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Groundwater constitutes a vital component of the water-resource system. Adequate knowledge of aquifer parameters is of utmost importance for proper groundwater management. In the present study, an attempt has been made to critically analyze the river–aquifer interaction and to explore the practicability and reliability of the floodwave-response technique in estimating the hydraulic parameters of the Konan aquifer, Japan. The analysis of the pertinent hydrologic and hydrogeologic data revealed a strong relationship between the Monobe River stage and the groundwater levels over a major portion of the Konan basin. Inverse modeling, using the floodwave-response model at four sites, yielded high values of hydraulic diffusivity that ranged from 16 to 194 m2/s. However, the overall average aquifer diffusivity was found to be reasonable (0.7–3.5 m2/s). All the selected flood events were not found suitable for determining reasonable values of hydraulic diffusivity at a given site. Using the optimal diffusivities at two sites and the aquifer transmissivity from the pumping tests at these sites, the storage coefficient values were estimated as those of truly confined aquifers. In contrast, reasonable values of storage coefficient were obtained based on the average aquifer diffusivity estimates. The sensitivity analysis of the floodwave-response model indicated that the optimal hydraulic diffusivity is very sensitive to the distance parameters of the model, which necessitate precise measurement of these parameters. It is concluded that a judicious application of the floodwave-response technique is essential, especially in the case of unconfined aquifers.
Resumen El agua subterránea constituye un componente vital de los sistemas de recursos hídricos. El conocimiento adecuado de los parámetros del acuífero es de suma importancia para el manejo apropiado del agua subterránea. En el presente estudio se ha realizado un intento para analizar críticamente la interacción río-acuífero y explorar la confiabilidad y utilidad de la técnica de respuesta de onda de crecida para estimar los parámetros hidráulicos del acuífero Konan, Japón. El análisis de datos hidrológicos e hidrogeológicos pertinentes muestra una relación fuerte entre el nivel del Río Monobe y los niveles de agua subterránea en gran parte de la cuenca Konan. El modelizado de inversión utilizando el modelo de respuesta de onda de crecida en cuatro sitios generó valores altos de difusividad hidráulica que varían de 16 a 194 m2/s. Sin embargo, se encontró que la difusividad promedio global del acuífero tenía valores razonables (0.7 a 3.5 m2/s). Todos los eventos de crecida seleccionados no fueron encontrados satisfactorios para determinar valores razonables de difusividad hidráulica en un sitio determinado. Utilizando las difusividades óptimas en dos sitios y la transmisividad del acuífero proveniente de pruebas de bombeo en esos sitios se estimaron valores del coeficiente de almacenamiento como los que se obtendrían para acuíferos completamente confinados. En contraste, se obtuvieron valores razonables del coeficiente de almacenamiento basados en los cálculos de difusividades promedio del acuífero. Los análisis de sensitividad del modelo de respuesta de onda de crecida indicaron que la difusividad óptima hidráulica es muy sensitiva a los parámetros de distancia del modelo por lo que se necesitan mediciones precisas de esos parámetros. Se concluye que es esencial una aplicación sensata de la técnica de respuesta de onda de crecida, especialmente en el caso de acuíferos no confinados.

Resumé Leau souterraine constitue une composante vitale des systèmes de ressource en eau. Une connaissance adéquate des paramètres des aquifères est importante pour une gestion correcte de ces systèmes. Dans cette étude, la démarche consiste à analyser linteraction rivière–aquifère de manière critique et dexplorer la technique permettant destimer les paramètres hydrauliques de laquifère Konan, Japon. Lanalyse pertinente des données hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques révèle une relation forte entre le niveau de la rivière Monobe et les niveaux piézométriques sur une grande partie du bassin de Konan. La modélisation inverse utilisant le modèle de réponse aux vagues de crue sur quatre sites fournit des valeurs de diffusivité comprises entre 16 et 194 m2/s. Néanmoins la valeur moyenne de diffusivité est apparue raisonnable (entre 0.7 et 3.5 m2/s). Tous les évènements de crue nont pas été retenus comme permettant de calculer avec une bonne fiabilité la diffusivité sur un site donné. En utilisant les données optimales de diffusivité provenant de deux sites, et la transmissivité fournie par les essais de pompage, le coefficient demmagasinement a été déterminé et correspond bien à un aquifère confiné. Par contraste, des valeurs raisonnables de coefficient demmagasinement ont été déterminées par estimation de la diffusivité moyenne de laquifère. Lanalyse de sensibilité du modèle de réponse aux vagues de crue indique que la diffusivité hydraulique optimale est très sensible à la distance utilisée dans le modèle, qui nécessite dés lors une mesure précise. En conclusion il est essentiel que ce type dapplication doit tre judicieusement mis en oeuvre, et spécialement dans le cadre daquifères captifs.

