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Karst aquifers are known for being particularly heterogeneous with highly transmissive conduits embedded in low permeability volumes of rock matrix. Artificial tracer experiments have been carried out in a complex karst aquifer of the folded Jura Mountains in Switzerland with the aim of deciphering the conduit organisation. It is shown that tracer experiments with multiple injection points under different flow conditions can lead to useful information on the conduits’ structure. This information has been combined with data from structural geology, spring hydrology, and speleological observations. A conceptual model of the conduit network shows that a detailed inference of the conduit organisation can be reached: geology controls conduit location and orientation; spring hydrology, including temporary springs, constrains conduit elevations and relative hydraulic heads in the aquifer subsystems; and tracer tests identify major flow paths and outlets of the system and dilution caused by non-traced tributaries, as well as the presence of secondary flow routes. This understanding of the Aubonne aquifer structure has important implications for the future management of the groundwater resource. Similar approaches coupling geological information, spring hydrology, and multi-tracer tests under various flow conditions may help to characterise the structure of the conduit network in karst aquifers.  相似文献   

The use of infiltration field tests for groundwater artificial recharge   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 When using surface infiltration as a method of recharge, infiltration testing is considered an important additional data input along with other hydrogeologic data into the recharge decision. As part of an investigation into the potential for groundwater recharge, two desert basins in Jordan (Wadi Madoneh and Wadi Butum) were investigated to determine the possibility of recharge using floodwater retention structures. For each area, short-duration (up to 7-h) infiltration tests were conducted to estimate surface infiltration capacity of the upper soil layers in order to present to the authorities preliminary information which could be used along with other factors to aid in the selection of the best site for a pilot recharge project. Given the highly fractured rock formations that constitute the underlying aquifers in the two areas, it was assumed that the upper alluvium layers are the limiting factors in transmitting water to target aquifers. The infiltration tests conducted to estimate the recharge characteristics of the recharge sites yielded test results that indicated a representative infiltration rate of 0.44 m/day for the Wadi Madoneh site and 0.197 m/day for the Wadi Butum site. The data input was used subsequently with other decision factors to select the most promising site for the pilot project. Received: 9 January 1998 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

Karst aquifers contribute to supplying drinking water to almost a quarter of the world´s population. Their complex dynamics requires specific approaches aimed at recognizing their singularities, analyzing its vulnerability, and ensuring water resources quality. In this paper, the results of processing and modeling five breakthrough tracer curves obtained under different hydrodynamic conditions in the main conduit of Egino karst aquifer (Basque Country, Spain) are analyzed together with those involving pressure injections of the tracer in the saturated zone of the karst massif recharge area. In the conduit, transport is immediate and highly efficient (recovery rates above 84% and dispersion coefficients from 15.04 to 84.35 m2/min); tracer retentions increase as flow rates decrease and no significant contributions to its surroundings are observed. In contrast, tracer transport from the massif recharge area is more complex: after injection at a pressure of 1 MPa, most tracer remains in the surrounding of the injection borehole, retained in a saturated medium of low effective fracture porosity (? f ?=?1.02?×?10?4, assuming a radial divergent flow model); subsequently, the main tracer mobilization to the spring was registered with the first rains, with 0.088 m/min mean velocity and high concentrations per unit mass being injected (C p /M0?=?0.03 mg/L/kg), which is evidence that the tracer reaches soon the karst conduit network. In any case, a decreasing tracer presence is registered at the injection zone during a hydrological cycle. In both cases, the observed non-linearity of transport processes should be considered in the development of vulnerability approaches, modeling efforts, and mapping. Furthermore, in the case of karst massif recharge areas, as the presence of pollutants may have a significant impact on the springs and persist over time, their management and protection needs must be revised in each specific site. Simultaneously, quality-monitoring programs at the springs must be adapted to the aquifers recognized dynamics.  相似文献   

Urban karst systems are typically considered more vulnerable to contamination and excess storm discharge because of potential source areas, increased sediment loading, and focusing of water from impervious surfaces. However, urban hydrology can lead to unexpected patterns, such as pirating of recharge into man-made storm systems. Valley Creek Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania, presents such an urban karst system. Four springs were monitored for suspended sediment, water chemistry, and storm response for an 18-month period. The baseflow suspended sediment concentrations were low, less than 4.0 mg/l. Furthermore, trace metal analysis of baseflow water samples and spring mouth sediment showed only low concentrations. The response to storms within the system was rapid, on the order of 1–3 h. The maximum water stage increases at the urban springs were typically less than 15 cm, with springs from more commercialized areas showing <2 cm increase. A nearby retention basin, in contrast, had water level rises of 100 cm, suggesting that pirating of recharge into stormwater systems occurs. Thus, the concept of an urban karst system as a contaminant conduit is not the only one that applies. In Valley Creek Basin, reduced infiltration due to paving led to smaller storm response and less contaminant input, and the smaller capture area due to diversion of stormwater led to short flow paths and rapid storm response. Although contaminant levels have not increased due to urbanization, the springs may be at risk for future contamination. Short flow paths may reduce flushing, which means that the system will not cleanse itself if contamination occurs.  相似文献   

