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A conceptual groundwater flow model was developed for the crystalline aquifers in southeastern part of the Eastern region, Ghana. The objective was to determine approximate levels of groundwater recharge, estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters, and then test various scenarios of groundwater extraction under the current conditions of recharge. A steady state groundwater flow model has been calibrated against measured water levels of 19 wells in the area. The resulting recharge is estimated to range from 8.97 × 10?5 m/d to 7.14 × 10?4 m/d resulting in a basin wide average recharge of about 9.6% of total annual precipitation, which results in a basin wide quantitative recharge of about 2.4 million m3/d in the area. This compares to recharge estimated from the chloride mass balance of 7.6% of precipitation determined in this study. The general groundwater flow in the area has also been determined to conform to the general northeast–southwest structural grain of the country. The implication is that the general hydrogeology is controlled by post genetic structural entities imposed on the rocks to create ingresses for sufficient groundwater storage and transport. Calibrated aquifer hydraulic conductivities range between 0.99 m/d and over 19.4 m/d. There is a significant contribution of groundwater discharge to stream flow in the study area. Increasing groundwater extraction will have an effect on stream flow. This study finds that the current groundwater extraction levels represent only 0.17% of the annual recharge from precipitation, and that groundwater can sustain future increased groundwater demands from population growth and industrialization.  相似文献   

电法探查海岸带含水层咸淡水界面的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在理论上对电法探查多层土层组成的海岸带含水层的咸淡水界面的可能性进行探讨的基础上,对太平洋沿岸某地区进行了实地调查研究.在测量设置在海岸附近及分布于海岸纵深方向的调查井垂直方向电导率的同时,在调查井附近进行了电法探查.结果表明,电法探查的咸淡水界面的深度与依据井水电导率区分的混合区域上端几乎一致,即对于不同类别土质构成的岩土层,电法不但能探查确定咸淡水界面的深度,而且与以往的手法比较也是一种简单、快速、可靠、成本低廉的确定咸淡水界面深度的方法.  相似文献   

Groundwater models are commonly used as basis for environmental decision-making. There has been discussion and debate in recent times regarding the issue of model simplicity and complexity. This paper contributes to this ongoing discourse. The selection of an appropriate level of model structural and parameterization complexity is not a simple matter. Although the metrics on which such selection should be based are simple, there are many competing, and often unquantifiable, considerations which must be taken into account as these metrics are applied. A unified conceptual framework is introduced and described which is intended to underpin groundwater modelling in decision support with a direct focus on matters regarding model simplicity and complexity.  相似文献   

Developing an accurate conceptual model is the most important step in the process of a groundwater numerical modeling. Disorganized and limited available data and information, especially in the developing countries, make the preparation of the conceptual model difficult and sometimes cumbersome. In this research, an integrative and comprehensive method is proposed to develop groundwater conceptual model for an unconfined aquifer. The proposed method consists of six steps. A preliminary step (step 0) is aimed at collecting all the available data and information. The output of the first step as “controlling observations” is conceptual model version 00. This step should be rigorously checked due to its critical role in the controlling of final conceptual model. Step 2 determines the aquifer geometry. The output of this step is conceptual model version 01. Step 3 is responsible to determine hydrodynamic properties and its output develops conceptual model version 02. Step 4 evaluates the surface and subsurface interactions and lateral in/out groundwater flows. The output of this step is conceptual model version 03. Step 5 is to integrate the results from other steps and to deliver the final conceptual model version. The accuracy level of the conceptual model and the annual groundwater balance is also determined at this step. The presented groundwater conceptual model procedure was implemented for the Neishaboor plain, Iran. Results showed its usefulness and practicality in developing the conceptual model for the study area.  相似文献   

A multi-methodological approach based on monitoring and spatio-temporal analysis of groundwater quality changes is proposed. The presented tools are simple, quick and cost-effective to give service to all sorts of users. The chief purpose of the monitoring network is the detection of the piezometric or potenziometric level in the aquifer. The spatial and multi-temporal analysis of usual chemical and physical data provides both an assessment of the spatial vulnerability of the aquifer to seawater intrusion, defining a salinity threshold between fresh groundwater and brackish groundwater and of the water quality trend in terms of salinity. The evaluation of the salinity trend or of salinity-correlated parameters highlights the effects of groundwater mismanagement. The multiparameter logging provides a rapid groundwater quality classification for each well. The whole approach allows evaluating the effects of current management criteria and designing more appropriate management targets. The Apulian karstic coastal aquifers have been selected as a case study (Southern Italy). Three types of aquifer zones can be distinguished: (1) areas with low vulnerability to seawater intrusion, (2) areas with high vulnerability and (3) areas with variable vulnerability in which the salt degradation largely depends on the ability to manage the well discharge. The water quality degradation caused by seawater intrusion appears to be a combined effect of an anomalous succession of drought periods observed from about 1980 onwards and increased groundwater pumping, particularly during drought periods. A management criterion based on aquifer zones is proposed.  相似文献   