This study investigates the hydraulic conductivity field and the groundwater flow pattern as predicted by a calibrated steady state groundwater flow model for the Keta Strip, southeastern Ghana. The hydraulic conductivity field is an important parameter in evaluating aquifer properties in space, and in general basin-wide groundwater resources evaluation and management. This study finds that the general hydraulic conductivity of the unconsolidated unconfined aquifer system of the Keta Strip ranges between 2 m/d and 20 m/d, with an average of 15 m/d. The spatial variation in horizontal hydraulic conductivity appears to take the trend in the variations in the nature of the material in space. Calibrated groundwater recharge suggests that 6.9–34% of annual precipitation recharges the shallow aquifer system. This amount of recharge is significant and suggests high fortunes in terms of groundwater resources development for agriculture and industrial activities in the area. A spatial distribution of groundwater recharge from precipitation is presented in this study. The spatial pattern appears to take the form of the distribution in horizontal hydraulic conductivity, and suggests that the vertical hydraulic conductivity takes the same pattern of spatial variation as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity. This is consistent with observations in other areas. The resulting groundwater flow is dominated by local flow systems as the unconfined system is quite shallow. A general northeast – southwest flow pattern has been observed in the study area.  相似文献   

利用CFCs定年数据计算静升盆地含水层渗透系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章利用CFCs(氟氯碳化合物)定年数据,计算山西静升盆地含水层渗透系数。结果表明:补给条件较好的区域与补给条件差的深层承压区相比,地下水年龄偏年轻;从冲洪积扇顶部到扇缘,地下水径流逐渐变缓,含水层渗透系数变小;盆地南部较北部,地下水流动缓慢,渗透系数整体偏小。该方法获得的渗透系数符合实际地质条件。  相似文献   

 Previous studies have shown that hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer seems to increase as the portion of the aquifer tested increases. To date, such studies have all relied on different methods to determine hydraulic conductivity at each scale of interest, which raises the possibility that the observed increase in hydraulic conductivity is due to the measurement method, not to the scale. This study analyzes hydraulic conductivity with respect to scale during individual aquifer tests in porous, heterogeneous carbonate rocks in southeastern Wisconsin, USA. Results from this study indicate that hydraulic conductivity generally increases during an individual test as the volume of aquifer impacted increases, and the rate of this increase is the same as the rate of increase determined by using different measurement methods. Thus, scale dependence of hydraulic conductivity during single tests does not depend on the method of measurement. This conclusion is supported by 22 of 26 aquifer tests conducted in porous-flow-dominated carbonate units within the aquifer. Instead, scale dependency is probably caused by heterogeneities within the aquifer, a conclusion supported by digital simulation. All of the observed types of hydraulic-conductivity variations with scale during individual aquifer tests can be explained by a conceptual model of a simple heterogeneous aquifer composed of high-conductivity zones within a low-conductivity matrix. Received, January 1997 Revised, August 1997, November 1997 Accepted, November 1997  相似文献   

Counter to intuition, small-scale measurements of hydraulic conductivity do not average to regional values. Instead, mean hydraulic conductivity increases with measurement scale up to a critical distance termed the range, beyond which a constant regional value prevails. Likewise, variance in log hydraulic conductivity increases with separation distance between measurement points as the spatial correlation decreases. As dissolution proceeds in carbonate aquifers, heterogeneity and the volume necessary for an equivalent homogeneous medium (EHM) both increase. As these variables increase, the range of scale increase in both mean hydraulic conductivity and variance increases proportionately. Consequently, the range in scale effects is a reliable measure of the degree of secondary dissolution. By correlating the numeric value of range with independently measured hydraulic properties, the prevalent type of flow system, diffuse, mixed or conduit can be determined.  相似文献   

Alcaraz  Mar  Carrera  Jes&#;s  Cuello  Juli&#;n  Guarracino  Luis  Vives  Luis 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(4):1587-1599
Hydrogeology Journal - Seawater intrusion occurs in almost all coastal aquifers that are subject to human pressure. Its effects could be reduced by avoiding pumping in those wells better...  相似文献   