基于钻孔抽水试验和示踪试验的岩溶地区含水层结构研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
岩溶含水层具有强异质性和各向异性特征,其空间结构的调查和认识是地下水流动和污染物迁移研究的重要基础。然而,岩溶含水层特殊的地质结构导致岩溶区水文地质调查非常困难。为了更好地掌握研究区岩溶含水层结构特征,本文在进行抽水试验的同时开展多示踪剂(荧光素钠、罗丹明、荧光增白剂)示踪试验。利用Theis标准曲线对比法分析抽水试验数据,计算试验场地渗透张量,根据示踪试验结果分析含水层结构性质。计算出研究区渗透张量主方向的导水系数分别为:0.297 m2·h-1和0.028 m2·h-1,给水度为1.19E-04,优势方向为东偏南18.47°。抽水条件下示踪试验获得3种示踪剂的回收率分别为:荧光素钠97.98%,罗丹明B47.34%,荧光增白剂39.54%;平均流速分别为:0.378 m·h-1、0.3 m·h-1和0.14 m·h-1,反映研究区岩溶孔隙、裂隙较小,示踪剂运移慢、时间长。荧光素钠和荧光增白剂的BTC曲线表现为单峰型,罗丹明B的BTC曲线表现为多峰型,表明研究区既发育优势流裂隙,又发育相对均匀裂隙。同时,示踪剂最大回收率方向与抽水实验所得渗透张量主方向相符。研究结果为岩溶含水层精细结构的刻画,水文模型物理参数的确定提供了方法和依据。   相似文献   

试论深层地下水人工补给--SPD人工补给系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方式——SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽浑水模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。研究结果表明,利用该系统补给深层地下水,具有回灌水质要求低、补给速度快、补给量多、不易淤堵等特点,是深层地下水人工补给的一条有效的新途径。  相似文献   

Water injection tests and electrical logging are particularly useful techniques in the characterization of geological media in engineering works. In this paper these techniques in conjunction with cracks measurements obtained from drilling cores, were used in the characterization of a singular location in a karst massif. The aim of our work is to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the investigated site, as well as to establish the relationship between the data obtained by the different techniques used. Thus, electrical resistivity records and fracture data were obtained from two boreholes of 100 and 120 m depth. Hydraulic conductivity was calculated from 25 low-pressure water injection tests (LPT) carried out at different depths in both boreholes. The relationship between hydraulic conductivity and fracture frequency was not very statististically significant (R2: 0.062–0.672; σest: 0.61–1.575). Conversely, electrical resistivity and hydraulic conductivity had a great relationship (R2: 0.725–0.935; σest: 0.159–0.738), so the electrical resistivity may be related to the functionality of the fractures. Finally, the LPT is shown as a very practical tool for determining the degree of the hydraulically interconnection with the surroundings, for establishing the hydraulic conductivity profile and for obtaining a measure of soil erosionability according to the significance of the fracture washing out processes recorded.  相似文献   

Chlorinated solvents have been detected at low concentrations in some of the mineral and medicinal springs (spas) of Stuttgart since 1984. These springs discharge from a confined karst aquifer. In order to investigate both the properties of the aquifer and the mechanisms of contaminant transport, two multi-tracer tests were carried out in 1998 and 1999. Both fluorescent tracers (naphthionate, eosin, pyranine) and particle tracers (clubmoss spores, microspheres) were used. All available wells and springs were sampled for at least 12 months. In these experiments naphthionate produced the best results. Maximum flow velocities were established to be within the range of 53 and 230 m/day. The breakthrough curves demonstrated a heterogeneous aquifer. The results identified flow to the springs from the west and south-west. It was possible to prove an assumed boundary between the northern zone of low mineralised water and the southern zone of highly mineralised water.  相似文献   

