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The tectonics beneath the Okinawa Trough   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of the crust of the Okinawa Trough is different from that of the continental shelf in the East China Sea. The crust beneath the Trough is in transformation from continental to oceanic and the depth of MOHO in the northern section of the Trough is deeper than in the southern section. Thick sedimentary strata of Neogene and Pleistocene ages are deposited in the Okinawa Trough, and divided into three layers: the upper horizontal layer, the middle layer lightly folded and the lower deformed layer. They were formed in Pleistocene, Pliocene, and Miocene to Paleogene, respectively. The tectonic movement in the southern section is stronger than that in the northern section. Some volcanic seamounts appear on the bottom of the Trough. On both slopes of the Trough are developed many normal faults and the intrusive igneous rocks. The Okinawa Trough, the back-arc basin, is an embryonic marginal basin in rifting and spreading. The formation of the Okinawa Trough started in the early Pliocene. The transformation of crust and the growth of the Trough progressed from the southern to the northern section. The southern section is a true trough in tectonic sense. Contribution No. 986 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. The paper was presented in the PS-11 of IAPSO Symposium, 18th General Assembly IUGG, Hamburg, 22 August 1983.  相似文献   

The Okinawa Trough is a very active tectonic zone at the margin of the Northwest Pacific and is typical of back-arc rifting at the young stage of tectonic evolution. Many scientists from Japan,China, Germany, France, the U. S.A. and Russia have done a lot of geologic and geophysical investigations there. It is well known that the Okinawa Trough is an active back-arc rift with extremely high heat flow, very strong hydrothermal circulation, strong volcanic and magmatic activity, frequent earthquakes,rapid subsidence and rifting, well-developed fault and central graben. But up to now, there are still some important tectonic problems about the Okinawa Trough that require clarification on some aspects such as the type of its crust, its forming time, its tectonic evolution, the distribution of its central grabens, the relationship between its high heat flow and tectonic activity. Based on the data obtained from seismic sur-vey, geomagnetic and gravity measurements, submarine sampling and heat flow measurements in the last 15 years, the author discusses the following tectonic problems about the Okinawa Trough: (1) If the Okinawa Trough develops oceanic crust or not. (2) Is the South Okinawa Trough tectonically more active than the North Okinawa Trough with shallower water and few investigation data on it. (3) The formation time of the Okinawa Trough and its tectonic evolution. The Okinawa Trough has a very thin continental crust. Up to now, there is no evidence of oceanic crust in the Okinawa Trough. The North, Middle and South Okinawa Trough are all very strongly active areas. From 6 Ma B.P. , the Okinawa Trough began to form. Since 2 Ma, the Okinawa Trough has been very active.  相似文献   

The Ryukyu trench-arc system can be divided into two types according to its subduction model. The normal subduction in the northern part of the Philippine Sea plate creates a hinge sedimentary wedge with large deformation at the collision front, while the oblique subduction in the southern part gives rise to a smaller accretion with small deformation than that in the northern part. The mechanisms that cause distinction between these two types have been analysed and calculated by using gravity data based on the lithosphere rheology and the stress state of the lithosphere in the subduction boundary. The two types of subduction model are associated with the internal extension in the southern Okinawa Trough and the small extension in the northern part. The difference of the stress state between the two types of subduction model is also manifested in other tectonic features, such as topography, volcanic activity and crust movement. Modeling bathymetric and gravity data from this area suggests that the oblique subduction of low angle, together with smooth geometry of the overlying plate crust, results in small stress released on the south of the trench by the subduction plate. The intraplate faults in the southern Okinawa Trough behind the trench stand in surplus intensive stress. On the other hand, the normal subduction of high angle, together with strong undulation geometry of the overlying crust, results in more intensive stress released in the northern Ryukyu Trench than that in the south. The intraplate faults in the northern Okinawa Trough behind the northern Ryukyu Trench stand in small stress.  相似文献   

The Okinawa Trough is different from other typical backarc spreading basins because the acidic vol-canic rock(pumice)is extensively distributed in it.Systematic mineralogical and petrochemical study on arepresentative core(Z14—5)to characterize the magmatic evolution of the Trough during its early spreading stage showed that the pumice magma was originally from the mantle,but underwent full crystallizationdifferentiation and was possibly contaminated by crust-derived material.With time,the acidic volcanic ac-tivities of the Okinawa Trough have an evolutional tendency of shifting to relatively basic magma activity.With further spreading of the Trough the magmatic activity will be intensified and the crust of the Troughwill develop from the transitional type to the oceanic type.  相似文献   

