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河北蔚县是我国华北地区最大的地下采煤区之一,该地区长期存在采矿塌陷灾害,不仅威胁采矿安全,而且严重破坏当地生态环境。本文基于合成孔径雷达干涉(InSAR)这一新型空间对地观测技术,采用61景Sentinel-1A/B干涉宽幅(Interferometric Wide swath,IW)模式数据进行矿区形变观测,获取整个矿区在2017—2018年间的地表形变空间分布特征,并对矿区地表的沉降量级及面积进行详细的统计分析。此外,采用融合多轨道SAR数据的多维形变时序估计方法,对西细庄矿数据进行东西向和垂向的二维形变分解,获取该矿的二维形变时间序列。结果表明:除南留庄井田外,其余三大井田在监测期间均存在不同程度的地面沉陷灾害;整个矿区年沉陷速率超过-10 cm/a的区域达到了2.16 km2;受成像几何影响,不同轨道数据获取的形变结果存在一定差异;西细庄矿以垂向形变为主,伴随明显的东西向水平形变。研究结果为蔚县矿区地面沉陷监测与煤矿安全开采提供数据参考。  相似文献   

Excessive groundwater pumpage has caused regional cones of depression and severe land subsidence in the Southern Yangtse Delta, China. The characteristics of aquifer system compaction are complex because of the difference in the types, compositions and structures of the soils that the hydrostratigraphic units are composed of, and in the histories of groundwater level change the hydrostratigraphic units have experienced. Based on the data measured from extensometer groups and observation wells, the characteristics of deformation for individual hydrostratigraphic units are analyzed. The results show that different hydrostratigraphic units have different kinds of deformation and that an identical unit may also present different deformation characteristics, such as elasticity, elasto-plasticity, and visco-elasto-plasticity, at different sites of the cone of depression or in different periods. If the groundwater level rises continuously and remains constant later, the aquifers and the aquitard units that consist of hard clay primarily exhibit elastic behaviour, but the aquitard units that consist of soft clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls but is much higher than the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay exhibit elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls below the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour.  相似文献   

Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) level two (L2) data is used in estimating the groundwater storage changes (GWSC) in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS). This set of data consists of spherical harmonics coefficients with specific degree and order. The GRACE data is de-correlated using a sixth degree polynomial in order to reduce the effect of the noise error resulting from the correlation between the spherical harmonics coefficients with the same degree parity. The GRACE estimates of GWSC are smoothed using Gaussian filter with half width of 1000 km. This half width is chosen in order to maximize the correlation between the GRACE estimates of GWSC and previous modeling results of the NSAS. The loss in groundwater storage occurring in each of the four countries sharing the NSAS is calculated to assess the sustainability of using the NSAS as a water resource in each country. The overarching finding in this study is that NSAS is losing its groundwater storage at a very high rate. Also, it is found that Egypt is the fastest in losing its groundwater storage from the NSAS. This loss of groundwater storage in Egypt may not necessarily be resulting from in-country extractions because of the trans-boundary nature of this aquifer. The GRACE-based estimates are found to be close to available data and previous modeling results of the NSAS.  相似文献   

A new analytical solution is developed for describing groundwater level fluctuations in a coupled leaky confined aquifer system which consists of an unconfined aquifer, confined aquifer, and an aquitard in between. The aquifer system has a tidal boundary at the seashore, a no flow boundary at remote inland side, and a confined aquifer extending under the sea and terminated with an outlet-capping. This new solution has shown to be a generalisation of most existing analytical solutions for a tidal aquifer system which includes single confined and leaky confined aquifers. In addition, the solution is used to explore the influences of the dimensionless leakance of the outlet-capping, the dimensionless hydraulic diffusivities, and the leakages of the inland and offshore aquitards on the head responses in the leaky confined aquifer.  相似文献   

