites instrumented both in the rock and in the overlying deposits. One of the bedrock sites revealed a natural hydraulic connection with the overlying granular aquifer caused by the weathered surface of the uppermost bedrock. Another site revealed an artificial hydraulic connection between the bedrock and the granular aquifer created by an improperly sealed casing. A regional study showed that hydraulic connections yield an erroneous interpretation of the true hydraulic properties of the tested aquifer. The detection of hydraulic connections is therefore essential to properly define well-capture areas and contamination conditions. It is recommended to practitioners that pumping tests be performed as well as hydrochemical comparisons of each existing aquifer unit. Falling-head permeability tests are also helpful in verifying the quality of the seal at the bedrock–casing contact. More effective procedural controls and better well-construction practices are necessary to reduce the risks of cross-contamination induced by defective seals. 相似文献
The impacts of pasture- and manure-spreading on microbial groundwater quality in carbonate aquifers 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Hydrogeological and microbiological research is in progress to analyze the interaction between groundwater and microbial pollutants, produced by pasture and/or manure spreading, in the areas of different carbonate aquifers of southern Italy. Several springs and wells were studied, and the precipitation, the discharge, the groundwater level and the classic microbial indicators of pollution were monitored weekly or daily. The experimental results show that the pasture and the manure spreading produced microbial contamination of the groundwater, even if runoff infiltration in swallow holes does not exist. The time dependence of microbial contamination shows a series of peaks irregularly distributed, related to the precipitation that produce effective infiltration. 相似文献
柴达木西部地区新生代主控断裂演化过程及其意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于主干地震剖面的解释结果,本文探讨了柴达木西部地区新生代主控性断裂的活动模式、活动时间及空间演化过程。结果表明,断裂演化明显存在两个大的旋回:路乐河组—下干柴沟组上段沉积期间(约54~31 Ma)和下油砂山组沉积至今(约22 Ma至今);其中第2个构造期断裂活动强烈,尤其是狮子沟组沉积以来(约8 Ma至今),中部及北部区域北西西向断裂开始大规模逆冲活动,反映了盆地晚期强烈变形过程。断层生长指数定量分析结果与其空间演化过程相吻合,共同记录了印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应控制下的柴达木盆地在新生代具有阶段性变形特征,从而为青藏高原东北部分阶段隆升模式提供了新的证据。 相似文献
A hydrogeological study was conducted in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada, to improve the predictability of fracture-dominated groundwater flow within folded bedrock composed of fine-grained turbidites. Borehole televiewer logging and outcrop mapping, integrated with hydraulic packer tests revealed enhanced hydraulic conductivity associated with northeasterly striking bedding-plane fractures formed during folding and flexural slip. These fractures impart azimuthal anisotropy to the aquifer because of moderately dipping fold limbs. High-angle fractures form a well-developed non-stratabound network, comprising two open fracture sets striking NNE parallel to the current direction of principal stress, and WNW parallel to the direction of principal stress that dominated during the Acadian orogeny. The subset of fractures showing significant oxidation, deemed most important to the groundwater flow system, is dominated by bedding-plane and high-angle fractures striking near-parallel to the maximum principal stress direction, resulting in extensional opening and enhanced hydraulic conductivities. An equivalent porous media model, incorporating anisotropy and varying hydraulic conductivity with depth, indicates that horizontal flow dominates the aquifer with relatively minor exchange between different model layers. These findings have implications for understanding flow directions in the Black Brook Watershed and elsewhere in the Matapédia Basin where fractures formed under similar stress conditions. 相似文献
The lower Liaohe River Plain (LRP) is an economically and ecologically important area situated on an alluvial plain, where anthropogenic activities are very intensive. Field investigations were conducted in the LRP and 15 water quality parameters surveyed at 216 wells during September and October of 2009 and 2010. These showed significant variation in the hydrochemistry of groundwater throughout the plain. A Piper plot was used to identify the major geochemical processes occurring in the entire plain. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to identify various underlying natural and anthropogenic processes that created these distinct water types. The Stuyfzand classification was used to subdivide and interpret the complex groundwater hydrochemistry of the Liaohe River delta. Five principal components (PCs) were extracted in terms of PCA, which can be invoked to explain 82% of the total variance in water quality parameters. The PCA results can be categorized by five major factors: (1) Holocene transgression and mixing; (2) surface water infiltration; (3) multi-factor processes; (4) rainfall and agricultural fertilizer contamination; and (5) Geogenic F enrichment. This study demonstrates that the great variation of groundwater hydrochemistry in the LRP should be attributed to both natural and anthropogenic processes. 相似文献
Review: The potential impact of underground geological storage of carbon dioxide in deep saline aquifers on shallow groundwater resources 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jean-Michel Lemieux 《Hydrogeology Journal》2011,19(4):757-778
Underground geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers is considered for reducing greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere. However, some issues were raised with regard to the potential hazards to shallow groundwater resources from CO2 leakage, brine displacement and pressure build-up. An overview is provided of the current scientific knowledge pertaining to the potential impact on shallow groundwater resources of geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers, identifying knowledge gaps for which original research opportunities are proposed. Two main impacts are defined and discussed therein: the near-field impact due to the upward vertical migration of free-phase CO2 to surficial aquifers, and the far-field impact caused by large-scale displacement of formation waters by the injected CO2. For the near-field, it is found that numerical studies predict possible mobilization of trace elements but concentrations are rarely above the maximum limit for potable water. For the far-field, numerical studies predict only minor impacts except for some specific geological conditions such as high caprock permeability. Despite important knowledge gaps, the possible environmental impacts of geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers on shallow groundwater resources appears to be low, but much more work is required to evaluate site specific impacts. 相似文献