The distribution of fresh and salt water in coastal aquifers is influenced by many processes. The influence of aquifer heterogeneity and human interference such as land reclamation is illustrated in the Belgian coastal plain where, around A.D. 1200, the reclamation of a tidally influenced environment was completed. The aquifer, which was filled with salt water, was thereafter freshened. The areal distribution of peat, clay, silt and sand influences the general flow and distribution of fresh and salt water along with the drainage pattern and results in the development of fresh-water lenses. The water quality in and around the fresh-water lenses below an inverted tidal channel ridge is surveyed. The hydrochemical evolution of the fresh water lens is reconstructed, pointing to cation exchange, solution of calcite and the oxidation of organic material as the major chemical reactions. The formation and evolution of the fresh water lens is modelled using a two-dimensional density-dependent solute transport model and the sensitivity of drainage and conductivities are studied. Drainage level mainly influences the depth of the fresh-water lens, whereas the time of formation is mainly influenced by conductivity. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Three-dimensional framework models are the state of the art to present geologists’ understanding of a region in a form that can be used to support planning and decision making. However, there is little information on the uncertainty of such framework models. This paper reports an experiment in which five geologists each produced a framework model of a single region in the east of England. Each modeller was provided with a unique set of borehole observations from which to make their model. Each set was made by withholding five unique validation boreholes from the set of all available boreholes. The models could then be compared with the validation observations. There was no significant between-modeller source of variation in framework model error. There was no evidence of systematic bias in the modelled depth for any unit, and a statistically significant but small tendency for the mean error to increase with depth below the surface. The confidence interval for the predicted height of a surface at a point ranged from ±5.6 m to ±6.4 m. There was some evidence that the variance of the model error increased with depth, but no evidence that it differed between modellers or varied with the number of close-neighbouring boreholes or distance to the outcrop. These results are specific to the area that has been modelled, with relatively simple geology, and reflect the relatively dense set of boreholes available for modelling. The method should be applied under a range of conditions to derive more general conclusions.  相似文献   

Ophiolites are found all over the world: from the Alps to the Himalayas, in Cuba, Papua-New Guinea, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, etc. They are composed of hard rocks—basalt, dolerite, gabbro and peridotite, which are formed at the mid-oceanic ridges, with specific ridge-related tectonic fracturing and intense hydrothermal alteration. Their geological and thus their hydrogeological properties differ from those of both granite or classical gabbro and classical basaltic lava. A conceptual hydrogeological model of these hard-rock aquifers was developed based on the convergent results of a multidisciplinary approach at several spatial scales, from rock-sample (centimetre) to catchment (kilometre), on well-preserved ophiolite rocks in Oman. In ophiolite rocks, groundwater circulation takes place mostly in the fissured near-surface horizon (50 m thick), and, to a lesser degree, in the tectonic fractures. Hydrograph analysis (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), interpretation of numerous pumping tests using both classical Theis and dual porosity models [Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (in press)], and mercury porosity and hydraulic conductivity lab-measurements support the aquifer parameter estimates. The hydraulic conductivity K of the fissured horizon is estimated at 10–5 to 10–6 m/s for gabbro and dolerite, and 10–7 m/s for peridotite. The storage coefficient S of the peridotite aquifer is estimated at 10–3 and appears to be controlled mainly by microcracks (20 to 100 m wide). Tectonic fractures in the ophiolite have similar hydrodynamic properties regardless of lithology (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) though the probability of obtaining productive wells is two to three times greater in gabbro and dolerite than in peridotite. Some of the tectonic fractures produce small hydrothermal, hyperalkaline springs in the peridotite. The water budget and hydrochemistry of the Oman ophiolite are characterized and support the conceptual hydrogeological model. Despite low annual rainfall, a relatively low hydraulic conductivity and a significant storage coefficient explain why most of the streams in peridotite are perennial.
Résumé Les ophiolites se trouvent partout dans le monde : des Alpes à lHymalaya, à Cuba, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Nouvelle Calédonie, etc. Les ophiolites sont composées de roches dures basaltiques, de dolérites, gabbros et péridotites, qui sont formées aux rides mi-océaniques, avec, en relation avec les rides, une fracturation tectonique et une altération hydrothermale intense. Leurs propriétés géologiques et hydrogéologiques diffèrent de celles des granites ou des gabbros classiques ou des laves basaltiques classiques. Un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel des aquifères de hard-rock a été développé sur les résultats convergents dune approche multidisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatiales, de léchantillon de roche de quelques centimètres à la taille du bassin versant en kilomètres, des ophiolites bien conservées dOman. Dans les roches ophiolitiques, la circulation des eaux souterraines est surtout localisée dans les fissures dun horizon de surface de plus dune cinquantaine de mètres et à un degré moindre dans les fractures tectoniques. Lanalyse des hydrographes (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), linterprétation des nombreux essais de pompage utilisant des modèles classiques de Theis et des modèles à double porosité (Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (Soumis), la porosité au mercure et la conductivité hydraulique calculée en laboratoire supportent lestimation des paramètres de laquifère. La conductivité hydraulique K de lhorizon fissuré est estimée entre 10–5 et 10–6 m/s pour les gabbros et les dolérites, et 10–7 m/s pour les péridotites. Le coefficient demmagasinement S de laquifère de péridotite est estimé à 10–3 et semble être contrôlé par les micro-fractures (20 à 100 m de largeur). Les fractures tectoniques dans les ophiolites possèdent des propriétés hydrodynamiques en regard de la lithologie (10-1<T<10-4 m2/s et 10-1/S/10-3) bien que la probabilité dobtenir des puits productifs est trois plus grand dans le grabbro et la dolérite que la péridétite. Quelques unes des fractures tectoniques produisent de petites sources hydrothermales hyperalcalines dans la péridotite. Le bilan hydrologique et hydrochimique de lophiolite dOman caractérise le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel. Malgré des faibles précipitations annuelles, une relativement basse conductivité hydraulique et un coefficient demmagasinement significatif expliquent pourquoi la plus part des cours deau sur les péridotites ne sont jamais taris.