This study presents the establishment of sustainable development and management policies for the Küçük Menderes River Basin aquifer system in western Turkey. Geological, hydrogeological, and geophysical data are used conjunctively to define various hydrogeological units and their geometry. Distributions of hydraulic-parameter values and recharge are estimated by geostatistical methods and hydrologic simulations, respectively. A finite-difference groundwater flow model is used to represent the unconfined flow in the aquifer system. The model has been calibrated under steady state and transient conditions. The resulting model was used to test seven management scenarios for a planning period of 21 years to determine the so-called safe yield and sustainable yield of the aquifer system and to investigate the potential impacts of four planned surface water reservoirs on groundwater resources in the basin. The results demonstrate that the continuation of the present pumping rates exceeds both the safe yield and the sustainable yield of the aquifer system. Consequently, the growing need for irrigation water should be met by the construction of the planned surface water reservoirs and the implementation of efficient water management policies and plans.
Resumen Este estudio presenta el establecimiento de políticas sustentables de desarrollo y gestión en el sistema acuífero de la cuenca del río Küçük Menderes, al Oeste de Turquía, para lo que se ha utilizado datos geológicos, hidrogeológicos y geofísicos de forma conjunta de cara a definir diversas unidades hidrogeológicas y su geometría. La distribución de los parámetros hidráulicos y de la recarga ha sido estimada mediante métodos geoestadísticos y simulaciones hidrológicas, respectivamente. Se ha empleado un modelo de las aguas subterráneas en diferencias finitas para representar el flujo no confinado en el sistema acuífero, el cual se ha calibrado bajo condiciones estacionarias y transitorias. El modelo resultante ha sido usado para contrastar siete escenarios de gestión durante un período de planificación de 21 años con el fin de determinar el punto de explotación segura y sustentable del sistema acuífero, así como para investigar los impactos potenciales sobre los recursos subterráneos de los cuatro embalses superficiales que se hallan en proyecto. Los resultados demuestran que el mantenimiento de las tasas actuales de extracción del acuífero supera tanto el régimen de bombeo seguro como el sustentable del sistema. Por consiguiente, se debería compensar la necesidad creciente de agua para riego con la construcción de los reservorios superficiales previstos y con la implementación de políticas y planes de gestión eficiente del agua.

Résumé Cette étude présente la proposition dune politique de développement et de gestion durables du système aquifère du bassin du Petit Mendérès dans louest de la Turquie. Des données géologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été utilisées conjointement pour définir les différentes unités hydrogéologiques et leur géométrie. Les distributions des paramètres hydrauliques et de la recharge ont été estimées respectivement par des méthodes géostatistiques et des simulations hydrologiques. Un modèle découlement souterrain aux éléments finis a été utilisé pour représenter lécoulement non captif dans le système aquifère. Le modèle a été calibré dans des conditions de régimes permanent et transitoire. Le modèle résultant a servi à tester sept scénarios de gestion pour une période de programmation de 21 ans, afin de déterminer les débits de prélèvement sûr et durable dans le système aquifère et détudier les impacts potentiels de quatre réservoirs deau de surface en projet sur les eaux souterraines du bassin. Les résultats montrent que la poursuite des prélèvements au débit actuel excède aussi bien le débit dexploitation de sécurité que celui durable pour le système aquifère. Par conséquent, les besoins croissants deau pour lirrigation doivent être satisfaits par la construction des réservoirs projetés et par la mise en place de politiques et de plans de gestion de leau efficace.

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis is a radar technique for generating large-area maps of ground deformation using differences in the phase of microwaves returning to a satellite. In recent years, high-resolution SAR sensors have been developed that enable small-scale slope deformation to be detected, such as the partial block movement of a landslide. The L-band SAR (PALSAR-2) is mounted on Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2), which was launched on 24 Mar. 2014. Its main improvements compared with ALOS are enhanced resolution of as high as 3 m with a high-frequency recurrence period (14 days). Owing to its high resolution and the use of the L-band, PALSAR-2 can obtain reflective data passing through a tree canopy surface, unlike the other synthetic aperture radars. Therefore, the coherence of InSAR in mountainous forest areas is less likely to decrease, making it advantageous for the extraction of slope movement. In this study, to verify the accuracy of InSAR analysis using PALSAR-2 data, we compared the results of InSAR analysis and the measurement of the displacement in a landslide by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observation. It was found that the average difference between the displacements obtained by InSAR analysis and the field measurements by GNSS was only 15.1 mm in the slant range direction, indicating the high accuracy of InSAR analysis. Many of the areas detected by InSAR analysis corresponded to the locations of surface changes due to landslide activity. Additionally, in the areas detected by InSAR analysis using multiple datasets, the ground changes due to landslide movement were confirmed by site investigation.  相似文献   

Yi  Zhang  Xingmin  Meng  Allesandro  Novellino  Tom  Dijkstra  Guan  Chen  Colm  Jordan  Yuanxi  Li  Xiaojun  Su 《Landslides》2022,19(1):35-50
Landslides - At 6pm on July 19, 2019, the Yahuokou earthflow (Zhouqu County, Gansu Province, China) was reactivated following a period of intense rainfall. A volume of approximately...  相似文献   

Saowiang  Krit  Giao  Pham Huy 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(4):1265-1279
Acta Geotechnica - Subsurface deformation due to long terms of groundwater drawdown from 1960 to 1997 and groundwater recovery from 1997 to 2016 in the upper part of the Bangkok multi-aquifer...  相似文献   