To prevent environmental problems like water logging and increase in soil salinity which are responsible for the degradation of the top productive soils, an optimum ditch drainage design is required. For this purpose a knowledge of the spatio-temporal variation of the water table is essential. In this study the spatio-temporal variation of the water table in a sloping ditch drainage system has been modeled from a stochastic point of view, incorporating randomness in hydraulic conductivity to get the expression for the mean and the standard deviation of the water-table height. The hydraulic conductivity has been considered to be a realization of a log-normal distribution. Application of these expressions in the prediction of mean water-table variation with the associated error bounds has been demonstrated with the help of a ditch drainage problem of a sloping aquifer. The sensitivity analysis has also been carried out to see the effect of variability in the hydraulic conductivity on the water-table fluctuations. The error bounds quantified on the water-table height will thus help in the decision-making process for proper drainage design.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of porous media deformation on water-table wave dispersion in an unconfined aquifer using a numerical model which couples Richards’ equation to the poro-elastic model. The study was motivated by the findings of Shoushtari et al. (J Hydrol 533:412–440, 2016) who were unable to reproduce the observed wave dispersion in their sand flume data with either numerical Richards’ equation models (assuming rigid porous media) or existing analytic solutions. The water-table wave dispersion is quantified via the complex wave number extracted from the predicted amplitude and phase profiles. A sensitivity analysis was performed to establish the influence of the main parameters in the poro-elastic model, namely Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν). For a short oscillation period (T?=?16.4 s), the phase lag increase rate (k i) is sensitive to the chosen values of E and ν, demonstrating an inverse relationship with both parameters. Changes in the amplitude decay rate (k r), however, were negligible. For a longer oscillation period (T?=?908.6 s), variations in the values of E and ν resulted in only small changes in both k r and k i. In both the short and long period cases, the poro-elastic model is unable to reproduce the observed wave dispersion in the existing laboratory data. Hence porous media deformation cannot explain the additional energy dissipation in the laboratory data. Shoushtari SMH, Cartwright N, Perrochet P, Nielsen P (2016) The effects of oscillation period on groundwater wave dispersion in a sandy unconfined aquifer: sand flume experiments and modelling. J Hydrol 533:412–440.  相似文献   

The area of Thal Doab is located in the Indus Basin and is underlain by a thick alluvial aquifer called the Thal Doab aquifer (TDA). The TDA is undergone intense hydrological stress owing to rapid population growth and excessive groundwater use for livestock and irrigated agricultural land uses. The potential impact of these land uses on groundwater quality was assessed using a DRASTIC model in a Geographic Information System environment. Seven DRASTIC thematic maps were developed at fixed scale and then combined into a groundwater vulnerability map. The resultant vulnerability index values were grouped into four zones as low, moderate, high and very high. The study has established that 76% of the land area that is underlain by the TDA has a high to very high vulnerability to groundwater contamination mainly because of a thin soil profile, a shallow water table and the presence of soils and sediments with high hydraulic conductivity values. In addition, only 2 and 22% of the total area lie in low and moderate vulnerability zones, respectively. The outcomes of this study can be used to improve the sustainability of the groundwater resource through proper land-use management.  相似文献   

U-series disequilibria measured in waters and rocks from a chalk aquifer in France have been used as an analog for long-term radionuclide migration. Drill core samples from a range of depths in the vadose zone and in the saturated zone, as well as groundwater samples were analyzed for 238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th to determine transport mechanisms at the water/rock interface and to quantify parameters controlling the migration of radionuclides. Isotope measurements in rocks were done by TIMS, whereas (234U/238U) and (230Th/232Th) activity ratios in water samples were measured by multi-collector-ICP-MS. Both depletion and enrichment in 234U relative to 238U were observed in carbonate rock samples resulting from chemical weathering in the unsaturated zone and calcite precipitation in the zone of water-table oscillation, respectively. The correlation between (230Th/232Th) activity ratios and 87Sr/86Sr ratios found in the chalk samples indicates that thorium is mainly contained in a minor silicate phase whose abundance is variable in chalk samples. Water samples are all characterized by (234U/238U) > 1 resulting from α-recoil effect of 234Th. Groundwaters are characterized by a more radiogenic signature in 87Sr/86Sr than the rocks. Moreover, (230Th/232Th) activity ratios in the waters are lower than in the rocks, and increase with distance from the water divide, which suggests that Th transport is controlled by colloids formed during water infiltration in the soil. A 1-D transport model has been developed in order to constrain the U-series nuclide transport considering a transient behavior of radionuclides in the aquifer and a time-dependent composition for the solid phase. This model permits a prediction of the time scale of equilibration of the system, and an estimation of parameters such as weathering rate, distribution coefficients and α-recoil fractions. Retardation factors of 10-35 and from 1 × 104 to 2 × 105 were predicted for U and Th, respectively, and can be used to predict the migration of radionuclides released as contaminants in the environment. At the scale of our watershed (∼32 km2), a characteristic migration time from recharge to riverine discharge of 200-600 yr for U and 0.2-3.7 Myr for Th was obtained.  相似文献   