Resumen Las rocas ofiolitas se encuentran en muchas partes del mundo desde los Alpes a los Himilaya, Newfoundland, Nueva Caledonia etc. Son rocas duras compuestas de basalto, dolerita, gabro y peridotita que son formadas por los cordones medio-oceánicos y por fracturación relacionada con los cordones tectónicos específicos y alteración hidrotermal intensa. La geología y los propiedades hidrogeológicas varian entre las de granito y gabro clásico y lava de basalto clásico. Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual de los acuíferos de las rocas duras Basado en los resultados convergentes de un enfoce multidisciplinario a varias escalas a partir de muestras de roca (centímetro) a cuenca kilómetro) enfocado en las rocas ofilíticas bien preservados en Oman. En las rocas ofiolíticas la circulación de agua ocurre principalmente en el horizonte de fisuras cercanas a la superficie (>50 m de espesor) y en un grado menos importante en fracturas tectónicas. Los estimados de los parámetros de estos acuíferos se basan en análisis de hidrógrafos (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), en la interpretación de pruebas de bombeo usando los modelos clásicos de Theis y de porosidad doble (Hamm y Bidaux 1996; Lods y Gouze, [en prensa]), y porosidad de mecurio y conductividad hidraúlica medida en el laboratorio. La conductividad hidraúlica K del horizonte fisurado se estima en 10E-5 a 10E-6 m-s para gabro y dolerita y 10E-7 para peridotita. El coeficiente de abastecimiento S del acuífero peridotita se estima en 10–3 y parece ser controlado principalmente por microfracturas (20 to 100 m de ancho). Las fracturas tectónicas en la ofiolita tienen propiedades hidrodinámicas similares independientes de la litología (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) pero la probabilidad de obtener pozos productivos es dos o tres veces mayor en gabro que en dolerita o peridotita. Algunas de las fracturas tectónicas producen pequeñas descargas de agua hidrotermal hiperalcalina en la peridotita. El presupuesto e hidroquímica de las ofilitas de Omán se caracteriza y apoya en el modelo conceptual hidrogeológico. La baja lluvia anual, una conductividad hidraúlica relativamente baja y un coeficiente de abastecimiento importante explican porqué la mejoría de los drenajes en peridotita es peremne.