According to the distribution of spores, pollen and algae in the surface sediments, Okinawa Trough may be divided into three palynological regions: 1)Pinus-Quercus-Pteridium palynological region lying between the two slopes of Okinawa Trough, 2)Pinus-Castanopsis-Quercus palynological region lying north of the trough and 3)Pinus-Quercus-Polypodiaceae palynological region lying south of the trough. Comparing the sporo-pollen assemblages of the column sections with each other, five sporo-pollen zones have been distinguished and their ages determined. Four problems about the palynology of the trough sediments have been discussed. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 13(5): 440–450, 1982.  相似文献   

Spectrometry of ~(238)U, ~(234)U, ~(230)Th and, ~(232)Th in three Okinawa Trough cores showed that, based on the~(230)Th/~(232)Th activity ratio, the sedimentation rates were about 2.5 cm/ka, 2.8 cm/ka and 8.5 cm/ka respectivelyduring the Holocene and about 20.1 cm/ka, 12.29 cm/ka, 8.8 cm/ka and 12.6 cm/ka respectively during theWurm glacial. To examine the past global climatic and oceanographic changes, the stable oxygen isotopesδ~(18)O and CaCO_3 were measured. The Th content and Th/U ratio showed that variations of terrigenous materialinput from the continental shelf were associated with glacial and interglacial changes and sea level  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments are now recognized as a home for rich and largely microbial community. Recently, it has been believed in an increasing number of studies that bacteria could be abundant in deepsea sediments of many types; however, fungi in deep-sea sediments remain relatively unknown. The phylogenetic diversity and bioactivity of culturable deep-sea-derived fungi from Okinawa Trough sediments were investigated in traditional method combined with fungal identification of molecular biology in this study. A total of 76 isolates belonged to 15 fungal taxa were recovered in a harsh condition of low nutrient and low temperature, indicating that the fungal communities in deep-sea sediments from Okinawa Trough were relatively abundant and diversified. Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium were the dominant fungal genera, while Mycosphaerella, Purpureocillium, and Schizophyllum were relatively rare in the deep-sea sediments from Okinawa Trough. Among the six genera recovered, Mycosphaerella was firstly recovered from deep-sea sediments in this study. Moreover, about 75% of the extracts from the 15 fungal representative isolates displayed distinct bioactivity against at least one indicator bacterium or marine macrofouler, emphasizing the potentials of these deep-sea-derived fungi from Okinawa Trough as producers of bioactive metabolites. Notably, isolates Cladosporium oxysporum SCSIO z001 and Penicillium citrinum SCSIO z049 displayed a wide spectrum of bioactivities, isolates Cladosporium cladosporioides SCSIO z015, Cladosporium sphaerospermum SCSIO z030, and Penicillium verruculosum SCSIO z007 exhibited a strong anti-bacterial-growth activity, and isolate Penicillium chrysogenum SCSIO z062 displayed a strong anti-larval-settlement activity. These results suggest that these isolates deserved further study as potential sources of novel bioactive metabolites.  相似文献   

To reveal the petrogenesis of rhyolite from the southwestern Okinawa Trough, the mineral chemistry of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, amphibole, quartz and Fe-Ti oxide phenocrysts were analyzed using an electron microprobe, and in suit Sr and Ba contents of plagioclase analysed by LA-ICPMS were chosen for fingerprinting plagioclases of different provenances. Results indicate an overall homogeneous composition for each of the mineral phases except for plagioclase phenocrysts which have a wide range of composition(An=39~88). Plagioclase crystals characterized by An contents of 70 are not in equilibrium with their whole-rock compositions, and coarse-sieved plagioclase phenocryst interiors record high An contents(70) and Sr/Ba ratios(7), which are similar to the those of plagioclase crystals in basalt. Therefore, these crystals must have been introduced to the rhyolitic magma from a more mafic source. Equilibrium temperatures estimated using orthopyroxene-liquid, iron–titanium oxide, titanium-in-quartz and amphibole geothermometers show consistent values ranging from 792 to 869℃. The equilibrium pressure calculated using amphibole compositions is close to 121 MPa which corresponds to an approximate depth of 4 km. The fO_2 conditions estimated from Fe-Ti oxides and amphiboles plot slightly above the NNO buffer, which indicates that the rock formed under more oxidized conditions. Our results suggests that petrogenesis of the rhyolite due to basaltic magma ascend with the high An and Sr/Ba plaigoclases from deep magma chamber into the shallow chamber where the fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation happened. It also indicates that a two-layer magma chamber structure may occur under the southwestern Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