咸淡水驱替过程中含水介质渗透性变化的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在野外水文地质调查的基础上,采集青岛市大沽河下游咸水入侵区砂样,首先对含水介质的粒度和矿物组成进行了分析,然后通过室内砂槽模拟试验,对咸淡水驱替过程中含水介质的渗透性变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,当咸淡水相互驱替时,含水介质的渗透性会发生显著变化,这种变化主要是由于驱替液盐浓度的变化,使得伊利石、高岭石和绿泥石等非膨胀性粘土矿物经释放、迁移、絮凝和沉积,从而重新分布所引起的。含水介质渗透性的变化具有明显的非均质性,即位于距入水处不同水平距离以及不同高度处的含水介质,其渗透性变化规律有所不同。  相似文献   

陈彦  吴吉春 《水科学进展》2005,16(4):482-487
地下水数值模拟是目前定量研究地下水水量和水质的重要手段。使用基于随机理论的MonteCarlo方法来进行地下水数值模拟。这种方法能较好地考虑水文地质参数的空间变异性。主要将MonteCarlo方法和确定性模型模拟方法的模拟结果在渗透系数场、水头场、速度场和浓度场等方面进行了比较。结果表明:在模拟三维非均质含水层中的溶质运移问题时,充分考虑了含水层渗透系数空间变异性的MonteCarlo法比确定性方法更为有效,模拟精度提高了很多,且对模拟误差及误差来源有合理的数学解释。  相似文献   

磁共振探测估算含水层渗透系数的原位试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于向前 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):1046-1052
通过一个完整的磁共振探测(MRS)、钻探、抽水试验过程,开展了MRS估算含水层渗透系数的原位试验研究。在分析MRS估算渗透系数准确性的基础上,系统剖析了引起准确性差异的主要因素,并对进一步提高估算效果提出了建议。结果显示:(1)采用现阶段常用的参数设置,与抽水试验计算值相比,MRS估算渗透系数的差值为抽水试验计算值的17.59%。(2)MRS推断的含水层顶板、底板埋深与钻孔揭示的信息相比,差值分别为4.11m、1.03m,表明其对估算渗透系数准确性的影响较小。(3)CP值是影响估算准确性的重要因素,其值为10-9数量级符合大多数地层的特点。另外,通过在已知渗透系数的钻孔附近进行MRS,从而获取CP参考值,应用该值估算的渗透系数准确性高于常用的参数设置。(4)指数a、b设置方面,应用Seevers公式(a=1、b=2)的估算效果优于Kenyon公式(a=4、b=2)。本成果有助于提高MRS估算渗透系数方法在野外条件下的适用性。  相似文献   

Epistemic uncertainties arise during the estimation of hydraulic gradients in unconfined aquifers due to planar approximation of the water table as well as data gaps arising from factors such as instrument failures and site inaccessibility. A multidimensional fuzzy least-squares regression approach is proposed here to estimate hydraulic gradients in situations where epistemic uncertainty is present in the observed water table measurements. The hydraulic head at a well is treated as a normal (Gaussian) fuzzy variable characterized by a most likely value and a spread. This treatment results in hydraulic gradients being characterized as normal fuzzy numbers as well. The multidimensional fuzzy least-squares regression has an exact analytical form and as such can be implemented easily using matrix algebra methods. However, the method was noted to be sensitive to round-off and truncation errors when the epistemic uncertainties are small. A closeness index based on the cardinality of a fuzzy number is used to evaluate how well the regression model fits the fuzzy hydraulic head observations. A fuzzy Euclidian distance measure is used to compare two fuzzy numbers and to evaluate how fuzziness in the observed hydraulic heads affects the fuzziness in the estimated hydraulic gradients. The Euclidian distance measure is also used to ascertain the influence of each well on the fuzzy hydraulic gradient estimation. The fuzzy regression framework is illustrated by applying it to evaluate hydraulic gradients in the unconfined portion of the Gulf Coast aquifer in Goliad County, TX. The results from the case-study indicate that there is greater uncertainty associated with the estimation of the hydraulic gradients in the vertical (Z-axis) direction. The epistemic uncertainties in the hydraulic head data at the wells have a significant impact on the gradient estimates when they are of the same order of magnitude as the most likely values of the observed heads. The influence analysis indicated that 5 of the 13 wells in the network had a critical influence on at least one of the hydraulic gradients. Three wells along the northeastern section of the study area and bordering the Victoria County were noted to have the least influence on the regression estimates. The fuzzy regression framework along with the associated goodness-of-fit and influence measures provides a useful set of tools to characterize the uncertainties in the hydraulic heads and gradients arising from data gaps and planar water table approximation.  相似文献   