利用CFCs定年数据计算静升盆地含水层渗透系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章利用CFCs(氟氯碳化合物)定年数据,计算山西静升盆地含水层渗透系数。结果表明:补给条件较好的区域与补给条件差的深层承压区相比,地下水年龄偏年轻;从冲洪积扇顶部到扇缘,地下水径流逐渐变缓,含水层渗透系数变小;盆地南部较北部,地下水流动缓慢,渗透系数整体偏小。该方法获得的渗透系数符合实际地质条件。  相似文献   

Passive multi-level sampling using dialysis membrane diffusion cells is applied to the Chalk aquifer in order to estimate and monitor vertical contaminant distribution. This technique is associated with in situ profiles of field parameters which allow zones of groundwater flow to be established. Through three study cases (confined, semi-confined and unconfined aquifer conditions), the technique shows that vertical chemical heterogeneities are the particular result of flow zonation, or the renewal of water in the upper parts of the aquifer. The aquifer appears stratified or homogeneous according to depth depending on the chemical element being analysed, the sampling period (recharge period or not) and the hydrological situation (unconfined/confined zone). The high vertical resolution of this multi-level sampling also shows the influence of the Chalk lithology on hydrochemical variations, in particular for silica, iron and aluminium, in hardground and marly zones. By using these sampling techniques, the study emphasizes the importance of accurately measuring according to depth certain parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity and the ratios of the major elements, in particular, Na/K, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca. Interpretation of these measurements leads to an understanding of the local hydrodynamic and hydrochemical behaviour of an aquifer, and also allows geological heterogeneities to be located.  相似文献   

The Karous and Hjelt filter has been long time used as a qualitative interpretation of VLF-EM data. It is derived directly from the concept of magnetic fields associated with the current flow in the subsurface and resulted in a 2-D cross section showing the current density distribution at different depths. Practically, as the distance between measuring points increases, the total depth of the 2-D current density distribution section increases. Theoretically, the common guide to estimate the depth of penetration of an electromagnetic wave is the skin depth, which depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave and the conductivity of the host geological material, regardless of the distance interval between measuring points. Accordingly, the accuracy of the Karous and Hjelt filter regarding depth estimation of the anomaly is tested in this study. We proposed a conductive anomaly in a definite dimension and depth. The response of this conductive body is calculated as in-phase and out-of-phase synthetic VLF data via forward modeling. The synthetic VLF data is filtered by the Karous and Hjelt filter at 1, 5, and10 m of interval distance between measuring points. The present study showed that the Karous and Hjelt filter is characterized by a large degree of accuracy in depth estimation.  相似文献   

A modified DRASTIC model in a geographic information system (GIS) environment coupled with an information-analytic technique called ‘rough sets’ is used to understand the aquifer vulnerability characteristics of a segment of the lower Kali watershed in western Uttar Pradesh, India. Since the region is a flat plain, topography (T) is removed as a potential control. Other parameters are the same as in DRASTIC, hence the new model is termed as DRASIC. The rough set technique is employed to provide insight into the relative vulnerabilities of different administrative units (blocks) within the study area. Using rough sets, three important factors are computed: strength, certainty and coverage. Strength indicates how the vulnerability characteristics vary in the entire area, certainty gives the relative fractions of low, medium and high vulnerability regions within a particular block, and coverage computes the percentage of a particular vulnerability state in each block. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the utility of this integrated approach in classifying different administrative blocks in the study area according to their aquifer vulnerability characteristics. This approach is particularly useful for block-level planning and decision making for sustainable management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Meng Wei  David Sandwell 《Tectonophysics》2006,417(3-4):325-335
The total heat output of the Earth constrains models of mantle and core dynamics. Previously published estimates (42–44 TW) have recently been questioned because the measured conductive heat flow on young oceanic lithosphere is about a factor of 2 less than the expected heat flow based on half-space cooling models. Taking the conductive ocean heat flow values at face value reduces the global heat flow from 44 to 31 TW, which has major implications for geodynamics and Earth history. To help resolve this issue, we develop a new method of estimating total oceanic heat flow from depth and age data. The overall elevation of the global ridge system, relative to the deep ocean basins, provides an independent estimate of the total heat content of the lithosphere. Heat flow is proportional to the measured subsidence rate times the heat capacity divided by the thermal expansion coefficient. The largest uncertainty in this method is due to uncertainties in the thermal expansion coefficient and heat capacity. Scalar subsidence rate is computed from gradients of depth and age grids. The method cannot be applied over very young seafloor (< 3 Ma) where age gradient is discontinuous and the assumption of isostasy is invalid. Between 3 and 66 Ma, the new estimates are in agreement with half-space cooling model. Our model-independent estimate of the total heat output of Cenozoic seafloor is 18.6 to 20.5 TW, which leads to a global output of 42 to 44 TW in agreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