Hu  Qiannan  Zhang  Xin  Jiang  Fuqing  Wang  Bing  Luan  Zhendong  Chen  Chang’an  Yan  Jun 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(4):947-955
Thirty sediment subsamples were recovered from the Iheya North hydrothermal field(with an average of 38 m away from the hydrothermal vent) in the middle Okinawa Trough.Samples were obtained by the ROV(Remote Operated Vehicle) Faxian during the virgin cruise of the R/V Kexue in 2014 with the application of push cores.The chemical compositions of the sediments show that the hydrothermal sediments near the hydrothermal vent are mainly composed of SO_3,ZnO and Fe_2O_3.Moreover,the hydrothermal sediments are also highly enriched in Pb,As,Sb,Hg,Se,Ag,Ba,Mo and Cd comparing with previous analysis results.On the other hand,the concentrations of Sr,Hg and Ag in studied sediments are strongly and positively correlated,these elements can be used as an hydrothermal indicator.In addition,a factor analysis of the sediments suggested that the sediments were mainly influenced by hydrothermal origin,and terrestrial and biogenic input are limited in studied area.It is also suggested that different stages of crystallization were involved in the formation of hydrothermal chimney from factor analysis.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between volcanic activity and sediment record on regional and temporal scales,158 surface sediment samples were collected from the East China Sea Shelf to the northern Okinawa Trough (OT),and two cores recovered in the northern and southern OT,respectively.Mineralogy,grain-size,and geochemical analyses of those samples show that:1) volcanic glass,volcanic-type pyroxene,hypersthenes,and magnetite increase in sediment influenced by volcanic activity;2) sediment grain sizes (and...  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between volcanic activity and sediment record on regional and temporal scales, 158 surface sediment samples were collected from the East China Sea Shelf to the northern Okinawa Trough (OT), and two cores recovered in the northern and southern OT, respectively. Mineralogy, grain-size, and geochemical analyses of those samples show that: 1) volcanic glass, volcanic-type pyroxene, hypersthenes, and magnetite increase in sediment influenced by volcanic activity; 2) sediment grain sizes (and also silt content) increase in ash layers; and 3) the contents of Na2O and Zr are higher, while terrigenous elements, e.g., TFe2O3 and K2O, and biogenous compositions, e.g., CaO and Sr, are relatively lower in ash layers than those of non-ash layers. The distribution of volcanic ash has three distinguishing characteristics: 1) volcanic ash is more abundant in the northern and central OT than the southern OT; 2) volcanic ash increases from continental shelf to the trough; 3) the sediment during the last 12 000 a suggests stronger volcanic events than during 15 000–12 000 a. The eruptive locations, frequency, and volume of calderas are among the most important factors controlling the distributions of volcanic ash. In addition, the main Kuroshio warm current that extends northward probably impeded the diffusion of volcanic ash to the west and south in the OT. However, a southward current probably carried some volcanic ash toward southern OT.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study is to put forwad a valid model to explain the gravity anomalies observed over the Okinawa Trough which the crustal structure and a reasonable model of the downgoing slab themselves cannot explain. The result of inversion indicates that the lithosphere above the center of the trough thins out to 45% of the normal thickness (63 km) of the lithosphere of the East China Sea. Fur ther, the originations of lithospheric force are discussed. The tensional stress of about 160 bar arising from density contrast in the Okinawa Trough is recognized to be the most important causative factor in the stretching of the trough. Contribution No. 1487 from Institute of Oceanology. Academia Sinica  相似文献   

After the establishment of the seismic observation network of southern Okinawa in August,1988 by the JMA(Japan Meteorological Agency),many hypocenters of earthquakes have been located.However,due to the small number of observation stations and narrow configuration of the array,the hypocenters lo-cated contain some systematic errors.Numerical experiments on the extent of the errors and the reliabilityof the JMA seismic observation network showed that the obtained hypocenters deeper than 100 km werereliable,but that for the obtained hypocenters shallower than 100 km,only the epicenters were reliable.  相似文献   

Compositional data on the sterol and alcohol fractions isolated from deep-sea marine sediments from the Okinawa Trough were obtained to determine the relative contribution from marine and terrestrial inputs. Following extraction, the sterol plus alcohol fraction was isolated by layer chromatography, derivatized with BSTFA and then analysed by capillary GC and GC—MS. A suite of C26−C29 stenols and stanols and C30−C32 keto—alcohols were identified in the sediments. The thermal stability of the compounds in these sediments was studied by heating portions of the surface sediment in glass tubes for 16 hours at temperatures from 50°C to 200°C. The C27 stanol/stenol ratio increased when temperatures went up to 175°C, but the distribution of C30−C32 Keto—alcohols remained unaffected. At 200°C most of the sterols and Keto—alcohols were destroyed. Supported by the National Natural Foundation of China.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONA large-scale volcanic eruption can injectenormous amount of ash and dust into the atmos-phere, leading to local and short cooling due toshielding incoming radiation. During the past 2 to 3decades, accumulated evidence indicated thatlarge-scale volcano eruptions or series of volcanicactivity appears to coincide with climatologicaltransitions. For example, Robock (1979) indicatedthat volcanic eruptions played a role in forcing "Lit-tle Ice Age". Well-dated high-resolution co…  相似文献   