许雅琴  张可霓  王洋 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3825-3832
咸水层CO2地质封存是减少大气中CO2排放量的有效途径。CO2注入率是衡量咸水层中CO2注入能力的有效因素,因此,研究注入速率的变化规律及提高的措施是很有工程价值的。在很多区域,地层的低渗透性限制了CO2的注入率。针对鄂尔多斯盆地的水文地质条件,通过数值模拟,探讨在低渗透性咸水层中提高CO2注入率的途径,包括改变储层中的盐度、采用水平井注入、增加注入井段的长度以及采取水力压裂等工程措施。其中改变储层中的盐度可通过在注入CO2前向储层中注入一定量的水来实现。模拟结果表明,这些方式可以有效地提高CO2注入率,其中水平井改造方式和水力压裂工程措施效果显著,盐度改造措施在地层初始含盐度较高时,会有更好的效果。研究结果可为鄂尔多斯盆地和类似地区的咸水层CO2地质封存项目提供参考。  相似文献   

Numerical groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling incorporating three alternative conceptual models was conducted in 2005 to assess remedial actions and predict contaminant concentrations in an unconfined glacial aquifer located in Milford, Michigan, USA. Three alternative conceptual models were constructed and independently calibrated to evaluate uncertainty in the geometry of an aquitard underlying the aquifer and the extent to which infiltration from two manmade surface water bodies influenced the groundwater flow field. Contaminant transport for benzene, cis-DCE, and MTBE was modeled for a 5-year period that included a 2-year history match from July 2003 to May 2005 and predictions for a 3-year period ending in July 2008. A postaudit of model performance indicates that predictions for pumping wells, which integrated the transport signal across multiple model layers, were reliable but unable to differentiate between alternative conceptual model responses. In contrast, predictions for individual monitoring wells with limited screened intervals were less consistent, but held promise for evaluating alternative hydrogeologic models. Results of this study suggest that model conceptualization can have important practical implications for the delineation of contaminant transport pathways using monitoring wells, but may exert less influence on integrated predictions for pumping wells screened over multiple numerical model layers.  相似文献   

A conceptual model of the functioning of a complex coastal karst aquifer in southern Spain is presented. The system has well developed conduits below sea level and is connected to the Mediterranean Sea. It discharges through two conduits 12 m below sea level, 20 km apart. The Moraig conduit is the main outlet; the discharge to the sea is brackish. The Toix conduit only discharges to the sea during heavy floods and lets in seawater the rest of the time. During the 1999–2000 hydrological year, both conduits were monitored by flowmeters and electrical conductivity-temperature probes. On the basis of the collected data, the hydrological relationship between the functioning of the system and the sea was characterised. The conceptual model assumes the existence of a huge reservoir called an “aquifer reservoir” which is supplied by (1) freshwater from rainfall and (2) seawater flowing into the Toix conduit. In addition, during heavy rainfall events, fast infiltration brings considerable amounts of freshwater into the Moraig conduit. This is typical of a “by-pass” mechanism. Salinity and flow rates were simulated with the use of a rainfall-discharge and a rainfall-salinity model. The simulation of flow and salinity time series can be used for water management purposes.  相似文献   

 This paper examines the results of R-mode factor analysis performed on major ion data from a hydrogeochemical survey over the coastal Quaternary deltaic aquifer of the Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Seven major ions (Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl, and NO3) were analyzed from each of the 126 water samples collected in two seasons (pre- and post-monsoon 63 each). A set of factors was found both in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon data which explained the source of the dissolved ions and the chemical processes which accompany the intrusion of seawater. Received: 4 March 1996 · Accepted: 28 August 1996  相似文献   

Hypo-elastic relations are often adopted to simulate the recoverable non-linear behaviour of soils within elasto-plastic constitutive models. In reality, they are unable to reproduce the elastic, ie, recoverable, response of materials; hence, they introduce severe inconsistencies in models based on the decomposition of the total strain tensor into its recoverable and permanent parts. Hyper-elasticity should then be used. However, existing models developed within this framework do not satisfy a number of fundamental theoretical requirements. A new hyper-elastic model is proposed, which is rigourously formulated by integrating some of the main relations which emerge from experimental results. The model satisfies all theoretical requirements and also possesses features that are fundamental for its numerical integration. The model can be considered as the correct hyper-elastic version of the classical hypo-elastic constitutive relation adopted in models based on the Critical State framework, such as the Modified Cam-Clay, with a constant Poisson's ratio.  相似文献   

Karstic aquifers significantly contribute to streams in most of Turkey’s river basins, so studies on karst water resources have great importance for Turkey. Karstic aquifer contributions are generally emerging at several locations near the river bed and are not readily measured by direct hydrometric methods. In this study, the extent of karstic aquifer contributions to a stream will be investigated by the statistical analysis of recession coefficients of recession curves. Six stream gauging stations on different streams in the western Mediterranean region of Turkey are selected. Recession periods of the streams are simulated by exponential and quadratic recession curve models. Recession coefficient series of the stream gauging stations are statistically investigated. The comparison of various statistical parameters shows that the recession coefficient series are fairly related to the karstic aquifer contributions. Especially, the measure of spread parameters, standard deviation and interquartile range of recession coefficient series are related to the extent of the karstic aquifer contributions to streams.  相似文献   