 In investigating early karstification of one-dimensional conduits by computer models, so far one has assumed that the CO2 content of the calcite aggressive water stems entirely from the surface. Subterranean sources of CO2, however, can rejuvenate the solutional power of water already close to equilibrium with respect to calcite, and boost dissolution rates. In a first scenario we have investigated the influence of a punctual source of CO2 as the most simple case of release of CO2 into a karstifiable fracture at some position KL from its entrance of the widening joint with length L, (K<1). The results show that only a small increase of the p CO2 in the solution to about 0.01 atm is sufficient to reduce the breakthrough times to about 0.3 with respect to the case, where no CO2 is delivered. Other sources of CO2 are due to the metabolic activity of microorganisms. The existence of such diverse subterraneous microbial life in karst systems is demonstrated. Whether situated on the fissure surfaces or free floating in the karst water, one basic product of their metabolism is CO2. This contributes over the whole flow path to the p CO2 of the karst water. Therefore in a second scenario we assumed a constant rate of CO2-input along parts of the fracture, as could be delivered by the activity of aerobic bacteria dwelling at its walls. Such a scenario also applies to an extended diffuse CO2 migration from volcanic activity deep underground. In this case drastic reductions of the breakthrough time by about one order of magnitude are observed. These reductions are enhanced when the fracture aperture width of the initial fracture decreases. The physicochemical mechanisms of enhancement of karstification are discussed in detail by considering the evolution of the fracture aperture width and of the dissolution rates in space and time. Received: 17 December 1998 · Accepted 23 April 1999  相似文献   

Alluvial strip aquifers associated with ephemeral rivers are important groundwater supply sources that sustain numerous settlements and ecological systems in arid Namibia. More than 70 % of the population in the nation’s western and southern regions depend on alluvial aquifers associated with ephemeral rivers. Under natural conditions, recharge occurs through infiltration during flood events. Due to the characteristic spatial and temporal variability of rainfall in arid regions, recharge is irregular making the aquifers challenging to manage sustainably and they are often overexploited. This condition is likely to become more acute with increasing water demand and climate change, and artificial recharge has been projected as the apparent means of increasing reliability of supply. The article explores, through a case study and numerical simulation, the processes controlling infiltration, significance of surface water and groundwater losses, and possible artificial recharge options. It is concluded that recharge processes in arid alluvial aquifers differ significantly from those processes in subhumid systems and viability of artificial recharge requires assessment through an understanding of the natural recharge process and losses from the aquifer. It is also established that in arid-region catchments, infiltration through the streambed occurs at rates dependent on factors such as antecedent conditions, flow rate, flow duration, channel morphology, and sediment texture and composition. The study provides an important reference for sustainable management of alluvial aquifer systems in similar regions.  相似文献   

基于CFP的岩溶管道流溶质运移数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多重岩溶含水介质的复杂性导致岩溶地下水流动及溶质运移的数学模拟成为地下水研究难点之一。为了探讨岩溶多重含水介质中地下水流溶质运移特征,文章构建了管道流CFP水流模型和MT3DMS溶质运移三维耦合数值模型。在阐述管道流CFP和MT3DMS基本原理的基础上,通过建立水文地质概念模型算例(1个落水洞、4个直管道),探讨岩溶管道水流及溶质运移规律,分析讨论不同水文地质参数对浓度穿透曲线的影响。研究结果表明:管道流CFP模型能够刻画岩溶管道与基岩裂隙水流交换特征,MT3DMS模型能够模拟穿透曲线的拖尾现象,符合实际岩溶区特征。随着水力梯度、管道直径及管道渗透系数增大,孔隙度减小,浓度曲线峰值越大,峰值到达时间越快,浓度穿透曲线越对称。得出结论:耦合CFP水流模型和MT3DMS溶质运移模型能够刻画岩溶管道流溶质运移规律,为研究岩溶复杂介质污染物运移特征提供一种思路和途径。  相似文献   

王伟  宋婉虹 《江苏地质》2015,39(1):105-110
示踪试验是客观认识地下河管道空间结构的有效手段之一,其成果可成为地下河开发利用的重要依据。通过对以食盐为示踪剂,以摩尔法为检测方法得出的巨木地下河出口水质中Cl#体积质量历时曲线的分析,认为该地下河具多支、网络状特点,系统内含水介质以管道、廊道、裂隙及溶潭的组合为特征,具有较强的调蓄能力,具备筑坝成库条件。  相似文献   

岩溶管道结构特征对岩溶水资源的合理取用、保护及地下工程安全施工均具有重要影响。目前在利用示踪试验曲线分析岩溶管道结构特征时,难以通过曲线叠加、钝锋、不规则上升和下降等形态准确解释多条岩溶管道连接关系、地下湖所处位置和地下水状态。运用地下水溶质运移理论,推导出岩溶管道流溶质运移模型,根据模型绘制三维溶质运移形态和理论时间-浓度曲线,结合水力学相关知识,对岩溶管道连接关系、地下湖位置及岩溶管道流形态变化对应的时间-浓度曲线进行解释。得出以下主要结论:(1)曲线出峰个数对应岩溶管道条数,由于管道径流长度及流速存在差异,双管道并联曲线存在3种模型,分别为2个孤立的单峰、下降曲线存在双峰叠加和2个连续上升的叠加峰;(2)单管道曲线下降梯度个数对应地下湖个数,多管道需结合管道个数和地下湖位置具体分析下降梯度和地下湖个数关系,根据地下湖位置将双管道并联岩溶管道划分4种类型,即地下湖存在于未分支管道、主管道、支管道、主管道和分支管道上;(3)曲线形态极速变化标志着管道流发生表流和承压流的相互转化。研究结果可为岩溶地区地下水保护及地下工程安全建设提供保障。  相似文献   