Pumice, the most widely distributed volcanic rock in Okinawa Trough, is loose and porous. Since its formation, it has definitely suffered from the denudation of the sea to different degrees. In order to truly reveal the geochemical features of pumice, we choose the method of mineral separation. Firstly, the phenocryst is separated from glass. Then the phenocryst is divided into light and heavy mineral compositions. By ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) analytical technology, the contents of trace and rare earth elements in the whole pumice, the glass and the heavy and light mineral compositions are determined respectively. By researching the elemental geochemical features, the magma dynamic processes are found. It shows that the initial magma for the pumice in Okinawa Trough came from the depleted mantle, from which the N-MORB (normal type of mid-ocean ridge basalt) is formed, homologous with the local basalts. But they are formed in different periods of magma crystal fractionation. Featured with sufficient crystal fractionation for pumice, it is found that the earlier crystallizing minerals are olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene. The pumice magma, formed from the depleted mantle, was mixed with additional subduction-related materials (components), and contaminated with the mass from upper crust when it rose up into the crust. As the Okinawa Trough is a back-arc basin in its early back-arc spreading stage, its magmatism has a series of its own unique characteristics, different from not only the mid-ocean ridge expansion, but also the mature back-arc basin.  相似文献   

This article presents the evidence in support of the direct magma degassing as the principal mechanism of volatiles releasing into the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough, as contrasted to the argument for the hydrothermal stripping of volatiles from the volcanic rocks. Laser Raman microprobe and stepped-heating techniques are employed to determine the compositions and contents of the volatiles in pumices in the middle Okinawa Trough. The results show that the volatiles are similar to the gases in the hydrothermal fluids and hydrothermal minerals in composition, the mean percent content of each component and variation trend. This indicates the direct influence of magma degassing on the hydrothermal fluid. In addition, the contents of volatiles in pumices are rather low and do not support the hydrothermal stripping as the main mechanism to enrich the fluids with gases. The results are consistent with the idea that the direct magma degassing is more important than hydrothermal stripping in supplying gases to the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

A total of 21 elements, Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Ti, P, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cr, Rb, Sr Ba, Cd and Corg(organic carbon), was determined in the trough. Average contents of most elements were found to be higher in the trough bottom than in the western and eastern slopes. We call these elements the indicator elements because of their “transition” property. This is in keeping with the “intermediate” geographical position of the trough where the continental crust turns to oceanic crust. Though the authigenic fraction of some elements here increases, the detrital fraction of most elements is still dominant, indicating that the influences of terrigenous and volcanic detrital materials on the trough sediments are still dominant. The abundant biogenous component in the trough is characterized by the increase of Ca, Sr, and Corg contents. Ca existes mainly in the form of CaCo3 that is mostly found in various shells. Sr often easily replaces Ca within the shells. A belt-shaped distribution pattern of elements was found in the south and a “block” pattern in the north trough. Such distribution patterns are directly controlled by water depth, topography, current sediment type, and mineral, biological, and volcanic processes. This paper was published in Chinese in Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica15(4): 371–379, 1984.  相似文献   

冬半年南支槽的气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解冬半年南支槽的气候特征,定义了一个冬半年南支槽的强度指数,南支槽强度指数值越大,表示该年南支槽比较弱,反之亦然。采用经验正交函数分解(EOF)、小波分析、Mann-Kendal检验等方法,研究了南支槽的年际、年代际变化异常以及时空特征。分析结果表明,随着南支槽强度指数的整体上升,其强度总体呈现减弱的趋势。南支槽在20世纪50~70年代明显偏强,此现象持续到1976年,之后开始逐渐减弱,至今一直处于偏弱状态。对南支槽强度指数做EOF分解,仅第一模态的方差贡献就达80.29%,故南支槽的变化特征大多数年呈第一模态的分布特征,相应的时间权重系数存在明显的年际和年代际变化,且具有长期正趋势,表明南支槽减弱的趋势越来越显著。  相似文献   

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