Drilling-intensive aquifer characterization techniques have been used to obtain depth-discrete water samples from a thick, hydrogeologically continuous unconfined aquifer system; groundwater results indicate that carbon tetrachloride contamination is widespread and extends deeper and at concentrations much higher than detected in monitoring networks at the water table. Carbon tetrachloride, a legacy waste, was used in the plutonium extraction process at the Hanford site in south-central Washington State. Vertical, depth-discrete groundwater samples were collected during well drilling throughout a 28-km2 region to determine the concentration of carbon tetrachloride present as a dissolved phase in the aquifer. Results indicate that high concentrations of carbon tetrachloride, three orders of magnitude above the allowable regulatory limit, are present at depths greater than 25 m beneath the water table. In support of future efforts to remediate the carbon tetrachloride contamination, it is imperative to locate the remaining chemical inventory, determine the vertical as well as the lateral distribution of this contaminant and its physical form. Depth-discrete aquifer characterization throughout the uppermost-unconfined aquifer system is providing this information and improving the understanding of the contaminant distribution and the hydrogeologic framework through which it moves.
Bruce A. WilliamsEmail:

In many rural communities, groundwater is used to meet the water demand of the community and for the irrigation of cultivating areas. The quality of groundwater can be adversely affected by agricultural activities and finally groundwater quality may become unsuitable for human consumption and irrigation, as in the Harran Plain. Hence, monitoring groundwater quality by cost-effective techniques is necessary, as especially unconfined aquifers are vulnerable to contamination. This study presents an artificial neural network model predicting sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and sulfate concentration in the unconfined aquifer of the Harran Plain. Samples from 24 observation wells were analyzed monthly for 1?year. Electrical conductivity, pH, groundwater level, temperature, total hardness and chloride were used as input parameters in the predictions. The best back-propagation (BP) algorithm and neuron numbers were determined for the optimization of the model architecture. The Levenberg?CMarquardt algorithm was selected as the best of 12 BP algorithms and optimal neuron number was determined as 20 for both parameters. The model tracked the experimental data very closely both for SAR (R?=?0.96) and sulfate (R?=?0.98). Hence, it is possible to manage groundwater resources in a more cost-effective and easier way with the proposed model application.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity (K) for an alluvial system in a riverbank filtration area in Changwon City, South Korea, has been studied using grain-size distribution, pumping and slug tests, and numerical modeling. The alluvial system is composed of layers: upper fine sand, medium sand, lower fine sand, and a highly conductive sand/gravel layer at the base. The geometric mean of K for the sand/gravel layer (9.89?×?10?4 m s?1), as determined by grain-size analyses, was 3.33 times greater than the geometric mean obtained from pumping tests (2.97?×?10?4 m s?1). The geometric mean of K estimates obtained from slug tests (3.08?×?10?6 m s?1) was one to two orders of magnitude lower than that from pumping tests and grain-size analyses. K estimates derived from a numerical model were compared to those derived from the grain-size methods, slug tests and pumping tests in order to determine the degree of deviation from the numerical model. It is considered that the K estimates determined by the slug tests resemble the uppermost part of the alluvial deposit, whereas the K estimates obtained by grain-size analyses and pumping tests are similar to those from the numerical model for the sand/gravel layer of the riverside alluvial system.  相似文献   

在沿海地区,尤其是围海造陆工程形成的陆域地区地下水水位受潮汐影响较大,使传统水文地质试验求取含水层参数存在较大误差。因此通过合理概化地下水在潮汐作用下运动规律,建立数学模型,推导解析公式求取沿海含水层参数具有重要意义。分析天津滨海新区两处观测孔地下水位及潮汐波动特征,在滞后时间不明显的情况下,利用观测孔水位变幅数据计算了含水层水头扩散系数,并根据承压含水层储水系数经验值进一步获得含水层渗透系数。通过两个观测孔分别计算,对比计算结果互相验证发现,该方法取得了令人满意的结果。利用地下水潮汐效应计算含水层参数可以广泛应用于沿海地区水文地质工作中。  相似文献   

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