 An accurate estimate of the depth to the theoretical interface between fresh, water and salt water is critical to estimates of well yields in coastal and island aquifers. The Ghyben–Herzberg relation, which is commonly used to estimate interface depth, can greatly underestimate or overestimate the fresh-water thickness, because it assumes no vertical head gradients and no vertical flow. Estimation of the interface depth needs to consider the vertical head gradients and aquifer anisotropy that may be present. This paper presents a method to calculate vertical head gradients using water-level measurements made during drilling of a partially penetrating well; the gradient is then used to estimate interface depth. Application of the method to a numerically simulated fresh-water/salt-water system shows that the method is most accurate when the gradient is measured in a deeply penetrating well. Even using a shallow well, the method more accurately estimates the interface position than does the Ghyben–Herzberg relation where substantial vertical head gradients exist. Application of the method to field data shows that drilling, collection methods of water-level data, and aquifer inhomogeneities can cause difficulties, but the effects of these difficulties can be minimized. Received, April 1997 · Revised, January 1998 · Accepted, January 1998  相似文献   

Ke  Qian  Yin  Jiangshan  Bricker  Jeremy D.  Savage  Nicholas  Buonomo  Erasmo  Ye  Qinghua  Visser  Paul  Dong  Guangtao  Wang  Shuai  Tian  Zhan  Sun  Laixiang  Toumi  Ralf  Jonkman  Sebastiaan N. 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(1):671-703
Natural Hazards - Climate change leads to sea level rise worldwide, as well as increases in the intensity and frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs). Storm surge induced by TC’s, together with...  相似文献   

Many coastal zones around the world have irregular precipitation throughout the year. This results in discontinuous natural recharge of coastal aquifers, which affects the size of freshwater lenses present in sandy deposits. Temperature data for the period 1960–1990 from LocClim (local climate estimator) and those obtained from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) SRES A1b scenario for 2070–2100, have been used to calculate the potential evapotranspiration with the Thornthwaite method. Potential recharge (difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) was defined at 12 locations: Ameland (The Netherlands), Auckland and Wellington (New Zealand); Hong Kong (China); Ravenna (Italy), Mekong (Vietnam), Mumbai (India), New Jersey (USA), Nile Delta (Egypt), Kobe and Tokyo (Japan), and Singapore. The influence of variable/discontinuous recharge on the size of freshwater lenses was simulated with the SEAWAT model. The discrepancy between models with continuous and with discontinuous recharge is relatively small in areas where the total annual recharge is low (258–616 mm/year); but in places with Monsoon-dominated climate (e.g. Mumbai, with recharge up to 1,686 mm/year), the difference in freshwater-lens thickness between the discontinuous and the continuous model is larger (up to 5 m) and thus important to consider in numerical models that estimate freshwater availability.  相似文献   

With heightened concerns on CO2 emissions from pulverized-coal (PC) power plants, there has been major emphasis in recent years on the development of safe and economical geological carbon sequestration (GCS) technology. Saline aquifers are considered very attractive for GCS because of their large storage capacity in U.S. and other parts of the world for long-term sequestration. However, uncertainties about storage efficiency as well as leakage risks remain major areas of concern that need to be addressed before the saline aquifers can be fully exploited for carbon sequestration. A genetic algorithm-based optimizer has been developed and coupled with the well-known multiphase numerical solver TOUGH2 to optimally examine various injection strategies for increasing the CO2 storage efficiency as well as for reducing its plume migration. The optimal injection strategies for CO2 injection employing a vertical injection well and a horizontal injection well are considered. To ensure the accuracy of the results, the combined hybrid numerical solver/optimizer code was validated by conducting simulations of three widely used benchmark problems employed by carbon sequestration researchers worldwide. The validated code is then employed to optimize the proposed water-alternating-gas injection scheme for CO2 sequestration using both the vertical and the horizontal injection wells. The results suggest the potential benefits of CO2 migration control and dissolution. The optimization capability of the hybrid code holds a great promise in studying a host of other problems in GCS, namely how to optimally enhance capillary trapping, accelerate the dissolution of CO2 in water or brine, and immobilize the CO2 plume.  相似文献   

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