A multi-layered aquifer, typical of riverbank alluvial deposits in Korea, was studied to determine the hydrologic properties. The geologic logging showed that the subsurface of the study site was comprised of four distinctive hydrogeologic units: silt, sand, highly weathered and fresh bedrock layers. The electrical resistivity survey supplied information on lateral extension of hydrogeologic strata only partially identified by a limited number of the geologic loggings. The laboratory column tracer test for the recovered core of the sand layer resulted in a hydraulic conductivity of 5.00×10−2 cm/s. The slug tests performed in the weathered rock layer yielded hydraulic conductivities of 4.32–7.72×10−4 cm/s. Hydraulic conductivities for the sand layer calculated from the breakthrough curves of bromide ranged between 2.08×10−3 and 2.44×10−2 cm/s with a geometric mean of 6.89×10−3 cm/s, which is 7 times smaller than that from the laboratory column experiment. The trend of increasing hydraulic conductivity with an increase in tracer travel length is likely a result of the increased likelihood of encountering a high conductivity zone as more of the aquifer is tested. The combined hydrogeologic site characterization using hydraulic tests, tracer tests, and column test with geologic loggings and geophysical survey greatly enhanced the understanding of the hydrologic properties of the multi-layered alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   

Wu  Yuexia  Hunkeler  Daniel 《Hydrogeology Journal》2017,25(3):787-798
Hydrogeology Journal - The relative roles of the sediment grain size/permeability, conduit flow rate and conduit geometry/angle on the hyporheic exchange between a karst conduit and its underlying...  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Nowadays, floods have become the widest global environmental and economic hazard in many countries, causing huge loss of lives and materials damages. It is, therefore, necessary...  相似文献   

工程降水中人工回灌综合技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建筑工程降水往往伴生水资源浪费和地面变形等环境问题,人工回灌是解决这些问题的有效手段之一。影响工程降水中人工回灌的条件有回灌场地水文地质条件、回灌水源水质和水量及回灌方案的经济可行性等因素。就工程降水中出现的问题,提出资源补充型回灌和应力稳定型回灌方法,并给出了适用条件; 根据工程降水水质特点及现有的地下水人工回灌相关水质标准,提出工程降水回灌水质的控制指标主要为悬浮物、浊度、一般污染性指标、微生物指标及重金属等。针对目前人工回灌在工程中存在的可回灌性低的问题,进行了影响入渗速率因素研究,为今后开展促渗关键技术提供理论支持。  相似文献   

地下水可更新能力是评价地下水开发可持续性的关键指标,可更新能力可以用地下水年龄来定量表达。在人类活动影响下,地下水的实际更新状况已与自然条件下截然不同。基于台兰河流域地下水库建设和人工回灌工作现状,通过物理试验和数值模拟相结合的方法分别研究了入渗池位置,回灌强度和包气带厚度对地下水年龄分布规律的影响。结果表明:人工回灌使地下水年龄整体变年轻;入渗池位置和回灌强度的改变对地下水年龄分布的影响显著;包气带厚度的增大使回灌水滞留时间延长,导致地下水年龄增大,该研究可为合理评价区域地下水可更新能力提供技术指导。  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments are performed under various hydrological conditions to analyze the effect of pools in pipes on breakthrough curves (BTCs). The BTCs are generated after instantaneous injections of NaCl tracer solution. In order to test the feasibility of reproducing the BTCs and obtain transport parameters, three modeling approaches have been applied: the equilibrium model, the linear graphical method and the two-region nonequilibrium model. The investigation results show that pools induce tailing of the BTCs, and the shapes of BTCs depend on pool geometries and hydrological conditions. The simulations reveal that the two-region nonequilibrium model yields the best fits to experimental BTCs because the model can describe the transient storage in pools by the partition coefficient and the mass transfer coefficient. The model parameters indicate that pools produce high dispersion. The increased tailing occurs mainly because the partition coefficient decreases, as the number of pools increases. When comparing the tracer BTCs obtained using the two types of pools with the same size, the more appreciable BTC tails that occur for symmetrical pools likely result mainly from the less intense exchange between the water in the pools and the water in the pipe, because the partition coefficients for the two types of pools are virtually identical. Dispersivity values decrease as flow rates increase; however, the trend in dispersion is not clear. The reduced tailing is attributed to a decrease in immobile water with increasing flow rate. It provides evidence for hydrodynamically controlled tailing effects.  相似文献   

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