In the Republic of Djibouti (Horn of Africa), fractured volcanic aquifers are the main water resources. The country undergoes an arid climate. Alluvial aquifers exist in the wadis (intermittent streams) valleys and, in relation with volcanic aquifers, form complex volcano-sedimentary systems. Due to increasing water demands, groundwater resources are overexploited and require a rigorous management. This paper is focused on the Dalha basalts aquifer, located in the Dikhil area (Southwest of Djibouti). This aquifer is of vital importance for this area. Hydrochemical data and isotopic tracers (18O and 2H) were used to identify factors and phenomena governing the groundwater’s mineralization. The Piper diagram shows complex water types. Results from multivariate statistical analyses highlight three water families according to their locations: (1) groundwater characterized by low ionic concentrations located at the wadis zones; (2) groundwater characterized by moderate salinity and (3) highly mineralized waters mainly flowing in the eastern and central part of the study area, in volcanic aquifers. Results from scatter plots, especially Na versus Cl and Br versus Cl, suggest that the origin of more saline waters is not from dissolution of halite. The δ18O and δ2H data indicate that the groundwater flowing in the alluvial aquifer is of meteoric origin and fast percolation of rainwater occurs in the volcanic aquifers. These findings provide a preliminary understanding of the overall functioning of this complex volcano-sedimentary system. Additional investigations (pumping tests, numerical modeling) are in progress to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of this system.  相似文献   

Industrially sourced dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) contaminated an alluvial aquifer in France decades ago. The location(s) and nature of the pollution source zone(s) were unknown, and the dissolved concentrations of volatile organic compounds in the monitoring wells varied greatly with time. The aquifer was in hydraulic equilibrium with an artificial canal whose water level was highly variable (up to 5 m). These variations propagated into the aquifer, causing changes in the groundwater flow direction; a transient numerical model of flow and solute transport showed that they correlate with the concentration variations because the changes in the flow direction resulted in the contaminant plume shifting. The transient hydrogeological numerical model was built, taking into account solvent biodegradation with first-order chain, since biodegradation has a significant influence on the pollutant concentration evolution. The model parameterization confirms the position of the source zones among the potential troughs in the bedrock where DNAPLs could have accumulated. The groundwater model was successfully calibrated to reproduce the observed concentration variations over several years and allowed a rapid validation of the hypotheses on the functioning of the polluted system.  相似文献   

With the increased demand for groundwater resulting from fast demographic growth, accelerated urbanization, economic and agricultural activity diversification, and the increase of per capita consumption, ground water resources, in particular in coastal regions, remain relatively low, compared to demand. The groundwater quality and piezometric variations result mainly from intensive exploitation, agricultural activities and the intrusion of seawater. This phenomenon is observed mostly in semi-arid areas, such as the oriental Sahel of Tunisia, where an apparent reduction in rainfall in recent years can be seen. Groundwater becomes overexploited especially as its natural recharge by rainwater does not succeed in maintaining the hydrologic balance. The imbalance between water demand and resources induces the degradation of the water quality. In such a case, the artificial recharge of water-table aquifers by water from dams is a credible alternative to improve the hydrodynamic and physicochemical conditions of the groundwater. Like most coastal aquifers, the Teboulba water-table aquifer is threatened by overexploitation for at least three decades. This threat appears by a considerable piezometric level drop and by water salinisation, due to seawater intrusion. Given this alarming situation, since 1971, artificial recharge through wells with surface water from a dam was tested in order to restore the water levels and to improve water quality. The piezometric and chemical surveys of the Teboulba aquifer permitted one to describe the temporal and spatial piezometric and geochemical conditions of the aquifer and to show the effect of the artificial recharge. Indeed, the artificial recharge undertaken since 1971 made the geochemical and piezometric conditions of the Teboulba aquifer improve. This example is a rare, well-documented case-study of the benefits of artificial recharge in a coastal aquifer, over the long term.  相似文献   

Stream–aquifer relationships in mountain basins are of great relevance because they control the water balance and, with it, the amount of resources (whether surface water or ground water) available for ecological and human demands. In this paper, this relationship is studied using environmental isotopes (δ18O and δD) to identify the occurrence of stream recharge in the Arbúcies River basin (NE Spain). Isotopic data from 51 natural springs define the local altitudinal gradient. This function is weighted by the proportional area above each point, given by the hypsometric curve, in order to estimate the isotopic stream water content as the contribution of runoff from incremental elevations. Stream water isotopes from two surveys are compared with hypsometrically averaged isotopic values to check for the appropriateness of this approach. Results show that it is more suitable when subsurface flows from surface formations, such as alluvial deposits, are the main contributors to stream discharge than when it derives from a single rainfall event. The characterization of stream isotope values is used as a key factor in identifying stream leakage to an unconfined alluvial aquifer in the lower reach of the Arbúcies River.  相似文献   

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